path: root/src/mongo/db/pipeline/value.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/pipeline/value.h')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 469 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/value.h b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/value.h
index ddfcade02d4..f3eada1cbce 100755
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/value.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/value.h
@@ -1,469 +1,469 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 10gen Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include "pch.h"
-#include "bson/bsontypes.h"
-#include "bson/oid.h"
-#include "util/intrusive_counter.h"
-namespace mongo {
- class BSONElement;
- class Builder;
- class Document;
- class Value;
- class ValueIterator :
- public IntrusiveCounterUnsigned {
- public:
- virtual ~ValueIterator();
- /*
- Ask if there are more fields to return.
- @returns true if there are more fields, false otherwise
- */
- virtual bool more() const = 0;
- /*
- Move the iterator to point to the next field and return it.
- @returns the next field's <name, Value>
- */
- virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> next() = 0;
- };
- /*
- Values are immutable, so these are passed around as
- intrusive_ptr<const Value>.
- */
- class Value :
- public IntrusiveCounterUnsigned {
- public:
- ~Value();
- /*
- Construct a Value from a BSONElement.
- This ignores the name of the element, and only uses the value,
- whatever type it is.
- @returns a new Value initialized from the bsonElement
- */
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createFromBsonElement(
- BSONElement *pBsonElement);
- /*
- Construct an integer-valued Value.
- For commonly used values, consider using one of the singleton
- instances defined below.
- @param value the value
- @returns a Value with the given value
- */
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createInt(int value);
- /*
- Construct an long(long)-valued Value.
- For commonly used values, consider using one of the singleton
- instances defined below.
- @param value the value
- @returns a Value with the given value
- */
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createLong(long long value);
- /*
- Construct a double-valued Value.
- @param value the value
- @returns a Value with the given value
- */
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createDouble(double value);
- /*
- Construct a string-valued Value.
- @param value the value
- @returns a Value with the given value
- */
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createString(const string &value);
- /*
- Construct a date-valued Value.
- @param value the value
- @returns a Value with the given value
- */
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createDate(const Date_t &value);
- /*
- Construct a document-valued Value.
- @param value the value
- @returns a Value with the given value
- */
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createDocument(
- const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument);
- /*
- Construct an array-valued Value.
- @param value the value
- @returns a Value with the given value
- */
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createArray(
- const vector<intrusive_ptr<const Value> > &vpValue);
- /*
- Get the BSON type of the field.
- If the type is jstNULL, no value getter will work.
- @return the BSON type of the field.
- */
- BSONType getType() const;
- /*
- Getters.
- @returns the Value's value; asserts if the requested value type is
- incorrect.
- */
- double getDouble() const;
- string getString() const;
- intrusive_ptr<Document> getDocument() const;
- intrusive_ptr<ValueIterator> getArray() const;
- OID getOid() const;
- bool getBool() const;
- Date_t getDate() const;
- string getRegex() const;
- string getSymbol() const;
- int getInt() const;
- unsigned long long getTimestamp() const;
- long long getLong() const;
- /*
- Get the length of an array value.
- @returns the length of the array, if this is array-valued; otherwise
- throws an error
- */
- size_t getArrayLength() const;
- /*
- Add this value to the BSON object under construction.
- */
- void addToBsonObj(BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName) const;
- /*
- Add this field to the BSON array under construction.
- As part of an array, the Value's name will be ignored.
- */
- void addToBsonArray(BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder) const;
- /*
- Get references to singleton instances of commonly used field values.
- */
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> getUndefined();
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> getNull();
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> getTrue();
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> getFalse();
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> getMinusOne();
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> getZero();
- static intrusive_ptr<const Value> getOne();
- /*
- Coerce (cast) a value to a native bool, using JSON rules.
- @returns the bool value
- */
- bool coerceToBool() const;
- /*
- Coerce (cast) a value to a Boolean Value, using JSON rules.
- @returns the Boolean Value value
- */
- intrusive_ptr<const Value> coerceToBoolean() const;
- /*
- Coerce (cast) a value to an int, using JSON rules.
- @returns the int value
- */
- int coerceToInt() const;
- /*
- Coerce (cast) a value to a long long, using JSON rules.
