path: root/jstests/sharding/printShardingStatus.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/sharding/printShardingStatus.js')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 218 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/printShardingStatus.js b/jstests/sharding/printShardingStatus.js
index 3b1548aabab..18bc8bdea6e 100644
--- a/jstests/sharding/printShardingStatus.js
+++ b/jstests/sharding/printShardingStatus.js
@@ -3,251 +3,248 @@
// headings and the names of sharded collections and their shard keys.
(function() {
- 'use strict';
+'use strict';
- const MONGOS_COUNT = 2;
+const MONGOS_COUNT = 2;
- var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 1, mongos: MONGOS_COUNT, config: 1});
+var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 1, mongos: MONGOS_COUNT, config: 1});
- var standalone = MongoRunner.runMongod();
+var standalone = MongoRunner.runMongod();
- var mongos = st.s0;
- var admin = mongos.getDB("admin");
+var mongos = st.s0;
+var admin = mongos.getDB("admin");
- // Wait for the background thread from the mongos to insert their entries before beginning
- // the tests.
- assert.soon(function() {
- return MONGOS_COUNT == mongos.getDB('config').mongos.count();
- });
- function grabStatusOutput(configdb, verbose) {
- var res = print.captureAllOutput(function() {
- return printShardingStatus(configdb, verbose);
- });
- var output = res.output.join("\n");
- jsTestLog(output);
- return output;
- }
+// Wait for the background thread from the mongos to insert their entries before beginning
+// the tests.
+assert.soon(function() {
+ return MONGOS_COUNT == mongos.getDB('config').mongos.count();
- function assertPresentInOutput(output, content, what) {
- assert(output.includes(content),
- what + " \"" + content + "\" NOT present in output of " +
- "printShardingStatus() (but it should be)");
+function grabStatusOutput(configdb, verbose) {
+ var res = print.captureAllOutput(function() {
+ return printShardingStatus(configdb, verbose);
+ });
+ var output = res.output.join("\n");
+ jsTestLog(output);
+ return output;
+function assertPresentInOutput(output, content, what) {
+ assert(output.includes(content),
+ what + " \"" + content + "\" NOT present in output of " +
+ "printShardingStatus() (but it should be)");
+function assertNotPresentInOutput(output, content, what) {
+ assert(!output.includes(content),
+ what + " \"" + content + "\" IS present in output of " +
+ "printShardingStatus() (but it should not be)");
+// Basic tests
+var dbName = "thisIsTheDatabase";
+var collName = "thisIsTheCollection";
+var shardKeyName = "thisIsTheShardKey";
+var nsName = dbName + "." + collName;
+assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({enableSharding: dbName}));
+var key = {};
+key[shardKeyName] = 1;
+assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({shardCollection: nsName, key: key}));
+function testBasic(output) {
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, "shards:", "section header");
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, "databases:", "section header");
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, "balancer:", "section header");
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, "active mongoses:", "section header");
+ assertNotPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header");
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, dbName, "database");
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, collName, "collection");
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, shardKeyName, "shard key");
+function testBasicNormalOnly(output) {
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, tojson(version) + " : 2\n", "active mongos version");
+function testBasicVerboseOnly(output) {
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, '"mongoVersion" : ' + tojson(version), "active mongos version");
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s1Host), "active mongos hostname");
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s2Host), "active mongos hostname");
+var buildinfo = assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand("buildinfo"));
+var serverStatus1 = assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand("serverStatus"));
+var serverStatus2 = assert.commandWorked(st.s1.adminCommand("serverStatus"));
+var version = buildinfo.version;
+var s1Host =;
+var s2Host =;
+// Normal, active mongoses
+var outputNormal = grabStatusOutput(st.config, false);
+var outputVerbose = grabStatusOutput(st.config, true);
+// Take a copy of the config db, in order to test the harder-to-setup cases below.
+// Copy into a standalone to also test running printShardingStatus() against a config dump.
