path: root/jstests/noPassthrough
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/noPassthrough')
2 files changed, 620 insertions, 415 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthrough/accumulator_bug_fix.js b/jstests/noPassthrough/accumulator_bug_fix.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ef6289282ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/noPassthrough/accumulator_bug_fix.js
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+ * Tests whether $sum accumulator incorrect result bug is fixed on both engines under FCV 6.0.
+ *
+ * @tags: [
+ * requires_fcv_60,
+ * requires_sharding,
+ * ]
+ */
+(function() {
+'use strict';
+(function testAccumulatorWhenSpillingOnClassicEngine() {
+ const verifyAccumulatorSpillingResult = (testDesc, accSpec) => {
+ const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod();
+ const db = conn.getDB(jsTestName());
+ const coll = db.spilling;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert([
+ {k: i, n: 1e+34},
+ {k: i, n: NumberDecimal("0.1")},
+ {k: i, n: NumberDecimal("0.01")},
+ {k: i, n: -1e+34}
+ ]));
+ }
+ // Turns on the classical engine.
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryForceClassicEngine: true}));
+ const pipeline = [{$group: {_id: "$k", o: accSpec}}, {$group: {_id: "$o"}}];
+ // The results when not spilling is the expected results.
+ const expectedRes = coll.aggregate(pipeline).toArray();
+ // Has the document source group spill.
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalDocumentSourceGroupMaxMemoryBytes: 1000}),
+ testDesc);
+ // Makes sure that the document source group will spill.
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ coll.runCommand(
+ {aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: pipeline, cursor: {}, allowDiskUse: false}),
+ ErrorCodes.QueryExceededMemoryLimitNoDiskUseAllowed,
+ testDesc);
+ const classicSpillingRes = coll.aggregate(pipeline, {allowDiskUse: true}).toArray();
+ assert.eq(classicSpillingRes, expectedRes, testDesc);
+ MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);
+ };
+ verifyAccumulatorSpillingResult("Verifying $sum spilling bug is fixed on the classic engine",
+ {$sum: "$n"});
+ verifyAccumulatorSpillingResult("Verifying $avg spilling bug is fixed on the classic engine",
+ {$avg: "$n"});
+(function testOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines() {
+ const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod();
+ const db = conn.getDB(jsTestName());
+ const coll = db.spilling;
+ const verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines = (testDesc, pipeline, expectedRes) => {
+ const aggCmd = {
+ aggregate: coll.getName(),
+ pipeline: pipeline,
+ needsMerge: true,
+ fromMongos: true,
+ cursor: {}
+ };
+ // Turns on the classical engine.
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryForceClassicEngine: true}));
+ const classicRes = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(aggCmd)).cursor.firstBatch;
+ assert.eq(classicRes, expectedRes, testDesc);
+ // Turns off the classical engine.
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryForceClassicEngine: false}));
+ const sbeRes = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(aggCmd)).cursor.firstBatch;
+ assert.eq(sbeRes, expectedRes, testDesc);
+ };
+ (function testOverTheWireDataFormat() {
+ const pipelineWithSum = [{$group: {_id: null, o: {$sum: "$n"}}}];
+ const pipelineWithAvg = [{$group: {_id: null, o: {$avg: "$n"}}}];
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({n: NumberInt(1)}));
+ let expectedPartialSum = [
+ NumberInt(16), // The type id for NumberInt
+ 1.0, // sum
+ 0.0 // addend
+ ];
+ verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines(
+ "Partial sum of an int", pipelineWithSum, [{_id: null, o: expectedPartialSum}]);
+ verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines(
+ "Partial avg of an int", pipelineWithAvg, [{
+ _id: null,
+ o: {subTotal: 1.0, count: NumberLong(1), subTotalError: 0.0, ps: expectedPartialSum}
+ }]);
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({n: NumberLong(1)}));
+ expectedPartialSum = [
+ NumberInt(18), // The type id for NumberLong
+ 2.0, // sum
+ 0.0 // addend
+ ];
+ verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines("Partial sum of an int and a long",
+ pipelineWithSum,
+ [{_id: null, o: expectedPartialSum}]);
+ verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines(
+ "Partial avg of an int and a long", pipelineWithAvg, [{
+ _id: null,
+ o: {subTotal: 2.0, count: NumberLong(2), subTotalError: 0.0, ps: expectedPartialSum}
+ }]);
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({n: NumberLong("9223372036854775807")}));
+ expectedPartialSum = [
+ NumberInt(18), // The type id for NumberLong
+ 9223372036854775808.0, // sum
+ 1.0 // addend
+ ];
+ verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines("Partial sum of an int/a long/the long max",
+ pipelineWithSum,
+ [{_id: null, o: expectedPartialSum}]);
+ verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines(
+ "Partial avg of an int/a long/the long max", pipelineWithAvg, [{
+ _id: null,
+ o: {
+ subTotal: 9223372036854775808.0,
+ count: NumberLong(3),
+ subTotalError: 1.0,
+ ps: expectedPartialSum
+ }
+ }]);
+ // A double can always expresses 15 digits precisely. So, 1.0 + 0.00000000000001 is
+ // precisely expressed by the 'addend' element.
