path: root/src/mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h')
1 files changed, 842 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h b/src/mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1fdbcba18a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h
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+/* bsonobjbuilder.h
+ Classes in this file:
+ BSONObjBuilder
+ BSONArrayBuilder
+/* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <limits>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include "bsonelement.h"
+#include "bsonobj.h"
+#include "bsonmisc.h"
+namespace mongo {
+ using namespace std;
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+// warning: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
+#pragma warning( disable : 4355 )
+ template<typename T>
+ class BSONFieldValue {
+ public:
+ BSONFieldValue( const string& name , const T& t ) {
+ _name = name;
+ _t = t;
+ }
+ const T& value() const { return _t; }
+ const string& name() const { return _name; }
+ private:
+ string _name;
+ T _t;
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ class BSONField {
+ public:
+ BSONField( const string& name , const string& longName="" )
+ : _name(name), _longName(longName) {}
+ const string& name() const { return _name; }
+ operator string() const { return _name; }
+ BSONFieldValue<T> make( const T& t ) const {
+ return BSONFieldValue<T>( _name , t );
+ }
+ BSONFieldValue<BSONObj> gt( const T& t ) const { return query( "$gt" , t ); }
+ BSONFieldValue<BSONObj> lt( const T& t ) const { return query( "$lt" , t ); }
+ BSONFieldValue<BSONObj> query( const char * q , const T& t ) const;
+ BSONFieldValue<T> operator()( const T& t ) const {
+ return BSONFieldValue<T>( _name , t );
+ }
+ private:
+ string _name;
+ string _longName;
+ };
+ /** Utility for creating a BSONObj.
+ See also the BSON() and BSON_ARRAY() macros.
+ */
+ class BSONObjBuilder : boost::noncopyable {
+ public:
+ /** @param initsize this is just a hint as to the final size of the object */
+ BSONObjBuilder(int initsize=512) : _b(_buf), _buf(initsize + sizeof(unsigned)), _offset( sizeof(unsigned) ), _s( this ) , _tracker(0) , _doneCalled(false) {
+ _b.appendNum((unsigned)0); // ref-count
+ _b.skip(4); /*leave room for size field and ref-count*/
+ }
+ /** @param baseBuilder construct a BSONObjBuilder using an existing BufBuilder
+ * This is for more efficient adding of subobjects/arrays. See docs for subobjStart for example.
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder( BufBuilder &baseBuilder ) : _b( baseBuilder ), _buf( 0 ), _offset( baseBuilder.len() ), _s( this ) , _tracker(0) , _doneCalled(false) {
+ _b.skip( 4 );
+ }
+ BSONObjBuilder( const BSONSizeTracker & tracker ) : _b(_buf) , _buf(tracker.getSize() + sizeof(unsigned) ), _offset( sizeof(unsigned) ), _s( this ) , _tracker( (BSONSizeTracker*)(&tracker) ) , _doneCalled(false) {
+ _b.appendNum((unsigned)0); // ref-count
+ _b.skip(4);
+ }
+ ~BSONObjBuilder() {
+ if ( !_doneCalled && _b.buf() && _buf.getSize() == 0 ) {
+ _done();
+ }
+ }
+ /** add all the fields from the object specified to this object */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendElements(BSONObj x);
+ /** add all the fields from the object specified to this object if they don't exist already */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendElementsUnique( BSONObj x );
+ /** append element to the object we are building */
+ BSONObjBuilder& append( const BSONElement& e) {
+ assert( !e.eoo() ); // do not append eoo, that would corrupt us. the builder auto appends when done() is called.
+ _b.appendBuf((void*) e.rawdata(), e.size());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** append an element but with a new name */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendAs(const BSONElement& e, const StringData& fieldName) {
+ assert( !e.eoo() ); // do not append eoo, that would corrupt us. the builder auto appends when done() is called.
