path: root/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.cpp')
1 files changed, 2815 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.cpp b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..b3caefcf899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2815 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 10gen Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "db/pipeline/expression.h"
+#include <cstdio>
+#include "db/jsobj.h"
+#include "db/pipeline/builder.h"
+#include "db/pipeline/document.h"
+#include "db/pipeline/expression_context.h"
+#include "db/pipeline/value.h"
+#include "util/mongoutils/str.h"
+namespace mongo {
+ using namespace mongoutils;
+ /* --------------------------- Expression ------------------------------ */
+ void Expression::toMatcherBson(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const {
+ assert(false && "Expression::toMatcherBson()");
+ }
+ Expression::ObjectCtx::ObjectCtx(int theOptions):
+ options(theOptions),
+ unwindField() {
+ }
+ void Expression::ObjectCtx::unwind(string fieldName) {
+ assert(unwindOk());
+ assert(!unwindUsed());
+ assert(fieldName.size());
+ unwindField = fieldName;
+ }
+ bool Expression::ObjectCtx::documentOk() const {
+ return ((options & DOCUMENT_OK) != 0);
+ }
+ const char Expression::unwindName[] = "$unwind";
+ string Expression::removeFieldPrefix(const string &prefixedField) {
+ const char *pPrefixedField = prefixedField.c_str();
+ uassert(15982, str::stream() <<
+ "field path references must be prefixed with a '$' (\"" <<
+ prefixedField << "\"", pPrefixedField[0] == '$');
+ return string(pPrefixedField + 1);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> Expression::parseObject(
+ BSONElement *pBsonElement, ObjectCtx *pCtx) {
+ /*
+ An object expression can take any of the following forms:
+ f0: {f1: ..., f2: ..., f3: ...}
+ f0: {$operator:[operand1, operand2, ...]}
+ f0: {$unwind:"fieldpath"}
+ We handle $unwind as a special case, because this is done by the
+ projection source. For any other expression, we hand over control to
+ code that parses the expression and returns an expression.
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pExpression; // the result
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionObject> pExpressionObject; // alt result
+ int isOp = -1; /* -1 -> unknown, 0 -> not an operator, 1 -> operator */
+ BSONObj obj(pBsonElement->Obj());
+ BSONObjIterator iter(obj);
+ for(size_t fieldCount = 0; iter.more(); ++fieldCount) {
+ BSONElement fieldElement(;
+ const char *pFieldName = fieldElement.fieldName();
+ if (pFieldName[0] == '$') {
+ uassert(15983, str::stream() <<
+ "the operator must be the only field in a pipeline object (at \""
+ << pFieldName << "\"",
+ fieldCount == 0);
+ /* we've determined this "object" is an operator expression */
+ isOp = 1;
+ kind = OPERATOR;
+ if (strcmp(pFieldName, unwindName) != 0) {
+ pExpression = parseExpression(pFieldName, &fieldElement);
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(pCtx->unwindOk());
+ // CW TODO error: it's not OK to unwind in this context
+ assert(!pCtx->unwindUsed());
+ // CW TODO error: this projection already has an unwind
+ assert(fieldElement.type() == String);
+ // CW TODO $unwind operand must be single field name
+ string fieldPath(removeFieldPrefix(fieldElement.String()));
+ pExpression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(fieldPath);
+ pCtx->unwind(fieldPath);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ uassert(15984, str::stream() << "this object is already an operator expression, and can't be used as a document expression (at \"" <<
+ pFieldName << "\")",
+ isOp != 1);
+ uassert(15990, str::stream() << "this object is already an operator expression, and can't be used as a document expression (at \"" <<
+ pFieldName << "\")",
+ kind != OPERATOR);
+ /* if it's our first time, create the document expression */
+ if (!pExpression.get()) {
+ assert(pCtx->documentOk());
+ // CW TODO error: document not allowed in this context
+ pExpressionObject = ExpressionObject::create();
+ pExpression = pExpressionObject;
+ /* this "object" is not an operator expression */
+ isOp = 0;
+ }
+ BSONType fieldType = fieldElement.type();
+ string fieldName(pFieldName);
+ if (fieldType == Object) {
+ /* it's a nested document */
+ ObjectCtx oCtx(
+ (pCtx->documentOk() ? ObjectCtx::DOCUMENT_OK : 0));
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pNested(
+ parseObject(&fieldElement, &oCtx));
+ pExpressionObject->addField(fieldName, pNested);
+ }
+ else if (fieldType == String) {
+ /* it's a renamed field */
+ // CW TODO could also be a constant
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pPath(
+ ExpressionFieldPath::create(
+ removeFieldPrefix(fieldElement.String())));
+ pExpressionObject->addField(fieldName, pPath);
+ }
+ else if (fieldType == NumberDouble) {
+ /* it's an inclusion specification */
+ int inclusion = static_cast<int>(fieldElement.Double());
+ if (inclusion == 0)
+ pExpressionObject->excludePath(fieldName);
+ else if (inclusion == 1)
+ pExpressionObject->includePath(fieldName);
+ else
+ uassert(15991, str::stream() <<
+ "\"" << fieldName <<
+ "\" numeric inclusion or exclusion must be 1 or 0 (or boolean)",
+ false);
+ }
+ else if (fieldType == Bool) {
+ bool inclusion = fieldElement.Bool();
+ if (!inclusion)
+ pExpressionObject->excludePath(fieldName);
+ else
+ pExpressionObject->includePath(fieldName);
+ }
+ else { /* nothing else is allowed */
+ uassert(15992, str::stream() <<
+ "disallowed field type " << fieldType <<
+ " in object expression (at \"" <<
+ fieldName << "\")", false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ struct OpDesc {
+ const char *pName;
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> (*pFactory)(void);
+ };
+ static int OpDescCmp(const void *pL, const void *pR) {
+ return strcmp(((const OpDesc *)pL)->pName, ((const OpDesc *)pR)->pName);
+ }
+ /*
+ Keep these sorted alphabetically so we can bsearch() them using
+ OpDescCmp() above.
+ */
+ static const OpDesc OpTable[] = {
+ {"$add", ExpressionAdd::create},
+ {"$and", ExpressionAnd::create},
+ {"$cmp", ExpressionCompare::createCmp},
+ {"$cond", ExpressionCond::create},
+ {"$const", ExpressionNoOp::create},
+ {"$dayOfMonth", ExpressionDayOfMonth::create},
+ {"$dayOfWeek", ExpressionDayOfWeek::create},
+ {"$dayOfYear", ExpressionDayOfYear::create},
+ {"$divide", ExpressionDivide::create},
+ {"$eq", ExpressionCompare::createEq},
+ {"$gt", ExpressionCompare::createGt},
+ {"$gte", ExpressionCompare::createGte},
+ {"$hour", ExpressionHour::create},
+ {"$ifNull", ExpressionIfNull::create},
+ {"$lt", ExpressionCompare::createLt},
+ {"$lte", ExpressionCompare::createLte},
+ {"$minute", ExpressionMinute::create},
+ {"$mod", ExpressionMod::create},
+ {"$month", ExpressionMonth::create},
+ {"$multiply", ExpressionMultiply::create},
+ {"$ne", ExpressionCompare::createNe},
+ {"$not", ExpressionNot::create},
+ {"$or", ExpressionOr::create},
+ {"$second", ExpressionSecond::create},
+ {"$strcasecmp", ExpressionStrcasecmp::create},
+ {"$substr", ExpressionSubstr::create},
+ {"$subtract", ExpressionSubtract::create},
+ {"$toLower", ExpressionToLower::create},
+ {"$toUpper", ExpressionToUpper::create},
+ {"$week", ExpressionWeek::create},
+ {"$year", ExpressionYear::create},
+ };
+ static const size_t NOp = sizeof(OpTable)/sizeof(OpTable[0]);
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> Expression::parseExpression(
+ const char *pOpName, BSONElement *pBsonElement) {
+ /* look for the specified operator */
+ OpDesc key;
+ key.pName = pOpName;
+ const OpDesc *pOp = (const OpDesc *)bsearch(
+ &key, OpTable, NOp, sizeof(OpDesc), OpDescCmp);
+ uassert(15999, str::stream() << "invalid operator \"" <<
+ pOpName << "\"", pOp);
+ /* make the expression node */
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> pExpression((*pOp->pFactory)());
+ /* add the operands to the expression node */
+ BSONType elementType = pBsonElement->type();
+ if (elementType == Object) {
+ /* the operator must be unary and accept an object argument */
+ BSONObj objOperand(pBsonElement->Obj());
+ ObjectCtx oCtx(ObjectCtx::DOCUMENT_OK);
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pOperand(
+ Expression::parseObject(pBsonElement, &oCtx));
+ pExpression->addOperand(pOperand);
+ }
+ else if (elementType == Array) {
+ /* multiple operands - an n-ary operator */
+ vector<BSONElement> bsonArray(pBsonElement->Array());
+ const size_t n = bsonArray.size();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ BSONElement *pBsonOperand = &bsonArray[i];
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pOperand(
+ Expression::parseOperand(pBsonOperand));
+ pExpression->addOperand(pOperand);
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* assume it's an atomic operand */
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pOperand(
+ Expression::parseOperand(pBsonElement));
+ pExpression->addOperand(pOperand);
+ }
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> Expression::parseOperand(BSONElement *pBsonElement) {
+ BSONType type = pBsonElement->type();
+ switch(type) {
+ case String: {
+ /*
+ This could be a field path, or it could be a constant
+ string.
