path: root/jstests/sharding/merge_from_stale_mongos.js
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1 files changed, 222 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/merge_from_stale_mongos.js b/jstests/sharding/merge_from_stale_mongos.js
index d91d92dcb62..e7b7e42d548 100644
--- a/jstests/sharding/merge_from_stale_mongos.js
+++ b/jstests/sharding/merge_from_stale_mongos.js
@@ -1,247 +1,245 @@
// Tests for $merge against a stale mongos with combinations of sharded/unsharded source and target
// collections.
(function() {
- "use strict";
- load("jstests/aggregation/extras/merge_helpers.js"); // For withEachMergeMode.
- load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For assertErrorCode.
- const st = new ShardingTest({
- shards: 2,
- mongos: 4,
- });
- const freshMongos = st.s0.getDB(jsTestName());
- const staleMongosSource = st.s1.getDB(jsTestName());
- const staleMongosTarget = st.s2.getDB(jsTestName());
- const staleMongosBoth = st.s3.getDB(jsTestName());
- const sourceColl = freshMongos.getCollection("source");
- const targetColl = freshMongos.getCollection("target");
- // Enable sharding on the test DB and ensure its primary is shard 0.
+"use strict";
+load("jstests/aggregation/extras/merge_helpers.js"); // For withEachMergeMode.
+load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For assertErrorCode.
+const st = new ShardingTest({
+ shards: 2,
+ mongos: 4,
+const freshMongos = st.s0.getDB(jsTestName());
+const staleMongosSource = st.s1.getDB(jsTestName());
+const staleMongosTarget = st.s2.getDB(jsTestName());
+const staleMongosBoth = st.s3.getDB(jsTestName());
+const sourceColl = freshMongos.getCollection("source");
+const targetColl = freshMongos.getCollection("target");
+// Enable sharding on the test DB and ensure its primary is shard 0.
+assert.commandWorked(staleMongosSource.adminCommand({enableSharding: staleMongosSource.getName()}));
+st.ensurePrimaryShard(staleMongosSource.getName(), st.rs0.getURL());
+// Shards the collection 'coll' through 'mongos'.
+function shardCollWithMongos(mongos, coll) {
+ coll.drop();
+ // Shard the given collection on _id, split the collection into 2 chunks: [MinKey, 0) and
+ // [0, MaxKey), then move the [0, MaxKey) chunk to shard 1.
+ assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand({shardCollection: coll.getFullName(), key: {_id: 1}}));
+ assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand({split: coll.getFullName(), middle: {_id: 0}}));
- staleMongosSource.adminCommand({enableSharding: staleMongosSource.getName()}));
- st.ensurePrimaryShard(staleMongosSource.getName(), st.rs0.getURL());
- // Shards the collection 'coll' through 'mongos'.
- function shardCollWithMongos(mongos, coll) {
- coll.drop();
- // Shard the given collection on _id, split the collection into 2 chunks: [MinKey, 0) and
- // [0, MaxKey), then move the [0, MaxKey) chunk to shard 1.
- assert.commandWorked(
- mongos.adminCommand({shardCollection: coll.getFullName(), key: {_id: 1}}));
- assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand({split: coll.getFullName(), middle: {_id: 0}}));
- assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand(
- {moveChunk: coll.getFullName(), find: {_id: 1}, to: st.rs1.getURL()}));
- }
- // Configures the two mongos, staleMongosSource and staleMongosTarget, to be stale on the source
- // and target collections, respectively. For instance, if 'shardedSource' is true then
- // staleMongosSource will believe that the source collection is unsharded.
- function setupStaleMongos({shardedSource, shardedTarget}) {
- // Initialize both mongos to believe the collections are unsharded.
+ mongos.adminCommand({moveChunk: coll.getFullName(), find: {_id: 1}, to: st.rs1.getURL()}));
+// Configures the two mongos, staleMongosSource and staleMongosTarget, to be stale on the source
+// and target collections, respectively. For instance, if 'shardedSource' is true then
+// staleMongosSource will believe that the source collection is unsharded.
