path: root/jstests/sharding/lookup_mongod_unaware.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/sharding/lookup_mongod_unaware.js')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/lookup_mongod_unaware.js b/jstests/sharding/lookup_mongod_unaware.js
index 2a363eb1ce2..2750425205e 100644
--- a/jstests/sharding/lookup_mongod_unaware.js
+++ b/jstests/sharding/lookup_mongod_unaware.js
@@ -6,182 +6,179 @@
// expect it to still have all the previous data.
// @tags: [requires_persistence]
(function() {
- "use strict";
- load("jstests/noPassthrough/libs/server_parameter_helpers.js"); // For setParameterOnAllHosts.
- load("jstests/libs/discover_topology.js"); // For findDataBearingNodes.
- // Restarts the primary shard and ensures that it believes both collections are unsharded.
- function restartPrimaryShard(rs, localColl, foreignColl) {
- // Returns true if the shard is aware that the collection is sharded.
- function hasRoutingInfoForNs(shardConn, coll) {
- const res = shardConn.adminCommand({getShardVersion: coll, fullMetadata: true});
- assert.commandWorked(res);
- return res.metadata.collVersion != undefined;
- }
- rs.restart(0);
- rs.awaitSecondaryNodes();
- assert(!hasRoutingInfoForNs(rs.getPrimary(), localColl.getFullName()));
- assert(!hasRoutingInfoForNs(rs.getPrimary(), foreignColl.getFullName()));
- // Reset the server parameter allowing sharded $lookup on each node.
- setParameterOnAllHosts(DiscoverTopology.findNonConfigNodes(rs.getPrimary()),
- "internalQueryAllowShardedLookup",
- true);
+"use strict";
+load("jstests/noPassthrough/libs/server_parameter_helpers.js"); // For setParameterOnAllHosts.
+load("jstests/libs/discover_topology.js"); // For findDataBearingNodes.
+// Restarts the primary shard and ensures that it believes both collections are unsharded.
+function restartPrimaryShard(rs, localColl, foreignColl) {
+ // Returns true if the shard is aware that the collection is sharded.
+ function hasRoutingInfoForNs(shardConn, coll) {
+ const res = shardConn.adminCommand({getShardVersion: coll, fullMetadata: true});
+ assert.commandWorked(res);
+ return res.metadata.collVersion != undefined;
- const testName = "lookup_stale_mongod";
- const st = new ShardingTest({
- shards: 2,
- mongos: 2,
- rs: {nodes: 1},
- });
+ rs.restart(0);
+ rs.awaitSecondaryNodes();
+ assert(!hasRoutingInfoForNs(rs.getPrimary(), localColl.getFullName()));
+ assert(!hasRoutingInfoForNs(rs.getPrimary(), foreignColl.getFullName()));
- // Set the parameter allowing sharded $lookup on all nodes.
- setParameterOnAllHosts(DiscoverTopology.findNonConfigNodes(st.s0).concat([]),
+ // Reset the server parameter allowing sharded $lookup on each node.
+ setParameterOnAllHosts(DiscoverTopology.findNonConfigNodes(rs.getPrimary()),
+const testName = "lookup_stale_mongod";
+const st = new ShardingTest({
+ shards: 2,
+ mongos: 2,
+ rs: {nodes: 1},
+// Set the parameter allowing sharded $lookup on all nodes.
+ "internalQueryAllowShardedLookup",
+ true);
+const mongos0DB = st.s0.getDB(testName);
+const mongos0LocalColl = mongos0DB[testName + "_local"];
+const mongos0ForeignColl = mongos0DB[testName + "_foreign"];
+const mongos1DB = st.s1.getDB(testName);
+const mongos1LocalColl = mongos1DB[testName + "_local"];
+const mongos1ForeignColl = mongos1DB[testName + "_foreign"];
+const pipeline = [
+ {$lookup: {localField: "a", foreignField: "b", from: mongos0ForeignColl.getName(), as: "same"}},
+ // Unwind the results of the $lookup, so we can sort by them to get a consistent ordering
+ // for the query results.
+ {$unwind: "$same"},
+ {$sort: {_id: 1, "same._id": 1}}
+// The results are expected to be correct if the $lookup stage is executed on the mongos which
+// is aware that the collection is sharded.
+const expectedResults = [
+ {_id: 0, a: 1, "same": {_id: 0, b: 1}},
+ {_id: 1, a: null, "same": {_id: 1, b: null}},
+ {_id: 1, a: null, "same": {_id: 2}},
+ {_id: 2, "same": {_id: 1, b: null}},
+ {_id: 2, "same": {_id: 2}}
+// Ensure that shard0 is the primary shard.
+assert.commandWorked(mongos0DB.adminCommand({enableSharding: mongos0DB.getName()}));
+st.ensurePrimaryShard(mongos0DB.getName(), st.shard0.shardName);
+assert.writeOK(mongos0LocalColl.insert({_id: 0, a: 1}));
+assert.writeOK(mongos0LocalColl.insert({_id: 1, a: null}));
+assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 0, b: 1}));
+assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 1, b: null}));
+// Send writes through mongos1 such that it's aware of the collections and believes they are
+// unsharded.
