path: root/jstests/sharding/stale_mongos_updates_and_removes.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/sharding/stale_mongos_updates_and_removes.js')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/stale_mongos_updates_and_removes.js b/jstests/sharding/stale_mongos_updates_and_removes.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5897918bb95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/sharding/stale_mongos_updates_and_removes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+ * Tests correctness of single and multi updates and removes sent by a *stale* mongos in the
+ * absence of concurrent writes or migrations.
+ *
+ * Single updates and removes are always targeted and versioned, because they can be retried
+ * without causing the operation to be repeated on another shard (only one shard can be originally
+ * targeted for a single update or remove).
+ *
+ * Multi updates and removes containing an equality match on the shard key are also targeted and
+ * versioned, because only one shard can be originally targeted for a point query on the shard key.
+ *
+ * All other multi updates and removes are sent to all shards and unversioned.
+ */
+// Create a new sharded collection with numDocs documents, with two docs sharing each shard key
+// (used for testing *multi* removes to a *specific* shard key).
+var resetCollection = function() {
+ assert(staleMongos.getCollection(collNS).drop());
+ st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, st._shardNames[0]);
+ assert.commandWorked(staleMongos.adminCommand({ shardCollection: collNS, key: { x: 1 }}));
+ for (var i=0; i<numShardKeys; i++) {
+ assert.writeOK(staleMongos.getCollection(collNS).insert({ x: i, fieldToUpdate: 0 }));
+ assert.writeOK(staleMongos.getCollection(collNS).insert({ x: i, fieldToUpdate: 0 }));
+ }
+// Create a new sharded collection, and split data into two chunks on different shards using the
+// stale mongos. Then use the fresh mongos to consolidate the chunks onto one of the shards.
+// In the end:
+// staleMongos will see:
+// shard0: (-inf, splitPoint]
+// shard1: (splitPoint, inf]
+// freshMongos will see:
+// shard0: (-inf, splitPoint], (splitPoint, inf]
+// shard1:
+var makeStaleMongosTargetMultipleShards = function() {
+ resetCollection();
+ // Make sure staleMongos sees all data on first shard.
+ var chunk = staleMongos.getCollection("config.chunks").findOne({ min: { x: MinKey },
+ max: { x: MaxKey }});
+ assert(chunk.shard === st._shardNames[0]);
+ // Make sure staleMongos sees two chunks on two different shards.
+ assert.commandWorked(staleMongos.adminCommand({ split: collNS, middle: { x: splitPoint }}));
+ assert.commandWorked(staleMongos.adminCommand({ moveChunk: collNS,
+ find: { x: 0 },
+ to: st._shardNames[1],
+ _waitForDelete: true }));
+ // Use freshMongos to consolidate the chunks on one shard.
+ assert.commandWorked(freshMongos.adminCommand({ moveChunk: collNS,
+ find: { x: 0 },
+ to: st._shardNames[0],
+ _waitForDelete: true }));
+// Create a new sharded collection and move a chunk from one shard to another. In the end,
+// staleMongos will see:
+// shard0: (-inf, inf]
+// shard1:
+// freshMongos will see:
+// shard0:
+// shard1: (-inf, inf]
+var makeStaleMongosTargetSingleShard = function() {
+ resetCollection();
+ // Make sure staleMongos sees all data on first shard.
+ var chunk = staleMongos.getCollection("config.chunks").findOne({ min: { x: MinKey },
+ max: { x: MaxKey }});
+ assert(chunk.shard === st._shardNames[0]);
+ // Use freshMongos to move chunk to another shard.
+ assert.commandWorked(freshMongos.adminCommand({ moveChunk: collNS,
+ find: { x: 0 },
+ to: st._shardNames[1],
+ _waitForDelete: true }));
+var checkAllRemoveQueries = function(makeMongosStaleFunc) {
+ var multi = { justOne: false };
+ var single = { justOne: true };
+ var doRemove = function(query, multiOption, makeMongosStaleFunc) {
+ makeMongosStaleFunc();
+ assert.writeOK(staleMongos.getCollection(collNS).remove(query, multiOption));
+ if (multiOption.justOne) {
+ // A total of one document should have been removed from the collection.
+ assert.eq(numDocs - 1, staleMongos.getCollection(collNS).find().itcount());
+ } else {
+ // All documents matching the query should have been removed.
+ assert.eq(0, staleMongos.getCollection(collNS).find(query).itcount());
+ }
+ }
+ var checkRemoveIsInvalid = function(query, multiOption, makeMongosStaleFunc) {
+ makeMongosStaleFunc();
+ var res = staleMongos.getCollection(collNS).remove(query, multiOption);
+ assert.writeError(res);
+ }
+ // Not possible because single remove requires equality match on shard key.
