path: root/jstests/geo_update_btree2.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/geo_update_btree2.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/geo_update_btree2.js b/jstests/geo_update_btree2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d99970c73e0..00000000000
--- a/jstests/geo_update_btree2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// Tests whether the geospatial search is stable under btree updates
-// Tests the implementation of the 2d search, not the behavior we promise. MongoDB currently
-// promises no isolation, so there is no guarantee that we get the results we expect in this file.
-// The old query system, if it saw a 2d query, would never consider a collscan.
-// The new query system can answer the queries in this file with a collscan and ranks
-// the collscan against the indexed result.
-// In order to expose the specific NON GUARANTEED isolation behavior this file tests
-// we disable table scans to ensure that the new query system only looks at the 2d
-// scan.
-assert.commandWorked( db._adminCommand( { setParameter:1, notablescan:true } ) );
-var status = function( msg ){
- print( "\n\n###\n" + msg + "\n###\n\n" )
-var coll = db.getCollection( "jstests_geo_update_btree2" )
-coll.ensureIndex( { loc : '2d' } )
-status( "Inserting points..." )
-var numPoints = 10
-for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
- coll.insert( { _id : i, loc : [ Random.rand() * 180, Random.rand() * 180 ], i : i % 2 } );
-status( "Starting long query..." )
-var query = coll.find({ loc : { $within : { $box : [[-180, -180], [180, 180]] } } }).batchSize( 2 )
-var firstValues = [, ]
-printjson( firstValues )
-status( "Removing points not returned by query..." )
-var allQuery = coll.find()
-var removeIds = []
-while( allQuery.hasNext() ){
- var id =
- if( firstValues.indexOf( id ) < 0 ){
- removeIds.push( id )
- }
-var updateIds = []
-for( var i = 0, max = removeIds.length / 2; i < max; i++ ) updateIds.push( removeIds.pop() )
-printjson( removeIds )
-coll.remove({ _id : { $in : removeIds } })
-status( "Updating points returned by query..." )
-var big = new Array( 3000 ).toString()
-for( var i = 0; i < updateIds.length; i++ )
- coll.update({ _id : updateIds[i] }, { $set : { data : big } })
-status( "Counting final points..." )
-// It's not defined whether or not we return documents that are modified during a query. We
-// shouldn't crash, but it's not defined how many results we get back. This test is modifying every
-// doc not returned by the query, and since we currently handle the invalidation by removing them,
-// we won't return them. But we shouldn't crash.
-// assert.eq( ( numPoints - 2 ) / 2, query.itcount() )
-assert.commandWorked( db._adminCommand( { setParameter:1, notablescan:false} ) );