path: root/src/mongo/db/query/fle/equality_predicate_test.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/query/fle/equality_predicate_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 465 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/fle/equality_predicate_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/fle/equality_predicate_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5a8ee9f5e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/fle/equality_predicate_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2022-present MongoDB, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
+ * as published by MongoDB, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Server Side Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see
+ * <>.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
+ * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
+ * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
+ * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
+ * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for
+ * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
+ * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
+ * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
+ * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
+ * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
+ * it in the license file.
+ */
+#include "mongo/bson/bsonmisc.h"
+#include "mongo/bson/json.h"
+#include "mongo/crypto/fle_crypto.h"
+#include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/value.h"
+#include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_expr.h"
+#include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_leaf.h"
+#include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_tree.h"
+#include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_visitor.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h"
+#include "mongo/db/query/fle/encrypted_predicate_test_fixtures.h"
+#include "mongo/db/query/fle/equality_predicate.h"
+#include "mongo/idl/server_parameter_test_util.h"
+#include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h"
+namespace mongo::fle {
+namespace {
+class MockEqualityPredicate : public EqualityPredicate {
+ MockEqualityPredicate(const QueryRewriterInterface* rewriter) : EqualityPredicate(rewriter) {}
+ MockEqualityPredicate(const QueryRewriterInterface* rewriter,
+ TagMap tags,
+ std::set<StringData> encryptedFields)
+ : EqualityPredicate(rewriter), _tags(tags), _encryptedFields(encryptedFields) {}
+ void setEncryptedTags(std::pair<StringData, int> fieldvalue, std::vector<PrfBlock> tags) {
+ _encryptedFields.insert(fieldvalue.first);
+ _tags[fieldvalue] = tags;
+ }
+ void addEncryptedField(StringData field) {
+ _encryptedFields.insert(field);
+ }
+ bool isPayload(const BSONElement& elt) const override {
+ return _encryptedFields.find(elt.fieldNameStringData()) != _encryptedFields.end();
+ }
+ bool isPayload(const Value& v) const override {
+ return true;
+ }
+ std::vector<PrfBlock> generateTags(BSONValue payload) const {
+ return stdx::visit(
+ OverloadedVisitor{
+ [&](BSONElement p) {
+ ASSERT(p.isNumber()); // Only accept numbers as mock FFPs.
+ ASSERT(_tags.find({p.fieldNameStringData(), p.Int()}) != _tags.end());
+ return _tags.find({p.fieldNameStringData(), p.Int()})->second;
+ },
+ [&](std::reference_wrapper<Value> v) { return std::vector<PrfBlock>{}; }},
+ payload);
+ }
+ TagMap _tags;
+ std::set<StringData> _encryptedFields;
+class EqualityPredicateRewriteTest : public EncryptedPredicateRewriteTest {
