path: root/src/mongo/db/commands.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/commands.h')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 350 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/commands.h b/src/mongo/db/commands.h
index 2c1a9edf76a..e6b7982e91c 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/commands.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/commands.h
@@ -47,357 +47,365 @@
namespace mongo {
- class BSONObj;
- class BSONObjBuilder;
- class Client;
- class CurOp;
- class Database;
- class OperationContext;
- class Timer;
+class BSONObj;
+class BSONObjBuilder;
+class Client;
+class CurOp;
+class Database;
+class OperationContext;
+class Timer;
namespace mutablebson {
- class Document;
+class Document;
} // namespace mutablebson
- /** mongodb "commands" (sent via db.$cmd.findOne(...))
- subclass to make a command. define a singleton object for it.
- */
- class Command {
- protected:
- // The type of the first field in 'cmdObj' must be mongo::String. The first field is
- // interpreted as a collection name.
- std::string parseNsFullyQualified(const std::string& dbname, const BSONObj& cmdObj) const;
- // The type of the first field in 'cmdObj' must be mongo::String or Symbol.
- // The first field is interpreted as a collection name.
- std::string parseNsCollectionRequired(const std::string& dbname,
- const BSONObj& cmdObj) const;
- public:
- typedef StringMap<Command*> CommandMap;
- // Return the namespace for the command. If the first field in 'cmdObj' is of type
- // mongo::String, then that field is interpreted as the collection name, and is
- // appended to 'dbname' after a '.' character. If the first field is not of type
- // mongo::String, then 'dbname' is returned unmodified.
- virtual std::string parseNs(const std::string& dbname, const BSONObj& cmdObj) const;
- // Utility that returns a ResourcePattern for the namespace returned from
- // parseNs(dbname, cmdObj). This will be either an exact namespace resource pattern
- // or a database resource pattern, depending on whether parseNs returns a fully qualifed
- // collection name or just a database name.
- ResourcePattern parseResourcePattern(const std::string& dbname,
- const BSONObj& cmdObj) const;
- const std::string name;
- /* run the given command
- implement this...
- return value is true if succeeded. if false, set errmsg text.
- */
- virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn,
- const std::string& db,
- BSONObj& cmdObj,
- int options,
- std::string& errmsg,
- BSONObjBuilder& result) = 0;
- /**
- * Translation point between the new request/response types and the legacy types.
- *
- * Then we won't need to mutate the command object. At that point we can also make
- * this method virtual so commands can override it directly.
- */
- /*virtual*/ bool run(OperationContext* txn,
- const rpc::RequestInterface& request,
- rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* replyBuilder);
- /**
- * This designation for the command is only used by the 'help' call and has nothing to do
- * with lock acquisition. The reason we need to have it there is because
- * SyncClusterConnection uses this to determine whether the command is update and needs to
- * be sent to all three servers or just one.
- *
- * Eventually when SyncClusterConnection is refactored out, we can get rid of it.
- */
- virtual bool isWriteCommandForConfigServer() const = 0;
- /* Return true if only the admin ns has privileges to run this command. */
- virtual bool adminOnly() const {
- return false;
- }
- void htmlHelp(std::stringstream&) const;
- /* Like adminOnly, but even stricter: we must either be authenticated for admin db,
- or, if running without auth, on the local interface. Used for things which
- are so major that remote invocation may not make sense (e.g., shutdownServer).
- When localHostOnlyIfNoAuth() is true, adminOnly() must also be true.
- */
- virtual bool localHostOnlyIfNoAuth(const BSONObj& cmdObj) { return false; }
- /* Return true if slaves are allowed to execute the command
- */
- virtual bool slaveOk() const = 0;
- /* Return true if the client force a command to be run on a slave by
- turning on the 'slaveOk' option in the command query.
- */
- virtual bool slaveOverrideOk() const {
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Override and return fales if the command opcounters should not be incremented on
- * behalf of this command.
