path: root/src/mongo/db/query/type_explain.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/query/type_explain.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 807 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/type_explain.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/type_explain.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 329eb1dcb28..00000000000
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/type_explain.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,807 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2013 10gen Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- *
- * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
- * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
- * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
- * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
- * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects
- * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify
- * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
- * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not
- * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you
- * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program,
- * then also delete it in the license file.
- */
-// THIS FILE IS DEPRECATED -- the old explain implementation is being replaced
-#include "mongo/db/query/type_explain.h"
-#include "mongo/db/field_parser.h"
-#include "mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h"
-namespace mongo {
- // TODO: This doesn't need to be so complicated or serializable. Let's throw this out when we
- // move to explain V2
- using mongoutils::str::stream;
- const BSONField<std::vector<TypeExplain*> > TypeExplain::clauses("clauses");
- const BSONField<std::string> TypeExplain::cursor("cursor");
- const BSONField<bool> TypeExplain::isMultiKey("isMultiKey");
- const BSONField<long long> TypeExplain::n("n", 0);
- const BSONField<long long> TypeExplain::nScannedObjects("nscannedObjects", 0);
- const BSONField<long long> TypeExplain::nScanned("nscanned", 0);
- const BSONField<long long> TypeExplain::nScannedObjectsAllPlans("nscannedObjectsAllPlans");
- const BSONField<long long> TypeExplain::nScannedAllPlans("nscannedAllPlans");
- const BSONField<bool> TypeExplain::scanAndOrder("scanAndOrder");
- const BSONField<bool> TypeExplain::indexOnly("indexOnly");
- const BSONField<long long> TypeExplain::nYields("nYields");
- const BSONField<long long> TypeExplain::nChunkSkips("nChunkSkips");
- const BSONField<long long> TypeExplain::millis("millis");
- const BSONField<BSONObj> TypeExplain::indexBounds("indexBounds");
- const BSONField<std::vector<TypeExplain*> > TypeExplain::allPlans("allPlans");
- const BSONField<TypeExplain*> TypeExplain::oldPlan("oldPlan");
- const BSONField<bool> TypeExplain::indexFilterApplied("filterSet");
- const BSONField<std::string> TypeExplain::server("server");
- TypeExplain::TypeExplain() {
- clear();
- }
- TypeExplain::~TypeExplain() {
- unsetClauses();
- unsetAllPlans();
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isValid(std::string* errMsg) const {
- std::string dummy;
- if (errMsg == NULL) {
- errMsg = &dummy;
- }
- // All the mandatory fields must be present.
- if (!_isNSet) {
- *errMsg = stream() << "missing " << << " field";
- return false;
- }
- if (!_isNScannedObjectsSet) {
- *errMsg = stream() << "missing " << << " field";
- return false;
- }
- if (!_isNScannedSet) {
- *errMsg = stream() << "missing " << << " field";
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- BSONObj TypeExplain::toBSON() const {
- BSONObjBuilder builder;
- if (_clauses.get()) {
- BSONArrayBuilder clausesBuilder(builder.subarrayStart(clauses()));
- for (std::vector<TypeExplain*>::const_iterator it = _clauses->begin();
- it != _clauses->end();
- ++it) {
- BSONObj clausesDocument = (*it)->toBSON();
- clausesBuilder.append(clausesDocument);
- }
- clausesBuilder.done();
- }
- if (_isCursorSet) builder.append(cursor(), _cursor);
- if (_isIsMultiKeySet) builder.append(isMultiKey(), _isMultiKey);
- if (_isNSet) {
- builder.appendNumber(n(), _n);
- }
- else {
- builder.appendNumber(n(), n.getDefault());
- }
- if (_isNScannedObjectsSet) {
- builder.appendNumber(nScannedObjects(), _nScannedObjects);
- }
- else {
- builder.appendNumber(nScannedObjects(), nScannedObjects.getDefault());
- }
- if (_isNScannedSet) {
