path: root/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner_text_test.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/query/query_planner_text_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 304 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner_text_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner_text_test.cpp
index c1cbc292d94..4512536768b 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner_text_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner_text_test.cpp
@@ -35,309 +35,371 @@
namespace {
- using namespace mongo;
- //
- // Text
- // Creating an FTS index {a:1, b:"text", c:1} actually
- // creates an index with spec {a:1, _fts: "text", _ftsx: 1, c:1}.
- // So, the latter is what we pass in to the planner.
- //
- // PS. You can also do {a:1, b:"text", d:"text", c:1} and it will create an index with the same
- // key pattern.
- //
- // Basic test that it works.
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, SimpleText) {
- addIndex(BSON("_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{$text: {$search: 'blah'}}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1);
- assertSolutionExists("{text: {search: 'blah'}}");
- }
- // If you create an index {a:1, b: "text"} you can't use it for queries on just 'a'.
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CantUseTextUnlessHaveTextPred) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{a:1}"));
- // No table scans allowed so there is no solution.
- assertNumSolutions(0);
- }
- // But if you create an index {a:1, b:"text"} you can use it if it has a pred on 'a'
- // and a text query.
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, HaveOKPrefixOnTextIndex) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{a:1, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1);
- assertSolutionExists("{text: {prefix: {a:1}, search: 'blah'}}}}");
- // TODO: Do we want to $or a collection scan with a text search?
- // runQuery(fromjson("{$or: [{b:1}, {a:1, $text: {$search: 'blah'}}]}"));
- // assertNumSolutions(1);
- runQuery(fromjson("{$or: [{_id:1}, {a:1, $text: {$search: 'blah'}}]}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1);
- }
- // But the prefixes must be points.
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, HaveBadPrefixOnTextIndex) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{a:{$gt: 1}, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
- runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{$text: {$search: 'blah'}}"));
- runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{$or: [{a:1}, {$text: {$search: 'blah'}}]}"));
- }
- // There can be more than one prefix, but they all require points.
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, ManyPrefixTextIndex) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- // Both points.
- runQuery(fromjson("{a:1, b:1, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
- assertSolutionExists("{text: {prefix: {a:1, b:1}, search: 'blah'}}");
- assertNumSolutions(1);
- // Missing a.
- runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{b:1, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
- // Missing b.
- runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{a:1, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
- // a is not a point
- runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{a:{$gt: 1}, b:1, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
- // b is not a point
- runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{a:1, b:{$gt: 1}, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
- }
- // And, suffixes. They're optional and don't need to be points.
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, SuffixOptional) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1 << "b" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{a:1, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1);
- assertSolutionExists("{text: {prefix: {a:1}, search: 'blah'}}}}");
- runQuery(fromjson("{a:1, b:{$gt: 7}, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
- assertSolutionExists("{text: {prefix: {a:1}, filter: {b: {$gt: 7}}, search: 'blah'}}}}");
- assertNumSolutions(1);
- }
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, RemoveFromSubtree) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1 << "b" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{a:1, $or: [{a:1}, {b:7}], $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1);
- assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {filter: {$or:[{a:1},{b:7}]},"
- "node: {text: {prefix: {a:1}, search: 'blah'}}}}");
- }
- // Text is quite often multikey. None of the prefixes can be arrays, and suffixes are indexed
- // as-is, so we should compound even if it's multikey.
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CompoundPrefixEvenIfMultikey) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1), true);
- // Both points.
- runQuery(fromjson("{a:1, b:1, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1);
- assertSolutionExists("{text: {prefix: {a:1, b:1}, search: 'blah'}}");
- }
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, IndexOnOwnFieldButNotLeafPrefix) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1 << "b" << 1));
- // 'a' is not an EQ so it doesn't compound w/the text pred. We also shouldn't use the text
- // index to satisfy it w/o the text query.
- runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{a:{$elemMatch:{$gt: 0, $lt: 2}}, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
- }
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, IndexOnOwnFieldButNotLeafSuffixNoPrefix) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1 << "b" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{b:{$elemMatch:{$gt: 0, $lt: 2}}, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1);
- }
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideAndWithCompoundIndex) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{$and: [{a: 3}, {$text: {$search: 'foo'}}], a: 3}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1U);
- assertSolutionExists("{text: {prefix: {a:3}, search: 'foo'}}");
- }
- // SERVER-15639: Test that predicates on index prefix fields which are not assigned to the index
- // prefix are correctly included in the solution node filter.
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideAndWithCompoundIndexAndMultiplePredsOnIndexPrefix) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{$and: [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {$text: {$search: 'foo'}}]}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1U);
- assertSolutionExists("{text: {prefix: {a: 1}, search: 'foo', filter: {a: 2}}}");
- }
- // SERVER-13039: Test that we don't generate invalid solutions when the TEXT node
- // is buried beneath a logical node.
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideOrBasic) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1));
- addIndex(BSON("_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{a: 0, $or: [{_id: 1}, {$text: {$search: 'foo'}}]}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1U);
- assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {filter: {a:0}, node: {or: {nodes: ["
- "{text: {search: 'foo'}}, "
- "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {_id: 1}}}]}}}}");
- }
- // SERVER-13039
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideOrWithAnotherOr) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1));
- addIndex(BSON("_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{$and: [{$or: [{a: 3}, {a: 4}]}, "
- "{$or: [{$text: {$search: 'foo'}}, {a: 5}]}]}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1U);
- assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {filter: {$or: [{a: 3}, {a: 4}]}, node: "
- "{or: {nodes: ["
- "{text: {search: 'foo'}}, "
- "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {a: 1}}}]}}}}");
- }
- // SERVER-13039
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideOrOfAnd) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1));
- addIndex(BSON("_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{$or: [{a: {$gt: 1, $gt: 2}}, "
- "{a: {$gt: 3}, $text: {$search: 'foo'}}]}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1U);
- assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {filter: null, node: {or: {nodes: ["
- "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {a:1}, bounds: "
- "{a: [[2,Infinity,false,true]]}}}, "
- "{fetch: {filter: {a:{$gt:3}}, node: "
- "{text: {search: 'foo'}}}}]}}}}");
- }
- // SERVER-13039
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideAndOrAnd) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1));
- addIndex(BSON("b" << 1));
- addIndex(BSON("_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{a: 1, $or: [{a:2}, {b:2}, "
- "{a: 1, $text: {$search: 'foo'}}]}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1U);
- assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {filter: {a:1}, node: {or: {nodes: ["
- "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {a:1}}}, "
- "{fetch: {filter: {a:1}, node: {text: {search: 'foo'}}}}, "
- "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {b:1}}}]}}}}");
- }
- // SERVER-13039
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideAndOrAndOr) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1));
- addIndex(BSON("_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{$or: [{a: {$gt: 1, $gt: 2}}, "
- "{a: {$gt: 3}, $or: [{$text: {$search: 'foo'}}, "
- "{a: 6}]}], "
- "a: 5}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1U);
- assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {filter: {a:5}, node: {or: {nodes: ["
- "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {a: 1}}}, "
- "{fetch: {filter: {a:{$gt:3}}, node: {or: {nodes: ["
- "{text: {search: 'foo'}}, "
- "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {a: 1}}}]}}}}]}}}}");
- }
- // If only one branch of the $or can be indexed, then no indexed
- // solutions are generated, even if one branch is $text.
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideOrOneBranchNotIndexed) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1));
- addIndex(BSON("_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{a: 1, $or: [{b: 2}, {$text: {$search: 'foo'}}]}"));
- assertNumSolutions(0);
- }
- // If the unindexable $or is not the one containing the $text predicate,
- // then we should still be able to generate an indexed solution.