- */
- virtual bool shouldAffectCommandCounter() const { return true; }
- virtual void help( std::stringstream& help ) const;
- /**
- * Commands which can be explained override this method. Any operation which has a query
- * part and executes as a tree of execution stages can be explained. A command should
- * implement explain by:
- *
- * 1) Calling its custom parse function in order to parse the command. The output of
- * this function should be a CanonicalQuery (representing the query part of the
- * operation), and a PlanExecutor which wraps the tree of execution stages.
- *
- * 2) Calling Explain::explainStages(...) on the PlanExecutor. This is the function
- * which knows how to convert an execution stage tree into explain output.
- */
- virtual Status explain(OperationContext* txn,
- const std::string& dbname,
- const BSONObj& cmdObj,
- ExplainCommon::Verbosity verbosity,
- BSONObjBuilder* out) const {
- return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "Cannot explain cmd: " + name);
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the given client is authorized to run this command on database "dbname"
- * with the invocation described by "cmdObj".
- */
- virtual Status checkAuthForCommand(ClientBasic* client,
- const std::string& dbname,
- const BSONObj& cmdObj);
- /**
- * Redacts "cmdObj" in-place to a form suitable for writing to logs.
- *
- * The default implementation does nothing.
- */
- virtual void redactForLogging(mutablebson::Document* cmdObj);
- /**
- * Returns a copy of "cmdObj" in a form suitable for writing to logs.
- * Uses redactForLogging() to transform "cmdObj".
- */
- BSONObj getRedactedCopyForLogging(const BSONObj& cmdObj);
- /* Return true if a replica set secondary should go into "recovering"
- (unreadable) state while running this command.
- */
- virtual bool maintenanceMode() const { return false; }
- /* Return true if command should be permitted when a replica set secondary is in "recovering"
- (unreadable) state.
- */
- virtual bool maintenanceOk() const { return true; /* assumed true prior to commit */ }
- /** @param webUI expose the command in the web ui as localhost:28017/<name>
- @param oldName an optional old, deprecated name for the command
- */
- Command(StringData _name, bool webUI = false, StringData oldName = StringData());
- virtual ~Command() {}
- protected:
- /**
- * Appends to "*out" the privileges required to run this command on database "dbname" with
- * the invocation described by "cmdObj". New commands shouldn't implement this, they should
- * implement checkAuthForCommand instead.
- */
- virtual void addRequiredPrivileges(const std::string& dbname,
- const BSONObj& cmdObj,
- std::vector<Privilege>* out) {
- // The default implementation of addRequiredPrivileges should never be hit.
- fassertFailed(16940);
- }
- BSONObj getQuery( const BSONObj& cmdObj ) {
- if ( cmdObj["query"].type() == Object )
- return cmdObj["query"].embeddedObject();
- if ( cmdObj["q"].type() == Object )
- return cmdObj["q"].embeddedObject();
- return BSONObj();
- }
- static void logIfSlow( const Timer& cmdTimer, const std::string& msg);
- static CommandMap* _commands;
- static CommandMap* _commandsByBestName;
- static CommandMap* _webCommands;
- // Counters for how many times this command has been executed and failed
- Counter64 _commandsExecuted;
- Counter64 _commandsFailed;
- // Pointers to hold the metrics tree references
- ServerStatusMetricField<Counter64> _commandsExecutedMetric;
- ServerStatusMetricField<Counter64> _commandsFailedMetric;
- public:
- static const CommandMap* commandsByBestName() { return _commandsByBestName; }
- static const CommandMap* webCommands() { return _webCommands; }
- // Counter for unknown commands
- static Counter64 unknownCommands;
- /** @return if command was found */
- static void runAgainstRegistered(const char *ns,
- BSONObj& jsobj,
- BSONObjBuilder& anObjBuilder,
- int queryOptions = 0);
- static Command* findCommand( StringData name );
- /**
- * Executes a command after stripping metadata, performing authorization checks,
- * handling audit impersonation, and (potentially) setting maintenance mode. This method
- * also checks that the command is permissible to run on the node given its current
- * replication state. All the logic here is independent of any particular command; any
- * functionality relevant to a specific command should be confined to its run() method.
- *
- * This is currently used by mongod and dbwebserver.
