path: root/jstests/sharding/aggregates_during_balancing.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/sharding/aggregates_during_balancing.js')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 242 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/aggregates_during_balancing.js b/jstests/sharding/aggregates_during_balancing.js
index 149f6031583..8adad032ce3 100644
--- a/jstests/sharding/aggregates_during_balancing.js
+++ b/jstests/sharding/aggregates_during_balancing.js
@@ -1,251 +1,246 @@
// Inserts some interesting data into a sharded collection, enables the balancer, and tests that
// various kinds of aggregations return the expected results.
(function() {
- load('jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js');
- var shardedAggTest =
- new ShardingTest({shards: 2, mongos: 1, other: {chunkSize: 1, enableBalancer: true}});
- shardedAggTest.adminCommand({enablesharding: "aggShard"});
- db = shardedAggTest.getDB("aggShard");
- shardedAggTest.ensurePrimaryShard('aggShard', shardedAggTest.shard0.shardName);
- db.ts1.drop();
- db.literal.drop();
- shardedAggTest.adminCommand({shardcollection: "aggShard.ts1", key: {"_id": 1}});
- shardedAggTest.adminCommand({shardcollection: "aggShard.literal", key: {"_id": 1}});
- /*
- Test combining results in mongos for operations that sub-aggregate on shards.
- The unusual operators here are $avg, $pushToSet, $push. In the case of $avg,
- the shard pipeline produces an object with the current subtotal and item count
- so that these can be combined in mongos by totalling the subtotals counts
- before performing the final division. For $pushToSet and $push, the shard
- pipelines produce arrays, but in mongos these are combined rather than simply
- being added as arrays within arrays.
- */
- var count = 0;
- var strings = [
- "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
- "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
- "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen", "twenty"
- ];
- jsTestLog("Bulk inserting data");
- var nItems = 200000;
- var bulk = db.ts1.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
- for (i = 0; i < nItems; ++i) {
- bulk.insert({
- _id: i,
- counter: ++count,
- number: strings[i % 20],
- random: Math.random(),
- filler: "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
- });
- }
- assert.writeOK(bulk.execute());
- jsTestLog('a project and group in shards, result combined in mongos');
- var a1 = db.ts1
- .aggregate([
- {$project: {cMod10: {$mod: ["$counter", 10]}, number: 1, counter: 1}},
- {
- $group: {
- _id: "$cMod10",
- numberSet: {$addToSet: "$number"},
- avgCounter: {$avg: "$cMod10"}
- }
- },
- {$sort: {_id: 1}}
- ])
- .toArray();
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
- assert.eq(a1[i].avgCounter, a1[i]._id, 'agg sharded test avgCounter failed');
- assert.eq(a1[i].numberSet.length, 2, 'agg sharded test numberSet length failed');
- }
- jsTestLog('an initial group starts the group in the shards, and combines them in mongos');
- var a2 = db.ts1.aggregate([{$group: {_id: "all", total: {$sum: "$counter"}}}]).toArray();
- jsTestLog('sum of an arithmetic progression S(n) = (n/2)(a(1) + a(n));');
- assert.eq(a2[0].total, (nItems / 2) * (1 + nItems), 'agg sharded test counter sum failed');
- jsTestLog('A group combining all documents into one, averaging a null field.');
- assert.eq(db.ts1.aggregate([{$group: {_id: null, avg: {$avg: "$missing"}}}]).toArray(),
- [{_id: null, avg: null}]);
- jsTestLog('an initial group starts the group in the shards, and combines them in mongos');
- var a3 = db.ts1.aggregate([{$group: {_id: "$number", total: {$sum: 1}}}, {$sort: {_id: 1}}])
- .toArray();
- for (i = 0; i < strings.length; ++i) {
- assert.eq(a3[i].total, nItems / strings.length, 'agg sharded test sum numbers failed');
- }
- jsTestLog('a match takes place in the shards; just returning the results from mongos');
- var a4 = db.ts1
- .aggregate([{
- $match: {
- $or: [
- {counter: 55},
- {counter: 1111},
- {counter: 2222},
- {counter: 33333},
- {counter: 99999},
- {counter: 55555}
- ]
+var shardedAggTest =
+ new ShardingTest({shards: 2, mongos: 1, other: {chunkSize: 1, enableBalancer: true}});
+shardedAggTest.adminCommand({enablesharding: "aggShard"});
+db = shardedAggTest.getDB("aggShard");
+shardedAggTest.ensurePrimaryShard('aggShard', shardedAggTest.shard0.shardName);
+shardedAggTest.adminCommand({shardcollection: "aggShard.ts1", key: {"_id": 1}});
+shardedAggTest.adminCommand({shardcollection: "aggShard.literal", key: {"_id": 1}});
+Test combining results in mongos for operations that sub-aggregate on shards.
