path: root/src/mongo/db/instance.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/instance.cpp')
1 files changed, 1148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/instance.cpp b/src/mongo/db/instance.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c8f8c6ea85b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/instance.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1148 @@
+// instance.cpp
+* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "db.h"
+#include "../bson/util/atomic_int.h"
+#include "introspect.h"
+#include "repl.h"
+#include "dbmessage.h"
+#include "instance.h"
+#include "lasterror.h"
+#include "security.h"
+#include "json.h"
+#include "replutil.h"
+#include "../s/d_logic.h"
+#include "../util/file_allocator.h"
+#include "../util/goodies.h"
+#include "cmdline.h"
+#if !defined(_WIN32)
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include "stats/counters.h"
+#include "background.h"
+#include "dur_journal.h"
+#include "dur_recover.h"
+#include "d_concurrency.h"
+#include "ops/count.h"
+#include "ops/delete.h"
+#include "ops/query.h"
+#include "ops/update.h"
+#include "pagefault.h"
+namespace mongo {
+ // "diaglog"
+ inline void opread(Message& m) { if( _diaglog.getLevel() & 2 ) _diaglog.readop((char *) m.singleData(), m.header()->len); }
+ inline void opwrite(Message& m) { if( _diaglog.getLevel() & 1 ) _diaglog.write((char *) m.singleData(), m.header()->len); }
+ void receivedKillCursors(Message& m);
+ void receivedUpdate(Message& m, CurOp& op);
+ void receivedDelete(Message& m, CurOp& op);
+ void receivedInsert(Message& m, CurOp& op);
+ bool receivedGetMore(DbResponse& dbresponse, Message& m, CurOp& curop );
+ int nloggedsome = 0;
+#define LOGWITHRATELIMIT if( ++nloggedsome < 1000 || nloggedsome % 100 == 0 )
+ string dbExecCommand;
+ DiagLog _diaglog;
+ bool useCursors = true;
+ bool useHints = true;
+ KillCurrentOp killCurrentOp;
+ int lockFile = 0;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ HANDLE lockFileHandle;
+ // see FSyncCommand:
+ extern bool lockedForWriting;
+ OpTime OpTime::now() {
+ DEV d.dbMutex.assertWriteLocked();
+ return now_inlock();
+ }
+ OpTime OpTime::last_inlock(){
+ DEV d.dbMutex.assertAtLeastReadLocked();
+ return last;
+ }
+ // OpTime::now() uses dbMutex, thus it is in this file not in the cpp files used by drivers and such
+ void BSONElementManipulator::initTimestamp() {
+ massert( 10332 , "Expected CurrentTime type", _element.type() == Timestamp );
+ unsigned long long &timestamp = *( reinterpret_cast< unsigned long long* >( value() ) );
+ if ( timestamp == 0 )
+ timestamp = OpTime::now().asDate();
+ }
+ void BSONElementManipulator::SetNumber(double d) {
+ if ( _element.type() == NumberDouble )
+ *getDur().writing( reinterpret_cast< double * >( value() ) ) = d;
+ else if ( _element.type() == NumberInt )
+ *getDur().writing( reinterpret_cast< int * >( value() ) ) = (int) d;
+ else assert(0);
+ }
+ void BSONElementManipulator::SetLong(long long n) {
+ assert( _element.type() == NumberLong );
+ *getDur().writing( reinterpret_cast< long long * >(value()) ) = n;
+ }
+ void BSONElementManipulator::SetInt(int n) {
+ assert( _element.type() == NumberInt );
+ getDur().writingInt( *reinterpret_cast< int * >( value() ) ) = n;
+ }
+ /* dur:: version */
+ void BSONElementManipulator::ReplaceTypeAndValue( const BSONElement &e ) {
+ char *d = data();
+ char *v = value();
+ int valsize = e.valuesize();
+ int ofs = (int) (v-d);
+ dassert( ofs > 0 );
+ char *p = (char *) getDur().writingPtr(d, valsize + ofs);
+ *p = e.type();
+ memcpy( p + ofs, e.value(), valsize );
+ }
+ void inProgCmd( Message &m, DbResponse &dbresponse ) {
+ BSONObjBuilder b;
+ if( ! cc().isAdmin() ) {
+ b.append("err", "unauthorized");
+ }
+ else {
+ DbMessage d(m);
+ QueryMessage q(d);
+ bool all = q.query["$all"].trueValue();
+ vector<BSONObj> vals;
+ {
+ Client& me = cc();
+ scoped_lock bl(Client::clientsMutex);
+ auto_ptr<Matcher> m(new Matcher(q.query));
+ for( set<Client*>::iterator i = Client::clients.begin(); i != Client::clients.end(); i++ ) {
+ Client *c = *i;
+ assert( c );
+ CurOp* co = c->curop();