+ EqualityPredicateRewriteTest() : _predicate(&_mock) {}
+ MockEqualityPredicate _predicate;
+TEST_F(EqualityPredicateRewriteTest, Equality_NoFFP) {
+ std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression> input =
+ std::make_unique<EqualityMatchExpression>("ssn", Value(5));
+ auto expected = EqualityMatchExpression("ssn", Value(5));
+ auto result = _predicate.rewrite(input.get());
+ ASSERT(result == nullptr);
+ ASSERT(input->equivalent(&expected));
+TEST_F(EqualityPredicateRewriteTest, In_NoFFP) {
+ auto input = makeInExpr("name",
+ BSON_ARRAY("harry"
+ << "ron"
+ << "hermione"));
+ auto expected = makeInExpr("name",
+ BSON_ARRAY("harry"
+ << "ron"
+ << "hermione"));
+ auto result = _predicate.rewrite(input.get());
+ ASSERT(result == nullptr);
+ ASSERT(input->equivalent(expected.get()));
+TEST_F(EqualityPredicateRewriteTest, Equality_Basic) {
+ auto input = EqualityMatchExpression("ssn", Value(5));
+ std::vector<PrfBlock> tags = {{1}, {2}, {3}};
+ _predicate.setEncryptedTags({"ssn", 5}, tags);
+ assertRewriteToTags(_predicate, &input, toBSONArray(std::move(tags)));
+TEST_F(EqualityPredicateRewriteTest, In_Basic) {
+ auto input = makeInExpr("ssn", BSON_ARRAY(2 << 4 << 6));
+ _predicate.setEncryptedTags({"0", 2}, {{1}, {2}});
+ _predicate.setEncryptedTags({"1", 4}, {{5}, {3}});
+ _predicate.setEncryptedTags({"2", 6}, {{99}, {100}});
+ assertRewriteToTags(_predicate, input.get(), toBSONArray({{1}, {2}, {3}, {5}, {99}, {100}}));
+TEST_F(EqualityPredicateRewriteTest, In_NotAllFFPs) {
+ auto input = makeInExpr("ssn", BSON_ARRAY(2 << 4 << 6));
+ _predicate.setEncryptedTags({"0", 2}, {{1}, {2}});
+ _predicate.setEncryptedTags({"1", 4}, {{5}, {3}});
+ assertRewriteToTags(_predicate, input.get(), toBSONArray({{1}, {2}, {3}, {5}})),
+ AssertionException,
+ 6329400);
+template <typename T>
+std::vector<uint8_t> toEncryptedVector(EncryptedBinDataType dt, T t) {
+ BSONObj obj = t.toBSON();
+ std::vector<uint8_t> buf(obj.objsize() + 1);
+ buf[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(dt);
+ std::copy(obj.objdata(), obj.objdata() + obj.objsize(), + 1);
+ return buf;
+template <typename T>
+void toEncryptedBinData(StringData field, EncryptedBinDataType dt, T t, BSONObjBuilder* builder) {
+ auto buf = toEncryptedVector(dt, t);
+ builder->appendBinData(field, buf.size(), BinDataType::Encrypt,;
+constexpr auto kIndexKeyId = "12345678-1234-9876-1234-123456789012"_sd;
+constexpr auto kUserKeyId = "ABCDEFAB-1234-9876-1234-123456789012"_sd;
+static UUID indexKeyId = uassertStatusOK(UUID::parse(kIndexKeyId.toString()));
+static UUID userKeyId = uassertStatusOK(UUID::parse(kUserKeyId.toString()));
+std::vector<char> testValue = {0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19};
+std::vector<char> testValue2 = {0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29};
+const FLEIndexKey& getIndexKey() {
+ static std::string indexVec = hexblob::decode(
+ "7dbfebc619aa68a659f64b8e23ccd21644ac326cb74a26840c3d2420176c40ae088294d00ad6cae9684237b21b754cf503f085c25cd320bf035c3417416e1e6fe3d9219f79586582112740b2add88e1030d91926ae8afc13ee575cfb8bb965b7"_sd);
+ static FLEIndexKey indexKey(KeyMaterial(indexVec.begin(), indexVec.end()));
+ return indexKey;
+const FLEUserKey& getUserKey() {
+ static std::string userVec = hexblob::decode(
+ "a7ddbc4c8be00d51f68d9d8e485f351c8edc8d2206b24d8e0e1816d005fbe520e489125047d647b0d8684bfbdbf09c304085ed086aba6c2b2b1677ccc91ced8847a733bf5e5682c84b3ee7969e4a5fe0e0c21e5e3ee190595a55f83147d8de2a"_sd);