+The unusual operators here are $avg, $pushToSet, $push. In the case of $avg,
+the shard pipeline produces an object with the current subtotal and item count
+so that these can be combined in mongos by totalling the subtotals counts
+before performing the final division. For $pushToSet and $push, the shard
+pipelines produce arrays, but in mongos these are combined rather than simply
+being added as arrays within arrays.
+var count = 0;
+var strings = [
+ "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
+ "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
+ "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen", "twenty"
+jsTestLog("Bulk inserting data");
+var nItems = 200000;
+var bulk = db.ts1.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
+for (i = 0; i < nItems; ++i) {
+ bulk.insert({
+ _id: i,
+ counter: ++count,
+ number: strings[i % 20],
+ random: Math.random(),
+ filler: "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
+ });
+jsTestLog('a project and group in shards, result combined in mongos');
+var a1 = db.ts1
+ .aggregate([
+ {$project: {cMod10: {$mod: ["$counter", 10]}, number: 1, counter: 1}},
+ {
+ $group: {
+ _id: "$cMod10",
+ numberSet: {$addToSet: "$number"},
+ avgCounter: {$avg: "$cMod10"}
- }])
- .toArray();
- assert.eq(a4.length, 6, tojson(a4));
- for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
- c = a4[i].counter;
- printjson({c: c});
- assert(
- (c == 55) || (c == 1111) || (c == 2222) || (c == 33333) || (c == 99999) || (c == 55555),
- 'agg sharded test simple match failed');
- }
- function testSkipLimit(ops, expectedCount) {
- jsTestLog('testSkipLimit(' + tojson(ops) + ', ' + expectedCount + ')');
- if (expectedCount > 10) {
- // make shard -> mongos intermediate results less than 16MB
- ops.unshift({$project: {_id: 1}});
- }
- ops.push({$group: {_id: 1, count: {$sum: 1}}});
- var out = db.ts1.aggregate(ops).toArray();
- assert.eq(out[0].count, expectedCount);
- }
- testSkipLimit([], nItems); // control
- testSkipLimit([{$skip: 10}], nItems - 10);
- testSkipLimit([{$limit: 10}], 10);
- testSkipLimit([{$skip: 5}, {$limit: 10}], 10);
- testSkipLimit([{$limit: 10}, {$skip: 5}], 10 - 5);
- testSkipLimit([{$skip: 5}, {$skip: 3}, {$limit: 10}], 10);
- testSkipLimit([{$skip: 5}, {$limit: 10}, {$skip: 3}], 10 - 3);
- testSkipLimit([{$limit: 10}, {$skip: 5}, {$skip: 3}], 10 - 3 - 5);
- // test sort + limit (using random to pull from both shards)
- function testSortLimit(limit, direction) {
- jsTestLog('testSortLimit(' + limit + ', ' + direction + ')');
- var from_cursor =
- db.ts1.find({}, {random: 1, _id: 0}).sort({random: direction}).limit(limit).toArray();
- var from_agg = db.ts1
- .aggregate([
- {$project: {random: 1, _id: 0}},
- {$sort: {random: direction}},
- {$limit: limit}
- ])
- .toArray();
- assert.eq(from_cursor, from_agg);
+ },
+ {$sort: {_id: 1}}
+ ])
+ .toArray();
+for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ assert.eq(a1[i].avgCounter, a1[i]._id, 'agg sharded test avgCounter failed');
+ assert.eq(a1[i].numberSet.length, 2, 'agg sharded test numberSet length failed');
+jsTestLog('an initial group starts the group in the shards, and combines them in mongos');
+var a2 = db.ts1.aggregate([{$group: {_id: "all", total: {$sum: "$counter"}}}]).toArray();
+jsTestLog('sum of an arithmetic progression S(n) = (n/2)(a(1) + a(n));');
+assert.eq(a2[0].total, (nItems / 2) * (1 + nItems), 'agg sharded test counter sum failed');
+jsTestLog('A group combining all documents into one, averaging a null field.');
+assert.eq(db.ts1.aggregate([{$group: {_id: null, avg: {$avg: "$missing"}}}]).toArray(),
+ [{_id: null, avg: null}]);
+jsTestLog('an initial group starts the group in the shards, and combines them in mongos');
+var a3 =
+ db.ts1.aggregate([{$group: {_id: "$number", total: {$sum: 1}}}, {$sort: {_id: 1}}]).toArray();
+for (i = 0; i < strings.length; ++i) {
+ assert.eq(a3[i].total, nItems / strings.length, 'agg sharded test sum numbers failed');
+jsTestLog('a match takes place in the shards; just returning the results from mongos');
+var a4 = db.ts1
+ .aggregate([{
+ $match: {
+ $or: [
+ {counter: 55},
+ {counter: 1111},
+ {counter: 2222},
+ {counter: 33333},
+ {counter: 99999},
+ {counter: 55555}
+ ]
+ }
+ }])
+ .toArray();
+assert.eq(a4.length, 6, tojson(a4));
+for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
+ c = a4[i].counter;
+ printjson({c: c});
+ assert((c == 55) || (c == 1111) || (c == 2222) || (c == 33333) || (c == 99999) || (c == 55555),
+ 'agg sharded test simple match failed');
+function testSkipLimit(ops, expectedCount) {
+ jsTestLog('testSkipLimit(' + tojson(ops) + ', ' + expectedCount + ')');
+ if (expectedCount > 10) {
+ // make shard -> mongos intermediate results less than 16MB
+ ops.unshift({$project: {_id: 1}});
- testSortLimit(1, 1);
- testSortLimit(1, -1);
- testSortLimit(10, 1);
- testSortLimit(10, -1);
- testSortLimit(100, 1);
- testSortLimit(100, -1);
- function testAvgStdDev() {
- jsTestLog('testing $avg and $stdDevPop in sharded $group');
- // $stdDevPop can vary slightly between runs if a migration occurs. This is why we use
- // assert.close below.
