path: root/src/mongo/db/storage/key_string.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/storage/key_string.cpp')
1 files changed, 1014 insertions, 965 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/storage/key_string.cpp b/src/mongo/db/storage/key_string.cpp
index 526460c1d68..3d43d93e4f2 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/storage/key_string.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/storage/key_string.cpp
@@ -43,505 +43,517 @@
namespace mongo {
- using std::string;
- namespace {
- typedef KeyString::TypeBits TypeBits;
- namespace CType {
- // canonical types namespace. (would be enum class CType: uint8_t in C++11)
- // Note 0-9 and 246-255 are disallowed and reserved for value encodings.
- // For types that encode value information in the ctype byte, the value in this list is
- // the "generic" one to be used to represent all values of that ctype, such as in the
- // encoding of fields in Objects.
- const uint8_t kMinKey = 10;
- const uint8_t kUndefined = 15;
- const uint8_t kNullish = 20;
- const uint8_t kNumeric = 30;
- const uint8_t kStringLike = 60;
- const uint8_t kObject = 70;
- const uint8_t kArray = 80;
- const uint8_t kBinData = 90;
- const uint8_t kOID = 100;
- const uint8_t kBool = 110;
- const uint8_t kDate = 120;
- const uint8_t kTimestamp = 130;
- const uint8_t kRegEx = 140;
- const uint8_t kDBRef = 150;
- const uint8_t kCode = 160;
- const uint8_t kCodeWithScope = 170;
- const uint8_t kMaxKey = 240;
- // These are ordered by the numeric value of the values encoded in each format.
- // Therefore each format can be considered independently without considering
- // cross-format comparisons.
- const uint8_t kNumericNaN = kNumeric + 0;
- const uint8_t kNumericNegativeLargeDouble = kNumeric + 1; // <= -2**63 including -Inf
- const uint8_t kNumericNegative8ByteInt = kNumeric + 2;
- const uint8_t kNumericNegative7ByteInt = kNumeric + 3;
- const uint8_t kNumericNegative6ByteInt = kNumeric + 4;
- const uint8_t kNumericNegative5ByteInt = kNumeric + 5;
- const uint8_t kNumericNegative4ByteInt = kNumeric + 6;
- const uint8_t kNumericNegative3ByteInt = kNumeric + 7;
- const uint8_t kNumericNegative2ByteInt = kNumeric + 8;
- const uint8_t kNumericNegative1ByteInt = kNumeric + 9;
- const uint8_t kNumericNegativeSmallDouble = kNumeric + 10; // between 0 and -1 exclusive
- const uint8_t kNumericZero = kNumeric + 11;
- const uint8_t kNumericPositiveSmallDouble = kNumeric + 12; // between 0 and 1 exclusive
- const uint8_t kNumericPositive1ByteInt = kNumeric + 13;
- const uint8_t kNumericPositive2ByteInt = kNumeric + 14;
- const uint8_t kNumericPositive3ByteInt = kNumeric + 15;
- const uint8_t kNumericPositive4ByteInt = kNumeric + 16;
- const uint8_t kNumericPositive5ByteInt = kNumeric + 17;
- const uint8_t kNumericPositive6ByteInt = kNumeric + 18;
- const uint8_t kNumericPositive7ByteInt = kNumeric + 19;
- const uint8_t kNumericPositive8ByteInt = kNumeric + 20;
- const uint8_t kNumericPositiveLargeDouble = kNumeric + 21; // >= 2**63 including +Inf
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(kNumericPositiveLargeDouble < kStringLike);
- const uint8_t kBoolFalse = kBool + 0;
- const uint8_t kBoolTrue = kBool + 1;
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(kBoolTrue < kDate);
- size_t numBytesForInt(uint8_t ctype) {
- if (ctype >= kNumericPositive1ByteInt) {
- dassert(ctype <= kNumericPositive8ByteInt);
- return ctype - kNumericPositive1ByteInt + 1;
- }
- dassert(ctype <= kNumericNegative1ByteInt);
- dassert(ctype >= kNumericNegative8ByteInt);