+var config = mongos.getDB("config");
+var configCopy = standalone.getDB("configCopy");
+config.getCollectionInfos().forEach(function(c) {
+ // Create collection with options.
+ assert.commandWorked(configCopy.createCollection(, c.options));
+ // Clone the docs.
+ config.getCollection({_id: 1}).forEach(function(d) {
+ assert.writeOK(configCopy.getCollection(;
+ });
+ // Build the indexes.
+ config.getCollection( {
+ var key = i.key;
+ delete i.key;
+ delete i.ns;
+ delete i.v;
+ assert.commandWorked(configCopy.getCollection(, i));
+ });
+// Inactive mongoses
+// Make the first ping be older than now by 1 second more than the threshold
+// Make the second ping be older still by the same amount again
+var pingAdjustMs = 60000 + 1000;
+var then = new Date();
+then.setTime(then.getTime() - pingAdjustMs);
+configCopy.mongos.update({_id: s1Host}, {$set: {ping: then}});
+then.setTime(then.getTime() - pingAdjustMs);
+configCopy.mongos.update({_id: s2Host}, {$set: {ping: then}});
+var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, false);
+assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header");
+assertPresentInOutput(output, tojson(version) + " : 1\n", "recent mongos version");
+var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, true);
+assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header");
+assertPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s1Host), "recent mongos hostname");
+assertNotPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s2Host), "old mongos hostname");
+// Older mongoses
+configCopy.mongos.remove({_id: s1Host});
+var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, false);
+assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header");
+assertPresentInOutput(output, tojson(version) + " : 1\n", "recent mongos version");
+var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, true);
+assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header");
+assertNotPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s1Host), "removed mongos hostname");
+assertPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s2Host), "recent mongos hostname");
+// No mongoses at all
+var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, false);
+assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:\n none", "no mongoses");
+var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, true);
+ output, "most recently active mongoses:\n none", "no mongoses (verbose)");
+// Extended tests
+var testCollDetailsNum = 0;
+function testCollDetails(args) {
+ if (args === undefined || typeof (args) != "object") {
+ args = {};
- function assertNotPresentInOutput(output, content, what) {
- assert(!output.includes(content),
- what + " \"" + content + "\" IS present in output of " +
- "printShardingStatus() (but it should not be)");
- }
+ var getCollName = function(x) {
+ return "test.test" + x.zeroPad(4);
+ };
+ var collName = getCollName(testCollDetailsNum);
- ////////////////////////
- // Basic tests
- ////////////////////////
- var dbName = "thisIsTheDatabase";
- var collName = "thisIsTheCollection";
- var shardKeyName = "thisIsTheShardKey";
- var nsName = dbName + "." + collName;
- assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({enableSharding: dbName}));
- var key = {};
- key[shardKeyName] = 1;
- assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({shardCollection: nsName, key: key}));
- function testBasic(output) {
- assertPresentInOutput(output, "shards:", "section header");
- assertPresentInOutput(output, "databases:", "section header");
- assertPresentInOutput(output, "balancer:", "section header");
- assertPresentInOutput(output, "active mongoses:", "section header");
- assertNotPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header");
- assertPresentInOutput(output, dbName, "database");
- assertPresentInOutput(output, collName, "collection");
- assertPresentInOutput(output, shardKeyName, "shard key");
+ var cmdObj = {shardCollection: collName, key: {_id: 1}};
+ if (args.unique) {
+ cmdObj.unique = true;
+ assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand(cmdObj));
- function testBasicNormalOnly(output) {
- assertPresentInOutput(output, tojson(version) + " : 2\n", "active mongos version");
+ if (args.hasOwnProperty("unique")) {
+ assert.writeOK(mongos.getDB("config").collections.update({_id: collName},
+ {$set: {"unique": args.unique}}));
- function testBasicVerboseOnly(output) {
- assertPresentInOutput(
- output, '"mongoVersion" : ' + tojson(version), "active mongos version");
- assertPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s1Host), "active mongos hostname");
- assertPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s2Host), "active mongos hostname");
+ if (args.hasOwnProperty("noBalance")) {
+ assert.writeOK(mongos.getDB("config").collections.update(
+ {_id: collName}, {$set: {"noBalance": args.noBalance}}));
- var buildinfo = assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand("buildinfo"));
- var serverStatus1 = assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand("serverStatus"));
- var serverStatus2 = assert.commandWorked(st.s1.adminCommand("serverStatus"));
- var version = buildinfo.version;
- var s1Host =;
- var s2Host =;
- // Normal, active mongoses
- var outputNormal = grabStatusOutput(st.config, false);
- testBasic(outputNormal);
- testBasicNormalOnly(outputNormal);
- var outputVerbose = grabStatusOutput(st.config, true);
- testBasic(outputVerbose);
- testBasicVerboseOnly(outputVerbose);
- // Take a copy of the config db, in order to test the harder-to-setup cases below.