- builder.appendNumber(nScanned(), _nScanned);
- }
- else {
- builder.appendNumber(nScanned(), nScanned.getDefault());
- }
- if (_isNScannedObjectsAllPlansSet)
- builder.appendNumber(nScannedObjectsAllPlans(), _nScannedObjectsAllPlans);
- if (_isNScannedAllPlansSet) builder.appendNumber(nScannedAllPlans(), _nScannedAllPlans);
- if (_isScanAndOrderSet) builder.append(scanAndOrder(), _scanAndOrder);
- if (_isIndexOnlySet) builder.append(indexOnly(), _indexOnly);
- if (_isNYieldsSet) builder.appendNumber(nYields(), _nYields);
- if (_isNChunkSkipsSet) builder.appendNumber(nChunkSkips(), _nChunkSkips);
- if (_isMillisSet) builder.appendNumber(millis(), _millis);
- if (_isIndexBoundsSet) builder.append(indexBounds(), _indexBounds);
- if (_allPlans.get()) {
- BSONArrayBuilder allPlansBuilder(builder.subarrayStart(allPlans()));
- for (std::vector<TypeExplain*>::const_iterator it = _allPlans->begin();
- it != _allPlans->end();
- ++it) {
- BSONObj allPlansObject = (*it)->toBSON();
- allPlansBuilder.append(allPlansObject);
- }
- allPlansBuilder.done();
- }
- if (_oldPlan.get()) builder.append(oldPlan(), _oldPlan->toBSON());
- if (_isServerSet) builder.append(server(), _server);
- if (_isIndexFilterAppliedSet) builder.append(indexFilterApplied(), _indexFilterApplied);
- // Add this at the end as it can be huge
- if (!stats.isEmpty()) {
- builder.append("stats", stats);
- }
- return builder.obj();
- }
- bool TypeExplain::parseBSON(const BSONObj& source, string* errMsg) {
- clear();
- std::string dummy;
- if (!errMsg) errMsg = &dummy;
- FieldParser::FieldState fieldState;
- std::vector<TypeExplain*>* bareClauses = NULL;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, clauses, &bareClauses, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET) _clauses.reset(bareClauses);
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, cursor, &_cursor, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- _isCursorSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, isMultiKey, &_isMultiKey, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- _isIsMultiKeySet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, n, &_n, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- _isNSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, nScannedObjects, &_nScannedObjects, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- _isNScannedObjectsSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, nScanned, &_nScanned, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- _isNScannedSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source,
- nScannedObjectsAllPlans,
- &_nScannedObjectsAllPlans,
- errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- _isNScannedObjectsAllPlansSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, nScannedAllPlans, &_nScannedAllPlans, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- _isNScannedAllPlansSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, scanAndOrder, &_scanAndOrder, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- _isScanAndOrderSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, indexOnly, &_indexOnly, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- _isIndexOnlySet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, nYields, &_nYields, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- _isNYieldsSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, nChunkSkips, &_nChunkSkips, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- _isNChunkSkipsSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, millis, &_millis, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- _isMillisSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, indexBounds, &_indexBounds, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- _isIndexBoundsSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
- std::vector<TypeExplain*>* bareAllPlans = NULL;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, allPlans, &bareAllPlans, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET) _allPlans.reset(bareAllPlans);
- TypeExplain* bareOldPlan = NULL;
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, oldPlan, &bareOldPlan, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET) _oldPlan.reset(bareOldPlan);
- fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, server, &_server, errMsg);
- if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
