path: root/src/mongo/bson/mutable/element.h
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1 files changed, 501 insertions, 502 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/bson/mutable/element.h b/src/mongo/bson/mutable/element.h
index f58771f2513..50df2e1b620 100644
--- a/src/mongo/bson/mutable/element.h
+++ b/src/mongo/bson/mutable/element.h
@@ -36,586 +36,585 @@
namespace mongo {
namespace mutablebson {
- /** For an overview of mutable BSON, please see the file document.h in this directory. */
- class ConstElement;
- class Document;
- /** Element represents a BSON value or object in a mutable BSON Document. The lifetime of
- * an Element is a subset of the Document to which it belongs. Much like a BSONElement, an
- * Element has a type, a field name, and (usually) a value. An Element may be used to read
- * or modify the value (including changing its type), to navigate to related Elements in
- * the Document tree, or for a number of topological changes to the Document
- * structure. Element also offers the ability to compare its value to that of other
- * Elements, and to serialize its value to a BSONObjBuilder or BSONArrayBuilder.
- *
- * Elements have reference or iterator like semantics, and are very lightweight. You
- * should not worry about the cost of passing an Element by value, copying an Element, or
- * similar operations. Such operations do not mean that the logical element in the
- * underlying Document is duplicated. Only the reference is duplicated.
- *
- * The API for Element is broken into several sections:
- *
- * - Topology mutation: These methods are to either add other Elements to the Document
- * tree as siblings or children (when applicable) of the current Element, to remove the
- * Element from the tree, or to remove children of the Element (when applicable).
- *
- * - Navigation: These methods are used to navigate the Document tree by returning other
- * Elements in specified relationships to the current Element. In this regard, Elements
- * act much like STL iterators that walk over the Document tree. One important
- * difference is that Elements are never invalidated, even when 'remove' is called. If
- * you have two Elements that alias the same element in the Document tree, modifications
- * through one Element will be visible via the other.
- *
- * - Value access: These methods provide access to the value in the Document tree that the
- * current Element represents. All leaf (a.k.a. 'primitive', or non-Object and
- * non-Array) like Elements will always be able to provide a value. However, there are
- * cases where non-leaf Elements (representing Objects or Arrays) cannot provide a
- * value. Therefore, you must always call 'hasValue' to determine if the value is
- * available before calling 'getValue'. Similarly, you must determine the type of the
- * Element by calling getType() and only call the matching typed getValue.
- *
- * - Comparison: It is possible to compare one Element with another to determine ordering
- * or equality as defined by woCompare. Similarly, it is possible to directly compare an
- * Element with a BSONElement. It is legal to compare two Elements which belong to
- * different Documents.
- *
- * - Serialization: Elements may be serialized to BSONObjBuilder or to BSONArrayBuilder
- * objects when appropriate. One detail to consider is that writeTo for the root Element
- * behaves differently than the others: it does not start a new subobj scope in the
- * builder, so all of its children will be added at the current level to the
- * builder. The provided builder does not have its 'done' method called automatically.
- *
- * - Value mutation: You may freely modify the value of an Element, including
- * modifications that change the type of the Element and setting the value of the
- * Element to the value of another BSONObj. You may also set the value from a SafeNum or
- * from a BSONElement.
- *
- * - Accessors: These provide access to various properties of the Element, like the
- * Document to which the Element belongs, the BSON type and field name of the Element,
- * etc. One critical accessor is 'ok'. When using the topology API to navigate a
- * document, it is possible to request an Element which does not exist, like the parent
- * of the root element, or the left child of an integer, or the right sibling of the
- * last element in an array. In these cases, the topology API will return an Element for
- * which the 'ok' accessor will return 'false', which is roughly analagous to an 'end'
- * valued STL iterator. It is illegal to call any method (other than 'ok') on a non-OK
- * Element.
+/** For an overview of mutable BSON, please see the file document.h in this directory. */
+class ConstElement;
+class Document;
+/** Element represents a BSON value or object in a mutable BSON Document. The lifetime of
+ * an Element is a subset of the Document to which it belongs. Much like a BSONElement, an
+ * Element has a type, a field name, and (usually) a value. An Element may be used to read
+ * or modify the value (including changing its type), to navigate to related Elements in
+ * the Document tree, or for a number of topological changes to the Document
+ * structure. Element also offers the ability to compare its value to that of other
+ * Elements, and to serialize its value to a BSONObjBuilder or BSONArrayBuilder.
+ *
+ * Elements have reference or iterator like semantics, and are very lightweight. You
+ * should not worry about the cost of passing an Element by value, copying an Element, or
+ * similar operations. Such operations do not mean that the logical element in the
+ * underlying Document is duplicated. Only the reference is duplicated.
+ *
+ * The API for Element is broken into several sections:
+ *
+ * - Topology mutation: These methods are to either add other Elements to the Document
+ * tree as siblings or children (when applicable) of the current Element, to remove the
+ * Element from the tree, or to remove children of the Element (when applicable).