+ if ( c == &me && !co ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ assert( co );
+ if( all || co->active() ) {
+ BSONObj info = co->infoNoauth();
+ if ( all || m->matches( info )) {
+ vals.push_back( info );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ b.append("inprog", vals);
+ unsigned x = lockedForWriting;
+ if( x ) {
+ b.append("fsyncLock", x);
+ b.append("info", "use db.fsyncUnlock() to terminate the fsync write/snapshot lock");
+ }
+ }
+ replyToQuery(0, m, dbresponse, b.obj());
+ }
+ void killOp( Message &m, DbResponse &dbresponse ) {
+ BSONObj obj;
+ if( ! cc().isAdmin() ) {
+ obj = fromjson("{\"err\":\"unauthorized\"}");
+ }
+ /*else if( !dbMutexInfo.isLocked() )
+ obj = fromjson("{\"info\":\"no op in progress/not locked\"}");
+ */
+ else {
+ DbMessage d(m);
+ QueryMessage q(d);
+ BSONElement e = q.query.getField("op");
+ if( !e.isNumber() ) {
+ obj = fromjson("{\"err\":\"no op number field specified?\"}");
+ }
+ else {
+ log() << "going to kill op: " << e << endl;
+ obj = fromjson("{\"info\":\"attempting to kill op\"}");
+ killCurrentOp.kill( (unsigned) e.number() );
+ }
+ }
+ replyToQuery(0, m, dbresponse, obj);
+ }
+ void unlockFsyncAndWait();
+ void unlockFsync(const char *ns, Message& m, DbResponse &dbresponse) {
+ BSONObj obj;
+ if ( ! cc().isAdmin() ) { // checks auth
+ obj = fromjson("{\"err\":\"unauthorized\"}");
+ }
+ else if (strncmp(ns, "admin.", 6) != 0 ) {
+ obj = fromjson("{\"err\":\"unauthorized - this command must be run against the admin DB\"}");
+ }
+ else {
+ if( lockedForWriting ) {
+ log() << "command: unlock requested" << endl;
+ obj = fromjson("{ok:1,\"info\":\"unlock completed\"}");
+ unlockFsyncAndWait();
+ }
+ else {
+ obj = fromjson("{ok:0,\"errmsg\":\"not locked\"}");
+ }
+ }
+ replyToQuery(0, m, dbresponse, obj);
+ }
+ static bool receivedQuery(Client& c, DbResponse& dbresponse, Message& m ) {
+ bool ok = true;
+ MSGID responseTo = m.header()->id;
+ DbMessage d(m);
+ QueryMessage q(d);
+ auto_ptr< Message > resp( new Message() );
+ CurOp& op = *(c.curop());
+ shared_ptr<AssertionException> ex;
+ try {
+ dbresponse.exhaust = runQuery(m, q, op, *resp);
+ assert( !resp->empty() );
+ }
+ catch ( SendStaleConfigException& e ){
+ ex.reset( new SendStaleConfigException( e.getns(), e.getInfo().msg ) );
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ catch ( AssertionException& e ) {
+ ex.reset( new AssertionException( e.getInfo().msg, e.getCode() ) );
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ if( ex ){
+ op.debug().exceptionInfo = ex->getInfo();
+ log() << "assertion " << ex->toString() << " ns:" << q.ns << " query:" <<
+ (q.query.valid() ? q.query.toString() : "query object is corrupt") << endl;
+ if( q.ntoskip || q.ntoreturn )
+ log() << " ntoskip:" << q.ntoskip << " ntoreturn:" << q.ntoreturn << endl;
+ }
+ SendStaleConfigException* scex = NULL;
+ if ( ex->getCode() == SendStaleConfigCode ) scex = static_cast<SendStaleConfigException*>( ex.get() );
+ BSONObjBuilder err;
+ ex->getInfo().append( err );
+ if( scex ) err.append( "ns", scex->getns() );
+ BSONObj errObj = err.done();
+ log() << errObj << endl;
+ BufBuilder b;
+ b.skip(sizeof(QueryResult));
+ b.appendBuf((void*) errObj.objdata(), errObj.objsize());
+ // todo: call replyToQuery() from here instead of this!!! see dbmessage.h
+ QueryResult * msgdata = (QueryResult *) b.buf();
+ b.decouple();
+ QueryResult *qr = msgdata;
+ qr->_resultFlags() = ResultFlag_ErrSet;
+ if( scex ) qr->_resultFlags() |= ResultFlag_ShardConfigStale;
+ qr->len = b.len();
+ qr->setOperation(opReply);
+ qr->cursorId = 0;
+ qr->startingFrom = 0;
+ qr->nReturned = 1;
+ resp.reset( new Message() );
+ resp->setData( msgdata, true );
+ }
+ op.debug().responseLength = resp->header()->dataLen();
+ dbresponse.response = resp.release();
+ dbresponse.responseTo = responseTo;
+ return ok;
+ }
+ void (*reportEventToSystem)(const char *msg) = 0;
+ void mongoAbort(const char *msg) {
+ if( reportEventToSystem )
+ reportEventToSystem(msg);
+ rawOut(msg);
+ ::abort();
+ }
+ // Returns false when request includes 'end'
+ void _assembleResponse( Message &m, DbResponse &dbresponse, const HostAndPort& remote ) {
+ // before we lock...