- */
- static void execCommand(OperationContext* txn,
- Command* command,
- const rpc::RequestInterface& request,
- rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* replyBuilder);
- // For mongos
- // TODO: remove this entirely now that all instances of ClientBasic are instances
- // of Client. This will happen as part of SERVER-18292
- static void execCommandClientBasic(OperationContext* txn,
- Command* c,
- ClientBasic& client,
- int queryOptions,
- const char *ns,
- BSONObj& cmdObj,
- BSONObjBuilder& result);
- // Helper for setting errmsg and ok field in command result object.
- static void appendCommandStatus(BSONObjBuilder& result, bool ok, const std::string& errmsg);
- // @return s.isOK()
- static bool appendCommandStatus(BSONObjBuilder& result, const Status& status);
- // Converts "result" into a Status object. The input is expected to be the object returned
- // by running a command. Returns ErrorCodes::CommandResultSchemaViolation if "result" does
- // not look like the result of a command.
- static Status getStatusFromCommandResult(const BSONObj& result);
- /**
- * Parses cursor options from the command request object "cmdObj". Used by commands that
- * take cursor options. The only cursor option currently supported is "cursor.batchSize".
- *
- * If a valid batch size was specified, returns Status::OK() and fills in "batchSize" with
- * the specified value. If no batch size was specified, returns Status::OK() and fills in
- * "batchSize" with the provided default value.
- *
- * If an error occurred while parsing, returns an error Status. If this is the case, the
- * value pointed to by "batchSize" is unspecified.
- */
- static Status parseCommandCursorOptions(const BSONObj& cmdObj,
- long long defaultBatchSize,
- long long* batchSize);
- /**
- * Helper for setting a writeConcernError field in the command result object if
- * a writeConcern error occurs.
- */
- static void appendCommandWCStatus(BSONObjBuilder& result, const Status& status);
- // Set by command line. Controls whether or not testing-only commands should be available.
- static int testCommandsEnabled;
- /**
- * Returns true if this a request for the 'help' information associated with the command.
- */
- static bool isHelpRequest(const rpc::RequestInterface& request);
- /**
- * Generates a reply from the 'help' information associated with a command. The state of
- * the passed ReplyBuilder will be in kOutputDocs after calling this method.
- */
- static void generateHelpResponse(OperationContext* txn,
- const rpc::RequestInterface& request,
- rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* replyBuilder,
- const Command& command);
- /**
- * When an assertion is hit during command execution, this method is used to fill the fields
- * of the command reply with the information from the error. In addition, information about
- * the command is logged. This function does not return anything, because there is typically
- * already an active exception when this function is called, so there
- * is little that can be done if it fails.
- */
- static void generateErrorResponse(OperationContext* txn,
- rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* replyBuilder,
- const DBException& exception,
- const rpc::RequestInterface& request,
- Command* command);
- /**
- * Generates a command error response. This overload of generateErrorResponse is intended
- * to be called if the command is successfully parsed, but there is an error before we have
- * a handle to the actual Command object. This can happen, for example, when the command
- * is not found.
- */
- static void generateErrorResponse(OperationContext* txn,
- rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* replyBuilder,
- const DBException& exception,
- const rpc::RequestInterface& request);
- /**
- * Generates a command error response. Similar to other overloads of generateErrorResponse,
- * but doesn't print any information about the specific command being executed. This is
- * neccessary, for example, if there is
- * an assertion hit while parsing the command.
- */
- static void generateErrorResponse(OperationContext* txn,
- rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* replyBuilder,
- const DBException& exception);
- /**
- * Records the error on to the OperationContext. This hook is needed because mongos
- * does not have CurOp linked in to it.
- */
- static void registerError(OperationContext* txn, const DBException& exception);
- private:
- /**
- * Checks to see if the client is authorized to run the given command with the given
- * parameters on the given named database.
- *
- * Returns Status::OK() if the command is authorized. Most likely returns
- * ErrorCodes::Unauthorized otherwise, but any return other than Status::OK implies not
- * authorized.
- */
- static Status _checkAuthorization(Command* c,
- ClientBasic* client,
- const std::string& dbname,
- const BSONObj& cmdObj);
- };
- void runCommands(OperationContext* txn,
- const rpc::RequestInterface& request,
- rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* replyBuilder);
-} // namespace mongo
+/** mongodb "commands" (sent via db.$cmd.findOne(...))