+function setupStaleMongos({shardedSource, shardedTarget}) {
+ // Initialize both mongos to believe the collections are unsharded.
+ sourceColl.drop();
+ targetColl.drop();
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ staleMongosSource[sourceColl.getName()].insert({_id: "insert when unsharded (source)"}));
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ staleMongosSource[targetColl.getName()].insert({_id: "insert when unsharded (source)"}));
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ staleMongosTarget[sourceColl.getName()].insert({_id: "insert when unsharded (target)"}));
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ staleMongosTarget[targetColl.getName()].insert({_id: "insert when unsharded (target)"}));
+ if (shardedSource) {
+ // Shard the source collection through the staleMongosTarget mongos, keeping the
+ // staleMongosSource unaware.
+ shardCollWithMongos(staleMongosTarget, sourceColl);
+ } else {
+ // Shard the collection through staleMongosSource.
+ shardCollWithMongos(staleMongosSource, sourceColl);
+ // Then drop the collection, but do not recreate it yet as that will happen on the next
+ // insert later in the test.
- targetColl.drop();
- assert.commandWorked(staleMongosSource[sourceColl.getName()].insert(
- {_id: "insert when unsharded (source)"}));
- assert.commandWorked(staleMongosSource[targetColl.getName()].insert(
- {_id: "insert when unsharded (source)"}));
- assert.commandWorked(staleMongosTarget[sourceColl.getName()].insert(
- {_id: "insert when unsharded (target)"}));
- assert.commandWorked(staleMongosTarget[targetColl.getName()].insert(
- {_id: "insert when unsharded (target)"}));
- if (shardedSource) {
- // Shard the source collection through the staleMongosTarget mongos, keeping the
- // staleMongosSource unaware.
- shardCollWithMongos(staleMongosTarget, sourceColl);
- } else {
- // Shard the collection through staleMongosSource.
- shardCollWithMongos(staleMongosSource, sourceColl);
- // Then drop the collection, but do not recreate it yet as that will happen on the next
- // insert later in the test.
- sourceColl.drop();
- }
- if (shardedTarget) {
- // Shard the target collection through the staleMongosSource mongos, keeping the
- // staleMongosTarget unaware.
- shardCollWithMongos(staleMongosSource, targetColl);
- } else {
- // Shard the collection through staleMongosTarget.
- shardCollWithMongos(staleMongosTarget, targetColl);
- // Then drop the collection, but do not recreate it yet as that will happen on the next
- // insert later in the test.
- targetColl.drop();
- }
- // Runs a $merge with the given modes against each mongos in 'mongosList'. This method will wrap
- // 'mongosList' into a list if it is not an array.
- function runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, mongosList) {
- if (!(mongosList instanceof Array)) {
- mongosList = [mongosList];
- }
- mongosList.forEach(mongos => {
- targetColl.remove({});
- sourceColl.remove({});
- // Insert several documents into the source and target collection without any conflicts.
- // Note that the chunk split point is at {_id: 0}.
- assert.commandWorked(sourceColl.insert([{_id: -1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}]));
- assert.commandWorked(targetColl.insert([{_id: -2}, {_id: 2}, {_id: 3}]));
- mongos[sourceColl.getName()].aggregate([{
- $merge: {
- into: targetColl.getName(),
- whenMatched: whenMatchedMode,
- whenNotMatched: whenNotMatchedMode
- }
- }]);
- // If whenNotMatchedMode is "discard", then the documents in the source collection will
- // not get written to the target since none of them match.
- assert.eq(whenNotMatchedMode == "discard" ? 3 : 6, targetColl.find().itcount());
- });
- }
+ if (shardedTarget) {
+ // Shard the target collection through the staleMongosSource mongos, keeping the
+ // staleMongosTarget unaware.