+ int op = m.operation();
+ bool isCommand = false;
+ const char *ns = m.singleData()->_data + 4;
+ if ( op == dbQuery ) {
+ if( strstr(ns, ".$cmd") ) {
+ isCommand = true;
+ opwrite(m);
+ if( strstr(ns, ".$cmd.sys.") ) {
+ if( strstr(ns, "$cmd.sys.inprog") ) {
+ inProgCmd(m, dbresponse);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( strstr(ns, "$cmd.sys.killop") ) {
+ killOp(m, dbresponse);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( strstr(ns, "$cmd.sys.unlock") ) {
+ unlockFsync(ns, m, dbresponse);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ opread(m);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( op == dbGetMore ) {
+ opread(m);
+ }
+ else {
+ opwrite(m);
+ }
+ globalOpCounters.gotOp( op , isCommand );
+ Client& c = cc();
+ auto_ptr<CurOp> nestedOp;
+ CurOp* currentOpP = c.curop();
+ if ( currentOpP->active() ) {
+ nestedOp.reset( new CurOp( &c , currentOpP ) );
+ currentOpP = nestedOp.get();
+ }
+ CurOp& currentOp = *currentOpP;
+ currentOp.reset(remote,op);
+ OpDebug& debug = currentOp.debug();
+ debug.op = op;
+ int logThreshold = cmdLine.slowMS;
+ bool log = logLevel >= 1;
+ if ( op == dbQuery ) {
+ if ( handlePossibleShardedMessage( m , &dbresponse ) )
+ return;
+ receivedQuery(c , dbresponse, m );
+ }
+ else if ( op == dbGetMore ) {
+ if ( ! receivedGetMore(dbresponse, m, currentOp) )
+ log = true;
+ }
+ else if ( op == dbMsg ) {
+ // deprecated - replaced by commands
+ char *p = m.singleData()->_data;
+ int len = strlen(p);
+ if ( len > 400 )
+ out() << curTimeMillis64() % 10000 <<
+ " long msg received, len:" << len << endl;
+ Message *resp = new Message();
+ if ( strcmp( "end" , p ) == 0 )
+ resp->setData( opReply , "dbMsg end no longer supported" );
+ else
+ resp->setData( opReply , "i am fine - dbMsg deprecated");
+ dbresponse.response = resp;
+ dbresponse.responseTo = m.header()->id;
+ }
+ else {
+ const char *ns = m.singleData()->_data + 4;
+ char cl[256];
+ nsToDatabase(ns, cl);
+ if( ! c.getAuthenticationInfo()->isAuthorized(cl) ) {
+ uassert_nothrow("unauthorized");
+ }
+ else {
+ try {
+ if ( op == dbInsert ) {
+ receivedInsert(m, currentOp);
+ }
+ else if ( op == dbUpdate ) {
+ receivedUpdate(m, currentOp);
+ }
+ else if ( op == dbDelete ) {
+ receivedDelete(m, currentOp);
+ }
+ else if ( op == dbKillCursors ) {
+ currentOp.ensureStarted();
+ logThreshold = 10;
+ receivedKillCursors(m);
+ }
+ else {
+ mongo::log() << " operation isn't supported: " << op << endl;
+ currentOp.done();
+ log = true;
+ }
+ }
+ catch ( UserException& ue ) {
+ tlog(3) << " Caught Assertion in " << opToString(op) << ", continuing " << ue.toString() << endl;
+ debug.exceptionInfo = ue.getInfo();
+ }
+ catch ( AssertionException& e ) {
+ tlog(3) << " Caught Assertion in " << opToString(op) << ", continuing " << e.toString() << endl;
+ debug.exceptionInfo = e.getInfo();
+ log = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ currentOp.ensureStarted();
+ currentOp.done();
+ debug.executionTime = currentOp.totalTimeMillis();
+ //DEV log = true;
+ if ( log || debug.executionTime > logThreshold ) {
+ if( logLevel < 3 && op == dbGetMore && strstr(ns, ".oplog.") && debug.executionTime < 4300 && !log ) {
+ /* it's normal for getMore on the oplog to be slow because of use of awaitdata flag. */
+ }
+ else {
+ mongo::tlog() << debug << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( currentOp.shouldDBProfile( debug.executionTime ) ) {
