path: root/buildscripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'buildscripts/')
1 files changed, 815 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/ b/buildscripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..cf60c33d7e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,815 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""Provides data regarding mongodbtoolchain."""
+import argparse
+import enum
+import inspect
+import os
+import pathlib
+import string
+import sys
+import warnings
+from types import FunctionType
+from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterator, List, Mapping
+from typing import Optional, Set, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union, overload
+import yaml
+__all__ = [
+ 'Toolchain',
+ 'ToolchainConfig',
+ 'ToolchainDataException',
+ 'ToolchainReleaseName',
+ 'ToolchainVersionName',
+ 'Toolchains',
+DEFAULT_DATA_FILE: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / '../etc/toolchains.yaml'
+class ToolchainVersionName(enum.Enum):
+ """Represents a "named" toolchain version, such as "stable" or "testing"."""
+ STABLE: str = 'stable'
+ TESTING: str = 'testing'
+ # TODO: SERVER-64481 - remove these false positives
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-str-returned
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return self.value
+class ToolchainReleaseName(enum.Enum):
+ """Represents a "named" toolchain release, such as "rollback" or "current"."""
+ ROLLBACK: str = 'rollback'
+ CURRENT: str = 'current'
+ LATEST: str = 'latest'
+ # TODO: SERVER-64481 - remove these false positives
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-str-returned
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return self.value
+class ToolchainDistroName(enum.Enum):
+ """Represents a distribution for which the toolchain is built."""
+ AMAZON1_2012: Tuple[str, ...] = (
+ 'amazon1-2012',
+ 'linux-64-amzn',
+ )
+ AMAZON1_2018: Tuple[str, ...] = ('amazon1-2018', )
+ AMAZON2: Tuple[str, ...] = ('amazon2', )
+ ARCHLINUX: Tuple[str, ...] = ('archlinux', )
+ CENTOS6: Tuple[str, ...] = ('centos6', )
+ DEBIAN8: Tuple[str, ...] = ('debian81', )
+ DEBIAN9: Tuple[str, ...] = ('debian92', )
+ DEBIAN10: Tuple[str, ...] = ('debian10', )
+ MACOS1012: Tuple[str, ...] = ('macos-1012', )
+ MACOS1014: Tuple[str, ...] = ('macos-1014', )
+ MACOS1100: Tuple[str, ...] = ('macos-1100', )
+ RHEL6: Tuple[str, ...] = ('rhel6', 'rhel62', 'rhel67')
+ RHEL7: Tuple[str, ...] = ('rhel7', 'rhel70', 'rhel71', 'rhel72', 'rhel76', 'ubi7')
+ RHEL8: Tuple[str, ...] = ('rhel8', 'rhel80', 'rhel81', 'rhel82', 'rhel83', 'rhel84', 'ubi8')
+ SUSE12: Tuple[str, ...] = ('suse12', 'suse12-sp5')
+ SUSE15: Tuple[str, ...] = ('suse15', 'suse15-sp0', 'suse15-sp2')
+ UBUNTU1404: Tuple[str, ...] = ('ubuntu1404', )
+ UBUNTU1604: Tuple[str, ...] = ('ubuntu1604', )
+ UBUNTU1804: Tuple[str, ...] = ('ubuntu1804', )
+ UBUNTU2004: Tuple[str, ...] = ('ubuntu2004', )
+ DEFAULT: Tuple[str, ...] = ('default', )
+ @classmethod
+ def from_str(cls, text: str) -> 'ToolchainDistroName':
+ """Return the enumeration object matching a given string."""
+ for distro in cls:
+ if text in distro.value:
+ return distro
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown distro string: {text}")
+ # TODO: SERVER-64481 - remove these false positives
+ # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return self.value[0]
+class ToolchainArchName(enum.Enum):
+ """Represents an architecture for which the toolchain is built."""
+ ARM64: Tuple[str, ...] = ('arm64', 'aarch64')
+ PPC64LE: Tuple[str, ...] = ('ppc64le', 'power8')
+ S390X: Tuple[str, ...] = ('s390x', 'zSeries')
+ X86_64: Tuple[str, ...] = ('x86_64', )
+ DEFAULT: Tuple[str, ...] = ('', )
+ @classmethod
+ def from_str(cls, text: str) -> 'ToolchainArchName':
+ """Return the enumeratrion object matching a given string."""