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({n: 0.00000000000001}));
+ expectedPartialSum = [
+ NumberInt(1), // The type id for NumberDouble
+ 9223372036854775808.0, // sum
+ 1.00000000000001 // addend
+ ];
+ verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines(
+ "Partial sum of mixed data leading to a number that a double can't express",
+ pipelineWithSum,
+ [{_id: null, o: expectedPartialSum}]);
+ verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines(
+ "Partial avg of mixed data leading to a number that a double can't express",
+ pipelineWithAvg,
+ [{
+ _id: null,
+ o: {
+ subTotal: 9223372036854775808.0,
+ count: NumberLong(4),
+ subTotalError: 1.00000000000001,
+ ps: expectedPartialSum
+ }
+ }]);
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({n: NumberDecimal("1.0")}));
+ expectedPartialSum = [
+ NumberInt(1), // The type id for NumberDouble
+ 9223372036854775808.0, // sum
+ 1.00000000000001, // addend
+ NumberDecimal("1.0")
+ ];
+ verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines("Partial sum of mixed data which has a decimal",
+ pipelineWithSum,
+ [{_id: null, o: expectedPartialSum}]);
+ verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines(
+ "Partial avg of mixed data which has a decimal", pipelineWithAvg, [{
+ _id: null,
+ o: {
+ subTotal: NumberDecimal("9223372036854775810.000000000000010"),
+ count: NumberLong(5),
+ ps: expectedPartialSum
+ }
+ }]);
+ assert(coll.drop());
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert([{n: Number.MAX_VALUE}, {n: Number.MAX_VALUE}]));
+ expectedPartialSum = [
+ NumberInt(1), // The type id for NumberDouble
+ Infinity, // sum
+ NaN // addend
+ ];
+ verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines(
+ "Partial sum of two double max", pipelineWithSum, [{_id: null, o: expectedPartialSum}]);
+ verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines(
+ "Partial avg of two double max", pipelineWithAvg, [{
+ _id: null,
+ o: {
+ subTotal: Infinity,
+ count: NumberLong(2),
+ subTotalError: NaN,
+ ps: expectedPartialSum
+ }
+ }]);
+ assert(coll.drop());
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert([{n: NumberDecimal("1.0")}, {n: 1.0}]));
+ expectedPartialSum = [
+ NumberInt(1), // The type id for NumberDouble
+ 1.0, // sum
+ 0.0, // addend
+ NumberDecimal("1.0")
+ ];
+ verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines("Partial sum of a decimal and a double",
+ pipelineWithSum,
+ [{_id: null, o: expectedPartialSum}]);
+ verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines(
+ "Partial avg of a decimal and a double", pipelineWithAvg, [{
+ _id: null,
+ o: {subTotal: NumberDecimal("2.0"), count: NumberLong(2), ps: expectedPartialSum}
+ }]);
+ }());
+ MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);
+(function testShardedAccumulatorOnBothEngines() {
+ const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2});
+ const db = st.getDB(jsTestName());
+ const dbAtShard0 = st.shard0.getDB(jsTestName());
+ const dbAtShard1 = st.shard1.getDB(jsTestName());
+ // Makes sure that the test db is sharded.
