path: root/src/mongo/base/clonable_ptr.h
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1 files changed, 656 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/base/clonable_ptr.h b/src/mongo/base/clonable_ptr.h
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index 00000000000..fc5c6bb39a4
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+++ b/src/mongo/base/clonable_ptr.h
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+// clonable_ptr.h
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 MongoDB Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
+ * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
+ * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
+ * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
+ * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects
+ * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify
+ * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
+ * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not
+ * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you
+ * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program,
+ * then also delete it in the license file.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <memory>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <type_traits>
+namespace mongo {
+namespace clonable_ptr_detail {
+// This is the default `CloneFactory` conforming to `mongo::concept::CloneFactory` for
+// `clonable_ptr`.
+template <typename Clonable>
+struct CloneFactory {
+ auto operator()(const Clonable& c) const -> decltype(c.clone()) {
+ return c.clone();
+ }
+// TODO: Move some of these traits detection structs to a template metaprogramming header.
+template <typename T>
+struct detect_clone_factory_type_member_impl {
+ struct Fallback {
+ struct clone_factory_type {};
+ };
+ struct Derived : T, Fallback {};
+ using Yes = char[2];
+ using No = char[1];
+ template <typename U>
+ static No& test(typename U::clone_factory_type*);
+ template <typename U>
+ static Yes& test(U*);
+ static constexpr bool value = sizeof(test<Derived>(0)) == sizeof(Yes);
+ using type = typename std::integral_constant<bool, value>::type;
+template <typename T>
+struct detect_clone_factory_type_member : std::conditional<std::is_class<T>::value,
+ detect_clone_factory_type_member_impl<T>,
+ std::false_type>::type {};
+template <typename T, bool has_clone_factory_member = detect_clone_factory_type_member<T>::value>
+struct clonable_traits_impl;
+template <typename T>
+struct clonable_traits_impl<T, false> {
+ using clone_factory_type = CloneFactory<T>;
+template <typename T>
+struct clonable_traits_impl<T, true> {
+ using clone_factory_type = typename T::clone_factory_type;
+} // namespace clonable_ptr_detail
+ * The 'clonable_traits' class is a specializable traits class for clonable-like types. By
+ * specializing this traits class for a type it is possible to change the global default
+ * `CloneFactory` type for a specific type. Types which conform to `mongo::concept::Clonable`
+ * will get a default `CloneFactory` type whch invokes their specific `Clonable::clone` function. A
+ * specialization can be used to make a type use a different clone factory function. A type `T` may
+ * specify `T::clone_factory_type` instead of specializing this traits type.
+ */
+template <typename T>
+struct clonable_traits : clonable_ptr_detail::clonable_traits_impl<T> {};
+ * The `clonable_ptr` represents a value-like type held at a distance. The `clonable_ptr` class is
+ * a smart-pointer type which functions like a `std::unique_ptr` with the added ability to create
+ * new copies of the pointee on copy construction. The default CloneFactory assumes that `T` is a
+ * type which models the Concept `mongo::concept::Clonable`. The supplied type may supply an
+ * alternative default `CloneFactory` type by either of two means:
+ *
+ * * `T` may define a member `T::clone_factory_type` which conforms to
+ * `mongo::concept::CloneFactory`
+ * * `T` may have an accompanying specialization of `mongo::clonable_traits< T >` which
+ * defines `clonable_factory_type`.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The `CloneFactory` type is permitted to be stateful, but must be copy constructible and
+ * copy assignable.
+ * NOTE: The `CloneFactory` member does NOT participate in value comparisons for a `clonable_ptr`,
+ * even when it has state.
+ *
+ * `T`: The type of the object being managed.
+ * `CloneFactory`: A type which models the Concept `mongo::concept::CloneFactory`.
+ * `UniquePtr`: A type which models the Concept `mongo::concept::UniquePtr`
+ */
+template <typename T,
+ typename CloneFactory = typename clonable_traits<T>::clone_factory_type,
+ template <typename, typename...> class UniquePtr = std::unique_ptr>
+class clonable_ptr {
+ // `std::tuple` is used to avoid allocating storage for `cloneFactory` if it is a non-storage
+ // type.