+ for arch in cls:
+ if text in arch.value:
+ return arch
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown arch string: {text}")
+ # TODO: SERVER-64481 - remove these false positives
+ # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return self.value[0]
+class ToolchainDataException(Exception):
+ """Represents a problem encountered while reading or querying toolchain data."""
+class ToolchainPlatform:
+ """Represents a platform for which the toolchain is built."""
+ def __init__(self, distro_id: str, arch: Optional[ToolchainArchName] = None) -> None:
+ """Parse a distro_id into a full toolchain platform."""
+ self._distro_id: str = distro_id
+ self._distro: Optional[ToolchainDistroName] = None
+ self._arch: Optional[ToolchainArchName] = arch
+ self._tag: Optional[str] = None
+ # These two actions are order-dependent!
+ self._distro_length: int = self._find_distro_length()
+ self._arch_span: Tuple[int, int] = self._find_arch_span()
+ def _split_distro_id(self, start: int = 0) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+ return self._distro_id[start:].split('-', 1)[0], self._distro_id[start:].split('.')[0]
+ def _find_distro_length(self) -> int:
+ for distro in ToolchainDistroName:
+ for name in distro.value:
+ if not name:
+ continue
+ if name.lower() in self._split_distro_id():
+ return len(name)
+ raise ValueError(f"Failed to match distro from distro_id: `{self._distro_id}'")
+ def _find_arch_span(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
+ arch_span: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None
+ for arch in ToolchainArchName:
+ for name in arch.value:
+ if not name:
+ continue
+ iter_start = self._distro_length + 1
+ while iter_start < len(self._distro_id):
+ if name.lower() in self._split_distro_id(self._distro_length):
+ arch_span = (iter_start, len(name))
+ iter_start += len(name)
+ if iter_start < len(self._distro_id) and self._distro_id[iter_start] in ('-',
+ '.'):
+ iter_start += 1
+ if arch_span is None:
+ arch_span = (self._distro_length, 0)
+ return arch_span
+ @property
+ def distro_id(self) -> str:
+ """Return the distro_id."""
+ return self._distro_id
+ @property
+ def distro(self) -> ToolchainDistroName:
+ """Return the distro component of the distro_id."""
+ if self._distro is None:
+ distro_length: int = self._distro_length
+ self._distro = ToolchainDistroName.from_str(self._distro_id[:distro_length])
+ return self._distro
+ @property
+ def arch(self) -> ToolchainArchName:
+ """Return the architecture component of the distro_id."""
+ if self._arch is None:
+ arch_span: Tuple[int, int] = self._arch_span
+ if arch_span[1] == 0:
+ # There is no architecture specified in the distro_id
+ if self.distro == ToolchainDistroName.DEFAULT:
+ # The "default" distro is allowed to have a nonexistent arch
+ self._arch = ToolchainArchName.DEFAULT
+ else:
+ self._arch = ToolchainArchName.X86_64
+ else:
+ self._arch = ToolchainArchName.from_str(
+ self.distro_id[arch_span[0]:arch_span[0] + arch_span[1]])
+ return self._arch
+ @property
+ def tag(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Return the descriptive tag component of the distro_id."""
+ if self._tag is None:
+ arch_span: Tuple[int, int] = self._arch_span
+ if arch_span[0] + arch_span[1] + 1 < len(self._distro_id):
+ self._tag = self._distro_id[arch_span[0] + arch_span[1] + 1:]
+ else:
+ self._tag = ''
+ if self._tag:
+ return self._tag
+ return None
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ result: str = f"{self.distro}"
+ if self.arch != ToolchainArchName.DEFAULT:
+ result += f".{self.arch}"
+ if self.tag is not None:
+ result += f".{self.tag}"
+ return result
+class ToolchainConfig:
+ """Represents a toolchain configuration."""
+ def __init__(self, data_file: pathlib.Path, platform: ToolchainPlatform) -> None:
+ """Construct a toolchain configuration from a data file."""
+ try:
+ with open(data_file.absolute(), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as yaml_stream:
+ self._data = yaml.safe_load(yaml_stream)
+ except yaml.YAMLError as parent_exc:
+ raise ToolchainDataException(
+ f"Could not read toolchain data file: `{data_file}'") from parent_exc
+ self._platform: ToolchainPlatform = platform
+ @property
+ def base_path(self) -> pathlib.Path:
+ """Return the base (installed) path for toolchain releases."""
+ return pathlib.Path(self._data['toolchains']['base_path'])
+ @property
+ def all_releases(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]:
+ """Return all known releases in the data file."""
