path: root/jstests/noPassthrough/log_format_slowms_samplerate_loglevel.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/noPassthrough/log_format_slowms_samplerate_loglevel.js')
1 files changed, 431 insertions, 442 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthrough/log_format_slowms_samplerate_loglevel.js b/jstests/noPassthrough/log_format_slowms_samplerate_loglevel.js
index 6f80c277990..56c8c3b7f47 100644
--- a/jstests/noPassthrough/log_format_slowms_samplerate_loglevel.js
+++ b/jstests/noPassthrough/log_format_slowms_samplerate_loglevel.js
@@ -5,252 +5,253 @@
* @tags: [requires_replication, requires_sharding]
(function() {
- "use strict";
- // This test looks for exact matches in log output, which does not account for implicit
- // sessions.
- TestData.disableImplicitSessions = true;
- load("jstests/libs/fixture_helpers.js"); // For FixtureHelpers.
- load("jstests/libs/check_log.js"); // For formatAsLogLine.
- // Prevent the mongo shell from gossiping its cluster time, since this will increase the amount
- // of data logged for each op. For some of the testcases below, including the cluster time would
- // cause them to be truncated at the 512-byte RamLog limit, and some of the fields we need to
- // check would be lost.
- TestData.skipGossipingClusterTime = true;
- // Set up a 2-shard single-node replicaset cluster.
- const stParams = {name: jsTestName(), shards: 2, rs: {nodes: 1}};
- const st = new ShardingTest(stParams);
- // Obtain one mongoS connection and a second direct to the shard.
- const shardConn = st.rs0.getPrimary();
- const mongosConn = st.s;
- const dbName = "logtest";
- const mongosDB = mongosConn.getDB(dbName);
- const shardDB = shardConn.getDB(dbName);
- // Enable sharding on the the test database and ensure that the primary is on shard0.
- assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: mongosDB.getName()}));
- st.ensurePrimaryShard(mongosDB.getName(),;
- // Drops and re-shards the test collection, then splits at {_id: 0} and moves the upper chunk to
- // the second shard.
- function dropAndRecreateTestCollection() {
- assert(mongosDB.test.drop());
- st.shardColl(mongosDB.test, {_id: 1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName(), true);
- }
- // Configures logging parameters on the target environment, constructs a list of test operations
- // depending on the deployment type, runs each of these in turn, and searches the logs for the
- // corresponding output. Returns a pair of arrays [testsRun, logLines]; the former is the set of
- // test cases that were run, while the latter contains the logline for each test, or null if no
- // such logline was found.
- function runLoggingTests({db, readWriteMode, slowMs, logLevel, sampleRate}) {
- dropAndRecreateTestCollection();
- const coll = db.test;
- // Transparently handles assert.writeOK for legacy writes.
- function assertWriteOK(writeResponse) {
- if (!writeResponse) {
- assert(db.getMongo().writeMode !== "commands");
- assert(db.runCommand({getLastError: 1}).err == null);
- } else {
- assert.commandWorked(writeResponse);
- }
+"use strict";
+// This test looks for exact matches in log output, which does not account for implicit
+// sessions.
+TestData.disableImplicitSessions = true;
+load("jstests/libs/fixture_helpers.js"); // For FixtureHelpers.
+load("jstests/libs/check_log.js"); // For formatAsLogLine.
+// Prevent the mongo shell from gossiping its cluster time, since this will increase the amount
+// of data logged for each op. For some of the testcases below, including the cluster time would
+// cause them to be truncated at the 512-byte RamLog limit, and some of the fields we need to
+// check would be lost.
+TestData.skipGossipingClusterTime = true;
+// Set up a 2-shard single-node replicaset cluster.
+const stParams = {
+ name: jsTestName(),
+ shards: 2,
+ rs: {nodes: 1}
+const st = new ShardingTest(stParams);
+// Obtain one mongoS connection and a second direct to the shard.
+const shardConn = st.rs0.getPrimary();
+const mongosConn = st.s;
+const dbName = "logtest";
+const mongosDB = mongosConn.getDB(dbName);
+const shardDB = shardConn.getDB(dbName);
+// Enable sharding on the the test database and ensure that the primary is on shard0.
+assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: mongosDB.getName()}));
+// Drops and re-shards the test collection, then splits at {_id: 0} and moves the upper chunk to
+// the second shard.
+function dropAndRecreateTestCollection() {
+ assert(mongosDB.test.drop());
+ st.shardColl(mongosDB.test, {_id: 1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName(), true);
+// Configures logging parameters on the target environment, constructs a list of test operations
+// depending on the deployment type, runs each of these in turn, and searches the logs for the
+// corresponding output. Returns a pair of arrays [testsRun, logLines]; the former is the set of
+// test cases that were run, while the latter contains the logline for each test, or null if no
+// such logline was found.
+function runLoggingTests({db, readWriteMode, slowMs, logLevel, sampleRate}) {
+ dropAndRecreateTestCollection();
+ const coll = db.test;
+ // Transparently handles assert.writeOK for legacy writes.
+ function assertWriteOK(writeResponse) {
+ if (!writeResponse) {
+ assert(db.getMongo().writeMode !== "commands");
+ assert(db.runCommand({getLastError: 1}).err == null);
+ } else {
+ assert.commandWorked(writeResponse);
+ }
- for (let i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
- assertWriteOK(coll.insert({_id: i, a: i, loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [i, i]}}));
- assertWriteOK(
- coll.insert({_id: -i, a: -i, loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [-i, -i]}}));
- }
- assertWriteOK(coll.createIndex({loc: "2dsphere"}));
- const isMongos = FixtureHelpers.isMongos(db);
- // Set the shell read/write mode.
- db.getMongo().forceWriteMode(readWriteMode);
- db.getMongo().forceReadMode(readWriteMode);
- // Build a string that identifies the parameters of this test run. Individual ops will
- // use this string as their comment where applicable, and we also print it to the logs.
- const logFormatTestComment = (isMongos ? 'mongos' : 'mongod') + "_" + readWriteMode +
- "_slowms:" + slowMs + "_logLevel:" + logLevel + "_sampleRate:" + sampleRate;
- jsTestLog(logFormatTestComment);
- // Set all logging parameters. If slowMs is null, we set a high threshold here so that
- // logLevel can be tested in cases where operations should not otherwise be logged.
- assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand(
- {profile: 0, slowms: (slowMs == null) ? 1000000 : slowMs, sampleRate: sampleRate}));
- assert.commandWorked(db.setLogLevel(logLevel, "command"));
- assert.commandWorked(db.setLogLevel(logLevel, "write"));
- // Certain fields in the log lines on mongoD are not applicable in their counterparts on
- // mongoS, and vice-versa. Ignore these fields when examining the logs of an instance on
- // which we do not expect them to appear.
- const ignoreFields =
+ for (let i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
+ assertWriteOK(coll.insert({_id: i, a: i, loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [i, i]}}));
+ assertWriteOK(coll.insert({_id: -i, a: -i, loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [-i, -i]}}));
+ }
+ assertWriteOK(coll.createIndex({loc: "2dsphere"}));
+ const isMongos = FixtureHelpers.isMongos(db);
+ // Set the shell read/write mode.
+ db.getMongo().forceWriteMode(readWriteMode);
+ db.getMongo().forceReadMode(readWriteMode);
+ // Build a string that identifies the parameters of this test run. Individual ops will
+ // use this string as their comment where applicable, and we also print it to the logs.
+ const logFormatTestComment = (isMongos ? 'mongos' : 'mongod') + "_" + readWriteMode +
+ "_slowms:" + slowMs + "_logLevel:" + logLevel + "_sampleRate:" + sampleRate;
+ jsTestLog(logFormatTestComment);
+ // Set all logging parameters. If slowMs is null, we set a high threshold here so that
+ // logLevel can be tested in cases where operations should not otherwise be logged.
+ assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand(
+ {profile: 0, slowms: (slowMs == null) ? 1000000 : slowMs, sampleRate: sampleRate}));
+ assert.commandWorked(db.setLogLevel(logLevel, "command"));
+ assert.commandWorked(db.setLogLevel(logLevel, "write"));
+ // Certain fields in the log lines on mongoD are not applicable in their counterparts on
+ // mongoS, and vice-versa. Ignore these fields when examining the logs of an instance on
+ // which we do not expect them to appear.
