path: root/src/mongo/db/storage/ephemeral_for_test/ephemeral_for_test_radix_store.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/storage/ephemeral_for_test/ephemeral_for_test_radix_store.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2507 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/storage/ephemeral_for_test/ephemeral_for_test_radix_store.h b/src/mongo/db/storage/ephemeral_for_test/ephemeral_for_test_radix_store.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c78498393b2..00000000000
--- a/src/mongo/db/storage/ephemeral_for_test/ephemeral_for_test_radix_store.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2507 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
- * as published by MongoDB, Inc.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Server Side Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see
- * <>.
- *
- * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
- * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
- * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
- * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
- * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for
- * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
- * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
- * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
- * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
- * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
- * it in the license file.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <array>
-#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/optional.hpp>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <exception>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "mongo/platform/atomic_word.h"
-#include "mongo/util/assert_util.h"
-namespace mongo {
-namespace ephemeral_for_test {
-class merge_conflict_exception : std::exception {
- virtual const char* what() const noexcept {
- return "conflicting changes prevent successful merge";
- }
-struct Metrics {
- AtomicWord<int64_t> totalMemory{0};
- AtomicWord<int32_t> totalNodes{0};
- AtomicWord<int32_t> totalChildren{0};
- void addMemory(size_t size) {
- totalMemory.fetchAndAdd(size);
- }
- void subtractMemory(size_t size) {
- totalMemory.fetchAndSubtract(size);
- }
-enum class NodeType : uint8_t { LEAF, NODE4, NODE16, NODE48, NODE256 };
- * RadixStore is a Trie data structure with the ability to share nodes among copies of trees to
- * minimize data duplication. Each node has a notion of ownership and if modifications are made to
- * non-uniquely owned nodes, they are copied to prevent dirtying the data for the other owners of
- * the node.
- */
-template <class Key, class T>
-class RadixStore {
- class Node;
- class Head;
- friend class RadixStoreTest;
- using mapped_type = T;
- using value_type = std::pair<const Key, mapped_type>;
- using allocator_type = std::allocator<value_type>;
- using pointer = typename std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>::pointer;
- using const_pointer = typename std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>::const_pointer;
- using size_type = std::size_t;
- using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
- using uint8_t = std::uint8_t;
- using node_ptr = boost::intrusive_ptr<Node>;
- using head_ptr = boost::intrusive_ptr<Head>;
- static constexpr uint8_t maxByte = 255;
- template <class pointer_type, class reference_type>
- class radix_iterator {
- friend class RadixStore;
- public:
- using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
- using value_type = typename RadixStore::value_type;
- using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
- using pointer = pointer_type;
- using reference = reference_type;
- radix_iterator() : _root(nullptr), _current(nullptr) {}
- ~radix_iterator() {
- updateTreeView(/*stopIfMultipleCursors=*/true);
- }
- radix_iterator(const radix_iterator& originalIterator) {
- _root = originalIterator._root;
- _current = originalIterator._current;
- }
- radix_iterator& operator=(const radix_iterator& originalIterator) {
- if (this != &originalIterator) {
- _root = originalIterator._root;
- _current = originalIterator._current;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- radix_iterator& operator=(radix_iterator&& originalIterator) {
- if (this != &originalIterator) {
- _root = std::move(originalIterator._root);
- _current = std::move(originalIterator._current);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- radix_iterator& operator++() {
- repositionIfChanged();
- _findNext();
- return *this;
- }
- radix_iterator operator++(int) {
- repositionIfChanged();
- radix_iterator old = *this;
- ++*this;
- return old;
- }
- bool operator==(const radix_iterator& other) const {
- repositionIfChanged();
- return _current == other._current;
- }
- bool operator!=(const radix_iterator& other) const {
- repositionIfChanged();
- return _current != other._current;
- }
- reference operator*() {
- repositionIfChanged();
- return *(_current->_data);
- }
- const_pointer operator->() {
- repositionIfChanged();
- return &*(_current->_data);
- }
- /**
- * Attempts to restore the iterator on its former position in the updated tree if the tree
- * has changed.
- *
- * If the former position has been erased, the iterator finds the next node. It is
- * possible that no next node is available, so at that point the cursor is exhausted and
- * points to the end.
- */
- void repositionIfChanged() const {
- if (!_current || !_root->_nextVersion)
- return;
- invariant(_current->_data);
- // Copy the key from _current before we move our _root reference.
- auto key = _current->_data->first;
- updateTreeView();
- RadixStore store(*_root);
- // Find the same or next node in the updated tree.
- _current = store.lower_bound(key)._current;
- }
- /*
- * Returns a reference to the current key without checking whether the current position has
- * been erased.
- */
- pointer currentRaw() const {
- if (!_current) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- return &(*_current->_data);
- }
- private:
- radix_iterator(const head_ptr& root) : _root(root), _current(nullptr) {}
- radix_iterator(const head_ptr& root, Node* current) : _root(root), _current(current) {}
- /**
- * This function traverses the tree to find the next left-most node with data. Modifies
- * '_current' to point to this node. It uses a pre-order traversal ('visit' the current
- * node itself then 'visit' the child subtrees from left to right).
- */
- void _findNext() {
- // If 'current' is a nullptr there is no next node to go to.
- if (_current == nullptr)
- return;
- // If 'current' is not a leaf, continue moving down and left in the tree until the next
- // node.
- if (!_current->isLeaf()) {
- _traverseLeftSubtree();
- return;
- }
- // Get path from root to '_current' since it is required to traverse up the tree.
- const Key& key = _current->_data->first;
- std::vector<Node*> context = RadixStore::_buildContext(key, _root.get());
- // 'node' should equal '_current' because that should be the last element in the stack.
- // Pop back once more to get access to its parent node. The parent node will enable
- // traversal through the neighboring nodes, and if there are none, the iterator will
- // move up the tree to continue searching for the next node with data.
- Node* node = context.back();
- context.pop_back();
- // In case there is no next node, set _current to be 'nullptr' which will mark the end
- // of the traversal.
- _current = nullptr;
- while (!context.empty()) {
- uint8_t oldKey = node->_trieKey.front();
- node = context.back();
- context.pop_back();
- // Check the children right of the node that the iterator was at already. This way,
- // there will be no backtracking in the traversal.
- bool res = _forEachChild(node, oldKey + 1, false, [this](node_ptr child) {
- // If the current node has data, return it and exit. If not, find the
- // left-most node with data in this sub-tree.
- if (child->_data) {
- _current = child.get();
- return false;
- }
- _current = child.get();
- _traverseLeftSubtree();
- return false;
- });
- if (!res) {
- return;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- void _traverseLeftSubtree() {
- // This function finds the next left-most node with data under the sub-tree where
- // '_current' is root. However, it cannot return the root, and hence at least 1
- // iteration of the while loop is required.
- do {
- _forEachChild(_current, 0, false, [this](node_ptr child) {
- _current = child.get();
- return false;
- });
- } while (!_current->_data);
- }
- void updateTreeView(bool stopIfMultipleCursors = false) const {
- while (_root && _root->_nextVersion) {
- if (stopIfMultipleCursors && _root->refCount() > 1)
- return;
- bool clearPreviousFlag = _root->refCount() == 1;
- _root = _root->_nextVersion;
- if (clearPreviousFlag)
- _root->_hasPreviousVersion = false;
- }
- }
- // "_root" is a pointer to the root of the tree over which this is iterating.
- mutable head_ptr _root;
- // "_current" is the node that the iterator is currently on. _current->_data will never be
- // boost::none (unless it is within the process of tree traversal), and _current will be
- // become a nullptr once there are no more nodes left to iterate.
- mutable Node* _current;
- };
- using iterator = radix_iterator<pointer, value_type&>;
- using const_iterator = radix_iterator<const_pointer, const value_type&>;
- template <class pointer_type, class reference_type>
- class reverse_radix_iterator {
- friend class RadixStore;
- friend class radix_iterator<pointer_type, reference_type&>;
- public:
- using value_type = typename RadixStore::value_type;
- using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
- using pointer = pointer_type;
- using reference = reference_type;
- reverse_radix_iterator() : _root(nullptr), _current(nullptr) {}
- reverse_radix_iterator(const const_iterator& it) : _root(it._root), _current(it._current) {
- // If the iterator passed in is at the end(), then set _current to root which is
- // equivalent to rbegin(). Otherwise, move the iterator back one node, due to the fact
- // that the relationship &*r == &*(i-1) must be maintained for any reverse iterator 'r'
- // and forward iterator 'i'.
- if (_current == nullptr) {
- // If the tree is empty, then leave '_current' as nullptr.
