path: root/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h')
1 files changed, 1223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..c49e385a3c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h
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+ * Copyright (c) 2011 10gen Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "db/pipeline/field_path.h"
+#include "util/intrusive_counter.h"
+namespace mongo {
+ class BSONArrayBuilder;
+ class BSONElement;
+ class BSONObjBuilder;
+ class Builder;
+ class Document;
+ class ExpressionContext;
+ class Value;
+ class Expression :
+ public IntrusiveCounterUnsigned {
+ public:
+ virtual ~Expression() {};
+ /*
+ Optimize the Expression.
+ This provides an opportunity to do constant folding, or to
+ collapse nested operators that have the same precedence, such as
+ $add, $and, or $or.
+ The Expression should be replaced with the return value, which may
+ or may not be the same object. In the case of constant folding,
+ a computed expression may be replaced by a constant.
+ @returns the optimized Expression
+ */
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<Expression> optimize() = 0;
+ /*
+ Evaluate the Expression using the given document as input.
+ @returns the computed value
+ */
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const = 0;
+ /*
+ Add the Expression (and any descendant Expressions) into a BSON
+ object that is under construction.
+ Unevaluated Expressions always materialize as objects. Evaluation
+ may produce a scalar or another object, either of which will be
+ substituted inline.
+ @param pBuilder the builder to add the expression to
+ @param fieldName the name the object should be given
+ */
+ virtual void addToBsonObj(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName,
+ unsigned depth) const = 0;
+ /*
+ Add the Expression (and any descendant Expressions) into a BSON
+ array that is under construction.
+ Unevaluated Expressions always materialize as objects. Evaluation
+ may produce a scalar or another object, either of which will be
+ substituted inline.
+ @param pBuilder the builder to add the expression to
+ */
+ virtual void addToBsonArray(BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder,
+ unsigned depth) const = 0;
+ /*
+ Convert the expression into a BSONObj that corresponds to the
+ db.collection.find() predicate language. This is intended for
+ use by DocumentSourceFilter.
+ This is more limited than the full expression language supported
+ by all available expressions in a DocumentSource processing
+ pipeline, and will fail with an assertion if an attempt is made
+ to go outside the bounds of the recognized patterns, which don't
+ include full computed expressions. There are other methods available
+ on DocumentSourceFilter which can be used to analyze a filter
+ predicate and break it up into appropriate expressions which can
+ be translated within these constraints. As a result, the default
+ implementation is to fail with an assertion; only a subset of
+ operators will be able to fulfill this request.
+ @param pBuilder the builder to add the expression to.
+ */
+ virtual void toMatcherBson(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const;
+ /*
+ Utility class for parseObject() below.
+ Only one array can be unwound in a processing pipeline. If the
+ UNWIND_OK option is used, unwindOk() will return true, and a field
+ can be declared as unwound using unwind(), after which unwindUsed()
+ will return true. Only specify UNWIND_OK if it is OK to unwind an
+ array in the current context.
+ DOCUMENT_OK indicates that it is OK to use a Document in the current
+ context.
+ */
+ class ObjectCtx {
+ public:
+ ObjectCtx(int options);
+ static const int UNWIND_OK = 0x0001;
+ static const int DOCUMENT_OK = 0x0002;
+ bool unwindOk() const;
+ bool unwindUsed() const;
+ void unwind(string fieldName);
+ bool documentOk() const;
+ private:
+ int options;
+ string unwindField;
+ };
+ /*
+ Parse a BSONElement Object. The object could represent a functional
+ expression or a Document expression.
+ @param pBsonElement the element representing the object
+ @param pCtx a MiniCtx representing the options above
+ @returns the parsed Expression
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<Expression> parseObject(
+ BSONElement *pBsonElement, ObjectCtx *pCtx);
+ static const char unwindName[];
+ /*
+ Parse a BSONElement Object which has already been determined to be
+ functional expression.
+ @param pOpName the name of the (prefix) operator
+ @param pBsonElement the BSONElement to parse
+ @returns the parsed Expression
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<Expression> parseExpression(
+ const char *pOpName, BSONElement *pBsonElement);
+ /*
+ Parse a BSONElement which is an operand in an Expression.
+ @param pBsonElement the expected operand's BSONElement
+ @returns the parsed operand, as an Expression
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<Expression> parseOperand(
+ BSONElement *pBsonElement);
+ /*
+ Produce a field path string with the field prefix removed.
+ Throws an error if the field prefix is not present.
+ @param prefixedField the prefixed field
+ @returns the field path with the prefix removed
+ */
+ static string removeFieldPrefix(const string &prefixedField);
+ /*
+ Enumeration of comparison operators. These are shared between a
+ few expression implementations, so they are factored out here.