+ We make a copy of the BSONElement reader so we can read its
+ value without advancing its state, in case we need to read it
+ again in the constant code path.
+ */
+ BSONElement opCopy(*pBsonElement);
+ string value(opCopy.String());
+ /* check for a field path */
+ if (value[0] != '$')
+ goto ExpectConstant; // assume plain string constant
+ /* if we got here, this is a field path expression */
+ string fieldPath(removeFieldPrefix(value));
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pFieldExpr(
+ ExpressionFieldPath::create(fieldPath));
+ return pFieldExpr;
+ }
+ case Object: {
+ ObjectCtx oCtx(ObjectCtx::DOCUMENT_OK);
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pSubExpression(
+ Expression::parseObject(pBsonElement, &oCtx));
+ return pSubExpression;
+ }
+ default:
+ ExpectConstant: {
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pOperand(
+ ExpressionConstant::createFromBsonElement(pBsonElement));
+ return pOperand;
+ }
+ } // switch(type)
+ assert(false);
+ return intrusive_ptr<Expression>();
+ }
+ /* ------------------------- ExpressionAdd ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionAdd::~ExpressionAdd() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> ExpressionAdd::optimize() {
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pE(ExpressionNary::optimize());
+ ExpressionAdd *pA = dynamic_cast<ExpressionAdd *>(pE.get());
+ if (pA) {
+ /* don't create a circular reference */
+ if (pA != this)
+ pA->pAdd = this;
+ }
+ return pE;
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionAdd::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionAdd> pExpression(new ExpressionAdd());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionAdd::ExpressionAdd():
+ ExpressionNary(),
+ useOriginal(false) {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionAdd::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ unsigned stringCount = 0;
+ unsigned nonConstStringCount = 0;
+ unsigned dateCount = 0;
+ const size_t n = vpOperand.size();
+ vector<intrusive_ptr<const Value> > vpValue; /* evaluated operands */
+ /* use the original, if we've been told to do so */
+ if (useOriginal) {
+ return pAdd->evaluate(pDocument);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue(
+ vpOperand[i]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ vpValue.push_back(pValue);
+ BSONType valueType = pValue->getType();
+ if (valueType == String) {
+ ++stringCount;
+ if (!dynamic_cast<ExpressionConstant *>(vpOperand[i].get()))
+ ++nonConstStringCount;
+ }
+ else if (valueType == Date)
+ ++dateCount;
+ }
+ /*
+ We don't allow adding two dates because it doesn't make sense
+ especially since they are in epoch time. However, if there is a
+ string present then we would be appending the dates to a string so
+ having many would not be not a problem.
+ */
+ if ((dateCount > 1) && !stringCount) {
+ uassert(16000, "can't add two dates together", false);
+ return Value::getNull();
+ }
+ /*
+ If there are non-constant strings, and we've got a copy of the
+ original, then use that from this point forward. This is necessary
+ to keep the order of strings the same for string concatenation;
+ constant-folding would violate the order preservation.
+ This is a one-way conversion we do if we see one of these. It is
+ possible that these could vary from document to document, but any
+ sane schema probably isn't going to do that, so once we see a string,
+ we can probably assume they're going to be strings all the way down.
+ */
+ if (nonConstStringCount && pAdd.get()) {
+ useOriginal = true;
+ return pAdd->evaluate(pDocument);
+ }
+ if (stringCount) {
+ stringstream stringTotal;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue(vpValue[i]);
+ stringTotal << pValue->coerceToString();
+ }
+ return Value::createString(stringTotal.str());
+ }
+ if (dateCount) {
+ long long dateTotal = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue(vpValue[i]);
+ if (pValue->getType() == Date)
+ dateTotal += pValue->coerceToDate();
+ else
+ dateTotal += static_cast<long long>(pValue->coerceToDouble()*24*60*60*1000);
+ }
+ return Value::createDate(Date_t(dateTotal));
+ }
+ /*
+ We'll try to return the narrowest possible result value. To do that
+ without creating intermediate Values, do the arithmetic for double
+ and integral types in parallel, tracking the current narrowest
+ type.
+ */
+ double doubleTotal = 0;
+ long long longTotal = 0;
+ BSONType totalType = NumberInt;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue(vpValue[i]);
+ totalType = Value::getWidestNumeric(totalType, pValue->getType());
+ doubleTotal += pValue->coerceToDouble();
+ longTotal += pValue->coerceToLong();
+ }
+ if (totalType == NumberDouble)
+ return Value::createDouble(doubleTotal);
+ if (totalType == NumberLong)
+ return Value::createLong(longTotal);
+ return Value::createInt((int)longTotal);
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionAdd::getOpName() const {
+ return "$add";
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> (*ExpressionAdd::getFactory() const)() {
+ return ExpressionAdd::create;
+ }
+ void ExpressionAdd::toBson(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, const char *pOpName, unsigned depth) const {
+ if (pAdd)
+ pAdd->toBson(pBuilder, pOpName, depth);
+ else
+ ExpressionNary::toBson(pBuilder, pOpName, depth);
+ }
+ /* ------------------------- ExpressionAnd ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionAnd::~ExpressionAnd() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionAnd::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> pExpression(new ExpressionAnd());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionAnd::ExpressionAnd():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> ExpressionAnd::optimize() {
+ /* optimize the conjunction as much as possible */
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pE(ExpressionNary::optimize());
+ /* if the result isn't a conjunction, we can't do anything */
+ ExpressionAnd *pAnd = dynamic_cast<ExpressionAnd *>(pE.get());
+ if (!pAnd)
+ return pE;
+ /*
+ Check the last argument on the result; if it's not constant (as
+ promised by ExpressionNary::optimize(),) then there's nothing
+ we can do.
+ */
+ const size_t n = pAnd->vpOperand.size();
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pLast(pAnd->vpOperand[n - 1]);
+ const ExpressionConstant *pConst =
+ dynamic_cast<ExpressionConstant *>(pLast.get());
+ if (!pConst)
+ return pE;
+ /*
+ Evaluate and coerce the last argument to a boolean. If it's false,
+ then we can replace this entire expression.
+ */
+ bool last = pLast->evaluate(intrusive_ptr<Document>())->coerceToBool();
+ if (!last) {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionConstant> pFinal(
+ ExpressionConstant::create(Value::getFalse()));
+ return pFinal;
+ }
+ /*
+ If we got here, the final operand was true, so we don't need it
+ anymore. If there was only one other operand, we don't need the
+ conjunction either. Note we still need to keep the promise that
+ the result will be a boolean.
+ */
+ if (n == 2) {
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pFinal(
+ ExpressionCoerceToBool::create(pAnd->vpOperand[0]));
+ return pFinal;
+ }
+ /*
+ Remove the final "true" value, and return the new expression.
+ Note that because of any implicit conversions, we may need to
+ apply an implicit boolean conversion.
+ */
+ pAnd->vpOperand.resize(n - 1);
+ return pE;
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionAnd::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ const size_t n = vpOperand.size();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue(vpOperand[i]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ if (!pValue->coerceToBool())
+ return Value::getFalse();
+ }
+ return Value::getTrue();
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionAnd::getOpName() const {
+ return "$and";
+ }
+ void ExpressionAnd::toMatcherBson(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const {
+ /*
+ There are two patterns we can handle:
+ (1) one or two comparisons on the same field: { a:{$gte:3, $lt:7} }
+ (2) multiple field comparisons: {a:7, b:{$lte:6}, c:2}
+ This can be recognized as a conjunction of a set of range
+ expressions. Direct equality is a degenerate range expression;
+ range expressions can be open-ended.