+ const ignoreFields =
? ["docsExamined", "keysExamined", "keysInserted", "keysDeleted", "planSummary",
"usedDisk", "hasSortStage"]
: ["nShards"]);
- // Legacy operations do not produce a 'command: <name>' field in the log.
- if (readWriteMode === "legacy") {
- ignoreFields.push("command");
- }
+ // Legacy operations do not produce a 'command: <name>' field in the log.
+ if (readWriteMode === "legacy") {
+ ignoreFields.push("command");
+ }
- function confirmLogContents(db, {test, logFields}, testIndex) {
- // Clear the log before running the test, to guarantee that we do not match against any
- // similar tests which may have run previously.
- assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({clearLog: "global"}));
+ function confirmLogContents(db, {test, logFields}, testIndex) {
+ // Clear the log before running the test, to guarantee that we do not match against any
+ // similar tests which may have run previously.
+ assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({clearLog: "global"}));
- // Run the given command in order to generate a log line. If slowMs is non-null and
- // greater than 0, apply that slowMs to every second test.
- if (slowMs != null && slowMs > 0) {
- db.adminCommand({profile: 0, slowms: (testIndex % 2 ? slowMs : -1)});
- }
- assert.doesNotThrow(() => test(db));
- // Confirm whether the operation was logged or not.
- const globalLog = assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({getLog: "global"}));
- return findMatchingLogLine(globalLog.log, logFields, ignoreFields);
+ // Run the given command in order to generate a log line. If slowMs is non-null and
+ // greater than 0, apply that slowMs to every second test.
+ if (slowMs != null && slowMs > 0) {
+ db.adminCommand({profile: 0, slowms: (testIndex % 2 ? slowMs : -1)});
+ assert.doesNotThrow(() => test(db));
+ // Confirm whether the operation was logged or not.
+ const globalLog = assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({getLog: "global"}));
+ return findMatchingLogLine(globalLog.log, logFields, ignoreFields);
+ }
- //
- // Defines the set of test operations and associated log output fields.
- //
- const testList = [
- {
- test: function(db) {
- assert.eq(db.test
- .aggregate([{$match: {a: 1}}], {
- comment: logFormatTestComment,
- collation: {locale: "fr"},
- hint: {_id: 1},
- })
- .itcount(),
- 1);
- },
- logFields: {
- command: "aggregate",
- aggregate: coll.getName(),
- pipeline: [{$match: {a: 1}}],
- comment: logFormatTestComment,
- collation: {locale: "fr"},
- hint: {_id: 1},
- planSummary: "IXSCAN { _id: 1 }",
- cursorExhausted: 1,
- docsExamined: 10,
- keysExamined: 10,
- nreturned: 1,
- nShards: stParams.shards
- }
+ //
+ // Defines the set of test operations and associated log output fields.
