path: root/jstests/sharding/donor_shard_abort_and_start_new_migration.js
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1 files changed, 191 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/donor_shard_abort_and_start_new_migration.js b/jstests/sharding/donor_shard_abort_and_start_new_migration.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d2ee79ed5f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/sharding/donor_shard_abort_and_start_new_migration.js
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+// This test validates that when a donor shard aborts a migration before it sends a commit to
+// the recipient and then starts a different migration, the original recipient cannot retrieve
+// transfer documents from the donor that are intended for a different shard. For more
+// information see SERVER-20290.
+// The sequence of events is:
+// - Start shards 1, 2 and 3 (s0, s1, s2), create two sharded collections with the same shardkey,
+// each with 2 chunks on s0.
+// - Insert documents into each collection's 2 chunks, so all chunks have a document.
+// - On the recipient shard (s1) enable the migrateThreadHangAtStep3 failpoint to pause
+// the migration after document cloning.
+// - Start migration of the first collection's chunk from s0 to s1. The recipient shard s1 will
+// block when it reaches the failpoint, so execute the moveChunk command on a separate thread.
+// - Abort the migration on the donor shard, s0.
+// - On the other recipient shard (s2) enable the migrateThreadHangAtStep3 failpoint, to pause
+// the migration after document cloning.
+// - Start migration of the other collection's chunk from s0 to s2. The recipient shard s2 will
+// block when it reaches the failpoint, so execute the moveChunk command on a separate thread.
+// - Now insert 2 new documents in the chunk being moved to s2 so the migration's xfermods log is
+// populated, and unpause the migrateThreadHangAtStep3 on s1. This will cause s1 to resume
+// fetching documents from s0, and s0 will refuse s1 access to the xfermods after checking s1's
+// session ID, which no longer matches the current migration.
+// This tests migration session IDs, the reason for which is explained in SERVER-20290.
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+var staticMongodFoo = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); // For startParallelOps.
+var staticMongodBaz = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); // For startParallelOps.
+ * Start up new sharded cluster, balancer defaults to off.
+ */
+var st = new ShardingTest({ shards : 3, mongos : 1 });
+var mongos = st.s0,
+ admin = mongos.getDB('admin'),
+ shards = mongos.getCollection('config.shards').find().toArray(),
+ dbName = "testDB",
+ fooNS = dbName + ".foo",
+ fooColl = mongos.getCollection(fooNS),
+ bazNS = dbName + ".baz",
+ bazColl = mongos.getCollection(bazNS),
+ donor = st.shard0,
+ fooRecipient = st.shard1,
+ bazRecipient = st.shard2,
+ fooDonorColl = donor.getCollection(fooNS),
+ bazDonorColl = donor.getCollection(bazNS),
+ fooRecipientColl = fooRecipient.getCollection(fooNS),
+ bazRecipientColl = bazRecipient.getCollection(bazNS);
+ * Enable sharding on both collections, and split each collection into two chunks.
+ */
+// Two chunks
+// Donor:
+// [0, 10) [10, 20)
+// testDB.baz: [0, 10) [10, 20)
+// Recipient:
+assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({enableSharding: dbName}));
+st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, shards[0]._id);
+assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({shardCollection: fooNS, key: {a: 1}}));
+assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({split: fooNS, middle: {a: 10}}));
+assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({shardCollection: bazNS, key: {a: 1}}));
+assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({split: bazNS, middle: {a: 10}}));
+ * Insert one document into each of the chunks in the testDB.baz and collections.
+ */
+assert.writeOK(fooColl.insert({a: 0}));
+assert.writeOK(fooColl.insert({a: 10}));
+assert.eq(0, fooRecipientColl.count());
+assert.eq(2, fooDonorColl.count());
+assert.eq(2, fooColl.count());
+assert.writeOK(bazColl.insert({a: 0}));
+assert.writeOK(bazColl.insert({a: 10}));
+assert.eq(0, bazRecipientColl.count());
+assert.eq(2, bazDonorColl.count());
+assert.eq(2, bazColl.count());
+ * Set the failpoints. Both recipient shards will pause migration after cloning chunk
+ * data from donor, and before checking transfer mods log on donor. Pause the donor shard
+ * before it checks for interrupts to the migration.