+ subclass to make a command. define a singleton object for it.
+ */
+class Command {
+ // The type of the first field in 'cmdObj' must be mongo::String. The first field is
+ // interpreted as a collection name.
+ std::string parseNsFullyQualified(const std::string& dbname, const BSONObj& cmdObj) const;
+ // The type of the first field in 'cmdObj' must be mongo::String or Symbol.
+ // The first field is interpreted as a collection name.
+ std::string parseNsCollectionRequired(const std::string& dbname, const BSONObj& cmdObj) const;
+ typedef StringMap<Command*> CommandMap;
+ // Return the namespace for the command. If the first field in 'cmdObj' is of type
+ // mongo::String, then that field is interpreted as the collection name, and is
+ // appended to 'dbname' after a '.' character. If the first field is not of type
+ // mongo::String, then 'dbname' is returned unmodified.
+ virtual std::string parseNs(const std::string& dbname, const BSONObj& cmdObj) const;
+ // Utility that returns a ResourcePattern for the namespace returned from
+ // parseNs(dbname, cmdObj). This will be either an exact namespace resource pattern
+ // or a database resource pattern, depending on whether parseNs returns a fully qualifed
+ // collection name or just a database name.
+ ResourcePattern parseResourcePattern(const std::string& dbname, const BSONObj& cmdObj) const;
+ const std::string name;
+ /* run the given command
+ implement this...
+ return value is true if succeeded. if false, set errmsg text.
+ */
+ virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn,
+ const std::string& db,
+ BSONObj& cmdObj,
+ int options,
+ std::string& errmsg,
+ BSONObjBuilder& result) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Translation point between the new request/response types and the legacy types.
+ *
+ * Then we won't need to mutate the command object. At that point we can also make
+ * this method virtual so commands can override it directly.
+ */
+ /*virtual*/ bool run(OperationContext* txn,
+ const rpc::RequestInterface& request,
+ rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* replyBuilder);
+ /**
+ * This designation for the command is only used by the 'help' call and has nothing to do
+ * with lock acquisition. The reason we need to have it there is because
+ * SyncClusterConnection uses this to determine whether the command is update and needs to
+ * be sent to all three servers or just one.
+ *
+ * Eventually when SyncClusterConnection is refactored out, we can get rid of it.
+ */
+ virtual bool isWriteCommandForConfigServer() const = 0;
+ /* Return true if only the admin ns has privileges to run this command. */
+ virtual bool adminOnly() const {
+ return false;
+ }
+ void htmlHelp(std::stringstream&) const;
+ /* Like adminOnly, but even stricter: we must either be authenticated for admin db,
+ or, if running without auth, on the local interface. Used for things which
+ are so major that remote invocation may not make sense (e.g., shutdownServer).
+ When localHostOnlyIfNoAuth() is true, adminOnly() must also be true.
+ */
+ virtual bool localHostOnlyIfNoAuth(const BSONObj& cmdObj) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* Return true if slaves are allowed to execute the command
+ */
+ virtual bool slaveOk() const = 0;
+ /* Return true if the client force a command to be run on a slave by
+ turning on the 'slaveOk' option in the command query.
+ */
+ virtual bool slaveOverrideOk() const {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Override and return fales if the command opcounters should not be incremented on
+ * behalf of this command.
+ */
+ virtual bool shouldAffectCommandCounter() const {
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual void help(std::stringstream& help) const;
+ /**
+ * Commands which can be explained override this method. Any operation which has a query
+ * part and executes as a tree of execution stages can be explained. A command should
+ * implement explain by:
+ *
+ * 1) Calling its custom parse function in order to parse the command. The output of
+ * this function should be a CanonicalQuery (representing the query part of the
+ * operation), and a PlanExecutor which wraps the tree of execution stages.
+ *
+ * 2) Calling Explain::explainStages(...) on the PlanExecutor. This is the function
+ * which knows how to convert an execution stage tree into explain output.
