path: root/jstests/sharding
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Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/sharding')
2 files changed, 578 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/query/agg_mongos_merge.js b/jstests/sharding/query/agg_mongos_merge.js
index f782ad8cb51..4b09f5382d4 100644
--- a/jstests/sharding/query/agg_mongos_merge.js
+++ b/jstests/sharding/query/agg_mongos_merge.js
@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, mongos: 1});
const mongosDB = st.s0.getDB(jsTestName());
const mongosColl = mongosDB[jsTestName()];
const unshardedColl = mongosDB[jsTestName() + "_unsharded"];
+const primaryShardDB = st.shard0.getDB(jsTestName());
-const shard0DB = primaryShardDB = st.shard0.getDB(jsTestName());
-const shard1DB = st.shard1.getDB(jsTestName());
+const isShardedLookupEnabled = st.s.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, featureFlagShardedLookup: 1})
+ .featureFlagShardedLookup.value;
@@ -284,48 +285,71 @@ function runTestCasesWhoseMergeLocationIsConsistentRegardlessOfAllowDiskUse(allo
expectedCount: 400
- const isShardedLookupEnabled = st.s.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, featureFlagShardedLookup: 1})
- .featureFlagShardedLookup.value;
- if (isShardedLookupEnabled) {
+ if (!isShardedLookupEnabled) {
// Test that $lookup is merged on the primary shard when the foreign collection is
// unsharded.
- testName: "agg_mongos_merge_lookup_unsharded_disk_use_" + allowDiskUse,
- pipeline: [
- {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}},
- {
+ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_lookup_unsharded_disk_use_" + allowDiskUse,
+ pipeline: [
+ {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}},
+ {
$lookup: {
from: unshardedColl.getName(),
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "lookupField"
- }
- ],
- mergeType: "primaryShard",
- allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse,
- expectedCount: 400
- });
+ }
+ ],
+ mergeType: "primaryShard",
+ allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse,
+ expectedCount: 400
+ });
+ } else {
+ // Test that equality $lookup continues to be merged on the primary shard when the foreign
+ // collection is unsharded.
+ assertMergeOnMongoD({
+ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_lookup_unsharded_flag_on_disk_use_" + allowDiskUse,
+ pipeline: [
+ {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}},
+ // $lookup is now allowed on the shards pipeline, but we should force it to be part
+ // of the merge pipeline for this test.
+ {$_internalSplitPipeline: {}},
+ {
+ $lookup: {
+ from: unshardedColl.getName(),
+ localField: "_id",
+ foreignField: "_id",
+ as: "lookupField"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ mergeType: "primaryShard",
+ allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse,
+ expectedCount: 400
+ });
- // Test that $lookup is merged on mongoS when the foreign collection is sharded.
+ // Test that equality $lookup is merged on mongoS when the foreign collection is sharded.
- testName: "agg_mongos_merge_lookup_sharded_disk_use_" + allowDiskUse,
- pipeline: [
- {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}},
- {
- $lookup: {
- from: mongosColl.getName(),
- localField: "_id",
- foreignField: "_id",
- as: "lookupField"
- }
- }
- ],
- mergeType: "mongos",
- allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse,
- expectedCount: 400
- });
+ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_lookup_sharded_flag_on_disk_use_" + allowDiskUse,
+ pipeline: [
+ {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}},
+ // $lookup is now allowed on the shards pipeline, but we should force it to be part
+ // of the merge pipeline for this test.
+ {$_internalSplitPipeline: {}},
+ {
+ $lookup: {
+ from: mongosColl.getName(),
+ localField: "_id",
+ foreignField: "_id",
+ as: "lookupField"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ mergeType: "mongos",
+ allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse,
+ expectedCount: 400
+ });
@@ -400,6 +424,30 @@ function runTestCasesWhoseMergeLocationDependsOnAllowDiskUse(allowDiskUse) {
expectedCount: 10
+ if (isShardedLookupEnabled) {
+ // Test that $lookup with a subpipeline containing a spillable stage is only merged on
+ // mongoS when 'allowDiskUse' is not set.