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({enableSharding: db.getName()}));
+ let verifyShardedAccumulatorResultsOnBothEngine = (testDesc, coll, pipeline, expectedRes) => {
+ // Turns to the classic engine at the shards.
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ dbAtShard0.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryForceClassicEngine: true}));
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ dbAtShard1.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryForceClassicEngine: true}));
+ // Verifies that the classic engine's results are same as the expected results.
+ const classicRes = coll.aggregate(pipeline).toArray();
+ assert.eq(classicRes, expectedRes, testDesc);
+ // Turns to the SBE engine at the shards.
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ dbAtShard0.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryForceClassicEngine: false}));
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ dbAtShard1.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryForceClassicEngine: false}));
+ // Verifies that the SBE engine's results are same as the expected results.
+ const sbeRes = coll.aggregate(pipeline).toArray();
+ assert.eq(sbeRes, expectedRes, testDesc);
+ };
+ let shardCollectionByHashing = coll => {
+ coll.drop();
+ // Makes sure that the collection is sharded.
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ st.s0.adminCommand({shardCollection: coll.getFullName(), key: {_id: "hashed"}}));
+ return coll;
+ };
+ let hashShardedColl = shardCollectionByHashing(db.partial_sum);
+ let unshardedColl = db.partial_sum2;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ assert.commandWorked(hashShardedColl.insert([
+ {k: i, n: 1e+34},
+ {k: i, n: NumberDecimal("0.1")},
+ {k: i, n: NumberDecimal("0.01")},
+ {k: i, n: -1e+34}
+ ]));
+ assert.commandWorked(unshardedColl.insert([
+ {k: i, n: 1e+34},
+ {k: i, n: NumberDecimal("0.1")},
+ {k: i, n: NumberDecimal("0.01")},
+ {k: i, n: -1e+34}
+ ]));
+ }
+ let pipeline = [{$group: {_id: "$k", s: {$sum: "$n"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$s"}}];
+ // The results on an unsharded collection is the expected results.
+ let expectedRes = unshardedColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray();
+ verifyShardedAccumulatorResultsOnBothEngine(
+ "Sharded sum for mixed data by which only decimal sum survive",
+ hashShardedColl,
+ pipeline,
+ expectedRes);
+ pipeline = [{$group: {_id: "$k", s: {$avg: "$n"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$s"}}];
+ // The results on an unsharded collection is the expected results.
+ expectedRes = unshardedColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray();
+ verifyShardedAccumulatorResultsOnBothEngine(
+ "Sharded avg for mixed data by which only decimal sum survive",
+ hashShardedColl,
+ pipeline,
+ expectedRes);
+ const int32Max = 2147483647;
+ const numberIntMax = NumberInt(int32Max);
+ const numberLongMax = NumberLong("9223372036854775807");
+ const verySmallDecimal = NumberDecimal("1e-15");
+ const veryLargeDecimal = NumberDecimal("1e+33");
+ // This value is precisely representable by a double.
