path: root/jstests/noPassthrough/merge_causes_infinite_loop.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/noPassthrough/merge_causes_infinite_loop.js')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthrough/merge_causes_infinite_loop.js b/jstests/noPassthrough/merge_causes_infinite_loop.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..166bb2e1b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/noPassthrough/merge_causes_infinite_loop.js
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * Test that exposes the Halloween problem.
+ *
+ * The Halloween problem describes the potential for a document to be visited more than once
+ * following an update operation that changes its physical location.
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod();
+const db = conn.getDB("merge_causes_infinite_loop");
+const coll = db.getCollection("merge_causes_infinite_loop");
+const out = db.getCollection("merge_causes_infinite_loop_out");
+const nDocs = 50;
+// We seed the documents with large values for a. This enables the pipeline that exposes the
+// halloween problem to overflow and fail more quickly.
+const largeNum = 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
+// We set internalQueryExecYieldPeriodMS to 1 ms to have query execution yield as often as
+// possible.
+assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryExecYieldPeriodMS: 1}));
+// Insert documents.
+// Note that the largeArray field is included to force documents to be written to disk and not
+// simply be updated in the cache. This is crucial to exposing the halloween problem as the
+// physical location of each document needs to change for each document to visited and updated
+// multiple times.
+var bulk = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
+for (let i = 0; i < nDocs; i++) {
+ bulk.insert({_id: i, a: i * largeNum, largeArray: (new Array(1024 * 1024).join("a"))});
+// Build an index over a, the field to be updated, so that updates will push modified documents
+// forward in the index when outputting to the collection being aggregated.
+assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({a: 1}));
+// Returns a pipeline which outputs to the specified collection.
+function pipeline(outColl) {
+ return [
+ {$match: {a: {$gt: 0}}},
+ {$merge: {into: outColl, whenMatched: [{$addFields: {a: {$multiply: ["$a", 2]}}}]}}
+ ];
+const differentCollPipeline = pipeline(out.getName());
+const sameCollPipeline = pipeline(coll.getName());
+// Outputting the result of this pipeline to a different collection will not time out nor will any
+// of the computed values overflow.
+ {aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: differentCollPipeline, cursor: {}, maxTimeMS: 2500}));
+// Because this pipeline writes to the collection being aggregated, it will cause documents to be
+// updated and pushed forward indefinitely. This will cause the computed values to eventually
+// overflow.
+ db.runCommand({aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: sameCollPipeline, cursor: {}}), 31109);