+ *
+ * - Navigation: These methods are used to navigate the Document tree by returning other
+ * Elements in specified relationships to the current Element. In this regard, Elements
+ * act much like STL iterators that walk over the Document tree. One important
+ * difference is that Elements are never invalidated, even when 'remove' is called. If
+ * you have two Elements that alias the same element in the Document tree, modifications
+ * through one Element will be visible via the other.
+ *
+ * - Value access: These methods provide access to the value in the Document tree that the
+ * current Element represents. All leaf (a.k.a. 'primitive', or non-Object and
+ * non-Array) like Elements will always be able to provide a value. However, there are
+ * cases where non-leaf Elements (representing Objects or Arrays) cannot provide a
+ * value. Therefore, you must always call 'hasValue' to determine if the value is
+ * available before calling 'getValue'. Similarly, you must determine the type of the
+ * Element by calling getType() and only call the matching typed getValue.
+ *
+ * - Comparison: It is possible to compare one Element with another to determine ordering
+ * or equality as defined by woCompare. Similarly, it is possible to directly compare an
+ * Element with a BSONElement. It is legal to compare two Elements which belong to
+ * different Documents.
+ *
+ * - Serialization: Elements may be serialized to BSONObjBuilder or to BSONArrayBuilder
+ * objects when appropriate. One detail to consider is that writeTo for the root Element
+ * behaves differently than the others: it does not start a new subobj scope in the
+ * builder, so all of its children will be added at the current level to the
+ * builder. The provided builder does not have its 'done' method called automatically.
+ *
+ * - Value mutation: You may freely modify the value of an Element, including
+ * modifications that change the type of the Element and setting the value of the
+ * Element to the value of another BSONObj. You may also set the value from a SafeNum or
+ * from a BSONElement.
+ *
+ * - Accessors: These provide access to various properties of the Element, like the
+ * Document to which the Element belongs, the BSON type and field name of the Element,
+ * etc. One critical accessor is 'ok'. When using the topology API to navigate a
+ * document, it is possible to request an Element which does not exist, like the parent
+ * of the root element, or the left child of an integer, or the right sibling of the
+ * last element in an array. In these cases, the topology API will return an Element for
+ * which the 'ok' accessor will return 'false', which is roughly analagous to an 'end'
+ * valued STL iterator. It is illegal to call any method (other than 'ok') on a non-OK
+ * Element.
+ *
+ * - Streaming API: As a convenience for when you are building Documents from scratch, an
+ * API is provided that combines the effects of calling makeElement on the Document with
+ * calling pushBack on the current Element. The effect is to create the element and make
+ * it the new rightmost child of this Element. Use of this API is discouraged and it may
+ * be removed.
+ */
+class Element {
+ typedef uint32_t RepIdx;
+ // Some special RepIdx values. These are really implementation details, but they are
+ // here so that we can inline Element::OK, which gets called very frequently, and they
+ // need to be public so some free functions in document.cpp can use them. You must not
+ // use these values explicitly.
+ // Used to signal an invalid Element.
+ static const RepIdx kInvalidRepIdx = RepIdx(-1);
+ // A rep that points to an unexamined entity
+ static const RepIdx kOpaqueRepIdx = RepIdx(-2);
+ // This is the highest valid rep that does not overlap flag values.
+ static const RepIdx kMaxRepIdx = RepIdx(-3);
+ //
+ // Topology mutation API. Element arguments must belong to the same Document.
+ //
+ /** Add the provided Element to the left of this Element. The added Element must be
+ * 'ok', and this Element must have a parent.
+ */
+ Status addSiblingLeft(Element e);
+ /** Add the provided Element to the right of this Element. The added Element must be
+ * 'ok', and this Element must have a parent.
+ */
+ Status addSiblingRight(Element e);
+ /** 'Remove' this Element by detaching it from its parent and siblings. The Element
+ * continues to exist and may be manipulated, but cannot be re-obtained by navigating
+ * from the root.
+ */
+ Status remove();
+ /** If this Element is empty, add 'e' as the first child. Otherwise, add 'e' as the new
+ * left child.
+ */
+ Status pushFront(Element e);
+ /** If this Element is empty, add 'e' as the first child. Otherwise, add 'e' as the new
+ * right child.
+ */
+ Status pushBack(Element e);
+ /** Remove the leftmost child Element if it exists, otherwise return an error. */
+ Status popFront();
+ /** Remove the rightmost child Element if it exists, otherwise return an error. */
+ Status popBack();
+ /** Rename this Element to the provided name. */
+ Status rename(StringData newName);
+ //
+ // Navigation API.
+ //
+ /** Returns either this Element's left child, or a non-ok Element if no left child
+ * exists.