+ // performance profiling is on
+ if ( d.dbMutex.getState() < 0 ) {
+ mongo::log(1) << "note: not profiling because recursive read lock" << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ writelock lk;
+ if ( dbHolder()._isLoaded( nsToDatabase( currentOp.getNS() ) , dbpath ) ) {
+ Client::Context cx( currentOp.getNS() );
+ profile(c , currentOp );
+ }
+ else {
+ mongo::log() << "note: not profiling because db went away - probably a close on: " << currentOp.getNS() << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug.reset();
+ } /* _assembleResponse() */
+ void assembleResponse( Message &m, DbResponse &dbresponse, const HostAndPort& remote ) {
+ PageFaultRetryableSection s;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ try {
+ _assembleResponse( m, dbresponse, remote );
+ break;
+ }
+ catch( PageFaultException& e ) {
+ DEV log() << "TEMP PageFaultException touch and retry" << endl;
+ e.touch();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void receivedKillCursors(Message& m) {
+ int *x = (int *) m.singleData()->_data;
+ x++; // reserved
+ int n = *x++;
+ uassert( 13659 , "sent 0 cursors to kill" , n != 0 );
+ massert( 13658 , str::stream() << "bad kill cursors size: " << m.dataSize() , m.dataSize() == 8 + ( 8 * n ) );
+ uassert( 13004 , str::stream() << "sent negative cursors to kill: " << n , n >= 1 );
+ if ( n > 2000 ) {
+ log( n < 30000 ? LL_WARNING : LL_ERROR ) << "receivedKillCursors, n=" << n << endl;
+ assert( n < 30000 );
+ }
+ int found = ClientCursor::erase(n, (long long *) x);
+ if ( logLevel > 0 || found != n ) {
+ log( found == n ) << "killcursors: found " << found << " of " << n << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ /* db - database name
+ path - db directory
+ */
+ /*static*/ void Database::closeDatabase( const char *db, const string& path ) {
+ assertInWriteLock();
+ Client::Context * ctx = cc().getContext();
+ assert( ctx );
+ assert( ctx->inDB( db , path ) );
+ Database *database = ctx->db();
+ assert( database->name == db );
+ oplogCheckCloseDatabase( database ); // oplog caches some things, dirty its caches
+ if( BackgroundOperation::inProgForDb(db) ) {
+ log() << "warning: bg op in prog during close db? " << db << endl;
+ }
+ /* important: kill all open cursors on the database */
+ string prefix(db);
+ prefix += '.';
+ ClientCursor::invalidate(prefix.c_str());
+ NamespaceDetailsTransient::clearForPrefix( prefix.c_str() );
+ dbHolderW().erase( db, path );
+ ctx->_clear();
+ delete database; // closes files
+ }
+ void receivedUpdate(Message& m, CurOp& op) {
+ DbMessage d(m);
+ const char *ns = d.getns();
+ op.debug().ns = ns;
+ int flags = d.pullInt();
+ BSONObj query = d.nextJsObj();
+ assert( d.moreJSObjs() );
+ assert( query.objsize() < m.header()->dataLen() );
+ BSONObj toupdate = d.nextJsObj();
+ uassert( 10055 , "update object too large", toupdate.objsize() <= BSONObjMaxUserSize);
+ assert( toupdate.objsize() < m.header()->dataLen() );
+ assert( query.objsize() + toupdate.objsize() < m.header()->dataLen() );
+ bool upsert = flags & UpdateOption_Upsert;
+ bool multi = flags & UpdateOption_Multi;
+ bool broadcast = flags & UpdateOption_Broadcast;
+ op.debug().query = query;
+ op.setQuery(query);
+ writelock lk;
+ // void ReplSetImpl::relinquish() uses big write lock so
+ // this is thus synchronized given our lock above.