+ */
+pauseMigrateAtStep(fooRecipient, migrateStepNames.cloned);
+pauseMigrateAtStep(bazRecipient, migrateStepNames.cloned);
+pauseMoveChunkAtStep(donor, moveChunkStepNames.startedMoveChunk);
+ * Start first moveChunk operation in the background: moving chunk [10, 20) in
+ * from donor to fooRecipient. This will move one document, {a: 10}. Migration will pause
+ * after cloning step (when it reaches the failpoint).
+ */
+// Donor: [10, 20) -> FooRecipient
+// [0, 10)
+jsTest.log('Starting first migration of collection foo, pause after cloning...');
+var joinFooMoveChunk = moveChunkParallel(
+ staticMongodFoo,
+ {a: 10},
+ null,
+ fooColl.getFullName(),
+ shards[1]._id);
+waitForMigrateStep(fooRecipient, migrateStepNames.cloned);
+ * Abort the migration on the donor shard by finding and killing the operation by operation
+ * ID. Release the donor shard failpoint so that the donor shard can discover the migration
+ * has received a interrupt signal. The recipient shard, fooRecipient, which is currently
+ * paused, will not yet be aware that the migration has been aborted.
+ */
+jsTest.log('Abort donor shard migration of foo collection....');
+var inProgressOps = admin.currentOp().inprog;
+for (var op in inProgressOps) {
+ if (inProgressOps[op].query.moveChunk) {
+ admin.killOp(inProgressOps[op].opid);
+ jsTest.log("Killing migration with opid: " + inProgressOps[op].opid);
+ }
+unpauseMoveChunkAtStep(donor, moveChunkStepNames.startedMoveChunk);
+ * Start second moveChunk operation in the background: moving chunk [10, 20) in testDB.baz
+ * from donor to bazRecipient. This will move one document, {a: 10}. Migration will pause
+ * after the recipient cloning step (when it reaches the failpoint).
+ */
+// Donor: testDB.baz [10, 20) -> BazRecipient
+// testDB.baz: [0, 10)
+jsTest.log('Starting second migration of collection baz, pause after cloning...');
+var joinBazMoveChunk = moveChunkParallel(
+ staticMongodBaz,
+ {a: 10},
+ null,
+ bazColl.getFullName(),
+ shards[2]._id);
+waitForMigrateStep(bazRecipient, migrateStepNames.cloned);
+ * Insert documents into testDB.baz collection's currently migrating chunk with range
+ * [10, 20) so as to populate the migration xfermods log.
+ */
+jsTest.log("Inserting 2 docs into donor shard's testDB.baz collection " +
+ "in the range of the currently migrating chunk....");
+assert.writeOK(bazColl.insert({a: 11}));
+assert.writeOK(bazColl.insert({a: 12}));
+assert.eq(4, bazColl.count(), "Failed to insert documents into baz collection!");
+ * Unpause fooRecipient (disable failpoint) and finish first migration, which should fail.
+ * FooRecipient will be attempting to access the donor shard's migration xfermods log,
+ * which has documents but for a different migration. FooRecipient will fail to get retrieve
+ * the documents, and abort the migration.
+ */
+jsTest.log('Finishing first migration, which should fail....');
+unpauseMigrateAtStep(fooRecipient, migrateStepNames.cloned);
+assert.throws(function() {
+ joinFooMoveChunk();
+ * Unpause bazRecipient (disable failpoint) and finish second migration, which should
+ * succeed normally.
+ */
+jsTest.log('Finishing second migration, which should succeed....');
+unpauseMigrateAtStep(bazRecipient, migrateStepNames.cloned);
+assert.eq(3, bazRecipientColl.count(), 'BazRecipient does not have 3 documents.');
+assert.eq(1, bazDonorColl.count(), 'Donor does not have 1 document in the baz collection.');
+})(); \ No newline at end of file