+ */
+ assert(false && "unimplemented");
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> (*ExpressionAnd::getFactory() const)() {
+ return ExpressionAnd::create;
+ }
+ /* -------------------- ExpressionCoerceToBool ------------------------- */
+ ExpressionCoerceToBool::~ExpressionCoerceToBool() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionCoerceToBool> ExpressionCoerceToBool::create(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionCoerceToBool> pNew(
+ new ExpressionCoerceToBool(pExpression));
+ return pNew;
+ }
+ ExpressionCoerceToBool::ExpressionCoerceToBool(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pTheExpression):
+ Expression(),
+ pExpression(pTheExpression) {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> ExpressionCoerceToBool::optimize() {
+ /* optimize the operand */
+ pExpression = pExpression->optimize();
+ /* if the operand already produces a boolean, then we don't need this */
+ /* LATER - Expression to support a "typeof" query? */
+ Expression *pE = pExpression.get();
+ if (dynamic_cast<ExpressionAnd *>(pE) ||
+ dynamic_cast<ExpressionOr *>(pE) ||
+ dynamic_cast<ExpressionNot *>(pE) ||
+ dynamic_cast<ExpressionCoerceToBool *>(pE))
+ return pExpression;
+ return intrusive_ptr<Expression>(this);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionCoerceToBool::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pResult(pExpression->evaluate(pDocument));
+ bool b = pResult->coerceToBool();
+ if (b)
+ return Value::getTrue();
+ return Value::getFalse();
+ }
+ void ExpressionCoerceToBool::addToBsonObj(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName, unsigned depth) const {
+ assert(false && "not possible"); // no equivalent of this
+ }
+ void ExpressionCoerceToBool::addToBsonArray(
+ BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const {
+ assert(false && "not possible"); // no equivalent of this
+ }
+ /* ----------------------- ExpressionCompare --------------------------- */
+ ExpressionCompare::~ExpressionCompare() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionCompare::createEq() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionCompare> pExpression(
+ new ExpressionCompare(EQ));
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionCompare::createNe() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionCompare> pExpression(
+ new ExpressionCompare(NE));
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionCompare::createGt() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionCompare> pExpression(
+ new ExpressionCompare(GT));
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionCompare::createGte() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionCompare> pExpression(
+ new ExpressionCompare(GTE));
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionCompare::createLt() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionCompare> pExpression(
+ new ExpressionCompare(LT));
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionCompare::createLte() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionCompare> pExpression(
+ new ExpressionCompare(LTE));
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionCompare::createCmp() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionCompare> pExpression(
+ new ExpressionCompare(CMP));
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionCompare::ExpressionCompare(CmpOp theCmpOp):
+ ExpressionNary(),
+ cmpOp(theCmpOp) {
+ }
+ void ExpressionCompare::addOperand(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(2);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ /*
+ Lookup table for truth value returns
+ */
+ struct CmpLookup {
+ bool truthValue[3]; /* truth value for -1, 0, 1 */
+ Expression::CmpOp reverse; /* reverse comparison operator */
+ char name[5]; /* string name (w/trailing '\0') */
+ };
+ static const CmpLookup cmpLookup[7] = {
+ /* -1 0 1 reverse name */
+ /* EQ */ { { false, true, false }, Expression::EQ, "$eq" },
+ /* NE */ { { true, false, true }, Expression::NE, "$ne" },
+ /* GT */ { { false, false, true }, Expression::LTE, "$gt" },
+ /* GTE */ { { false, true, true }, Expression::LT, "$gte" },
+ /* LT */ { { true, false, false }, Expression::GTE, "$lt" },
+ /* LTE */ { { true, true, false }, Expression::GT, "$lte" },
+ /* CMP */ { { false, false, false }, Expression::CMP, "$cmp" },
+ };
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> ExpressionCompare::optimize() {
+ /* first optimize the comparison operands */
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pE(ExpressionNary::optimize());
+ /*
+ If the result of optimization is no longer a comparison, there's
+ nothing more we can do.
+ */
+ ExpressionCompare *pCmp = dynamic_cast<ExpressionCompare *>(pE.get());
+ if (!pCmp)
+ return pE;
+ /* check to see if optimizing comparison operator is supported */
+ CmpOp newOp = pCmp->cmpOp;
+ if (newOp == CMP)
+ return pE; // not reversible: there's nothing more we can do
+ /*
+ There's one localized optimization we recognize: a comparison
+ between a field and a constant. If we recognize that pattern,
+ replace it with an ExpressionFieldRange.
+ When looking for this pattern, note that the operands could appear
+ in any order. If we need to reverse the sense of the comparison to
+ put it into the required canonical form, do so.
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pLeft(pCmp->vpOperand[0]);
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pRight(pCmp->vpOperand[1]);
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionFieldPath> pFieldPath(
+ dynamic_pointer_cast<ExpressionFieldPath>(pLeft));
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionConstant> pConstant;
+ if (pFieldPath.get()) {
+ pConstant = dynamic_pointer_cast<ExpressionConstant>(pRight);
+ if (!pConstant.get())
+ return pE; // there's nothing more we can do
+ }
+ else {
+ /* if the first operand wasn't a path, see if it's a constant */
+ pConstant = dynamic_pointer_cast<ExpressionConstant>(pLeft);
+ if (!pConstant.get())
+ return pE; // there's nothing more we can do
+ /* the left operand was a constant; see if the right is a path */
+ pFieldPath = dynamic_pointer_cast<ExpressionFieldPath>(pRight);
+ if (!pFieldPath.get())
+ return pE; // there's nothing more we can do
+ /* these were not in canonical order, so reverse the sense */
+ newOp = cmpLookup[newOp].reverse;
+ }
+ return ExpressionFieldRange::create(
+ pFieldPath, newOp, pConstant->getValue());
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionCompare::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(2);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pLeft(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pRight(vpOperand[1]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ BSONType leftType = pLeft->getType();
+ BSONType rightType = pRight->getType();
+ uassert(15994, str::stream() << getOpName() <<
+ ": no automatic conversion for types " <<
+ leftType << " and " << rightType,
+ leftType == rightType);
+ // CW TODO at least for now. later, handle automatic conversions
+ int cmp = 0;
+ switch(leftType) {
+ case NumberDouble: {
+ double left = pLeft->getDouble();
+ double right = pRight->getDouble();
+ if (left < right)
+ cmp = -1;
+ else if (left > right)
+ cmp = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ case NumberInt: {
+ int left = pLeft->getInt();
+ int right = pRight->getInt();
+ if (left < right)
+ cmp = -1;
+ else if (left > right)
+ cmp = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ case String: {
+ string left(pLeft->getString());
+ string right(pRight->getString());
+ cmp = signum(;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ uassert(15995, str::stream() <<
+ "can't compare values of type " << leftType, false);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cmpOp == CMP) {
+ switch(cmp) {
+ case -1:
+ return Value::getMinusOne();
+ case 0:
+ return Value::getZero();
+ case 1:
+ return Value::getOne();
+ default:
+ assert(false); // CW TODO internal error
+ return Value::getNull();
+ }
+ }
+ bool returnValue = cmpLookup[cmpOp].truthValue[cmp + 1];
+ if (returnValue)
+ return Value::getTrue();
+ return Value::getFalse();
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionCompare::getOpName() const {
+ return cmpLookup[cmpOp].name;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------- ExpressionCond ------------------------------ */
+ ExpressionCond::~ExpressionCond() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionCond::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionCond> pExpression(new ExpressionCond());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionCond::ExpressionCond():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionCond::addOperand(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(3);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionCond::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(3);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pCond(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ int idx = pCond->coerceToBool() ? 1 : 2;
+ return vpOperand[idx]->evaluate(pDocument);
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionCond::getOpName() const {
+ return "$cond";
+ }
+ /* ---------------------- ExpressionConstant --------------------------- */
+ ExpressionConstant::~ExpressionConstant() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionConstant> ExpressionConstant::createFromBsonElement(
+ BSONElement *pBsonElement) {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionConstant> pEC(
+ new ExpressionConstant(pBsonElement));
+ return pEC;
+ }
+ ExpressionConstant::ExpressionConstant(BSONElement *pBsonElement):
+ pValue(Value::createFromBsonElement(pBsonElement)) {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionConstant> ExpressionConstant::create(
+ const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pValue) {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionConstant> pEC(new ExpressionConstant(pValue));
+ return pEC;
+ }
+ ExpressionConstant::ExpressionConstant(
+ const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pTheValue):
+ pValue(pTheValue) {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> ExpressionConstant::optimize() {
+ /* nothing to do */
+ return intrusive_ptr<Expression>(this);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionConstant::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ return pValue;
+ }
+ void ExpressionConstant::addToBsonObj(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName, unsigned depth) const {
+ /*
+ For depth greater than one, do the regular thing
+ This will be one because any top level expression will actually
+ be an operator node, so by the time we get to an expression
+ constant, we're at level 1 (counting up as we go down the
+ expression tree).
+ See the comment below for more on why this happens.
+ */
+ if (depth > 1) {
+ pValue->addToBsonObj(pBuilder, fieldName);
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ If this happens at the top level, we don't have any direct way
+ to express it. However, we may need to if constant folding
+ reduced expressions to constants, and we need to re-materialize
+ the pipeline in order to ship it to a shard server. This has
+ forced the introduction of {$const: ...}.