+ std::tuple<CloneFactory, UniquePtr<T>> data;
+ inline const CloneFactory& cloneFactory() const {
+ return std::get<0>(data);
+ }
+ inline const UniquePtr<T>& ptr() const {
+ return std::get<1>(data);
+ }
+ inline UniquePtr<T>& ptr() {
+ return std::get<1>(data);
+ }
+ inline const auto& _makeEqualityLens() const noexcept {
+ return this->ptr();
+ }
+ inline const auto& _makeStrictWeakOrderLens() const noexcept {
+ return this->ptr();
+ }
+ static inline UniquePtr<T> clone_with_factory_impl(const T& copy, const CloneFactory& factory) {
+ return UniquePtr<T>{factory(copy)};
+ }
+ template <typename Pointerlike>
+ static inline UniquePtr<T> clone_with_factory(Pointerlike&& copy, const CloneFactory& factory) {
+ if (!copy)
+ return nullptr;
+ return clone_with_factory_impl(*copy, factory);
+ }
+ struct internal_construction {};
+ explicit inline clonable_ptr(UniquePtr<T>&& p,
+ const CloneFactory* const f,
+ const internal_construction&)
+ : data(*f, std::move(p)) {}
+ explicit inline clonable_ptr(UniquePtr<T>&& p, CloneFactory&& f, const internal_construction&)
+ : data(std::move(f), std::move(p)) {}
+ /*! Destroys this pointer. Functions like `std::unique_ptr`. */
+ inline ~clonable_ptr() noexcept = default;
+ /*! Moves a value, by pointer. Functions like `std::unique_ptr`. */
+ inline clonable_ptr(clonable_ptr&&) noexcept(
+ noexcept(CloneFactory{std::declval<CloneFactory>()}) &&
+ noexcept(UniquePtr<T>{std::declval<UniquePtr<T>>()})) = default;
+ /*! Moves a value, by pointer. Functions like `std::unique_ptr`. */
+ inline clonable_ptr& operator=(clonable_ptr&&) &
+ noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<CloneFactory>() = std::declval<CloneFactory>()) &&
+ noexcept(std::declval<UniquePtr<T>>() = std::declval<UniquePtr<T>>())) = default;
+ /*!
+ * Constructs a pointer referring to a new copy of an original value. The old object owned by
+ * `*this` will be deleted, and `*this` will manage a new copy of `copy`, as created by
+ * `copy->clone()`. If `copy` is not managing anything (its internal pointer is `nullptr`),
+ * then this new copy will also be nullptr.
+ *
+ * POST: `copy != nullptr ? copy != *this : copy == *this` -- If `copy` stores a pointer to a
+ * value, then `*this` will have an independent pointer. If `copy` stores `nullptr`, then
+ * `*this` will also store `nullptr`.
+ *
+ * `copy`: The original value to copy.
+ * THROWS: Any exceptions thrown by `cloneFactory( *copy )`.
+ * TODO: Consider adding a noexcept deduction specifier to this copy operation.
+ */
+ inline clonable_ptr(const clonable_ptr& copy)
+ : data{copy.cloneFactory(), clone_with_factory(copy, copy.cloneFactory())} {}
+ /*!
+ * Constructs a pointer referring to a new copy of an original value. The old object owned by
+ * `*this` will be deleted, and `*this` will manage a new copy of `copy`, as created by
+ * `copy->clone()`. If `copy` is not managing anything (its internal pointer is `nullptr`),
+ * then this new copy will also be nullptr.
+ *
+ * POST: `copy != nullptr ? copy != *this : copy == *this` -- If `copy` stores a pointer to a
+ * value, then `*this` will have an independent pointer. If `copy` stores `nullptr`, then
+ * `*this` will also store `nullptr`.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The `CloneFactory` will be copied from the `copy` poiner, by default.
+ *
+ * `copy`: The original value to copy.
+ * `factory`: The factory to use for cloning. Defaults to the source's factory.
+ * THROWS: Any exceptions thrown by `factory( *copy )`.