- if (_root->isLeaf())
- return;
- _current = _root.get();
- _traverseRightSubtree();
- } else {
- _findNextReverse();
- }
- }
- reverse_radix_iterator(const iterator& it) : _root(it._root), _current(it._current) {
- if (_current == nullptr) {
- _current = _root;
- _traverseRightSubtree();
- } else {
- _findNextReverse();
- }
- }
- ~reverse_radix_iterator() {
- updateTreeView(/*stopIfMultipleCursors=*/true);
- }
- reverse_radix_iterator(const reverse_radix_iterator& originalIterator) {
- _root = originalIterator._root;
- _current = originalIterator._current;
- }
- reverse_radix_iterator& operator=(const reverse_radix_iterator& originalIterator) {
- if (this != &originalIterator) {
- _root = originalIterator._root;
- _current = originalIterator._current;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- reverse_radix_iterator& operator=(reverse_radix_iterator&& originalIterator) {
- if (this != &originalIterator) {
- _root = std::move(originalIterator._root);
- _current = std::move(originalIterator._current);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- reverse_radix_iterator& operator++() {
- repositionIfChanged();
- _findNextReverse();
- return *this;
- }
- reverse_radix_iterator operator++(int) {
- repositionIfChanged();
- reverse_radix_iterator old = *this;
- ++*this;
- return old;
- }
- bool operator==(const reverse_radix_iterator& other) const {
- repositionIfChanged();
- return _current == other._current;
- }
- bool operator!=(const reverse_radix_iterator& other) const {
- repositionIfChanged();
- return _current != other._current;
- }
- reference operator*() {
- repositionIfChanged();
- return *(_current->_data);
- }
- const_pointer operator->() {
- repositionIfChanged();
- return &*(_current->_data);
- }
- /**
- * Attempts to restore the iterator on its former position in the updated tree if the tree
- * has changed.
- *
- * If the former position has been erased, the iterator finds the next node. It is
- * possible that no next node is available, so at that point the cursor is exhausted and
- * points to the end.
- */
- void repositionIfChanged() const {
- if (!_current || !_root->_nextVersion)
- return;
- invariant(_current->_data);
- // Copy the key from _current before we move our _root reference.
- auto key = _current->_data->first;
- updateTreeView();
- RadixStore store(*_root);
- // Find the same or next node in the updated tree.
- const_iterator it = store.lower_bound(key);
- // Couldn't find any nodes with key greater than currentKey in lower_bound().
- // So make _current point to the beginning, since rbegin() will point to the
- // previous node before key.
- if (!it._current)
- _current = store.rbegin()._current;
- else {
- _current = it._current;
- // lower_bound(), moved us one up in a forwards direction since the currentKey
- // didn't exist anymore, move one back.
- if (_current->_data->first > key)
- _findNextReverse();
- }
- }
- /*
- * Returns a reference to the current key without checking whether the current position has
- * been erased.
- */
- pointer currentRaw() const {
- if (!_current) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- return &(*_current->_data);
- }
- private:
- reverse_radix_iterator(const head_ptr& root) : _root(root), _current(nullptr) {}
- reverse_radix_iterator(const head_ptr& root, Node* current)
- : _root(root), _current(current) {}
- void _findNextReverse() const {
- // Reverse find iterates through the tree to find the "next" node containing data,
- // searching from right to left. Normally a pre-order traversal is used, but for
- // reverse, the ordering is to visit child nodes from right to left, then 'visit'
- // current node.
- if (_current == nullptr)
- return;
- const Key& key = _current->_data->first;
- std::vector<Node*> context = RadixStore::_buildContext(key, _root.get());
- Node* node = context.back();
- context.pop_back();
- // Due to the nature of the traversal, it will always be necessary to move up the tree
- // first because when the 'current' node was visited, it meant all its children had been
- // visited as well.
- uint8_t oldKey;
- _current = nullptr;
- while (!context.empty()) {
- oldKey = node->_trieKey.front();
- node = context.back();
- context.pop_back();
- // After moving up in the tree, continue searching for neighboring nodes to see if
- // they have data, moving from right to left.
- bool res = _forEachChild(node, oldKey - 1, true, [this](node_ptr child) {
- // If there is a sub-tree found, it must have data, therefore it's necessary
- // to traverse to the right most node.
- _current = child.get();
- _traverseRightSubtree();
- return false;
- });
- if (!res) {
- return;
- }
- // If there were no sub-trees that contained data, and the 'current' node has data,
- // it can now finally be 'visited'.
- if (node->_data) {
- _current = node;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- void _traverseRightSubtree() const {
- // This function traverses the given tree to the right most leaf of the subtree where
- // 'current' is the root.
- do {
- _forEachChild(_current, maxByte, true, [this](node_ptr child) {
- _current = child.get();
- return false;
- });
- } while (!_current->isLeaf());
- }
- void updateTreeView(bool stopIfMultipleCursors = false) const {
- while (_root && _root->_nextVersion) {
- if (stopIfMultipleCursors && _root->refCount() > 1)
- return;
- bool clearPreviousFlag = _root->refCount() == 1;
- _root = _root->_nextVersion;
- if (clearPreviousFlag)
- _root->_hasPreviousVersion = false;
- }
- }
- // "_root" is a pointer to the root of the tree over which this is iterating.
- mutable head_ptr _root;
- // "_current" is a the node that the iterator is currently on. _current->_data will never be
- // boost::none, and _current will be become a nullptr once there are no more nodes left to
- // iterate.
- mutable Node* _current;
- };
- using reverse_iterator = reverse_radix_iterator<pointer, value_type&>;
- using const_reverse_iterator = reverse_radix_iterator<const_pointer, const value_type&>;
- // Constructors
- RadixStore() : _root(make_intrusive_node<Head>()) {}
- RadixStore(const RadixStore& other) : _root(make_intrusive_node<Head>(*(other._root))) {}
- RadixStore(const Head& other) : _root(make_intrusive_node<Head>(other)) {}
- RadixStore(RadixStore&& other) {
- _root = std::move(other._root);
- }
- RadixStore& operator=(const RadixStore& other) {
- if (this != &other) {
- _root = make_intrusive_node<Head>(*(other._root));
- }
- return *this;
- }
- RadixStore& operator=(RadixStore&& other) {
- if (this != &other) {
- _root = std::move(other._root);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- // Equality
- bool operator==(const RadixStore& other) const {
- if (_root->_count != other._root->_count || _root->_dataSize != other._root->_dataSize)
- return false;
- RadixStore::const_iterator iter = this->begin();
- RadixStore::const_iterator other_iter = other.begin();
- while (iter != this->end()) {
- if (other_iter == other.end() || *iter != *other_iter) {
- return false;
- }
- iter++;
- other_iter++;
- }
- return other_iter == other.end();
- }
- bool operator!=(const RadixStore& other) const {
- return !(*this == other);
- }
- // Capacity
- bool empty() const {
- // Not relying on size() internally, as it may be updated late.
- return _root->isLeaf() && !_root->_data;
- }
- size_type size() const {
- return _root->_count;
- }
- size_type dataSize() const {
- return _root->_dataSize;
- }
- bool hasBranch() const {
- return _root->_nextVersion ? true : false;
- }
- // Metrics
- static int64_t totalMemory() {
- return _metrics.totalMemory.load();
- }
- static int32_t totalNodes() {
- return _metrics.totalNodes.load();
- }
- static float averageChildren() {
- auto totalNodes = _metrics.totalNodes.load();
- return totalNodes ? _metrics.totalChildren.load() / static_cast<float>(totalNodes) : 0;
- }
- // Modifiers
- void clear() noexcept {
- _root = make_intrusive_node<Head>();
- }
- std::pair<const_iterator, bool> insert(value_type&& value) {
- const Key& key = value.first;
- Node* node = _findNode(key);
- if (node != nullptr || key.size() == 0)
- return std::make_pair(end(), false);
- return _upsertWithCopyOnSharedNodes(key, std::move(value));
- }
- std::pair<const_iterator, bool> update(value_type&& value) {
- const Key& key = value.first;
- // Ensure that the item to be updated exists.
- auto item = RadixStore::find(key);
- if (item == RadixStore::end())
- return std::make_pair(item, false);
- // Setting the same value is a no-op
- if (item->second == value.second)
- return std::make_pair(item, false);
- return _upsertWithCopyOnSharedNodes(key, std::move(value));
- }
- /**
- * Returns whether the key was removed.
- */
- bool erase(const Key& key) {
- std::vector<std::pair<Node*, bool>> context;
- Node* prev = _root.get();
- int rootUseCount = _root->_hasPreviousVersion ? 2 : 1;
- bool isUniquelyOwned = _root->refCount() == rootUseCount;
- context.push_back(std::make_pair(prev, isUniquelyOwned));
- Node* node = nullptr;
- const uint8_t* charKey = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
- size_t depth = prev->_depth + prev->_trieKey.size();
- while (depth < key.size()) {
- auto nodePtr = _findChild(prev, charKey[depth]);
- node = nodePtr.get();
- if (node == nullptr) {
- return false;
- }
- // If the prefixes mismatch, this key cannot exist in the tree.
- size_t p = _comparePrefix(node->_trieKey, charKey + depth, key.size() - depth);
- if (p != node->_trieKey.size()) {
- return false;
- }
- isUniquelyOwned = isUniquelyOwned && nodePtr->refCount() - 1 == 1;
- context.push_back(std::make_pair(node, isUniquelyOwned));
- depth = node->_depth + node->_trieKey.size();
- prev = node;
- }
- // Found the node, now remove it.
- Node* deleted = context.back().first;
- context.pop_back();
- // If the to-be deleted node is an internal node without data it is hidden from the user and
- // should not be deleted
- if (!deleted->_data)
- return false;
- if (!deleted->isLeaf()) {
- // The to-be deleted node is an internal node, and therefore updating its data to be
- // boost::none will "delete" it.