+ */
+ BSONObjBuilder constBuilder;
+ pValue->addToBsonObj(&constBuilder, "$const");
+ pBuilder->append(fieldName, constBuilder.done());
+ }
+ void ExpressionConstant::addToBsonArray(
+ BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const {
+ pValue->addToBsonArray(pBuilder);
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionConstant::getOpName() const {
+ assert(false); // this has no name
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------- ExpressionDayOfMonth ------------------------- */
+ ExpressionDayOfMonth::~ExpressionDayOfMonth() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionDayOfMonth::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionDayOfMonth> pExpression(new ExpressionDayOfMonth());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionDayOfMonth::ExpressionDayOfMonth():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionDayOfMonth::addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(1);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionDayOfMonth::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(1);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pDate(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ tm date;
+ (pDate->coerceToDate()).toTm(&date);
+ return Value::createInt(date.tm_mday);
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionDayOfMonth::getOpName() const {
+ return "$dayOfMonth";
+ }
+ /* ------------------------- ExpressionDayOfWeek ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionDayOfWeek::~ExpressionDayOfWeek() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionDayOfWeek::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionDayOfWeek> pExpression(new ExpressionDayOfWeek());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionDayOfWeek::ExpressionDayOfWeek():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionDayOfWeek::addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(1);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionDayOfWeek::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(1);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pDate(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ tm date;
+ (pDate->coerceToDate()).toTm(&date);
+ return Value::createInt(date.tm_wday+1); // MySQL uses 1-7 tm uses 0-6
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionDayOfWeek::getOpName() const {
+ return "$dayOfWeek";
+ }
+ /* ------------------------- ExpressionDayOfYear ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionDayOfYear::~ExpressionDayOfYear() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionDayOfYear::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionDayOfYear> pExpression(new ExpressionDayOfYear());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionDayOfYear::ExpressionDayOfYear():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionDayOfYear::addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(1);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionDayOfYear::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(1);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pDate(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ tm date;
+ (pDate->coerceToDate()).toTm(&date);
+ return Value::createInt(date.tm_yday+1); // MySQL uses 1-366 tm uses 0-365
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionDayOfYear::getOpName() const {
+ return "$dayOfYear";
+ }
+ /* ----------------------- ExpressionDivide ---------------------------- */
+ ExpressionDivide::~ExpressionDivide() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionDivide::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionDivide> pExpression(new ExpressionDivide());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionDivide::ExpressionDivide():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionDivide::addOperand(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(2);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionDivide::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(2);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pLeft(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pRight(vpOperand[1]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ double right = pRight->coerceToDouble();
+ if (right == 0)
+ return Value::getUndefined();
+ double left = pLeft->coerceToDouble();
+ return Value::createDouble(left / right);
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionDivide::getOpName() const {
+ return "$divide";
+ }
+ /* ---------------------- ExpressionObject --------------------------- */
+ ExpressionObject::~ExpressionObject() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionObject> ExpressionObject::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionObject> pExpression(new ExpressionObject());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionObject::ExpressionObject():
+ excludePaths(false),
+ path(),
+ vFieldName(),
+ vpExpression() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> ExpressionObject::optimize() {
+ const size_t n = vpExpression.size();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pE(vpExpression[i]->optimize());
+ vpExpression[i] = pE;
+ }
+ return intrusive_ptr<Expression>(this);
+ }
+ void ExpressionObject::addToDocument(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pResult,
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ const size_t pathSize = path.size();
+ set<string>::const_iterator end(path.end());
+ /*
+ Take care of inclusions or exclusions. Note that _id is special,
+ that that it is always included, unless it is specifically excluded.
+ we use excludeId for that in case excludePaths if false, which means
+ to include paths.
+ */
+ if (pathSize) {
+ auto_ptr<FieldIterator> pIter(pDocument->createFieldIterator());
+ if (excludePaths) {
+ while(pIter->more()) {
+ pair<string, intrusive_ptr<const Value> > field(pIter->next());
+ /*
+ If the field in the document is not in the exclusion set,
+ add it to the result document.
+ Note that exclusions are only allowed on leaves, so we
+ can assume we don't have to descend recursively here.
+ */
+ if (path.find(field.first) != end)
+ continue; // we found it, so don't add it
+ pResult->addField(field.first, field.second);
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* !excludePaths */
+ while(pIter->more()) {
+ pair<string, intrusive_ptr<const Value> > field(
+ pIter->next());
+ /*
+ If the field in the document is in the inclusion set,
+ add it to the result document. Or, if we're not
+ excluding _id, and it is _id, include it.
+ Note that this could be an inclusion along a pathway,
+ so we look for an ExpressionObject in vpExpression; when
+ we find one, we populate the result with the evaluation
+ of that on the nested object, yielding relative paths.
+ This also allows us to handle intermediate arrays; if we
+ encounter one, we repeat this for each array element.
+ */
+ if (path.find(field.first) != end) {
+ /* find the Expression */
+ const size_t n = vFieldName.size();
+ size_t i;
+ Expression *pE = NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ if ([i]) == 0) {
+ pE = vpExpression[i].get();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ If we didn't find an expression, it's the last path
+ element to include.
+ */
+ if (!pE) {
+ pResult->addField(field.first, field.second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ ExpressionObject *pChild =
+ dynamic_cast<ExpressionObject *>(pE);
+ assert(pChild);
+ /*
+ Check on the type of the result object. If it's an
+ object, just walk down into that recursively, and
+ add it to the result.
+ */
+ BSONType valueType = field.second->getType();
+ if (valueType == Object) {
+ intrusive_ptr<Document> pD(
+ pChild->evaluateDocument(
+ field.second->getDocument()));
+ pResult->addField(vFieldName[i],
+ Value::createDocument(pD));
+ }
+ else if (valueType == Array) {
+ /*
+ If it's an array, we have to do the same thing,
+ but to each array element. Then, add the array
+ of results to the current document.
+ */
+ vector<intrusive_ptr<const Value> > result;
+ intrusive_ptr<ValueIterator> pVI(
+ field.second->getArray());
+ while(pVI->more()) {
+ intrusive_ptr<Document> pD(
+ pChild->evaluateDocument(
+ pVI->next()->getDocument()));
+ result.push_back(Value::createDocument(pD));
+ }
+ pResult->addField(vFieldName[i],
+ Value::createArray(result));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* add any remaining fields we haven't already taken care of */
+ const size_t n = vFieldName.size();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ string fieldName(vFieldName[i]);
+ /* if we've already dealt with this field, above, do nothing */
+ if (path.find(fieldName) != end)
+ continue;
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue(
+ vpExpression[i]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ /*
+ Don't add non-existent values (note: different from NULL);
+ this is consistent with existing selection syntax which doesn't
+ force the appearnance of non-existent fields.
+ */
+ if (pValue->getType() == Undefined)
+ continue;
+ pResult->addField(fieldName, pValue);
+ }
+ }
+ size_t ExpressionObject::getSizeHint(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ size_t sizeHint = pDocument->getFieldCount();
+ const size_t pathSize = path.size();
+ if (!excludePaths)
+ sizeHint += pathSize;
+ else {
+ size_t excludeCount = pathSize;
+ if (sizeHint > excludeCount)
+ sizeHint -= excludeCount;
+ else
+ sizeHint = 0;
+ }
+ /* account for the additional computed fields */
+ sizeHint += vFieldName.size();
+ return sizeHint;
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<Document> ExpressionObject::evaluateDocument(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ /* create and populate the result */
+ intrusive_ptr<Document> pResult(
+ Document::create(getSizeHint(pDocument)));
+ addToDocument(pResult, pDocument);
+ return pResult;
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionObject::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ return Value::createDocument(evaluateDocument(pDocument));
+ }
+ void ExpressionObject::addField(const string &fieldName,
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ /* must have an expression */
+ assert(pExpression.get());
+ /* parse the field path */
+ FieldPath fieldPath(fieldName);
+ uassert(16008, str::stream() <<
+ "an expression object's field names cannot be field paths (at \"" <<
+ fieldName << "\")", fieldPath.getPathLength() == 1);
+ /* make sure it isn't a name we've included or excluded */
+ set<string>::iterator ex(path.find(fieldName));
+ uassert(16009, str::stream() <<
+ "can't add a field to an object expression that has already been excluded (at \"" <<
+ fieldName << "\")", ex == path.end());
+ /* make sure it isn't a name we've already got */
+ const size_t n = vFieldName.size();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ uassert(16010, str::stream() <<
+ "can't add the same field to an object expression more than once (at \"" <<
+ fieldName << "\")",
+[i]) != 0);
+ }
+ vFieldName.push_back(fieldName);
+ vpExpression.push_back(pExpression);
+ }
+ void ExpressionObject::includePath(
+ const FieldPath *pPath, size_t pathi, size_t pathn, bool excludeLast) {
+ /* get the current path field name */
+ string fieldName(pPath->getFieldName(pathi));
+ uassert(16011,
+ "an object expression can't include an empty field-name",
+ fieldName.length());
+ const size_t pathCount = path.size();
+ /* if this is the leaf-most object, stop */
+ if (pathi == pathn - 1) {
+ /*
+ Make sure the exclusion configuration of this node matches
+ the requested result. Or, that this is the first (determining)
+ specification.