+ _b.appendNum((char) e.type());
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendBuf((void *) e.value(), e.valuesize());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** add a subobject as a member */
+ BSONObjBuilder& append(const StringData& fieldName, BSONObj subObj) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) Object);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendBuf((void *) subObj.objdata(), subObj.objsize());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** add a subobject as a member */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendObject(const StringData& fieldName, const char * objdata , int size = 0 ) {
+ assert( objdata );
+ if ( size == 0 ) {
+ size = *((int*)objdata);
+ }
+ assert( size > 4 && size < 100000000 );
+ _b.appendNum((char) Object);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendBuf((void*)objdata, size );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** add header for a new subobject and return bufbuilder for writing to
+ * the subobject's body
+ *
+ * example:
+ *
+ * BSONObjBuilder b;
+ * BSONObjBuilder sub (b.subobjStart("fieldName"));
+ * // use sub
+ * sub.done()
+ * // use b and convert to object
+ */
+ BufBuilder &subobjStart(const StringData& fieldName) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) Object);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ return _b;
+ }
+ /** add a subobject as a member with type Array. Thus arr object should have "0", "1", ...
+ style fields in it.
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendArray(const StringData& fieldName, const BSONObj &subObj) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) Array);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendBuf((void *) subObj.objdata(), subObj.objsize());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ BSONObjBuilder& append(const StringData& fieldName, BSONArray arr) {
+ return appendArray(fieldName, arr);
+ }
+ /** add header for a new subarray and return bufbuilder for writing to
+ the subarray's body */
+ BufBuilder &subarrayStart(const StringData& fieldName) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) Array);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ return _b;
+ }
+ /** Append a boolean element */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendBool(const StringData& fieldName, int val) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) Bool);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendNum((char) (val?1:0));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** Append a boolean element */
+ BSONObjBuilder& append(const StringData& fieldName, bool val) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) Bool);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendNum((char) (val?1:0));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** Append a 32 bit integer element */
+ BSONObjBuilder& append(const StringData& fieldName, int n) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) NumberInt);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendNum(n);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** Append a 32 bit unsigned element - cast to a signed int. */
+ BSONObjBuilder& append(const StringData& fieldName, unsigned n) {
+ return append(fieldName, (int) n);
+ }
+ /** Append a NumberLong */
+ BSONObjBuilder& append(const StringData& fieldName, long long n) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) NumberLong);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendNum(n);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** appends a number. if n < max(int)/2 then uses int, otherwise long long */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendIntOrLL( const StringData& fieldName , long long n ) {
+ long long x = n;
+ if ( x < 0 )
+ x = x * -1;
+ if ( x < ( (numeric_limits<int>::max)() / 2 ) ) // extra () to avoid max macro on windows
+ append( fieldName , (int)n );
+ else
+ append( fieldName , n );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * appendNumber is a series of method for appending the smallest sensible type
+ * mostly for JS
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendNumber( const StringData& fieldName , int n ) {
+ return append( fieldName , n );
+ }
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendNumber( const StringData& fieldName , double d ) {
+ return append( fieldName , d );
+ }
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendNumber( const StringData& fieldName , size_t n ) {
+ static size_t maxInt = (size_t)pow( 2.0 , 30.0 );
+ if ( n < maxInt )
+ append( fieldName , (int)n );
+ else
+ append( fieldName , (long long)n );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendNumber( const StringData& fieldName , long long l ) {
+ static long long maxInt = (int)pow( 2.0 , 30.0 );
+ static long long maxDouble = (long long)pow( 2.0 , 40.0 );
+ long long x = l >= 0 ? l : -l;
+ if ( x < maxInt )
+ append( fieldName , (int)l );
+ else if ( x < maxDouble )
+ append( fieldName , (double)l );
+ else
+ append( fieldName , l );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** Append a double element */
+ BSONObjBuilder& append(const StringData& fieldName, double n) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) NumberDouble);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendNum(n);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** tries to append the data as a number
+ * @return true if the data was able to be converted to a number
+ */
+ bool appendAsNumber( const StringData& fieldName , const string& data );
+ /** Append a BSON Object ID (OID type).
+ @deprecated Generally, it is preferred to use the append append(name, oid)
+ method for this.
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendOID(const StringData& fieldName, OID *oid = 0 , bool generateIfBlank = false ) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) jstOID);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ if ( oid )
+ _b.appendBuf( (void *) oid, 12 );
+ else {
+ OID tmp;
+ if ( generateIfBlank )
+ tmp.init();
+ else
+ tmp.clear();
+ _b.appendBuf( (void *) &tmp, 12 );
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ Append a BSON Object ID.
