path: root/src/mongo/db/ops/update.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/ops/update.h')
1 files changed, 700 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/ops/update.h b/src/mongo/db/ops/update.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9446db06d36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/ops/update.h
@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
+// update.h
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "../../pch.h"
+#include "../jsobj.h"
+#include "../../util/embedded_builder.h"
+#include "../matcher.h"
+namespace mongo {
+ // ---------- public -------------
+ struct UpdateResult {
+ const bool existing; // if existing objects were modified
+ const bool mod; // was this a $ mod
+ const long long num; // how many objects touched
+ OID upserted; // if something was upserted, the new _id of the object
+ UpdateResult( bool e, bool m, unsigned long long n , const BSONObj& upsertedObject = BSONObj() )
+ : existing(e) , mod(m), num(n) {
+ upserted.clear();
+ BSONElement id = upsertedObject["_id"];
+ if ( ! e && n == 1 && id.type() == jstOID ) {
+ upserted = id.OID();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ class RemoveSaver;
+ /* returns true if an existing object was updated, false if no existing object was found.
+ multi - update multiple objects - mostly useful with things like $set
+ god - allow access to system namespaces
+ */
+ UpdateResult updateObjects(const char *ns, const BSONObj& updateobj, BSONObj pattern, bool upsert, bool multi , bool logop , OpDebug& debug );
+ UpdateResult _updateObjects(bool god, const char *ns, const BSONObj& updateobj, BSONObj pattern,
+ bool upsert, bool multi , bool logop , OpDebug& debug , RemoveSaver * rs = 0 );
+ // ---------- private -------------
+ class ModState;
+ class ModSetState;
+ /* Used for modifiers such as $inc, $set, $push, ...
+ * stores the info about a single operation
+ * once created should never be modified
+ */
+ struct Mod {
+ // See opFromStr below
+ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
+ static const char* modNames[];
+ static unsigned modNamesNum;
+ const char *fieldName;
+ const char *shortFieldName;
+ BSONElement elt; // x:5 note: this is the actual element from the updateobj
+ boost::shared_ptr<Matcher> matcher;
+ bool matcherOnPrimitive;
+ void init( Op o , BSONElement& e ) {
+ op = o;
+ elt = e;
+ if ( op == PULL && e.type() == Object ) {
+ BSONObj t = e.embeddedObject();
+ if ( t.firstElement().getGtLtOp() == 0 ) {
+ matcher.reset( new Matcher( t ) );
+ matcherOnPrimitive = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ matcher.reset( new Matcher( BSON( "" << t ) ) );
+ matcherOnPrimitive = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void setFieldName( const char * s ) {
+ fieldName = s;
+ shortFieldName = strrchr( fieldName , '.' );
+ if ( shortFieldName )
+ shortFieldName++;
+ else
+ shortFieldName = fieldName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param in incrememnts the actual value inside in
+ */
+ void incrementMe( BSONElement& in ) const {
+ BSONElementManipulator manip( in );
+ switch ( in.type() ) {
+ case NumberDouble:
+ manip.setNumber( elt.numberDouble() + in.numberDouble() );
+ break;
+ case NumberLong:
+ manip.setLong( elt.numberLong() + in.numberLong() );
+ break;
+ case NumberInt:
+ manip.setInt( elt.numberInt() + in.numberInt() );
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ }
+ void IncrementMe( BSONElement& in ) const {
+ BSONElementManipulator manip( in );
+ switch ( in.type() ) {
+ case NumberDouble:
+ manip.SetNumber( elt.numberDouble() + in.numberDouble() );
+ break;
+ case NumberLong:
+ manip.SetLong( elt.numberLong() + in.numberLong() );
+ break;
+ case NumberInt:
+ manip.SetInt( elt.numberInt() + in.numberInt() );
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ }
+ template< class Builder >