+ * TODO: Consider adding a noexcept deduction specifier to this copy operation.
+ */
+ inline clonable_ptr(const clonable_ptr& copy, const CloneFactory& factory)
+ : data{factory, clone_with_factory(copy, factory)} {}
+ /*!
+ * Changes the value of this pointer, by creating a new object having the same value as `copy`.
+ * The old object owned by `*this` will be deleted, and `*this` will manage a new copy of
+ * `copy`, as created by `copy->clone()`. If `copy` is not managing anything (its internal
+ * pointer is `nullptr`), then this new copy will also be nullptr.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This operation cannot be conducted on an xvalue or prvalue instance. (This prevents
+ * silliness such as: `func_returning_ptr()= some_other_func_returning_ptr();`)
+ *
+ * NOTE: `copy`'s `CloneFactory` will be used to copy.
+ *
+ * POST: `copy != nullptr ? copy != *this : copy == *this` -- If `copy` stores a pointer to a
+ * value, then `*this` will have an independent pointer. If `copy` stores `nullptr`, then
+ * `*this` will also store `nullptr`.
+ *
+ * `copy`: The value to make a copy of.
+ * RETURNS: A reference to this pointer, after modification.
+ * TODO: Consider adding a noexcept deduction specifier to this copy operation.
+ */
+ inline clonable_ptr& operator=(const clonable_ptr& copy) & {
+ return *this = clonable_ptr{copy};
+ }
+ // Maintenance note: The two enable_if overloads of `clonable_ptr( std::nullptr_t )` are
+ // necessary, due to the fact that `std::nullptr_t` is capable of implicit conversion to a
+ // built-in pointer type. If the stateful form being deleted causes the `nullptr` to convert,
+ // this could cause binding to another ctor which may be undesired.
+ /*!
+ * `nullptr` construct a clonable pointer (to `nullptr`), if the `CloneFactory` type is
+ * stateless.
+ * The value will be a pointer to nothing, with a default `CloneFactory`.
+ * NOTE: This constructor is only available for types with a stateless `CloneFactory` type.
+ */
+ template <typename CloneFactory_ = CloneFactory>
+ inline clonable_ptr(
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_empty<CloneFactory_>::value, std::nullptr_t>::type) {}
+ /*!
+ * Disable `nullptr` construction of clonable pointer (to `nullptr`), if the `CloneFactory` type
+ * is stateful.
+ * NOTE: This constructor is disabled for types with a stateless `CloneFactory` type.
+ */
+ template <typename CloneFactory_ = CloneFactory>
+ inline clonable_ptr(typename std::enable_if<!std::is_empty<CloneFactory_>::value,
+ std::nullptr_t>::type) = delete;
+ /*!
+ * Constructs a pointer to nothing, with a default `CloneFactory`.
+ * This function is unavailable when `CloneFactory` is stateful.
+ */
+ template <typename CloneFactory_ = CloneFactory,
+ typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_empty<CloneFactory_>::value>::type>
+ explicit inline clonable_ptr() noexcept {}
+ /*! Constructs a pointer to nothing, with the specified `CloneFactory`. */
+ explicit inline clonable_ptr(CloneFactory factory) : data{factory, nullptr} {}
+ /*!
+ * Constructs a `clonable_ptr` which owns `p`, initializing the stored pointer with `p`.
+ * This function is unavailable when `CloneFactory` is stateful.
+ * `p`: The pointer to take ownership of.
+ */
+ template <typename CloneFactory_ = CloneFactory>
+ explicit inline clonable_ptr(
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_empty<CloneFactory_>::value, T* const>::type p)
+ : clonable_ptr(UniquePtr<T>{p}) {}
+ /*!
+ * Disable single-argument construction of clonable pointer (with a raw pointer), if the
+ * `CloneFactory` type is stateful.
+ * NOTE: This constructor is disabled for types with a stateless `CloneFactory` type.