+ @param fieldName Field name, e.g., "_id".
+ @returns the builder object
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder& append( const StringData& fieldName, OID oid ) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) jstOID);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendBuf( (void *) &oid, 12 );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ Generate and assign an object id for the _id field.
+ _id should be the first element in the object for good performance.
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder& genOID() {
+ return append("_id", OID::gen());
+ }
+ /** Append a time_t date.
+ @param dt a C-style 32 bit date value, that is
+ the number of seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendTimeT(const StringData& fieldName, time_t dt) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) Date);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendNum(static_cast<unsigned long long>(dt) * 1000);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** Append a date.
+ @param dt a Java-style 64 bit date value, that is
+ the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendDate(const StringData& fieldName, Date_t dt) {
+ /* easy to pass a time_t to this and get a bad result. thus this warning. */
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(MONGO_EXPOSE_MACROS)
+ if( dt > 0 && dt <= 0xffffffff ) {
+ static int n;
+ if( n++ == 0 )
+ log() << "DEV WARNING appendDate() called with a tiny (but nonzero) date" << endl;
+ }
+ _b.appendNum((char) Date);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendNum(dt);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ BSONObjBuilder& append(const StringData& fieldName, Date_t dt) {
+ return appendDate(fieldName, dt);
+ }
+ /** Append a regular expression value
+ @param regex the regular expression pattern
+ @param regex options such as "i" or "g"
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendRegex(const StringData& fieldName, const StringData& regex, const StringData& options = "") {
+ _b.appendNum((char) RegEx);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendStr(regex);
+ _b.appendStr(options);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendCode(const StringData& fieldName, const StringData& code) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) Code);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendNum((int) code.size()+1);
+ _b.appendStr(code);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** Append a string element.
+ @param sz size includes terminating null character */
+ BSONObjBuilder& append(const StringData& fieldName, const char *str, int sz) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) String);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendNum((int)sz);
+ _b.appendBuf(str, sz);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** Append a string element */
+ BSONObjBuilder& append(const StringData& fieldName, const char *str) {
+ return append(fieldName, str, (int) strlen(str)+1);
+ }
+ /** Append a string element */
+ BSONObjBuilder& append(const StringData& fieldName, const string& str) {
+ return append(fieldName, str.c_str(), (int) str.size()+1);
+ }
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendSymbol(const StringData& fieldName, const StringData& symbol) {
+ _b.appendNum((char) Symbol);
+ _b.appendStr(fieldName);
+ _b.appendNum((int) symbol.size()+1);
+ _b.appendStr(symbol);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** Append a Null element to the object */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendNull( const StringData& fieldName ) {
+ _b.appendNum( (char) jstNULL );
+ _b.appendStr( fieldName );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Append an element that is less than all other keys.
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendMinKey( const StringData& fieldName ) {
+ _b.appendNum( (char) MinKey );
+ _b.appendStr( fieldName );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Append an element that is greater than all other keys.
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendMaxKey( const StringData& fieldName ) {
+ _b.appendNum( (char) MaxKey );
+ _b.appendStr( fieldName );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Append a Timestamp field -- will be updated to next OpTime on db insert.
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendTimestamp( const StringData& fieldName ) {
+ _b.appendNum( (char) Timestamp );
+ _b.appendStr( fieldName );
+ _b.appendNum( (unsigned long long) 0 );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendTimestamp( const StringData& fieldName , unsigned long long val ) {
+ _b.appendNum( (char) Timestamp );
+ _b.appendStr( fieldName );
+ _b.appendNum( val );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ Timestamps are a special BSON datatype that is used internally for replication.
+ Append a timestamp element to the object being ebuilt.
+ @param time - in millis (but stored in seconds)
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendTimestamp( const StringData& fieldName , unsigned long long time , unsigned int inc );
+ /*
+ Append an element of the deprecated DBRef type.
+ @deprecated
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendDBRef( const StringData& fieldName, const StringData& ns, const OID &oid ) {
+ _b.appendNum( (char) DBRef );
+ _b.appendStr( fieldName );
+ _b.appendNum( (int) ns.size() + 1 );
+ _b.appendStr( ns );
+ _b.appendBuf( (void *) &oid, 12 );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** Append a binary data element
+ @param fieldName name of the field
+ @param len length of the binary data in bytes
+ @param subtype subtype information for the data. @see enum BinDataType in bsontypes.h.
