path: root/src/mongo/db/clientcursor.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/clientcursor.h')
1 files changed, 430 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/clientcursor.h b/src/mongo/db/clientcursor.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e570820f62c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/clientcursor.h
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+/* clientcursor.h */
+* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+/* Cursor -- and its derived classes -- are our internal cursors.
+ ClientCursor is a wrapper that represents a cursorid from our database
+ application's perspective.
+#pragma once
+#include "../pch.h"
+#include "cursor.h"
+#include "jsobj.h"
+#include "../util/net/message.h"
+#include "../util/net/listen.h"
+#include "../util/background.h"
+#include "diskloc.h"
+#include "dbhelpers.h"
+#include "matcher.h"
+#include "../client/dbclient.h"
+#include "projection.h"
+#include "s/d_chunk_manager.h"
+namespace mongo {
+ typedef long long CursorId; /* passed to the client so it can send back on getMore */
+ class Cursor; /* internal server cursor base class */
+ class ClientCursor;
+ class ParsedQuery;
+ struct ByLocKey {
+ ByLocKey( const DiskLoc & l , const CursorId& i ) : loc(l), id(i) {}
+ static ByLocKey min( const DiskLoc& l ) { return ByLocKey( l , numeric_limits<long long>::min() ); }
+ static ByLocKey max( const DiskLoc& l ) { return ByLocKey( l , numeric_limits<long long>::max() ); }
+ bool operator<( const ByLocKey &other ) const {
+ int x = other.loc );
+ if ( x )
+ return x < 0;
+ return id <;
+ }
+ DiskLoc loc;
+ CursorId id;
+ };
+ /* todo: make this map be per connection. this will prevent cursor hijacking security attacks perhaps.
+ * ERH: 9/2010 this may not work since some drivers send getMore over a different connection
+ */
+ typedef map<CursorId, ClientCursor*> CCById;
+ typedef map<ByLocKey, ClientCursor*> CCByLoc;
+ extern BSONObj id_obj;
+ class ClientCursor {
+ friend class CmdCursorInfo;
+ public:
+ static void assertNoCursors();
+ /* use this to assure we don't in the background time out cursor while it is under use.
+ if you are using noTimeout() already, there is no risk anyway.
+ Further, this mechanism guards against two getMore requests on the same cursor executing
+ at the same time - which might be bad. That should never happen, but if a client driver
+ had a bug, it could (or perhaps some sort of attack situation).
+ */
+ class Pointer : boost::noncopyable {
+ ClientCursor *_c;
+ public:
+ ClientCursor * c() { return _c; }
+ void release() {
+ if( _c ) {
+ assert( _c->_pinValue >= 100 );
+ _c->_pinValue -= 100;
+ _c = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * call this if during a yield, the cursor got deleted
+ * if so, we don't want to use the point address
+ */
+ void deleted() {
+ _c = 0;
+ }
+ ~Pointer() { release(); }
+ Pointer(long long cursorid) {
+ recursive_scoped_lock lock(ccmutex);
+ _c = ClientCursor::find_inlock(cursorid, true);
+ if( _c ) {
+ if( _c->_pinValue >= 100 ) {
+ _c = 0;
+ uasserted(12051, "clientcursor already in use? driver problem?");
+ }
+ _c->_pinValue += 100;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // This object assures safe and reliable cleanup of the ClientCursor.
+ // The implementation assumes that there will be no duplicate ids among cursors
+ // (which is assured if cursors must last longer than 1 second).
+ class CleanupPointer : boost::noncopyable {
+ public:
+ CleanupPointer() : _c( 0 ), _id( -1 ) {}
+ void reset( ClientCursor *c = 0 ) {
+ if ( c == _c )
+ return;
+ if ( _c ) {
+ // be careful in case cursor was deleted by someone else
+ ClientCursor::erase( _id );
+ }
+ if ( c ) {
+ _c = c;
+ _id = c->_cursorid;
+ }
+ else {
+ _c = 0;
+ _id = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ ~CleanupPointer() {
+ DESTRUCTOR_GUARD ( reset(); );
+ }
+ operator bool() { return _c; }
+ ClientCursor * operator-> () { return _c; }
+ private:
+ ClientCursor *_c;
+ CursorId _id;
+ };
+ ClientCursor(int queryOptions, const shared_ptr<Cursor>& c, const string& ns, BSONObj query = BSONObj() );
+ ~ClientCursor();
+ // *************** basic accessors *******************
+ CursorId cursorid() const { return _cursorid; }
+ string ns() const { return _ns; }
+ Database * db() const { return _db; }
+ const BSONObj& query() const { return _query; }
+ int queryOptions() const { return _queryOptions; }
+ DiskLoc lastLoc() const { return _lastLoc; }
+ /* Get rid of cursors for namespaces 'ns'. When dropping a db, ns is "dbname."