+ //
+ const testList = [
+ {
+ test: function(db) {
+ assert.eq(db.test
+ .aggregate([{$match: {a: 1}}], {
+ comment: logFormatTestComment,
+ collation: {locale: "fr"},
+ hint: {_id: 1},
+ })
+ .itcount(),
+ 1);
- {
- test: function(db) {
- assert.eq(db.test.find({a: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment})
- .collation({locale: "fr"})
- .count(),
- 1);
- },
- logFields: {
- command: "count",
- count: coll.getName(),
- query: {a: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment},
- collation: {locale: "fr"},
- planSummary: "COLLSCAN"
- }
+ logFields: {
+ command: "aggregate",
+ aggregate: coll.getName(),
+ pipeline: [{$match: {a: 1}}],
+ comment: logFormatTestComment,
+ collation: {locale: "fr"},
+ hint: {_id: 1},
+ planSummary: "IXSCAN { _id: 1 }",
+ cursorExhausted: 1,
+ docsExamined: 10,
+ keysExamined: 10,
+ nreturned: 1,
+ nShards: stParams.shards
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ test: function(db) {
+ assert.eq(db.test.find({a: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment})
+ .collation({locale: "fr"})
+ .count(),
+ 1);
- {
- test: function(db) {
- assert.eq(
- db.test.distinct(
- "a", {a: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment}, {collation: {locale: "fr"}}),
- [1]);
- },
- logFields: {
- command: "distinct",
- distinct: coll.getName(),
- query: {a: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment},
- planSummary: "COLLSCAN",
- $comment: logFormatTestComment,
- collation: {locale: "fr"}
- }
+ logFields: {
+ command: "count",
+ count: coll.getName(),
+ query: {a: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment},
+ collation: {locale: "fr"},
+ planSummary: "COLLSCAN"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ test: function(db) {
+ assert.eq(
+ db.test.distinct(
+ "a", {a: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment}, {collation: {locale: "fr"}}),
+ [1]);
- {
- test: function(db) {
- assert.eq(db.test.find({_id: 1}).comment(logFormatTestComment).itcount(), 1);
- },
- logFields: {
- command: "find",
- find: coll.getName(),
- comment: logFormatTestComment,
- planSummary: "IDHACK",
- cursorExhausted: 1,
- keysExamined: 1,
- docsExamined: 1,
- nreturned: 1,
- nShards: 1
- }
+ logFields: {
+ command: "distinct",
+ distinct: coll.getName(),
+ query: {a: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment},
+ planSummary: "COLLSCAN",
+ $comment: logFormatTestComment,
+ collation: {locale: "fr"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ test: function(db) {
+ assert.eq(db.test.find({_id: 1}).comment(logFormatTestComment).itcount(), 1);
- {
- test: function(db) {
- assert.eq(db.test.findAndModify({
- query: {_id: 1, a: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment},
- update: {$inc: {b: 1}},
- collation: {locale: "fr"}
- }),
- {_id: 1, a: 1, loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [1, 1]}});
- },
- // TODO SERVER-34208: display FAM update metrics in mongoS logs.
- logFields: Object.assign((isMongos ? {} : {nMatched: 1, nModified: 1}), {
- command: "findAndModify",
- findandmodify: coll.getName(),
- planSummary: "IXSCAN { _id: 1 }",
- keysExamined: 1,
- docsExamined: 1,
- $comment: logFormatTestComment,
- collation: {locale: "fr"}
- })
+ logFields: {
+ command: "find",
+ find: coll.getName(),
+ comment: logFormatTestComment,
+ planSummary: "IDHACK",
+ cursorExhausted: 1,
+ keysExamined: 1,
+ docsExamined: 1,
+ nreturned: 1,
+ nShards: 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ test: function(db) {
+ assert.eq(db.test.findAndModify({
+ query: {_id: 1, a: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment},
+ update: {$inc: {b: 1}},
+ collation: {locale: "fr"}
+ }),
+ {_id: 1, a: 1, loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [1, 1]}});
- {
- test: function(db) {
- assert.commandWorked(db.test.mapReduce(() => {},
- (a, b) => {},
- {
- query: {$comment: logFormatTestComment},
- out: {inline: 1},
- }));
- },
- logFields: {
- command: "mapReduce",
- mapreduce: coll.getName(),
- planSummary: "COLLSCAN",
- keysExamined: 0,
- docsExamined: 10,
- $comment: logFormatTestComment,
- out: {inline: 1}
- }
+ // TODO SERVER-34208: display FAM update metrics in mongoS logs.