+ uassert( 10054 , "not master", isMasterNs( ns ) );
+ // if this ever moves to outside of lock, need to adjust check Client::Context::_finishInit
+ if ( ! broadcast && handlePossibleShardedMessage( m , 0 ) )
+ return;
+ Client::Context ctx( ns );
+ UpdateResult res = updateObjects(ns, toupdate, query, upsert, multi, true, op.debug() );
+ lastError.getSafe()->recordUpdate( res.existing , res.num , res.upserted ); // for getlasterror
+ }
+ void receivedDelete(Message& m, CurOp& op) {
+ DbMessage d(m);
+ const char *ns = d.getns();
+ op.debug().ns = ns;
+ int flags = d.pullInt();
+ bool justOne = flags & RemoveOption_JustOne;
+ bool broadcast = flags & RemoveOption_Broadcast;
+ assert( d.moreJSObjs() );
+ BSONObj pattern = d.nextJsObj();
+ op.debug().query = pattern;
+ op.setQuery(pattern);
+ writelock lk(ns);
+ // writelock is used to synchronize stepdowns w/ writes
+ uassert( 10056 , "not master", isMasterNs( ns ) );
+ // if this ever moves to outside of lock, need to adjust check Client::Context::_finishInit
+ if ( ! broadcast && handlePossibleShardedMessage( m , 0 ) )
+ return;
+ Client::Context ctx(ns);
+ long long n = deleteObjects(ns, pattern, justOne, true);
+ lastError.getSafe()->recordDelete( n );
+ }
+ QueryResult* emptyMoreResult(long long);
+ void OpTime::waitForDifferent(unsigned millis){
+ DEV d.dbMutex.assertAtLeastReadLocked();
+ if (*this != last) return; // check early
+ boost::xtime timeout;
+ boost::xtime_get(&timeout, boost::TIME_UTC);
+ timeout.nsec += millis * 1000*1000;
+ if (timeout.nsec >= 1000*1000*1000){
+ timeout.nsec -= 1000*1000*1000;
+ timeout.sec += 1;
+ }
+ do {
+ dbtemprelease tmp;
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lk(notifyMutex());
+ if (!notifier().timed_wait(lk, timeout))
+ return; // timed out
+ } while (*this != last);
+ }
+ bool receivedGetMore(DbResponse& dbresponse, Message& m, CurOp& curop ) {
+ bool ok = true;
+ DbMessage d(m);
+ const char *ns = d.getns();
+ int ntoreturn = d.pullInt();
+ long long cursorid = d.pullInt64();
+ curop.debug().ns = ns;
+ curop.debug().ntoreturn = ntoreturn;
+ curop.debug().cursorid = cursorid;
+ time_t start = 0;
+ int pass = 0;
+ bool exhaust = false;
+ QueryResult* msgdata;
+ OpTime last;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ try {
+ Client::ReadContext ctx(ns);
+ if (str::startsWith(ns, "local.oplog.")){
+ if (pass == 0)
+ last = OpTime::last_inlock();
+ else
+ last.waitForDifferent(1000/*ms*/);
+ }
+ msgdata = processGetMore(ns, ntoreturn, cursorid, curop, pass, exhaust);
+ }
+ catch ( AssertionException& e ) {
+ exhaust = false;
+ curop.debug().exceptionInfo = e.getInfo();
+ msgdata = emptyMoreResult(cursorid);
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ if (msgdata == 0) {
+ exhaust = false;
+ massert(13073, "shutting down", !inShutdown() );
+ if( pass == 0 ) {
+ start = time(0);
+ }
+ else {
+ if( time(0) - start >= 4 ) {
+ // after about 4 seconds, return. pass stops at 1000 normally.
+ // we want to return occasionally so slave can checkpoint.
+ pass = 10000;
+ }
+ }
+ pass++;
+ if (debug)
+ sleepmillis(20);
+ else
+ sleepmillis(2);
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ };
+ Message *resp = new Message();
+ resp->setData(msgdata, true);
+ curop.debug().responseLength = resp->header()->dataLen();
+ curop.debug().nreturned = msgdata->nReturned;
+ dbresponse.response = resp;
+ dbresponse.responseTo = m.header()->id;
+ if( exhaust ) {
+ curop.debug().exhaust = true;
+ dbresponse.exhaust = ns;
+ }
+ return ok;
+ }
+ void checkAndInsert(const char *ns, /*modifies*/BSONObj& js) {
+ uassert( 10059 , "object to insert too large", js.objsize() <= BSONObjMaxUserSize);
+ {
+ // check no $ modifiers. note we only check top level. (scanning deep would be quite expensive)
+ BSONObjIterator i( js );
+ while ( i.more() ) {
+ BSONElement e =;
+ uassert( 13511 , "document to insert can't have $ fields" , e.fieldName()[0] != '$' );
+ }
+ }
+ theDataFileMgr.insertWithObjMod(ns, js, false); // js may be modified in the call to add an _id field.
+ logOp("i", ns, js);
+ }
+ NOINLINE_DECL void insertMulti(bool keepGoing, const char *ns, vector<BSONObj>& objs) {
+ size_t i;
+ for (i=0; i<objs.size(); i++){
+ try {
+ checkAndInsert(ns, objs[i]);
+ getDur().commitIfNeeded();
+ } catch (const UserException&) {
+ if (!keepGoing || i == objs.size()-1){
+ globalOpCounters.incInsertInWriteLock(i);
+ throw;
+ }
+ // otherwise ignore and keep going
+ }
+ }
+ globalOpCounters.incInsertInWriteLock(i);
+ }
+ void receivedInsert(Message& m, CurOp& op) {
+ DbMessage d(m);
+ const char *ns = d.getns();
+ op.debug().ns = ns;
+ if( !d.moreJSObjs() ) {
+ // strange. should we complain?