- @returns the long value
- */
- long long coerceToLong() const;
- /*
- Coerce (cast) a value to a double, using JSON rules.
- @returns the double value
- */
- double coerceToDouble() const;
- /*
- Coerce (cast) a value to a date, using JSON rules.
- @returns the date value
- */
- Date_t coerceToDate() const;
- /*
- Coerce (cast) a value to a string, using JSON rules.
- @returns the date value
- */
- string coerceToString() const;
- /*
- Compare two Values.
- @param rL left value
- @param rR right value
- @returns an integer less than zero, zero, or an integer greater than
- zero, depending on whether rL < rR, rL == rR, or rL > rR
- */
- static int compare(const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &rL,
- const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &rR);
- /*
- Figure out what the widest of two numeric types is.
- Widest can be thought of as "most capable," or "able to hold the
- largest or most precise value." The progression is Int, Long, Double.
- @param rL left value
- @param rR right value
- @returns a BSONType of NumberInt, NumberLong, or NumberDouble
- */
- static BSONType getWidestNumeric(BSONType lType, BSONType rType);
- /*
- Get the approximate storage size of the value, in bytes.
- @returns approximate storage size of the value.
- */
- size_t getApproximateSize() const;
- /*
- Calculate a hash value.
- Meant to be used to create composite hashes suitable for
- boost classes such as unordered_map<>.
- @param seed value to augment with this' hash
- */
- void hash_combine(size_t &seed) const;
- /*
- struct Hash is defined to enable the use of Values as
- keys in boost::unordered_map<>.
- Values are always referenced as immutables in the form
- intrusive_ptr<const Value>, so these operate on that construction.
- */
- struct Hash :
- unary_function<intrusive_ptr<const Value>, size_t> {
- size_t operator()(const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &rV) const;
- };
- protected:
- Value(); // creates null value
- Value(BSONType type); // creates an empty (unitialized value) of type
- // mostly useful for Undefined
- Value(bool boolValue);
- Value(int intValue);
- private:
- Value(BSONElement *pBsonElement);
- Value(long long longValue);
- Value(double doubleValue);
- Value(const Date_t &dateValue);
- Value(const string &stringValue);
- Value(const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument);
- Value(const vector<intrusive_ptr<const Value> > &vpValue);
- void addToBson(Builder *pBuilder) const;
- BSONType type;
- /* store value in one of these */
- union {
- double doubleValue;
- bool boolValue;
- int intValue;
- unsigned long long timestampValue;
- long long longValue;
- } simple; // values that don't need a ctor/dtor
- OID oidValue;
- Date_t dateValue;
- string stringValue; // String, Regex, Symbol
- intrusive_ptr<Document> pDocumentValue;
- vector<intrusive_ptr<const Value> > vpValue; // for arrays
- /*
- These are often used as the result of boolean or comparison
- expressions.
- These are obtained via public static getters defined above.
- */
- static const intrusive_ptr<const Value> pFieldUndefined;
- static const intrusive_ptr<const Value> pFieldNull;
- static const intrusive_ptr<const Value> pFieldTrue;
- static const intrusive_ptr<const Value> pFieldFalse;
- static const intrusive_ptr<const Value> pFieldMinusOne;
- static const intrusive_ptr<const Value> pFieldZero;
- static const intrusive_ptr<const Value> pFieldOne;
- /* this implementation is used for getArray() */
- class vi :
- public ValueIterator {
- public:
- // virtuals from ValueIterator
- virtual ~vi();
- virtual bool more() const;
- virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> next();
- private:
- friend class Value;
- vi(const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pSource,
- const vector<intrusive_ptr<const Value> > *pvpValue);
- size_t size;
- size_t nextIndex;
- const vector<intrusive_ptr<const Value> > *pvpValue;
- }; /* class vi */
- };
- /*
- Equality operator for values.
- Useful for unordered_map<>, etc.
- */
- inline bool operator==(const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &v1,
- const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &v2) {
- return (Value::compare(v1, v2) == 0);
- }
- /*
- For performance reasons, there are various sharable static values
- defined in class Value, obtainable by methods such as getUndefined(),
- getTrue(), getOne(), etc. We don't want these to go away as they are
- used by a multitude of threads evaluating pipelines. In order to avoid
- having to use atomic integers in the intrusive reference counter, this
- class overrides the reference counting methods to do nothing, making it
- safe to use for static Values.