+ logFields: Object.assign((isMongos ? {} : {nMatched: 1, nModified: 1}), {
+ command: "findAndModify",
+ findandmodify: coll.getName(),
+ planSummary: "IXSCAN { _id: 1 }",
+ keysExamined: 1,
+ docsExamined: 1,
+ $comment: logFormatTestComment,
+ collation: {locale: "fr"}
+ })
+ },
+ {
+ test: function(db) {
+ assert.commandWorked(db.test.mapReduce(() => {}, (a, b) => {}, {
+ query: {$comment: logFormatTestComment},
+ out: {inline: 1},
+ }));
- {
- test: function(db) {
- assertWriteOK(db.test.update(
- {a: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment}, {$inc: {b: 1}}, {multi: true}));
- },
- logFields: (isMongos ? {
- command: "update",
- update: coll.getName(),
- ordered: true,
- nMatched: 1,
- nModified: 1,
- nShards: stParams.shards
- }
- : {
+ logFields: {
+ command: "mapReduce",
+ mapreduce: coll.getName(),
+ planSummary: "COLLSCAN",
+ keysExamined: 0,
+ docsExamined: 10,
+ $comment: logFormatTestComment,
+ out: {inline: 1}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ test: function(db) {
+ assertWriteOK(db.test.update(
+ {a: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment}, {$inc: {b: 1}}, {multi: true}));
+ },
+ logFields: (isMongos ? {
+ command: "update",
+ update: coll.getName(),
+ ordered: true,
+ nMatched: 1,
+ nModified: 1,
+ nShards: stParams.shards
+ }
+ : {
q: {a: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment},
u: {$inc: {b: 1}},
multi: true,
@@ -259,24 +260,24 @@
docsExamined: 10,
nMatched: 1,
nModified: 1
- })
+ })
+ },
+ {
+ test: function(db) {
+ assertWriteOK(db.test.update({_id: 100, $comment: logFormatTestComment},
+ {$inc: {b: 1}},
+ {multi: true, upsert: true}));
- {
- test: function(db) {
- assertWriteOK(db.test.update({_id: 100, $comment: logFormatTestComment},
- {$inc: {b: 1}},
- {multi: true, upsert: true}));
- },
- logFields: (isMongos ? {
- command: "update",
- update: coll.getName(),
- ordered: true,
- nMatched: 0,
- nModified: 0,
- upsert: 1,
- nShards: 1
- }
- : {
+ logFields: (isMongos ? {
+ command: "update",
+ update: coll.getName(),
+ ordered: true,
+ nMatched: 0,
+ nModified: 0,
+ upsert: 1,
+ nShards: 1
+ }
+ : {
q: {_id: 100, $comment: logFormatTestComment},
u: {$inc: {b: 1}},
multi: true,
@@ -286,32 +287,32 @@
nMatched: 0,
nModified: 0,
upsert: 1
- })
+ })
+ },
+ {
+ test: function(db) {
+ assertWriteOK(db.test.insert({z: 1, comment: logFormatTestComment}));
- {
- test: function(db) {
- assertWriteOK(db.test.insert({z: 1, comment: logFormatTestComment}));
- },
- logFields: {
- command: "insert",
- insert: `${coll.getName()}|${coll.getFullName()}`,
- keysInserted: 1,
- ninserted: 1,
- nShards: 1
- }
+ logFields: {
+ command: "insert",
+ insert: `${coll.getName()}|${coll.getFullName()}`,
+ keysInserted: 1,
+ ninserted: 1,
+ nShards: 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ test: function(db) {
+ assertWriteOK(db.test.remove({z: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment}));
- {
- test: function(db) {
- assertWriteOK(db.test.remove({z: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment}));
- },
- logFields: (isMongos ? {
- command: "delete",
- delete: coll.getName(),
- ordered: true,
- ndeleted: 1,
- nShards: stParams.shards
- }
- : {
+ logFields: (isMongos ? {
+ command: "delete",
+ delete: coll.getName(),
+ ordered: true,
+ ndeleted: 1,
+ nShards: stParams.shards
+ }
+ : {
q: {z: 1, $comment: logFormatTestComment},
limit: 0,
planSummary: "COLLSCAN",
@@ -319,195 +320,183 @@
docsExamined: 12,
ndeleted: 1,
keysDeleted: 1
- })
+ })
+ },
+ {
+ test: function(db) {
+ const originalSortBytes =
+ db.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, internalQueryExecMaxBlockingSortBytes: 1});
+ assert.commandWorked(originalSortBytes);
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryExecMaxBlockingSortBytes: 10}));
+ assert.eq(coll.aggregate([{$match: {a: 1}}, {$sort: {a: 1}}], {allowDiskUse: true})
+ .itcount(),
+ 1);
+ assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({
+ setParameter: 1,
+ internalQueryExecMaxBlockingSortBytes:
+ originalSortBytes.internalQueryExecMaxBlockingSortBytes
+ }));
- {
- test: function(db) {
- const originalSortBytes =
- db.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, internalQueryExecMaxBlockingSortBytes: 1});
- assert.commandWorked(originalSortBytes);
- assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand(
- {setParameter: 1, internalQueryExecMaxBlockingSortBytes: 10}));
- assert.eq(
- coll.aggregate([{$match: {a: 1}}, {$sort: {a: 1}}], {allowDiskUse: true})
- .itcount(),
- 1);
- assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({
- setParameter: 1,
- internalQueryExecMaxBlockingSortBytes:
- originalSortBytes.internalQueryExecMaxBlockingSortBytes
- }));
- },
- logFields:
- {command: "aggregate", aggregate: coll.getName(), hasSortStage: 1, usedDisk: 1}
- }
- ];
- // Confirm log contains collation for find command.