- _isServerSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
- return true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::clear() {
- unsetClauses();
- _cursor.clear();
- _isCursorSet = false;
- _isMultiKey = false;
- _isIsMultiKeySet = false;
- _n = 0;
- _isNSet = false;
- _nScannedObjects = 0;
- _isNScannedObjectsSet = false;
- _nScanned = 0;
- _isNScannedSet = false;
- _nScannedObjectsAllPlans = 0;
- _isNScannedObjectsAllPlansSet = false;
- _nScannedAllPlans = 0;
- _isNScannedAllPlansSet = false;
- _scanAndOrder = false;
- _isScanAndOrderSet = false;
- _indexOnly = false;
- _isIndexOnlySet = false;
- _idHack = false;
- _isIDHackSet = false;
- _indexFilterApplied = false;
- _isIndexFilterAppliedSet = false;
- _nYields = 0;
- _isNYieldsSet = false;
- _nChunkSkips = 0;
- _isNChunkSkipsSet = false;
- _millis = 0;
- _isMillisSet = false;
- _indexBounds = BSONObj();
- _isIndexBoundsSet = false;
- unsetAllPlans();
- unsetOldPlan();
- _server.clear();
- _isServerSet = false;
- }
- void TypeExplain::cloneTo(TypeExplain* other) const {
- other->clear();
- other->unsetClauses();
- if (_clauses.get()) {
- for(std::vector<TypeExplain*>::const_iterator it = _clauses->begin();
- it != _clauses->end();
- ++it) {
- TypeExplain* clausesItem = new TypeExplain;
- (*it)->cloneTo(clausesItem);
- other->addToClauses(clausesItem);
- }
- }
- other->_cursor = _cursor;
- other->_isCursorSet = _isCursorSet;
- other->_isMultiKey = _isMultiKey;
- other->_isIsMultiKeySet = _isIsMultiKeySet;
- other->_n = _n;
- other->_isNSet = _isNSet;
- other->_nScannedObjects = _nScannedObjects;
- other->_isNScannedObjectsSet = _isNScannedObjectsSet;
- other->_nScanned = _nScanned;
- other->_isNScannedSet = _isNScannedSet;
- other->_nScannedObjectsAllPlans = _nScannedObjectsAllPlans;
- other->_isNScannedObjectsAllPlansSet = _isNScannedObjectsAllPlansSet;
- other->_nScannedAllPlans = _nScannedAllPlans;
- other->_isNScannedAllPlansSet = _isNScannedAllPlansSet;
- other->_scanAndOrder = _scanAndOrder;
- other->_isScanAndOrderSet = _isScanAndOrderSet;
- other->_indexOnly = _indexOnly;
- other->_isIndexOnlySet = _isIndexOnlySet;
- other->_idHack = _idHack;
- other->_isIDHackSet = _isIDHackSet;
- other->_indexFilterApplied = _indexFilterApplied;
- other->_isIndexFilterAppliedSet = _isIndexFilterAppliedSet;
- other->_nYields = _nYields;
- other->_isNYieldsSet = _isNYieldsSet;
- other->_nChunkSkips = _nChunkSkips;
- other->_isNChunkSkipsSet = _isNChunkSkipsSet;
- other->_millis = _millis;
- other->_isMillisSet = _isMillisSet;
- other->_indexBounds = _indexBounds;
- other->_isIndexBoundsSet = _isIndexBoundsSet;
- other->unsetAllPlans();
- if (_allPlans.get()) {
- for(std::vector<TypeExplain*>::const_iterator it = _allPlans->begin();
- it != _allPlans->end();
- ++it) {
- TypeExplain* allPlansItem = new TypeExplain;
- (*it)->cloneTo(allPlansItem);
- other->addToAllPlans(allPlansItem);
- }
- }
- other->unsetOldPlan();
- if (_oldPlan.get()) {
- TypeExplain* oldPlanCopy = new TypeExplain;
- _oldPlan->cloneTo(oldPlanCopy);
- other->setOldPlan(oldPlanCopy);
- }
- other->_server = _server;
- other->_isServerSet = _isServerSet;
- }
- std::string TypeExplain::toString() const {
- return toBSON().toString();
- }
- void TypeExplain::setClauses(const std::vector<TypeExplain*>& clauses) {
- unsetClauses();
- for(std::vector<TypeExplain*>::const_iterator it = clauses.begin();
- it != clauses.end();
- ++it) {
- TypeExplain* clausesItem = new TypeExplain;
- (*it)->cloneTo(clausesItem);
- addToClauses(clausesItem);
- }
- }
- void TypeExplain::addToClauses(TypeExplain* clauses) {
- if (_clauses.get() == NULL) {
- _clauses.reset(new std::vector<TypeExplain*>);
- }
- _clauses->push_back(clauses);
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetClauses() {
- if (_clauses.get()) {
- for(std::vector<TypeExplain*>::const_iterator it = _clauses->begin();
- it != _clauses->end();
- ++it) {
- delete *it;
- }
- }
- _clauses.reset();
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isClausesSet() const {
- return _clauses.get() != NULL;
- }
- size_t TypeExplain::sizeClauses() const {
- verify(_clauses.get());
- return _clauses->size();
- }
- const std::vector<TypeExplain*>& TypeExplain::getClauses() const {
- verify(_clauses.get());
- return *_clauses;
- }
- const TypeExplain* TypeExplain::getClausesAt(size_t pos) const {
- verify(_clauses.get());
- verify(_clauses->size() > pos);