- _upsertWithCopyOnSharedNodes(key, boost::none);
- return true;
- }
- Node* parent =;
- isUniquelyOwned =;
- if (!isUniquelyOwned) {
- invariant(!_root->_nextVersion);
- invariant(_root->refCount() > rootUseCount);
- _root->_nextVersion = make_intrusive_node<Head>(*_root);
- _root = _root->_nextVersion;
- _root->_hasPreviousVersion = true;
- parent = _root.get();
- }
- size_t sizeOfRemovedData = node->_data->second.size();
- _root->_dataSize -= sizeOfRemovedData;
- _root->_count--;
- Node* prevParent = nullptr;
- for (size_t depth = 1; depth < context.size(); depth++) {
- Node* child =;
- isUniquelyOwned =;
- uint8_t childFirstChar = child->_trieKey.front();
- if (!isUniquelyOwned) {
- auto childCopy = _copyNode(child);
- _setChildPtr(parent, childFirstChar, childCopy);
- child = childCopy.get();
- }
- prevParent = parent;
- parent = child;
- }
- // Handle the deleted node, as it is a leaf.
- _setChildPtr(parent, deleted->_trieKey.front(), nullptr);
- // 'parent' may only have one child, in which case we need to evaluate whether or not
- // this node is redundant.
- if (auto newParent = _compressOnlyChild(prevParent, parent)) {
- parent = newParent;
- }
- // Don't shrink the root node.
- if (prevParent && parent->needShrink()) {
- parent = _shrink(prevParent, parent).get();
- }
- return true;
- }
- void merge3(const RadixStore& base, const RadixStore& other) {
- std::vector<Node*> context;
- std::vector<uint8_t> trieKeyIndex;
- difference_type deltaCount = _root->_count - base._root->_count;
- difference_type deltaDataSize = _root->_dataSize - base._root->_dataSize;
- invariant(this->_root->_trieKey.size() == 0 && base._root->_trieKey.size() == 0 &&
- other._root->_trieKey.size() == 0);
- _merge3Helper(
- this->_root.get(), base._root.get(), other._root.get(), context, trieKeyIndex);
- _root->_count = other._root->_count + deltaCount;
- _root->_dataSize = other._root->_dataSize + deltaDataSize;
- }
- // Iterators
- const_iterator begin() const noexcept {
- if (_root->isLeaf() && !_root->_data)
- return end();
- Node* node = _begin(_root.get());
- return RadixStore::const_iterator(_root, node);
- }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept {
- return const_reverse_iterator(end());
- }
- const_iterator end() const noexcept {
- return const_iterator(_root);
- }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept {
- return const_reverse_iterator(_root);
- }
- const_iterator find(const Key& key) const {
- const_iterator it = RadixStore::end();
- Node* node = _findNode(key);
- if (node == nullptr)
- return it;
- else
- return const_iterator(_root, node);
- }
- const_iterator lower_bound(const Key& key) const {
- Node* node = _root.get();
- const uint8_t* charKey = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
- std::vector<std::pair<Node*, uint8_t>> context;
- size_t depth = 0;
- // Traverse the path given the key to see if the node exists.
- while (depth < key.size()) {
- uint8_t idx = charKey[depth];
- // When we go back up the tree to search for the lower bound of key, always search to
- // the right of 'idx' so that we never search anything less than what the lower bound
- // would be.
- if (idx != UINT8_MAX)
- context.push_back(std::make_pair(node, idx + 1));
- auto nodePtr = _findChild(node, idx);
- if (!nodePtr)
- break;
- node = nodePtr.get();
- size_t mismatchIdx =
- _comparePrefix(node->_trieKey, charKey + depth, key.size() - depth);
- // There is a prefix mismatch, so we don't need to traverse anymore.
- if (mismatchIdx < node->_trieKey.size()) {
- // Check if the current key in the tree is greater than the one we are looking
- // for since it can't be equal at this point. It can be greater in two ways:
- // It can be longer or it can have a larger character at the mismatch index.
- uint8_t mismatchChar = charKey[mismatchIdx + depth];
- if (mismatchIdx == key.size() - depth ||
- node->_trieKey[mismatchIdx] > mismatchChar) {
- // If the current key is greater and has a value it is the lower bound.
- if (node->_data)
- return const_iterator(_root, node);
- // If the current key has no value, place it in the context
- // so that we can search its children.
- context.push_back(std::make_pair(node, 0));
- }
- break;
- }
- depth = node->_depth + node->_trieKey.size();
- }
- if (depth == key.size()) {
- // If the node exists, then we can just return an iterator to that node.
- if (node->_data)
- return const_iterator(_root, node);
- // The search key is an exact prefix, so we need to search all of this node's
- // children.
- context.back() = std::make_pair(node, 0);
- }
- // The node with the provided key did not exist. Now we must find the next largest node, if
- // it exists.
- while (!context.empty()) {
- uint8_t idx = 0;
- std::tie(node, idx) = context.back();
- context.pop_back();
- bool exhausted = _forEachChild(node, idx, false, [&node, &context](node_ptr child) {
- node = child.get();
- if (!node->_data) {
- // Need to search this node's children for the next largest node.
- context.push_back(std::make_pair(node, 0));
- }
- return false;
- });
- if (!exhausted && node->_data) {
- // There exists a node with a key larger than the one given.
- return const_iterator(_root, node);
- }
- if (node->_trieKey.empty() && context.empty()) {
- // We have searched the root. There's nothing left to search.
- return end();
- }
- }
- // There was no node key at least as large as the one given.
- return end();
- }
- const_iterator upper_bound(const Key& key) const {
- const_iterator it = lower_bound(key);
- if (it == end())
- return it;
- if (it->first == key)
- return ++it;
- return it;
- }
- typename RadixStore::iterator::difference_type distance(iterator iter1, iterator iter2) {
- return std::distance(iter1, iter2);
- }
- typename RadixStore::iterator::difference_type distance(const_iterator iter1,
- const_iterator iter2) {
- return std::distance(iter1, iter2);
- }
- std::string to_string_for_test() {
- return _walkTree(_root.get(), 0);
- }
- /*
- * The base class of all other node types.
- */
- class Node {
- friend class RadixStore;
- friend class RadixStoreTest;
- public:
- Node() {
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Node(NodeType type, std::vector<uint8_t> key) {
- _nodeType = type;
- _trieKey = key;
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Node(const Node& other) {
- _nodeType = other._nodeType;
- _numChildren = other._numChildren;
- _depth = other._depth;
- _trieKey = other._trieKey;
- if (other._data) {
- addData(other._data.value());
- }
- // _refCount is initialized to 0 and not copied from other.
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Node(Node&& other)
- : _nodeType(other._nodeType),
- _numChildren(other._numChildren),
- _depth(other._depth),
- _trieKey(std::move(other._trieKey)),
- _data(std::move(other._data)) {
- // _refCount is initialized to 0 and not copied from other.
- // The move constructor transfers the dynamic memory so only the static memory of Node
- // should be added.
- addNodeMemory(-static_cast<int64_t>(_trieKey.capacity()) *
- static_cast<int64_t>(sizeof(uint8_t)));
- }
- Node& operator=(const Node& rhs) = delete;
- Node& operator=(Node&& rhs) = delete;
- virtual ~Node() {
- subtractNodeMemory();
- }
- bool isLeaf() const {
- return !_numChildren;
- }
- uint16_t numChildren() const {
- return _numChildren;
- }
- int refCount() const {
- return _refCount.load();
- }
- friend void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(Node* ptr) {
- ptr->_refCount.fetchAndAdd(1);
- }
- friend void intrusive_ptr_release(Node* ptr) {
- if (ptr->_refCount.fetchAndSubtract(1) == 1) {
- delete ptr;
- }
- }
- protected:
- NodeType _nodeType = NodeType::LEAF;
- uint16_t _numChildren = 0;
- unsigned int _depth = 0;
- std::vector<uint8_t> _trieKey;
- boost::optional<value_type> _data;
- AtomicWord<uint32_t> _refCount{0};
- private:
- bool needGrow() const {
- switch (_nodeType) {
- case NodeType::LEAF:
- return true;
- case NodeType::NODE4:
- return numChildren() == 4;
- case NodeType::NODE16:
- return numChildren() == 16;
- case NodeType::NODE48:
- return numChildren() == 48;
- case NodeType::NODE256:
- return false;
- }
- }
- bool needShrink() const {
- switch (_nodeType) {
- case NodeType::LEAF:
- return false;
- case NodeType::NODE4:
- return numChildren() < 1;
- case NodeType::NODE16:
- return numChildren() < 5;
- case NodeType::NODE48:
- return numChildren() < 17;
- case NodeType::NODE256:
- return numChildren() < 49;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Only adds non-empty value and handle the increment on memory metrics.