+ const doubleClosestToLongMax = 9223372036854775808.0;
+ [{
+ testDesc: "No documents evaluated",
+ inputs: [{}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberInt(0)}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "An int",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(10)}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberInt(10)}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "a long",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberLong(10)}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong(10)}]
+ },
+ {testDesc: "A double", inputs: [{n: 10.0}], expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 10.0}]},
+ {
+ testDesc: "A long that cannot be expressed as an int",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberLong("60000000000")}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong("60000000000")}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "A non integer valued double",
+ inputs: [{n: 7.5}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 7.5}]
+ },
+ {testDesc: "A nan double", inputs: [{n: NaN}], expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NaN}]},
+ {testDesc: "A -nan double", inputs: [{n: -NaN}], expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: -NaN}]},
+ {
+ testDesc: "A infinity double",
+ inputs: [{n: Infinity}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: Infinity}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "A -infinity double",
+ inputs: [{n: -Infinity}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: -Infinity}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Two ints are summed",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(4)}, {n: NumberInt(5)}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberInt(9)}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "An int and a long",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(4)}, {n: NumberLong(5)}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong(9)}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Two longs",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberLong(4)}, {n: NumberLong(5)}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong(9)}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "An int and a double",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(4)}, {n: 5.5}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 9.5}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "A long and a double",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberLong(4)}, {n: 5.5}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 9.5}]
+ },
+ {testDesc: "Two doubles", inputs: [{n: 2.5}, {n: 5.5}], expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 8.0}]},
+ {
+ testDesc: "An int, a long, and a double",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(5)}, {n: NumberLong(99)}, {n: 0.2}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 104.2}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Two decimals",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberDecimal("-10.100")}, {n: NumberDecimal("20.200")}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("10.100")}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Two longs and a decimal",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberLong(10)}, {n: NumberLong(10)}, {n: NumberDecimal("10.000")}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("30.000")}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "A double and a decimal",
+ inputs: [{n: 2.5}, {n: NumberDecimal("2.5")}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("5.0")}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "An int, long, double and decimal",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(10)}, {n: NumberLong(10)}, {n: 10.5}, {n: NumberDecimal("9.6")}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("40.1")}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "A long max and a very small decimal resulting in 34 digits",
+ inputs: [{n: numberLongMax}, {n: verySmallDecimal}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("9223372036854775807.000000000000001")}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "A long and a very large decimal resulting in 34 digits",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberLong(1)}, {n: veryLargeDecimal}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("1000000000000000000000000000000001")}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc:
+ "The double closest to the long max and a very small decimal resulting in 34 digits",
+ inputs: [{n: doubleClosestToLongMax}, {n: verySmallDecimal}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("9223372036854775808.000000000000001")}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "A double and a very large decimal resulting in 34 digits",
+ inputs: [{n: 1.0}, {n: veryLargeDecimal}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("1000000000000000000000000000000001")}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "A negative value is summed",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(5)}, {n: -8.5}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: -3.5}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "A long and a negative int are summed",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberLong(5)}, {n: NumberInt(-6)}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong(-1)}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Two ints do not overflow",
+ inputs: [{n: numberIntMax}, {n: NumberInt(10)}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong(int32Max + 10)}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Two negative ints do not overflow",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(-int32Max)}, {n: NumberInt(-10)}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong(-int32Max - 10)}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "An int and a long do not trigger an int overflow",
+ inputs: [{n: numberIntMax}, {n: NumberLong(1)}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong(int32Max + 1)}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "An int and a double do not trigger an int overflow",
+ inputs: [{n: numberIntMax}, {n: 1.0}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: int32Max + 1.0}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "An int and a long overflow into a double",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(1)}, {n: numberLongMax}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: doubleClosestToLongMax}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Two longs overflow into a double",
+ inputs: [{n: numberLongMax}, {n: numberLongMax}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: doubleClosestToLongMax * 2}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "A long and a double do not trigger a long overflow",