+ void appendIncremented( Builder& bb , const BSONElement& in, ModState& ms ) const;
+ bool operator<( const Mod &other ) const {
+ return strcmp( fieldName, other.fieldName ) < 0;
+ }
+ bool arrayDep() const {
+ switch (op) {
+ case PUSH:
+ case PUSH_ALL:
+ case POP:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ static bool isIndexed( const string& fullName , const set<string>& idxKeys ) {
+ const char * fieldName = fullName.c_str();
+ // check if there is an index key that is a parent of mod
+ for( const char *dot = strchr( fieldName, '.' ); dot; dot = strchr( dot + 1, '.' ) )
+ if ( idxKeys.count( string( fieldName, dot - fieldName ) ) )
+ return true;
+ // check if there is an index key equal to mod
+ if ( idxKeys.count(fullName) )
+ return true;
+ // check if there is an index key that is a child of mod
+ set< string >::const_iterator j = idxKeys.upper_bound( fullName );
+ if ( j != idxKeys.end() && j->find( fullName ) == 0 && (*j)[fullName.size()] == '.' )
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool isIndexed( const set<string>& idxKeys ) const {
+ string fullName = fieldName;
+ if ( isIndexed( fullName , idxKeys ) )
+ return true;
+ if ( strstr( fieldName , "." ) ) {
+ // check for a.0.1
+ StringBuilder buf( fullName.size() + 1 );
+ for ( size_t i=0; i<fullName.size(); i++ ) {
+ char c = fullName[i];
+ if ( c == '$' &&
+ i > 0 && fullName[i-1] == '.' &&
+ i+1<fullName.size() &&
+ fullName[i+1] == '.' ) {
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ buf << c;
+ if ( c != '.' )
+ continue;
+ if ( ! isdigit( fullName[i+1] ) )
+ continue;
+ bool possible = true;
+ size_t j=i+2;
+ for ( ; j<fullName.size(); j++ ) {
+ char d = fullName[j];
+ if ( d == '.' )
+ break;
+ if ( isdigit( d ) )
+ continue;
+ possible = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( possible )
+ i = j;
+ }
+ string x = buf.str();
+ if ( isIndexed( x , idxKeys ) )
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template< class Builder >
+ void apply( Builder& b , BSONElement in , ModState& ms ) const;
+ /**
+ * @return true iff toMatch should be removed from the array
+ */
+ bool _pullElementMatch( BSONElement& toMatch ) const;
+ void _checkForAppending( const BSONElement& e ) const {
+ if ( e.type() == Object ) {
+ // this is a tiny bit slow, but rare and important
+ // only when setting something TO an object, not setting something in an object
+ // and it checks for { $set : { x : { 'a.b' : 1 } } }
+ // which is feel has been common
+ uassert( 12527 , "not okForStorage" , e.embeddedObject().okForStorage() );
+ }
+ }
+ bool isEach() const {
+ if ( elt.type() != Object )
+ return false;
+ BSONElement e = elt.embeddedObject().firstElement();
+ if ( e.type() != Array )
+ return false;
+ return strcmp( e.fieldName() , "$each" ) == 0;
+ }
+ BSONObj getEach() const {
+ return elt.embeddedObjectUserCheck().firstElement().embeddedObjectUserCheck();
+ }
+ void parseEach( BSONElementSet& s ) const {
+ BSONObjIterator i(getEach());
+ while ( i.more() ) {
+ s.insert( );
+ }
+ }
+ const char *renameFrom() const {
+ massert( 13492, "mod must be RENAME_TO type", op == Mod::RENAME_TO );
+ return elt.fieldName();
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * stores a set of Mods
+ * once created, should never be changed
+ */
+ class ModSet : boost::noncopyable {
+ typedef map<string,Mod> ModHolder;
+ ModHolder _mods;
+ int _isIndexed;
+ bool _hasDynamicArray;
+ static void extractFields( map< string, BSONElement > &fields, const BSONElement &top, const string &base );
+ FieldCompareResult compare( const ModHolder::iterator &m, map< string, BSONElement >::iterator &p, const map< string, BSONElement >::iterator &pEnd ) const {
+ bool mDone = ( m == _mods.end() );
+ bool pDone = ( p == pEnd );
+ assert( ! mDone );
+ assert( ! pDone );
+ if ( mDone && pDone )
+ return SAME;
+ // If one iterator is done we want to read from the other one, so say the other one is lower.