- */
- void addData(value_type value) {
- _data.emplace(value.first, value.second);
- _metrics.addMemory(value.first.capacity() + value.second.capacity());
- }
- void addNodeMemory(difference_type offset = 0) {
- _metrics.totalMemory.fetchAndAdd(sizeof(Node) + _trieKey.capacity() * sizeof(uint8_t) +
- offset);
- _metrics.totalNodes.fetchAndAdd(1);
- }
- void subtractNodeMemory() {
- size_t memUsage = sizeof(Node) + _trieKey.capacity() * sizeof(uint8_t);
- if (_data) {
- memUsage += _data->first.capacity() + _data->second.capacity();
- }
- _metrics.totalMemory.fetchAndSubtract(memUsage);
- _metrics.totalNodes.fetchAndSubtract(1);
- }
- };
- class Node4;
- class Node16;
- class Node48;
- class Node256;
- class NodeLeaf : public Node {
- friend class RadixStore;
- public:
- NodeLeaf(std::vector<uint8_t> key) : Node(NodeType::LEAF, key) {}
- NodeLeaf(const NodeLeaf& other) : Node(other) {}
- NodeLeaf(Node4&& other) : Node(std::move(other)) {
- this->_nodeType = NodeType::LEAF;
- }
- };
- /*
- * Node4 is used when the number of children is in the range of [1, 4].
- */
- class Node4 : public Node {
- friend class RadixStore;
- public:
- Node4(std::vector<uint8_t> key) : Node(NodeType::NODE4, key) {
- std::fill(_childKey.begin(), _childKey.end(), 0);
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Node4(const Node4& other)
- : Node(other), _childKey(other._childKey), _children(other._children) {
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- /*
- * This move constructor should only be used when growing NodeLeaf to Node4.
- */
- Node4(NodeLeaf&& other) : Node(std::move(other)) {
- this->_nodeType = NodeType::NODE4;
- std::fill(_childKey.begin(), _childKey.end(), 0);
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- /*
- * This move constructor should only be used when shrinking Node16 to Node4.
- */
- Node4(Node16&& other) : Node(std::move(other)) {
- invariant(other.needShrink());
- this->_nodeType = NodeType::NODE4;
- std::fill(_childKey.begin(), _childKey.end(), 0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < other.numChildren(); ++i) {
- _childKey[i] = other._childKey[i];
- _children[i] = std::move(other._children[i]);
- }
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- ~Node4() {
- _metrics.subtractMemory(sizeof(Node4) - sizeof(Node));
- _metrics.totalChildren.fetchAndSubtract(_children.size());
- }
- private:
- void addNodeMemory() {
- _metrics.totalMemory.fetchAndAdd(sizeof(Node4) - sizeof(Node));
- _metrics.totalChildren.fetchAndAdd(_children.size());
- }
- // The first bytes of each child's key is stored in a sorted order.
- std::array<uint8_t, 4> _childKey;
- std::array<node_ptr, 4> _children;
- };
- /*
- * Node16 is used when the number of children is in the range of [5, 16].
- */
- class Node16 : public Node {
- friend class RadixStore;
- public:
- Node16(std::vector<uint8_t> key) : Node(NodeType::NODE16, key) {
- std::fill(_childKey.begin(), _childKey.end(), 0);
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Node16(const Node16& other)
- : Node(other), _childKey(other._childKey), _children(other._children) {
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- /*
- * This move constructor should only be used when growing Node4 to Node16.
- */
- Node16(Node4&& other) : Node(std::move(other)) {
- invariant(other.needGrow());
- this->_nodeType = NodeType::NODE16;
- auto n = other._childKey.size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- _childKey[i] = other._childKey[i];
- _children[i] = std::move(other._children[i]);
- }
- std::fill(_childKey.begin() + n, _childKey.end(), 0);
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- /*
- * This move constructor should only be used when shrinking Node48 to Node16.
- */
- Node16(Node48&& other) : Node(std::move(other)) {
- invariant(other.needShrink());
- this->_nodeType = NodeType::NODE16;
- std::fill(_childKey.begin(), _childKey.end(), 0);
- size_t cur = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < other._childIndex.size(); ++i) {
- auto index = other._childIndex[i];
- if (index != maxByte) {
- _childKey[cur] = i;
- _children[cur++] = std::move(other._children[index]);
- }
- }
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- ~Node16() {
- _metrics.subtractMemory(sizeof(Node16) - sizeof(Node));
- _metrics.totalChildren.fetchAndSubtract(_children.size());
- }
- private:
- void addNodeMemory() {
- _metrics.totalMemory.fetchAndAdd(sizeof(Node16) - sizeof(Node));
- _metrics.totalChildren.fetchAndAdd(_children.size());
- }
- // _childKey is sorted ascendingly.
- std::array<uint8_t, 16> _childKey;
- std::array<node_ptr, 16> _children;
- };
- /*
- * Node48 is used when the number of children is in the range of [17, 48].
- */
- class Node48 : public Node {
- friend class RadixStore;
- public:
- Node48(std::vector<uint8_t> key) : Node(NodeType::NODE48, key) {
- std::fill(_childIndex.begin(), _childIndex.end(), maxByte);
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Node48(const Node48& other)
- : Node(other), _childIndex(other._childIndex), _children(other._children) {
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- /*
- * This move constructor should only be used when growing Node16 to Node48.
- */
- Node48(Node16&& other) : Node(std::move(other)) {
- invariant(other.needGrow());
- this->_nodeType = NodeType::NODE48;
- std::fill(_childIndex.begin(), _childIndex.end(), maxByte);
- for (uint8_t i = 0; i < other._children.size(); ++i) {
- _childIndex[other._childKey[i]] = i;
- _children[i] = std::move(other._children[i]);
- }
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- /*
- * This move constructor should only be used when shrinking Node256 to Node48.
- */
- Node48(Node256&& other) : Node(std::move(other)) {
- invariant(other.needShrink());
- this->_nodeType = NodeType::NODE48;
- std::fill(_childIndex.begin(), _childIndex.end(), maxByte);
- size_t cur = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < other._children.size(); ++i) {
- auto child = other._children[i];
- if (child) {
- _childIndex[i] = cur;
- _children[cur++] = child;
- }
- }
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- ~Node48() {
- _metrics.subtractMemory(sizeof(Node48) - sizeof(Node));
- _metrics.totalChildren.fetchAndSubtract(_children.size());
- }
- private:
- void addNodeMemory() {
- _metrics.totalMemory.fetchAndAdd(sizeof(Node48) - sizeof(Node));
- _metrics.totalChildren.fetchAndAdd(_children.size());
- }
- // A lookup table for child pointers. It has values from 0 to 48, where 0
- // represents empty, and all other index i maps to index i - 1 in _children.
- std::array<uint8_t, 256> _childIndex;
- std::array<node_ptr, 48> _children;
- };
- /*
- * Node256 is used when the number of children is in the range of [49, 256].
- */
- class Node256 : public Node {
- friend class RadixStore;
- public:
- Node256() {
- this->_nodeType = NodeType::NODE256;
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Node256(std::vector<uint8_t> key) : Node(NodeType::NODE256, key) {
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Node256(const NodeLeaf& other) : Node(other) {
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Node256(const Node4& other) : Node(other) {
- this->_nodeType = NodeType::NODE256;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < other.numChildren(); ++i) {
- this->_children[other._childKey[i]] = other._children[i];
- }
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Node256(const Node16& other) : Node(other) {
- this->_nodeType = NodeType::NODE256;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < other.numChildren(); ++i) {
- this->_children[other._childKey[i]] = other._children[i];
- }
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Node256(const Node48& other) : Node(other) {
- this->_nodeType = NodeType::NODE256;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < other._childIndex.size(); ++i) {
- auto index = other._childIndex[i];
- if (index != maxByte) {
- this->_children[i] = other._children[index];
- }
- }
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Node256(const Node256& other) : Node(other), _children(other._children) {
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- /*
- * This move constructor should only be used when growing Node48 to Node256.
- */
- Node256(Node48&& other) : Node(std::move(other)) {
- invariant(other.needGrow());
- this->_nodeType = NodeType::NODE256;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < other._childIndex.size(); ++i) {
- auto index = other._childIndex[i];
- if (index != maxByte) {
- _children[i] = std::move(other._children[index]);
- }
- }
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- ~Node256() {
- _metrics.subtractMemory(sizeof(Node256) - sizeof(Node));
- _metrics.totalChildren.fetchAndSubtract(_children.size());
- }
- private:
- void addNodeMemory() {
- _metrics.totalMemory.fetchAndAdd(sizeof(Node256) - sizeof(Node));
- _metrics.totalChildren.fetchAndAdd(_children.size());
- }
- std::array<node_ptr, 256> _children;
- };
- template <typename Node, typename... Args>
- boost::intrusive_ptr<Node> make_intrusive_node(Args&&... args) {
- auto ptr = new Node(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
- return boost::intrusive_ptr<Node>(ptr, true);
- }
- /**
- * Head is the root node of every RadixStore, it contains extra information used by cursors to
- * be able to see when the tree is modified and to respond to these changes by ensuring they are
- * not iterating over stale trees.
- */
- class Head : public Node256 {
- friend class RadixStore;
- public:
- Head() {
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Head(std::vector<uint8_t> key) : Node256(key) {
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Head(const Head& other) : Node256(other), _count(other._count), _dataSize(other._dataSize) {
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- // Copy constructor template for the five node types.
- template <typename NodeT>
- Head(const NodeT& other) : Node256(other) {
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- ~Head() {
- if (_nextVersion)
- _nextVersion->_hasPreviousVersion = false;
- subtractNodeMemory();
- }
- Head(Head&& other)
- : Node256(std::move(other)), _count(other._count), _dataSize(other._dataSize) {
- addNodeMemory();
- }
- Head& operator=(const Head& rhs) = delete;
- Head& operator=(Head&& rhs) = delete;
- bool hasPreviousVersion() const {
- return _hasPreviousVersion;
- }
- protected:
- // Forms a singly linked list of versions that is needed to reposition cursors after
- // modifications have been made.