+ */
+ Element leftChild() const;
+ /** Returns either this Element's right child, or a non-ok Element if no right child
+ * exists. Note that obtaining the right child may require realizing all immediate
+ * child nodes of a document that is being consumed lazily.
+ */
+ Element rightChild() const;
+ /** Returns true if this element has children. Always returns false if this Element is
+ * not an Object or Array.
+ */
+ bool hasChildren() const;
+ /** Returns either this Element's sibling 'distance' elements to the left, or a non-ok
+ * Element if no such left sibling exists.
+ */
+ Element leftSibling(size_t distance = 1) const;
+ /** Returns either this Element's sibling 'distance' Elements to the right, or a non-ok
+ * Element if no such right sibling exists.
+ */
+ Element rightSibling(size_t distance = 1) const;
+ /** Returns this Element's parent, or a non-ok Element if this Element has no parent
+ * (is a root).
+ */
+ Element parent() const;
+ /** Returns the nth child, if any, of this Element. If no such element exists, a non-ok
+ * Element is returned. This is not a constant time operation. This method is also
+ * available as operator[] taking a size_t for convenience.
+ */
+ Element findNthChild(size_t n) const;
+ inline Element operator[](size_t n) const;
+ /** Returns the first child, if any, of this Element named 'name'. If no such Element
+ * exists, a non-ok Element is returned. This is not a constant time operation. This
+ * method is also available as operator[] taking a StringData for convenience.
+ */
+ Element findFirstChildNamed(StringData name) const;
+ inline Element operator[](StringData name) const;
+ /** Returns the first element found named 'name', starting the search at the current
+ * Element, and walking right. If no such Element exists, a non-ok Element is
+ * returned. This is not a constant time operation. This implementation is used in the
+ * specialized implementation of findElement<ElementType, FieldNameEquals>.
+ */
+ Element findElementNamed(StringData name) const;
+ //
+ // Counting API.
+ //
+ /** Returns the number of valid siblings to the left of this Element. */
+ size_t countSiblingsLeft() const;
+ /** Returns the number of valid siblings to the right of this Element. */
+ size_t countSiblingsRight() const;
+ /** Return the number of children of this Element. */
+ size_t countChildren() const;
+ //
+ // Value access API.
+ //
+ // We only provide accessors for BSONElement and for simple types. For more complex
+ // types like regex you should obtain the BSONElement and use that API to extract the
+ // components.
+ //
+ // Note that the getValueX methods are *unchecked* in release builds: You are
+ // responsible for calling hasValue() to ensure that this element has a value
+ // representation, and for calling getType to ensure that the Element is of the proper
+ // type.
+ //
+ // As usual, methods here are in bsonspec type order, please keep them that way.
+ //
+ /** Returns true if 'getValue' can return a valid BSONElement from which a value may be
+ * extracted. See the notes for 'getValue' to understand the conditions under which an
+ * Element can provide a BSONElement.
+ */
+ bool hasValue() const;
+ /** Returns true if this element is a numeric type (e.g. NumberLong). Currently, the
+ * only numeric BSON types are NumberLong, NumberInt, and NumberDouble.
+ */
+ bool isNumeric() const;
+ /** Returns true if this element is one of the integral numeric types (e.g. NumberLong
+ * or NumberInt).
+ */
+ bool isIntegral() const;
+ /** Get the value of this element if available. Note that not all elements have a
+ * representation as a BSONElement. For elements that do have a representation, this
+ * will return it. For elements that do not this method returns an eoo
+ * BSONElement. All 'value-ish' Elements will have a BSONElement
+ * representation. 'Tree-ish' Elements may or may not have a BSONElement
+ * representation. Mutations may cause elements to change whether or not they have a
+ * value and may invalidate previously returned values.
- * - Streaming API: As a convenience for when you are building Documents from scratch, an
- * API is provided that combines the effects of calling makeElement on the Document with
- * calling pushBack on the current Element. The effect is to create the element and make
- * it the new rightmost child of this Element. Use of this API is discouraged and it may
- * be removed.
- */
- class Element {
- public:
- typedef uint32_t RepIdx;
- // Some special RepIdx values. These are really implementation details, but they are
- // here so that we can inline Element::OK, which gets called very frequently, and they
- // need to be public so some free functions in document.cpp can use them. You must not
- // use these values explicitly.
- // Used to signal an invalid Element.
- static const RepIdx kInvalidRepIdx = RepIdx(-1);
- // A rep that points to an unexamined entity
- static const RepIdx kOpaqueRepIdx = RepIdx(-2);
- // This is the highest valid rep that does not overlap flag values.
- static const RepIdx kMaxRepIdx = RepIdx(-3);
- //
- // Topology mutation API. Element arguments must belong to the same Document.
- //
- /** Add the provided Element to the left of this Element. The added Element must be
- * 'ok', and this Element must have a parent.