+ Use BinDataGeneral if you don't care about the type.
+ @param data the byte array
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendBinData( const StringData& fieldName, int len, BinDataType type, const void *data ) {
+ _b.appendNum( (char) BinData );
+ _b.appendStr( fieldName );
+ _b.appendNum( len );
+ _b.appendNum( (char) type );
+ _b.appendBuf( data, len );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ Subtype 2 is deprecated.
+ Append a BSON bindata bytearray element.
+ @param data a byte array
+ @param len the length of data
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendBinDataArrayDeprecated( const char * fieldName , const void * data , int len ) {
+ _b.appendNum( (char) BinData );
+ _b.appendStr( fieldName );
+ _b.appendNum( len + 4 );
+ _b.appendNum( (char)0x2 );
+ _b.appendNum( len );
+ _b.appendBuf( data, len );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** Append to the BSON object a field of type CodeWScope. This is a javascript code
+ fragment accompanied by some scope that goes with it.
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder& appendCodeWScope( const StringData& fieldName, const StringData& code, const BSONObj &scope ) {
+ _b.appendNum( (char) CodeWScope );
+ _b.appendStr( fieldName );
+ _b.appendNum( ( int )( 4 + 4 + code.size() + 1 + scope.objsize() ) );
+ _b.appendNum( ( int ) code.size() + 1 );
+ _b.appendStr( code );
+ _b.appendBuf( ( void * )scope.objdata(), scope.objsize() );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void appendUndefined( const StringData& fieldName ) {
+ _b.appendNum( (char) Undefined );
+ _b.appendStr( fieldName );
+ }
+ /* helper function -- see Query::where() for primary way to do this. */
+ void appendWhere( const StringData& code, const BSONObj &scope ) {
+ appendCodeWScope( "$where" , code , scope );
+ }
+ /**
+ these are the min/max when comparing, not strict min/max elements for a given type
+ */
+ void appendMinForType( const StringData& fieldName , int type );
+ void appendMaxForType( const StringData& fieldName , int type );
+ /** Append an array of values. */
+ template < class T >
+ BSONObjBuilder& append( const StringData& fieldName, const vector< T >& vals );
+ template < class T >
+ BSONObjBuilder& append( const StringData& fieldName, const list< T >& vals );
+ /** Append a set of values. */
+ template < class T >
+ BSONObjBuilder& append( const StringData& fieldName, const set< T >& vals );
+ /**
+ * destructive
+ * The returned BSONObj will free the buffer when it is finished.
+ * @return owned BSONObj
+ */
+ BSONObj obj() {
+ bool own = owned();
+ massert( 10335 , "builder does not own memory", own );
+ doneFast();
+ BSONObj::Holder* h = (BSONObj::Holder*)_b.buf();
+ decouple(); // sets _b.buf() to NULL
+ return BSONObj(h);
+ }
+ /** Fetch the object we have built.
+ BSONObjBuilder still frees the object when the builder goes out of
+ scope -- very important to keep in mind. Use obj() if you
+ would like the BSONObj to last longer than the builder.
+ */
+ BSONObj done() {
+ return BSONObj(_done());
+ }
+ // Like 'done' above, but does not construct a BSONObj to return to the caller.
+ void doneFast() {
+ (void)_done();
+ }
+ /** Peek at what is in the builder, but leave the builder ready for more appends.
+ The returned object is only valid until the next modification or destruction of the builder.
+ Intended use case: append a field if not already there.
+ */
+ BSONObj asTempObj() {
+ BSONObj temp(_done());
+ _b.setlen(_b.len()-1); //next append should overwrite the EOO
+ _doneCalled = false;
+ return temp;
+ }
+ /* assume ownership of the buffer - you must then free it (with free()) */
+ char* decouple(int& l) {
+ char *x = _done();
+ assert( x );
+ l = _b.len();
+ _b.decouple();
+ return x;
+ }
+ void decouple() {
+ _b.decouple(); // post done() call version. be sure jsobj frees...