+ return;
+ }
+ BSONObj first = d.nextJsObj();
+ vector<BSONObj> multi;
+ while (d.moreJSObjs()){
+ if (multi.empty()) // first pass
+ multi.push_back(first);
+ multi.push_back( d.nextJsObj() );
+ }
+ writelock lk(ns);
+ //LockCollectionExclusively lk(ns);
+ // CONCURRENCY TODO: is being read locked in big log sufficient here?
+ // writelock is used to synchronize stepdowns w/ writes
+ uassert( 10058 , "not master", isMasterNs(ns) );
+ if ( handlePossibleShardedMessage( m , 0 ) )
+ return;
+ Client::Context ctx(ns);
+ if( !multi.empty() ) {
+ const bool keepGoing = d.reservedField() & InsertOption_ContinueOnError;
+ insertMulti(keepGoing, ns, multi);
+ return;
+ }
+ checkAndInsert(ns, first);
+ globalOpCounters.incInsertInWriteLock(1);
+ }
+ void getDatabaseNames( vector< string > &names , const string& usePath ) {
+ boost::filesystem::path path( usePath );
+ for ( boost::filesystem::directory_iterator i( path );
+ i != boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(); ++i ) {
+ if ( directoryperdb ) {
+ boost::filesystem::path p = *i;
+ string dbName = p.leaf();
+ p /= ( dbName + ".ns" );
+ if ( MMF::exists( p ) )
+ names.push_back( dbName );
+ }
+ else {
+ string fileName = boost::filesystem::path(*i).leaf();
+ if ( fileName.length() > 3 && fileName.substr( fileName.length() - 3, 3 ) == ".ns" )
+ names.push_back( fileName.substr( 0, fileName.length() - 3 ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* returns true if there is data on this server. useful when starting replication.
+ local database does NOT count except for rsoplog collection.
+ used to set the hasData field on replset heartbeat command response
+ */
+ bool replHasDatabases() {
+ vector<string> names;
+ getDatabaseNames(names);
+ if( names.size() >= 2 ) return true;
+ if( names.size() == 1 ) {
+ if( names[0] != "local" )
+ return true;
+ // we have a local database. return true if oplog isn't empty
+ {
+ readlock lk(rsoplog);
+ BSONObj o;
+ if( Helpers::getFirst(rsoplog, o) )
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool DBDirectClient::call( Message &toSend, Message &response, bool assertOk , string * actualServer ) {
+ if ( lastError._get() )
+ lastError.startRequest( toSend, lastError._get() );
+ DbResponse dbResponse;
+ assembleResponse( toSend, dbResponse , _clientHost );
+ assert( dbResponse.response );
+ dbResponse.response->concat(); // can get rid of this if we make response handling smarter
+ response = *dbResponse.response;
+ getDur().commitIfNeeded();
+ return true;
+ }
+ void DBDirectClient::say( Message &toSend, bool isRetry ) {
+ if ( lastError._get() )
+ lastError.startRequest( toSend, lastError._get() );
+ DbResponse dbResponse;
+ assembleResponse( toSend, dbResponse , _clientHost );
+ getDur().commitIfNeeded();
+ }
+ auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> DBDirectClient::query(const string &ns, Query query, int nToReturn , int nToSkip ,
+ const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn , int queryOptions ) {
+ //if ( ! query.obj.isEmpty() || nToReturn != 0 || nToSkip != 0 || fieldsToReturn || queryOptions )
+ return DBClientBase::query( ns , query , nToReturn , nToSkip , fieldsToReturn , queryOptions );
+ //
+ //assert( query.obj.isEmpty() );
+ //throw UserException( (string)"yay:" + ns );
+ }
+ void DBDirectClient::killCursor( long long id ) {
+ ClientCursor::erase( id );
+ }
+ HostAndPort DBDirectClient::_clientHost = HostAndPort( "" , 0 );
+ unsigned long long DBDirectClient::count(const string &ns, const BSONObj& query, int options, int limit, int skip ) {
+ LockCollectionForReading lk( ns );
+ string errmsg;
+ long long res = runCount( ns.c_str() , _countCmd( ns , query , options , limit , skip ) , errmsg );
+ if ( res == -1 )
+ return 0;
+ uassert( 13637 , str::stream() << "count failed in DBDirectClient: " << errmsg , res >= 0 );
+ return (unsigned long long )res;
+ }
+ DBClientBase * createDirectClient() {
+ return new DBDirectClient();
+ }
+ mongo::mutex exitMutex("exit");
+ AtomicUInt numExitCalls = 0;
+ bool inShutdown() {
+ return numExitCalls > 0;
+ }
+ void tryToOutputFatal( const string& s ) {
+ try {
+ rawOut( s );
+ return;
+ }
+ catch ( ... ) {}
+ try {
+ cerr << s << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ catch ( ... ) {}
+ // uh - oh, not sure there is anything else we can do...