+ assertMergeOnMongoX({
+ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_lookup_subpipeline_disk_use_" + allowDiskUse,
+ pipeline: [
+ {$match: {_id: {$gt: -25, $lte: 25}}},
+ // $lookup is now allowed on the shards pipeline, but we should force it to be part
+ // of the merge pipeline for this test.
+ {$_internalSplitPipeline: {}},
+ {
+ $lookup: {
+ from: mongosColl.getName(),
+ let: {idVar: "$_id"},
+ pipeline: [{$group: {_id: {$mod: ["$_id", 150]}}}],
+ as: "lookupField"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse,
+ expectedCount: 50
+ });
+ }
// Test composite stages.
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/query/sharded_lookup_execution.js b/jstests/sharding/query/sharded_lookup_execution.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d440e17d715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/sharding/query/sharded_lookup_execution.js
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+ * Tests the behavior of a $lookup on a sharded 'from' collection in various situations. These
+ * include when the local collection is sharded and unsharded, when the $lookup subpipeline can
+ * target certain shards or is scatter-gather, and when the $lookup subpipeline contains a nested
+ * $lookup stage.
+ *
+ * @tags: [requires_fcv_51, featureFlagShardedLookup]
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For arrayEq.
+load("jstests/libs/profiler.js"); // For profilerHas*OrThrow helper functions.
+const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, mongos: 1});
+const testName = "sharded_lookup";
+const mongosDB = st.s0.getDB(testName);
+const shardList = [st.shard0.getDB(testName), st.shard1.getDB(testName)];
+assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: mongosDB.getName()}));
+st.ensurePrimaryShard(mongosDB.getName(), st.shard0.shardName);
+// Turn on the profiler for both shards.
+const ordersColl = mongosDB.orders;
+const reviewsColl =;
+const updatesColl = mongosDB.updates;
+function assertLookupExecution(pipeline, opts, expected) {
+ assert.commandWorked(ordersColl.insert([
+ {_id: 0, customer: "Alice", products: [{_id: "hat", price: 20}, {_id: "shirt", price: 30}]},
+ {
+ _id: 1,
+ customer: "Barbara",
+ products: [{_id: "shirt", price: 30}, {_id: "bowl", price: 6}]
+ }
+ ]));
+ assert.commandWorked(reviewsColl.insert([
+ {_id: 0, product_id: "hat", stars: 4.5, comment: "super!"},
+ {_id: 1, product_id: "hat", stars: 4, comment: "good"},
+ {_id: 2, product_id: "shirt", stars: 3, comment: "meh"},
+ {_id: 3, product_id: "bowl", stars: 4, comment: "it's a bowl"},
+ ]));
+ assert.commandWorked(updatesColl.insert([
+ {_id: 0, original_review_id: 0, product_id: "hat", updated_stars: 4},
+ {_id: 1, original_review_id: 1, product_id: "hat", updated_stars: 1},
+ {_id: 2, original_review_id: 3, product_id: "bowl", updated_stars: 5},
+ ]));
+ assert(arrayEq(expected.results, ordersColl.aggregate(pipeline, opts).toArray()));
+ // If the primary delegates the merging functionality to a randomly chosen shard, confirm the
+ // expected behavior here.
+ if (expected.randomlyDelegatedMerger) {
+ let totalLookupExecution = 0;
+ for (const shard of shardList) {
+ totalLookupExecution += shard.system.profile
+ .find({
+ "command.aggregate": ordersColl.getName(),
+ "command.comment": opts.comment,
+ "command.pipeline.$mergeCursors": {$exists: true},
+ "command.pipeline.$lookup": {$exists: true}
+ })
+ .itcount();
+ }
+ assert.eq(totalLookupExecution, 1);
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < shardList.length; i++) {
+ // Confirm that the $lookup execution is as expected.
+ if (!expected.randomlyDelegatedMerger) {
+ profilerHasNumMatchingEntriesOrThrow({
+ profileDB: shardList[i],
+ filter: {
+ "command.aggregate": ordersColl.getName(),
+ "command.comment": opts.comment,
+ "command.pipeline.$lookup": {$exists: true}
+ },
+ numExpectedMatches: expected.toplevelExec[i]
+ });
+ }
+ // Confirm that the $lookup subpipeline execution is as expected.
