path: root/jstests/sharding/oplog_document_key.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/sharding/oplog_document_key.js')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/oplog_document_key.js b/jstests/sharding/oplog_document_key.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3e3ebaee215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/sharding/oplog_document_key.js
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ * Verify that shard key appears in oplog records
+ *
+ * The only records that need to be checked are delete and update records, but updates happen on
+ * various paths that must all be checked.
+ */
+(function() {
+ "use strict";
+ var st = new ShardingTest({name: 'test', shards: {rs0: {nodes: 1}}});
+ var db = st.s.getDB('test');
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: 'test'}));
+ // 'test.un' is left unsharded.
+ assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({shardcollection: 'test.byId', key: {_id: 1}}));
+ assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({shardcollection: 'test.byX', key: {x: 1}}));
+ assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({shardcollection: 'test.byXId', key: {x: 1, _id: 1}}));
+ assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({shardcollection: 'test.byIdX', key: {_id: 1, x: 1}}));
+ assert.writeOK(db.un.insert({_id: 10, x: 50, y: 60}));
+ assert.writeOK(db.un.insert({_id: 30, x: 70, y: 80}));
+ assert.writeOK(db.byId.insert({_id: 11, x: 51, y: 61}));
+ assert.writeOK(db.byId.insert({_id: 31, x: 71, y: 81}));
+ assert.writeOK(db.byX.insert({_id: 12, x: 52, y: 62}));
+ assert.writeOK(db.byX.insert({_id: 32, x: 72, y: 82}));
+ assert.writeOK(db.byXId.insert({_id: 13, x: 53, y: 63}));
+ assert.writeOK(db.byXId.insert({_id: 33, x: 73, y: 83}));
+ assert.writeOK(db.byIdX.insert({_id: 14, x: 54, y: 64}));
+ assert.writeOK(db.byIdX.insert({_id: 34, x: 74, y: 84}));
+ var oplog = st.rs0.getPrimary().getDB('local');
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ jsTest.log("Test update command on 'un'");
+ assert.writeOK(db.un.update({_id: 10, x: 50}, {$set: {y: 70}})); // in place
+ assert.writeOK(db.un.update({_id: 30, x: 70}, {y: 75})); // replacement
+ // unsharded, only _id appears in o2:
+ var a = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.un', op: 'u', 'o2._id': 10});
+ assert.docEq(a.o2, {_id: 10});
+ var b = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.un', op: 'u', 'o2._id': 30});
+ assert.docEq(b.o2, {_id: 30});
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ jsTest.log("Test update command on 'byId'");
+ assert.writeOK(db.byId.update({_id: 11}, {$set: {y: 71}})); // in place
+ assert.writeOK(db.byId.update({_id: 31}, {x: 71, y: 76})); // replacement
+ // sharded by {_id: 1}: only _id appears in o2:
+ a = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.byId', op: 'u', 'o2._id': 11});
+ assert.docEq(a.o2, {_id: 11});
+ b = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.byId', op: 'u', 'o2._id': 31});
+ assert.docEq(b.o2, {_id: 31});
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ jsTest.log("Test update command on 'byX'");
+ assert.writeOK(db.byX.update({x: 52}, {$set: {y: 72}})); // in place
+ assert.writeOK(db.byX.update({x: 72}, {x: 72, y: 77})); // replacement
+ // sharded by {x: 1}: x appears in o2, followed by _id:
+ a = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.byX', op: 'u', 'o2._id': 12});
+ assert.docEq(a.o2, {x: 52, _id: 12});
+ b = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.byX', op: 'u', 'o2._id': 32});
+ assert.docEq(b.o2, {x: 72, _id: 32});
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ jsTest.log("Test update command on 'byXId'");
+ assert.writeOK(db.byXId.update({_id: 13, x: 53}, {$set: {y: 73}})); // in place
+ assert.writeOK(db.byXId.update({_id: 33, x: 73}, {x: 73, y: 78})); // replacement
+ // sharded by {x: 1, _id: 1}: x appears in o2, followed by _id:
+ a = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.byXId', op: 'u', 'o2._id': 13});
+ assert.docEq(a.o2, {x: 53, _id: 13});
+ b = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.byXId', op: 'u', 'o2._id': 33});
+ assert.docEq(b.o2, {x: 73, _id: 33});
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ jsTest.log("Test update command on 'byIdX'");
+ assert.writeOK(db.byIdX.update({_id: 14, x: 54}, {$set: {y: 74}})); // in place
+ assert.writeOK(db.byIdX.update({_id: 34, x: 74}, {x: 74, y: 79})); // replacement
+ // sharded by {_id: 1, x: 1}: _id appears in o2, followed by x:
+ a = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.byIdX', op: 'u', 'o2._id': 14});
+ assert.docEq(a.o2, {_id: 14, x: 54});
+ b = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.byIdX', op: 'u', 'o2._id': 34});
+ assert.docEq(b.o2, {_id: 34, x: 74});
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ jsTest.log("Test remove command: 'un'");
+ assert.writeOK(db.un.remove({_id: 10}));
+ assert.writeOK(db.un.remove({_id: 30}));
+ a = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.un', op: 'd', 'o._id': 10});
+ assert.docEq(a.o, {_id: 10});
+ b = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.un', op: 'd', 'o._id': 30});
+ assert.docEq(b.o, {_id: 30});
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ jsTest.log("Test remove command: 'byX'");
+ assert.writeOK(db.byX.remove({_id: 12}));
+ assert.writeOK(db.byX.remove({_id: 32}));
+ a = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.byX', op: 'd', 'o._id': 12});
+ assert.docEq(a.o, {x: 52, _id: 12});
+ b = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.byX', op: 'd', 'o._id': 32});
+ assert.docEq(b.o, {x: 72, _id: 32});
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ jsTest.log("Test remove command: 'byXId'");
+ assert.writeOK(db.byXId.remove({_id: 13}));
+ assert.writeOK(db.byXId.remove({_id: 33}));
+ a = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.byXId', op: 'd', 'o._id': 13});
+ assert.docEq(a.o, {x: 53, _id: 13});
+ b = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.byXId', op: 'd', 'o._id': 33});
+ assert.docEq(b.o, {x: 73, _id: 33});
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ jsTest.log("Test remove command: 'byIdX'");
+ assert.writeOK(db.byIdX.remove({_id: 14}));
+ assert.writeOK(db.byIdX.remove({_id: 34}));
+ a = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.byIdX', op: 'd', 'o._id': 14});
+ assert.docEq(a.o, {_id: 14, x: 54});
+ b = oplog.findOne({ns: 'test.byIdX', op: 'd', 'o._id': 34});
+ assert.docEq(b.o, {_id: 34, x: 74});
+ st.stop();