+ inputs: [{n: numberLongMax}, {n: 1.0}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: doubleClosestToLongMax}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Two doubles overflow to infinity",
+ inputs: [{n: Number.MAX_VALUE}, {n: Number.MAX_VALUE}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: Infinity}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Two large integers do not overflow if a double is added later",
+ inputs: [{n: numberLongMax}, {n: numberLongMax}, {n: 1.0}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: doubleClosestToLongMax * 2}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "An int and a NaN double",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(4)}, {n: NaN}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NaN}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Null values are ignored",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(5)}, {n: null}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberInt(5)}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Missing values are ignored",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(9)}, {}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberInt(9)}]
+ }].forEach(({testDesc, inputs, expectedRes}) => {
+ hashShardedColl.drop();
+ assert.commandWorked(hashShardedColl.insert(inputs));
+ verifyShardedAccumulatorResultsOnBothEngine(
+ testDesc, hashShardedColl, [{$group: {_id: null, o: {$sum: "$n"}}}], expectedRes);
+ });
+ [{testDesc: "No documents evaluated", inputs: [{}], expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: null}]},
+ {
+ testDesc: "One int value is converted to double",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(3)}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 3.0}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "One long value is converted to double",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberLong(-4)}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: -4.0}]
+ },
+ {testDesc: "One double value", inputs: [{n: 22.6}], expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 22.6}]},
+ {
+ testDesc: "Averaging two ints",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(10)}, {n: NumberInt(11)}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 10.5}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Averaging two longs",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberLong(10)}, {n: NumberLong(11)}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 10.5}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Averaging two doubles",
+ inputs: [{n: 10.0}, {n: 11.0}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 10.5}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "The average of an int and a double is a double",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(10)}, {n: 11.0}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 10.5}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "The average of a long and a double is a double",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberLong(10)}, {n: 11.0}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 10.5}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "The average of an int and a long is a double",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(5)}, {n: NumberLong(3)}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 4.0}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Averaging an int, long, and double",
+ inputs: [{n: NumberInt(1)}, {n: NumberLong(2)}, {n: 6.0}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 3.0}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Unlike $sum, two ints do not overflow in the 'total' portion of the average",
+ inputs: [{n: numberIntMax}, {n: numberIntMax}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: int32Max}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Two longs do overflow in the 'total' portion of the average",
+ inputs: [{n: numberLongMax}, {n: numberLongMax}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: doubleClosestToLongMax}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Averaging an Infinity and a number",
+ inputs: [{n: Infinity}, {n: 1}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: Infinity}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Averaging two Infinities",
+ inputs: [{n: Infinity}, {n: Infinity}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: Infinity}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Averaging an Infinity and an NaN",
+ inputs: [{n: Infinity}, {n: NaN}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NaN}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Averaging an NaN and a number",
+ inputs: [{n: NaN}, {n: 1}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NaN}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Averaging two NaNs",
+ inputs: [{n: NaN}, {n: NaN}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NaN}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Averaging two decimals",
+ inputs: [
+ {n: NumberDecimal("-1234567890.1234567889")},
+ {n: NumberDecimal("-1234567890.1234567891")}
+ ],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("-1234567890.1234567890")}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Averaging two longs and a decimal results in an accurate decimal result",
+ inputs: [
+ {n: NumberLong("1234567890123456788")},
+ {n: NumberLong("1234567890123456789")},
+ {n: NumberDecimal("1234567890123456790.037037036703702")}
+ ],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("1234567890123456789.012345678901234")}]
+ },
+ {
+ testDesc: "Averaging a double and a decimal",
+ inputs: [{n: 1.0e22}, {n: NumberDecimal("9999999999999999999999.9999999999")}],
+ expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("9999999999999999999999.99999999995")}]
+ },
+ ].forEach(({testDesc, inputs, expectedRes}) => {
+ hashShardedColl.drop();
+ assert.commandWorked(hashShardedColl.insert(inputs));
+ verifyShardedAccumulatorResultsOnBothEngine(
+ testDesc, hashShardedColl, [{$group: {_id: null, o: {$avg: "$n"}}}], expectedRes);
+ });
+ st.stop();
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthrough/sum_accumulator_bug_fix.js b/jstests/noPassthrough/sum_accumulator_bug_fix.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 69a0bb07a01..00000000000
--- a/jstests/noPassthrough/sum_accumulator_bug_fix.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
- * Tests whether $sum accumulator incorrect result bug is fixed on both engines under FCV 6.0.
- *
- * @tags: [
- * requires_fcv_60,
- * requires_sharding,
- * ]
- */
-(function() {
-'use strict';
-(function testSumWhenSpillingOnClassicEngine() {
- const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod();
- const db = conn.getDB(jsTestName());
- const coll = db.spilling;
- for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
- assert.commandWorked(coll.insert([
- {k: i, n: 1e+34},
- {k: i, n: NumberDecimal("0.1")},
- {k: i, n: NumberDecimal("0.01")},
- {k: i, n: -1e+34}
- ]));
- }
- // Turns on the classical engine.