+ profilerHasNumMatchingEntriesOrThrow({
+ profileDB: shardList[i],
+ filter: {
+ "command.aggregate": reviewsColl.getName(),
+ "command.comment": opts.comment,
+ "command.fromMongos": expected.mongosMerger === true
+ },
+ numExpectedMatches: expected.subpipelineExec[i]
+ });
+ // If there is a nested $lookup within the top-level $lookup subpipeline, confirm that
+ // execution is as expected.
+ if (expected.nestedExec) {
+ // Confirm that a nested $lookup is never on the shards part of the pipeline split and
+ // doesn't get dispatched to a foreign shard.
+ profilerHasZeroMatchingEntriesOrThrow({
+ profileDB: shardList[i],
+ filter: {
+ "command.aggregate": reviewsColl.getName(),
+ "command.comment": opts.comment,
+ "command.pipeline.$lookup": {$exists: true}
+ }
+ });
+ // Confirm that the nested $lookup subpipeline execution is as expected.
+ profilerHasNumMatchingEntriesOrThrow({
+ profileDB: shardList[i],
+ filter:
+ {"command.aggregate": updatesColl.getName(), "command.comment": opts.comment},
+ numExpectedMatches: expected.nestedExec[i]
+ });
+ }
+ // If there is an additional top-level $lookup, confirm that execution is as expected.
+ if (expected.multipleLookups) {
+ // Confirm that the second $lookup execution is as expected.
+ profilerHasNumMatchingEntriesOrThrow({
+ profileDB: shardList[i],
+ filter: {
+ "command.aggregate": ordersColl.getName(),
+ "command.comment": opts.comment,
+ "command.pipeline.$lookup.from": {$eq: updatesColl.getName()}
+ },
+ numExpectedMatches: expected.multipleLookups.toplevelExec[i]
+ });
+ // Confirm that the second $lookup subpipeline execution is as expected.
+ profilerHasNumMatchingEntriesOrThrow({
+ profileDB: shardList[i],
+ filter:
+ {"command.aggregate": updatesColl.getName(), "command.comment": opts.comment},
+ numExpectedMatches: expected.multipleLookups.subpipelineExec[i]
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ assert(ordersColl.drop());
+ assert(reviewsColl.drop());
+ assert(updatesColl.drop());
+// Test unsharded local collection and sharded foreign collection, with a targeted $lookup.
+ reviewsColl, {product_id: 1}, {product_id: "hat"}, {product_id: "hat"}, mongosDB.getName());
+let pipeline = [
+ {$match: {customer: "Alice"}},
+ {$unwind: "$products"},
+ {
+ $lookup:
+ {from: "reviews", localField: "products._id", foreignField: "product_id", as: "reviews"}
+ },
+ {
+ $group: {
+ _id: "$_id",
+ products: {
+ $push: {
+ _id: "$products._id",
+ price: "$products.price",
+ avg_review: {$avg: "$reviews.stars"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+let expectedRes = [{
+ _id: 0,
+ products: [{_id: "hat", price: 20, avg_review: 4.25}, {_id: "shirt", price: 30, avg_review: 3}]
+assertLookupExecution(pipeline, {comment: "unsharded_to_sharded_targeted"}, {
+ results: expectedRes,
+ // Because the local collection is unsharded, the $lookup stage is executed on the primary
+ // shard of the database.
+ toplevelExec: [1, 0],
+ // For every document that flows through the $lookup stage, the node executing the $lookup will
+ // target the shard that holds the relevant data for the sharded foreign collection.
+ subpipelineExec: [0, 2]
+// Test unsharded local collection and sharded foreign collection, with an untargeted $lookup.
+st.shardColl(reviewsColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+assertLookupExecution(pipeline, {comment: "unsharded_to_sharded_scatter"}, {
+ results: expectedRes,
+ // Because the local collection is unsharded, the $lookup stage is executed on the primary
+ // shard of the database.
+ toplevelExec: [1, 0],
+ // For every document that flows through the $lookup stage, the node executing the $lookup will
+ // perform a scatter-gather query and open a cursor on every shard that contains the foreign
+ // collection.