+ */
+ uassert(16012, str::stream() <<
+ "incompatible exclusion for \"" <<
+ pPath->getPath(false) <<
+ "\" because of a prior inclusion that includes a common sub-path",
+ ((excludePaths == excludeLast) || !pathCount));
+ excludePaths = excludeLast; // if (!pathCount), set this
+ path.insert(fieldName);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* this level had better be about inclusions */
+ uassert(16013, str::stream() <<
+ "incompatible inclusion for \"" << pPath->getPath(false) <<
+ "\" because of a prior exclusion that includes a common sub-path",
+ !excludePaths);
+ /* see if we already know about this field */
+ const size_t n = vFieldName.size();
+ size_t i;
+ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ if ([i]) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ /* find the right object, and continue */
+ ExpressionObject *pChild;
+ if (i < n) {
+ /* the intermediate child already exists */
+ pChild = dynamic_cast<ExpressionObject *>(vpExpression[i].get());
+ assert(pChild);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ If we get here, the intervening child isn't already there,
+ so create it.
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionObject> pSharedChild(
+ ExpressionObject::create());
+ path.insert(fieldName);
+ vFieldName.push_back(fieldName);
+ vpExpression.push_back(pSharedChild);
+ pChild = pSharedChild.get();
+ }
+ // LATER CW TODO turn this into a loop
+ pChild->includePath(pPath, pathi + 1, pathn, excludeLast);
+ }
+ void ExpressionObject::includePath(const string &theFieldPath) {
+ /* parse the field path */
+ FieldPath fieldPath(theFieldPath);
+ includePath(&fieldPath, 0, fieldPath.getPathLength(), false);
+ }
+ void ExpressionObject::excludePath(const string &theFieldPath) {
+ /* parse the field path */
+ FieldPath fieldPath(theFieldPath);
+ includePath(&fieldPath, 0, fieldPath.getPathLength(), true);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> ExpressionObject::getField(
+ const string &fieldName) const {
+ const size_t n = vFieldName.size();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ if ([i]) == 0)
+ return vpExpression[i];
+ }
+ /* if we got here, we didn't find it */
+ return intrusive_ptr<Expression>();
+ }
+ void ExpressionObject::emitPaths(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, vector<string> *pvPath) const {
+ if (!path.size())
+ return;
+ /* we use these for loops */
+ const size_t nField = vFieldName.size();
+ const size_t nPath = pvPath->size();
+ /*
+ We can iterate over the inclusion/exclusion paths in their
+ (random) set order because they don't affect the order that
+ fields are listed in the result. That comes from the underlying
+ Document they are fetched from.
+ */
+ for(set<string>::const_iterator end(path.end()),
+ iter(path.begin()); iter != end; ++iter) {
+ /* find the matching field description */
+ size_t iField = 0;
+ for(; iField < nField; ++iField) {
+ if (iter->compare(vFieldName[iField]) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (iField == nField) {
+ /*
+ If we didn't find a matching field description, this is the
+ leaf, so add the path.
+ */
+ stringstream ss;
+ for(size_t iPath = 0; iPath < nPath; ++iPath)
+ ss << (*pvPath)[iPath] << ".";
+ ss << *iter;
+ pBuilder->append(ss.str(), !excludePaths);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ If we found a matching field description, then we need to
+ descend into the next level.
+ */
+ Expression *pE = vpExpression[iField].get();
+ ExpressionObject *pEO = dynamic_cast<ExpressionObject *>(pE);
+ assert(pEO);
+ /*
+ Add the current field name to the path being built up,
+ then go down into the next level.
+ */
+ PathPusher pathPusher(pvPath, vFieldName[iField]);
+ pEO->emitPaths(pBuilder, pvPath);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void ExpressionObject::documentToBson(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const {
+ /* emit any inclusion/exclusion paths */
+ vector<string> vPath;
+ emitPaths(pBuilder, &vPath);
+ /* then add any expressions */
+ const size_t nField = vFieldName.size();
+ const set<string>::const_iterator pathEnd(path.end());
+ for(size_t iField = 0; iField < nField; ++iField) {
+ string fieldName(vFieldName[iField]);
+ /* if we already took care of this, don't repeat it */
+ if (path.find(fieldName) != pathEnd)
+ continue;
+ vpExpression[iField]->addToBsonObj(pBuilder, fieldName, depth + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ void ExpressionObject::addToBsonObj(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName, unsigned depth) const {
+ BSONObjBuilder objBuilder;
+ documentToBson(&objBuilder, depth);
+ pBuilder->append(fieldName, objBuilder.done());
+ }
+ void ExpressionObject::addToBsonArray(
+ BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const {
+ BSONObjBuilder objBuilder;
+ documentToBson(&objBuilder, depth);
+ pBuilder->append(objBuilder.done());
+ }
+ /* --------------------- ExpressionFieldPath --------------------------- */
+ ExpressionFieldPath::~ExpressionFieldPath() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionFieldPath> ExpressionFieldPath::create(
+ const string &fieldPath) {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionFieldPath> pExpression(
+ new ExpressionFieldPath(fieldPath));
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionFieldPath::ExpressionFieldPath(
+ const string &theFieldPath):
+ fieldPath(theFieldPath) {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> ExpressionFieldPath::optimize() {
+ /* nothing can be done for these */
+ return intrusive_ptr<Expression>(this);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionFieldPath::evaluatePath(
+ size_t index, const size_t pathLength,
+ intrusive_ptr<Document> pDocument) const {
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue; /* the return value */
+ pValue = pDocument->getValue(fieldPath.getFieldName(index));
+ /* if the field doesn't exist, quit with an undefined value */
+ if (!pValue.get())
+ return Value::getUndefined();
+ /* if we've hit the end of the path, stop */
+ ++index;
+ if (index >= pathLength)
+ return pValue;
+ /*
+ We're diving deeper. If the value was null, return null.
+ */
+ BSONType type = pValue->getType();
+ if ((type == Undefined) || (type == jstNULL))
+ return Value::getUndefined();
+ if (type == Object) {
+ /* extract from the next level down */
+ return evaluatePath(index, pathLength, pValue->getDocument());
+ }
+ if (type == Array) {
+ /*
+ We're going to repeat this for each member of the array,
+ building up a new array as we go.
+ */
+ vector<intrusive_ptr<const Value> > result;
+ intrusive_ptr<ValueIterator> pIter(pValue->getArray());
+ while(pIter->more()) {
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pItem(pIter->next());
+ BSONType iType = pItem->getType();
+ if ((iType == Undefined) || (iType == jstNULL)) {
+ result.push_back(pItem);
+ continue;
+ }
+ uassert(16014, str::stream() <<
+ "the element \"" << fieldPath.getFieldName(index) <<
+ "\" along the dotted path \"" <<
+ fieldPath.getPath(false) <<
+ "\" is not an object, and cannot be navigated",
+ iType == Object);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> itemResult(
+ evaluatePath(index, pathLength, pItem->getDocument()));
+ result.push_back(itemResult);
+ }
+ return Value::createArray(result);
+ }
+ uassert(16015, str::stream() <<
+ "can't navigate into value of type " << type <<
+ "at \"" << fieldPath.getFieldName(index) <<
+ "\" in dotted path \"" << fieldPath.getPath(false),
+ false);
+ return intrusive_ptr<const Value>();
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionFieldPath::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ return evaluatePath(0, fieldPath.getPathLength(), pDocument);
+ }
+ void ExpressionFieldPath::addToBsonObj(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName, unsigned depth) const {
+ pBuilder->append(fieldName, fieldPath.getPath(true));
+ }
+ void ExpressionFieldPath::addToBsonArray(
+ BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const {
+ pBuilder->append(getFieldPath(true));
+ }
+ /* --------------------- ExpressionFieldPath --------------------------- */
+ ExpressionFieldRange::~ExpressionFieldRange() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> ExpressionFieldRange::optimize() {
+ /* if there is no range to match, this will never evaluate true */
+ if (!pRange.get())
+ return ExpressionConstant::create(Value::getFalse());
+ /*
+ If we ended up with a double un-ended range, anything matches. I
+ don't know how that can happen, given intersect()'s interface, but
+ here it is, just in case.
+ */
+ if (!pRange->pBottom.get() && !pRange->pTop.get())
+ return ExpressionConstant::create(Value::getTrue());
+ /*
+ In all other cases, we have to test candidate values. The
+ intersect() method has already optimized those tests, so there
+ aren't any more optimizations to look for here.
