path: root/src/mongo/db/range_deleter_test.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/range_deleter_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 255 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/range_deleter_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/range_deleter_test.cpp
index 71bcb5e2267..49f5fdb12c2 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/range_deleter_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/range_deleter_test.cpp
@@ -398,259 +398,4 @@ namespace {
- // Should not be able to delete ranges that overlaps with a black listed range.
- TEST(BlackList, CantDeleteBlackListed) {
- boost::scoped_ptr<mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock> mock(
- new mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock(replSettings));
- mongo::repl::setGlobalReplicationCoordinator(mock.get());
- RangeDeleterMockEnv* env = new RangeDeleterMockEnv();
- RangeDeleter deleter(env);
- deleter.startWorkers();
- const string ns("test.user");
- string errMsg;
- ASSERT_TRUE(deleter.addToBlackList(ns, BSON("x" << 100), BSON("x" << 200), &errMsg));
- ASSERT_TRUE(errMsg.empty());
- errMsg.clear();
- ASSERT_FALSE(deleter.queueDelete(RangeDeleterOptions(KeyRange(ns,
- BSON("x" << 120),
- BSON("x" << 140),
- BSON("x" << 1))),
- NULL /* notifier not needed */,
- &errMsg));
- ASSERT_FALSE(errMsg.empty());
- errMsg.clear();
- ASSERT_FALSE(deleter.deleteNow(noTxn,
- RangeDeleterOptions(KeyRange(ns,
- BSON("x" << 120),
- BSON("x" << 140),
- BSON("x" << 1))),
- &errMsg));
- ASSERT_FALSE(errMsg.empty());
- ASSERT_FALSE(env->deleteOccured());
- deleter.stopWorkers();
- }
- // Should not be able to black list a range that overlaps with a range that is
- // already blacklisted.
- TEST(BlackList, CantDoubleBlackList) {
- boost::scoped_ptr<mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock> mock(
- new mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock(replSettings));
- mongo::repl::setGlobalReplicationCoordinator(mock.get());
- RangeDeleterMockEnv* env = new RangeDeleterMockEnv();
- RangeDeleter deleter(env);
- const string ns("test.user");
- string errMsg;
- ASSERT_TRUE(deleter.addToBlackList(ns, BSON("x" << 100), BSON("x" << 200), &errMsg));
- ASSERT_TRUE(errMsg.empty());
- errMsg.clear();
- ASSERT_FALSE(deleter.addToBlackList(ns, BSON("x" << 100), BSON("x" << 200), &errMsg));
- ASSERT_FALSE(errMsg.empty());
- errMsg.clear();
- ASSERT_FALSE(deleter.addToBlackList(ns, BSON("x" << 80), BSON("x" << 120), &errMsg));
- ASSERT_FALSE(errMsg.empty());
- deleter.stopWorkers();
- mongo::repl::setGlobalReplicationCoordinator(NULL);
- }
- // Should not be able to black list a range that overlaps with a range that is already
- // queued for deletion.
- TEST(BlackList, CantBlackListQueued) {
- boost::scoped_ptr<mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock> mock(
- new mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock(replSettings));
- mongo::repl::setGlobalReplicationCoordinator(mock.get());
- RangeDeleterMockEnv* env = new RangeDeleterMockEnv();
- RangeDeleter deleter(env);
- const string ns("test.user");
- deleter.startWorkers();
- // Set cursors on NS so deletes cannot be processed immediately.
- env->addCursorId(ns, 58);
- Notification notifyDone;
- deleter.queueDelete(RangeDeleterOptions(KeyRange(ns,
- BSON("x" << 0),
- BSON("x" << 10),
- BSON("x" << 1))),
- &notifyDone,
- NULL /* errMsg not needed */);
- string errMsg;
- ASSERT_FALSE(deleter.addToBlackList(ns, BSON("x" << 5), BSON("x" << 15), &errMsg));
- ASSERT_FALSE(errMsg.empty());
- env->removeCursorId(ns, 58);
- notifyDone.waitToBeNotified();
- // But should be able to black list again once removed from the queue.
- errMsg.clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(deleter.addToBlackList(ns, BSON("x" << 5), BSON("x" << 15), &errMsg));
- ASSERT_TRUE(errMsg.empty());
- deleter.stopWorkers();
- mongo::repl::setGlobalReplicationCoordinator(NULL);
- }
- // Should not be able to black list a range that overlaps the range of an
- // immediate delete that is currently in progress.