+ Used by drop, dropIndexes, dropDatabase.
+ */
+ static void invalidate(const char *ns);
+ /**
+ * @param microsToSleep -1 : ask client
+ * >=0 : sleep for that amount
+ * @param recordToLoad after yielding lock, load this record with only mmutex
+ * do a dbtemprelease
+ * note: caller should check matcher.docMatcher().atomic() first and not yield if atomic -
+ * we don't do herein as this->matcher (above) is only initialized for true queries/getmore.
+ * (ie not set for remote/update)
+ * @return if the cursor is still valid.
+ * if false is returned, then this ClientCursor should be considered deleted -
+ * in fact, the whole database could be gone.
+ */
+ bool yield( int microsToSleep = -1 , Record * recordToLoad = 0 );
+ enum RecordNeeds {
+ DontNeed = -1 , MaybeCovered = 0 , WillNeed = 100
+ };
+ /**
+ * @param needRecord whether or not the next record has to be read from disk for sure
+ * if this is true, will yield of next record isn't in memory
+ * @param yielded true if a yield occurred, and potentially if a yield did not occur
+ * @return same as yield()
+ */
+ bool yieldSometimes( RecordNeeds need, bool *yielded = 0 );
+ static int suggestYieldMicros();
+ static void staticYield( int micros , const StringData& ns , Record * rec );
+ struct YieldData { CursorId _id; bool _doingDeletes; };
+ bool prepareToYield( YieldData &data );
+ static bool recoverFromYield( const YieldData &data );
+ struct YieldLock : boost::noncopyable {
+ explicit YieldLock( ptr<ClientCursor> cc )
+ : _canYield(cc->_c->supportYields()) {
+ if ( _canYield ) {
+ cc->prepareToYield( _data );
+ _unlock.reset(new dbtempreleasecond());
+ }
+ }
+ ~YieldLock() {
+ if ( _unlock ) {
+ log( LL_WARNING ) << "ClientCursor::YieldLock not closed properly" << endl;
+ relock();
+ }
+ }
+ bool stillOk() {
+ if ( ! _canYield )
+ return true;
+ relock();
+ return ClientCursor::recoverFromYield( _data );
+ }
+ void relock() {
+ _unlock.reset();
+ }
+ private:
+ const bool _canYield;
+ YieldData _data;
+ scoped_ptr<dbtempreleasecond> _unlock;
+ };
+ // --- some pass through helpers for Cursor ---
+ Cursor* c() const { return _c.get(); }
+ int pos() const { return _pos; }
+ void incPos( int n ) { _pos += n; } // TODO: this is bad
+ void setPos( int n ) { _pos = n; } // TODO : this is bad too
+ BSONObj indexKeyPattern() { return _c->indexKeyPattern(); }
+ bool modifiedKeys() const { return _c->modifiedKeys(); }
+ bool isMultiKey() const { return _c->isMultiKey(); }
+ bool ok() { return _c->ok(); }
+ bool advance() { return _c->advance(); }
+ BSONObj current() { return _c->current(); }
+ DiskLoc currLoc() { return _c->currLoc(); }
+ BSONObj currKey() const { return _c->currKey(); }
+ /**
+ * same as BSONObj::getFieldsDotted
+ * if it can be retrieved from key, it is
+ * @param holder keeps the currKey in scope by keeping a reference to it here. generally you'll want
+ * holder and ret to destruct about the same time.
+ * @return if this was retrieved from key
+ */
+ bool getFieldsDotted( const string& name, BSONElementSet &ret, BSONObj& holder );
+ /**
+ * same as BSONObj::getFieldDotted
+ * if it can be retrieved from key, it is
+ * @return if this was retrieved from key
+ */
+ BSONElement getFieldDotted( const string& name , BSONObj& holder , bool * fromKey = 0 ) ;
+ /** extract items from object which match a pattern object.
+ * e.g., if pattern is { x : 1, y : 1 }, builds an object with
+ * x and y elements of this object, if they are present.