- // Copy into a standalone to also test running printShardingStatus() against a config dump.
- var config = mongos.getDB("config");
- var configCopy = standalone.getDB("configCopy");
- config.getCollectionInfos().forEach(function(c) {
- // Create collection with options.
- assert.commandWorked(configCopy.createCollection(, c.options));
- // Clone the docs.
- config.getCollection({_id: 1}).forEach(function(d) {
- assert.writeOK(configCopy.getCollection(;
- });
- // Build the indexes.
- config.getCollection( {
- var key = i.key;
- delete i.key;
- delete i.ns;
- delete i.v;
- assert.commandWorked(configCopy.getCollection(, i));
- });
- });
- // Inactive mongoses
- // Make the first ping be older than now by 1 second more than the threshold
- // Make the second ping be older still by the same amount again
- var pingAdjustMs = 60000 + 1000;
- var then = new Date();
- then.setTime(then.getTime() - pingAdjustMs);
- configCopy.mongos.update({_id: s1Host}, {$set: {ping: then}});
- then.setTime(then.getTime() - pingAdjustMs);
- configCopy.mongos.update({_id: s2Host}, {$set: {ping: then}});
- var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, false);
- assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header");
- assertPresentInOutput(output, tojson(version) + " : 1\n", "recent mongos version");
- var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, true);
- assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header");
- assertPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s1Host), "recent mongos hostname");
- assertNotPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s2Host), "old mongos hostname");
+ var output = grabStatusOutput(st.config);
- // Older mongoses
- configCopy.mongos.remove({_id: s1Host});
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, collName, "collection");
- var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, false);
- assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header");
- assertPresentInOutput(output, tojson(version) + " : 1\n", "recent mongos version");
- var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, true);
- assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header");
- assertNotPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s1Host), "removed mongos hostname");
- assertPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s2Host), "recent mongos hostname");
+ // If any of the previous collection names are present, then their optional indicators
+ // might also be present. This might taint the results when we go searching through
+ // the output.
+ // This also means that earlier collNames can't be a prefix of later collNames.
+ for (var i = 0; i < testCollDetailsNum; i++) {
+ assertNotPresentInOutput(output, getCollName(i), "previous collection");
+ }
- // No mongoses at all
- configCopy.mongos.remove({});
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, "unique: " + (!!args.unique), "unique shard key indicator");
- var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, false);
- assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:\n none", "no mongoses");
+ if (args.hasOwnProperty("unique") && typeof (args.unique) != "boolean") {
+ // non-bool: actual value must be shown
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, tojson(args.unique), "unique shard key indicator (non bool)");
+ }
- var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, true);
- output, "most recently active mongoses:\n none", "no mongoses (verbose)");
- assert(mongos.getDB(dbName).dropDatabase());
- ////////////////////////
- // Extended tests
- ////////////////////////
- var testCollDetailsNum = 0;
- function testCollDetails(args) {
- if (args === undefined || typeof(args) != "object") {
- args = {};
- }
- var getCollName = function(x) {
- return "test.test" + x.zeroPad(4);
- };
- var collName = getCollName(testCollDetailsNum);
- var cmdObj = {shardCollection: collName, key: {_id: 1}};
- if (args.unique) {
- cmdObj.unique = true;
- }
- assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand(cmdObj));
- if (args.hasOwnProperty("unique")) {
- assert.writeOK(mongos.getDB("config").collections.update(
- {_id: collName}, {$set: {"unique": args.unique}}));
- }
- if (args.hasOwnProperty("noBalance")) {
- assert.writeOK(mongos.getDB("config").collections.update(
- {_id: collName}, {$set: {"noBalance": args.noBalance}}));
- }
- var output = grabStatusOutput(st.config);
- assertPresentInOutput(output, collName, "collection");
- // If any of the previous collection names are present, then their optional indicators
- // might also be present. This might taint the results when we go searching through
- // the output.