+ subpipelineExec: [2, 2]
+// Test sharded local collection and sharded foreign collection, with a targeted $lookup.
+st.shardColl(ordersColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+ reviewsColl, {product_id: 1}, {product_id: "hat"}, {product_id: "hat"}, mongosDB.getName());
+pipeline = [
+ {$unwind: "$products"},
+ {
+ $lookup:
+ {from: "reviews", localField: "products._id", foreignField: "product_id", as: "reviews"}
+ },
+ {
+ $group: {
+ _id: "$_id",
+ products: {
+ $push: {
+ _id: "$products._id",
+ price: "$products.price",
+ avg_review: {$avg: "$reviews.stars"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+expectedRes = [
+ {
+ _id: 0,
+ products:
+ [{_id: "hat", price: 20, avg_review: 4.25}, {_id: "shirt", price: 30, avg_review: 3}]
+ },
+ {
+ _id: 1,
+ products: [{_id: "shirt", price: 30, avg_review: 3}, {_id: "bowl", price: 6, avg_review: 4}]
+ }
+assertLookupExecution(pipeline, {comment: "sharded_to_sharded_targeted"}, {
+ results: expectedRes,
+ // The 'orders' collection is sharded, so the $lookup stage is executed in parallel on every
+ // shard that contains the local collection.
+ toplevelExec: [1, 1],
+ // Each node executing the $lookup will, for every document that flows through the $lookup
+ // stage, target the shard(s) that holds the relevant data for the sharded foreign collection.
+ subpipelineExec: [1, 3]
+// Test sharded local collection and sharded foreign collection, with an untargeted $lookup.
+st.shardColl(ordersColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+st.shardColl(reviewsColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+assertLookupExecution(pipeline, {comment: "sharded_to_sharded_scatter"}, {
+ results: expectedRes,
+ // The 'orders' collection is sharded, so the $lookup stage is executed in parallel on every
+ // shard that contains the local collection.
+ toplevelExec: [1, 1],
+ // Each node executing the $lookup will, for every document that flows through the $lookup
+ // stage, perform a scatter-gather query and open a cursor on every shard that contains the
+ // foreign collection.
+ subpipelineExec: [4, 4]
+// Test sharded local collection and sharded foreign collection with a targeted top-level $lookup
+// and a nested $lookup on an unsharded foreign collection.
+st.shardColl(ordersColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+ reviewsColl, {product_id: 1}, {product_id: "hat"}, {product_id: "hat"}, mongosDB.getName());
+pipeline = [
+ {$match: {customer: "Alice"}},
+ {$unwind: "$products"},
+ {$lookup: {
+ from: "reviews",
+ let: {customers_product_id: "$products._id"},
+ pipeline: [
+ {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ["$product_id", "$$customers_product_id"]}}},
+ {$lookup: {
+ from: "updates",
+ let: {review_id: "$_id"},
+ pipeline: [{$match: {$expr: {$eq: ["$original_review_id", "$$review_id"]}}}],
+ as: "updates"
+ }},
+ {$unwind: {path: "$updates", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}},
+ {$project: {product_id: 1, stars: {$ifNull: ["$updates.updated_stars", "$stars"]}}}
+ ],
+ as: "reviews"
+ }},
+ {$group: {
+ _id: "$_id",
+ products: {$push: {
+ _id: "$products._id",
+ price: "$products.price",
+ avg_review: {$avg: "$reviews.stars"}
+ }}
+ }}
+expectedRes = [{
+ _id: 0,
+ products: [{_id: "hat", price: 20, avg_review: 2.5}, {_id: "shirt", price: 30, avg_review: 3}]
+assertLookupExecution(pipeline, {comment: "sharded_to_sharded_to_unsharded"}, {
+ results: expectedRes,
+ // The 'orders' collection is sharded, so the $lookup stage is executed in parallel on every
+ // shard that contains the local collection.
+ toplevelExec: [1, 1],
+ // Each node executing the $lookup will, for every document that flows through the $lookup
+ // stage, target the shard that holds the relevant data for the sharded foreign collection.