+ Any changes to these values require adjustment of the lookup
+ table in the implementation.
+ */
+ enum CmpOp {
+ EQ = 0, // return true for a == b, false otherwise
+ NE = 1, // return true for a != b, false otherwise
+ GT = 2, // return true for a > b, false otherwise
+ GTE = 3, // return true for a >= b, false otherwise
+ LT = 4, // return true for a < b, false otherwise
+ LTE = 5, // return true for a <= b, false otherwise
+ CMP = 6, // return -1, 0, 1 for a < b, a == b, a > b
+ };
+ static int signum(int i);
+ };
+ class ExpressionNary :
+ public Expression,
+ public boost::enable_shared_from_this<ExpressionNary> {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from Expression
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<Expression> optimize();
+ virtual void addToBsonObj(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName, unsigned depth) const;
+ virtual void addToBsonArray(
+ BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const;
+ /*
+ Add an operand to the n-ary expression.
+ @param pExpression the expression to add
+ */
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ /*
+ Return a factory function that will make Expression nodes of
+ the same type as this. This will be used to create constant
+ expressions for constant folding for optimize(). Only return
+ a factory function if this operator is both associative and
+ commutative. The default implementation returns NULL; optimize()
+ will recognize that and stop.
+ Note that ExpressionNary::optimize() promises that if it uses this
+ to fold constants, then if optimize() returns an ExpressionNary,
+ any remaining constant will be the last one in vpOperand. Derived
+ classes may take advantage of this to do further optimizations in
+ their optimize().
+ @returns pointer to a factory function or NULL
+ */
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> (*getFactory() const)();
+ /*
+ Get the name of the operator.
+ @returns the name of the operator; this string belongs to the class
+ implementation, and should not be deleted
+ and should not
+ */
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const = 0;
+ protected:
+ ExpressionNary();
+ vector<intrusive_ptr<Expression> > vpOperand;
+ /*
+ Add the expression to the builder.
+ If there is only one operand (a unary operator), then the operand
+ is added directly, without an array. For more than one operand,
+ a named array is created. In both cases, the result is an object.
+ @param pBuilder the (blank) builder to add the expression to
+ @param pOpName the name of the operator
+ */
+ virtual void toBson(BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder,
+ const char *pOpName, unsigned depth) const;
+ /*
+ Checks the current size of vpOperand; if the size equal to or
+ greater than maxArgs, fires a user assertion indicating that this
+ operator cannot have this many arguments.
+ The equal is there because this is intended to be used in
+ addOperand() to check for the limit *before* adding the requested
+ argument.
+ @param maxArgs the maximum number of arguments the operator accepts
+ */
+ void checkArgLimit(unsigned maxArgs) const;
+ /*
+ Checks the current size of vpOperand; if the size is not equal to
+ reqArgs, fires a user assertion indicating that this must have
+ exactly reqArgs arguments.
+ This is meant to be used in evaluate(), *before* the evaluation
+ takes place.
+ @param reqArgs the number of arguments this operator requires
+ */
+ void checkArgCount(unsigned reqArgs) const;
+ };
+ class ExpressionAdd :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from Expression
+ virtual ~ExpressionAdd();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<Expression> optimize();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> (*getFactory() const)();
+ /*
+ Create an expression that finds the sum of n operands.
+ @returns addition expression
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ protected:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual void toBson(BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder,
+ const char *pOpName, unsigned depth) const;
+ private:
+ ExpressionAdd();
+ /*
+ If the operator can be optimized, we save the original here.
+ This is necessary because addition must follow its original operand
+ ordering strictly if a string is detected, otherwise string
+ concatenation may appear to have re-ordered the operands.
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionAdd> pAdd;
+ mutable bool useOriginal;
+ };
+ class ExpressionAnd :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from Expression
+ virtual ~ExpressionAnd();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<Expression> optimize();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void toMatcherBson(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const;
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> (*getFactory() const)();
+ /*
+ Create an expression that finds the conjunction of n operands.
+ The conjunction uses short-circuit logic; the expressions are
+ evaluated in the order they were added to the conjunction, and
+ the evaluation stops and returns false on the first operand that
+ evaluates to false.
+ @returns conjunction expression
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionAnd();
+ };
+ class ExpressionCoerceToBool :
+ public Expression,
+ public boost::enable_shared_from_this<ExpressionCoerceToBool> {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionCoerceToBool();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<Expression> optimize();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual void addToBsonObj(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName, unsigned depth) const;
+ virtual void addToBsonArray(
+ BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const;
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionCoerceToBool> create(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ private:
+ ExpressionCoerceToBool(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> pExpression;
+ };
+ class ExpressionCompare :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionCompare();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<Expression> optimize();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ /*
+ Shorthands for creating various comparisons expressions.