- */
- Status addSiblingLeft(Element e);
- /** Add the provided Element to the right of this Element. The added Element must be
- * 'ok', and this Element must have a parent.
- */
- Status addSiblingRight(Element e);
- /** 'Remove' this Element by detaching it from its parent and siblings. The Element
- * continues to exist and may be manipulated, but cannot be re-obtained by navigating
- * from the root.
- */
- Status remove();
- /** If this Element is empty, add 'e' as the first child. Otherwise, add 'e' as the new
- * left child.
- */
- Status pushFront(Element e);
- /** If this Element is empty, add 'e' as the first child. Otherwise, add 'e' as the new
- * right child.
- */
- Status pushBack(Element e);
- /** Remove the leftmost child Element if it exists, otherwise return an error. */
- Status popFront();
- /** Remove the rightmost child Element if it exists, otherwise return an error. */
- Status popBack();
- /** Rename this Element to the provided name. */
- Status rename(StringData newName);
- //
- // Navigation API.
- //
- /** Returns either this Element's left child, or a non-ok Element if no left child
- * exists.
- */
- Element leftChild() const;
- /** Returns either this Element's right child, or a non-ok Element if no right child
- * exists. Note that obtaining the right child may require realizing all immediate
- * child nodes of a document that is being consumed lazily.
- */
- Element rightChild() const;
- /** Returns true if this element has children. Always returns false if this Element is
- * not an Object or Array.
- */
- bool hasChildren() const;
- /** Returns either this Element's sibling 'distance' elements to the left, or a non-ok
- * Element if no such left sibling exists.
- */
- Element leftSibling(size_t distance = 1) const;
- /** Returns either this Element's sibling 'distance' Elements to the right, or a non-ok
- * Element if no such right sibling exists.
- */
- Element rightSibling(size_t distance = 1) const;
- /** Returns this Element's parent, or a non-ok Element if this Element has no parent
- * (is a root).
- */
- Element parent() const;
- /** Returns the nth child, if any, of this Element. If no such element exists, a non-ok
- * Element is returned. This is not a constant time operation. This method is also
- * available as operator[] taking a size_t for convenience.
- */
- Element findNthChild(size_t n) const;
- inline Element operator[](size_t n) const;
- /** Returns the first child, if any, of this Element named 'name'. If no such Element
- * exists, a non-ok Element is returned. This is not a constant time operation. This
- * method is also available as operator[] taking a StringData for convenience.
- */
- Element findFirstChildNamed(StringData name) const;
- inline Element operator[](StringData name) const;
- /** Returns the first element found named 'name', starting the search at the current
- * Element, and walking right. If no such Element exists, a non-ok Element is
- * returned. This is not a constant time operation. This implementation is used in the
- * specialized implementation of findElement<ElementType, FieldNameEquals>.
- */
- Element findElementNamed(StringData name) const;
- //
- // Counting API.
- //
- /** Returns the number of valid siblings to the left of this Element. */
- size_t countSiblingsLeft() const;
- /** Returns the number of valid siblings to the right of this Element. */
- size_t countSiblingsRight() const;
- /** Return the number of children of this Element. */
- size_t countChildren() const;
- //
- // Value access API.
- //
- // We only provide accessors for BSONElement and for simple types. For more complex
- // types like regex you should obtain the BSONElement and use that API to extract the
- // components.
- //
- // Note that the getValueX methods are *unchecked* in release builds: You are
- // responsible for calling hasValue() to ensure that this element has a value
- // representation, and for calling getType to ensure that the Element is of the proper
- // type.
- //
- // As usual, methods here are in bsonspec type order, please keep them that way.
- //
- /** Returns true if 'getValue' can return a valid BSONElement from which a value may be
- * extracted. See the notes for 'getValue' to understand the conditions under which an
- * Element can provide a BSONElement.
- */
- bool hasValue() const;
- /** Returns true if this element is a numeric type (e.g. NumberLong). Currently, the
- * only numeric BSON types are NumberLong, NumberInt, and NumberDouble.
- */
- bool isNumeric() const;
- /** Returns true if this element is one of the integral numeric types (e.g. NumberLong
- * or NumberInt).
- */
- bool isIntegral() const;
- /** Get the value of this element if available. Note that not all elements have a
- * representation as a BSONElement. For elements that do have a representation, this
- * will return it. For elements that do not this method returns an eoo
- * BSONElement. All 'value-ish' Elements will have a BSONElement
- * representation. 'Tree-ish' Elements may or may not have a BSONElement
- * representation. Mutations may cause elements to change whether or not they have a
- * value and may invalidate previously returned values.
- *
- * Please note that a const BSONElement allows retrieval of a non-const
- * BSONObj. However, the contents of the BSONElement returned here must be treated as
- * const.