- db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryForceClassicEngine: true});
- const pipeline = [{$group: {_id: "$k", o: {$sum: "$n"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$o"}}];
- // The results when not spilling is the expected results.
- const expectedRes = coll.aggregate(pipeline).toArray();
- // Has the document source group spill.
- assert.commandWorked(
- db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalDocumentSourceGroupMaxMemoryBytes: 1000}));
- // Makes sure that the document source group will spill.
- assert.commandFailedWithCode(
- coll.runCommand(
- {aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: pipeline, cursor: {}, allowDiskUse: false}),
- ErrorCodes.QueryExceededMemoryLimitNoDiskUseAllowed);
- const classicSpillingRes = coll.aggregate(pipeline, {allowDiskUse: true}).toArray();
- assert.eq(classicSpillingRes, expectedRes);
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);
-(function testOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines() {
- const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod();
- const db = conn.getDB(jsTestName());
- assert.commandWorked(db.dropDatabase());
- const coll = db.spilling;
- const pipeline = [{$group: {_id: null, o: {$sum: "$n"}}}];
- const aggCmd = {
- aggregate: coll.getName(),
- pipeline: pipeline,
- needsMerge: true,
- fromMongos: true,
- cursor: {}
- };
- const verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines = (expectedRes) => {
- // Turns on the classical engine.
- assert.commandWorked(
- db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryForceClassicEngine: true}));
- const classicRes = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(aggCmd)).cursor.firstBatch;
- assert.eq(classicRes, expectedRes);
- // Turns off the classical engine.
- assert.commandWorked(
- db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryForceClassicEngine: false}));
- const sbeRes = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(aggCmd)).cursor.firstBatch;
- assert.eq(sbeRes, expectedRes);
- };
- assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({n: NumberInt(1)}));
- verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines([{
- _id: null,
- o: [
- NumberInt(16), // The type id for NumberInt
- 1.0, // sum
- 0.0 // addend
- ]
- }]);
- assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({n: NumberLong(1)}));
- verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines([{
- _id: null,
- o: [
- NumberInt(18), // The type id for NumberLong
- 2.0, // sum
- 0.0 // addend
- ]
- }]);
- assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({n: NumberLong("9223372036854775807")}));
- verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines([{
- _id: null,
- o: [
- NumberInt(18), // The type id for NumberLong
- 9223372036854775808.0, // sum
- 1.0 // addend
- ]
- }]);
- // A double can always expresses 15 digits precisely. So, 1.0 + 0.00000000000001 is precisely
- // expressed by the 'addend' element.
- assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({n: 0.00000000000001}));
- verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines([{
- _id: null,
- o: [
- NumberInt(1), // The type id for NumberDouble
- 9223372036854775808.0, // sum
- 1.00000000000001 // addend
- ]
- }]);
- assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({n: NumberDecimal("1.0")}));
- verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines([{
- _id: null,
- o: [
- NumberInt(1), // The type id for NumberDouble
- 9223372036854775808.0, // sum
- 1.00000000000001, // addend
- NumberDecimal("1.0")
- ]
- }]);
- assert(coll.drop());
- assert.commandWorked(coll.insert([{n: Number.MAX_VALUE}, {n: Number.MAX_VALUE}]));
- verifyOverTheWireDataFormatOnBothEngines([{
- _id: null,
- o: [
- NumberInt(1), // The type id for NumberDouble
- Infinity, // sum
- NaN // addend
- ]
- }]);
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);
-(function testShardedSumOnBothEngines() {
- const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2});
- const db = st.getDB(jsTestName());
- assert.commandWorked(db.dropDatabase());
- const dbAtShard0 = st.shard0.getDB(jsTestName());
- const dbAtShard1 = st.shard1.getDB(jsTestName());
- // Makes sure that the test db is sharded.
- assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({enableSharding: db.getName()}));
- let verifyShardedSumResultsOnBothEngine = (testDesc, coll, pipeline, expectedRes) => {
- // Turns to the classic engine at the shards.