- return _clauses->at(pos);
- }
- void TypeExplain::setCursor(const StringData& cursor) {
- _cursor = cursor.toString();
- _isCursorSet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetCursor() {
- _isCursorSet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isCursorSet() const {
- return _isCursorSet;
- }
- const std::string& TypeExplain::getCursor() const {
- verify(_isCursorSet);
- return _cursor;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setIsMultiKey(bool isMultiKey) {
- _isMultiKey = isMultiKey;
- _isIsMultiKeySet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetIsMultiKey() {
- _isIsMultiKeySet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isIsMultiKeySet() const {
- return _isIsMultiKeySet;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::getIsMultiKey() const {
- verify(_isIsMultiKeySet);
- return _isMultiKey;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setN(long long n) {
- _n = n;
- _isNSet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetN() {
- _isNSet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isNSet() const {
- return _isNSet;
- }
- long long TypeExplain::getN() const {
- verify(_isNSet);
- return _n;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setNScannedObjects(long long nScannedObjects) {
- _nScannedObjects = nScannedObjects;
- _isNScannedObjectsSet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetNScannedObjects() {
- _isNScannedObjectsSet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isNScannedObjectsSet() const {
- return _isNScannedObjectsSet;
- }
- long long TypeExplain::getNScannedObjects() const {
- verify(_isNScannedObjectsSet);
- return _nScannedObjects;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setNScanned(long long nScanned) {
- _nScanned = nScanned;
- _isNScannedSet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetNScanned() {
- _isNScannedSet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isNScannedSet() const {
- return _isNScannedSet;
- }
- long long TypeExplain::getNScanned() const {
- verify(_isNScannedSet);
- return _nScanned;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setNScannedObjectsAllPlans(long long nScannedObjectsAllPlans) {
- _nScannedObjectsAllPlans = nScannedObjectsAllPlans;
- _isNScannedObjectsAllPlansSet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetNScannedObjectsAllPlans() {
- _isNScannedObjectsAllPlansSet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isNScannedObjectsAllPlansSet() const {
- return _isNScannedObjectsAllPlansSet;
- }
- long long TypeExplain::getNScannedObjectsAllPlans() const {
- verify(_isNScannedObjectsAllPlansSet);
- return _nScannedObjectsAllPlans;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setNScannedAllPlans(long long nScannedAllPlans) {
- _nScannedAllPlans = nScannedAllPlans;
- _isNScannedAllPlansSet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetNScannedAllPlans() {
- _isNScannedAllPlansSet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isNScannedAllPlansSet() const {
- return _isNScannedAllPlansSet;
- }
- long long TypeExplain::getNScannedAllPlans() const {
- verify(_isNScannedAllPlansSet);
- return _nScannedAllPlans;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setScanAndOrder(bool scanAndOrder) {
- _scanAndOrder = scanAndOrder;
- _isScanAndOrderSet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetScanAndOrder() {
- _isScanAndOrderSet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isScanAndOrderSet() const {
- return _isScanAndOrderSet;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::getScanAndOrder() const {
- verify(_isScanAndOrderSet);
- return _scanAndOrder;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setIndexOnly(bool indexOnly) {
- _indexOnly = indexOnly;
- _isIndexOnlySet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetIndexOnly() {
- _isIndexOnlySet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isIndexOnlySet() const {
- return _isIndexOnlySet;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::getIndexOnly() const {
- verify(_isIndexOnlySet);
- return _indexOnly;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setIDHack(bool idhack) {
- _idHack = idhack;
- _isIDHackSet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetIDHack() {
- _isIDHackSet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isIDHackSet() const {