- if (readWriteMode === "commands") {
- testList.push({
- test: function(db) {
- assert.eq(db.test.find({_id: {$in: [1, 5]}})
- .comment(logFormatTestComment)
- .collation({locale: "fr"})
- .itcount(),
- 2);
- },
- logFields: {
- command: "find",
- find: coll.getName(),
- planSummary: "IXSCAN { _id: 1 }",
- comment: logFormatTestComment,
- collation: {locale: "fr"},
- cursorExhausted: 1,
- keysExamined: 4,
- docsExamined: 2,
- nreturned: 2,
- nShards: 1
- }
- });
+ logFields:
+ {command: "aggregate", aggregate: coll.getName(), hasSortStage: 1, usedDisk: 1}
- // Confirm log content for getMore on both find and aggregate cursors.
- const originatingCommands = {
- find: {find: coll.getName(), batchSize: 0},
- aggregate: {aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: [], cursor: {batchSize: 0}}
- };
- for (let cmdName in originatingCommands) {
- const cmdObj = originatingCommands[cmdName];
- const cmdRes = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(cmdObj));
- testList.push({
- test: function(db) {
- const cursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, cmdRes);
- assert.eq(cursor.itcount(), 11);
- },
- logFields: Object.assign({getMore:}, cmdObj, {
- cursorid:,
- planSummary: "COLLSCAN",
- cursorExhausted: 1,
- docsExamined: 11,
- keysExamined: 0,
- nreturned: 11,
- nShards: stParams.shards
- })
- });
- }
- // Run each of the test in the array, recording the log line found for each.
- const logLines =
-, arrIndex) => confirmLogContents(db, testCase, arrIndex));
- return [testList, logLines];
+ ];
+ // Confirm log contains collation for find command.
+ if (readWriteMode === "commands") {
+ testList.push({
+ test: function(db) {
+ assert.eq(db.test.find({_id: {$in: [1, 5]}})
+ .comment(logFormatTestComment)
+ .collation({locale: "fr"})
+ .itcount(),
+ 2);
+ },
+ logFields: {
+ command: "find",
+ find: coll.getName(),
+ planSummary: "IXSCAN { _id: 1 }",
+ comment: logFormatTestComment,
+ collation: {locale: "fr"},
+ cursorExhausted: 1,
+ keysExamined: 4,
+ docsExamined: 2,
+ nreturned: 2,
+ nShards: 1
+ }
+ });
- //
- // Helper functions.
- //
+ // Confirm log content for getMore on both find and aggregate cursors.
