path: root/jstests/sharding/cleanup_orphaned_cmd_during_movechunk.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/sharding/cleanup_orphaned_cmd_during_movechunk.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/cleanup_orphaned_cmd_during_movechunk.js b/jstests/sharding/cleanup_orphaned_cmd_during_movechunk.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 605ebd4efe3..00000000000
--- a/jstests/sharding/cleanup_orphaned_cmd_during_movechunk.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-// Tests cleanupOrphaned concurrent with moveChunk.
-// Inserts orphan documents to the donor and recipient shards during the moveChunk and
-// verifies that cleanupOrphaned removes orphans.
-(function() {
-"use strict";
-var staticMongod = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); // For startParallelOps.
-var st = new ShardingTest({
- shards: 2,
- other: {separateConfig: true},
- shardOptions: {setParameter: {"disableResumableRangeDeleter": true}}
-var mongos = st.s0, admin = mongos.getDB('admin'), dbName = 'foo', ns = dbName + '.bar',
- coll = mongos.getCollection(ns), donor = st.shard0, recipient = st.shard1,
- donorColl = donor.getCollection(ns), recipientColl = st.shard1.getCollection(ns);
-// Three chunks of 10 documents each, with ids -20, -18, -16, ..., 38.
-// Donor: [minKey, 0) [0, 20)
-// Recipient: [20, maxKey)
-assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({enableSharding: dbName}));
-printjson(admin.runCommand({movePrimary: dbName, to: st.shard0.shardName}));
-assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({shardCollection: ns, key: {_id: 1}}));
-assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({split: ns, middle: {_id: 0}}));
-assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({split: ns, middle: {_id: 20}}));
- {moveChunk: ns, find: {_id: 20}, to: st.shard1.shardName, _waitForDelete: true}));
-jsTest.log('Inserting 20 docs into shard 0....');
-for (var i = -20; i < 20; i += 2) {
- coll.insert({_id: i});
-assert.eq(null, coll.getDB().getLastError());
-assert.eq(20, donorColl.count());
-jsTest.log('Inserting 10 docs into shard 1....');
-for (i = 20; i < 40; i += 2) {
- coll.insert({_id: i});
-assert.eq(null, coll.getDB().getLastError());
-assert.eq(10, recipientColl.count());
-// Start a moveChunk in the background. Move chunk [0, 20), which has 10 docs,
-// from shard 0 to shard 1. Pause it at some points in the donor's and
-// recipient's work flows, and test cleanupOrphaned on shard 0 and shard 1.
-jsTest.log('setting failpoint startedMoveChunk (donor) and cloned (recipient)');
-pauseMoveChunkAtStep(donor, moveChunkStepNames.startedMoveChunk);
-pauseMigrateAtStep(recipient, migrateStepNames.cloned);
-var joinMoveChunk = moveChunkParallel(
- staticMongod,, {_id: 0}, null, coll.getFullName(), st.shard1.shardName);
-waitForMoveChunkStep(donor, moveChunkStepNames.startedMoveChunk);
-waitForMigrateStep(recipient, migrateStepNames.cloned);
-// Recipient has run _recvChunkStart and begun its migration thread; docs have
-// been cloned and chunk [0, 20) is noted as 'pending' on recipient.
-// Donor: [minKey, 0) [0, 20)
-// Recipient (pending): [0, 20)
-// Recipient: [20, maxKey)
-// Create orphans. I'll show an orphaned doc on donor with _id 26 like {26}:
-// Donor: [minKey, 0) [0, 20) {26}
-// Recipient (pending): [0, 20)
-// Recipient: {-1} [20, maxKey)
-donorColl.insert([{_id: 26}]);
-assert.eq(null, donorColl.getDB().getLastError());
-assert.eq(21, donorColl.count());
-recipientColl.insert([{_id: -1}]);
-assert.eq(null, recipientColl.getDB().getLastError());
-assert.eq(21, recipientColl.count());
-cleanupOrphaned(donor, ns, 2);
-assert.eq(20, donorColl.count());
-cleanupOrphaned(recipient, ns, 2);
-assert.eq(20, recipientColl.count());
-jsTest.log('Inserting document on donor side');
-// Inserted a new document (not an orphan) with id 19, which belongs in the
-// [0, 20) chunk.
-donorColl.insert({_id: 19});
-assert.eq(null, coll.getDB().getLastError());
-assert.eq(21, donorColl.count());
-// Recipient transfers this modification.
-jsTest.log('Let migrate proceed to transferredMods');
-proceedToMigrateStep(recipient, migrateStepNames.catchup);
-jsTest.log('Done letting migrate proceed to transferredMods');
-assert.eq(21, recipientColl.count(), "Recipient didn't transfer inserted document.");
-cleanupOrphaned(donor, ns, 2);
-assert.eq(21, donorColl.count());
-cleanupOrphaned(recipient, ns, 2);
-assert.eq(21, recipientColl.count());
-// Create orphans.
-donorColl.insert([{_id: 26}]);
-assert.eq(null, donorColl.getDB().getLastError());
-assert.eq(22, donorColl.count());
-recipientColl.insert([{_id: -1}]);
-assert.eq(null, recipientColl.getDB().getLastError());
-assert.eq(22, recipientColl.count());
-cleanupOrphaned(donor, ns, 2);
-assert.eq(21, donorColl.count());
-cleanupOrphaned(recipient, ns, 2);
-assert.eq(21, recipientColl.count());
-// Recipient has been waiting for donor to call _recvChunkCommit.
-pauseMoveChunkAtStep(donor, moveChunkStepNames.committed);
-unpauseMoveChunkAtStep(donor, moveChunkStepNames.startedMoveChunk);
-proceedToMigrateStep(recipient, migrateStepNames.steady);
-proceedToMigrateStep(recipient, migrateStepNames.done);
-// Create orphans.
-donorColl.insert([{_id: 26}]);
-assert.eq(null, donorColl.getDB().getLastError());
-assert.eq(22, donorColl.count());
-recipientColl.insert([{_id: -1}]);
-assert.eq(null, recipientColl.getDB().getLastError());
-assert.eq(22, recipientColl.count());
-cleanupOrphaned(donor, ns, 2);
-assert.eq(21, donorColl.count());
-cleanupOrphaned(recipient, ns, 2);
-assert.eq(21, recipientColl.count());
-// Let recipient side of the migration finish so that the donor can proceed with the commit.
-unpauseMigrateAtStep(recipient, migrateStepNames.done);
-waitForMoveChunkStep(donor, moveChunkStepNames.committed);
-// Donor is paused after the migration chunk commit, but before it finishes the cleanup that
-// includes running the range deleter. Thus it technically has orphaned data -- commit is
-// complete, but moved data is still present. cleanupOrphaned can remove the data the donor
-// would otherwise clean up itself in its post-move delete phase.
-cleanupOrphaned(donor, ns, 2);
-assert.eq(10, donorColl.count());
-// Let the donor migration finish.
-unpauseMoveChunkAtStep(donor, moveChunkStepNames.committed);
-// Donor has finished post-move delete, which had nothing to remove with the range deleter
-// because of the preemptive cleanupOrphaned call.
-assert.eq(10, donorColl.count());
-assert.eq(21, recipientColl.count());
-assert.eq(31, coll.count());