- TEST(BlackList, CantBlackListImmediateInProgress) {
- boost::scoped_ptr<mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock> mock(
- new mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock(replSettings));
- mongo::repl::setGlobalReplicationCoordinator(mock.get());
- RangeDeleterMockEnv* env = new RangeDeleterMockEnv();
- RangeDeleter deleter(env);
- const string ns("test.user");
- env->pauseDeletes();
- string delErrMsg;
- boost::thread deleterThread =
- boost::thread(mongo::stdx::bind(rangeDeleterDeleteNow,
- &deleter,
- noTxn,
- RangeDeleterOptions(KeyRange(ns,
- BSON("x" << 64),
- BSON("x" << 70),
- BSON("x" << 1))),
- &delErrMsg));
- env->waitForNthPausedDelete(1u);
- string blErrMsg;
- ASSERT_FALSE(deleter.addToBlackList(ns, BSON("x" << 10), BSON("x" << 90), &blErrMsg));
- ASSERT_FALSE(blErrMsg.empty());
- env->resumeOneDelete();
- deleterThread.join();
- ASSERT_TRUE(delErrMsg.empty());
- // Can blacklist again after delete completed.
- blErrMsg.clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(deleter.addToBlackList(ns, BSON("x" << 10), BSON("x" << 90), &blErrMsg));
- ASSERT_TRUE(blErrMsg.empty());
- deleter.stopWorkers();
- mongo::repl::setGlobalReplicationCoordinator(NULL);
- }
- // Undo black list should only work if the range given exactly match with an
- // existing black listed range.
- TEST(BlackList, UndoShouldBeExact) {
- boost::scoped_ptr<mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock> mock(
- new mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock(replSettings));
- mongo::repl::setGlobalReplicationCoordinator(mock.get());
- RangeDeleterMockEnv* env = new RangeDeleterMockEnv();
- RangeDeleter deleter(env);
- const string ns("test.user");
- ASSERT_TRUE(deleter.addToBlackList(ns, BSON("x" << 1234), BSON("x" << 8952),
- NULL /* errMsg not needed */));
- ASSERT_FALSE(deleter.removeFromBlackList(ns, BSON("x" << 1234), BSON("x" << 9000)));
- // Range should still be blacklisted
- ASSERT_FALSE(deleter.deleteNow(noTxn,
- RangeDeleterOptions(KeyRange(ns,
- BSON("x" << 2000),
- BSON("x" << 4000),
- BSON("x" << 1))),
- NULL /* errMsg not needed */));
- deleter.stopWorkers();
- }
- // Should be able to delete the range again once the black list has been undone.
- TEST(BlackList, UndoBlackList) {
- boost::scoped_ptr<mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock> mock(
- new mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock(replSettings));
- mongo::repl::setGlobalReplicationCoordinator(mock.get());
- RangeDeleterMockEnv* env = new RangeDeleterMockEnv();
- RangeDeleter deleter(env);
- const string ns("test.user");
- string errMsg;
- ASSERT_TRUE(deleter.addToBlackList(ns, BSON("x" << 500), BSON("x" << 801), &errMsg));
- ASSERT_TRUE(errMsg.empty());
- errMsg.clear();
- ASSERT_FALSE(deleter.deleteNow(noTxn,
- RangeDeleterOptions(KeyRange(ns,
- BSON("x" << 600),
- BSON("x" << 700),
- BSON("x" << 1))),
- &errMsg));
- ASSERT_FALSE(errMsg.empty());
- ASSERT_TRUE(deleter.removeFromBlackList(ns, BSON("x" << 500), BSON("x" << 801)));
- errMsg.clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(deleter.deleteNow(noTxn,
- RangeDeleterOptions(KeyRange(ns,
- BSON("x" << 600),
- BSON("x" << 700),
- BSON("x" << 1))),
- &errMsg));
- ASSERT_TRUE(errMsg.empty());
- deleter.stopWorkers();
- mongo::repl::setGlobalReplicationCoordinator(NULL);
- }
- // Black listing should only affect the specified namespace.
- TEST(BlackList, NSIsolation) {
- boost::scoped_ptr<mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock> mock(
- new mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock(replSettings));
- mongo::repl::setGlobalReplicationCoordinator(mock.get());
- RangeDeleterMockEnv* env = new RangeDeleterMockEnv();
- RangeDeleter deleter(env);
- deleter.addToBlackList("", BSON("x" << 100), BSON("x" << 200),
- NULL /* errMsg not needed */);
- ASSERT_TRUE(deleter.deleteNow(noTxn,
- RangeDeleterOptions(KeyRange("test.user",
- BSON("x" << 120),
- BSON("x" << 140),
- BSON("x" << 1))),
- NULL /* errMsg not needed */));
- deleter.stopWorkers();
- mongo::repl::setGlobalReplicationCoordinator(NULL);
- }
} // unnamed namespace