+ */
+ virtual Status explain(OperationContext* txn,
+ const std::string& dbname,
+ const BSONObj& cmdObj,
+ ExplainCommon::Verbosity verbosity,
+ BSONObjBuilder* out) const {
+ return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "Cannot explain cmd: " + name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if the given client is authorized to run this command on database "dbname"
+ * with the invocation described by "cmdObj".
+ */
+ virtual Status checkAuthForCommand(ClientBasic* client,
+ const std::string& dbname,
+ const BSONObj& cmdObj);
+ /**
+ * Redacts "cmdObj" in-place to a form suitable for writing to logs.
+ *
+ * The default implementation does nothing.
+ */
+ virtual void redactForLogging(mutablebson::Document* cmdObj);
+ /**
+ * Returns a copy of "cmdObj" in a form suitable for writing to logs.
+ * Uses redactForLogging() to transform "cmdObj".
+ */
+ BSONObj getRedactedCopyForLogging(const BSONObj& cmdObj);
+ /* Return true if a replica set secondary should go into "recovering"
+ (unreadable) state while running this command.
+ */
+ virtual bool maintenanceMode() const {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* Return true if command should be permitted when a replica set secondary is in "recovering"
+ (unreadable) state.
+ */
+ virtual bool maintenanceOk() const {
+ return true; /* assumed true prior to commit */
+ }
+ /** @param webUI expose the command in the web ui as localhost:28017/<name>
+ @param oldName an optional old, deprecated name for the command
+ */
+ Command(StringData _name, bool webUI = false, StringData oldName = StringData());
+ virtual ~Command() {}
+ /**
+ * Appends to "*out" the privileges required to run this command on database "dbname" with
+ * the invocation described by "cmdObj". New commands shouldn't implement this, they should
+ * implement checkAuthForCommand instead.
+ */
+ virtual void addRequiredPrivileges(const std::string& dbname,
+ const BSONObj& cmdObj,
+ std::vector<Privilege>* out) {
+ // The default implementation of addRequiredPrivileges should never be hit.
+ fassertFailed(16940);
+ }
+ BSONObj getQuery(const BSONObj& cmdObj) {
+ if (cmdObj["query"].type() == Object)
+ return cmdObj["query"].embeddedObject();
+ if (cmdObj["q"].type() == Object)
+ return cmdObj["q"].embeddedObject();
+ return BSONObj();
+ }
+ static void logIfSlow(const Timer& cmdTimer, const std::string& msg);
+ static CommandMap* _commands;
+ static CommandMap* _commandsByBestName;
+ static CommandMap* _webCommands;
+ // Counters for how many times this command has been executed and failed
+ Counter64 _commandsExecuted;
+ Counter64 _commandsFailed;
+ // Pointers to hold the metrics tree references
+ ServerStatusMetricField<Counter64> _commandsExecutedMetric;
+ ServerStatusMetricField<Counter64> _commandsFailedMetric;
+ static const CommandMap* commandsByBestName() {
+ return _commandsByBestName;
+ }
+ static const CommandMap* webCommands() {
+ return _webCommands;
+ }
+ // Counter for unknown commands
+ static Counter64 unknownCommands;
+ /** @return if command was found */
+ static void runAgainstRegistered(const char* ns,
+ BSONObj& jsobj,
+ BSONObjBuilder& anObjBuilder,
+ int queryOptions = 0);
+ static Command* findCommand(StringData name);
+ /**
+ * Executes a command after stripping metadata, performing authorization checks,
+ * handling audit impersonation, and (potentially) setting maintenance mode. This method
+ * also checks that the command is permissible to run on the node given its current
+ * replication state. All the logic here is independent of any particular command; any
+ * functionality relevant to a specific command should be confined to its run() method.
+ *
+ * This is currently used by mongod and dbwebserver.
+ */
+ static void execCommand(OperationContext* txn,
+ Command* command,
+ const rpc::RequestInterface& request,
+ rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* replyBuilder);
+ // For mongos
+ // TODO: remove this entirely now that all instances of ClientBasic are instances
+ // of Client. This will happen as part of SERVER-18292
+ static void execCommandClientBasic(OperationContext* txn,
+ Command* c,
+ ClientBasic& client,
+ int queryOptions,
+ const char* ns,
+ BSONObj& cmdObj,
+ BSONObjBuilder& result);
+ // Helper for setting errmsg and ok field in command result object.