+ */
+ template <typename CloneFactory_ = CloneFactory>
+ explicit inline clonable_ptr(
+ typename std::enable_if<!std::is_empty<CloneFactory_>::value, T* const>::type) = delete;
+ // The reason that we have two overloads for clone factory is to ensure that we avoid as many
+ // exception-unsafe uses as possible. The const-lvalue-reference variant in conjunction with
+ // the rvalue-reference variant lets us separate the cases of "constructed in place" from
+ // "passed from a local". In the latter case, we can't make our type any safer, since the
+ // timing of the construction of the local and the timing of the `new` on the raw pointer are
+ // out of our control. At least we prevent an accidental use which SEEMS exception safe but
+ // isn't -- hopefully highlighting exception unsafe code, by making it more explicit. In the
+ // former, "constructed in place", case, we are able to successfully move construct without
+ // exception problems, if it's nothrow move constructible. If it isn't we flag a compiler
+ // error. In this case, too, we prevent accidental use which SEEMS exception safe and hopefully
+ // will similarly highlight exception unsafe code.
+ /*!
+ * Constructs a `clonable_ptr` which owns `p`, initializing the stored pointer with `p`. The
+ * `factory` parameter will be used as the `CloneFactory`
+ * `p`: The pointer to take ownership of.
+ * `factory`: The clone factory to use in future copies.
+ * NOTE: It is not recommended to use this constructor, as the following is not exception safe
+ * code:
+ * ~~~
+ * std::function<T* ()> cloner= [](const T& p){ return p; };
+ * auto getCloner= [=]{ return cloner; };
+ * clonable_ptr<T, std::function<T* ()>> bad{new T, getCloner()}; // BAD IDEA!!!
+ * ~~~
+ * Even if the above could be made exception safe, there are other more complicated use cases
+ * which would not be exception safe. (The above is not exception safe, because the `new T`
+ * expression can be evaluated before the `getCloner()` expression is evaluated. `getCloner()`
+ * is allowed to throw, thus leaving `new T` to be abandoned.
+ */
+ explicit inline clonable_ptr(T* const p, const CloneFactory& factory)
+ : clonable_ptr{UniquePtr<T>{p}, std::addressof(factory), internal_construction{}} {}
+ /*!
+ * Constructs a `clonable_ptr` which owns `p`, initializing the stored pointer with `p`. The
+ * `factory` parameter will be used as the `CloneFactory` for future copies.
+ * `p`: The pointer to take ownership of.
+ * `factory`: The clone factory to use in future copies.
+ * NOTE: It is not recommended to use this constructor, as the following is not exception safe
+ * code:
+ * ~~~
+ * clonable_ptr<T, std::function<T* ()>> bad{new T, [](const T& p){ return p; }}; // BAD IDEA!!!
+ * ~~~
+ * Even if the above could be made exception safe, there are other more complicated use cases
+ * which would not be exception safe. (The above is not exception safe, because the `new T`
+ * expression can be evaluated before the lambda expression is evaluated and converted to a
+ * `std::function`. The `std::function` constructor is allowed to throw, thus leaving `new T`
+ * to be abandoned.
+ */
+ explicit inline clonable_ptr(T* const p, CloneFactory&& factory)
+ : clonable_ptr{UniquePtr<T>{p}, std::move(factory), internal_construction{}} {
+ static_assert(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<CloneFactory>::value,
+ "The `CloneFactory` type must be nothrow constructible to use as an r-value "
+ "in an initialization expression with a raw pointer.");
+ }
+ /*!
+ * Constructs a `clonable_ptr` by transferring ownership from `p` to `*this`. A default
+ * `CloneFactory` will be provided for future copies.
+ * `p`: The pointer to take ownership of.
+ * NOTE: This constructor allows for implicit conversion from a `UniquePtr` (xvalue) object.
+ * NOTE: This constructor is unavailable when `CloneFactory` is stateful.
+ * NOTE: This usage should be preferred over the raw-pointer construction forms, when using
+ * factories as constructor arguments, as in the following exception safe code:
+ * ~~~
+ * clonable_ptr<T, std::function<T* ()>> good{std::make_unique<T>(),
+ * [](const T& p){ return p; }}; // GOOD IDEA!!!