+ }
+ void appendKeys( const BSONObj& keyPattern , const BSONObj& values );
+ static string numStr( int i ) {
+ if (i>=0 && i<100 && numStrsReady)
+ return numStrs[i];
+ StringBuilder o;
+ o << i;
+ return o.str();
+ }
+ /** Stream oriented way to add field names and values. */
+ BSONObjBuilderValueStream &operator<<(const char * name ) {
+ _s.endField( name );
+ return _s;
+ }
+ /** Stream oriented way to add field names and values. */
+ BSONObjBuilder& operator<<( GENOIDLabeler ) { return genOID(); }
+ // prevent implicit string conversions which would allow bad things like BSON( BSON( "foo" << 1 ) << 2 )
+ struct ForceExplicitString {
+ ForceExplicitString( const string &str ) : str_( str ) {}
+ string str_;
+ };
+ /** Stream oriented way to add field names and values. */
+ BSONObjBuilderValueStream &operator<<( const ForceExplicitString& name ) {
+ return operator<<( name.str_.c_str() );
+ }
+ Labeler operator<<( const Labeler::Label &l ) {
+ massert( 10336 , "No subobject started", _s.subobjStarted() );
+ return _s << l;
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ BSONObjBuilderValueStream& operator<<( const BSONField<T>& f ) {
+ _s.endField( );
+ return _s;
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ BSONObjBuilder& operator<<( const BSONFieldValue<T>& v ) {
+ append( , v.value() );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ BSONObjBuilder& operator<<( const BSONElement& e ){
+ append( e );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @return true if we are using our own bufbuilder, and not an alternate that was given to us in our constructor */
+ bool owned() const { return &_b == &_buf; }
+ BSONObjIterator iterator() const ;
+ bool hasField( const StringData& name ) const ;
+ int len() const { return _b.len(); }
+ BufBuilder& bb() { return _b; }
+ private:
+ char* _done() {
+ if ( _doneCalled )
+ return _b.buf() + _offset;
+ _doneCalled = true;
+ _s.endField();
+ _b.appendNum((char) EOO);
+ char *data = _b.buf() + _offset;
+ int size = _b.len() - _offset;
+ *((int*)data) = size;
+ if ( _tracker )
+ _tracker->got( size );
+ return data;
+ }
+ BufBuilder &_b;
+ BufBuilder _buf;
+ int _offset;
+ BSONObjBuilderValueStream _s;
+ BSONSizeTracker * _tracker;
+ bool _doneCalled;
+ static const string numStrs[100]; // cache of 0 to 99 inclusive
+ static bool numStrsReady; // for static init safety. see comments in db/jsobj.cpp
+ };
+ class BSONArrayBuilder : boost::noncopyable {
+ public:
+ BSONArrayBuilder() : _i(0), _b() {}
+ BSONArrayBuilder( BufBuilder &_b ) : _i(0), _b(_b) {}
+ BSONArrayBuilder( int initialSize ) : _i(0), _b(initialSize) {}
+ template <typename T>
+ BSONArrayBuilder& append(const T& x) {
+ _b.append(num(), x);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ BSONArrayBuilder& append(const BSONElement& e) {
+ _b.appendAs(e, num());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ BSONArrayBuilder& operator<<(const T& x) {
+ return append(x);
+ }
+ void appendNull() {
+ _b.appendNull(num());
+ }
+ /**
+ * destructive - ownership moves to returned BSONArray
+ * @return owned BSONArray
+ */
+ BSONArray arr() { return BSONArray(_b.obj()); }
+ BSONObj done() { return _b.done(); }
+ void doneFast() { _b.doneFast(); }
+ template <typename T>
+ BSONArrayBuilder& append(const StringData& name, const T& x) {
+ fill( name );
+ append( x );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // These two just use next position
+ BufBuilder &subobjStart() { return _b.subobjStart( num() ); }
+ BufBuilder &subarrayStart() { return _b.subarrayStart( num() ); }
+ // These fill missing entries up to pos. if pos is < next pos is ignored
+ BufBuilder &subobjStart(int pos) {
+ fill(pos);
+ return _b.subobjStart( num() );
+ }
+ BufBuilder &subarrayStart(int pos) {
+ fill(pos);
+ return _b.subarrayStart( num() );
+ }