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideOrWithAnotherUnindexableOr) {
- params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
- addIndex(BSON("a" << 1));
- addIndex(BSON("_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{$and: [{$or: [{a: 1}, {b: 1}]}, "
- "{$or: [{a: 2}, {$text: {$search: 'foo'}}]}]}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1U);
- assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {filter: {$or:[{a:1},{b:1}]}, node: {or: {nodes: ["
- "{text: {search: 'foo'}}, "
- "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {a:1}}}]}}}}");
- }
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, AndTextWithGeoNonNear) {
- addIndex(BSON("_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{$text: {$search: 'foo'}, a: {$geoIntersects: {$geometry: "
- "{type: 'Point', coordinates: [3.0, 1.0]}}}}"));
- // Mandatory text index is used, and geo predicate becomes a filter.
- assertNumSolutions(1U);
- assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {text: {search: 'foo'}}}}");
- }
- // SERVER-13960: $text beneath $or with exact predicates.
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, OrTextExact) {
- addIndex(BSON("pre" << 1 << "_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- addIndex(BSON("other" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{$or: [{$text: {$search: 'dave'}, pre: 3}, {other: 2}]}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1U);
- assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {filter: null, node: {or: {nodes: ["
- "{text: {search: 'dave', prefix: {pre: 3}}},"
- "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {other: 1}}}]}}}}");
- }
- // SERVER-13960: $text beneath $or with an inexact covered predicate.
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, OrTextInexactCovered) {
- addIndex(BSON("pre" << 1 << "_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- addIndex(BSON("other" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{$or: [{$text: {$search: 'dave'}, pre: 3}, {other: /bar/}]}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1U);
- assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {filter: null, node: {or: {nodes: ["
- "{text: {search: 'dave', prefix: {pre: 3}}},"
- "{ixscan: {filter: {$or: [{other: /bar/}]}, "
- "pattern: {other: 1}}}]}}}}");
- }
- TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextCaseSensitive) {
- addIndex(BSON("_fts" << "text" << "_ftsx" << 1));
- runQuery(fromjson("{$text: {$search: 'blah', $caseSensitive: true}}"));
- assertNumSolutions(1);
- assertSolutionExists("{text: {search: 'blah', caseSensitive: true}}");
- }
+using namespace mongo;
+// Text
+// Creating an FTS index {a:1, b:"text", c:1} actually
+// creates an index with spec {a:1, _fts: "text", _ftsx: 1, c:1}.
+// So, the latter is what we pass in to the planner.
+// PS. You can also do {a:1, b:"text", d:"text", c:1} and it will create an index with the same
+// key pattern.
+// Basic test that it works.
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, SimpleText) {
+ addIndex(BSON("_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson("{$text: {$search: 'blah'}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1);
+ assertSolutionExists("{text: {search: 'blah'}}");
+// If you create an index {a:1, b: "text"} you can't use it for queries on just 'a'.
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CantUseTextUnlessHaveTextPred) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a:1}"));
+ // No table scans allowed so there is no solution.
+ assertNumSolutions(0);
+// But if you create an index {a:1, b:"text"} you can use it if it has a pred on 'a'
+// and a text query.
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, HaveOKPrefixOnTextIndex) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a:1, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1);
+ assertSolutionExists("{text: {prefix: {a:1}, search: 'blah'}}}}");
+ // TODO: Do we want to $or a collection scan with a text search?
+ // runQuery(fromjson("{$or: [{b:1}, {a:1, $text: {$search: 'blah'}}]}"));
+ // assertNumSolutions(1);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{$or: [{_id:1}, {a:1, $text: {$search: 'blah'}}]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1);
+// But the prefixes must be points.
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, HaveBadPrefixOnTextIndex) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{a:{$gt: 1}, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
+ runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{$text: {$search: 'blah'}}"));
+ runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{$or: [{a:1}, {$text: {$search: 'blah'}}]}"));
+// There can be more than one prefix, but they all require points.
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, ManyPrefixTextIndex) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ // Both points.
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a:1, b:1, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
+ assertSolutionExists("{text: {prefix: {a:1, b:1}, search: 'blah'}}");
+ assertNumSolutions(1);
+ // Missing a.
+ runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{b:1, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
+ // Missing b.
+ runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{a:1, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
+ // a is not a point
+ runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{a:{$gt: 1}, b:1, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
+ // b is not a point
+ runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{a:1, b:{$gt: 1}, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
+// And, suffixes. They're optional and don't need to be points.
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, SuffixOptional) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1 << "b" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a:1, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1);
+ assertSolutionExists("{text: {prefix: {a:1}, search: 'blah'}}}}");
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a:1, b:{$gt: 7}, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
+ assertSolutionExists("{text: {prefix: {a:1}, filter: {b: {$gt: 7}}, search: 'blah'}}}}");
+ assertNumSolutions(1);
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, RemoveFromSubtree) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1 << "b" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a:1, $or: [{a:1}, {b:7}], $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1);
+ assertSolutionExists(
+ "{fetch: {filter: {$or:[{a:1},{b:7}]},"
+ "node: {text: {prefix: {a:1}, search: 'blah'}}}}");
+// Text is quite often multikey. None of the prefixes can be arrays, and suffixes are indexed
+// as-is, so we should compound even if it's multikey.
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CompoundPrefixEvenIfMultikey) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1),
+ true);
+ // Both points.
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a:1, b:1, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1);
+ assertSolutionExists("{text: {prefix: {a:1, b:1}, search: 'blah'}}");
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, IndexOnOwnFieldButNotLeafPrefix) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1 << "b" << 1));
+ // 'a' is not an EQ so it doesn't compound w/the text pred. We also shouldn't use the text
+ // index to satisfy it w/o the text query.
+ runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{a:{$elemMatch:{$gt: 0, $lt: 2}}, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, IndexOnOwnFieldButNotLeafSuffixNoPrefix) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1 << "b" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson("{b:{$elemMatch:{$gt: 0, $lt: 2}}, $text:{$search: 'blah'}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1);
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideAndWithCompoundIndex) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson("{$and: [{a: 3}, {$text: {$search: 'foo'}}], a: 3}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{text: {prefix: {a:3}, search: 'foo'}}");
+// SERVER-15639: Test that predicates on index prefix fields which are not assigned to the index
+// prefix are correctly included in the solution node filter.
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideAndWithCompoundIndexAndMultiplePredsOnIndexPrefix) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson("{$and: [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {$text: {$search: 'foo'}}]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{text: {prefix: {a: 1}, search: 'foo', filter: {a: 2}}}");
+// SERVER-13039: Test that we don't generate invalid solutions when the TEXT node
+// is buried beneath a logical node.
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideOrBasic) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1));
+ addIndex(BSON("_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a: 0, $or: [{_id: 1}, {$text: {$search: 'foo'}}]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists(
+ "{fetch: {filter: {a:0}, node: {or: {nodes: ["
+ "{text: {search: 'foo'}}, "
+ "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {_id: 1}}}]}}}}");
+// SERVER-13039
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideOrWithAnotherOr) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1));
+ addIndex(BSON("_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson(
+ "{$and: [{$or: [{a: 3}, {a: 4}]}, "
+ "{$or: [{$text: {$search: 'foo'}}, {a: 5}]}]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists(
+ "{fetch: {filter: {$or: [{a: 3}, {a: 4}]}, node: "
+ "{or: {nodes: ["
+ "{text: {search: 'foo'}}, "
+ "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {a: 1}}}]}}}}");
+// SERVER-13039
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideOrOfAnd) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1));