- */
- const BSONElement getValue() const;
- /** Get the value from a double valued Element. */
- inline double getValueDouble() const;
- /** Get the value from a std::string valued Element. */
- inline StringData getValueString() const;
- /** Get the value from an object valued Element. Note that this may not always be
- * possible!
- */
- inline BSONObj getValueObject() const;
- /** Get the value from an object valued Element. Note that this may not always be
- * possible!
- */
- inline BSONArray getValueArray() const;
- /** Returns true if this Element is the undefined type. */
- inline bool isValueUndefined() const;
- /** Get the value from an OID valued Element. */
- inline OID getValueOID() const;
- /** Get the value from a bool valued Element. */
- inline bool getValueBool() const;
- /** Get the value from a date valued Element. */
- inline Date_t getValueDate() const;
- /** Returns true if this Element is the null type. */
- inline bool isValueNull() const;
- /** Get the value from a symbol valued Element. */
- inline StringData getValueSymbol() const;
- /** Get the value from an int valued Element. */
- inline int32_t getValueInt() const;
- /** Get the value from a timestamp valued Element. */
- inline Timestamp getValueTimestamp() const;
- /** Get the value from a long valued Element. */
- inline int64_t getValueLong() const;
- /** Returns true if this Element is the min key type. */
- inline bool isValueMinKey() const;
- /** Returns true if this Element is the max key type. */
- inline bool isValueMaxKey() const;
- /** Returns the numeric value as a SafeNum */
- SafeNum getValueSafeNum() const;
- //
- // Comparision API.
- //
- /** Compare this Element with Element 'other'. The two Elements may belong to different
- * Documents. You should not call this on the root Element of the Document because the
- * root Element does not have a field name. Use compareWithBSONObj to handle that
- * case.
- *
- * Returns -1 if this < other according to BSONElement::woCompare
- * Returns 0 if this == other either tautologically, or according to woCompare.
- * Returns 1 if this > other according to BSONElement::woCompare
- */
- int compareWithElement(const ConstElement& other, bool considerFieldName = true) const;
+ * Please note that a const BSONElement allows retrieval of a non-const
+ * BSONObj. However, the contents of the BSONElement returned here must be treated as
+ * const.
+ */
+ const BSONElement getValue() const;
- /** Compare this Element with BSONElement 'other'. You should not call this on the root
- * Element of the Document because the root Element does not have a field name. Use
- * compareWithBSONObj to handle that case.
- *
- * Returns -1 if this < other according to BSONElement::woCompare
- * Returns 0 if this == other either tautologically, or according to woCompare.
- * Returns 1 if this > other according to BSONElement::woCompare
- */
- int compareWithBSONElement(const BSONElement& other, bool considerFieldName = true) const;
+ /** Get the value from a double valued Element. */
+ inline double getValueDouble() const;
- /** Compare this Element, which must be an Object or an Array, with 'other'.
- *
- * Returns -1 if this object < other according to BSONElement::woCompare
- * Returns 0 if this object == other either tautologically, or according to woCompare.
- * Returns 1 if this object > other according to BSONElement::woCompare
- */
- int compareWithBSONObj(const BSONObj& other, bool considerFieldName = true) const;
+ /** Get the value from a std::string valued Element. */
+ inline StringData getValueString() const;
+ /** Get the value from an object valued Element. Note that this may not always be
+ * possible!
+ */
+ inline BSONObj getValueObject() const;
- //
- // Serialization API.
- //
+ /** Get the value from an object valued Element. Note that this may not always be
+ * possible!
+ */
+ inline BSONArray getValueArray() const;
- /** Write this Element to the provided object builder. */
- void writeTo(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const;
+ /** Returns true if this Element is the undefined type. */
+ inline bool isValueUndefined() const;
- /** Write this Element to the provided array builder. This Element must be of type
- * mongo::Array.
- */
- void writeArrayTo(BSONArrayBuilder* builder) const;
+ /** Get the value from an OID valued Element. */
+ inline OID getValueOID() const;
+ /** Get the value from a bool valued Element. */
+ inline bool getValueBool() const;
- //
- // Value mutation API. Please note that the types are ordered according to
- // ordering. Please keep them that way.
- //
+ /** Get the value from a date valued Element. */
+ inline Date_t getValueDate() const;
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given double. */
- Status setValueDouble(double value);
+ /** Returns true if this Element is the null type. */
+ inline bool isValueNull() const;
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given string. */
- Status setValueString(StringData value);
+ /** Get the value from a symbol valued Element. */
+ inline StringData getValueSymbol() const;
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given object. The data in 'value' is
- * copied.
- */
- Status setValueObject(const BSONObj& value);
+ /** Get the value from an int valued Element. */
+ inline int32_t getValueInt() const;
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given object. The data in 'value' is
- * copied.