+ * ~~~
+ */
+ template <typename CloneFactory_ = CloneFactory,
+ typename Derived,
+ typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_empty<CloneFactory_>::value>::type>
+ inline clonable_ptr(UniquePtr<Derived> p) : data{CloneFactory{}, std::move(p)} {}
+ /*!
+ * Constructs a `clonable_ptr` by transferring ownership from `p` to `*this`. The `factory`
+ * parameter will be used as the `CloneFactory` for future copies.
+ * NOTE: This constructor allows for implicit conversion from a `UniquePtr` (xvalue) object.
+ * `p`: The pointer to take ownership of.
+ * `factory`: The clone factory to use in future copies.
+ * NOTE: This usage should be preferred over the raw-pointer construction forms, when using
+ * factories as constructor arguments, as in the following exception safe code:
+ * ~~~
+ * clonable_ptr<T, std::function<T* ()>> good{std::make_unique<T>(),
+ * [](const T& p){ return p; }}; // GOOD IDEA!!!
+ * ~~~
+ */
+ template <typename Derived>
+ inline clonable_ptr(UniquePtr<Derived> p, CloneFactory factory)
+ : data{std::move(factory), std::move(p)} {}
+ /*!
+ * Changes the value of this pointer, by creating a new object having the same value as `copy`.
+ * The old object owned by `*this` will be deleted, and `*this` will manage a new copy of
+ * `copy`, as created by `copy->clone()`. If `copy` is not managing anything (its internal
+ * pointer is `nullptr`), then this new copy will also be nullptr.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This operation cannot be performed on an xvalue or prvalue instance. (This prevents
+ * silliness such as: `func_returning_ptr()= some_other_func_returning_ptr();`)
+ *
+ * NOTE: `copy`'s `CloneFactory` will be used to copy.
+ *
+ * POST: `copy != nullptr ? copy != *this : copy == *this` -- If `copy` stores a pointer to a
+ * value, then `*this` will have an independent pointer. If `copy` stores `nullptr`, then
+ * `*this` will also store `nullptr`.
+ *
+ * `copy`: The value to make a copy of.
+ * RETURNS: A reference to this pointer, after modification.
+ */
+ inline clonable_ptr& operator=(UniquePtr<T> copy) & {
+ return *this = std::move(clonable_ptr{std::move(copy), this->cloneFactory()});
+ }
+ template <typename Derived>
+ inline clonable_ptr& operator=(UniquePtr< Derived > copy) & {
+ return *this = std::move(clonable_ptr{std::move(copy), this->cloneFactory()});
+ }
+ /*!
+ * Change the `CloneFactory` for `*this` to `factory`.
+ * NOTE: This operation cannot be performed on an xvalue or prvalue instance. (This prevents
+ * silliness such as: `func_returning_ptr().setCloneFactory( factory );`.)
+ */
+ template <typename FactoryType>
+ inline void setCloneFactory(FactoryType&& factory) & {
+ this->cloneFactory() = std::forward<FactoryType>(factory);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * Dereferences the pointer owned by `*this`.
+ * NOTE: The behavior is undefined if `this->get() == nullptr`.
+ * RETURNS: The object owned by `*this`, equivalent to `*get()`.
+ */
+ inline auto& operator*() const noexcept(noexcept(*this->ptr())) {
+ return *this->ptr();
+ }
+ /*!
+ * Dereferences the pointer owned by `*this`.
+ * NOTE: The behavior is undefined if `this->get() == nullptr`.
+ * RETURNS: A pointer to the object owned by `*this`, equivalent to `get()`.
+ */
+ inline auto* operator-> () const noexcept(noexcept(this->ptr().operator->())) {
+ return this->ptr().operator->();
+ }
+ /*!
+ * Returns `true` if `*this` owns a pointer to a value, and `false` otherwise.
+ * RETURNS: A value equivalent to `static_cast< bool >( this->get() )`.
+ */
+ explicit inline operator bool() const noexcept {
+ return this->ptr().get();
+ }
+ /*!