+ */
+ return intrusive_ptr<Expression>(this);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionFieldRange::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ /* if there's no range, there can't be a match */
+ if (!pRange.get())
+ return Value::getFalse();
+ /* get the value of the specified field */
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue(pFieldPath->evaluate(pDocument));
+ /* see if it fits within any of the ranges */
+ if (pRange->contains(pValue))
+ return Value::getTrue();
+ return Value::getFalse();
+ }
+ void ExpressionFieldRange::addToBson(
+ Builder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const {
+ if (!pRange.get()) {
+ /* nothing will satisfy this predicate */
+ pBuilder->append(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!pRange->pTop.get() && !pRange->pBottom.get()) {
+ /* any value will satisfy this predicate */
+ pBuilder->append(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pRange->pTop.get() == pRange->pBottom.get()) {
+ BSONArrayBuilder operands;
+ pFieldPath->addToBsonArray(&operands, depth);
+ pRange->pTop->addToBsonArray(&operands);
+ BSONObjBuilder equals;
+ equals.append("$eq", operands.arr());
+ pBuilder->append(&equals);
+ return;
+ }
+ BSONObjBuilder leftOperator;
+ if (pRange->pBottom.get()) {
+ BSONArrayBuilder leftOperands;
+ pFieldPath->addToBsonArray(&leftOperands, depth);
+ pRange->pBottom->addToBsonArray(&leftOperands);
+ leftOperator.append(
+ (pRange->bottomOpen ? "$gt" : "$gte"),
+ leftOperands.arr());
+ if (!pRange->pTop.get()) {
+ pBuilder->append(&leftOperator);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ BSONObjBuilder rightOperator;
+ if (pRange->pTop.get()) {
+ BSONArrayBuilder rightOperands;
+ pFieldPath->addToBsonArray(&rightOperands, depth);
+ pRange->pTop->addToBsonArray(&rightOperands);
+ rightOperator.append(
+ (pRange->topOpen ? "$lt" : "$lte"),
+ rightOperands.arr());
+ if (!pRange->pBottom.get()) {
+ pBuilder->append(&rightOperator);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ BSONArrayBuilder andOperands;
+ andOperands.append(leftOperator.done());
+ andOperands.append(rightOperator.done());
+ BSONObjBuilder andOperator;
+ andOperator.append("$and", andOperands.arr());
+ pBuilder->append(&andOperator);
+ }
+ void ExpressionFieldRange::addToBsonObj(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName, unsigned depth) const {
+ BuilderObj builder(pBuilder, fieldName);
+ addToBson(&builder, depth);
+ }
+ void ExpressionFieldRange::addToBsonArray(
+ BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const {
+ BuilderArray builder(pBuilder);
+ addToBson(&builder, depth);
+ }
+ void ExpressionFieldRange::toMatcherBson(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const {
+ assert(pRange.get()); // otherwise, we can't do anything
+ /* if there are no endpoints, then every value is accepted */
+ if (!pRange->pBottom.get() && !pRange->pTop.get())
+ return; // nothing to add to the predicate
+ /* we're going to need the field path */
+ string fieldPath(pFieldPath->getFieldPath(false));
+ BSONObjBuilder range;
+ if (pRange->pBottom.get()) {
+ /* the test for equality doesn't generate a subobject */
+ if (pRange->pBottom.get() == pRange->pTop.get()) {
+ pRange->pBottom->addToBsonObj(pBuilder, fieldPath);
+ return;
+ }
+ pRange->pBottom->addToBsonObj(
+ pBuilder, (pRange->bottomOpen ? "$gt" : "$gte"));
+ }
+ if (pRange->pTop.get()) {
+ pRange->pTop->addToBsonObj(
+ pBuilder, (pRange->topOpen ? "$lt" : "$lte"));
+ }
+ pBuilder->append(fieldPath, range.done());
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionFieldRange> ExpressionFieldRange::create(
+ const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionFieldPath> &pFieldPath, CmpOp cmpOp,
+ const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pValue) {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionFieldRange> pE(
+ new ExpressionFieldRange(pFieldPath, cmpOp, pValue));
+ return pE;
+ }
+ ExpressionFieldRange::ExpressionFieldRange(
+ const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionFieldPath> &pTheFieldPath, CmpOp cmpOp,
+ const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pValue):
+ pFieldPath(pTheFieldPath),
+ pRange(new Range(cmpOp, pValue)) {
+ }
+ void ExpressionFieldRange::intersect(
+ CmpOp cmpOp, const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pValue) {
+ /* create the new range */
+ scoped_ptr<Range> pNew(new Range(cmpOp, pValue));
+ /*
+ Go through the range list. For every range, either add the
+ intersection of that to the range list, or if there is none, the
+ original range. This has the effect of restricting overlapping
+ ranges, but leaving non-overlapping ones as-is.
+ */
+ pRange.reset(pRange->intersect(pNew.get()));
+ }
+ ExpressionFieldRange::Range::Range(
+ CmpOp cmpOp, const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pValue):
+ bottomOpen(false),
+ topOpen(false),
+ pBottom(),
+ pTop() {
+ switch(cmpOp) {
+ case NE:
+ bottomOpen = topOpen = true;
+ case EQ:
+ pBottom = pTop = pValue;
+ break;
+ case GT:
+ bottomOpen = true;
+ case GTE:
+ topOpen = true;
+ pBottom = pValue;
+ break;
+ case LT:
+ topOpen = true;
+ case LTE:
+ bottomOpen = true;
+ pTop = pValue;
+ break;
+ case CMP:
+ assert(false); // not allowed
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ExpressionFieldRange::Range::Range(const Range &rRange):
+ bottomOpen(rRange.bottomOpen),
+ topOpen(rRange.topOpen),
+ pBottom(rRange.pBottom),
+ pTop(rRange.pTop) {
+ }
+ ExpressionFieldRange::Range::Range(
+ const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pTheBottom, bool theBottomOpen,
+ const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pTheTop, bool theTopOpen):
+ bottomOpen(theBottomOpen),
+ topOpen(theTopOpen),
+ pBottom(pTheBottom),
+ pTop(pTheTop) {
+ }
+ ExpressionFieldRange::Range *ExpressionFieldRange::Range::intersect(
+ const Range *pRange) const {
+ /*
+ Find the max of the bottom end of the ranges.
+ Start by assuming the maximum is from pRange. Then, if we have
+ values of our own, see if they're greater.
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pMaxBottom(pRange->pBottom);
+ bool maxBottomOpen = pRange->bottomOpen;
+ if (pBottom.get()) {
+ if (!pRange->pBottom.get()) {
+ pMaxBottom = pBottom;
+ maxBottomOpen = bottomOpen;
+ }
+ else {
+ const int cmp = Value::compare(pBottom, pRange->pBottom);
+ if (cmp == 0)
+ maxBottomOpen = bottomOpen || pRange->bottomOpen;
+ else if (cmp > 0) {
+ pMaxBottom = pBottom;
+ maxBottomOpen = bottomOpen;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Find the minimum of the tops of the ranges.
+ Start by assuming the minimum is from pRange. Then, if we have
+ values of our own, see if they are less.
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pMinTop(pRange->pTop);
+ bool minTopOpen = pRange->topOpen;
+ if (pTop.get()) {
+ if (!pRange->pTop.get()) {
+ pMinTop = pTop;
+ minTopOpen = topOpen;
+ }
+ else {
+ const int cmp = Value::compare(pTop, pRange->pTop);
+ if (cmp == 0)
+ minTopOpen = topOpen || pRange->topOpen;
+ else if (cmp < 0) {
+ pMinTop = pTop;
+ minTopOpen = topOpen;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ If the intersections didn't create a disjoint set, create the
+ new range.
+ */
+ if (Value::compare(pMaxBottom, pMinTop) <= 0)
+ return new Range(pMaxBottom, maxBottomOpen, pMinTop, minTopOpen);
+ /* if we got here, the intersection is empty */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ bool ExpressionFieldRange::Range::contains(
+ const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pValue) const {
+ if (pBottom.get()) {
+ const int cmp = Value::compare(pValue, pBottom);
+ if (cmp < 0)
+ return false;
+ if (bottomOpen && (cmp == 0))
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (pTop.get()) {
+ const int cmp = Value::compare(pValue, pTop);
+ if (cmp > 0)
+ return false;
+ if (topOpen && (cmp == 0))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------- ExpressionMinute ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionMinute::~ExpressionMinute() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionMinute::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionMinute> pExpression(new ExpressionMinute());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionMinute::ExpressionMinute():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionMinute::addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(1);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionMinute::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(1);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pDate(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ tm date;
+ (pDate->coerceToDate()).toTm(&date);
+ return Value::createInt(date.tm_min);
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionMinute::getOpName() const {
+ return "$minute";
+ }
+ /* ----------------------- ExpressionMod ---------------------------- */
+ ExpressionMod::~ExpressionMod() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionMod::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionMod> pExpression(new ExpressionMod());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionMod::ExpressionMod():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionMod::addOperand(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(2);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionMod::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ BSONType productType;
+ checkArgCount(2);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pLeft(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pRight(vpOperand[1]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ productType = Value::getWidestNumeric(pRight->getType(), pLeft->getType());
+ long long right = pRight->coerceToLong();
+ if (right == 0)
+ return Value::getUndefined();
+ long long left = pLeft->coerceToLong();
+ if (productType == NumberLong)
+ return Value::createLong(left % right);
+ return Value::createInt((int)left % right);
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionMod::getOpName() const {
+ return "$mod";
+ }
+ /* ------------------------- ExpressionMonth ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionMonth::~ExpressionMonth() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionMonth::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionMonth> pExpression(new ExpressionMonth());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionMonth::ExpressionMonth():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionMonth::addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(1);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionMonth::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(1);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pDate(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ tm date;
+ (pDate->coerceToDate()).toTm(&date);
+ return Value::createInt(date.tm_mon+1); // MySQL uses 1-12 tm uses 0-11
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionMonth::getOpName() const {
+ return "$month";
+ }
+ /* ------------------------- ExpressionMultiply ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionMultiply::~ExpressionMultiply() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionMultiply::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionMultiply> pExpression(new ExpressionMultiply());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionMultiply::ExpressionMultiply():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionMultiply::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ /*
+ We'll try to return the narrowest possible result value. To do that
+ without creating intermediate Values, do the arithmetic for double
+ and integral types in parallel, tracking the current narrowest
+ type.