- var res = db.ts1
- .aggregate([{
- $group: {
- _id: null,
- avg: {$avg: '$counter'},
- stdDevPop: {$stdDevPop: '$counter'},
- }
- }])
- .toArray();
- //
- var avg = (1 + nItems) / 2;
- assert.close(res[0].avg, avg, '', 10 /*decimal places*/);
- //
- var stdDev = Math.sqrt(((nItems - 1) * (nItems + 1)) / 12);
- assert.close(res[0].stdDevPop, stdDev, '', 10 /*decimal places*/);
- }
- testAvgStdDev();
- function testSample() {
- jsTestLog('testing $sample');
- [0, 1, 10, nItems, nItems + 1].forEach(function(size) {
- var res = db.ts1.aggregate([{$sample: {size: size}}]).toArray();
- assert.eq(res.length, Math.min(nItems, size));
- });
- }
- testSample();
- jsTestLog('test $out by copying source collection verbatim to output');
- var outCollection = db.ts1_out;
- var res = db.ts1.aggregate([{$out: outCollection.getName()}]).toArray();
- assert.eq(db.ts1.find().itcount(), outCollection.find().itcount());
- assert.eq(db.ts1.find().sort({_id: 1}).toArray(),
- outCollection.find().sort({_id: 1}).toArray());
- // Make sure we error out if $out collection is sharded
- assert.commandFailed(
- db.runCommand({aggregate: outCollection.getName(), pipeline: [{$out: db.ts1.getName()}]}));
- assert.writeOK({dollar: false}));
- result =
- db.literal
- .aggregate([{
- $project:
- {_id: 0, cost: {$cond: ['$dollar', {$literal: '$1.00'}, {$literal: '$.99'}]}}
- }])
+ ops.push({$group: {_id: 1, count: {$sum: 1}}});
+ var out = db.ts1.aggregate(ops).toArray();
+ assert.eq(out[0].count, expectedCount);
+testSkipLimit([], nItems); // control
+testSkipLimit([{$skip: 10}], nItems - 10);
+testSkipLimit([{$limit: 10}], 10);
+testSkipLimit([{$skip: 5}, {$limit: 10}], 10);
+testSkipLimit([{$limit: 10}, {$skip: 5}], 10 - 5);
+testSkipLimit([{$skip: 5}, {$skip: 3}, {$limit: 10}], 10);
+testSkipLimit([{$skip: 5}, {$limit: 10}, {$skip: 3}], 10 - 3);
+testSkipLimit([{$limit: 10}, {$skip: 5}, {$skip: 3}], 10 - 3 - 5);
+// test sort + limit (using random to pull from both shards)
+function testSortLimit(limit, direction) {
+ jsTestLog('testSortLimit(' + limit + ', ' + direction + ')');
+ var from_cursor =
+ db.ts1.find({}, {random: 1, _id: 0}).sort({random: direction}).limit(limit).toArray();
+ var from_agg =
+ db.ts1
+ .aggregate(
+ [{$project: {random: 1, _id: 0}}, {$sort: {random: direction}}, {$limit: limit}])
+ assert.eq(from_cursor, from_agg);
+testSortLimit(1, 1);
+testSortLimit(1, -1);
+testSortLimit(10, 1);
+testSortLimit(10, -1);
+testSortLimit(100, 1);
+testSortLimit(100, -1);
+function testAvgStdDev() {
+ jsTestLog('testing $avg and $stdDevPop in sharded $group');
+ // $stdDevPop can vary slightly between runs if a migration occurs. This is why we use
+ // assert.close below.