- head_ptr _nextVersion;
- // While we have cursors that haven't been repositioned to the latest tree, this will be
- // true to help us understand when to copy on modifications due to the extra shared pointer
- // _nextVersion.
- bool _hasPreviousVersion = false;
- private:
- void addNodeMemory() {
- _metrics.addMemory(sizeof(Head) - sizeof(Node256));
- }
- void subtractNodeMemory() {
- _metrics.subtractMemory(sizeof(Head) - sizeof(Node256));
- }
- size_type _count = 0;
- size_type _dataSize = 0;
- };
- /**
- * Return a string representation of all the nodes in this tree.
- * The string will look like:
- *
- * food
- * s
- * bar
- *
- * The number of spaces in front of each node indicates the depth
- * at which the node lies.
- */
- std::string _walkTree(Node* node, int depth) {
- std::string ret;
- for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
- ret.push_back(' ');
- }
- for (uint8_t ch : node->_trieKey) {
- ret.push_back(ch);
- }
- if (node->_data) {
- ret.push_back('*');
- }
- ret.push_back('\n');
- _forEachChild(node, 0, false, [this, &ret, depth](node_ptr child) {
- ret.append(_walkTree(child.get(), depth + 1));
- return true;
- });
- return ret;
- }
- /*
- * Helper function to iterate through _children array for different node types and execute the
- * given function on each child. The given function returns false when it intends to break the
- * iteration.
- * Returns false when the given function returns false on an element. Returns true
- * when the end of the array is reached.
- */
- static bool _forEachChild(Node* node,
- uint16_t startKey,
- bool reverse,
- const std::function<bool(node_ptr)>& func) {
- if (startKey > maxByte || !node->_numChildren) {
- return true;
- }
- // Sets the step depending on the direction of iteration.
- int16_t step = reverse ? -1 : 1;
- switch (node->_nodeType) {
- case NodeType::LEAF:
- return true;
- case NodeType::NODE4: {
- Node4* node4 = static_cast<Node4*>(node);
- // Locates the actual starting position first.
- auto first = node4->_childKey.begin();
- auto numChildren = node4->numChildren();
- auto pos = std::find_if(first, first + numChildren, [&startKey](uint8_t keyByte) {
- return keyByte >= startKey;
- });
- if (reverse) {
- if (pos == first && *pos != startKey) {
- return true;
- }
- if (pos == first + numChildren || *pos != startKey) {
- --pos;
- }
- }
- // No qualified elements.
- if (pos == first + numChildren) {
- return true;
- }
- auto end = reverse ? -1 : numChildren;
- for (auto cur = pos - first; cur != end; cur += step) {
- // All children within the range will not be null since they are stored
- // consecutively.
- if (!func(node4->_children[cur])) {
- // Breaks the loop if the given function decides to.
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- case NodeType::NODE16: {
- Node16* node16 = static_cast<Node16*>(node);
- // Locates the actual starting position first.
- auto first = node16->_childKey.begin();
- auto numChildren = node16->numChildren();
- auto pos = std::find_if(first, first + numChildren, [&startKey](uint8_t keyByte) {
- return keyByte >= startKey;
- });
- if (reverse) {
- if (pos == first && *pos != startKey) {
- return true;
- }
- if (pos == first + numChildren || *pos != startKey) {
- --pos;
- }
- }
- // No qualified elements.
- if (pos == first + numChildren) {
- return true;
- }
- int16_t end = reverse ? -1 : numChildren;
- for (auto cur = pos - first; cur != end; cur += step) {
- // All children within the range will not be null since they are stored
- // consecutively.
- if (!func(node16->_children[cur])) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- case NodeType::NODE48: {
- Node48* node48 = static_cast<Node48*>(node);
- size_t end = reverse ? -1 : node48->_childIndex.size();
- for (size_t cur = startKey; cur != end; cur += step) {
- auto index = node48->_childIndex[cur];
- if (index != maxByte && !func(node48->_children[index])) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- case NodeType::NODE256: {
- Node256* node256 = static_cast<Node256*>(node);
- size_t end = reverse ? -1 : node256->_children.size();
- for (size_t cur = startKey; cur != end; cur += step) {
- auto child = node256->_children[cur];
- if (child && !func(child)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Gets the child mapped by the key for different node types. Node4 just does a simple linear
- * search. Node16 uses binary search. Node48 does one extra lookup with the index table. Node256
- * has direct mapping.
- */
- static node_ptr _findChild(const Node* node, uint8_t key) {
- switch (node->_nodeType) {
- case NodeType::LEAF:
- return node_ptr(nullptr);
- case NodeType::NODE4: {
- const Node4* node4 = static_cast<const Node4*>(node);
- auto start = node4->_childKey.begin();
- auto end = start + node4->numChildren();
- auto pos = std::find(start, end, key);
- return pos != end ? node4->_children[pos - start] : node_ptr(nullptr);
- }
- case NodeType::NODE16: {
- const Node16* node16 = static_cast<const Node16*>(node);
- auto start = node16->_childKey.begin();
- auto end = start + node16->numChildren();
- auto pos = std::find(start, end, key);
- return pos != end ? node16->_children[pos - start] : node_ptr(nullptr);
- }
- case NodeType::NODE48: {
- const Node48* node48 = static_cast<const Node48*>(node);
- auto index = node48->_childIndex[key];
- if (index != maxByte) {
- return node48->_children[index];
- }
- return node_ptr(nullptr);
- }
- case NodeType::NODE256: {
- const Node256* node256 = static_cast<const Node256*>(node);
- return node256->_children[key];
- }
- }
- }
- Node* _findNode(const Key& key) const {
- const uint8_t* charKey = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
- unsigned int depth = _root->_depth;
- unsigned int initialDepthOffset = depth;
- // If the root node's triekey is not empty then the tree is a subtree, and so we examine it.
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _root->_trieKey.size(); i++) {
- if (charKey[i + initialDepthOffset] != _root->_trieKey[i]) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- depth++;
- // Return node if entire trieKey matches.
- if (depth == key.size() && _root->_data &&
- (key.size() - initialDepthOffset) == _root->_trieKey.size()) {
- return _root.get();
- }
- }
- depth = _root->_depth + _root->_trieKey.size();
- uint8_t childFirstChar = charKey[depth];
- auto node = _findChild(_root.get(), childFirstChar);
- while (node != nullptr) {
- depth = node->_depth;
- size_t mismatchIdx =
- _comparePrefix(node->_trieKey, charKey + depth, key.size() - depth);
- if (mismatchIdx != node->_trieKey.size()) {
- return nullptr;
- } else if (mismatchIdx == key.size() - depth && node->_data) {
- return node.get();
- }
- depth = node->_depth + node->_trieKey.size();
- childFirstChar = charKey[depth];
- node = _findChild(node.get(), childFirstChar);
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
- /**
- * Makes a copy of the _root node if it isn't uniquely owned during an operation that will
- * modify the tree.
- *
- * The _root node wouldn't be uniquely owned only when there are cursors positioned on the
- * latest version of the tree. Cursors that are not yet repositioned onto the latest version of
- * the tree are not considered to be sharing the _root for modifying operations.
- */
- void _makeRootUnique() {
- int rootUseCount = _root->_hasPreviousVersion ? 2 : 1;
- if (_root->refCount() == rootUseCount)
- return;
- invariant(_root->refCount() > rootUseCount);
- // Copy the node on a modifying operation when the root isn't unique.
- // There should not be any _nextVersion set in the _root otherwise our tree would have
- // multiple HEADs.
- invariant(!_root->_nextVersion);
- _root->_nextVersion = make_intrusive_node<Head>(*_root);
- _root = _root->_nextVersion;
- _root->_hasPreviousVersion = true;
- }
- /*
- * Moves a smaller node's contents to a larger one. The method should only be called when the
- * node is full.