+ static FLEUserKey userKey(KeyMaterial(userVec.begin(), userVec.end()));
+ return userKey;
+BSONObj generateFFP(StringData path, int value) {
+ auto indexKey = getIndexKey();
+ FLEIndexKeyAndId indexKeyAndId(, indexKeyId);
+ auto userKey = getUserKey();
+ FLEUserKeyAndId userKeyAndId(, indexKeyId);
+ BSONObj doc = BSON("value" << value);
+ auto element = doc.firstElement();
+ auto fpp = FLEClientCrypto::serializeFindPayload(indexKeyAndId, userKeyAndId, element, 0);
+ BSONObjBuilder builder;
+ toEncryptedBinData(path, EncryptedBinDataType::kFLE2FindEqualityPayload, fpp, &builder);
+ return builder.obj();
+std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression> generateEqualityWithFFP(StringData path, int value) {
+ auto ffp = generateFFP(path, value);
+ return std::make_unique<EqualityMatchExpression>(path, ffp.firstElement());
+std::unique_ptr<Expression> generateEqualityWithFFP(ExpressionContext* const expCtx,
+ StringData path,
+ int value) {
+ auto ffp = Value(generateFFP(path, value).firstElement());
+ auto ffpExpr = make_intrusive<ExpressionConstant>(expCtx, ffp);
+ auto fieldpath = ExpressionFieldPath::createPathFromString(
+ expCtx, path.toString(), expCtx->variablesParseState);
+ std::vector<boost::intrusive_ptr<Expression>> children = {std::move(fieldpath),
+ std::move(ffpExpr)};
+ return std::make_unique<ExpressionCompare>(expCtx, ExpressionCompare::EQ, std::move(children));
+std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression> generateDisjunctionWithFFP(StringData path,
+ std::initializer_list<int> vals) {
+ BSONArrayBuilder bab;
+ for (auto& value : vals) {
+ bab.append(generateFFP(path, value).firstElement());
+ }
+ auto arr = bab.arr();
+ return EncryptedPredicateRewriteTest::makeInExpr(path, arr);
+std::unique_ptr<Expression> generateDisjunctionWithFFP(ExpressionContext* const expCtx,
+ StringData path,
+ std::initializer_list<int> values) {
+ std::vector<boost::intrusive_ptr<Expression>> ffps;
+ for (auto& value : values) {
+ auto ffp = make_intrusive<ExpressionConstant>(
+ expCtx, Value(generateFFP(path, value).firstElement()));
+ ffps.emplace_back(std::move(ffp));
+ }
+ auto ffpArray = make_intrusive<ExpressionArray>(expCtx, std::move(ffps));
+ auto fieldpath = ExpressionFieldPath::createPathFromString(
+ expCtx, path.toString(), expCtx->variablesParseState);
+ std::vector<boost::intrusive_ptr<Expression>> children{std::move(fieldpath),
+ std::move(ffpArray)};
+ return std::make_unique<ExpressionIn>(expCtx, std::move(children));
+class EqualityPredicateCollScanRewriteTest : public EncryptedPredicateRewriteTest {
+ EqualityPredicateCollScanRewriteTest() : _predicate(&_mock) {
+ _mock.setForceEncryptedCollScanForTest();
+ }
+ MockEqualityPredicate _predicate;
+TEST_F(EqualityPredicateCollScanRewriteTest, Eq_Match) {
+ auto input = generateEqualityWithFFP("ssn", 1);
+ _predicate.addEncryptedField("ssn");
+ auto result = _predicate.rewrite(input.get());
+ ASSERT(result);
+ ASSERT_EQ(result->matchType(), MatchExpression::EXPRESSION);
+ auto* expr = static_cast<ExprMatchExpression*>(result.get());
+ auto aggExpr = expr->getExpression();
+ auto expected = fromjson(R"({
+ "$_internalFleEq": {
+ "field": "$ssn",
+ "edc": {
+ "$binary": {
+ "base64": "CEWSmQID7SfwyAUI3ZkSFkATKryDQfnxXEOGad5d4Rsg",
+ "subType": "6"
+ }
+ },
+ "counter": {
+ "$numberLong": "0"
+ },
+ "server": {
+ "$binary": {
+ "base64": "COuac/eRLYakKX6B0vZ1r3QodOQFfjqJD+xlGiPu4/Ps",
+ "subType": "6"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })");