+ var res = db.ts1
+ .aggregate([{
+ $group: {
+ _id: null,
+ avg: {$avg: '$counter'},
+ stdDevPop: {$stdDevPop: '$counter'},
+ }
+ }])
+ .toArray();
+ //
+ var avg = (1 + nItems) / 2;
+ assert.close(res[0].avg, avg, '', 10 /*decimal places*/);
+ //
+ var stdDev = Math.sqrt(((nItems - 1) * (nItems + 1)) / 12);
+ assert.close(res[0].stdDevPop, stdDev, '', 10 /*decimal places*/);
+function testSample() {
+ jsTestLog('testing $sample');
+ [0, 1, 10, nItems, nItems + 1].forEach(function(size) {
+ var res = db.ts1.aggregate([{$sample: {size: size}}]).toArray();
+ assert.eq(res.length, Math.min(nItems, size));
+ });
+jsTestLog('test $out by copying source collection verbatim to output');
+var outCollection = db.ts1_out;
+var res = db.ts1.aggregate([{$out: outCollection.getName()}]).toArray();
+assert.eq(db.ts1.find().itcount(), outCollection.find().itcount());
+assert.eq(db.ts1.find().sort({_id: 1}).toArray(), outCollection.find().sort({_id: 1}).toArray());
+// Make sure we error out if $out collection is sharded
+ db.runCommand({aggregate: outCollection.getName(), pipeline: [{$out: db.ts1.getName()}]}));
+assert.writeOK({dollar: false}));
+result =
+ db.literal
+ .aggregate([{
+ $project: {_id: 0, cost: {$cond: ['$dollar', {$literal: '$1.00'}, {$literal: '$.99'}]}}
+ }])
+ .toArray();
+assert.eq([{cost: '$.99'}], result);
+(function() {
+jsTestLog('Testing a $match stage on the shard key.');
+var outCollection = 'testShardKeyMatchOut';
+// Point query.
+var targetId = Math.floor(nItems * Math.random());
+var pipeline = [{$match: {_id: targetId}}, {$project: {_id: 1}}, {$sort: {_id: 1}}];
+var expectedDocs = [{_id: targetId}];
+// Normal pipeline.
+assert.eq(db.ts1.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedDocs);
+// With $out.
+pipeline.push({$out: outCollection});
+assert.eq(db[outCollection].find().toArray(), expectedDocs);
+// Range query.
+var range = 500;
+var targetStart = Math.floor((nItems - range) * Math.random());
+pipeline = [
+ {$match: {_id: {$gte: targetStart, $lt: targetStart + range}}},
+ {$project: {_id: 1}},
+ {$sort: {_id: 1}}
+expectedDocs = [];
+for (var i = targetStart; i < targetStart + range; i++) {
+ expectedDocs.push({_id: i});
+// Normal pipeline.
+assert.eq(db.ts1.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedDocs);
+// With $out.
+pipeline.push({$out: outCollection});
+assert.eq(db[outCollection].find().toArray(), expectedDocs);
- assert.eq([{cost: '$.99'}], result);
- (function() {
- jsTestLog('Testing a $match stage on the shard key.');
- var outCollection = 'testShardKeyMatchOut';
- // Point query.
- var targetId = Math.floor(nItems * Math.random());
- var pipeline = [{$match: {_id: targetId}}, {$project: {_id: 1}}, {$sort: {_id: 1}}];
- var expectedDocs = [{_id: targetId}];
- // Normal pipeline.
- assert.eq(db.ts1.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedDocs);
- // With $out.
- db[outCollection].drop();
- pipeline.push({$out: outCollection});
- db.ts1.aggregate(pipeline);
- assert.eq(db[outCollection].find().toArray(), expectedDocs);
- // Range query.
- var range = 500;
- var targetStart = Math.floor((nItems - range) * Math.random());
- pipeline = [
- {$match: {_id: {$gte: targetStart, $lt: targetStart + range}}},
- {$project: {_id: 1}},
- {$sort: {_id: 1}}
- ];
- expectedDocs = [];
- for (var i = targetStart; i < targetStart + range; i++) {
- expectedDocs.push({_id: i});
- }
- // Normal pipeline.
- assert.eq(db.ts1.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedDocs);
- // With $out.
- db[outCollection].drop();
- pipeline.push({$out: outCollection});
- db.ts1.aggregate(pipeline);
- assert.eq(db[outCollection].find().toArray(), expectedDocs);
- }());
- shardedAggTest.stop();