path: root/jstests/core/txns/transactions_profiling_with_drops.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/core/txns/transactions_profiling_with_drops.js')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/core/txns/transactions_profiling_with_drops.js b/jstests/core/txns/transactions_profiling_with_drops.js
index ee25f5cc442..03fea946b35 100644
--- a/jstests/core/txns/transactions_profiling_with_drops.js
+++ b/jstests/core/txns/transactions_profiling_with_drops.js
@@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
// Tests that locks acquisitions for profiling in a transaction have a 0-second timeout.
// @tags: [uses_transactions]
(function() {
- "use strict";
- load("jstests/libs/profiler.js"); // For getLatestProfilerEntry.
- const dbName = "test";
- const collName = "transactions_profiling_with_drops";
- const adminDB = db.getSiblingDB("admin");
- const testDB = db.getSiblingDB(dbName);
- const session = db.getMongo().startSession({causalConsistency: false});
- const sessionDb = session.getDatabase(dbName);
- const sessionColl = sessionDb[collName];
- sessionDb.runCommand({dropDatabase: 1, writeConcern: {w: "majority"}});
- assert.commandWorked(sessionColl.insert({_id: "doc"}, {w: "majority"}));
- assert.commandWorked(sessionDb.runCommand({profile: 1, slowms: 1}));
- jsTest.log("Test read profiling with operation holding database X lock.");
- jsTest.log("Start transaction.");
- session.startTransaction();
- jsTest.log("Run a slow read. Profiling in the transaction should succeed.");
- assert.sameMembers(
- [{_id: "doc"}],
- sessionColl.find({$where: "sleep(1000); return true;"}).comment("read success").toArray());
- profilerHasSingleMatchingEntryOrThrow(
- {profileDB: testDB, filter: {"command.comment": "read success"}});
- // Lock 'test' database in X mode.
- let lockShell = startParallelShell(function() {
- assert.commandFailed(db.adminCommand({
- sleep: 1,
- secs: 500,
- lock: "w",
- lockTarget: "test",
- $comment: "transaction_profiling_with_drops lock sleep"
- }));
+"use strict";
+load("jstests/libs/profiler.js"); // For getLatestProfilerEntry.
+const dbName = "test";
+const collName = "transactions_profiling_with_drops";
+const adminDB = db.getSiblingDB("admin");
+const testDB = db.getSiblingDB(dbName);
+const session = db.getMongo().startSession({causalConsistency: false});
+const sessionDb = session.getDatabase(dbName);
+const sessionColl = sessionDb[collName];
+sessionDb.runCommand({dropDatabase: 1, writeConcern: {w: "majority"}});
+assert.commandWorked(sessionColl.insert({_id: "doc"}, {w: "majority"}));
+assert.commandWorked(sessionDb.runCommand({profile: 1, slowms: 1}));
+jsTest.log("Test read profiling with operation holding database X lock.");
+jsTest.log("Start transaction.");
+jsTest.log("Run a slow read. Profiling in the transaction should succeed.");
+ [{_id: "doc"}],
+ sessionColl.find({$where: "sleep(1000); return true;"}).comment("read success").toArray());
+ {profileDB: testDB, filter: {"command.comment": "read success"}});
+// Lock 'test' database in X mode.