+ }
+ /** also called by ntservice.cpp */
+ void shutdownServer() {
+ log() << "shutdown: going to close listening sockets..." << endl;
+ ListeningSockets::get()->closeAll();
+ log() << "shutdown: going to flush diaglog..." << endl;
+ _diaglog.flush();
+ /* must do this before unmapping mem or you may get a seg fault */
+ log() << "shutdown: going to close sockets..." << endl;
+ boost::thread close_socket_thread( boost::bind(MessagingPort::closeAllSockets, 0) );
+ // wait until file preallocation finishes
+ // we would only hang here if the file_allocator code generates a
+ // synchronous signal, which we don't expect
+ log() << "shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator..." << endl;
+ FileAllocator::get()->waitUntilFinished();
+ if( cmdLine.dur ) {
+ log() << "shutdown: lock for final commit..." << endl;
+ {
+ int n = 10;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ // we may already be in a read lock from earlier in the call stack, so do read lock here
+ // to be consistent with that.
+ readlocktry w("", 20000);
+ if( ) {
+ log() << "shutdown: final commit..." << endl;
+ getDur().commitNow();
+ break;
+ }
+ if( --n <= 0 ) {
+ log() << "shutdown: couldn't acquire write lock, aborting" << endl;
+ mongoAbort("couldn't acquire write lock");
+ }
+ log() << "shutdown: waiting for write lock..." << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ MemoryMappedFile::flushAll(true);
+ }
+ log() << "shutdown: closing all files..." << endl;
+ stringstream ss3;
+ MemoryMappedFile::closeAllFiles( ss3 );
+ log() << ss3.str() << endl;
+ if( cmdLine.dur ) {
+ dur::journalCleanup(true);
+ }
+#if !defined(__sunos__)
+ if ( lockFile ) {
+ log() << "shutdown: removing fs lock..." << endl;
+ /* This ought to be an unlink(), but Eliot says the last
+ time that was attempted, there was a race condition
+ with acquirePathLock(). */
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ if( _chsize( lockFile , 0 ) )
+ log() << "couldn't remove fs lock " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
+ CloseHandle(lockFileHandle);
+ if( ftruncate( lockFile , 0 ) )
+ log() << "couldn't remove fs lock " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;
+ flock( lockFile, LOCK_UN );
+ }
+ }
+ void exitCleanly( ExitCode code ) {
+ killCurrentOp.killAll();
+ {
+ dblock lk;
+ log() << "now exiting" << endl;
+ dbexit( code );
+ }
+ }
+ namespace dur {
+ extern mutex groupCommitMutex;
+ }
+ /* not using log() herein in case we are already locked */
+ NOINLINE_DECL void dbexit( ExitCode rc, const char *why, bool tryToGetLock ) {
+ auto_ptr<writelocktry> wlt;
+ if ( tryToGetLock ) {
+ wlt.reset( new writelocktry( "" , 2 * 60 * 1000 ) );
+ uassert( 13455 , "dbexit timed out getting lock" , wlt->got() );
+ }
+ Client * c = currentClient.get();
+ {
+ scoped_lock lk( exitMutex );
+ if ( numExitCalls++ > 0 ) {
+ if ( numExitCalls > 5 ) {
+ // this means something horrible has happened
+ ::_exit( rc );
+ }
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << "dbexit: " << why << "; exiting immediately";
+ tryToOutputFatal( ss.str() );
+ if ( c ) c->shutdown();
+ ::exit( rc );
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << "dbexit: " << why;
+ tryToOutputFatal( ss.str() );
+ }
+ try {
+ shutdownServer(); // gracefully shutdown instance
+ }
+ catch ( ... ) {
+ tryToOutputFatal( "shutdown failed with exception" );
+ }
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ try {
+ mutexDebugger.programEnding();
+ }
+ catch (...) { }
+ // block the dur thread from doing any work for the rest of the run
+ log(2) << "shutdown: groupCommitMutex" << endl;
+ scoped_lock lk(dur::groupCommitMutex);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ // Windows Service Controller wants to be told when we are down,
+ // so don't call ::exit() yet, or say "really exiting now"
+ //
+ if ( c ) c->shutdown();
+ return;
+ }
+ tryToOutputFatal( "dbexit: really exiting now" );
+ if ( c ) c->shutdown();
+ ::exit(rc);
+ }
+#if !defined(__sunos__)
+ void writePid(int fd) {
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << getpid() << endl;
+ string s = ss.str();
+ const char * data = s.c_str();
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ assert ( _write( fd, data, strlen( data ) ) );
+ assert ( write( fd, data, strlen( data ) ) );
+ }
+ void acquirePathLock(bool doingRepair) {
+ string name = ( boost::filesystem::path( dbpath ) / "mongod.lock" ).native_file_string();
