path: root/src/mongo/db/repl.h
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1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/repl.h b/src/mongo/db/repl.h
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index 00000000000..83242d0a4ce
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+++ b/src/mongo/db/repl.h
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+// repl.h - replication
+* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+/* replication data overview
+ at the slave:
+ local.sources { host: ..., source: ..., only: ..., syncedTo: ..., localLogTs: ..., dbsNextPass: { ... }, incompleteCloneDbs: { ... } }
+ at the master:
+ local.oplog.$<source>
+#pragma once
+#include "pdfile.h"
+#include "db.h"
+#include "dbhelpers.h"
+#include "../client/dbclient.h"
+#include "../util/optime.h"
+#include "oplog.h"
+#include "../util/concurrency/thread_pool.h"
+#include "oplogreader.h"
+#include "cloner.h"
+namespace mongo {
+ /* replication slave? (possibly with slave)
+ --slave cmd line setting -> SimpleSlave
+ */
+ typedef enum { NotSlave=0, SimpleSlave } SlaveTypes;
+ class ReplSettings {
+ public:
+ SlaveTypes slave;
+ /** true means we are master and doing replication. if we are not writing to oplog, this won't be true. */
+ bool master;
+ bool fastsync;
+ bool autoresync;
+ int slavedelay;
+ set<string> discoveredSeeds;
+ mutex discoveredSeeds_mx;
+ BSONObj reconfig;
+ ReplSettings()
+ : slave(NotSlave),
+ master(false),
+ fastsync(),
+ autoresync(false),
+ slavedelay(),
+ discoveredSeeds(),
+ discoveredSeeds_mx("ReplSettings::discoveredSeeds") {
+ }
+ };
+ extern ReplSettings replSettings;
+ /* A replication exception */
+ class SyncException : public DBException {
+ public:
+ SyncException() : DBException( "sync exception" , 10001 ) {}
+ };
+ /* A Source is a source from which we can pull (replicate) data.
+ stored in collection local.sources.
+ Can be a group of things to replicate for several databases.
+ { host: ..., source: ..., only: ..., syncedTo: ..., dbsNextPass: { ... }, incompleteCloneDbs: { ... } }
+ 'source' defaults to 'main'; support for multiple source names is
+ not done (always use main for now).
+ */
+ class ReplSource {
+ shared_ptr<ThreadPool> tp;
+ void resync(string db);
+ /** @param alreadyLocked caller already put us in write lock if true */
+ void sync_pullOpLog_applyOperation(BSONObj& op, bool alreadyLocked);
+ /* pull some operations from the master's oplog, and apply them.
+ calls sync_pullOpLog_applyOperation
+ */
+ int sync_pullOpLog(int& nApplied);
+ /* we only clone one database per pass, even if a lot need done. This helps us
+ avoid overflowing the master's transaction log by doing too much work before going
+ back to read more transactions. (Imagine a scenario of slave startup where we try to
+ clone 100 databases in one pass.)
+ */
+ set<string> addDbNextPass;
+ set<string> incompleteCloneDbs;
+ ReplSource();
+ // returns the dummy ns used to do the drop
+ string resyncDrop( const char *db, const char *requester );
+ // call without the db mutex
+ void syncToTailOfRemoteLog();
+ string ns() const { return string( "local.oplog.$" ) + sourceName(); }
+ unsigned _sleepAdviceTime;
+ /**
+ * If 'db' is a new database and its name would conflict with that of
+ * an existing database, synchronize these database names with the
+ * master.
+ * @return true iff an op with the specified ns may be applied.
+ */
+ bool handleDuplicateDbName( const BSONObj &op, const char *ns, const char *db );
+ public:
+ OplogReader oplogReader;
+ void applyOperation(const BSONObj& op);
+ string hostName; // ip addr or hostname plus optionally, ":<port>"
+ string _sourceName; // a logical source name.
+ string sourceName() const { return _sourceName.empty() ? "main" : _sourceName; }
+ string only; // only a certain db. note that in the sources collection, this may not be changed once you start replicating.
+ /* the last time point we have already synced up to (in the remote/master's oplog). */
+ OpTime syncedTo;
+ int nClonedThisPass;
+ typedef vector< shared_ptr< ReplSource > > SourceVector;
+ static void loadAll(SourceVector&);
+ explicit ReplSource(BSONObj);
+ /* -1 = error */
+ int sync(int& nApplied);
+ void save(); // write ourself to local.sources
+ // make a jsobj from our member fields of the form
+ // { host: ..., source: ..., syncedTo: ... }
+ BSONObj jsobj();
+ bool operator==(const ReplSource&r) const {
+ return hostName == r.hostName && sourceName() == r.sourceName();
+ }
+ string toString() const { return sourceName() + "@" + hostName; }
+ bool haveMoreDbsToSync() const { return !addDbNextPass.empty(); }
+ int sleepAdvice() const {
+ if ( !_sleepAdviceTime )
+ return 0;
+ int wait = _sleepAdviceTime - unsigned( time( 0 ) );
+ return wait > 0 ? wait : 0;
+ }
+ static bool throttledForceResyncDead( const char *requester );
+ static void forceResyncDead( const char *requester );
+ void forceResync( const char *requester );
+ };
+ bool anyReplEnabled();
+ void appendReplicationInfo( BSONObjBuilder& result , bool authed , int level = 0 );
+ /**
+ * Helper class used to set and query an ignore state for a named database.
+ * The ignore state will expire after a specified OpTime.
+ */
+ class DatabaseIgnorer {
+ public:
+ /** Indicate that operations for 'db' should be ignored until after 'futureOplogTime' */
+ void doIgnoreUntilAfter( const string &db, const OpTime &futureOplogTime );
+ /**
+ * Query ignore state of 'db'; if 'currentOplogTime' is after the ignore
+ * limit, the ignore state will be cleared.
+ */
+ bool ignoreAt( const string &db, const OpTime &currentOplogTime );
+ private:
+ map< string, OpTime > _ignores;
+ };
+} // namespace mongo