+ */
+ double doubleProduct = 1;
+ long long longProduct = 1;
+ BSONType productType = NumberInt;
+ const size_t n = vpOperand.size();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue(vpOperand[i]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ productType = Value::getWidestNumeric(productType, pValue->getType());
+ doubleProduct *= pValue->coerceToDouble();
+ longProduct *= pValue->coerceToLong();
+ }
+ if (productType == NumberDouble)
+ return Value::createDouble(doubleProduct);
+ if (productType == NumberLong)
+ return Value::createLong(longProduct);
+ return Value::createInt((int)longProduct);
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionMultiply::getOpName() const {
+ return "$multiply";
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> (*ExpressionMultiply::getFactory() const)() {
+ return ExpressionMultiply::create;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------- ExpressionHour ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionHour::~ExpressionHour() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionHour::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionHour> pExpression(new ExpressionHour());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionHour::ExpressionHour():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionHour::addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(1);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionHour::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(1);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pDate(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ tm date;
+ (pDate->coerceToDate()).toTm(&date);
+ return Value::createInt(date.tm_hour);
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionHour::getOpName() const {
+ return "$hour";
+ }
+ /* ----------------------- ExpressionIfNull ---------------------------- */
+ ExpressionIfNull::~ExpressionIfNull() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionIfNull::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionIfNull> pExpression(new ExpressionIfNull());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionIfNull::ExpressionIfNull():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionIfNull::addOperand(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(2);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionIfNull::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(2);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pLeft(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ BSONType leftType = pLeft->getType();
+ if ((leftType != Undefined) && (leftType != jstNULL))
+ return pLeft;
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pRight(vpOperand[1]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ return pRight;
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionIfNull::getOpName() const {
+ return "$ifNull";
+ }
+ /* ------------------------ ExpressionNary ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionNary::ExpressionNary():
+ vpOperand() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> ExpressionNary::optimize() {
+ unsigned constCount = 0; // count of constant operands
+ unsigned stringCount = 0; // count of constant string operands
+ const size_t n = vpOperand.size();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pNew(vpOperand[i]->optimize());
+ /* subsitute the optimized expression */
+ vpOperand[i] = pNew;
+ /* check to see if the result was a constant */
+ const ExpressionConstant *pConst =
+ dynamic_cast<ExpressionConstant *>(pNew.get());
+ if (pConst) {
+ ++constCount;
+ if (pConst->getValue()->getType() == String)
+ ++stringCount;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ If all the operands are constant, we can replace this expression
+ with a constant. We can find the value by evaluating this
+ expression over a NULL Document because evaluating the
+ ExpressionConstant never refers to the argument Document.
+ */
+ if (constCount == n) {
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pResult(
+ evaluate(intrusive_ptr<Document>()));
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pReplacement(
+ ExpressionConstant::create(pResult));
+ return pReplacement;
+ }
+ /*
+ If there are any strings, we can't re-arrange anything, so stop
+ now.
+ LATER: we could concatenate adjacent strings as a special case.
+ */
+ if (stringCount)
+ return intrusive_ptr<Expression>(this);
+ /*
+ If there's no more than one constant, then we can't do any
+ constant folding, so don't bother going any further.
+ */
+ if (constCount <= 1)
+ return intrusive_ptr<Expression>(this);
+ /*
+ If the operator isn't commutative or associative, there's nothing
+ more we can do. We test that by seeing if we can get a factory;
+ if we can, we can use it to construct a temporary expression which
+ we'll evaluate to collapse as many constants as we can down to
+ a single one.
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> (*const pFactory)() = getFactory();
+ if (!pFactory)
+ return intrusive_ptr<Expression>(this);
+ /*
+ Create a new Expression that will be the replacement for this one.
+ We actually create two: one to hold constant expressions, and
+ one to hold non-constants. Once we've got these, we evaluate
+ the constant expression to produce a single value, as above.
+ We then add this operand to the end of the non-constant expression,
+ and return that.
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> pNew((*pFactory)());
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> pConst((*pFactory)());
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pE(vpOperand[i]);
+ if (dynamic_cast<ExpressionConstant *>(pE.get()))
+ pConst->addOperand(pE);
+ else {
+ /*
+ If the child operand is the same type as this, then we can
+ extract its operands and inline them here because we already
+ know this is commutative and associative because it has a
+ factory. We can detect sameness of the child operator by
+ checking for equality of the factory
+ Note we don't have to do this recursively, because we
+ called optimize() on all the children first thing in
+ this call to optimize().
+ */
+ ExpressionNary *pNary =
+ dynamic_cast<ExpressionNary *>(pE.get());
+ if (!pNary)
+ pNew->addOperand(pE);
+ else {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> (*const pChildFactory)() =
+ pNary->getFactory();
+ if (pChildFactory != pFactory)
+ pNew->addOperand(pE);
+ else {
+ /* same factory, so flatten */
+ size_t nChild = pNary->vpOperand.size();
+ for(size_t iChild = 0; iChild < nChild; ++iChild) {
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pCE(
+ pNary->vpOperand[iChild]);
+ if (dynamic_cast<ExpressionConstant *>(pCE.get()))
+ pConst->addOperand(pCE);
+ else
+ pNew->addOperand(pCE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ If there was only one constant, add it to the end of the expression
+ operand vector.
+ */
+ if (pConst->vpOperand.size() == 1)
+ pNew->addOperand(pConst->vpOperand[0]);
+ else if (pConst->vpOperand.size() > 1) {
+ /*
+ If there was more than one constant, collapse all the constants
+ together before adding the result to the end of the expression
+ operand vector.
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pResult(
+ pConst->evaluate(intrusive_ptr<Document>()));
+ pNew->addOperand(ExpressionConstant::create(pResult));
+ }
+ return pNew;
+ }
+ void ExpressionNary::addOperand(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ vpOperand.push_back(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> (*ExpressionNary::getFactory() const)() {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ void ExpressionNary::toBson(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, const char *pOpName, unsigned depth) const {
+ const size_t nOperand = vpOperand.size();
+ assert(nOperand > 0);
+ if (nOperand == 1) {
+ vpOperand[0]->addToBsonObj(pBuilder, pOpName, depth + 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* build up the array */
+ BSONArrayBuilder arrBuilder;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < nOperand; ++i)
+ vpOperand[i]->addToBsonArray(&arrBuilder, depth + 1);
+ pBuilder->append(pOpName, arrBuilder.arr());
+ }
+ void ExpressionNary::addToBsonObj(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName, unsigned depth) const {
+ BSONObjBuilder exprBuilder;
+ toBson(&exprBuilder, getOpName(), depth);
+ pBuilder->append(fieldName, exprBuilder.done());
+ }
+ void ExpressionNary::addToBsonArray(
+ BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const {
+ BSONObjBuilder exprBuilder;
+ toBson(&exprBuilder, getOpName(), depth);
+ pBuilder->append(exprBuilder.done());
+ }
+ void ExpressionNary::checkArgLimit(unsigned maxArgs) const {
+ uassert(15993, str::stream() << getOpName() <<
+ " only takes " << maxArgs <<
+ " operand" << (maxArgs == 1 ? "" : "s"),
+ vpOperand.size() < maxArgs);
+ }
+ void ExpressionNary::checkArgCount(unsigned reqArgs) const {
+ uassert(15997, str::stream() << getOpName() <<
+ ": insufficient operands; " << reqArgs <<
+ " required, only got " << vpOperand.size(),
+ vpOperand.size() == reqArgs);
+ }
+ /* ----------------------- ExpressionNoOp ------------------------------ */
+ ExpressionNoOp::~ExpressionNoOp() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionNoOp::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNoOp> pExpression(new ExpressionNoOp());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> ExpressionNoOp::optimize() {
+ checkArgCount(1);
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pR(vpOperand[0]->optimize());
+ return pR;
+ }
+ ExpressionNoOp::ExpressionNoOp():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionNoOp::addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(1);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionNoOp::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(1);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ return pValue;
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionNoOp::getOpName() const {
+ return "$noOp";
+ }
+ /* ------------------------- ExpressionNot ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionNot::~ExpressionNot() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionNot::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNot> pExpression(new ExpressionNot());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionNot::ExpressionNot():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionNot::addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(1);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionNot::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(1);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pOp(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ bool b = pOp->coerceToBool();
+ if (b)
+ return Value::getFalse();
+ return Value::getTrue();
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionNot::getOpName() const {
+ return "$not";
+ }
+ /* -------------------------- ExpressionOr ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionOr::~ExpressionOr() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionOr::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> pExpression(new ExpressionOr());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionOr::ExpressionOr():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionOr::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ const size_t n = vpOperand.size();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue(vpOperand[i]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ if (pValue->coerceToBool())
+ return Value::getTrue();
+ }
+ return Value::getFalse();
+ }
+ void ExpressionOr::toMatcherBson(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const {
+ BSONObjBuilder opArray;
+ const size_t n = vpOperand.size();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ vpOperand[i]->toMatcherBson(&opArray, depth + 1);
+ pBuilder->append("$or", opArray.done());
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> (*ExpressionOr::getFactory() const)() {
+ return ExpressionOr::create;
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> ExpressionOr::optimize() {
+ /* optimize the disjunction as much as possible */
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pE(ExpressionNary::optimize());
+ /* if the result isn't a conjunction, we can't do anything */
+ ExpressionOr *pOr = dynamic_cast<ExpressionOr *>(pE.get());
+ if (!pOr)
+ return pE;
+ /*
+ Check the last argument on the result; if it's not constant (as
+ promised by ExpressionNary::optimize(),) then there's nothing
+ we can do.