- */
- Status setValueArray(const BSONObj& value);
+ /** Get the value from a timestamp valued Element. */
+ inline Timestamp getValueTimestamp() const;
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given binary data. */
- Status setValueBinary(uint32_t len, mongo::BinDataType binType, const void* data);
+ /** Get the value from a long valued Element. */
+ inline int64_t getValueLong() const;
- /** Set the value of this Element to Undefined. */
- Status setValueUndefined();
+ /** Returns true if this Element is the min key type. */
+ inline bool isValueMinKey() const;
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given OID. */
- Status setValueOID(OID value);
+ /** Returns true if this Element is the max key type. */
+ inline bool isValueMaxKey() const;
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given boolean. */
- Status setValueBool(bool value);
+ /** Returns the numeric value as a SafeNum */
+ SafeNum getValueSafeNum() const;
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given date. */
- Status setValueDate(Date_t value);
- /** Set the value of this Element to Null. */
- Status setValueNull();
+ //
+ // Comparision API.
+ //
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given regex parameters. */
- Status setValueRegex(StringData re, StringData flags);
+ /** Compare this Element with Element 'other'. The two Elements may belong to different
+ * Documents. You should not call this on the root Element of the Document because the
+ * root Element does not have a field name. Use compareWithBSONObj to handle that
+ * case.
+ *
+ * Returns -1 if this < other according to BSONElement::woCompare
+ * Returns 0 if this == other either tautologically, or according to woCompare.
+ * Returns 1 if this > other according to BSONElement::woCompare
+ */
+ int compareWithElement(const ConstElement& other, bool considerFieldName = true) const;
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given db ref parameters. */
- Status setValueDBRef(StringData ns, OID oid);
+ /** Compare this Element with BSONElement 'other'. You should not call this on the root
+ * Element of the Document because the root Element does not have a field name. Use
+ * compareWithBSONObj to handle that case.
+ *
+ * Returns -1 if this < other according to BSONElement::woCompare
+ * Returns 0 if this == other either tautologically, or according to woCompare.
+ * Returns 1 if this > other according to BSONElement::woCompare
+ */
+ int compareWithBSONElement(const BSONElement& other, bool considerFieldName = true) const;
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given code data. */
- Status setValueCode(StringData value);
+ /** Compare this Element, which must be an Object or an Array, with 'other'.
+ *
+ * Returns -1 if this object < other according to BSONElement::woCompare
+ * Returns 0 if this object == other either tautologically, or according to woCompare.
+ * Returns 1 if this object > other according to BSONElement::woCompare
+ */
+ int compareWithBSONObj(const BSONObj& other, bool considerFieldName = true) const;
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given symbol. */
- Status setValueSymbol(StringData value);
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given code and scope data. */
- Status setValueCodeWithScope(StringData code, const BSONObj& scope);
+ //
+ // Serialization API.
+ //
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given integer. */
- Status setValueInt(int32_t value);
+ /** Write this Element to the provided object builder. */
+ void writeTo(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const;
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given timestamp. */
- Status setValueTimestamp(Timestamp value);
+ /** Write this Element to the provided array builder. This Element must be of type
+ * mongo::Array.
+ */
+ void writeArrayTo(BSONArrayBuilder* builder) const;
- /** Set the value of this Element to the given long integer */
- Status setValueLong(int64_t value);
- /** Set the value of this Element to MinKey. */
- Status setValueMinKey();
+ //
+ // Value mutation API. Please note that the types are ordered according to
+ // ordering. Please keep them that way.
+ //
- /** Set the value of this Element to MaxKey. */
- Status setValueMaxKey();
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given double. */
+ Status setValueDouble(double value);
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given string. */
+ Status setValueString(StringData value);
- //
- // Value mutation API from variant types.
- //
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given object. The data in 'value' is
+ * copied.
+ */
+ Status setValueObject(const BSONObj& value);
- /** Set the value of this element to equal the value of the provided BSONElement
- * 'value'. The name of this Element is not modified.
- *
- * The contents of value are copied.
- */
- Status setValueBSONElement(const BSONElement& value);
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given object. The data in 'value' is
+ * copied.
+ */
+ Status setValueArray(const BSONObj& value);
- /** Set the value of this Element to a numeric type appropriate to hold the given
- * SafeNum value.
- */
- Status setValueSafeNum(const SafeNum value);
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given binary data. */
+ Status setValueBinary(uint32_t len, mongo::BinDataType binType, const void* data);
+ /** Set the value of this Element to Undefined. */
+ Status setValueUndefined();
- //
- // Accessors
- //
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given OID. */
+ Status setValueOID(OID value);
- /** Returns true if this Element represents a valid part of the Document. */
- inline bool ok() const;
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given boolean. */
+ Status setValueBool(bool value);
- /** Returns the Document to which this Element belongs. */
- inline Document& getDocument();
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given date. */
+ Status setValueDate(Date_t value);
- /** Returns the Document to which this Element belongs. */
- inline const Document& getDocument() const;
+ /** Set the value of this Element to Null. */
+ Status setValueNull();
- /** Returns the BSONType of this Element. */
- BSONType getType() const;
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given regex parameters. */
+ Status setValueRegex(StringData re, StringData flags);
- /** Returns true if this Element is of the specified type */
- inline bool isType(BSONType type) const;
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given db ref parameters. */
+ Status setValueDBRef(StringData ns, OID oid);
- /** Returns the field name of this Element. Note that the value returned here is not
- * stable across mutations, since the storage for fieldNames may be reallocated. If
- * you need a stable version of the fieldName, you must call toString on the returned
- * StringData.