+ shardCollWithMongos(staleMongosSource, targetColl);
+ } else {
+ // Shard the collection through staleMongosTarget.
+ shardCollWithMongos(staleMongosTarget, targetColl);
- withEachMergeMode(({whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode}) => {
- // Skip the combination of merge modes which will fail depending on the contents of the
- // source and target collection, as this will cause the assertion below to trip.
- if (whenNotMatchedMode == "fail")
- return;
- // For each mode, test the following scenarios:
- // * Both the source and target collections are sharded.
- // * Both the source and target collections are unsharded.
- // * Source collection is sharded and the target collection is unsharded.
- // * Source collection is unsharded and the target collection is sharded.
- setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: false, shardedTarget: false});
- runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, [staleMongosSource, staleMongosTarget]);
- setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: true, shardedTarget: true});
- runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, [staleMongosSource, staleMongosTarget]);
- setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: true, shardedTarget: false});
- runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, [staleMongosSource, staleMongosTarget]);
- setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: false, shardedTarget: true});
- runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, [staleMongosSource, staleMongosTarget]);
- //
- // The remaining tests run against a mongos which is stale with respect to BOTH the source
- // and target collections.
- //
- const sourceCollStale = staleMongosBoth.getCollection(sourceColl.getName());
- const targetCollStale = staleMongosBoth.getCollection(targetColl.getName());
- //
- // 1. Both source and target collections are sharded.
- //
- sourceCollStale.drop();
- targetCollStale.drop();
- // Insert into both collections through the stale mongos such that it believes the
- // collections exist and are unsharded.
- assert.commandWorked(sourceCollStale.insert({_id: 0}));
- assert.commandWorked(targetCollStale.insert({_id: 0}));
- shardCollWithMongos(freshMongos, sourceColl);
- shardCollWithMongos(freshMongos, targetColl);
- // Test against the stale mongos, which believes both collections are unsharded.
- runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, staleMongosBoth);
- //
- // 2. Both source and target collections are unsharded.
- //
- sourceColl.drop();
+ // Then drop the collection, but do not recreate it yet as that will happen on the next
+ // insert later in the test.
+ }
- // The collections were both dropped through a different mongos, so the stale mongos still
- // believes that they're sharded.
- runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, staleMongosBoth);
- //
- // 3. Source collection is sharded and target collection is unsharded.
- //
- sourceCollStale.drop();
- // Insert into the source collection through the stale mongos such that it believes the
- // collection exists and is unsharded.
- assert.commandWorked(sourceCollStale.insert({_id: 0}));
- // Shard the source collection through the fresh mongos.
- shardCollWithMongos(freshMongos, sourceColl);
- // Shard the target through the stale mongos, but then drop and recreate it as unsharded
- // through a different mongos.
- shardCollWithMongos(staleMongosBoth, targetColl);
- targetColl.drop();
+// Runs a $merge with the given modes against each mongos in 'mongosList'. This method will wrap
+// 'mongosList' into a list if it is not an array.
+function runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, mongosList) {
+ if (!(mongosList instanceof Array)) {
+ mongosList = [mongosList];
+ }
- // At this point, the stale mongos believes the source collection is unsharded and the
- // target collection is sharded when in fact the reverse is true.
- runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, staleMongosBoth);
+ mongosList.forEach(mongos => {
+ targetColl.remove({});
+ sourceColl.remove({});
+ // Insert several documents into the source and target collection without any conflicts.
+ // Note that the chunk split point is at {_id: 0}.
+ assert.commandWorked(sourceColl.insert([{_id: -1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}]));
+ assert.commandWorked(targetColl.insert([{_id: -2}, {_id: 2}, {_id: 3}]));
+ mongos[sourceColl.getName()].aggregate([{
+ $merge: {
+ into: targetColl.getName(),
+ whenMatched: whenMatchedMode,
+ whenNotMatched: whenNotMatchedMode
+ }
+ }]);
+ // If whenNotMatchedMode is "discard", then the documents in the source collection will
+ // not get written to the target since none of them match.