+ const originatingCommands = {
+ find: {find: coll.getName(), batchSize: 0},
+ aggregate: {aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: [], cursor: {batchSize: 0}}
+ };
- // Finds and returns a logline containing all the specified fields, or null if no such logline
- // was found. The regex escape function used here is drawn from the following:
- //
- //
- function findMatchingLogLine(logLines, fields, ignoreFields) {
- function escapeRegex(input) {
- return (typeof input === "string"
- ? input.replace(/[\^\$\\\.\*\+\?\(\)\[\]\{\}]/g, '\\$&')
- : input);
- }
- function lineMatches(line, fields, ignoreFields) {
- const fieldNames =
- Object.keys(fields).filter((fieldName) => !ignoreFields.includes(fieldName));
- return fieldNames.every((fieldName) => {
- const fieldValue = fields[fieldName];
- let regex = escapeRegex(fieldName) + ":? ?(" +
- escapeRegex(checkLog.formatAsLogLine(fieldValue)) + "|" +
- escapeRegex(checkLog.formatAsLogLine(fieldValue, true)) + ")";
- const match = line.match(regex);
- return match && match[0];
- });
- }
+ for (let cmdName in originatingCommands) {
+ const cmdObj = originatingCommands[cmdName];
+ const cmdRes = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(cmdObj));
- for (let line of logLines) {
- if (lineMatches(line, fields, ignoreFields)) {
- return line;
- }
- }
- return null;
+ testList.push({
+ test: function(db) {
+ const cursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, cmdRes);
+ assert.eq(cursor.itcount(), 11);
+ },
+ logFields: Object.assign({getMore:}, cmdObj, {
+ cursorid:,
+ planSummary: "COLLSCAN",
+ cursorExhausted: 1,
+ docsExamined: 11,
+ keysExamined: 0,
+ nreturned: 11,
+ nShards: stParams.shards
+ })
+ });
- // In cases where some tests were not logged, this helper will identify and return them.
- function getUnloggedTests(testsRun, logLines) {
- return testsRun.filter((testCase, arrIndex) => !logLines[arrIndex]);
+ // Run each of the test in the array, recording the log line found for each.
+ const logLines =
+, arrIndex) => confirmLogContents(db, testCase, arrIndex));
+ return [testList, logLines];
+// Helper functions.
+// Finds and returns a logline containing all the specified fields, or null if no such logline
+// was found. The regex escape function used here is drawn from the following:
+function findMatchingLogLine(logLines, fields, ignoreFields) {
+ function escapeRegex(input) {
+ return (typeof input === "string" ? input.replace(/[\^\$\\\.\*\+\?\(\)\[\]\{\}]/g, '\\$&')
+ : input);
+ }
+ function lineMatches(line, fields, ignoreFields) {
+ const fieldNames =
+ Object.keys(fields).filter((fieldName) => !ignoreFields.includes(fieldName));
+ return fieldNames.every((fieldName) => {
+ const fieldValue = fields[fieldName];
+ let regex = escapeRegex(fieldName) + ":? ?(" +
+ escapeRegex(checkLog.formatAsLogLine(fieldValue)) + "|" +
+ escapeRegex(checkLog.formatAsLogLine(fieldValue, true)) + ")";
+ const match = line.match(regex);
+ return match && match[0];
+ });
- //
- // Test cases for varying values of logLevel, slowms, and sampleRate.
- //
- for (let testDB of[shardDB, mongosDB]) {
- for (let readWriteMode of["commands", "legacy"]) {
- // Test that all operations are logged when slowMs is < 0 and sampleRate is 1 at the
- // default logLevel.
- let [testsRun, logLines] = runLoggingTests({
- db: testDB,
- readWriteMode: readWriteMode,
- slowMs: -1,
- logLevel: 0,
- sampleRate: 1.0
- });
- let unlogged = getUnloggedTests(testsRun, logLines);
- assert.eq(unlogged.length, 0, () => tojson(unlogged));
- // Test that only some operations are logged when sampleRate is < 1 at the default
- // logLevel, even when slowMs is < 0. The actual sample rate is probabilistic, and may
- // therefore vary quite significantly from 0.5. However, we have already established
- // that with sampleRate 1 *all* ops are logged, so here it is sufficient to confirm that
- // some ops are not. We repeat the test 5 times to minimize the odds of failure.
- let sampleRateTestsRun = 0, sampleRateTestsLogged = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- [testsRun, logLines] = runLoggingTests({
- db: testDB,
- readWriteMode: readWriteMode,
- slowMs: -1,
- logLevel: 0,
- sampleRate: 0.5
- });
- unlogged = getUnloggedTests(testsRun, logLines);
- sampleRateTestsLogged += (testsRun.length - unlogged.length);
- sampleRateTestsRun += testsRun.length;
- }
- assert.betweenEx(0, sampleRateTestsLogged, sampleRateTestsRun);
- // Test that only operations which exceed slowMs are logged when slowMs > 0 and
- // sampleRate is 1, at the default logLevel. The given value of slowMs will be applied
- // to every second op in the test, so only half of the ops should be logged.