- */
- StringData getFieldName() const;
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given code data. */
+ Status setValueCode(StringData value);
- /** Returns the opaque ID for this element. This is unlikely to be useful to a caller
- * and is mostly for testing.
- */
- inline RepIdx getIdx() const;
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given symbol. */
+ Status setValueSymbol(StringData value);
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given code and scope data. */
+ Status setValueCodeWithScope(StringData code, const BSONObj& scope);
- //
- // Stream API - BSONObjBuilder like API, but methods return a Status. These are
- // strictly a convenience API. You don't need to use them if you would rather be more
- // explicit.
- //
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given integer. */
+ Status setValueInt(int32_t value);
- /** Append the provided double value as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendDouble(StringData fieldName, double value);
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given timestamp. */
+ Status setValueTimestamp(Timestamp value);
- /** Append the provided std::string value as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendString(StringData fieldName, StringData value);
+ /** Set the value of this Element to the given long integer */
+ Status setValueLong(int64_t value);
- /** Append the provided object as a new field with the provided name. The data in
- * 'value' is copied.
- */
- Status appendObject(StringData fieldName, const BSONObj& value);
+ /** Set the value of this Element to MinKey. */
+ Status setValueMinKey();
- /** Append the provided array object as a new field with the provided name. The data in
- * value is copied.
- */
- Status appendArray(StringData fieldName, const BSONObj& value);
+ /** Set the value of this Element to MaxKey. */
+ Status setValueMaxKey();
- /** Append the provided binary data as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendBinary(StringData fieldName,
- uint32_t len, mongo::BinDataType binType, const void* data);
- /** Append an undefined value as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendUndefined(StringData fieldName);
+ //
+ // Value mutation API from variant types.
+ //
- /** Append the provided OID as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendOID(StringData fieldName, mongo::OID value);
+ /** Set the value of this element to equal the value of the provided BSONElement
+ * 'value'. The name of this Element is not modified.
+ *
+ * The contents of value are copied.
+ */
+ Status setValueBSONElement(const BSONElement& value);
- /** Append the provided bool as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendBool(StringData fieldName, bool value);
+ /** Set the value of this Element to a numeric type appropriate to hold the given
+ * SafeNum value.
+ */
+ Status setValueSafeNum(const SafeNum value);
+ //
+ // Accessors
+ //
+ /** Returns true if this Element represents a valid part of the Document. */
+ inline bool ok() const;
- /** Append the provided date as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendDate(StringData fieldName, Date_t value);
+ /** Returns the Document to which this Element belongs. */
+ inline Document& getDocument();
- /** Append a null as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendNull(StringData fieldName);
+ /** Returns the Document to which this Element belongs. */
+ inline const Document& getDocument() const;
- /** Append the provided regex data as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendRegex(StringData fieldName,
- StringData re, StringData flags);
+ /** Returns the BSONType of this Element. */
+ BSONType getType() const;
- /** Append the provided DBRef data as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendDBRef(StringData fieldName,
- StringData ns, mongo::OID oid);
+ /** Returns true if this Element is of the specified type */
+ inline bool isType(BSONType type) const;
- /** Append the provided code data as a new field with the iven name. */
- Status appendCode(StringData fieldName, StringData value);
+ /** Returns the field name of this Element. Note that the value returned here is not
+ * stable across mutations, since the storage for fieldNames may be reallocated. If
+ * you need a stable version of the fieldName, you must call toString on the returned
+ * StringData.
+ */
+ StringData getFieldName() const;
+ /** Returns the opaque ID for this element. This is unlikely to be useful to a caller
+ * and is mostly for testing.
+ */
+ inline RepIdx getIdx() const;
- /** Append the provided symbol data as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendSymbol(StringData fieldName, StringData value);
- /** Append the provided code and scope data as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendCodeWithScope(StringData fieldName,
- StringData code, const BSONObj& scope);
+ //
+ // Stream API - BSONObjBuilder like API, but methods return a Status. These are
+ // strictly a convenience API. You don't need to use them if you would rather be more
+ // explicit.
+ //
+ /** Append the provided double value as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendDouble(StringData fieldName, double value);
+ /** Append the provided std::string value as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendString(StringData fieldName, StringData value);
+ /** Append the provided object as a new field with the provided name. The data in
+ * 'value' is copied.