- return _isIDHackSet;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::getIDHack() const {
- verify(_isIDHackSet);
- return _idHack;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setIndexFilterApplied(bool indexFilterApplied) {
- _indexFilterApplied = indexFilterApplied;
- _isIndexFilterAppliedSet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetIndexFilterApplied() {
- _isIndexFilterAppliedSet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isIndexFilterAppliedSet() const {
- return _isIndexFilterAppliedSet;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::getIndexFilterApplied() const {
- verify(_isIndexFilterAppliedSet);
- return _indexFilterApplied;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setNYields(long long nYields) {
- _nYields = nYields;
- _isNYieldsSet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetNYields() {
- _isNYieldsSet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isNYieldsSet() const {
- return _isNYieldsSet;
- }
- long long TypeExplain::getNYields() const {
- verify(_isNYieldsSet);
- return _nYields;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setNChunkSkips(long long nChunkSkips) {
- _nChunkSkips = nChunkSkips;
- _isNChunkSkipsSet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetNChunkSkips() {
- _isNChunkSkipsSet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isNChunkSkipsSet() const {
- return _isNChunkSkipsSet;
- }
- long long TypeExplain::getNChunkSkips() const {
- verify(_isNChunkSkipsSet);
- return _nChunkSkips;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setMillis(long long millis) {
- _millis = millis;
- _isMillisSet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetMillis() {
- _isMillisSet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isMillisSet() const {
- return _isMillisSet;
- }
- long long TypeExplain::getMillis() const {
- verify(_isMillisSet);
- return _millis;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setIndexBounds(const BSONObj& indexBounds) {
- _indexBounds = indexBounds.getOwned();
- _isIndexBoundsSet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetIndexBounds() {
- _isIndexBoundsSet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isIndexBoundsSet() const {
- return _isIndexBoundsSet;
- }
- const BSONObj& TypeExplain::getIndexBounds() const {
- verify(_isIndexBoundsSet);
- return _indexBounds;
- }
- void TypeExplain::setAllPlans(const std::vector<TypeExplain*>& allPlans) {
- unsetAllPlans();
- for (std::vector<TypeExplain*>::const_iterator it = allPlans.begin();
- it != allPlans.end();
- ++it) {
- TypeExplain* allPlansItem = new TypeExplain;
- (*it)->cloneTo(allPlansItem);
- addToClauses(allPlansItem);
- }
- }
- void TypeExplain::addToAllPlans(TypeExplain* allPlans) {
- if (_allPlans.get() == NULL) {
- _allPlans.reset(new std::vector<TypeExplain*>);
- }
- _allPlans->push_back(allPlans);
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetAllPlans() {
- if (_allPlans.get()) {
- for (std::vector<TypeExplain*>::const_iterator it = _allPlans->begin();
- it != _allPlans->end();
- ++it) {
- delete *it;
- }
- _allPlans.reset();
- }
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isAllPlansSet() const {
- return _allPlans.get() != NULL;
- }
- size_t TypeExplain::sizeAllPlans() const {
- verify(_allPlans.get());
- return _allPlans->size();
- }
- const std::vector<TypeExplain*>& TypeExplain::getAllPlans() const {
- verify(_allPlans.get());
- return *_allPlans;
- }
- const TypeExplain* TypeExplain::getAllPlansAt(size_t pos) const {
- verify(_allPlans.get());
- verify(_allPlans->size() > pos);
- return _allPlans->at(pos);
- }
- void TypeExplain::setOldPlan(TypeExplain* oldPlan) {
- _oldPlan.reset(oldPlan);
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetOldPlan() {
- _oldPlan.reset();
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isOldPlanSet() const {
- return _oldPlan.get() != NULL;
- }
- const TypeExplain* TypeExplain::getOldPlan() const {
- verify(_oldPlan.get());
- return _oldPlan.get();
- }
- void TypeExplain::setServer(const StringData& server) {
- _server = server.toString();
- _isServerSet = true;
- }
- void TypeExplain::unsetServer() {
- _isServerSet = false;
- }
- bool TypeExplain::isServerSet() const {
- return _isServerSet;
- }
- const std::string& TypeExplain::getServer() const {
- verify(_isServerSet);
- return _server;
- }
-} // namespace mongo