+let lockShell = startParallelShell(function() {
+ assert.commandFailed(db.adminCommand({
+ sleep: 1,
+ secs: 500,
+ lock: "w",
+ lockTarget: "test",
+ $comment: "transaction_profiling_with_drops lock sleep"
+ }));
+const waitForCommand = function(opFilter) {
+ let opId = -1;
+ assert.soon(function() {
+ const curopRes = testDB.currentOp();
+ assert.commandWorked(curopRes);
+ const foundOp = curopRes["inprog"].filter(opFilter);
+ if (foundOp.length == 1) {
+ opId = foundOp[0]["opid"];
+ }
+ return (foundOp.length == 1);
+ return opId;
- const waitForCommand = function(opFilter) {
- let opId = -1;
- assert.soon(function() {
- const curopRes = testDB.currentOp();
- assert.commandWorked(curopRes);
- const foundOp = curopRes["inprog"].filter(opFilter);
- if (foundOp.length == 1) {
- opId = foundOp[0]["opid"];
- }
- return (foundOp.length == 1);
- });
- return opId;
- };
- // Wait for sleep to appear in currentOp
- let opId = waitForCommand(
- op => (op["ns"] == "admin.$cmd" &&
- op["command"]["$comment"] == "transaction_profiling_with_drops lock sleep"));
- jsTest.log("Run a slow read. Profiling in the transaction should fail.");
- assert.sameMembers(
- [{_id: "doc"}],
- sessionColl.find({$where: "sleep(1000); return true;"}).comment("read failure").toArray());
- assert.commandWorked(session.commitTransaction_forTesting());
- assert.commandWorked(testDB.killOp(opId));
- lockShell();
- profilerHasZeroMatchingEntriesOrThrow(
- {profileDB: testDB, filter: {"command.comment": "read failure"}});
- jsTest.log("Test write profiling with operation holding database X lock.");
- jsTest.log("Start transaction.");
- session.startTransaction();
- jsTest.log("Run a slow write. Profiling in the transaction should succeed.");
- assert.commandWorked(sessionColl.update(
- {$where: "sleep(1000); return true;"}, {$inc: {good: 1}}, {collation: {locale: "en"}}));
- profilerHasSingleMatchingEntryOrThrow(
- {profileDB: testDB, filter: {"command.collation": {locale: "en"}}});
- // Lock 'test' database in X mode.
- lockShell = startParallelShell(function() {
- assert.commandFailed(db.getSiblingDB("test").adminCommand(
- {sleep: 1, secs: 500, lock: "w", lockTarget: "test", $comment: "lock sleep"}));
- });
+// Wait for sleep to appear in currentOp
+let opId = waitForCommand(
+ op => (op["ns"] == "admin.$cmd" &&
+ op["command"]["$comment"] == "transaction_profiling_with_drops lock sleep"));
+jsTest.log("Run a slow read. Profiling in the transaction should fail.");
+ [{_id: "doc"}],
+ sessionColl.find({$where: "sleep(1000); return true;"}).comment("read failure").toArray());
+ {profileDB: testDB, filter: {"command.comment": "read failure"}});
+jsTest.log("Test write profiling with operation holding database X lock.");
+jsTest.log("Start transaction.");
+jsTest.log("Run a slow write. Profiling in the transaction should succeed.");
+ {$where: "sleep(1000); return true;"}, {$inc: {good: 1}}, {collation: {locale: "en"}}));
+ {profileDB: testDB, filter: {"command.collation": {locale: "en"}}});
+// Lock 'test' database in X mode.
+lockShell = startParallelShell(function() {
+ assert.commandFailed(db.getSiblingDB("test").adminCommand(
+ {sleep: 1, secs: 500, lock: "w", lockTarget: "test", $comment: "lock sleep"}));
- // Wait for sleep to appear in currentOp
- opId = waitForCommand(
- op => (op["ns"] == "admin.$cmd" && op["command"]["$comment"] == "lock sleep"));
+// Wait for sleep to appear in currentOp
+opId =
+ waitForCommand(op => (op["ns"] == "admin.$cmd" && op["command"]["$comment"] == "lock sleep"));
- jsTest.log("Run a slow write. Profiling in the transaction should still succeed " +
- "since the transaction already has an IX DB lock.");
- assert.commandWorked(sessionColl.update(
- {$where: "sleep(1000); return true;"}, {$inc: {good: 1}}, {collation: {locale: "fr"}}));
- assert.commandWorked(session.commitTransaction_forTesting());
+jsTest.log("Run a slow write. Profiling in the transaction should still succeed " +
+ "since the transaction already has an IX DB lock.");
+ {$where: "sleep(1000); return true;"}, {$inc: {good: 1}}, {collation: {locale: "fr"}}));
- assert.commandWorked(testDB.killOp(opId));
- lockShell();
- profilerHasSingleMatchingEntryOrThrow(
- {profileDB: testDB, filter: {"command.collation": {locale: "fr"}}});
+ {profileDB: testDB, filter: {"command.collation": {locale: "fr"}}});
- jsTest.log("Both writes should succeed");
- assert.docEq({_id: "doc", good: 2}, sessionColl.findOne());
+jsTest.log("Both writes should succeed");
+assert.docEq({_id: "doc", good: 2}, sessionColl.findOne());
- session.endSession();