- */
- node_ptr _grow(Node* parent, Node* node) {
- invariant(node->_nodeType != NodeType::NODE256);
- auto key = node->_trieKey.front();
- switch (node->_nodeType) {
- case NodeType::NODE256:
- return nullptr;
- case NodeType::LEAF: {
- NodeLeaf* leaf = static_cast<NodeLeaf*>(node);
- auto newNode = make_intrusive_node<Node4>(std::move(*leaf));
- _setChildPtr(parent, key, newNode);
- return newNode;
- }
- case NodeType::NODE4: {
- Node4* node4 = static_cast<Node4*>(node);
- auto newNode = make_intrusive_node<Node16>(std::move(*node4));
- _setChildPtr(parent, key, newNode);
- return newNode;
- }
- case NodeType::NODE16: {
- Node16* node16 = static_cast<Node16*>(node);
- auto newNode = make_intrusive_node<Node48>(std::move(*node16));
- _setChildPtr(parent, key, newNode);
- return newNode;
- }
- case NodeType::NODE48: {
- Node48* node48 = static_cast<Node48*>(node);
- auto newNode = make_intrusive_node<Node256>(std::move(*node48));
- _setChildPtr(parent, key, newNode);
- return newNode;
- }
- }
- }
- node_ptr _shrink(Node* parent, Node* node) {
- invariant(node->_nodeType != NodeType::LEAF);
- auto key = node->_trieKey.front();
- switch (node->_nodeType) {
- case NodeType::LEAF:
- return nullptr;
- case NodeType::NODE4: {
- Node4* node4 = static_cast<Node4*>(node);
- auto newNode = make_intrusive_node<NodeLeaf>(std::move(*node4));
- _setChildPtr(parent, key, newNode);
- return newNode;
- }
- case NodeType::NODE16: {
- Node16* node16 = static_cast<Node16*>(node);
- auto newNode = make_intrusive_node<Node4>(std::move(*node16));
- _setChildPtr(parent, key, newNode);
- return newNode;
- }
- case NodeType::NODE48: {
- Node48* node48 = static_cast<Node48*>(node);
- auto newNode = make_intrusive_node<Node16>(std::move(*node48));
- _setChildPtr(parent, key, newNode);
- return newNode;
- }
- case NodeType::NODE256: {
- Node256* node256 = static_cast<Node256*>(node);
- auto newNode = make_intrusive_node<Node48>(std::move(*node256));
- _setChildPtr(parent, key, newNode);
- return newNode;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * _upsertWithCopyOnSharedNodes is a helper function to help manage copy on modification for the
- * tree. This function follows the path for the to-be modified node using the keystring. If at
- * any point, the path is no longer uniquely owned, the following nodes are copied to prevent
- * modification to other owner's data.
- *
- * 'key' is the key which can be followed to find the data.
- * 'value' is the data to be inserted or updated. It can be an empty value in which case it is
- * equivalent to removing that data from the tree.
- */
- std::pair<const_iterator, bool> _upsertWithCopyOnSharedNodes(
- const Key& key, boost::optional<value_type> value) {
- const uint8_t* charKey = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
- int depth = _root->_depth + _root->_trieKey.size();
- uint8_t childFirstChar = charKey[depth];
- _makeRootUnique();
- Node* prevParent = nullptr;
- Node* prev = _root.get();
- node_ptr node = _findChild(prev, childFirstChar);
- while (node != nullptr) {
- if (node->refCount() - 1 > 1) {
- // Copy node on a modifying operation when it isn't owned uniquely.
- node = _copyNode(node.get());
- _setChildPtr(prev, childFirstChar, node);
- }
- // 'node' is uniquely owned at this point, so we are free to modify it.
- // Get the index at which node->_trieKey and the new key differ.
- size_t mismatchIdx =
- _comparePrefix(node->_trieKey, charKey + depth, key.size() - depth);
- // The keys mismatch, so we need to split this node.
- if (mismatchIdx != node->_trieKey.size()) {
- // Make a new node with whatever prefix is shared between node->_trieKey
- // and the new key. This will replace the current node in the tree.
- std::vector<uint8_t> newKey = _makeKey(node->_trieKey, 0, mismatchIdx);
- Node* newNode = _addChild(prev, newKey, boost::none, NodeType::NODE4);
- depth += mismatchIdx;
- const_iterator it(_root, newNode);
- if (key.size() - depth != 0) {
- // Make a child with whatever is left of the new key.
- newKey = _makeKey(charKey + depth, key.size() - depth);
- Node* newChild = _addChild(newNode, newKey, value);
- it = const_iterator(_root, newChild);
- } else {
- // The new key is a prefix of an existing key, and has its own node, so we don't
- // need to add any new nodes.
- newNode->addData(value.value());
- }
- _root->_count++;
- _root->_dataSize += value->second.size();
- // Change the current node's trieKey and make a child of the new node.
- newKey = _makeKey(node->_trieKey, mismatchIdx, node->_trieKey.size() - mismatchIdx);
- _setChildPtr(newNode, newKey.front(), node);
- // Handle key size change to the new key.
- _metrics.subtractMemory(sizeof(uint8_t) *
- (node->_trieKey.capacity() - newKey.capacity()));
- node->_trieKey = newKey;
- node->_depth = newNode->_depth + newNode->_trieKey.size();
- return std::pair<const_iterator, bool>(it, true);
- } else if (mismatchIdx == key.size() - depth) {
- auto& data = node->_data;
- // The key already exists. If there's an element as well, account for its removal.
- if (data) {
- _root->_count--;
- _root->_dataSize -= data->second.size();
- _metrics.subtractMemory(data->first.capacity() + data->second.capacity());
- }
- // Update an internal node.
- if (!value) {
- data = boost::none;
- auto keyByte = node->_trieKey.front();
- if (_compressOnlyChild(prev, node.get())) {
- node = _findChild(prev, keyByte);
- }
- } else {
- _root->_count++;
- _root->_dataSize += value->second.size();
- node->addData(value.value());
- }
- const_iterator it(_root, node.get());
- return std::pair<const_iterator, bool>(it, true);
- }
- depth = node->_depth + node->_trieKey.size();
- childFirstChar = charKey[depth];
- prevParent = prev;
- prev = node.get();
- node = _findChild(node.get(), childFirstChar);
- }
- // Add a completely new child to a node. The new key at this depth does not
- // share a prefix with any existing keys.
- std::vector<uint8_t> newKey = _makeKey(charKey + depth, key.size() - depth);
- if (prev->needGrow()) {
- prev = _grow(prevParent, prev).get();
- }
- Node* newNode = _addChild(prev, newKey, value);
- _root->_count++;
- _root->_dataSize += value->second.size();
- const_iterator it(_root, newNode);
- return std::pair<const_iterator, bool>(it, true);
- }
- /**
- * Return a uint8_t vector with the first 'count' characters of
- * 'old'.
- */
- std::vector<uint8_t> _makeKey(const uint8_t* old, size_t count) {
- std::vector<uint8_t> key;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- uint8_t c = old[i];
- key.push_back(c);
- }
- return key;
- }
- /**
- * Return a uint8_t vector with the [pos, pos+count) characters from old.
- */
- std::vector<uint8_t> _makeKey(std::vector<uint8_t> old, size_t pos, size_t count) {
- std::vector<uint8_t> key;
- for (size_t i = pos; i < pos + count; ++i) {
- key.push_back(old[i]);
- }
- return key;
- }
- /*
- * Wraps around the copy constructor for different node types.
- */
- node_ptr _copyNode(Node* node) {
- switch (node->_nodeType) {
- case NodeType::LEAF: {
- NodeLeaf* leaf = static_cast<NodeLeaf*>(node);
- return make_intrusive_node<NodeLeaf>(*leaf);
- }
- case NodeType::NODE4: {
- Node4* node4 = static_cast<Node4*>(node);
- return make_intrusive_node<Node4>(*node4);
- }
- case NodeType::NODE16: {
- Node16* node16 = static_cast<Node16*>(node);
- return make_intrusive_node<Node16>(*node16);
- }
- case NodeType::NODE48: {
- Node48* node48 = static_cast<Node48*>(node);
- return make_intrusive_node<Node48>(*node48);
- }
- case NodeType::NODE256: {
- Node256* node256 = static_cast<Node256*>(node);
- return make_intrusive_node<Node256>(*node256);
- }
- }
- }
- head_ptr _makeHead(Node* node) {
- switch (node->_nodeType) {
- case NodeType::LEAF: {
- NodeLeaf* leaf = static_cast<NodeLeaf*>(node);
- return make_intrusive_node<Head>(*leaf);
- }
- case NodeType::NODE4: {
- Node4* node4 = static_cast<Node4*>(node);
- return make_intrusive_node<Head>(*node4);
- }
- case NodeType::NODE16: {
- Node16* node16 = static_cast<Node16*>(node);
- return make_intrusive_node<Head>(*node16);
- }
- case NodeType::NODE48: {
- Node48* node48 = static_cast<Node48*>(node);
- return make_intrusive_node<Head>(*node48);
- }
- case NodeType::NODE256: {
- Node256* node256 = static_cast<Node256*>(node);
- return make_intrusive_node<Head>(*node256);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Add a child with trieKey 'key' and value 'value' to 'node'. The new child node created should
- * only be the type NodeLeaf or Node4.
- */
- Node* _addChild(Node* node,
- std::vector<uint8_t> key,
- boost::optional<value_type> value,
- NodeType childType = NodeType::LEAF) {
- invariant(childType == NodeType::LEAF || childType == NodeType::NODE4);
- node_ptr newNode;
- if (childType == NodeType::LEAF) {
- newNode = make_intrusive_node<NodeLeaf>(key);
- } else {
- newNode = make_intrusive_node<Node4>(key);
- }
- newNode->_depth = node->_depth + node->_trieKey.size();
- if (value) {
- newNode->addData(value.value());
- }
- auto newNodeRaw = newNode.get();
- _setChildPtr(node, key.front(), std::move(newNode));
- return newNodeRaw;
- }
- /*
- * Inserts, updates, or deletes a child node at index and then maintains the key and children
- * array for Node4 and Node16 in _setChildPtr().
- */
- template <class Node4Or16>
- bool _setChildAtIndex(Node4Or16* node, node_ptr child, uint8_t key, size_t index) {
- // Adds to the end of the array.