+ Provide for conformance with the uniform function pointer signature
+ required for parsing.
+ These create a particular comparision operand, without any
+ operands. Those must be added via ExpressionNary::addOperand().
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> createCmp();
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> createEq();
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> createNe();
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> createGt();
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> createGte();
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> createLt();
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> createLte();
+ private:
+ friend class ExpressionFieldRange;
+ ExpressionCompare(CmpOp cmpOp);
+ CmpOp cmpOp;
+ };
+ class ExpressionCond :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionCond();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionCond();
+ };
+ class ExpressionConstant :
+ public Expression,
+ public boost::enable_shared_from_this<ExpressionConstant> {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from Expression
+ virtual ~ExpressionConstant();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<Expression> optimize();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addToBsonObj(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName, unsigned depth) const;
+ virtual void addToBsonArray(
+ BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const;
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionConstant> createFromBsonElement(
+ BSONElement *pBsonElement);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionConstant> create(
+ const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pValue);
+ /*
+ Get the constant value represented by this Expression.
+ @returns the value
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> getValue() const;
+ private:
+ ExpressionConstant(BSONElement *pBsonElement);
+ ExpressionConstant(const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pValue);
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue;
+ };
+ class ExpressionDayOfMonth :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionDayOfMonth();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionDayOfMonth();
+ };
+ class ExpressionDayOfWeek :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionDayOfWeek();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionDayOfWeek();
+ };
+ class ExpressionDayOfYear :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionDayOfYear();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionDayOfYear();
+ };
+ class ExpressionDivide :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionDivide();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionDivide();
+ };
+ class ExpressionFieldPath :
+ public Expression,
+ public boost::enable_shared_from_this<ExpressionFieldPath> {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from Expression
+ virtual ~ExpressionFieldPath();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<Expression> optimize();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual void addToBsonObj(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName, unsigned depth) const;
+ virtual void addToBsonArray(
+ BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const;
+ /*
+ Create a field path expression.
+ Evaluation will extract the value associated with the given field
+ path from the source document.
+ @param fieldPath the field path string, without any leading document
+ indicator
+ @returns the newly created field path expression
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionFieldPath> create(
+ const string &fieldPath);
+ /*
+ Return a string representation of the field path.
+ @param fieldPrefix whether or not to include the document field
+ indicator prefix
+ @returns the dot-delimited field path
+ */
+ string getFieldPath(bool fieldPrefix) const;
+ /*
+ Write a string representation of the field path to a stream.
+ @param the stream to write to
+ @param fieldPrefix whether or not to include the document field
+ indicator prefix
+ */
+ void writeFieldPath(ostream &outStream, bool fieldPrefix) const;
+ private:
+ ExpressionFieldPath(const string &fieldPath);
+ /*
+ Internal implementation of evaluate(), used recursively.
+ The internal implementation doesn't just use a loop because of
+ the possibility that we need to skip over an array. If the path
+ is "a.b.c", and a is an array, then we fan out from there, and
+ traverse "b.c" for each element of a:[...]. This requires that
+ a be an array of objects in order to navigate more deeply.
+ @param index current path field index to extract
+ @param pathLength maximum number of fields on field path
+ @param pDocument current document traversed to (not the top-level one)
+ @returns the field found; could be an array
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluatePath(
+ size_t index, const size_t pathLength,
+ intrusive_ptr<Document> pDocument) const;
+ FieldPath fieldPath;
+ };
+ class ExpressionFieldRange :
+ public Expression,
+ public boost::enable_shared_from_this<ExpressionFieldRange> {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from expression
+ virtual ~ExpressionFieldRange();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<Expression> optimize();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual void addToBsonObj(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName, unsigned depth) const;
+ virtual void addToBsonArray(
+ BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const;
+ virtual void toMatcherBson(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const;
+ /*
+ Create a field range expression.
+ Field ranges are meant to match up with classic Matcher semantics,
+ and therefore are conjunctions. For example, these appear in
+ mongo shell predicates in one of these forms:
+ { a : C } -> (a == C) // degenerate "point" range
+ { a : { $lt : C } } -> (a < C) // open range
+ { a : { $gt : C1, $lte : C2 } } -> ((a > C1) && (a <= C2)) // closed
+ When initially created, a field range only includes one end of
+ the range. Additional points may be added via intersect().