+ * Converts `*this` to a `UniquePtr< T >` by transferring ownership. This function will retire
+ * ownership of the pointer owned by `*this`. This is a safe operation, as this function cannot
+ * be called from an lvalue context -- rvalue operations are used to represent transfer of
+ * ownership semantics.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This function is only applicable in `rvalue` contexts.
+ * NOTE: This function has transfer of ownership semantics.
+ *
+ * RETURNS: A `UniquePtr< T >` which owns the pointer formerly managed by `*this`.
+ */
+ inline operator UniquePtr<T>() && {
+ return std::move(this->ptr());
+ }
+ /*! Provides a constant `UniquePtr< T >` view of the object owned by `*this`. */
+ inline operator const UniquePtr<T>&() const& {
+ return this->ptr();
+ }
+ /*! Provides a mutable `UniquePtr< T >` view of the object owned by `*this`. */
+ inline operator UniquePtr<T>&() & {
+ return this->ptr();
+ }
+ /*! Provides a C-style `T *` pointer to the object owned by `*this`. */
+ inline T* get() const noexcept(noexcept(this->ptr().get())) {
+ return this->ptr().get();
+ }
+ inline void reset() & noexcept {
+ this->ptr().reset();
+ }
+ inline void reset(T* const p) & noexcept(noexcept(this->ptr().reset(p))) {
+ this->ptr().reset(p);
+ }
+ // Equality
+ template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+ inline friend bool operator==(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs,
+ const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return lhs._makeEqualityLens() == rhs._makeEqualityLens();
+ }
+ template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+ inline friend bool operator==(const U<C>& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return lhs == rhs._makeEqualityLens();
+ }
+ template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+ inline friend bool operator==(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const U<C>& rhs) {
+ return lhs._makeEqualityLens() == rhs;
+ }
+ template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+ inline friend bool operator==(const std::nullptr_t& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return lhs == rhs._makeEqualityLens();
+ }
+ template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+ inline friend bool operator==(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const std::nullptr_t& rhs) {
+ return lhs._makeEqualityLens() == rhs;
+ }
+ // Strict weak order
+ template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+ inline friend bool operator<(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs,
+ const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return lhs._makeStrictWeakOrderLens() < rhs._makeStrictWeakOrderLens();
+ }
+ template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+ inline friend bool operator<(const U<C>& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return lhs < rhs._makeStrictWeakOrderLens();
+ }
+ template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+ inline friend bool operator<(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const U<C>& rhs) {
+ return lhs._makeStrictWeakOrderLens() < rhs;
+ }
+ template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+ inline friend bool operator<(const std::nullptr_t& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return lhs < rhs._makeStrictWeakOrderLens();
+ }
+ template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+ inline friend bool operator<(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const std::nullptr_t& rhs) {
+ return lhs._makeStrictWeakOrderLens() < rhs;
+ }
+// Inequality
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator!=(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs == rhs);
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator!=(const U<C>& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs == rhs);
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator!=(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const U<C>& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs == rhs);
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator!=(const std::nullptr_t& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs == rhs);
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator!=(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const std::nullptr_t& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs == rhs);
+// Greater than
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator>(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return rhs < lhs;
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator>(const U<C>& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return rhs < lhs;
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator>(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const U<C>& rhs) {
+ return rhs < lhs;
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator>(const std::nullptr_t& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return rhs < lhs;
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator>(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const std::nullptr_t& rhs) {
+ return rhs < lhs;
+// Equal or Less
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator<=(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs > rhs);
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator<=(const U<C>& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs > rhs);
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator<=(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const U<C>& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs > rhs);
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator<=(const std::nullptr_t& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs > rhs);
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator<=(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const std::nullptr_t& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs > rhs);
+// Equal or greater
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator>=(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs < rhs);
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator>=(const U<C>& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs < rhs);
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator>=(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const U<C>& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs < rhs);
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator>=(const std::nullptr_t& lhs, const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs < rhs);
+template <typename C, typename F, template <typename, typename...> class U>
+inline bool operator>=(const clonable_ptr<C, F, U>& lhs, const std::nullptr_t& rhs) {
+ return !(lhs < rhs);
+} // namespace mongo