+ try:
+ return self._data['toolchains']['releases']
+ except (KeyError, TypeError):
+ return {}
+ @property
+ def releases(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ """Return all releases for a the current platform."""
+ # Successively match the distro and/or platform against available toolchains.
+ # If none is found, use the default entry. If the default entry doesn't exist,
+ # we want to know about it because that's a misconfiguration.
+ platform_section: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
+ if self._platform.distro_id in self.all_releases:
+ platform_section = self.all_releases[self._platform.distro_id]
+ elif self._platform.distro != ToolchainDistroName.DEFAULT:
+ if str(self._platform) in self.all_releases:
+ platform_section = self.all_releases[str(self._platform)]
+ elif f"{self._platform.distro}.{self._platform.arch}" in self.all_releases:
+ platform_section = self.all_releases[
+ f"{self._platform.distro}.{self._platform.arch}"]
+ elif f"{self._platform.distro}.{self._platform.tag}" in self.all_releases:
+ platform_section = self.all_releases[
+ f"{self._platform.distro}.{self._platform.tag}"]
+ elif f"{self._platform.distro}" in self.all_releases:
+ platform_section = self.all_releases[f"{self._platform.distro}"]
+ if not platform_section:
+ try:
+ platform_section = self.all_releases['default']
+ except KeyError:
+ return {}
+ return platform_section
+ @property
+ def versions(self) -> List[str]:
+ """Return all known versions in the data file."""
+ return self._data['toolchains']['versions']
+ @property
+ def aliases(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ """Return all known version aliases in the data file."""
+ return self._data['toolchains']['version_aliases']
+ @property
+ def revisions_dir(self) -> Optional[pathlib.Path]:
+ """Return the legacy revisions directory for toolchain releases."""
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"This is legacy toolchain usage. Call {self.__class__.__name__}.releases_dir() instead.",
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ return self.base_path.joinpath('revisions')
+ @property
+ def releases_dir(self) -> pathlib.Path:
+ """Return the directory where toolchain releases are installed."""
+ return self.base_path.joinpath('releases')
+ def search_releases(self, release_name: str) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Search configured releases for a given release name."""
+ try:
+ return self.releases[release_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+class Toolchain:
+ """Represents the raw toolchain data."""
+ def __init__(self, config: ToolchainConfig, release: str) -> None:
+ """Construct a toolchain object from a supplied release and version."""
+ self._config = config
+ self._release = release
+ @property
+ def release(self) -> str:
+ """Return the toolchain release ID."""
+ return self._release
+ @property
+ def install_path(self) -> pathlib.Path:
+ """Return the path to where the toolchain should be installed."""
+ # We need to determine if the configured release is a legacy release
+ # that only appears in revisions_dir. We can tell the difference
+ # because legacy releases are all identified by git commit hashes.
+ if len(self.release) == 40 and set(self.release) <= set(string.hexdigits):
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ return self._config.revisions_dir / self.release
+ else:
+ return self._config.releases_dir / self.release
+ def exec_path(self, version: Union[ToolchainVersionName, str] = None) -> Optional[pathlib.Path]:
+ """Return a path to a specific toolchain version."""
+ install_path = self.install_path
+ if isinstance(version, ToolchainVersionName):
+ version = version.value
+ elif version not in self._config.versions:
+ try:
+ version = self._config.aliases[version]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Toolchain version `{version}' not defined in data file") from None
+ return install_path / version
+class Toolchains(Mapping[Union[ToolchainReleaseName, str], Toolchain]):
+ """Represents a collection of toolchains that may or may not be installed on a system."""
+ def __init__(self, config: ToolchainConfig) -> None:
+ """Manipulate raw toolchain configuration data."""
+ self._config = config
+ self._available: Optional[List[str]] = None
+ def _search_filesystem(self) -> List[str]:
+ release_dirs: List[pathlib.Path] = []
+ releases_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path] = self._config.releases_dir
+ if releases_dir.exists():
+ release_dirs.extend([path for path in releases_dir.iterdir() if path.is_dir()])
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ revisions_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path] = self._config.revisions_dir
+ if revisions_dir.exists():
+ release_dirs.extend([path for path in revisions_dir.iterdir() if path.is_dir()])
+ if release_dirs:
+ return [
+ for path in sorted(release_dirs, key=lambda path: path.stat().st_mtime,
+ reverse=True)
+ ]
+ return []
+ @property
+ def available(self) -> List[str]:
+ """Return a list of all installed toolchain releases ordered from newest to oldest."""