- // This also means that earlier collNames can't be a prefix of later collNames.
- for (var i = 0; i < testCollDetailsNum; i++) {
- assertNotPresentInOutput(output, getCollName(i), "previous collection");
- }
- assertPresentInOutput(output, "unique: " + (!!args.unique), "unique shard key indicator");
- if (args.hasOwnProperty("unique") && typeof(args.unique) != "boolean") {
- // non-bool: actual value must be shown
- assertPresentInOutput(
- output, tojson(args.unique), "unique shard key indicator (non bool)");
- }
- assertPresentInOutput(output,
- "balancing: " + (!args.noBalance),
- "balancing indicator (inverse of noBalance)");
- if (args.hasOwnProperty("noBalance") && typeof(args.noBalance) != "boolean") {
- // non-bool: actual value must be shown
- assertPresentInOutput(output, tojson(args.noBalance), "noBalance indicator (non bool)");
- }
- try {
- mongos.getCollection(collName).drop();
- } catch (e) {
- // Ignore drop errors because they are from the illegal values in the collection entry
- assert.writeOK(mongos.getDB("config").collections.remove({_id: collName}));
- }
- testCollDetailsNum++;
+ output, "balancing: " + (!args.noBalance), "balancing indicator (inverse of noBalance)");
+ if (args.hasOwnProperty("noBalance") && typeof (args.noBalance) != "boolean") {
+ // non-bool: actual value must be shown
+ assertPresentInOutput(output, tojson(args.noBalance), "noBalance indicator (non bool)");
+ }
+ try {
+ mongos.getCollection(collName).drop();
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Ignore drop errors because they are from the illegal values in the collection entry
+ assert.writeOK(mongos.getDB("config").collections.remove({_id: collName}));
- assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({enableSharding: "test"}));
+ testCollDetailsNum++;
+assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({enableSharding: "test"}));
- // Defaults
- testCollDetails({});
+// Defaults
- // Expected values
- testCollDetails({unique: false, noBalance: false});
- testCollDetails({unique: true, noBalance: true});
+// Expected values
+testCollDetails({unique: false, noBalance: false});
+testCollDetails({unique: true, noBalance: true});
- // Unexpected truthy values
- testCollDetails({unique: "truthy unique value 1", noBalance: "truthy noBalance value 1"});
- testCollDetails({unique: 1, noBalance: 1});
- testCollDetails({unique: -1, noBalance: -1});
- testCollDetails({unique: {}, noBalance: {}});
+// Unexpected truthy values
+testCollDetails({unique: "truthy unique value 1", noBalance: "truthy noBalance value 1"});
+testCollDetails({unique: 1, noBalance: 1});
+testCollDetails({unique: -1, noBalance: -1});
+testCollDetails({unique: {}, noBalance: {}});
- // Unexpected falsy values
- testCollDetails({unique: "", noBalance: ""});
- testCollDetails({unique: 0, noBalance: 0});
+// Unexpected falsy values
+testCollDetails({unique: "", noBalance: ""});
+testCollDetails({unique: 0, noBalance: 0});
- assert(mongos.getDB("test").dropDatabase());
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(standalone);
- st.stop();