+ assert.eq(whenNotMatchedMode == "discard" ? 3 : 6, targetColl.find().itcount());
+ });
+withEachMergeMode(({whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode}) => {
+ // Skip the combination of merge modes which will fail depending on the contents of the
+ // source and target collection, as this will cause the assertion below to trip.
+ if (whenNotMatchedMode == "fail")
+ return;
+ // For each mode, test the following scenarios:
+ // * Both the source and target collections are sharded.
+ // * Both the source and target collections are unsharded.
+ // * Source collection is sharded and the target collection is unsharded.
+ // * Source collection is unsharded and the target collection is sharded.
+ setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: false, shardedTarget: false});
+ runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, [staleMongosSource, staleMongosTarget]);
- //
- // 4. Source collection is unsharded and target collection is sharded.
- //
- sourceCollStale.drop();
- targetCollStale.drop();
+ setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: true, shardedTarget: true});
+ runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, [staleMongosSource, staleMongosTarget]);
- // Insert into the target collection through the stale mongos such that it believes the
- // collection exists and is unsharded.
- assert.commandWorked(targetCollStale.insert({_id: 0}));
+ setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: true, shardedTarget: false});
+ runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, [staleMongosSource, staleMongosTarget]);
- shardCollWithMongos(freshMongos, targetColl);
+ setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: false, shardedTarget: true});
+ runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, [staleMongosSource, staleMongosTarget]);
+ //
+ // The remaining tests run against a mongos which is stale with respect to BOTH the source
+ // and target collections.
+ //
+ const sourceCollStale = staleMongosBoth.getCollection(sourceColl.getName());
+ const targetCollStale = staleMongosBoth.getCollection(targetColl.getName());
+ //
+ // 1. Both source and target collections are sharded.
+ //
+ sourceCollStale.drop();
+ targetCollStale.drop();
+ // Insert into both collections through the stale mongos such that it believes the
+ // collections exist and are unsharded.
+ assert.commandWorked(sourceCollStale.insert({_id: 0}));
+ assert.commandWorked(targetCollStale.insert({_id: 0}));
+ shardCollWithMongos(freshMongos, sourceColl);
+ shardCollWithMongos(freshMongos, targetColl);
+ // Test against the stale mongos, which believes both collections are unsharded.
+ runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, staleMongosBoth);
+ //
+ // 2. Both source and target collections are unsharded.
+ //
+ sourceColl.drop();
+ targetColl.drop();
+ // The collections were both dropped through a different mongos, so the stale mongos still
+ // believes that they're sharded.
+ runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, staleMongosBoth);
+ //
+ // 3. Source collection is sharded and target collection is unsharded.
+ //
+ sourceCollStale.drop();
+ // Insert into the source collection through the stale mongos such that it believes the
+ // collection exists and is unsharded.
+ assert.commandWorked(sourceCollStale.insert({_id: 0}));
+ // Shard the source collection through the fresh mongos.
+ shardCollWithMongos(freshMongos, sourceColl);
+ // Shard the target through the stale mongos, but then drop and recreate it as unsharded
+ // through a different mongos.
+ shardCollWithMongos(staleMongosBoth, targetColl);
+ targetColl.drop();
+ // At this point, the stale mongos believes the source collection is unsharded and the
+ // target collection is sharded when in fact the reverse is true.
+ runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, staleMongosBoth);
+ //
+ // 4. Source collection is unsharded and target collection is sharded.
+ //
+ sourceCollStale.drop();
+ targetCollStale.drop();
+ // Insert into the target collection through the stale mongos such that it believes the
+ // collection exists and is unsharded.
+ assert.commandWorked(targetCollStale.insert({_id: 0}));
+ shardCollWithMongos(freshMongos, targetColl);
+ // Shard the source through the stale mongos, but then drop and recreate it as unsharded
+ // through a different mongos.
