path: root/src/mongo/db/query/canonical_query_encoder_test.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/query/canonical_query_encoder_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/canonical_query_encoder_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/canonical_query_encoder_test.cpp
index 4086f64402f..1d647910ce8 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/canonical_query_encoder_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/canonical_query_encoder_test.cpp
@@ -123,50 +123,68 @@ TEST(CanonicalQueryEncoderTest, ComputeKey) {
// With sort
testComputeKey("{}", "{a: 1}", "{}", "an~aa");
testComputeKey("{}", "{a: -1}", "{}", "an~da");
- testComputeKey("{}",
- "{a: {$meta: 'textScore'}}",
- "{a: {$meta: 'textScore'}}",
- "an~ta|{ $meta: \"textScore\" }a");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{a: {$meta: 'textScore'}}", "{a: {$meta: 'textScore'}}", "an~ta");
testComputeKey("{a: 1}", "{b: 1}", "{}", "eqa~ab");
// With projection
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: 1}", "an|ia");
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: -1}", "an|ia");
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: -1.0}", "an|ia");
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: true}", "an|ia");
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: 0}", "an|ea");
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: false}", "an|ea");
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: 99}", "an|ia");
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: 'foo'}", "an|ia");
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: {$slice: [3, 5]}}", "an|{ $slice: \\[ 3\\, 5 \\] }a");
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: {$elemMatch: {x: 2}}}", "an|{ $elemMatch: { x: 2 } }a");
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: ObjectId('507f191e810c19729de860ea')}", "an|ia");
- testComputeKey("{a: 1}", "{}", "{'a.$': 1}", "eqa|ia.$");
- testComputeKey("{a: 1}", "{}", "{a: 1}", "eqa|ia");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: 1}", "an|_id-a");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: -1}", "an|_id-a");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: -1.0}", "an|_id-a");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: true}", "an|_id-a");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: 0}", "an");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: false}", "an");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: 99}", "an|_id-a");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: 'foo'}", "an|_id-a");
+ // $slice defaults to exclusion.
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: {$slice: [3, 5]}}", "an");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: {$slice: [3, 5]}, b: 0}", "an");
+ // But even when using $slice in an inclusion, the entire document is needed.
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: {$slice: [3, 5]}, b: 1}", "an");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: {$elemMatch: {x: 2}}}", "an");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: {$elemMatch: {x: 2}}, b: 0}", "an");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: {$elemMatch: {x: 2}}, b: 1}", "an");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: {$slice: [3, 5]}, b: {$elemMatch: {x: 2}}}", "an");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: ObjectId('507f191e810c19729de860ea')}", "an|_id-a");
+ testComputeKey("{a: 1}", "{}", "{'a.$': 1}", "eqa");
+ testComputeKey("{a: 1}", "{}", "{a: 1}", "eqa|_id-a");
// Projection should be order-insensitive
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: 1, b: 1}", "an|iaib");
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{b: 1, a: 1}", "an|iaib");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: 1, b: 1}", "an|_id-a-b");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{b: 1, a: 1}", "an|_id-a-b");
+ // And should escape the separation character.
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{'b-1': 1, 'a-2': 1}", "an|_id-a\\-2-b\\-1");
+ // And should exclude $-prefixed fields which can be added internally.
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{x: 1}", "{$sortKey: {$meta: 'sortKey'}}", "an~ax");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{}", "an");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{x: 1}", "{a: 1, $sortKey: {$meta: 'sortKey'}}", "an~ax|_id-a");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: 1}", "an|_id-a");
// With or-elimination and projection
- testComputeKey("{$or: [{a: 1}]}", "{}", "{_id: 0, a: 1}", "eqa|e_idia");
- testComputeKey("{$or: [{a: 1}]}", "{}", "{'a.$': 1}", "eqa|ia.$");
+ testComputeKey("{$or: [{a: 1}]}", "{}", "{_id: 0, a: 1}", "eqa|a");
+ testComputeKey("{$or: [{a: 1}]}", "{}", "{'a.$': 1}", "eqa");
// Delimiters found in user field names or non-standard projection field values
// must be escaped.
TEST(CanonicalQueryEncoderTest, ComputeKeyEscaped) {
// Field name in query.
- testComputeKey("{'a,[]~|<>': 1}", "{}", "{}", "eqa\\,\\[\\]\\~\\|<>");
+ testComputeKey("{'a,[]~|-<>': 1}", "{}", "{}", "eqa\\,\\[\\]\\~\\|\\-<>");
// Field name in sort.
- testComputeKey("{}", "{'a,[]~|<>': 1}", "{}", "an~aa\\,\\[\\]\\~\\|<>");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{'a,[]~|-<>': 1}", "{}", "an~aa\\,\\[\\]\\~\\|\\-<>");
// Field name in projection.
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{'a,[]~|<>': 1}", "an|ia\\,\\[\\]\\~\\|<>");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{'a,[]~|-<>': 1}", "an|_id-a\\,\\[\\]\\~\\|\\-<>");
// Value in projection.
- testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: 'foo,[]~|<>'}", "an|ia");
+ testComputeKey("{}", "{}", "{a: 'foo,[]~|-<>'}", "an|_id-a");
// Cache keys for $geoWithin queries with legacy and GeoJSON coordinates should