- At this point, only the constructors necessary for the static Values in
- common use have been defined. The remainder can be defined if necessary.
- */
- class ValueStatic :
- public Value {
- public:
- // virtuals from IntrusiveCounterUnsigned
- virtual void addRef() const;
- virtual void release() const;
- // constructors
- ValueStatic();
- ValueStatic(BSONType type);
- ValueStatic(bool boolValue);
- ValueStatic(int intValue);
- };
-/* ======================= INLINED IMPLEMENTATIONS ========================== */
-namespace mongo {
- inline BSONType Value::getType() const {
- return type;
- }
- inline size_t Value::getArrayLength() const {
- verify(getType() == Array);
- return vpValue.size();
- }
- inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> Value::getUndefined() {
- return pFieldUndefined;
- }
- inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> Value::getNull() {
- return pFieldNull;
- }
- inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> Value::getTrue() {
- return pFieldTrue;
- }
- inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> Value::getFalse() {
- return pFieldFalse;
- }
- inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> Value::getMinusOne() {
- return pFieldMinusOne;
- }
- inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> Value::getZero() {
- return pFieldZero;
- }
- inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> Value::getOne() {
- return pFieldOne;
- }
- inline size_t Value::Hash::operator()(
- const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &rV) const {
- size_t seed = 0xf0afbeef;
- rV->hash_combine(seed);
- return seed;
- }
- inline ValueStatic::ValueStatic():
- Value() {
- }
- inline ValueStatic::ValueStatic(BSONType type):
- Value(type) {
- }
- inline ValueStatic::ValueStatic(bool boolValue):
- Value(boolValue) {
- }
- inline ValueStatic::ValueStatic(int intValue):
- Value(intValue) {
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 10gen Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "bson/bsontypes.h"
+#include "bson/oid.h"
+#include "util/intrusive_counter.h"
+namespace mongo {
+ class BSONElement;
+ class Builder;
+ class Document;
+ class Value;
+ class ValueIterator :
+ public IntrusiveCounterUnsigned {
+ public:
+ virtual ~ValueIterator();
+ /*
+ Ask if there are more fields to return.
+ @returns true if there are more fields, false otherwise
+ */
+ virtual bool more() const = 0;
+ /*
+ Move the iterator to point to the next field and return it.
+ @returns the next field's <name, Value>
+ */
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> next() = 0;
+ };
+ /*
+ Values are immutable, so these are passed around as
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value>.
+ */
+ class Value :
+ public IntrusiveCounterUnsigned {
+ public:
+ ~Value();
+ /*
+ Construct a Value from a BSONElement.
+ This ignores the name of the element, and only uses the value,
+ whatever type it is.
+ @returns a new Value initialized from the bsonElement
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createFromBsonElement(
+ BSONElement *pBsonElement);
+ /*
+ Construct an integer-valued Value.
+ For commonly used values, consider using one of the singleton
+ instances defined below.
+ @param value the value
+ @returns a Value with the given value
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createInt(int value);
+ /*
+ Construct an long(long)-valued Value.
+ For commonly used values, consider using one of the singleton
+ instances defined below.
+ @param value the value
+ @returns a Value with the given value
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createLong(long long value);
+ /*
+ Construct a double-valued Value.
+ @param value the value
+ @returns a Value with the given value
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createDouble(double value);
+ /*
+ Construct a string-valued Value.
+ @param value the value
+ @returns a Value with the given value
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createString(const string &value);
+ /*
+ Construct a date-valued Value.
+ @param value the value
+ @returns a Value with the given value
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createDate(const Date_t &value);
+ /*
+ Construct a document-valued Value.
+ @param value the value
+ @returns a Value with the given value
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createDocument(
+ const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument);
+ /*
+ Construct an array-valued Value.
+ @param value the value
+ @returns a Value with the given value
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> createArray(
+ const vector<intrusive_ptr<const Value> > &vpValue);
+ /*
+ Get the BSON type of the field.
+ If the type is jstNULL, no value getter will work.
+ @return the BSON type of the field.
+ */
+ BSONType getType() const;
+ /*
+ Getters.