+ addIndex(BSON("_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson(
+ "{$or: [{a: {$gt: 1, $gt: 2}}, "
+ "{a: {$gt: 3}, $text: {$search: 'foo'}}]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists(
+ "{fetch: {filter: null, node: {or: {nodes: ["
+ "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {a:1}, bounds: "
+ "{a: [[2,Infinity,false,true]]}}}, "
+ "{fetch: {filter: {a:{$gt:3}}, node: "
+ "{text: {search: 'foo'}}}}]}}}}");
+// SERVER-13039
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideAndOrAnd) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1));
+ addIndex(BSON("b" << 1));
+ addIndex(BSON("_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson(
+ "{a: 1, $or: [{a:2}, {b:2}, "
+ "{a: 1, $text: {$search: 'foo'}}]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists(
+ "{fetch: {filter: {a:1}, node: {or: {nodes: ["
+ "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {a:1}}}, "
+ "{fetch: {filter: {a:1}, node: {text: {search: 'foo'}}}}, "
+ "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {b:1}}}]}}}}");
+// SERVER-13039
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideAndOrAndOr) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1));
+ addIndex(BSON("_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson(
+ "{$or: [{a: {$gt: 1, $gt: 2}}, "
+ "{a: {$gt: 3}, $or: [{$text: {$search: 'foo'}}, "
+ "{a: 6}]}], "
+ "a: 5}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists(
+ "{fetch: {filter: {a:5}, node: {or: {nodes: ["
+ "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {a: 1}}}, "
+ "{fetch: {filter: {a:{$gt:3}}, node: {or: {nodes: ["
+ "{text: {search: 'foo'}}, "
+ "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {a: 1}}}]}}}}]}}}}");
+// If only one branch of the $or can be indexed, then no indexed
+// solutions are generated, even if one branch is $text.
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideOrOneBranchNotIndexed) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1));
+ addIndex(BSON("_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a: 1, $or: [{b: 2}, {$text: {$search: 'foo'}}]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(0);
+// If the unindexable $or is not the one containing the $text predicate,
+// then we should still be able to generate an indexed solution.
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextInsideOrWithAnotherUnindexableOr) {
+ params.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1));
+ addIndex(BSON("_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson(
+ "{$and: [{$or: [{a: 1}, {b: 1}]}, "
+ "{$or: [{a: 2}, {$text: {$search: 'foo'}}]}]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists(
+ "{fetch: {filter: {$or:[{a:1},{b:1}]}, node: {or: {nodes: ["
+ "{text: {search: 'foo'}}, "
+ "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {a:1}}}]}}}}");
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, AndTextWithGeoNonNear) {
+ addIndex(BSON("_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson(
+ "{$text: {$search: 'foo'}, a: {$geoIntersects: {$geometry: "
+ "{type: 'Point', coordinates: [3.0, 1.0]}}}}"));
+ // Mandatory text index is used, and geo predicate becomes a filter.
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {text: {search: 'foo'}}}}");
+// SERVER-13960: $text beneath $or with exact predicates.
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, OrTextExact) {
+ addIndex(BSON("pre" << 1 << "_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ addIndex(BSON("other" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson("{$or: [{$text: {$search: 'dave'}, pre: 3}, {other: 2}]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists(
+ "{fetch: {filter: null, node: {or: {nodes: ["
+ "{text: {search: 'dave', prefix: {pre: 3}}},"
+ "{ixscan: {filter: null, pattern: {other: 1}}}]}}}}");
+// SERVER-13960: $text beneath $or with an inexact covered predicate.
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, OrTextInexactCovered) {
+ addIndex(BSON("pre" << 1 << "_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ addIndex(BSON("other" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson("{$or: [{$text: {$search: 'dave'}, pre: 3}, {other: /bar/}]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists(
+ "{fetch: {filter: null, node: {or: {nodes: ["
+ "{text: {search: 'dave', prefix: {pre: 3}}},"
+ "{ixscan: {filter: {$or: [{other: /bar/}]}, "
+ "pattern: {other: 1}}}]}}}}");
+TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TextCaseSensitive) {
+ addIndex(BSON("_fts"
+ << "text"
+ << "_ftsx" << 1));
+ runQuery(fromjson("{$text: {$search: 'blah', $caseSensitive: true}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1);
+ assertSolutionExists("{text: {search: 'blah', caseSensitive: true}}");
} // namespace