path: root/jstests/sharding/transactions_read_concerns.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/sharding/transactions_read_concerns.js')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/transactions_read_concerns.js b/jstests/sharding/transactions_read_concerns.js
index 0b01e2a42ec..af2c24b2b02 100644
--- a/jstests/sharding/transactions_read_concerns.js
+++ b/jstests/sharding/transactions_read_concerns.js
@@ -7,77 +7,76 @@
// uses_transactions,
// ]
(function() {
- "use strict";
+"use strict";
- const dbName = "test";
- const collName = "foo";
- const ns = dbName + "." + collName;
+const dbName = "test";
+const collName = "foo";
+const ns = dbName + "." + collName;
- const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, config: 1});
+const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, config: 1});
- // Set up a sharded collection with 2 chunks, one on each shard.
+// Set up a sharded collection with 2 chunks, one on each shard.
- assert.writeOK(st.s.getDB(dbName)[collName].insert({_id: -1}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}}));
- assert.writeOK(st.s.getDB(dbName)[collName].insert({_id: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}}));
+assert.writeOK(st.s.getDB(dbName)[collName].insert({_id: -1}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}}));
+assert.writeOK(st.s.getDB(dbName)[collName].insert({_id: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}}));
- assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName}));
- st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, st.shard0.shardName);
+assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName}));
+st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, st.shard0.shardName);
- assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: ns, key: {_id: 1}}));
- assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({split: ns, middle: {_id: 0}}));
- assert.commandWorked(
- st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {_id: 1}, to: st.shard1.shardName}));
+assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: ns, key: {_id: 1}}));
+assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({split: ns, middle: {_id: 0}}));
+assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {_id: 1}, to: st.shard1.shardName}));
- // Refresh second shard to avoid stale shard version error on the second transaction statement.
- assert.commandWorked(st.rs1.getPrimary().adminCommand({_flushRoutingTableCacheUpdates: ns}));
+// Refresh second shard to avoid stale shard version error on the second transaction statement.
+assert.commandWorked(st.rs1.getPrimary().adminCommand({_flushRoutingTableCacheUpdates: ns}));
- function runTest(st, readConcern, sessionOptions) {
- jsTestLog("Testing readConcern: " + tojson(readConcern) + ", sessionOptions: " +
- tojson(sessionOptions));
+function runTest(st, readConcern, sessionOptions) {
+ jsTestLog("Testing readConcern: " + tojson(readConcern) +
+ ", sessionOptions: " + tojson(sessionOptions));
- const session = st.s.startSession(sessionOptions);
- const sessionDB = session.getDatabase(dbName);
+ const session = st.s.startSession(sessionOptions);
+ const sessionDB = session.getDatabase(dbName);
- if (readConcern) {
- session.startTransaction({readConcern: readConcern});
- } else {
- session.startTransaction();
- }
- // Target only the first shard.
- assert.commandWorked(sessionDB.runCommand({find: collName, filter: {_id: -1}}));
- // On a separate, causally consistent session, read from the first shard then write to the
- // second one. This write is guaranteed to commit at a later cluster time than that of the
- // snapshot established by the transaction on the first shard.
- const otherSessionDB = st.s.startSession().getDatabase(dbName);
- assert.commandWorked(otherSessionDB.runCommand({find: collName}));
- assert.commandWorked(otherSessionDB.runCommand({insert: collName, documents: [{_id: 5}]}));
- // Depending on the transaction's read concern, the new document will or will not be visible
- // to the next statement.
- const numExpectedDocs = readConcern && readConcern.level === "snapshot" ? 0 : 1;
- assert.eq(numExpectedDocs,
- sessionDB[collName].find({_id: 5}).itcount(),
- "sharded transaction with read concern " + tojson(readConcern) +
- " did not see expected number of documents, sessionOptions: " +
- tojson(sessionOptions));
- assert.commandWorked(session.commitTransaction_forTesting());
- // Clean up for the next iteration.
- assert.writeOK(sessionDB[collName].remove({_id: 5}));
- }
- // Specifying no read concern level is allowed and should not compute a global snapshot.
- runTest(st, undefined, {causalConsistency: false});
- runTest(st, undefined, {causalConsistency: true});
- const kAllowedReadConcernLevels = ["local", "majority", "snapshot"];
- for (let readConcernLevel of kAllowedReadConcernLevels) {
- runTest(st, {level: readConcernLevel}, {causalConsistency: false});
- runTest(st, {level: readConcernLevel}, {causalConsistency: true});
+ if (readConcern) {
+ session.startTransaction({readConcern: readConcern});
+ } else {
+ session.startTransaction();
- st.stop();
+ // Target only the first shard.
+ assert.commandWorked(sessionDB.runCommand({find: collName, filter: {_id: -1}}));
+ // On a separate, causally consistent session, read from the first shard then write to the
+ // second one. This write is guaranteed to commit at a later cluster time than that of the
+ // snapshot established by the transaction on the first shard.
+ const otherSessionDB = st.s.startSession().getDatabase(dbName);
+ assert.commandWorked(otherSessionDB.runCommand({find: collName}));
+ assert.commandWorked(otherSessionDB.runCommand({insert: collName, documents: [{_id: 5}]}));
+ // Depending on the transaction's read concern, the new document will or will not be visible
+ // to the next statement.
+ const numExpectedDocs = readConcern && readConcern.level === "snapshot" ? 0 : 1;
+ assert.eq(
+ numExpectedDocs,
+ sessionDB[collName].find({_id: 5}).itcount(),
+ "sharded transaction with read concern " + tojson(readConcern) +
+ " did not see expected number of documents, sessionOptions: " + tojson(sessionOptions));
+ assert.commandWorked(session.commitTransaction_forTesting());
+ // Clean up for the next iteration.
+ assert.writeOK(sessionDB[collName].remove({_id: 5}));
+// Specifying no read concern level is allowed and should not compute a global snapshot.
+runTest(st, undefined, {causalConsistency: false});
+runTest(st, undefined, {causalConsistency: true});
+const kAllowedReadConcernLevels = ["local", "majority", "snapshot"];
+for (let readConcernLevel of kAllowedReadConcernLevels) {
+ runTest(st, {level: readConcernLevel}, {causalConsistency: false});
+ runTest(st, {level: readConcernLevel}, {causalConsistency: true});