+ checkRemoveIsInvalid(emptyQuery, single, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ doRemove(emptyQuery, multi, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ doRemove(pointQuery, single, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ doRemove(pointQuery, multi, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ // Not possible because can't do range query on a single remove.
+ checkRemoveIsInvalid(rangeQuery, single, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ doRemove(rangeQuery, multi, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ // Not possible because single remove must contain _id or shard key at top level
+ // (not within $or).
+ checkRemoveIsInvalid(multiPointQuery, single, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ doRemove(multiPointQuery, multi, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+var checkAllUpdateQueries = function(makeMongosStaleFunc) {
+ var oUpdate = { $inc: { fieldToUpdate: 1 }}; // op-style update (non-idempotent)
+ var rUpdate = { x: 0, fieldToUpdate: 1 }; // replacement-style update (idempotent)
+ var queryAfterUpdate = { fieldToUpdate: 1 };
+ var multi = { multi: true };
+ var single = { multi: false };
+ var doUpdate = function(query, update, multiOption, makeMongosStaleFunc) {
+ makeMongosStaleFunc();
+ assert.writeOK(staleMongos.getCollection(collNS).update(query, update, multiOption));
+ if (multiOption.multi) {
+ // All documents matching the query should have been updated.
+ assert.eq(staleMongos.getCollection(collNS).find(query).itcount(),
+ staleMongos.getCollection(collNS).find(queryAfterUpdate).itcount());
+ } else {
+ // A total of one document should have been updated.
+ assert.eq(1, staleMongos.getCollection(collNS).find(queryAfterUpdate).itcount());
+ }
+ }
+ var checkUpdateIsInvalid = function(query, update, multiOption, makeMongosStaleFunc, err) {
+ makeMongosStaleFunc();
+ var res = staleMongos.getCollection(collNS).update(query, update, multiOption);
+ assert.writeError(res);
+ }
+ // This update has inconsistent behavior as explained in SERVER-22895.
+ //doUpdate(emptyQuery, rUpdate, single, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ // Not possible because replacement-style requires equality match on shard key.
+ checkUpdateIsInvalid(emptyQuery, rUpdate, multi, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ // Not possible because op-style requires equality match on shard key if single update.
+ checkUpdateIsInvalid(emptyQuery, oUpdate, single, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ doUpdate(emptyQuery, oUpdate, multi, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ doUpdate(pointQuery, rUpdate, single, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ // Not possible because replacement-style requires multi=false.
+ checkUpdateIsInvalid(pointQuery, rUpdate, multi, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ doUpdate(pointQuery, oUpdate, single, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ doUpdate(pointQuery, oUpdate, multi, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ doUpdate(rangeQuery, rUpdate, single, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ // Not possible because replacement-style requires multi=false.
+ checkUpdateIsInvalid(rangeQuery, rUpdate, multi, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ // Not possible because can't do range query on a single update.
+ checkUpdateIsInvalid(rangeQuery, oUpdate, single, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ doUpdate(rangeQuery, oUpdate, multi, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ doUpdate(multiPointQuery, rUpdate, single, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ // Not possible because replacement-style requires multi=false.
+ checkUpdateIsInvalid(multiPointQuery, rUpdate, multi, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ // Not possible because single remove must contain _id or shard key at top level
+ // (not within $or).
+ checkUpdateIsInvalid(multiPointQuery, oUpdate, single, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+ doUpdate(multiPointQuery, oUpdate, multi, makeMongosStaleFunc);
+var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, mongos: 2, other: { mongosOptions: { noAutoSplit: "" }} });
+var dbName = 'test';
+var collNS = dbName + '.foo';
+var numShardKeys = 10;
+var numDocs = numShardKeys * 2;
+var splitPoint = numShardKeys / 2;
+assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({ enableSharding: dbName }));
+assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({ shardCollection: collNS, key: { x: 1 }}));
+var freshMongos = st.s0;
+var staleMongos = st.s1;
+var emptyQuery = {};
+var pointQuery = { x: 0 };
+// Choose a range that would fall on only one shard.
+// Use (splitPoint - 1) because of SERVER-20768.
+var rangeQuery = { x: { $gte: 0, $lt: splitPoint - 1 }};
+// Choose points that would fall on two different shards.
+var multiPointQuery = { $or: [{ x: 0 }, { x: numShardKeys }]};