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(aggExpr->serialize(false).getDocument().toBson(), expected);
+TEST_F(EqualityPredicateCollScanRewriteTest, Eq_Expr) {
+ auto expCtx = _mock.getExpressionContext();
+ auto input = generateEqualityWithFFP(expCtx, "ssn", 1);
+ _predicate.addEncryptedField("ssn");
+ auto result = _predicate.rewrite(input.get());
+ auto expected = fromjson(R"({
+ "$_internalFleEq": {
+ "field": "$ssn",
+ "edc": {
+ "$binary": {
+ "base64": "CEWSmQID7SfwyAUI3ZkSFkATKryDQfnxXEOGad5d4Rsg",
+ "subType": "6"
+ }
+ },
+ "counter": {
+ "$numberLong": "0"
+ },
+ "server": {
+ "$binary": {
+ "base64": "COuac/eRLYakKX6B0vZ1r3QodOQFfjqJD+xlGiPu4/Ps",
+ "subType": "6"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })");
+ ASSERT(result);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(result->serialize(false).getDocument().toBson(), expected);
+TEST_F(EqualityPredicateCollScanRewriteTest, In_Match) {
+ auto input = generateDisjunctionWithFFP("ssn", {1, 2, 3});
+ _predicate.addEncryptedField("0");
+ _predicate.addEncryptedField("1");
+ _predicate.addEncryptedField("2");
+ auto result = _predicate.rewrite(input.get());
+ ASSERT(result);
+ ASSERT_EQ(result->matchType(), MatchExpression::OR);
+ auto expected = fromjson(R"({
+ "$or": [
+ {
+ "$expr": {
+ "$_internalFleEq": {
+ "field": "$ssn",
+ "edc": {
+ "$binary": {
+ "base64": "CEWSmQID7SfwyAUI3ZkSFkATKryDQfnxXEOGad5d4Rsg",
+ "subType": "6"
+ }
+ },
+ "counter": {
+ "$numberLong": "0"
+ },
+ "server": {
+ "$binary": {
+ "base64": "COuac/eRLYakKX6B0vZ1r3QodOQFfjqJD+xlGiPu4/Ps",
+ "subType": "6"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "$expr": {
+ "$_internalFleEq": {
+ "field": "$ssn",
+ "edc": {
+ "$binary": {
+ "base64": "CLpCo6rNuYMVT+6n1HCX15MNrVYDNqf6udO46ayo43Sw",
+ "subType": "6"
+ }
+ },
+ "counter": {
+ "$numberLong": "0"
+ },
+ "server": {
+ "$binary": {
+ "base64": "COuac/eRLYakKX6B0vZ1r3QodOQFfjqJD+xlGiPu4/Ps",
+ "subType": "6"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "$expr": {
+ "$_internalFleEq": {
+ "field": "$ssn",
+ "edc": {
+ "$binary": {
+ "base64": "CPi44oCQHnNDeRqHsNLzbdCeHt2DK/wCly0g2dxU5fqN",
+ "subType": "6"
+ }
+ },
+ "counter": {
+ "$numberLong": "0"
+ },
+ "server": {
+ "$binary": {
+ "base64": "COuac/eRLYakKX6B0vZ1r3QodOQFfjqJD+xlGiPu4/Ps",
+ "subType": "6"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(result->serialize(), expected);
+TEST_F(EqualityPredicateCollScanRewriteTest, In_Expr) {
+ auto input = generateDisjunctionWithFFP(_mock.getExpressionContext(), "ssn", {1, 1});
+ _predicate.addEncryptedField("0");
+ _predicate.addEncryptedField("1");
+ _predicate.addEncryptedField("2");
+ auto result = _predicate.rewrite(input.get());
+ ASSERT(result);
+ auto expected = fromjson(R"({ "$or" : [ {
+ "$_internalFleEq": {
+ "field": "$ssn",
+ "edc": {
+ "$binary": {
+ "base64": "CEWSmQID7SfwyAUI3ZkSFkATKryDQfnxXEOGad5d4Rsg",
+ "subType": "6"
+ }
+ },
+ "counter": {
+ "$numberLong": "0"
+ },
+ "server": {
+ "$binary": {
+ "base64": "COuac/eRLYakKX6B0vZ1r3QodOQFfjqJD+xlGiPu4/Ps",
+ "subType": "6"
+ }
+ }
+ }},
+ {
+ "$_internalFleEq": {
+ "field": "$ssn",
+ "edc": {
+ "$binary": {
+ "base64": "CEWSmQID7SfwyAUI3ZkSFkATKryDQfnxXEOGad5d4Rsg",
+ "subType": "6"
+ }
+ },
+ "counter": {
+ "$numberLong": "0"
+ },
+ "server": {
+ "$binary": {
+ "base64": "COuac/eRLYakKX6B0vZ1r3QodOQFfjqJD+xlGiPu4/Ps",
+ "subType": "6"
+ }
+ }
+ }}
+ ]})");
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(result->serialize(false).getDocument().toBson(), expected);
+} // namespace
+} // namespace mongo::fle