+ Note that NE and CMP are not supported.
+ @param pFieldPath the field path for extracting the field value
+ @param cmpOp the comparison operator
+ @param pValue the value to compare against
+ @returns the newly created field range expression
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionFieldRange> create(
+ const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionFieldPath> &pFieldPath,
+ CmpOp cmpOp, const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pValue);
+ /*
+ Add an intersecting range.
+ This can be done any number of times after creation. The
+ range is internally optimized for each new addition. If the new
+ intersection extends or reduces the values within the range, the
+ internal representation is adjusted to reflect that.
+ Note that NE and CMP are not supported.
+ @param cmpOp the comparison operator
+ @param pValue the value to compare against
+ */
+ void intersect(CmpOp cmpOp, const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pValue);
+ private:
+ ExpressionFieldRange(const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionFieldPath> &pFieldPath,
+ CmpOp cmpOp,
+ const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pValue);
+ intrusive_ptr<ExpressionFieldPath> pFieldPath;
+ class Range {
+ public:
+ Range(CmpOp cmpOp, const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pValue);
+ Range(const Range &rRange);
+ Range *intersect(const Range *pRange) const;
+ bool contains(const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pValue) const;
+ Range(const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pBottom, bool bottomOpen,
+ const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pTop, bool topOpen);
+ bool bottomOpen;
+ bool topOpen;
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pBottom;
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> pTop;
+ };
+ scoped_ptr<Range> pRange;
+ /*
+ Add to a generic Builder.
+ The methods to append items to an object and an array differ by
+ their inclusion of a field name. For more complicated objects,
+ it makes sense to abstract that out and use a generic builder that
+ always looks the same, and then implement addToBsonObj() and
+ addToBsonArray() by using the common method.
+ */
+ void addToBson(Builder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const;
+ };
+ class ExpressionHour :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionHour();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionHour();
+ };
+ class ExpressionIfNull :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionIfNull();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionIfNull();
+ };
+ class ExpressionMinute :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionMinute();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionMinute();
+ };
+ class ExpressionMod :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionMod();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionMod();
+ };
+ class ExpressionMultiply :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from Expression
+ virtual ~ExpressionMultiply();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> (*getFactory() const)();
+ /*
+ Create an expression that finds the product of n operands.
+ @returns multiplication expression
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionMultiply();
+ };
+ class ExpressionMonth :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionMonth();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionMonth();
+ };
+ class ExpressionNoOp :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionNoOp();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<Expression> optimize();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionNoOp();
+ };
+ class ExpressionNot :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionNot();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionNot();
+ };
+ class ExpressionObject :
+ public Expression,
+ public boost::enable_shared_from_this<ExpressionObject> {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from Expression
+ virtual ~ExpressionObject();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<Expression> optimize();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual void addToBsonObj(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName, unsigned depth) const;
+ virtual void addToBsonArray(
+ BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const;
+ /*
+ evaluate(), but return a Document instead of a Value-wrapped
+ Document.
+ @param pDocument the input Document
+ @returns the result document
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<Document> evaluateDocument(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ /*
+ evaluate(), but add the evaluated fields to a given document
+ instead of creating a new one.
+ @param pResult the Document to add the evaluated expressions to
+ @param pDocument the input Document
+ */
+ void addToDocument(const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pResult,
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ /*
+ Estimate the number of fields that will result from evaluating
+ this over pDocument. Does not include _id. This is an estimate
+ (really an upper bound) because we can't account for undefined
+ fields without actually doing the evaluation. But this is still
+ useful as an argument to Document::create(), if you plan to use
+ addToDocument().
+ @param pDocument the input document
+ @returns estimated number of fields that will result
+ */
+ size_t getSizeHint(const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ /*
+ Create an empty expression. Until fields are added, this
+ will evaluate to an empty document (object).
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionObject> create();
+ /*
+ Add a field to the document expression.
+ @param fieldPath the path the evaluated expression will have in the
+ result Document
+ @param pExpression the expression to evaluate obtain this field's
+ Value in the result Document
+ */
+ void addField(const string &fieldPath,
+ const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ /*
+ Add a field path to the set of those to be included.
+ Note that including a nested field implies including everything on
+ the path leading down to it.
+ @param fieldPath the name of the field to be included
+ */
+ void includePath(const string &fieldPath);
+ /*
+ Add a field path to the set of those to be excluded.
+ Note that excluding a nested field implies including everything on
+ the path leading down to it (because you're stating you want to see
+ all the other fields that aren't being excluded).