+ if self._available is None:
+ self._available = self._search_filesystem()
+ return self._available
+ @property
+ def configured(self) -> List[str]:
+ """Return a list of all configured toolchain releases."""
+ configured: Set[str] = {
+ self._config.search_releases(name.value)
+ for name in ToolchainReleaseName
+ }
+ configured.add(self._config.search_releases('default'))
+ return [release for release in configured if release is not None]
+ @property
+ def latest(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Return the latest installed toolchain release.
+ This can possibly be different from available[0]
+ because we take into account the "latest" symlink present on end-user toolchain
+ installations, which could potentially not be the "newest" for any reason. Therefore, these
+ methods can be used to determine whether the "latest" symlink is out of date.
+ """
+ latest_symlink: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None
+ try:
+ latest_symlink = self._config.releases_dir.joinpath('latest')
+ except AttributeError:
+ latest_symlink = None
+ if latest_symlink.exists():
+ return pathlib.Path(os.readlink(latest_symlink.absolute())).name
+ return self.available[0] or None
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
+ for release in set(self.available).union(set(self.configured)):
+ yield release
+ def __len__(self) -> int:
+ return len(list(self.__iter__()))
+ @overload
+ def __getitem__(self, key: ToolchainReleaseName) -> Toolchain:
+ ...
+ @overload
+ def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Toolchain:
+ ...
+ @overload
+ def __getitem__(self, key: Union[ToolchainReleaseName, str]) -> Toolchain:
+ ...
+ def __getitem__(self, key: Union[ToolchainReleaseName, str]) -> Toolchain:
+ """Return the named toolchain release.
+ This method supports two disjoint use cases:
+ 1. We don't know the release ID and pass a release name. Here, we are attempting to
+ determine the release ID corresponding to the name for the current platform. If no
+ such release name is configured, we raise an exception to indicate a potential
+ misconfiguration or code error.
+ 2. We know the release ID and want to determine whether it is installed. In this case,
+ None is returned if the release is not available to indicate it is not installed.
+ """
+ release: Optional[str] = None
+ if isinstance(key, ToolchainReleaseName):
+ # We don't know the release ID and are querying by name. This supports use case 1.
+ if key == ToolchainReleaseName.LATEST:
+ latest = self.latest
+ if latest is None:
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ release = self.latest
+ release = self._config.search_releases(str(key))
+ else:
+ # We know the release ID and want to know whether it's installed. This supports use
+ # case 2. This is the "short path" for the method because any string other than a
+ # real release ID or release name causes a return.
+ if key == str(ToolchainReleaseName.LATEST):
+ release = self.latest
+ if key in self.available:
+ release = key
+ if key in [name.value for name in ToolchainReleaseName]:
+ release = self._config.search_releases(key)
+ if release is None:
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ return Toolchain(self._config, release)
+class _FormatterClass:
+ """A protocol for a formatter class.
+ HelpFormatter is missing this protocol in its inheritance tree in
+ some versions of the mypy typeshed, which causes a spurious mypy error
+ when trying to assign a custom HelpFormatter subclass. This is just
+ here for NicerHelpFormatter to inherit from it and prevent the error.
+ """
+ def __call__(self, prog: str) -> argparse.HelpFormatter:
+ ...
+# pylint: disable=protected-access
+class NicerHelpFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter, _FormatterClass):
+ """A HelpFormatter with nicer output than the default."""