+ @returns the Value's value; asserts if the requested value type is
+ incorrect.
+ */
+ double getDouble() const;
+ string getString() const;
+ intrusive_ptr<Document> getDocument() const;
+ intrusive_ptr<ValueIterator> getArray() const;
+ OID getOid() const;
+ bool getBool() const;
+ Date_t getDate() const;
+ string getRegex() const;
+ string getSymbol() const;
+ int getInt() const;
+ unsigned long long getTimestamp() const;
+ long long getLong() const;
+ /*
+ Get the length of an array value.
+ @returns the length of the array, if this is array-valued; otherwise
+ throws an error
+ */
+ size_t getArrayLength() const;
+ /*
+ Add this value to the BSON object under construction.
+ */
+ void addToBsonObj(BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, string fieldName) const;
+ /*
+ Add this field to the BSON array under construction.
+ As part of an array, the Value's name will be ignored.
+ */
+ void addToBsonArray(BSONArrayBuilder *pBuilder) const;
+ /*
+ Get references to singleton instances of commonly used field values.
+ */
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> getUndefined();
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> getNull();
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> getTrue();
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> getFalse();
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> getMinusOne();
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> getZero();
+ static intrusive_ptr<const Value> getOne();
+ /*
+ Coerce (cast) a value to a native bool, using JSON rules.
+ @returns the bool value
+ */
+ bool coerceToBool() const;
+ /*
+ Coerce (cast) a value to a Boolean Value, using JSON rules.
+ @returns the Boolean Value value
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value> coerceToBoolean() const;
+ /*
+ Coerce (cast) a value to an int, using JSON rules.
+ @returns the int value
+ */
+ int coerceToInt() const;
+ /*
+ Coerce (cast) a value to a long long, using JSON rules.
+ @returns the long value
+ */
+ long long coerceToLong() const;
+ /*
+ Coerce (cast) a value to a double, using JSON rules.
+ @returns the double value
+ */
+ double coerceToDouble() const;
+ /*
+ Coerce (cast) a value to a date, using JSON rules.
+ @returns the date value
+ */
+ Date_t coerceToDate() const;
+ /*
+ Coerce (cast) a value to a string, using JSON rules.
+ @returns the date value
+ */
+ string coerceToString() const;
+ /*
+ Compare two Values.
+ @param rL left value
+ @param rR right value
+ @returns an integer less than zero, zero, or an integer greater than
+ zero, depending on whether rL < rR, rL == rR, or rL > rR
+ */
+ static int compare(const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &rL,
+ const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &rR);
+ /*
+ Figure out what the widest of two numeric types is.
+ Widest can be thought of as "most capable," or "able to hold the
+ largest or most precise value." The progression is Int, Long, Double.
+ @param rL left value
+ @param rR right value
+ @returns a BSONType of NumberInt, NumberLong, or NumberDouble
+ */
+ static BSONType getWidestNumeric(BSONType lType, BSONType rType);
+ /*
+ Get the approximate storage size of the value, in bytes.
+ @returns approximate storage size of the value.
+ */
+ size_t getApproximateSize() const;
+ /*
+ Calculate a hash value.
+ Meant to be used to create composite hashes suitable for
+ boost classes such as unordered_map<>.
+ @param seed value to augment with this' hash
+ */
+ void hash_combine(size_t &seed) const;
+ /*
+ struct Hash is defined to enable the use of Values as
+ keys in boost::unordered_map<>.
+ Values are always referenced as immutables in the form
+ intrusive_ptr<const Value>, so these operate on that construction.
+ */
+ struct Hash :
+ unary_function<intrusive_ptr<const Value>, size_t> {
+ size_t operator()(const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &rV) const;
+ };
+ protected:
+ Value(); // creates null value
+ Value(BSONType type); // creates an empty (unitialized value) of type
+ // mostly useful for Undefined
+ Value(bool boolValue);
+ Value(int intValue);
+ private:
+ Value(BSONElement *pBsonElement);
+ Value(long long longValue);
+ Value(double doubleValue);
+ Value(const Date_t &dateValue);
+ Value(const string &stringValue);
+ Value(const intrusive_ptr<Document> &pDocument);
+ Value(const vector<intrusive_ptr<const Value> > &vpValue);
+ void addToBson(Builder *pBuilder) const;
+ BSONType type;
+ /* store value in one of these */
+ union {
+ double doubleValue;
+ bool boolValue;
+ int intValue;
+ unsigned long long timestampValue;
+ long long longValue;
+ } simple; // values that don't need a ctor/dtor
+ OID oidValue;
+ Date_t dateValue;
+ string stringValue; // String, Regex, Symbol
+ intrusive_ptr<Document> pDocumentValue;
+ vector<intrusive_ptr<const Value> > vpValue; // for arrays
+ /*
+ These are often used as the result of boolean or comparison
+ expressions.