+assert.writeOK(mongos1LocalColl.insert({_id: 2}));
+assert.writeOK(mongos1ForeignColl.insert({_id: 2}));
- const mongos0DB = st.s0.getDB(testName);
- const mongos0LocalColl = mongos0DB[testName + "_local"];
- const mongos0ForeignColl = mongos0DB[testName + "_foreign"];
- const mongos1DB = st.s1.getDB(testName);
- const mongos1LocalColl = mongos1DB[testName + "_local"];
- const mongos1ForeignColl = mongos1DB[testName + "_foreign"];
- const pipeline = [
- {
- $lookup:
- {localField: "a", foreignField: "b", from: mongos0ForeignColl.getName(), as: "same"}
- },
- // Unwind the results of the $lookup, so we can sort by them to get a consistent ordering
- // for the query results.
- {$unwind: "$same"},
- {$sort: {_id: 1, "same._id": 1}}
- ];
- // The results are expected to be correct if the $lookup stage is executed on the mongos which
- // is aware that the collection is sharded.
- const expectedResults = [
- {_id: 0, a: 1, "same": {_id: 0, b: 1}},
- {_id: 1, a: null, "same": {_id: 1, b: null}},
- {_id: 1, a: null, "same": {_id: 2}},
- {_id: 2, "same": {_id: 1, b: null}},
- {_id: 2, "same": {_id: 2}}
- ];
- // Ensure that shard0 is the primary shard.
- assert.commandWorked(mongos0DB.adminCommand({enableSharding: mongos0DB.getName()}));
- st.ensurePrimaryShard(mongos0DB.getName(), st.shard0.shardName);
- assert.writeOK(mongos0LocalColl.insert({_id: 0, a: 1}));
- assert.writeOK(mongos0LocalColl.insert({_id: 1, a: null}));
- assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 0, b: 1}));
- assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 1, b: null}));
- // Send writes through mongos1 such that it's aware of the collections and believes they are
- // unsharded.
- assert.writeOK(mongos1LocalColl.insert({_id: 2}));
- assert.writeOK(mongos1ForeignColl.insert({_id: 2}));
- //
- // Test unsharded local and sharded foreign collections, with the primary shard unaware that
- // the foreign collection is sharded.
- //
- // Shard the foreign collection.
- assert.commandWorked(
- mongos0DB.adminCommand({shardCollection: mongos0ForeignColl.getFullName(), key: {_id: 1}}));
- // Split the collection into 2 chunks: [MinKey, 1), [1, MaxKey).
- assert.commandWorked(
- mongos0DB.adminCommand({split: mongos0ForeignColl.getFullName(), middle: {_id: 1}}));
- // Move the [minKey, 1) chunk to shard1.
- assert.commandWorked(mongos0DB.adminCommand({
- moveChunk: mongos0ForeignColl.getFullName(),
- find: {_id: 0},
- to: st.shard1.shardName,
- _waitForDelete: true
- }));
- // Verify $lookup results through the fresh mongos.
- restartPrimaryShard(st.rs0, mongos0LocalColl, mongos0ForeignColl);
- assert.eq(mongos0LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedResults);
- // Verify $lookup results through mongos1, which is not aware that the foreign collection is
- // sharded. In this case the results will be correct since the entire pipeline will be run on a
- // shard, which will do a refresh before executing the foreign pipeline.
- restartPrimaryShard(st.rs0, mongos0LocalColl, mongos0ForeignColl);
- assert.eq(mongos1LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedResults);
- //
- // Test sharded local and sharded foreign collections, with the primary shard unaware that
- // either collection is sharded.
- //
- // Shard the local collection.
- assert.commandWorked(
- mongos0DB.adminCommand({shardCollection: mongos0LocalColl.getFullName(), key: {_id: 1}}));
- // Split the collection into 2 chunks: [MinKey, 1), [1, MaxKey).
- assert.commandWorked(
- mongos0DB.adminCommand({split: mongos0LocalColl.getFullName(), middle: {_id: 1}}));
- // Move the [minKey, 1) chunk to shard1.
- assert.commandWorked(mongos0DB.adminCommand({
- moveChunk: mongos0LocalColl.getFullName(),
- find: {_id: 0},
- to: st.shard1.shardName,
- _waitForDelete: true
- }));
- // Verify $lookup results through the fresh mongos.
- restartPrimaryShard(st.rs0, mongos0LocalColl, mongos0ForeignColl);
- assert.eq(mongos0LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedResults);
- // Verify $lookup results through mongos1, which is not aware that the local
- // collection is sharded. The results are expected to be incorrect when both the mongos and
- // primary shard incorrectly believe that a collection is unsharded.
- // TODO: This should be fixed by SERVER-32629, likewise for the other aggregates in this file
- // sent to the stale mongos.