+ * returns elements with original field names
+ * NOTE: copied from BSONObj::extractFields
+ */
+ BSONObj extractFields(const BSONObj &pattern , bool fillWithNull = false) ;
+ bool currentIsDup() { return _c->getsetdup( _c->currLoc() ); }
+ bool currentMatches() {
+ if ( ! _c->matcher() )
+ return true;
+ return _c->matcher()->matchesCurrent( _c.get() );
+ }
+ void setChunkManager( ShardChunkManagerPtr manager ){ _chunkManager = manager; }
+ ShardChunkManagerPtr getChunkManager(){ return _chunkManager; }
+ private:
+ void setLastLoc_inlock(DiskLoc);
+ static ClientCursor* find_inlock(CursorId id, bool warn = true) {
+ CCById::iterator it = clientCursorsById.find(id);
+ if ( it == clientCursorsById.end() ) {
+ if ( warn )
+ OCCASIONALLY out() << "ClientCursor::find(): cursor not found in map " << id << " (ok after a drop)\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ public:
+ static ClientCursor* find(CursorId id, bool warn = true) {
+ recursive_scoped_lock lock(ccmutex);
+ ClientCursor *c = find_inlock(id, warn);
+ // if this asserts, your code was not thread safe - you either need to set no timeout
+ // for the cursor or keep a ClientCursor::Pointer in scope for it.
+ massert( 12521, "internal error: use of an unlocked ClientCursor", c == 0 || c->_pinValue );
+ return c;
+ }
+ static bool erase(CursorId id) {
+ recursive_scoped_lock lock(ccmutex);
+ ClientCursor *cc = find_inlock(id);
+ if ( cc ) {
+ assert( cc->_pinValue < 100 ); // you can't still have an active ClientCursor::Pointer
+ delete cc;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return number of cursors found
+ */
+ static int erase( int n , long long * ids );
+ /* call when cursor's location changes so that we can update the
+ cursorsbylocation map. if you are locked and internally iterating, only
+ need to call when you are ready to "unlock".
+ */
+ void updateLocation();
+ void mayUpgradeStorage() {
+ /* if ( !ids_.get() )
+ return;
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << ns << "." << cursorid;
+ ids_->mayUpgradeStorage( ss.str() );*/
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param millis amount of idle passed time since last call
+ */
+ bool shouldTimeout( unsigned millis );
+ void storeOpForSlave( DiskLoc last );
+ void updateSlaveLocation( CurOp& curop );
+ unsigned idleTime() const { return _idleAgeMillis; }
+ void setDoingDeletes( bool doingDeletes ) {_doingDeletes = doingDeletes; }
+ void slaveReadTill( const OpTime& t ) { _slaveReadTill = t; }
+ public: // static methods
+ static void idleTimeReport(unsigned millis);
+ static void appendStats( BSONObjBuilder& result );
+ static unsigned numCursors() { return clientCursorsById.size(); }
+ static void informAboutToDeleteBucket(const DiskLoc& b);
+ static void aboutToDelete(const DiskLoc& dl);
+ static void find( const string& ns , set<CursorId>& all );
+ private: // methods
+ // cursors normally timeout after an inactivy period to prevent excess memory use
+ // setting this prevents timeout of the cursor in question.
+ void noTimeout() { _pinValue++; }
+ CCByLoc& byLoc() { return _db->ccByLoc; }
+ Record* _recordForYield( RecordNeeds need );
+ private:
+ CursorId _cursorid;
+ const string _ns;
+ Database * _db;
+ const shared_ptr<Cursor> _c;
+ map<string,int> _indexedFields; // map from indexed field to offset in key object
+ int _pos; // # objects into the cursor so far
+ const BSONObj _query; // used for logging diags only; optional in constructor
+ int _queryOptions; // see enum QueryOptions dbclient.h
+ OpTime _slaveReadTill;
+ DiskLoc _lastLoc; // use getter and setter not this (important)
+ unsigned _idleAgeMillis; // how long has the cursor been around, relative to server idle time
+ /* 0 = normal
+ 1 = no timeout allowed
+ 100 = in use (pinned) -- see Pointer class
+ */
+ unsigned _pinValue;
+ bool _doingDeletes; // when true we are the delete and aboutToDelete shouldn't manipulate us
+ ElapsedTracker _yieldSometimesTracker;
+ ShardChunkManagerPtr _chunkManager;
+ public:
+ shared_ptr<ParsedQuery> pq;
+ shared_ptr<Projection> fields; // which fields query wants returned
+ Message originalMessage; // this is effectively an auto ptr for data the matcher points to
+ private: // static members
+ static CCById clientCursorsById;
+ static long long numberTimedOut;
+ static boost::recursive_mutex& ccmutex; // must use this for all statics above!
+ static CursorId allocCursorId_inlock();
+ };
+ class ClientCursorMonitor : public BackgroundJob {
+ public:
+ string name() const { return "ClientCursorMonitor"; }
+ void run();
+ };
+} // namespace mongo
+// ClientCursor should only be used with auto_ptr because it needs to be
+// release()ed after a yield if stillOk() returns false and these pointer types
+// do not support releasing. This will prevent them from being used accidentally
+namespace boost{
+ template<> class scoped_ptr<mongo::ClientCursor> {};
+ template<> class shared_ptr<mongo::ClientCursor> {};