+ These are obtained via public static getters defined above.
+ */
+ static const intrusive_ptr<const Value> pFieldUndefined;
+ static const intrusive_ptr<const Value> pFieldNull;
+ static const intrusive_ptr<const Value> pFieldTrue;
+ static const intrusive_ptr<const Value> pFieldFalse;
+ static const intrusive_ptr<const Value> pFieldMinusOne;
+ static const intrusive_ptr<const Value> pFieldZero;
+ static const intrusive_ptr<const Value> pFieldOne;
+ /* this implementation is used for getArray() */
+ class vi :
+ public ValueIterator {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from ValueIterator
+ virtual ~vi();
+ virtual bool more() const;
+ virtual intrusive_ptr<const Value> next();
+ private:
+ friend class Value;
+ vi(const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &pSource,
+ const vector<intrusive_ptr<const Value> > *pvpValue);
+ size_t size;
+ size_t nextIndex;
+ const vector<intrusive_ptr<const Value> > *pvpValue;
+ }; /* class vi */
+ };
+ /*
+ Equality operator for values.
+ Useful for unordered_map<>, etc.
+ */
+ inline bool operator==(const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &v1,
+ const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &v2) {
+ return (Value::compare(v1, v2) == 0);
+ }
+ /*
+ For performance reasons, there are various sharable static values
+ defined in class Value, obtainable by methods such as getUndefined(),
+ getTrue(), getOne(), etc. We don't want these to go away as they are
+ used by a multitude of threads evaluating pipelines. In order to avoid
+ having to use atomic integers in the intrusive reference counter, this
+ class overrides the reference counting methods to do nothing, making it
+ safe to use for static Values.
+ At this point, only the constructors necessary for the static Values in
+ common use have been defined. The remainder can be defined if necessary.
+ */
+ class ValueStatic :
+ public Value {
+ public:
+ // virtuals from IntrusiveCounterUnsigned
+ virtual void addRef() const;
+ virtual void release() const;
+ // constructors
+ ValueStatic();
+ ValueStatic(BSONType type);
+ ValueStatic(bool boolValue);
+ ValueStatic(int intValue);
+ };
+/* ======================= INLINED IMPLEMENTATIONS ========================== */
+namespace mongo {
+ inline BSONType Value::getType() const {
+ return type;
+ }
+ inline size_t Value::getArrayLength() const {
+ verify(getType() == Array);
+ return vpValue.size();
+ }
+ inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> Value::getUndefined() {
+ return pFieldUndefined;
+ }
+ inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> Value::getNull() {
+ return pFieldNull;
+ }
+ inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> Value::getTrue() {
+ return pFieldTrue;
+ }
+ inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> Value::getFalse() {
+ return pFieldFalse;
+ }
+ inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> Value::getMinusOne() {
+ return pFieldMinusOne;
+ }
+ inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> Value::getZero() {
+ return pFieldZero;
+ }
+ inline intrusive_ptr<const Value> Value::getOne() {
+ return pFieldOne;
+ }
+ inline size_t Value::Hash::operator()(
+ const intrusive_ptr<const Value> &rV) const {
+ size_t seed = 0xf0afbeef;
+ rV->hash_combine(seed);
+ return seed;
+ }
+ inline ValueStatic::ValueStatic():
+ Value() {
+ }
+ inline ValueStatic::ValueStatic(BSONType type):
+ Value(type) {
+ }
+ inline ValueStatic::ValueStatic(bool boolValue):
+ Value(boolValue) {
+ }
+ inline ValueStatic::ValueStatic(int intValue):
+ Value(intValue) {
+ }