- assert.commandWorked(
- dbAtShard0.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryForceClassicEngine: true}));
- assert.commandWorked(
- dbAtShard1.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryForceClassicEngine: true}));
- // Verifies that the classic engine's results are same as the expected results.
- const classicRes = coll.aggregate(pipeline).toArray();
- assert.eq(classicRes, expectedRes, testDesc);
- // Turns to the SBE engine at the shards.
- assert.commandWorked(
- dbAtShard0.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryForceClassicEngine: false}));
- assert.commandWorked(
- dbAtShard1.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryForceClassicEngine: false}));
- // Verifies that the SBE engine's results are same as the expected results.
- const sbeRes = coll.aggregate(pipeline).toArray();
- assert.eq(sbeRes, expectedRes, testDesc);
- };
- let shardCollectionByHashing = coll => {
- coll.drop();
- // Makes sure that the collection is sharded.
- assert.commandWorked(
- st.s0.adminCommand({shardCollection: coll.getFullName(), key: {_id: "hashed"}}));
- return coll;
- };
- let hashShardedColl = shardCollectionByHashing(db.partial_sum);
- let unshardedColl = db.partial_sum2;
- for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- assert.commandWorked(hashShardedColl.insert([
- {k: i, n: 1e+34},
- {k: i, n: NumberDecimal("0.1")},
- {k: i, n: NumberDecimal("0.01")},
- {k: i, n: -1e+34}
- ]));
- assert.commandWorked(unshardedColl.insert([
- {k: i, n: 1e+34},
- {k: i, n: NumberDecimal("0.1")},
- {k: i, n: NumberDecimal("0.01")},
- {k: i, n: -1e+34}
- ]));
- }
- const pipeline = [{$group: {_id: "$k", s: {$sum: "$n"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$s"}}];
- // The results on an unsharded collection is the expected results.
- const expectedRes = unshardedColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray();
- verifyShardedSumResultsOnBothEngine(
- "Sharded sum for mixed data by which only decimal sum survive",
- hashShardedColl,
- pipeline,
- expectedRes);
- const int32Max = 2147483647;
- const numberIntMax = NumberInt(int32Max);
- const numberLongMax = NumberLong("9223372036854775807");
- const verySmallDecimal = NumberDecimal("1e-15");
- const veryLargeDecimal = NumberDecimal("1e+33");
- // This value is precisely representable by a double.
- const doubleClosestToLongMax = 9223372036854775808.0;
- [{
- testDesc: "No documents evaluated",
- inputs: [{}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberInt(0)}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "An int",
- inputs: [{n: NumberInt(10)}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberInt(10)}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "a long",
- inputs: [{n: NumberLong(10)}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong(10)}]
- },
- {testDesc: "A double", inputs: [{n: 10.0}], expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 10.0}]},
- {
- testDesc: "A long that cannot be expressed as an int",
- inputs: [{n: NumberLong("60000000000")}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong("60000000000")}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "A non integer valued double",
- inputs: [{n: 7.5}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 7.5}]
- },
- {testDesc: "A nan double", inputs: [{n: NaN}], expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NaN}]},
- {testDesc: "A -nan double", inputs: [{n: -NaN}], expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: -NaN}]},
- {
- testDesc: "A infinity double",
- inputs: [{n: Infinity}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: Infinity}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "A -infinity double",
- inputs: [{n: -Infinity}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: -Infinity}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "Two ints are summed",
- inputs: [{n: NumberInt(4)}, {n: NumberInt(5)}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberInt(9)}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "An int and a long",
- inputs: [{n: NumberInt(4)}, {n: NumberLong(5)}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong(9)}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "Two longs",
- inputs: [{n: NumberLong(4)}, {n: NumberLong(5)}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong(9)}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "An int and a double",
- inputs: [{n: NumberInt(4)}, {n: 5.5}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 9.5}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "A long and a double",
- inputs: [{n: NumberLong(4)}, {n: 5.5}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 9.5}]
- },
- {testDesc: "Two doubles", inputs: [{n: 2.5}, {n: 5.5}], expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 8.0}]},
- {
- testDesc: "An int, a long, and a double",
- inputs: [{n: NumberInt(5)}, {n: NumberLong(99)}, {n: 0.2}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: 104.2}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "Two decimals",
