path: root/jstests/noPassthrough/serverStatus_does_not_block_on_RSTL.js
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1 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthrough/serverStatus_does_not_block_on_RSTL.js b/jstests/noPassthrough/serverStatus_does_not_block_on_RSTL.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..40eb22187fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/noPassthrough/serverStatus_does_not_block_on_RSTL.js
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * Tests that serverStatus is not blocked by an exclusive RSTL lock. Only enforcing on WT.
+ *
+ * @tags: [
+ * # Certain serverStatus sections might pivot to taking the RSTL lock if an action is unsupported
+ * # by a non-WT storage engine.
+ * requires_wiredtiger,
+ * # Replication requires journaling support so this tag also implies exclusion from --nojournal
+ * # test configurations.
+ * requires_sharding,
+ * requires_replication,
+ * ]
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+load("jstests/libs/parallel_shell_helpers.js"); // startParallelShell
+load("jstests/libs/wait_for_command.js"); // waitForCommand
+// Use a sharding environment in order to exercise the sharding specific serverStatus sections.
+const st = new ShardingTest(
+ {mongos: 1, config: 1, shards: 1, rs: {nodes: 1, setParameter: {watchdogPeriodSeconds: 60}}});
+const testDB = st.rs0.getPrimary().getDB("test");
+jsTestLog("Starting the sleep command in a parallel thread to take the RSTL MODE_X lock");
+let rstlXLockSleepJoin = startParallelShell(() => {
+ jsTestLog("Parallel Shell: about to start sleep command");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.adminCommand({
+ sleep: 1,
+ secs: 60 * 60,
+ // RSTL MODE_X lock.
+ lockTarget: "RSTL",
+ $comment: "RSTL lock sleep"
+ }),
+ ErrorCodes.Interrupted);
+}, testDB.getMongo().port);
+jsTestLog("Waiting for the sleep command to start and fetch the opID");
+const sleepCmdOpID =
+ waitForCommand("RSTL lock", op => (op["command"]["$comment"] == "RSTL lock sleep"), testDB);
+jsTestLog("Wait for the sleep command to log that the RSTL MODE_X lock was acquired");
+checkLog.containsJson(testDB, 6001600);
+try {
+ jsTestLog("Running serverStatus concurrently with the RSTL X lock held by the sleep cmd");
+ const serverStatusResult = assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand({
+ serverStatus: 1,
+ repl: 1,
+ mirroredReads: 1,
+ advisoryHostFQDNs: 1,
+ defaultRWConcern: 1,
+ heapProfile: 1,
+ http_client: 1,
+ latchAnalysis: 1,
+ opWriteConcernCounters: 1,
+ oplog: 1,
+ resourceConsumption: 1,
+ sharding: 1,
+ tenantMigrationAccessBlocker: 1,
+ watchdog: 1,
+ maxTimeMS: 20 * 1000
+ }));
+ jsTestLog("ServerStatus results: " + tojson(serverStatusResult));
+} finally {
+ jsTestLog("Ensure the sleep cmd releases the lock so that the server can shutdown");
+ assert.commandWorked(testDB.killOp(sleepCmdOpID)); // kill the sleep cmd
+ rstlXLockSleepJoin(); // wait for the thread running the sleep cmd to finish