+ def __init__(self, prog: str, indent_increment: int = 2, max_help_position: int = 32,
+ width=None) -> None:
+ super().__init__(prog=prog, indent_increment=indent_increment,
+ max_help_position=max_help_position, width=width)
+ def __call__(self, prog: str) -> argparse.HelpFormatter:
+ return NicerHelpFormatter(prog)
+ def _format_action(self, action: argparse.Action) -> str:
+ result = super()._format_action(action)
+ if isinstance(action, (argparse._SubParsersAction, DictChoiceAction)):
+ return (" " * self._current_indent) + f"{result.lstrip()}"
+ return result
+ def _format_action_invocation(self, action: argparse.Action) -> str:
+ if isinstance(action, (argparse._SubParsersAction, DictChoiceAction)):
+ return ""
+ if not action.option_strings:
+ default = self._get_default_metavar_for_optional(action)
+ metavar, = self._metavar_formatter(action, default)(1)
+ return metavar
+ else:
+ parts: List[str] = []
+ if action.nargs == 0:
+ parts.extend(action.option_strings)
+ else:
+ default = self._get_default_metavar_for_optional(action)
+ args_string = self._format_args(action, default)
+ for option_string in action.option_strings:
+ parts.append(option_string)
+ return f"{' '.join(parts)} {args_string}"
+ return ' '.join(parts)
+ def _iter_indented_subactions(
+ self, action: argparse.Action) -> Generator[argparse.Action, None, None]:
+ if isinstance(action, (argparse._SubParsersAction, DictChoiceAction)):
+ try:
+ get_subactions = action._get_subactions
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ for subaction in get_subactions():
+ yield subaction
+ else:
+ for subaction in super()._iter_indented_subactions(action):
+ yield subaction
+ def _metavar_formatter(self, action: argparse.Action,
+ default_metavar: str) -> Callable[[int], Tuple[str, ...]]:
+ if action.metavar is not None:
+ result = action.metavar
+ elif action.choices is not None:
+ choice_strs = [f"{choice}" for choice in action.choices]
+ result = f"{' | '.join(choice_strs)}"
+ if action.required:
+ result = f"({result})"
+ else:
+ result = f"[{result}]"
+ else:
+ result = default_metavar
+ def _format(tuple_size: int) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
+ if isinstance(result, tuple):
+ return result
+ else:
+ return (result, ) * tuple_size
+ return _format
+# pylint: disable=protected-access, redefined-builtin, redefined-outer-name
+class DictChoiceAction(argparse._StoreAction):
+ """An action with nicer per-choice formatting."""
+ class _ChoicesPseudoAction(argparse.Action):
+ def __init__(self, name: str, aliases: str, help: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
+ metavar = dest = name
+ if aliases:
+ metavar += f" {' | '.join(aliases)}"
+ if self.required:
+ metavar = f"({metavar})"
+ else:
+ metavar = f"[{metavar})"
+ super().__init__(option_strings=[], dest=dest, help=help, metavar=metavar)
+ def __call__(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, namespace: argparse.Namespace,
+ values: Union[str, Sequence[Any]], __: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
+ parser.print_help()
+ parser.exit()
+ def __init__(self, option_strings: Optional[List[str]] = None, dest: Optional[str] = None,
+ nargs: Optional[int] = None, const: Optional[Any] = None,
+ default: Optional[Any] = None, type: Optional[type] = None,
+ choices: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, required: bool = False,
+ help: Optional[str] = None, metavar: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
+ super().__init__(option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, nargs=nargs, const=const,
+ default=default, type=type, choices=choices, required=required, help=help,
+ metavar=metavar)
+ def _get_subactions(self):
+ choices_actions: List[argparse.Action] = []
+ for name, help_text in self.choices.items():
+ choice_action = self._ChoicesPseudoAction(name, [], help_text)
+ choices_actions.append(choice_action)
+ return choices_actions
+class NicerArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
+ """An argument parser with nicer help output."""
+ def __init__(self, prog: Optional[str] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None,
+ description: Optional[str] = None, epilog: Optional[str] = None,
+ parents: List[argparse.ArgumentParser] = None, prefix_chars: Optional[str] = '-',
+ fromfile_prefix_chars: Optional[str] = None,
+ argument_default: Optional[Any] = None, conflict_handler: str = 'error',
+ add_help: bool = True, allow_abbrev: bool = True) -> None:
+ """Initialize a NicerParser."""