+ subpipelineExec: [0, 2],
+ // When executing the subpipeline, the nested $lookup stage will stay on the merging half of the
+ // pipeline and execute on the merging node, sending requests over the network to execute
+ // the nested $lookup subpipeline on the primary shard (where the unsharded 'updates'
+ // collection is stored).
+ nestedExec: [3, 0]
+// Test sharded local collection and sharded foreign collection with a targeted top-level $lookup
+// and a nested targeted $lookup on a sharded foreign collection.
+st.shardColl(ordersColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+ reviewsColl, {product_id: 1}, {product_id: "hat"}, {product_id: "hat"}, mongosDB.getName());
+ {original_review_id: 1},
+ {original_review_id: 1},
+ {original_review_id: 1},
+ mongosDB.getName());
+assertLookupExecution(pipeline, {comment: "sharded_to_sharded_to_sharded_targeted"}, {
+ results: expectedRes,
+ // The 'orders' collection is sharded, so the top-level stage $lookup is executed in parallel on
+ // every shard that contains the local collection.
+ toplevelExec: [1, 1],
+ // For every document that flows through the $lookup stage, the node executing the $lookup will
+ // target the shard(s) that holds the relevant data for the sharded foreign collection.
+ subpipelineExec: [0, 2],
+ // When executing the subpipeline, the nested $lookup stage will stay on the merging half of the
+ // pipeline and execute on the merging node, targeting shards to execute the nested $lookup
+ // subpipeline.
+ nestedExec: [1, 2]
+// Test sharded local collection and sharded foreign collection with a targeted top-level $lookup
+// and a nested untargeted $lookup on a sharded foreign collection.
+st.shardColl(ordersColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+ reviewsColl, {product_id: 1}, {product_id: "hat"}, {product_id: "hat"}, mongosDB.getName());
+st.shardColl(updatesColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+assertLookupExecution(pipeline, {comment: "sharded_to_sharded_to_sharded_scatter"}, {
+ results: expectedRes,
+ // The 'orders' collection is sharded, so the $lookup stage is executed in parallel on every
+ // shard that contains the local collection.
+ toplevelExec: [1, 1],
+ // For every document that flows through the $lookup stage, the node executing the $lookup will
+ // target the shard that holds the relevant data for the sharded foreign collection.
+ subpipelineExec: [0, 2],
+ // When executing the subpipeline, the nested $lookup stage will stay on the merging half of the
+ // pipeline and execute on the merging node, performing a scatter-gather query to execute the
+ // nested $lookup subpipeline.
+ nestedExec: [3, 3]
+// Test that a targeted $lookup on a sharded collection can execute correctly on mongos.
+st.shardColl(ordersColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+ reviewsColl, {product_id: 1}, {product_id: "hat"}, {product_id: "hat"}, mongosDB.getName());
+pipeline = [
+ {$match: {customer: "Alice"}},
+ {$unwind: "$products"},
+ {$group: {_id: "$_id", products: {$push: {_id: "$products._id"}}}},
+ {$unwind: "$products"},
+ {$project: {_id: "$products._id"}},
+ {$lookup: {
+ from: "reviews",
+ let: {customers_product_id: "$_id"},
+ pipeline: [
+ {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ["$product_id", "$$customers_product_id"]}}},
+ {$project: {comment: 1, _id: 0}}
+ ],
+ as: "reviews"
+ }},
+expectedRes = [
+ {_id: "hat", reviews: [{comment: "super!"}, {comment: "good"}]},
+ {_id: "shirt", reviews: [{comment: "meh"}]}
+assertLookupExecution(pipeline, {comment: "sharded_to_sharded_on_mongos_targeted"}, {
+ results: expectedRes,
+ // Because the $lookup is after a $group that requires merging, the $lookup stage is executed on
+ // mongos.
+ toplevelExec: [0, 0],
+ mongosMerger: true,
+ // For every document that flows through the $lookup stage, the mongos executing the $lookup
+ // will target the shard that holds the relevant data for the sharded foreign collection.
+ subpipelineExec: [0, 2]
+// Test that an untargeted $lookup on a sharded collection can execute correctly on mongos.