- if (!node->_childKey[index] && !node->_children[index]) {
- node->_childKey[index] = key;
- node->_children[index] = child;
- ++node->_numChildren;
- return true;
- }
- if (node->_childKey[index] == key) {
- if (!child) {
- // Deletes a child and shifts
- auto n = node->numChildren();
- for (int j = index; j < n - 1; ++j) {
- node->_childKey[j] = node->_childKey[j + 1];
- node->_children[j] = node->_children[j + 1];
- }
- node->_childKey[n - 1] = 0;
- node->_children[n - 1] = nullptr;
- --node->_numChildren;
- return true;
- }
- node->_children[index] = child;
- return true;
- }
- if (node->_childKey[index] > key) {
- // _children is guaranteed not to be full.
- // Inserts to 'index' and shift larger keys to the right.
- for (size_t j = node->numChildren(); j > index; --j) {
- node->_childKey[j] = node->_childKey[j - 1];
- node->_children[j] = node->_children[j - 1];
- }
- node->_childKey[index] = key;
- node->_children[index] = child;
- ++node->_numChildren;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /*
- * Sets the child pointer of 'key' to the 'newNode' in 'node'.
- */
- void _setChildPtr(Node* node, uint8_t key, node_ptr newNode) {
- switch (node->_nodeType) {
- case NodeType::LEAF:
- return;
- case NodeType::NODE4: {
- Node4* node4 = static_cast<Node4*>(node);
- auto start = node4->_childKey.begin();
- // Find the position of the first larger or equal key to insert.
- auto pos = std::find_if(start,
- start + node4->numChildren(),
- [&key](uint8_t keyByte) { return keyByte >= key; });
- _setChildAtIndex(node4, newNode, key, pos - start);
- return;
- }
- case NodeType::NODE16: {
- Node16* node16 = static_cast<Node16*>(node);
- auto start = node16->_childKey.begin();
- auto pos = std::find_if(start,
- start + node16->numChildren(),
- [&key](uint8_t keyByte) { return keyByte >= key; });
- _setChildAtIndex(node16, newNode, key, pos - start);
- return;
- }
- case NodeType::NODE48: {
- Node48* node48 = static_cast<Node48*>(node);
- auto index = node48->_childIndex[key];
- if (index != maxByte) {
- // Pointer already exists. Delete or update it.
- if (!newNode) {
- node48->_childIndex[key] = maxByte;
- --node48->_numChildren;
- }
- node48->_children[index] = newNode;
- return;
- } else {
- // Finds the first empty slot to insert the newNode.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < node48->_children.size(); ++i) {
- auto& child = node48->_children[i];
- if (!child) {
- child = newNode;
- node48->_childIndex[key] = i;
- ++node48->_numChildren;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- case NodeType::NODE256: {
- Node256* node256 = static_cast<Node256*>(node);
- auto& child = node256->_children[key];
- if (!child) {
- ++node256->_numChildren;
- } else if (!newNode) {
- --node256->_numChildren;
- }
- child = newNode;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * This function traverses the tree starting at the provided node using the provided the
- * key. It returns the stack which is used in tree traversals for both the forward and
- * reverse iterators. Since both iterator classes use this function, it is declared
- * statically under RadixStore.
- *
- * This assumes that the key is present in the tree.
- */
- static std::vector<Node*> _buildContext(const Key& key, Node* node) {
- std::vector<Node*> context;
- context.push_back(node);
- const uint8_t* charKey = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
- size_t depth = node->_depth + node->_trieKey.size();
- while (depth < key.size()) {
- node = _findChild(node, charKey[depth]).get();
- context.push_back(node);
- depth = node->_depth + node->_trieKey.size();
- }
- return context;
- }
- /**
- * Return the index at which 'key1' and 'key2' differ.
- * This function will interpret the bytes in 'key2' as unsigned values.
- */
- size_t _comparePrefix(std::vector<uint8_t> key1, const uint8_t* key2, size_t len2) const {
- size_t smaller = std::min(key1.size(), len2);
- size_t i = 0;
- for (; i < smaller; ++i) {
- uint8_t c = key2[i];
- if (key1[i] != c) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return i;
- }
- /**
- * Compresses a child node into its parent if necessary. This is required when an erase results
- * in a node with no value and only one child.
- * Returns true if compression occurred and false otherwise.
- */
- Node* _compressOnlyChild(Node* parent, Node* node) {
- // Don't compress if this node is not of type Node4, has an actual value associated with it,
- // or doesn't have only one child.
- if (node->_nodeType != NodeType::NODE4 || node->_data || node->_trieKey.empty() ||
- node->numChildren() != 1) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- Node4* node4 = static_cast<Node4*>(node);
- node_ptr onlyChild = std::move(node4->_children[0]);
- node4->_childKey[0] = 0;
- node4->_numChildren = 0;
- auto oldCapacity = node4->_trieKey.capacity();
- for (char item : onlyChild->_trieKey) {
- node4->_trieKey.push_back(item);
- }
- _metrics.addMemory(sizeof(uint8_t) * (node4->_trieKey.capacity() - oldCapacity));
- if (onlyChild->_data) {
- node4->addData(onlyChild->_data.value());
- }
- _forEachChild(onlyChild.get(), 0, false, [this, &parent, &node](node_ptr child) {
- if (node->needGrow()) {
- node = _grow(parent, node).get();
- }
- auto keyByte = child->_trieKey.front();
- _setChildPtr(node, keyByte, std::move(child));
- return true;
- });
- if (node->needShrink()) {
- node = _shrink(parent, node).get();
- }
- return node;
- }
- /**
- * Rebuilds the context by replacing stale raw pointers with the new pointers. The pointers
- * can become stale when running an operation that copies the node on modification, like
- * insert or erase.
- */
- void _rebuildContext(std::vector<Node*>& context, std::vector<uint8_t>& trieKeyIndex) {
- Node* replaceNode = _root.get();
- context[0] = replaceNode;
- for (size_t node = 1; node < context.size(); node++) {
- replaceNode = _findChild(replaceNode, trieKeyIndex[node - 1]).get();
- context[node] = replaceNode;
- }
- }
- Node* _makeBranchUnique(std::vector<Node*>& context) {
- if (context.empty())
- return nullptr;
- // The first node should always be the root node.
- _makeRootUnique();
- context[0] = _root.get();
- // If the context only contains the root, and it was copied, return the new root.
- if (context.size() == 1)
- return _root.get();
- Node* node = nullptr;
- Node* prev = _root.get();
- // Create copies of the nodes until the leaf node.
- for (size_t idx = 1; idx < context.size(); idx++) {
- node = context[idx];
- auto next = _findChild(prev, node->_trieKey.front());
- if (next->refCount() - 1 > 1) {
- node_ptr nodeCopy = _copyNode(node);
- _setChildPtr(prev, nodeCopy->_trieKey.front(), nodeCopy);
- context[idx] = nodeCopy.get();
- prev = nodeCopy.get();
- } else {
- prev = next.get();
- }
- }
- return context.back();
- }
- /**
- * Resolves conflicts within subtrees due to the complicated structure of path-compressed radix
- * tries.
- */
- void _mergeResolveConflict(Node* current, Node* baseNode, Node* otherNode) {
- // Merges all differences between this and other, using base to determine whether operations
- // are allowed or should throw a merge conflict.
- RadixStore base, other, node;
- node._root = _makeHead(current);
- base._root = _makeHead(baseNode);
- other._root = _makeHead(otherNode);
- // Merges insertions and updates from the master tree into the working tree, if possible.
- for (const value_type& otherVal : other) {
- RadixStore::const_iterator baseIter = base.find(otherVal.first);
- RadixStore::const_iterator thisIter = node.find(otherVal.first);
- if (thisIter != node.end() && baseIter != base.end()) {
- // All three trees have a record of the node with the same key.
- if (thisIter->second == baseIter->second && baseIter->second != otherVal.second) {
- // No changes occurred in the working tree, so the value in the master tree can
- // be merged in cleanly.
- this->update(RadixStore::value_type(otherVal));
- } else if (thisIter->second != baseIter->second &&
- baseIter->second != otherVal.second) {
- // Both the working copy and master nodes changed the same value at the same
- // key. This results in a merge conflict.
- throw merge_conflict_exception();
- } else if (thisIter->second != baseIter->second &&
- thisIter->second == otherVal.second) {
- // Both the working copy and master nodes are inserting the same value at the
- // same key. But this is a merge conflict because if that operation was an
- // increment, it's no different than a race condition on an unguarded variable.
- throw merge_conflict_exception();
- }
- } else if (baseIter != base.end() && baseIter->second != otherVal.second) {
- // The working tree removed this node while the master updated the node, this
- // results in a merge conflict.
- throw merge_conflict_exception();
- } else if (thisIter != node.end()) {
- // Both the working copy and master tree are either inserting the same value or
- // different values at the same node, resulting in a merge conflict.
- throw merge_conflict_exception();
- } else if (thisIter == node.end() && baseIter == base.end()) {
- // The working tree and merge base do not have any record of this node. The node can
- // be merged in cleanly from the master tree.
- this->insert(RadixStore::value_type(otherVal));
- }
- }
- // Perform deletions from the master tree in the working tree, if possible.
- for (const value_type& baseVal : base) {
- RadixStore::const_iterator otherIter = other.find(baseVal.first);
- RadixStore::const_iterator thisIter = node.find(baseVal.first);
- if (otherIter == other.end()) {
- if (thisIter != node.end() && thisIter->second == baseVal.second) {
- // Nothing changed between the working tree and merge base, so it is safe to
- // perform the deletion that occurred in the master tree.