+ bool oldFile = false;
+ if ( boost::filesystem::exists( name ) && boost::filesystem::file_size( name ) > 0 ) {
+ oldFile = true;
+ }
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ lockFileHandle = CreateFileA( name.c_str(), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
+ 0 /* do not allow anyone else access */, NULL,
+ OPEN_ALWAYS /* success if fh can open */, 0, NULL );
+ if (lockFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ DWORD code = GetLastError();
+ char *msg;
+ (LPSTR)&msg, 0, NULL);
+ string m = msg;
+ str::stripTrailing(m, "\r\n");
+ uasserted( 13627 , str::stream() << "Unable to create/open lock file: " << name << ' ' << m << ". Is a mongod instance already running?" );
+ }
+ lockFile = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)lockFileHandle, 0);
+ lockFile = open( name.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT , S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO );
+ if( lockFile <= 0 ) {
+ uasserted( 10309 , str::stream() << "Unable to create/open lock file: " << name << ' ' << errnoWithDescription() << " Is a mongod instance already running?" );
+ }
+ if (flock( lockFile, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB ) != 0) {
+ close ( lockFile );
+ lockFile = 0;
+ uassert( 10310 , "Unable to lock file: " + name + ". Is a mongod instance already running?", 0 );
+ }
+ if ( oldFile ) {
+ // we check this here because we want to see if we can get the lock
+ // if we can't, then its probably just another mongod running
+ string errmsg;
+ if (cmdLine.dur) {
+ if (!dur::haveJournalFiles()) {
+ vector<string> dbnames;
+ getDatabaseNames( dbnames );
+ if ( dbnames.size() == 0 ) {
+ // this means that mongod crashed
+ // between initial startup and when journaling was initialized
+ // it is safe to continue
+ }
+ else {
+ errmsg = str::stream()
+ << "************** \n"
+ << "old lock file: " << name << ". probably means unclean shutdown,\n"
+ << "but there are no journal files to recover.\n"
+ << "this is likely human error or filesystem corruption.\n"
+ << "found " << dbnames.size() << " dbs.\n"
+ << "see: for more information\n"
+ << "*************";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!dur::haveJournalFiles() && !doingRepair) {
+ errmsg = str::stream()
+ << "************** \n"
+ << "Unclean shutdown detected.\n"
+ << "Please visit for recovery instructions.\n"
+ << "*************";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!errmsg.empty()) {
+ cout << errmsg << endl;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ CloseHandle( lockFileHandle );
+ close ( lockFile );
+ lockFile = 0;
+ uassert( 12596 , "old lock file" , 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ // Not related to lock file, but this is where we handle unclean shutdown
+ if( !cmdLine.dur && dur::haveJournalFiles() ) {
+ cout << "**************" << endl;
+ cout << "Error: journal files are present in journal directory, yet starting without journaling enabled." << endl;
+ cout << "It is recommended that you start with journaling enabled so that recovery may occur." << endl;
+ cout << "**************" << endl;
+ uasserted(13597, "can't start without --journal enabled when journal/ files are present");
+ }
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ uassert( 13625, "Unable to truncate lock file", _chsize(lockFile, 0) == 0);
+ writePid( lockFile );
+ _commit( lockFile );
+ uassert( 13342, "Unable to truncate lock file", ftruncate(lockFile, 0) == 0);
+ writePid( lockFile );
+ fsync( lockFile );
+ flushMyDirectory(name);
+ }
+ void acquirePathLock(bool) {
+ // TODO - this is very bad that the code above not running here.
+ // Not related to lock file, but this is where we handle unclean shutdown
+ if( !cmdLine.dur && dur::haveJournalFiles() ) {
+ cout << "**************" << endl;
+ cout << "Error: journal files are present in journal directory, yet starting without --journal enabled." << endl;
+ cout << "It is recommended that you start with journaling enabled so that recovery may occur." << endl;
+ cout << "Alternatively (not recommended), you can backup everything, then delete the journal files, and run --repair" << endl;
+ cout << "**************" << endl;
+ uasserted(13618, "can't start without --journal enabled when journal/ files are present");
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace mongo