+ */
+ Status appendObject(StringData fieldName, const BSONObj& value);
+ /** Append the provided array object as a new field with the provided name. The data in
+ * value is copied.
+ */
+ Status appendArray(StringData fieldName, const BSONObj& value);
- /** Append the provided integer as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendInt(StringData fieldName, int32_t value);
+ /** Append the provided binary data as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendBinary(StringData fieldName,
+ uint32_t len,
+ mongo::BinDataType binType,
+ const void* data);
- /** Append the provided timestamp as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendTimestamp(StringData fieldName, Timestamp value);
+ /** Append an undefined value as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendUndefined(StringData fieldName);
- /** Append the provided long integer as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendLong(StringData fieldName, int64_t value);
+ /** Append the provided OID as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendOID(StringData fieldName, mongo::OID value);
- /** Append a max key as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendMinKey(StringData fieldName);
+ /** Append the provided bool as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendBool(StringData fieldName, bool value);
- /** Append a min key as a new field with the provided name. */
- Status appendMaxKey(StringData fieldName);
+ /** Append the provided date as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendDate(StringData fieldName, Date_t value);
- /** Append the given BSONElement. The data in 'value' is copied. */
- Status appendElement(const BSONElement& value);
+ /** Append a null as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendNull(StringData fieldName);
- /** Append the provided number as field of the appropriate numeric type with the
- * provided name.
- */
- Status appendSafeNum(StringData fieldName, SafeNum value);
+ /** Append the provided regex data as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendRegex(StringData fieldName, StringData re, StringData flags);
- /** Convert this element to its JSON representation if ok(),
- * otherwise return !ok() message */
- std::string toString() const;
+ /** Append the provided DBRef data as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendDBRef(StringData fieldName, StringData ns, mongo::OID oid);
- private:
- friend class Document;
- friend class ConstElement;
+ /** Append the provided code data as a new field with the iven name. */
+ Status appendCode(StringData fieldName, StringData value);
- friend bool operator==(const Element&, const Element&);
+ /** Append the provided symbol data as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendSymbol(StringData fieldName, StringData value);
- inline Element(Document* doc, RepIdx repIdx);
+ /** Append the provided code and scope data as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendCodeWithScope(StringData fieldName, StringData code, const BSONObj& scope);
- Status addChild(Element e, bool front);
+ /** Append the provided integer as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendInt(StringData fieldName, int32_t value);
- StringData getValueStringOrSymbol() const;
+ /** Append the provided timestamp as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendTimestamp(StringData fieldName, Timestamp value);
- Status setValue(Element::RepIdx newValueIdx);
+ /** Append the provided long integer as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendLong(StringData fieldName, int64_t value);
- Document* _doc;
- RepIdx _repIdx;
- };
+ /** Append a max key as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendMinKey(StringData fieldName);
- /** Element comparison support. Comparison is like STL iterator comparision: equal Elements
- * refer to the same underlying data. The equality does *not* mean that the underlying
- * values are equivalent. Use the Element::compareWith methods to compare the represented
- * data.
+ /** Append a min key as a new field with the provided name. */
+ Status appendMaxKey(StringData fieldName);
+ /** Append the given BSONElement. The data in 'value' is copied. */
+ Status appendElement(const BSONElement& value);
+ /** Append the provided number as field of the appropriate numeric type with the
+ * provided name.
+ Status appendSafeNum(StringData fieldName, SafeNum value);
+ /** Convert this element to its JSON representation if ok(),
+ * otherwise return !ok() message */
+ std::string toString() const;
+ friend class Document;
+ friend class ConstElement;
+ friend bool operator==(const Element&, const Element&);
+ inline Element(Document* doc, RepIdx repIdx);
+ Status addChild(Element e, bool front);
+ StringData getValueStringOrSymbol() const;
+ Status setValue(Element::RepIdx newValueIdx);
+ Document* _doc;
+ RepIdx _repIdx;
+/** Element comparison support. Comparison is like STL iterator comparision: equal Elements
+ * refer to the same underlying data. The equality does *not* mean that the underlying
+ * values are equivalent. Use the Element::compareWith methods to compare the represented
+ * data.
+ */
- /** Returns true if l and r refer to the same data, false otherwise. */
- inline bool operator==(const Element& l, const Element& r);
+/** Returns true if l and r refer to the same data, false otherwise. */
+inline bool operator==(const Element& l, const Element& r);
- /** Returns false if l and r refer to the same data, true otherwise. */
- inline bool operator!=(const Element& l, const Element& r);
+/** Returns false if l and r refer to the same data, true otherwise. */
+inline bool operator!=(const Element& l, const Element& r);
-} // namespace mutablebson
-} // namespace mongo
+} // namespace mutablebson
+} // namespace mongo
#include "mongo/bson/mutable/element-inl.h"