+ @param fieldName the name of the field to be excluded
+ */
+ void excludePath(const string &fieldPath);
+ /*
+ Return the expression for a field.
+ @param fieldName the field name for the expression to return
+ @returns the expression used to compute the field, if it is present,
+ otherwise NULL.
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<Expression> getField(const string &fieldName) const;
+ /*
+ Get a count of the added fields.
+ @returns how many fields have been added
+ */
+ size_t getFieldCount() const;
+ /*
+ Get a count of the exclusions.
+ @returns how many fields have been excluded.
+ */
+ size_t getExclusionCount() const;
+ /*
+ Specialized BSON conversion that allows for writing out a
+ $project specification. This creates a standalone object, which must
+ be added to a containing object with a name
+ @param pBuilder where to write the object to
+ */
+ void documentToBson(BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const;
+ private:
+ ExpressionObject();
+ void includePath(
+ const FieldPath *pPath, size_t pathi, size_t pathn,
+ bool excludeLast);
+ bool excludePaths;
+ set<string> path;
+ /* these two vectors are maintained in parallel */
+ vector<string> vFieldName;
+ vector<intrusive_ptr<Expression> > vpExpression;
+ /*
+ Utility function used by documentToBson(). Emits inclusion
+ and exclusion paths by recursively walking down the nested
+ ExpressionObject trees these have created.
+ @param pBuilder the builder to write boolean valued path "fields" to
+ @param pvPath pointer to a vector of strings describing the path on
+ descent; the top-level call should pass an empty vector
+ */
+ void emitPaths(BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, vector<string> *pvPath) const;
+ /* utility class used by emitPaths() */
+ class PathPusher :
+ boost::noncopyable {
+ public:
+ PathPusher(vector<string> *pvPath, const string &s);
+ ~PathPusher();
+ private:
+ vector<string> *pvPath;
+ };
+ };
+ class ExpressionOr :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from Expression
+ virtual ~ExpressionOr();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<Expression> optimize();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void toMatcherBson(
+ BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, unsigned depth) const;
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> (*getFactory() const)();
+ /*
+ Create an expression that finds the conjunction of n operands.
+ The conjunction uses short-circuit logic; the expressions are
+ evaluated in the order they were added to the conjunction, and
+ the evaluation stops and returns false on the first operand that
+ evaluates to false.
+ @returns conjunction expression
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionOr();
+ };
+ class ExpressionSecond :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionSecond();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionSecond();
+ };
+ class ExpressionStrcasecmp :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionStrcasecmp();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionStrcasecmp();
+ };
+ class ExpressionSubstr :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionSubstr();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionSubstr();
+ };
+ class ExpressionSubtract :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionSubtract();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionSubtract();
+ };
+ class ExpressionToLower :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionToLower();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionToLower();
+ };
+ class ExpressionToUpper :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionToUpper();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionToUpper();
+ };
+ class ExpressionWeek :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionWeek();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionWeek();
+ };
+ class ExpressionYear :
+ public ExpressionNary {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ExpressionNary
+ virtual ~ExpressionYear();
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> evaluate(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument) const;
+ virtual const char *getOpName() const;
+ virtual void addOperand(const intrusive_ptr<Expression> &pExpression);
+ static intrusive_ptr<ExpressionNary> create();
+ private:
+ ExpressionYear();
+ };
+/* ======================= INLINED IMPLEMENTATIONS ========================== */
+namespace mongo {
+ inline bool Expression::ObjectCtx::unwindOk() const {
+ return ((options & UNWIND_OK) != 0);
+ }
+ inline bool Expression::ObjectCtx::unwindUsed() const {
+ return (unwindField.size() != 0);
+ }
+ inline int Expression::signum(int i) {
+ if (i < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (i > 0)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> ExpressionConstant::getValue() const {
+ return pValue;
+ }
+ inline string ExpressionFieldPath::getFieldPath(bool fieldPrefix) const {
+ return fieldPath.getPath(fieldPrefix);
+ }
+ inline void ExpressionFieldPath::writeFieldPath(
+ ostream &outStream, bool fieldPrefix) const {
+ return fieldPath.writePath(outStream, fieldPrefix);
+ }
+ inline size_t ExpressionObject::getFieldCount() const {
+ return vFieldName.size();
+ }
+ inline ExpressionObject::PathPusher::PathPusher(
+ vector<string> *pTheVPath, const string &s):
+ pvPath(pTheVPath) {
+ pvPath->push_back(s);
+ }
+ inline ExpressionObject::PathPusher::~PathPusher() {
+ pvPath->pop_back();
+ }