- restartPrimaryShard(st.rs0, mongos0LocalColl, mongos0ForeignColl);
- assert.eq(mongos1LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), [
- {_id: 1, a: null, "same": {_id: 1, b: null}},
- {_id: 1, a: null, "same": {_id: 2}},
- {_id: 2, "same": {_id: 1, b: null}},
- {_id: 2, "same": {_id: 2}}
- ]);
- //
- // Test sharded local and unsharded foreign collections, with the primary shard unaware that
- // the local collection is sharded.
- //
- // Recreate the foreign collection as unsharded.
- mongos0ForeignColl.drop();
- assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 0, b: 1}));
- assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 1, b: null}));
- assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 2}));
- // Verify $lookup results through the fresh mongos.
- restartPrimaryShard(st.rs0, mongos0LocalColl, mongos0ForeignColl);
- assert.eq(mongos0LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedResults);
- // Verify $lookup results through mongos1, which is not aware that the local
- // collection is sharded. The results are expected to be incorrect when both the mongos and
- // primary shard incorrectly believe that a collection is unsharded.
- restartPrimaryShard(st.rs0, mongos0LocalColl, mongos0ForeignColl);
- assert.eq(mongos1LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), [
- {_id: 1, a: null, "same": {_id: 1, b: null}},
- {_id: 1, a: null, "same": {_id: 2}},
- {_id: 2, "same": {_id: 1, b: null}},
- {_id: 2, "same": {_id: 2}}
- ]);
- st.stop();
+// Test unsharded local and sharded foreign collections, with the primary shard unaware that
+// the foreign collection is sharded.
+// Shard the foreign collection.
+ mongos0DB.adminCommand({shardCollection: mongos0ForeignColl.getFullName(), key: {_id: 1}}));
+// Split the collection into 2 chunks: [MinKey, 1), [1, MaxKey).
+ mongos0DB.adminCommand({split: mongos0ForeignColl.getFullName(), middle: {_id: 1}}));
+// Move the [minKey, 1) chunk to shard1.
+ moveChunk: mongos0ForeignColl.getFullName(),
+ find: {_id: 0},
+ to: st.shard1.shardName,
+ _waitForDelete: true
+// Verify $lookup results through the fresh mongos.
+restartPrimaryShard(st.rs0, mongos0LocalColl, mongos0ForeignColl);
+assert.eq(mongos0LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedResults);
+// Verify $lookup results through mongos1, which is not aware that the foreign collection is
+// sharded. In this case the results will be correct since the entire pipeline will be run on a
+// shard, which will do a refresh before executing the foreign pipeline.
+restartPrimaryShard(st.rs0, mongos0LocalColl, mongos0ForeignColl);
+assert.eq(mongos1LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedResults);
+// Test sharded local and sharded foreign collections, with the primary shard unaware that
+// either collection is sharded.
+// Shard the local collection.
+ mongos0DB.adminCommand({shardCollection: mongos0LocalColl.getFullName(), key: {_id: 1}}));
+// Split the collection into 2 chunks: [MinKey, 1), [1, MaxKey).
+ mongos0DB.adminCommand({split: mongos0LocalColl.getFullName(), middle: {_id: 1}}));
+// Move the [minKey, 1) chunk to shard1.
+ moveChunk: mongos0LocalColl.getFullName(),
+ find: {_id: 0},
+ to: st.shard1.shardName,
+ _waitForDelete: true
+// Verify $lookup results through the fresh mongos.
+restartPrimaryShard(st.rs0, mongos0LocalColl, mongos0ForeignColl);
+assert.eq(mongos0LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedResults);
+// Verify $lookup results through mongos1, which is not aware that the local
+// collection is sharded. The results are expected to be incorrect when both the mongos and
+// primary shard incorrectly believe that a collection is unsharded.
+// TODO: This should be fixed by SERVER-32629, likewise for the other aggregates in this file
+// sent to the stale mongos.
+restartPrimaryShard(st.rs0, mongos0LocalColl, mongos0ForeignColl);
+assert.eq(mongos1LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), [
+ {_id: 1, a: null, "same": {_id: 1, b: null}},
+ {_id: 1, a: null, "same": {_id: 2}},
+ {_id: 2, "same": {_id: 1, b: null}},
+ {_id: 2, "same": {_id: 2}}
+// Test sharded local and unsharded foreign collections, with the primary shard unaware that
+// the local collection is sharded.
+// Recreate the foreign collection as unsharded.
+assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 0, b: 1}));
+assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 1, b: null}));
+assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 2}));
+// Verify $lookup results through the fresh mongos.
+restartPrimaryShard(st.rs0, mongos0LocalColl, mongos0ForeignColl);
+assert.eq(mongos0LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedResults);
+// Verify $lookup results through mongos1, which is not aware that the local
+// collection is sharded. The results are expected to be incorrect when both the mongos and
+// primary shard incorrectly believe that a collection is unsharded.
+restartPrimaryShard(st.rs0, mongos0LocalColl, mongos0ForeignColl);
+assert.eq(mongos1LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), [
+ {_id: 1, a: null, "same": {_id: 1, b: null}},
+ {_id: 1, a: null, "same": {_id: 2}},
+ {_id: 2, "same": {_id: 1, b: null}},
+ {_id: 2, "same": {_id: 2}}