+ */
+ const size_t n = pOr->vpOperand.size();
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pLast(pOr->vpOperand[n - 1]);
+ const ExpressionConstant *pConst =
+ dynamic_cast<ExpressionConstant *>(pLast.get());
+ if (!pConst)
+ return pE;
+ /*
+ Evaluate and coerce the last argument to a boolean. If it's true,
+ then we can replace this entire expression.
+ */
+ bool last = pLast->evaluate(intrusive_ptr<Document>())->coerceToBool();
+ if (last) {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionConstant> pFinal(
+ ExpressionConstant::create(Value::getTrue()));
+ return pFinal;
+ }
+ /*
+ If we got here, the final operand was false, so we don't need it
+ anymore. If there was only one other operand, we don't need the
+ conjunction either. Note we still need to keep the promise that
+ the result will be a boolean.
+ */
+ if (n == 2) {
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pFinal(
+ ExpressionCoerceToBool::create(pOr->vpOperand[0]));
+ return pFinal;
+ }
+ /*
+ Remove the final "false" value, and return the new expression.
+ */
+ pOr->vpOperand.resize(n - 1);
+ return pE;
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionOr::getOpName() const {
+ return "$or";
+ }
+ /* ------------------------- ExpressionSecond ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionSecond::~ExpressionSecond() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionSecond::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionSecond> pExpression(new ExpressionSecond());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionSecond::ExpressionSecond():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionSecond::addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(1);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionSecond::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(1);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pDate(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ tm date;
+ (pDate->coerceToDate()).toTm(&date);
+ return Value::createInt(date.tm_sec);
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionSecond::getOpName() const {
+ return "$second";
+ }
+ /* ----------------------- ExpressionStrcasecmp ---------------------------- */
+ ExpressionStrcasecmp::~ExpressionStrcasecmp() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionStrcasecmp::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionStrcasecmp> pExpression(new ExpressionStrcasecmp());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionStrcasecmp::ExpressionStrcasecmp():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionStrcasecmp::addOperand(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(2);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionStrcasecmp::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(2);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pString1(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pString2(vpOperand[1]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ /* boost::iequals returns a bool not an int so strings must actually be allocated */
+ string str1 = boost::to_upper_copy( pString1->coerceToString() );
+ string str2 = boost::to_upper_copy( pString2->coerceToString() );
+ int result =;
+ if (result == 0)
+ return Value::getZero();
+ if (result > 0)
+ return Value::getOne();
+ return Value::getMinusOne();
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionStrcasecmp::getOpName() const {
+ return "$strcasecmp";
+ }
+ /* ----------------------- ExpressionSubstr ---------------------------- */
+ ExpressionSubstr::~ExpressionSubstr() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionSubstr::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionSubstr> pExpression(new ExpressionSubstr());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionSubstr::ExpressionSubstr():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionSubstr::addOperand(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(3);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionSubstr::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(3);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pString(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pLower(vpOperand[1]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pLength(vpOperand[2]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ string str = pString->coerceToString();
+ uassert(16034, str::stream() << getOpName() <<
+ ": starting index must be a numeric type (is BSON type " <<
+ pLower->getType() << ")",
+ (pLower->getType() == NumberInt
+ || pLower->getType() == NumberLong
+ || pLower->getType() == NumberDouble));
+ uassert(16035, str::stream() << getOpName() <<
+ ": length must be a numeric type (is BSON type " <<
+ pLength->getType() << ")",
+ (pLength->getType() == NumberInt
+ || pLength->getType() == NumberLong
+ || pLength->getType() == NumberDouble));
+ string::size_type lower = static_cast< string::size_type >( pLower->coerceToLong() );
+ string::size_type length = static_cast< string::size_type >( pLength->coerceToLong() );
+ return Value::createString( str.substr(lower, length) );
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionSubstr::getOpName() const {
+ return "$substr";
+ }
+ /* ----------------------- ExpressionSubtract ---------------------------- */
+ ExpressionSubtract::~ExpressionSubtract() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionSubtract::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionSubtract> pExpression(new ExpressionSubtract());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionSubtract::ExpressionSubtract():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionSubtract::addOperand(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(2);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionSubtract::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ BSONType productType;
+ checkArgCount(2);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pLeft(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pRight(vpOperand[1]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ if (pLeft->getType() == Date) {
+ long long right;
+ long long left = pLeft->coerceToDate();
+ if (pRight->getType() == Date)
+ right = pRight->coerceToDate();
+ else
+ right = static_cast<long long>(pRight->coerceToDouble()*24*60*60*1000);
+ return Value::createDate(Date_t(left-right));
+ }
+ uassert(15996, "cannot subtract one date from another",
+ pRight->getType() != Date);
+ productType = Value::getWidestNumeric(
+ pRight->getType(), pLeft->getType());
+ if (productType == NumberDouble) {
+ double right = pRight->coerceToDouble();
+ double left = pLeft->coerceToDouble();
+ return Value::createDouble(left - right);
+ }
+ long long right = pRight->coerceToLong();
+ long long left = pLeft->coerceToLong();
+ if (productType == NumberLong)
+ return Value::createLong(left - right);
+ return Value::createInt((int)(left - right));
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionSubtract::getOpName() const {
+ return "$subtract";
+ }
+ /* ------------------------- ExpressionToLower ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionToLower::~ExpressionToLower() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionToLower::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionToLower> pExpression(new ExpressionToLower());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionToLower::ExpressionToLower():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionToLower::addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(1);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionToLower::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(1);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pString(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ string str = pString->coerceToString();
+ boost::to_lower(str);
+ return Value::createString(str);
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionToLower::getOpName() const {
+ return "$toLower";
+ }
+ /* ------------------------- ExpressionToUpper -------------------------- */
+ ExpressionToUpper::~ExpressionToUpper() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionToUpper::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionToUpper> pExpression(new ExpressionToUpper());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionToUpper::ExpressionToUpper():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionToUpper::addOperand(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(1);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionToUpper::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(1);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pString(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ string str(pString->coerceToString());
+ boost::to_upper(str);
+ return Value::createString(str);
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionToUpper::getOpName() const {
+ return "$toUpper";
+ }
+ /* ------------------------- ExpressionWeek ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionWeek::~ExpressionWeek() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionWeek::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionWeek> pExpression(new ExpressionWeek());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionWeek::ExpressionWeek():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionWeek::addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(1);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionWeek::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(1);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pDate(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ tm date;
+ (pDate->coerceToDate()).toTm(&date);
+ int dayOfWeek = date.tm_wday+1;
+ int dayOfYear = date.tm_yday;
+ int week = 0;
+ int janFirst = 0;
+ int offset = 0;
+ janFirst = dayOfWeek - dayOfYear % 7;
+ offset = (janFirst + 6) % 7;
+ week = (dayOfYear + offset) / 7;
+ return Value::createInt(week);
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionWeek::getOpName() const {
+ return "$week";
+ }
+ /* ------------------------- ExpressionYear ----------------------------- */
+ ExpressionYear::~ExpressionYear() {
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> ExpressionYear::create() {
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionYear> pExpression(new ExpressionYear());
+ return pExpression;
+ }
+ ExpressionYear::ExpressionYear():
+ ExpressionNary() {
+ }
+ void ExpressionYear::addOperand(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression) {
+ checkArgLimit(1);
+ ExpressionNary::addOperand(pExpression);
+ }
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionYear::evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const {
+ checkArgCount(1);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pDate(vpOperand[0]->evaluate(pDocument));
+ tm date;
+ (pDate->coerceToDate()).toTm(&date);
+ return Value::createInt(date.tm_year+1900); // tm_year is years since 1900
+ }
+ const char *ExpressionYear::getOpName() const {
+ return "$year";
+ }