+ if ( mDone )
+ return RIGHT_BEFORE;
+ if ( pDone )
+ return LEFT_BEFORE;
+ return compareDottedFieldNames( m->first, p->first.c_str() );
+ }
+ bool mayAddEmbedded( map< string, BSONElement > &existing, string right ) {
+ for( string left = EmbeddedBuilder::splitDot( right );
+ left.length() > 0 && left[ left.length() - 1 ] != '.';
+ left += "." + EmbeddedBuilder::splitDot( right ) ) {
+ if ( existing.count( left ) > 0 && existing[ left ].type() != Object )
+ return false;
+ if ( haveModForField( left.c_str() ) )
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ static Mod::Op opFromStr( const char *fn ) {
+ assert( fn[0] == '$' );
+ switch( fn[1] ) {
+ case 'i': {
+ if ( fn[2] == 'n' && fn[3] == 'c' && fn[4] == 0 )
+ return Mod::INC;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 's': {
+ if ( fn[2] == 'e' && fn[3] == 't' && fn[4] == 0 )
+ return Mod::SET;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'p': {
+ if ( fn[2] == 'u' ) {
+ if ( fn[3] == 's' && fn[4] == 'h' ) {
+ if ( fn[5] == 0 )
+ return Mod::PUSH;
+ if ( fn[5] == 'A' && fn[6] == 'l' && fn[7] == 'l' && fn[8] == 0 )
+ return Mod::PUSH_ALL;
+ }
+ else if ( fn[3] == 'l' && fn[4] == 'l' ) {
+ if ( fn[5] == 0 )
+ return Mod::PULL;
+ if ( fn[5] == 'A' && fn[6] == 'l' && fn[7] == 'l' && fn[8] == 0 )
+ return Mod::PULL_ALL;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( fn[2] == 'o' && fn[3] == 'p' && fn[4] == 0 )
+ return Mod::POP;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'u': {
+ if ( fn[2] == 'n' && fn[3] == 's' && fn[4] == 'e' && fn[5] == 't' && fn[6] == 0 )
+ return Mod::UNSET;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'b': {
+ if ( fn[2] == 'i' && fn[3] == 't' ) {
+ if ( fn[4] == 0 )
+ return Mod::BIT;
+ if ( fn[4] == 'a' && fn[5] == 'n' && fn[6] == 'd' && fn[7] == 0 )
+ return Mod::BITAND;
+ if ( fn[4] == 'o' && fn[5] == 'r' && fn[6] == 0 )
+ return Mod::BITOR;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'a': {
+ if ( fn[2] == 'd' && fn[3] == 'd' ) {
+ // add
+ if ( fn[4] == 'T' && fn[5] == 'o' && fn[6] == 'S' && fn[7] == 'e' && fn[8] == 't' && fn[9] == 0 )
+ return Mod::ADDTOSET;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'r': {
+ if ( fn[2] == 'e' && fn[3] == 'n' && fn[4] == 'a' && fn[5] == 'm' && fn[6] =='e' ) {
+ return Mod::RENAME_TO; // with this return code we handle both RENAME_TO and RENAME_FROM
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default: break;
+ }
+ uassert( 10161 , "Invalid modifier specified " + string( fn ), false );
+ return Mod::INC;
+ }
+ ModSet() {}
+ void updateIsIndexed( const Mod &m, const set<string> &idxKeys, const set<string> *backgroundKeys ) {
+ if ( m.isIndexed( idxKeys ) ||
+ (backgroundKeys && m.isIndexed(*backgroundKeys)) ) {
+ _isIndexed++;
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ ModSet( const BSONObj &from ,
+ const set<string>& idxKeys = set<string>(),
+ const set<string>* backgroundKeys = 0
+ );
+ // TODO: this is inefficient - should probably just handle when iterating
+ ModSet * fixDynamicArray( const char * elemMatchKey ) const;
+ bool hasDynamicArray() const { return _hasDynamicArray; }
+ /**
+ * creates a ModSetState suitable for operation on obj
+ * doesn't change or modify this ModSet or any underying Mod
+ */
+ auto_ptr<ModSetState> prepare( const BSONObj& obj ) const;
+ /**
+ * given a query pattern, builds an object suitable for an upsert