+st.shardColl(ordersColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+st.shardColl(reviewsColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+assertLookupExecution(pipeline, {comment: "sharded_to_sharded_on_mongos_untargeted"}, {
+ results: expectedRes,
+ // Because the $lookup is after a $group that requires merging, the $lookup stage is executed on
+ // mongos.
+ toplevelExec: [0, 0],
+ mongosMerger: true,
+ // For every document that flows through the $lookup stage, the mongos executing the $lookup
+ // will perform a scatter-gather query and open a cursor on every shard that contains the
+ // foreign collection.
+ subpipelineExec: [2, 2]
+// Test that a targeted $lookup on a sharded collection can execute correctly when mongos delegates
+// to a merging shard.
+st.shardColl(ordersColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+ reviewsColl, {product_id: 1}, {product_id: "hat"}, {product_id: "hat"}, mongosDB.getName());
+ pipeline, {comment: "sharded_to_sharded_on_merging_shard_targeted", allowDiskUse: true}, {
+ results: expectedRes,
+ // Because the $lookup stage is after a $group that requires merging, but 'allowDiskUse' is
+ // true, the mongos delegates a merging shard to perform the $lookup execution.
+ randomlyDelegatedMerger: true,
+ // For every document that flows through the $lookup stage, the node executing the $lookup
+ // will target the shard that holds the relevant data for the sharded foreign collection.
+ subpipelineExec: [0, 2]
+ });
+// Test that an untargeted $lookup on a sharded collection can execute correctly when mongos
+// delegates to a merging shard.
+st.shardColl(ordersColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+st.shardColl(reviewsColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+ pipeline, {comment: "sharded_to_sharded_on_merging_shard_untargeted", allowDiskUse: true}, {
+ results: expectedRes,
+ // Because the $lookup stage is after a $group that requires merging, but 'allowDiskUse' is
+ // true, the mongos delegates a merging shard to perform the $lookup execution.
+ randomlyDelegatedMerger: true,
+ // For every document that flows through the $lookup stage, the node executing the $lookup
+ // will perform a scatter-gather query and open a cursor on every shard that contains the
+ // foreign collection.
+ subpipelineExec: [2, 2]
+ });
+// Test that multiple top-level $lookup stages are able to be run in parallel.
+st.shardColl(ordersColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 1}, mongosDB.getName());
+ reviewsColl, {product_id: 1}, {product_id: "hat"}, {product_id: "hat"}, mongosDB.getName());
+ {original_review_id: 1},
+ {original_review_id: 1},
+ {original_review_id: 1},
+ mongosDB.getName());
+pipeline = [
+ {$match: {customer: "Alice"}},
+ {$unwind: "$products"},
+ {
+ $lookup:
+ {from: "reviews", localField: "products._id", foreignField: "product_id", as: "reviews"}
+ },
+ {$unwind: "$reviews"},
+ {
+ $lookup:
+ {from: "updates", localField: "reviews._id", foreignField: "original_review_id", as: "updates"}
+ },
+ {$project: {_id: 0, "reviews._id": 1, "updates.updated_stars": 1}}
+expectedRes = [
+ {reviews: {_id: 0}, updates: [{updated_stars: 4}]},
+ {reviews: {_id: 1}, updates: [{updated_stars: 1}]},
+ {reviews: {_id: 2}, updates: []},
+assertLookupExecution(pipeline, {comment: "multiple_lookups"}, {
+ results: expectedRes,
+ // The 'orders' collection is sharded, so the $lookup stage is executed in parallel on every
+ // shard that contains the local collection.
+ toplevelExec: [1, 1],
+ // Each node executing the $lookup will, for every document that flows through the $lookup
+ // stage, target the shard(s) that holds the relevant data for the sharded foreign collection.
+ subpipelineExec: [0, 2],
+ // The second $lookup stage's expected execution behavior is similar to the first, executing in
+ // parallel on every shard that contains the 'updates' collection and, for each node, targeting
+ // shards to execute the subpipeline.
+ multipleLookups: {toplevelExec: [1, 1], subpipelineExec: [1, 2]}