path: root/jstests/noPassthroughWithMongod/ttl_sharded.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/noPassthroughWithMongod/ttl_sharded.js')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthroughWithMongod/ttl_sharded.js b/jstests/noPassthroughWithMongod/ttl_sharded.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d5aa45e269a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/noPassthroughWithMongod/ttl_sharded.js
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/** Simple test of sharding TTL collections.
+ * - Creates a new collection with a TTL index
+ * - Shards it, and moves one chunk containing half the docs to another shard.
+ * - Checks that both shards have TTL index, and docs get deleted on both shards.
+ * - Run the collMod command to update the expireAfterSeconds field. Check that more docs get
+ * deleted.
+ */
+// start up a new sharded cluster
+var s = new ShardingTest({ shards : 2, mongos : 1});
+var dbname = "testDB";
+var coll = "ttl_sharded";
+var ns = dbname + "." + coll;
+t = s.getDB( dbname ).getCollection( coll );
+// enable sharding of the collection. Only 1 chunk initially
+s.adminCommand( { enablesharding : dbname } );
+s.adminCommand( { shardcollection : ns , key: { _id : 1 } } );
+// insert 24 docs, with timestamps at one hour intervals
+var now = (new Date()).getTime();
+for ( i=0; i<24; i++ ){
+ var past = new Date( now - ( 3600 * 1000 * i ) );
+ t.insert( {_id : i , x : past } );
+s.getDB( dbname ).getLastError();
+assert.eq( t.count() , 24 , "initial docs not inserted");
+// create the TTL index which delete anything older than ~5.5 hours
+t.ensureIndex( { x : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : 20000 } );
+// split chunk in half by _id, and move one chunk to the other shard
+s.adminCommand( {split : ns , middle : {_id : 12 } } );
+s.adminCommand( {moveChunk : ns , find : {_id : 0} , to : "shard0000" } )
+// one shard will lose 12/12 docs, the other 6/12, so count will go
+// from 24 -> 18 or 12 -> 6
+ function() {
+ return t.count() < 7;
+ }, "TTL index on x didn't delete enough" , 70 * 1000
+// ensure that count ultimately ends up at 6
+assert.eq( 0 , t.find( { x : { $lt : new Date( now - 20000000 ) } } ).count() );
+assert.eq( 6 , t.count() );
+// now lets check things explicily on each shard
+var shard0 = s._connections[0].getDB( dbname );
+var shard1 = s._connections[1].getDB( dbname );
+print("Shard 0 coll stats:")
+printjson( shard0.getCollection( coll ).stats() );
+print("Shard 1 coll stats:")
+printjson( shard1.getCollection( coll ).stats() );
+// Check that TTL index (with expireAfterSeconds field) appears on both shards
+var ttlIndexPattern = { "key": { "x" : 1 } , "ns": ns , "expireAfterSeconds" : 20000 };
+assert.eq( 1 ,
+ shard0.system.indexes.find( ttlIndexPattern ).count() ,
+ "shard0 does not have TTL index");
+assert.eq( 1 ,
+ shard1.system.indexes.find( ttlIndexPattern ).count() ,
+ "shard1 does not have TTL index");
+// Check that the collMod command successfully updates the expireAfterSeconds field
+s.getDB( dbname ).runCommand( { collMod : coll,
+ index : { keyPattern : {x : 1}, expireAfterSeconds : 10000} } );
+var newTTLindex = { "key": { "x" : 1 } , "ns": ns , "expireAfterSeconds" : 10000 };
+assert.eq( 1 ,
+ shard0.system.indexes.find( newTTLindex ).count(),
+ "shard0 index didn't get updated");
+assert.eq( 1 ,
+ shard1.system.indexes.find( newTTLindex ).count(),
+ "shard1 index didn't get updated");
+ function() {
+ return t.count() < 6;
+ }, "new expireAfterSeconds value not taking effect" , 70 * 1000
+assert.eq( 0 , t.find( { x : { $lt : new Date( now - 10000000 ) } } ).count() );
+assert.eq( 3 , t.count() );