- this->erase(baseVal.first);
- } else if (thisIter != node.end() && thisIter->second != baseVal.second) {
- // The working tree made a change to the node while the master tree removed the
- // node, resulting in a merge conflict.
- throw merge_conflict_exception();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Merges elements from the master tree into the working copy if they have no presence in the
- * working copy, otherwise we throw a merge conflict.
- */
- void _mergeTwoBranches(Node* current, Node* otherNode) {
- RadixStore other, node;
- node._root = _makeHead(current);
- other._root = _makeHead(otherNode);
- for (const value_type& otherVal : other) {
- RadixStore::const_iterator thisIter = node.find(otherVal.first);
- if (thisIter != node.end())
- throw merge_conflict_exception();
- this->insert(RadixStore::value_type(otherVal));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Merges changes from base to other into current. Throws merge_conflict_exception if there are
- * merge conflicts.
- * It returns the updated current node and a boolean indicating that conflict resolution is
- * required after recursion
- */
- std::pair<Node*, bool> _merge3Helper(Node* current,
- const Node* base,
- const Node* other,
- std::vector<Node*>& context,
- std::vector<uint8_t>& trieKeyIndex) {
- context.push_back(current);
- // Root doesn't have a trie key.
- if (!current->_trieKey.empty())
- trieKeyIndex.push_back(current->;
- auto hasParent = [](std::vector<Node*>& context) { return context.size() >= 2; };
- auto getParent = [&](std::vector<Node*>& context) {
- // We should never get here unless we are at sufficient depth already, so the invariant
- // should indeed actually hold. If coverity complains, treat as a false alarm.
- invariant(hasParent(context));
- return context[context.size() - 2];
- };
- auto currentHasBeenCompressed = [&]() {
- // This can only happen when conflict resolution erases nodes that causes compression on
- // the current node.
- return current->_trieKey.size() != other->_trieKey.size();
- };
- auto splitCurrentBeforeWriteIfNeeded = [&](Node* child) {
- // If current has not been compressed there's nothing to do
- if (!currentHasBeenCompressed())
- return child;
- // This can only happen if we've done previous writes to current so it should already be
- // unique and safe to write to.
- size_t mismatchIdx =
- _comparePrefix(current->_trieKey, other->, other->_trieKey.size());
- auto parent = getParent(context);
- auto key = current->_trieKey.front();
- auto newTrieKeyBegin = current->_trieKey.begin();
- auto newTrieKeyEnd = current->_trieKey.begin() + mismatchIdx;
- auto shared_current = std::move(_findChild(parent, key));
- auto newTrieKey = std::vector<uint8_t>(newTrieKeyBegin, newTrieKeyEnd);
- // Replace current with a new node with no data
- auto newNode = _addChild(parent, newTrieKey, boost::none, NodeType::NODE4);
- // Remove the part of the trieKey that is used by the new node.
- current->_trieKey.erase(current->_trieKey.begin(),
- current->_trieKey.begin() + mismatchIdx);
- _metrics.subtractMemory(sizeof(uint8_t) * mismatchIdx);
- current->_depth += mismatchIdx;
- // Add what was the current node as a child to the new internal node
- key = current->_trieKey.front();
- _setChildPtr(newNode, key, std::move(shared_current));
- // Update current pointer and context
- child = current;
- current = newNode;
- context.back() = current;
- return child;
- };
- bool resolveConflictNeeded = false;
- for (size_t key = 0; key < 256; ++key) {
- // Since _makeBranchUnique may make changes to the pointer addresses in recursive calls.
- current = context.back();
- Node* node = _findChild(current, key).get();
- Node* baseNode = _findChild(base, key).get();
- Node* otherNode = _findChild(other, key).get();
- if (!node && !baseNode && !otherNode)
- continue;
- bool unique = node != otherNode && node != baseNode;
- // If the current tree does not have this node, check if the other trees do.
- if (!node) {
- if (!baseNode && otherNode) {
- splitCurrentBeforeWriteIfNeeded(nullptr);
- // If base and node do NOT have this branch, but other does, then
- // merge in the other's branch.
- current = _makeBranchUnique(context);
- if (current->needGrow() && hasParent(context)) {
- current = _grow(getParent(context), current).get();
- }
- // Need to rebuild our context to have updated pointers due to the
- // modifications that go on in _makeBranchUnique.
- _rebuildContext(context, trieKeyIndex);
- _setChildPtr(current, key, _findChild(other, key));
- } else if (!otherNode || (baseNode && baseNode != otherNode)) {
- // Either the master tree and working tree remove the same branch, or the master
- // tree updated the branch while the working tree removed the branch, resulting
- // in a merge conflict.
- throw merge_conflict_exception();
- }
- } else if (!unique) {
- if (baseNode && !otherNode && baseNode == node) {
- node = splitCurrentBeforeWriteIfNeeded(node);
- // Other has a deleted branch that must also be removed from current tree.
- current = _makeBranchUnique(context);
- _setChildPtr(current, key, nullptr);
- if (current->needShrink() && hasParent(context)) {
- current = _shrink(getParent(context), current).get();
- }
- _rebuildContext(context, trieKeyIndex);
- } else if (baseNode && otherNode && baseNode == node) {
- node = splitCurrentBeforeWriteIfNeeded(node);
- // If base and current point to the same node, then master changed.
- current = _makeBranchUnique(context);
- if (current->needGrow() && hasParent(context)) {
- current = _grow(getParent(context), current).get();
- }
- _rebuildContext(context, trieKeyIndex);
- _setChildPtr(current, key, _findChild(other, key));
- }
- } else if (baseNode && otherNode && baseNode != otherNode) {
- // If all three are unique and leaf nodes with different data, then it is a merge
- // conflict.
- if (node->isLeaf() && baseNode->isLeaf() && otherNode->isLeaf()) {
- bool dataChanged = node->_data != baseNode->_data;
- bool otherDataChanged = baseNode->_data != otherNode->_data;
- if (dataChanged && otherDataChanged) {
- // All three nodes have different data, that is a merge conflict
- throw merge_conflict_exception();
- }
- if (otherDataChanged) {
- // Only other changed the data. Take that node
- current = _makeBranchUnique(context);
- _rebuildContext(context, trieKeyIndex);
- _setChildPtr(current, key, _findChild(other, key));
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (currentHasBeenCompressed()) {
- resolveConflictNeeded = true;
- break;
- }
- // If the keys and data are all the exact same, then we can keep recursing.
- // Otherwise, we manually resolve the differences element by element. The
- // structure of compressed radix tries makes it difficult to compare the
- // trees node by node, hence the reason for resolving these differences
- // element by element.
- bool resolveConflict =
- !(node->_trieKey == baseNode->_trieKey &&
- baseNode->_trieKey == otherNode->_trieKey && node->_data == baseNode->_data &&
- baseNode->_data == otherNode->_data);
- if (!resolveConflict) {
- std::tie(node, resolveConflict) =
- _merge3Helper(node, baseNode, otherNode, context, trieKeyIndex);
- if (node && !node->_data) {
- // Drop if leaf node without data, that is not valid. Otherwise we might
- // need to compress if we have only one child.
- if (node->isLeaf()) {
- _setChildPtr(current, key, nullptr);
- // Don't shrink the root node.
- if (current->needShrink() && hasParent(context)) {
- current = _shrink(getParent(context), current).get();
- }
- _rebuildContext(context, trieKeyIndex);
- } else {
- if (auto compressedNode = _compressOnlyChild(current, node)) {
- node = compressedNode;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (resolveConflict) {
- Node* nodeToResolve = node;
- if (hasParent(context)) {
- if (auto compressed = _compressOnlyChild(getParent(context), current)) {
- current = compressed;
- nodeToResolve = current;
- }
- }
- _mergeResolveConflict(nodeToResolve, baseNode, otherNode);
- _rebuildContext(context, trieKeyIndex);
- // If we compressed above, resolving the conflict can result in erasing current.
- // Break out of the recursion as there is nothing more to do.
- if (!context.back())
- break;
- }
- } else if (baseNode && !otherNode) {
- // Throw a write conflict since current has modified a branch but master has
- // removed it.
- throw merge_conflict_exception();
- } else if (!baseNode && otherNode) {
- // Both the working tree and master added branches that were nonexistent in base.
- // This requires us to resolve these differences element by element since the
- // changes may not be conflicting.
- if (currentHasBeenCompressed()) {
- resolveConflictNeeded = true;
- break;
- }
- _mergeTwoBranches(node, otherNode);
- _rebuildContext(context, trieKeyIndex);
- }
- }
- current = context.back();
- context.pop_back();
- if (!trieKeyIndex.empty())
- trieKeyIndex.pop_back();
- return std::make_pair(current, resolveConflictNeeded);
- }
- Node* _begin(Node* root) const noexcept {
- Node* node = root;
- while (!node->_data) {
- _forEachChild(node, 0, false, [&node](node_ptr child) {
- node = child.get();
- return false;
- });
- }
- return node;
- }
- head_ptr _root = nullptr;
- static Metrics _metrics;
-template <class Key, class T>
-Metrics RadixStore<Key, T>::_metrics;
-using StringStore = RadixStore<std::string, std::string>;
-} // namespace ephemeral_for_test
-} // namespace mongo