+ // These should only be used where you really need interface compatability with BSONObjBuilder
+ // Currently they are only used by update.cpp and it should probably stay that way
+ BufBuilder &subobjStart( const StringData& name ) {
+ fill( name );
+ return _b.subobjStart( num() );
+ }
+ BufBuilder &subarrayStart( const char *name ) {
+ fill( name );
+ return _b.subarrayStart( num() );
+ }
+ void appendArray( const StringData& name, BSONObj subObj ) {
+ fill( name );
+ _b.appendArray( num(), subObj );
+ }
+ void appendAs( const BSONElement &e, const char *name) {
+ fill( name );
+ append( e );
+ }
+ int len() const { return _b.len(); }
+ int arrSize() const { return _i; }
+ private:
+ // These two are undefined privates to prevent their accidental
+ // use as we don't support unsigned ints in BSON
+ BSONObjBuilder& append(const StringData& fieldName, unsigned int val);
+ BSONObjBuilder& append(const StringData& fieldName, unsigned long long val);
+ void fill( const StringData& name ) {
+ char *r;
+ long int n = strtol(, &r, 10 );
+ if ( *r )
+ uasserted( 13048, (string)"can't append to array using string field name [" + + "]" );
+ fill(n);
+ }
+ void fill (int upTo){
+ // if this is changed make sure to update error message and jstests/set7.js
+ const int maxElems = 1500000;
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(maxElems < (BSONObjMaxUserSize/10));
+ uassert(15891, "can't backfill array to larger than 1,500,000 elements", upTo <= maxElems);
+ while( _i < upTo )
+ append( nullElt() );
+ }
+ static BSONElement nullElt() {
+ static BSONObj n = nullObj();
+ return n.firstElement();
+ }
+ static BSONObj nullObj() {
+ BSONObjBuilder _b;
+ _b.appendNull( "" );
+ return _b.obj();
+ }
+ string num() { return _b.numStr(_i++); }
+ int _i;
+ BSONObjBuilder _b;
+ };
+ template < class T >
+ inline BSONObjBuilder& BSONObjBuilder::append( const StringData& fieldName, const vector< T >& vals ) {
+ BSONObjBuilder arrBuilder;
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < vals.size(); ++i )
+ arrBuilder.append( numStr( i ), vals[ i ] );
+ appendArray( fieldName, arrBuilder.done() );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template < class L >
+ inline BSONObjBuilder& _appendIt( BSONObjBuilder& _this, const StringData& fieldName, const L& vals ) {
+ BSONObjBuilder arrBuilder;
+ int n = 0;
+ for( typename L::const_iterator i = vals.begin(); i != vals.end(); i++ )
+ arrBuilder.append( BSONObjBuilder::numStr(n++), *i );
+ _this.appendArray( fieldName, arrBuilder.done() );
+ return _this;
+ }
+ template < class T >
+ inline BSONObjBuilder& BSONObjBuilder::append( const StringData& fieldName, const list< T >& vals ) {
+ return _appendIt< list< T > >( *this, fieldName, vals );
+ }
+ template < class T >
+ inline BSONObjBuilder& BSONObjBuilder::append( const StringData& fieldName, const set< T >& vals ) {
+ return _appendIt< set< T > >( *this, fieldName, vals );
+ }
+ // $or helper: OR(BSON("x" << GT << 7), BSON("y" << LT 6));
+ inline BSONObj OR(const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b)
+ { return BSON( "$or" << BSON_ARRAY(a << b) ); }
+ inline BSONObj OR(const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b, const BSONObj& c)
+ { return BSON( "$or" << BSON_ARRAY(a << b << c) ); }
+ inline BSONObj OR(const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b, const BSONObj& c, const BSONObj& d)
+ { return BSON( "$or" << BSON_ARRAY(a << b << c << d) ); }
+ inline BSONObj OR(const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b, const BSONObj& c, const BSONObj& d, const BSONObj& e)
+ { return BSON( "$or" << BSON_ARRAY(a << b << c << d << e) ); }
+ inline BSONObj OR(const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b, const BSONObj& c, const BSONObj& d, const BSONObj& e, const BSONObj& f)
+ { return BSON( "$or" << BSON_ARRAY(a << b << c << d << e << f) ); }