- inputs: [{n: NumberDecimal("-10.100")}, {n: NumberDecimal("20.200")}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("10.100")}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "Two longs and a decimal",
- inputs: [{n: NumberLong(10)}, {n: NumberLong(10)}, {n: NumberDecimal("10.000")}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("30.000")}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "A double and a decimal",
- inputs: [{n: 2.5}, {n: NumberDecimal("2.5")}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("5.0")}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "An int, long, double and decimal",
- inputs: [{n: NumberInt(10)}, {n: NumberLong(10)}, {n: 10.5}, {n: NumberDecimal("9.6")}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("40.1")}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "A long max and a very small decimal resulting in 34 digits",
- inputs: [{n: numberLongMax}, {n: verySmallDecimal}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("9223372036854775807.000000000000001")}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "A long and a very large decimal resulting in 34 digits",
- inputs: [{n: NumberLong(1)}, {n: veryLargeDecimal}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("1000000000000000000000000000000001")}]
- },
- {
- testDesc:
- "The double closest to the long max and a very small decimal resulting in 34 digits",
- inputs: [{n: doubleClosestToLongMax}, {n: verySmallDecimal}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("9223372036854775808.000000000000001")}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "A double and a very large decimal resulting in 34 digits",
- inputs: [{n: 1.0}, {n: veryLargeDecimal}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberDecimal("1000000000000000000000000000000001")}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "A negative value is summed",
- inputs: [{n: NumberInt(5)}, {n: -8.5}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: -3.5}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "A long and a negative int are summed",
- inputs: [{n: NumberLong(5)}, {n: NumberInt(-6)}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong(-1)}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "Two ints do not overflow",
- inputs: [{n: numberIntMax}, {n: NumberInt(10)}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong(int32Max + 10)}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "Two negative ints do not overflow",
- inputs: [{n: NumberInt(-int32Max)}, {n: NumberInt(-10)}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong(-int32Max - 10)}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "An int and a long do not trigger an int overflow",
- inputs: [{n: numberIntMax}, {n: NumberLong(1)}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberLong(int32Max + 1)}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "An int and a double do not trigger an int overflow",
- inputs: [{n: numberIntMax}, {n: 1.0}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: int32Max + 1.0}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "An int and a long overflow into a double",
- inputs: [{n: NumberInt(1)}, {n: numberLongMax}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: doubleClosestToLongMax}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "Two longs overflow into a double",
- inputs: [{n: numberLongMax}, {n: numberLongMax}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: doubleClosestToLongMax * 2}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "A long and a double do not trigger a long overflow",
- inputs: [{n: numberLongMax}, {n: 1.0}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: doubleClosestToLongMax}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "Two doubles overflow to infinity",
- inputs: [{n: Number.MAX_VALUE}, {n: Number.MAX_VALUE}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: Infinity}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "Two large integers do not overflow if a double is added later",
- inputs: [{n: numberLongMax}, {n: numberLongMax}, {n: 1.0}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: doubleClosestToLongMax * 2}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "An int and a NaN double",
- inputs: [{n: NumberInt(4)}, {n: NaN}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NaN}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "Null values are ignored",
- inputs: [{n: NumberInt(5)}, {n: null}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberInt(5)}]
- },
- {
- testDesc: "Missing values are ignored",
- inputs: [{n: NumberInt(9)}, {}],
- expectedRes: [{_id: null, o: NumberInt(9)}]
- }].forEach(({testDesc, inputs, expectedRes}) => {
- hashShardedColl.drop();
- assert.commandWorked(hashShardedColl.insert(inputs));
- verifyShardedSumResultsOnBothEngine(
- testDesc, hashShardedColl, [{$group: {_id: null, o: {$sum: "$n"}}}], expectedRes);
- });
- st.stop();