+ static void appendCommandStatus(BSONObjBuilder& result, bool ok, const std::string& errmsg);
+ // @return s.isOK()
+ static bool appendCommandStatus(BSONObjBuilder& result, const Status& status);
+ // Converts "result" into a Status object. The input is expected to be the object returned
+ // by running a command. Returns ErrorCodes::CommandResultSchemaViolation if "result" does
+ // not look like the result of a command.
+ static Status getStatusFromCommandResult(const BSONObj& result);
+ /**
+ * Parses cursor options from the command request object "cmdObj". Used by commands that
+ * take cursor options. The only cursor option currently supported is "cursor.batchSize".
+ *
+ * If a valid batch size was specified, returns Status::OK() and fills in "batchSize" with
+ * the specified value. If no batch size was specified, returns Status::OK() and fills in
+ * "batchSize" with the provided default value.
+ *
+ * If an error occurred while parsing, returns an error Status. If this is the case, the
+ * value pointed to by "batchSize" is unspecified.
+ */
+ static Status parseCommandCursorOptions(const BSONObj& cmdObj,
+ long long defaultBatchSize,
+ long long* batchSize);
+ /**
+ * Helper for setting a writeConcernError field in the command result object if
+ * a writeConcern error occurs.
+ */
+ static void appendCommandWCStatus(BSONObjBuilder& result, const Status& status);
+ // Set by command line. Controls whether or not testing-only commands should be available.
+ static int testCommandsEnabled;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this a request for the 'help' information associated with the command.
+ */
+ static bool isHelpRequest(const rpc::RequestInterface& request);
+ /**
+ * Generates a reply from the 'help' information associated with a command. The state of
+ * the passed ReplyBuilder will be in kOutputDocs after calling this method.
+ */
+ static void generateHelpResponse(OperationContext* txn,
+ const rpc::RequestInterface& request,
+ rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* replyBuilder,
+ const Command& command);
+ /**
+ * When an assertion is hit during command execution, this method is used to fill the fields
+ * of the command reply with the information from the error. In addition, information about
+ * the command is logged. This function does not return anything, because there is typically
+ * already an active exception when this function is called, so there
+ * is little that can be done if it fails.
+ */
+ static void generateErrorResponse(OperationContext* txn,
+ rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* replyBuilder,
+ const DBException& exception,
+ const rpc::RequestInterface& request,
+ Command* command);
+ /**
+ * Generates a command error response. This overload of generateErrorResponse is intended
+ * to be called if the command is successfully parsed, but there is an error before we have
+ * a handle to the actual Command object. This can happen, for example, when the command
+ * is not found.
+ */
+ static void generateErrorResponse(OperationContext* txn,
+ rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* replyBuilder,
+ const DBException& exception,
+ const rpc::RequestInterface& request);
+ /**
+ * Generates a command error response. Similar to other overloads of generateErrorResponse,
+ * but doesn't print any information about the specific command being executed. This is
+ * neccessary, for example, if there is
+ * an assertion hit while parsing the command.
+ */
+ static void generateErrorResponse(OperationContext* txn,
+ rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* replyBuilder,
+ const DBException& exception);
+ /**
+ * Records the error on to the OperationContext. This hook is needed because mongos
+ * does not have CurOp linked in to it.
+ */
+ static void registerError(OperationContext* txn, const DBException& exception);
+ /**
+ * Checks to see if the client is authorized to run the given command with the given
+ * parameters on the given named database.
+ *
+ * Returns Status::OK() if the command is authorized. Most likely returns
+ * ErrorCodes::Unauthorized otherwise, but any return other than Status::OK implies not
+ * authorized.
+ */
+ static Status _checkAuthorization(Command* c,
+ ClientBasic* client,
+ const std::string& dbname,
+ const BSONObj& cmdObj);
+void runCommands(OperationContext* txn,
+ const rpc::RequestInterface& request,
+ rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* replyBuilder);
+} // namespace mongo