+ shardCollWithMongos(staleMongosBoth, sourceColl);
+ sourceColl.drop();
+ // At this point, the stale mongos believes the source collection is sharded and the target
+ // collection is unsharded when in fact the reverse is true.
+ runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, staleMongosBoth);
+// Runs a legacy $out against each mongos in 'mongosList'. This method will wrap 'mongosList'
+// into a list if it is not an array.
+function runOutTest(mongosList) {
+ if (!(mongosList instanceof Array)) {
+ mongosList = [mongosList];
+ }
- // Shard the source through the stale mongos, but then drop and recreate it as unsharded
- // through a different mongos.
- shardCollWithMongos(staleMongosBoth, sourceColl);
- sourceColl.drop();
+ mongosList.forEach(mongos => {
+ targetColl.remove({});
+ sourceColl.remove({});
+ // Insert several documents into the source and target collection without any conflicts.
+ // Note that the chunk split point is at {_id: 0}.
+ assert.commandWorked(sourceColl.insert([{_id: -1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}]));
+ assert.commandWorked(targetColl.insert([{_id: -2}, {_id: 2}, {_id: 3}]));
- // At this point, the stale mongos believes the source collection is sharded and the target
- // collection is unsharded when in fact the reverse is true.
- runMergeTest(whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode, staleMongosBoth);
+ mongos[sourceColl.getName()].aggregate([{$out: targetColl.getName()}]);
+ assert.eq(3, targetColl.find().itcount());
- // Runs a legacy $out against each mongos in 'mongosList'. This method will wrap 'mongosList'
- // into a list if it is not an array.
- function runOutTest(mongosList) {
- if (!(mongosList instanceof Array)) {
- mongosList = [mongosList];
- }
- mongosList.forEach(mongos => {
- targetColl.remove({});
- sourceColl.remove({});
- // Insert several documents into the source and target collection without any conflicts.
- // Note that the chunk split point is at {_id: 0}.
- assert.commandWorked(sourceColl.insert([{_id: -1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}]));
- assert.commandWorked(targetColl.insert([{_id: -2}, {_id: 2}, {_id: 3}]));
- mongos[sourceColl.getName()].aggregate([{$out: targetColl.getName()}]);
- assert.eq(3, targetColl.find().itcount());
- });
- }
- // Legacy $out will fail if the target collection is sharded.
- setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: false, shardedTarget: false});
- runOutTest([staleMongosSource, staleMongosTarget]);
+// Legacy $out will fail if the target collection is sharded.
+setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: false, shardedTarget: false});
+runOutTest([staleMongosSource, staleMongosTarget]);
- setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: true, shardedTarget: true});
- assert.eq(assert.throws(() => runOutTest(staleMongosSource)).code, 28769);
- assert.eq(assert.throws(() => runOutTest(staleMongosTarget)).code, 17017);
+setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: true, shardedTarget: true});
+assert.eq(assert.throws(() => runOutTest(staleMongosSource)).code, 28769);
+assert.eq(assert.throws(() => runOutTest(staleMongosTarget)).code, 17017);
- setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: true, shardedTarget: false});
- runOutTest([staleMongosSource, staleMongosTarget]);
+setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: true, shardedTarget: false});
+runOutTest([staleMongosSource, staleMongosTarget]);
- setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: false, shardedTarget: true});
- assert.eq(assert.throws(() => runOutTest(staleMongosSource)).code, 28769);
- assert.eq(assert.throws(() => runOutTest(staleMongosTarget)).code, 17017);
+setupStaleMongos({shardedSource: false, shardedTarget: true});
+assert.eq(assert.throws(() => runOutTest(staleMongosSource)).code, 28769);
+assert.eq(assert.throws(() => runOutTest(staleMongosTarget)).code, 17017);
- st.stop();