+ super().__init__(prog=prog, usage=usage, description=description, epilog=epilog,
+ parents=parents if parents else [], formatter_class=NicerHelpFormatter,
+ prefix_chars=prefix_chars, fromfile_prefix_chars=fromfile_prefix_chars,
+ argument_default=argument_default, conflict_handler=conflict_handler,
+ add_help=add_help, allow_abbrev=allow_abbrev)
+ self._optionals.title = 'Options'
+ self._positionals.title = 'Queries'
+ def format_help(self) -> str:
+ formatter = self._get_formatter()
+ formatter.add_text(self.description)
+ formatter.add_usage(self.usage, self._actions, self._mutually_exclusive_groups,
+ prefix='Usage:\n ')
+ for action_group in self._action_groups:
+ formatter.start_section(action_group.title)
+ formatter.add_text(action_group.description)
+ formatter.add_arguments(action_group._group_actions)
+ formatter.end_section()
+ formatter.add_text(self.epilog)
+ return formatter.format_help()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = NicerArgumentParser(
+ description='Tool for querying information about mongodbtoolchain.', add_help=False)
+ parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+ help='Show this help message and exit')
+ parser.add_argument('-f', '--from-file', help='Specify a toolchain data file', metavar='FILE',
+ type=str, default=str(DEFAULT_DATA_FILE))
+ parser.add_argument('-d', '--distro-id', help='Evergreen distro_id', type=str, required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-a', '--arch', help='Host architecture', type=str)
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Commands', dest='command', required=True)
+ show_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'show', description='Shows general toolchain collection info.', add_help=False,
+ help='Show general toolchain collection info')
+ config_parser = subparsers.add_parser('config',
+ description='Shows toolchain configuration info.',
+ add_help=False, help='Show toolchain configuration info')
+ platform_parser = subparsers.add_parser('platform',
+ description='Shows component parts of a distro_id.',
+ add_help=False, help='Show parts of a distro_id')
+ toolchain_parser = subparsers.add_parser('toolchain',
+ description='Shows specific toolchain info.',
+ add_help=False, help='Show specific toolchain info')
+ show_parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+ help='Show this help message and exit')
+ show_parser.add_argument(
+ 'query', action=DictChoiceAction, type=str, choices={
+ 'available': 'All installed toolchains',
+ 'configured': 'Toolchains configured for the distro_id',
+ 'latest': 'The most recent installed toolchain',
+ })
+ config_parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+ help='Show this help message and exit')
+ config_parser.add_argument(
+ 'query', action=DictChoiceAction, type=str, choices={
+ 'base_path': 'Toolchain base execution path',
+ 'releases': 'All defined release names',
+ 'versions': 'All defined version names',
+ 'aliases': 'All defined aliases for version names',
+ })
+ platform_parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+ help='Show this help message and exit')
+ platform_parser.add_argument(
+ 'query', action=DictChoiceAction, type=str, choices={
+ 'distro': 'Show the "distro" component of the distro_id',
+ 'arch': 'Show the "arch" component of the distro_id',
+ 'tag': 'Show the information tag component of the distro_id',
+ })
+ toolchain_parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+ help='Show this help message and exit')
+ toolchain_parser.add_argument('-v', '--toolchain-version', help='Toolchain version', type=str,
+ default=str(ToolchainVersionName.STABLE))
+ toolchain_parser.add_argument('-r', '--release', help="Toolchain release", type=str,
+ default=str(ToolchainReleaseName.CURRENT))
+ toolchain_parser.add_argument(
+ 'query', action=DictChoiceAction, type=str, choices={
+ 'install_path': 'Toolchain installation path',
+ 'exec_path': 'Toolchain execution path',
+ })
+ parsed_args = parser.parse_args()
+ # Set up the objects required for each command
+ toolchain_platform = ToolchainPlatform(distro_id=parsed_args.distro_id, arch=parsed_args.arch)
+ if parsed_args.command in ('show', 'config', 'toolchain'):
+ try:
+ toolchain_config = ToolchainConfig(
+ pathlib.Path(parsed_args.from_file), platform=toolchain_platform)
+ except ToolchainDataException as exc:
+ print(exc, file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ toolchains = Toolchains(config=toolchain_config)
+ if parsed_args.command == 'toolchain':
+ toolchain = toolchains[parsed_args.release]
+ # Set the object to query for each command
+ obj: object
+ if parsed_args.command == 'platform':
+ obj = toolchain_platform
+ if parsed_args.command == 'show':
+ obj = toolchains
+ elif parsed_args.command == 'config':
+ obj = toolchain_config
+ elif parsed_args.command == 'toolchain':
+ obj = toolchain
+ # Get and handle output
+ output: Any
+ attribute = getattr(obj, parsed_args.query)
+ if callable(attribute):
+ if attribute.__name__ == 'exec_path':
+ output = attribute(parsed_args.toolchain_version)
+ else:
+ output = attribute()
+ else:
+ output = attribute # If there is no output, it should indicate an error to the caller.
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ if output is not None:
+ if isinstance(output, (tuple, list)):
+ output = str.join(" ", output)
+ elif isinstance(output, dict):
+ output = '\n'.join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in output.items()])
+ elif not isinstance(output, str):
+ output = str(output)
+ if output:
+ print(output)
+ else:
+ sys.exit(1)