+ * will take the query spec and combine all $ operators
+ */
+ BSONObj createNewFromQuery( const BSONObj& query );
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ int isIndexed() const {
+ return _isIndexed;
+ }
+ unsigned size() const { return _mods.size(); }
+ bool haveModForField( const char *fieldName ) const {
+ return _mods.find( fieldName ) != _mods.end();
+ }
+ bool haveConflictingMod( const string& fieldName ) {
+ size_t idx = fieldName.find( '.' );
+ if ( idx == string::npos )
+ idx = fieldName.size();
+ ModHolder::const_iterator start = _mods.lower_bound(fieldName.substr(0,idx));
+ for ( ; start != _mods.end(); start++ ) {
+ FieldCompareResult r = compareDottedFieldNames( fieldName , start->first );
+ switch ( r ) {
+ case LEFT_SUBFIELD: return true;
+ case LEFT_BEFORE: return false;
+ case SAME: return true;
+ case RIGHT_BEFORE: return false;
+ case RIGHT_SUBFIELD: return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * stores any information about a single Mod operating on a single Object
+ */
+ class ModState {
+ public:
+ const Mod * m;
+ BSONElement old;
+ BSONElement newVal;
+ BSONObj _objData;
+ const char * fixedOpName;
+ BSONElement * fixed;
+ int pushStartSize;
+ BSONType incType;
+ int incint;
+ double incdouble;
+ long long inclong;
+ bool dontApply;
+ ModState() {
+ fixedOpName = 0;
+ fixed = 0;
+ pushStartSize = -1;
+ incType = EOO;
+ dontApply = false;
+ }
+ Mod::Op op() const {
+ return m->op;
+ }
+ const char * fieldName() const {
+ return m->fieldName;
+ }
+ bool needOpLogRewrite() const {
+ if ( dontApply )
+ return false;
+ if ( fixed || fixedOpName || incType )
+ return true;
+ switch( op() ) {
+ case Mod::RENAME_FROM:
+ case Mod::RENAME_TO:
+ return true;
+ case Mod::BIT:
+ case Mod::BITAND:
+ case Mod::BITOR:
+ // TODO: should we convert this to $set?
+ return false;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ void appendForOpLog( BSONObjBuilder& b ) const;
+ template< class Builder >
+ void apply( Builder& b , BSONElement in ) {
+ m->apply( b , in , *this );
+ }
+ template< class Builder >
+ void appendIncValue( Builder& b , bool useFullName ) const {
+ const char * n = useFullName ? m->fieldName : m->shortFieldName;
+ switch ( incType ) {
+ case NumberDouble:
+ b.append( n , incdouble ); break;
+ case NumberLong:
+ b.append( n , inclong ); break;
+ case NumberInt:
+ b.append( n , incint ); break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ }
+ string toString() const;
+ template< class Builder >
+ void handleRename( Builder &newObjBuilder, const char *shortFieldName );
+ };
+ /**
+ * this is used to hold state, meta data while applying a ModSet to a BSONObj
+ * the goal is to make ModSet const so its re-usable
+ */
+ class ModSetState : boost::noncopyable {
+ struct FieldCmp {
+ bool operator()( const string &l, const string &r ) const;
+ };
+ typedef map<string,ModState,FieldCmp> ModStateHolder;
+ const BSONObj& _obj;
+ ModStateHolder _mods;
+ bool _inPlacePossible;
+ BSONObj _newFromMods; // keep this data alive, as oplog generation may depend on it
+ ModSetState( const BSONObj& obj )
+ : _obj( obj ) , _inPlacePossible(true) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return if in place is still possible
+ */
+ bool amIInPlacePossible( bool inPlacePossible ) {
+ if ( ! inPlacePossible )
+ _inPlacePossible = false;