+ for (let line of logLines) {
+ if (lineMatches(line, fields, ignoreFields)) {
+ return line;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+// In cases where some tests were not logged, this helper will identify and return them.
+function getUnloggedTests(testsRun, logLines) {
+ return testsRun.filter((testCase, arrIndex) => !logLines[arrIndex]);
+// Test cases for varying values of logLevel, slowms, and sampleRate.
+for (let testDB of [shardDB, mongosDB]) {
+ for (let readWriteMode of ["commands", "legacy"]) {
+ // Test that all operations are logged when slowMs is < 0 and sampleRate is 1 at the
+ // default logLevel.
+ let [testsRun, logLines] = runLoggingTests(
+ {db: testDB, readWriteMode: readWriteMode, slowMs: -1, logLevel: 0, sampleRate: 1.0});
+ let unlogged = getUnloggedTests(testsRun, logLines);
+ assert.eq(unlogged.length, 0, () => tojson(unlogged));
+ // Test that only some operations are logged when sampleRate is < 1 at the default
+ // logLevel, even when slowMs is < 0. The actual sample rate is probabilistic, and may
+ // therefore vary quite significantly from 0.5. However, we have already established
+ // that with sampleRate 1 *all* ops are logged, so here it is sufficient to confirm that
+ // some ops are not. We repeat the test 5 times to minimize the odds of failure.
+ let sampleRateTestsRun = 0, sampleRateTestsLogged = 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
[testsRun, logLines] = runLoggingTests({
db: testDB,
readWriteMode: readWriteMode,
- slowMs: 1000000,
+ slowMs: -1,
logLevel: 0,
- sampleRate: 1.0
- });
- unlogged = getUnloggedTests(testsRun, logLines);
- assert.eq(unlogged.length, Math.floor(testsRun.length / 2), () => tojson(unlogged));
- // Test that all operations are logged when logLevel is 1, regardless of sampleRate and
- // slowMs. We pass 'null' for slowMs to signify that a high threshold should be set
- // (such that, at logLevel 0, no operations would be logged) and that this value should
- // be applied for all operations, rather than for every second op as in the case of the
- // slowMs test.
- [testsRun, logLines] = runLoggingTests({
- db: testDB,
- readWriteMode: readWriteMode,
- slowMs: null,
- logLevel: 1,
sampleRate: 0.5
unlogged = getUnloggedTests(testsRun, logLines);
- assert.eq(unlogged.length, 0, () => tojson(unlogged));
+ sampleRateTestsLogged += (testsRun.length - unlogged.length);
+ sampleRateTestsRun += testsRun.length;
+ assert.betweenEx(0, sampleRateTestsLogged, sampleRateTestsRun);
+ // Test that only operations which exceed slowMs are logged when slowMs > 0 and
+ // sampleRate is 1, at the default logLevel. The given value of slowMs will be applied
+ // to every second op in the test, so only half of the ops should be logged.
+ [testsRun, logLines] = runLoggingTests({
+ db: testDB,
+ readWriteMode: readWriteMode,
+ slowMs: 1000000,
+ logLevel: 0,
+ sampleRate: 1.0
+ });
+ unlogged = getUnloggedTests(testsRun, logLines);
+ assert.eq(unlogged.length, Math.floor(testsRun.length / 2), () => tojson(unlogged));
+ // Test that all operations are logged when logLevel is 1, regardless of sampleRate and
+ // slowMs. We pass 'null' for slowMs to signify that a high threshold should be set
+ // (such that, at logLevel 0, no operations would be logged) and that this value should
+ // be applied for all operations, rather than for every second op as in the case of the
+ // slowMs test.
+ [testsRun, logLines] = runLoggingTests(
+ {db: testDB, readWriteMode: readWriteMode, slowMs: null, logLevel: 1, sampleRate: 0.5});
+ unlogged = getUnloggedTests(testsRun, logLines);
+ assert.eq(unlogged.length, 0, () => tojson(unlogged));
- st.stop();