+ return _inPlacePossible;
+ }
+ template< class Builder >
+ void createNewFromMods( const string& root , Builder& b , const BSONObj &obj );
+ template< class Builder >
+ void _appendNewFromMods( const string& root , ModState& m , Builder& b , set<string>& onedownseen );
+ template< class Builder >
+ void appendNewFromMod( ModState& ms , Builder& b ) {
+ if ( ms.dontApply ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //const Mod& m = *(ms.m); // HACK
+ Mod& m = *((Mod*)(ms.m)); // HACK
+ switch ( m.op ) {
+ case Mod::PUSH: {
+ if ( m.isEach() ) {
+ b.appendArray( m.shortFieldName, m.getEach() );
+ } else {
+ BSONObjBuilder arr( b.subarrayStart( m.shortFieldName ) );
+ arr.appendAs( m.elt, "0" );
+ arr.done();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Mod::ADDTOSET: {
+ if ( m.isEach() ) {
+ // Remove any duplicates in given array
+ BSONObjBuilder arr( b.subarrayStart( m.shortFieldName ) );
+ BSONElementSet toadd;
+ m.parseEach( toadd );
+ BSONObjIterator i( m.getEach() );
+ int n = 0;
+ while ( i.more() ) {
+ BSONElement e =;
+ if ( toadd.count(e) ) {
+ arr.appendAs( e , BSONObjBuilder::numStr( n++ ) );
+ toadd.erase( e );
+ }
+ }
+ arr.done();
+ }
+ else {
+ BSONObjBuilder arr( b.subarrayStart( m.shortFieldName ) );
+ arr.appendAs( m.elt, "0" );
+ arr.done();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Mod::PUSH_ALL: {
+ b.appendAs( m.elt, m.shortFieldName );
+ break;
+ }
+ case Mod::UNSET:
+ case Mod::PULL:
+ case Mod::PULL_ALL:
+ // no-op b/c unset/pull of nothing does nothing
+ break;
+ case Mod::INC:
+ ms.fixedOpName = "$set";
+ case Mod::SET: {
+ m._checkForAppending( m.elt );
+ b.appendAs( m.elt, m.shortFieldName );
+ break;
+ }
+ // shouldn't see RENAME_FROM here
+ case Mod::RENAME_TO:
+ ms.handleRename( b, m.shortFieldName );
+ break;
+ default:
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << "unknown mod in appendNewFromMod: " << m.op;
+ throw UserException( 9015, ss.str() );
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ bool canApplyInPlace() const {
+ return _inPlacePossible;
+ }
+ /**
+ * modified underlying _obj
+ * @param isOnDisk - true means this is an on disk object, and this update needs to be made durable
+ */
+ void applyModsInPlace( bool isOnDisk );
+ BSONObj createNewFromMods();
+ // re-writing for oplog
+ bool needOpLogRewrite() const {
+ for ( ModStateHolder::const_iterator i = _mods.begin(); i != _mods.end(); i++ )
+ if ( i->second.needOpLogRewrite() )
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ BSONObj getOpLogRewrite() const {
+ BSONObjBuilder b;
+ for ( ModStateHolder::const_iterator i = _mods.begin(); i != _mods.end(); i++ )
+ i->second.appendForOpLog( b );
+ return b.obj();
+ }
+ bool haveArrayDepMod() const {
+ for ( ModStateHolder::const_iterator i = _mods.begin(); i != _mods.end(); i++ )
+ if ( i->second.m->arrayDep() )
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ void appendSizeSpecForArrayDepMods( BSONObjBuilder &b ) const {
+ for ( ModStateHolder::const_iterator i = _mods.begin(); i != _mods.end(); i++ ) {
+ const ModState& m = i->second;
+ if ( m.m->arrayDep() ) {
+ if ( m.pushStartSize == -1 )
+ b.appendNull( m.fieldName() );
+ else
+ b << m.fieldName() << BSON( "$size" << m.pushStartSize );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ string toString() const;
+ friend class ModSet;
+ };