- return kNumericNegative1ByteInt - ctype + 1;
- }
- } // namespace CType
- uint8_t bsonTypeToGenericKeyStringType(BSONType type) {
- switch (type) {
- case MinKey:
- return CType::kMinKey;
- case EOO:
- case jstNULL:
- return CType::kNullish;
- case Undefined:
- return CType::kUndefined;
- case NumberDouble:
- case NumberInt:
- case NumberLong:
- return CType::kNumeric;
- case mongo::String:
- case Symbol:
- return CType::kStringLike;
- case Object: return CType::kObject;
- case Array: return CType::kArray;
- case BinData: return CType::kBinData;
- case jstOID: return CType::kOID;
- case Bool: return CType::kBool;
- case Date: return CType::kDate;
- case bsonTimestamp: return CType::kTimestamp;
- case RegEx: return CType::kRegEx;
- case DBRef: return CType::kDBRef;
- case Code: return CType::kCode;
- case CodeWScope: return CType::kCodeWithScope;
- case MaxKey: return CType::kMaxKey;
- default:
- invariant(false);
- }
- }
- // First double that isn't an int64.
- const double kMinLargeDouble = 9223372036854775808.0; // 1ULL<<63
- const uint8_t kEnd = 0x4;
- // These overlay with CType or kEnd bytes and therefor must be less/greater than all of
- // them (and their inverses). They also can't equal 0 or 255 since that would collide with
- // the encoding of NUL bytes in strings as "\x00\xff".
- const uint8_t kLess = 1;
- const uint8_t kGreater = 254;
- } // namespace
- // some utility functions
- namespace {
- void memcpy_flipBits(void* dst, const void* src, size_t bytes) {
- const char* input = static_cast<const char*>(src);
- char* output = static_cast<char*>(dst);
- const char* const end = input + bytes;
- while (input != end) {
- *output++ = ~(*input++);
- }
- }
- template <typename T> T readType(BufReader* reader, bool inverted) {
- // TODO for C++11 to static_assert that T is integral
- T t = ConstDataView(static_cast<const char*>(reader->skip(sizeof(T)))).read<T>();
- if (inverted)
- return ~t;
- return t;
- }
- StringData readCString(BufReader* reader) {
- const char* start = static_cast<const char*>(reader->pos());
- const char* end = static_cast<const char*>(memchr(start, 0x0, reader->remaining()));
- invariant(end);
- size_t actualBytes = end - start;
- reader->skip(1 + actualBytes);
- return StringData(start, actualBytes);
- }
- /**
- * scratch must be empty when passed in. It will be used if there is a NUL byte in the
- * output string. In that case the returned StringData will point into scratch, otherwise
- * it will point directly into the input buffer.
- */
- StringData readCStringWithNuls(BufReader* reader, std::string* scratch) {
- const StringData initial = readCString(reader);
- if (reader->peek<unsigned char>() != 0xFF)
- return initial; // Don't alloc or copy for simple case with no NUL bytes.
- scratch->append(initial.rawData(), initial.size());
- while (reader->peek<unsigned char>() == 0xFF) {
- // Each time we enter this loop it means we hit a NUL byte encoded as "\x00\xFF".
- *scratch += '\0';
- reader->skip(1);
- const StringData nextPart = readCString(reader);
- scratch->append(nextPart.rawData(), nextPart.size());
- }
- return *scratch;
- }
- string readInvertedCString(BufReader* reader) {
- const char* start = static_cast<const char*>(reader->pos());
- const char* end = static_cast<const char*>(memchr(start, 0xFF, reader->remaining()));
- invariant(end);
- size_t actualBytes = end - start;
- string s(start, actualBytes);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
- s[i] = ~s[i];
- }
- reader->skip(1 + actualBytes);
- return s;
- }
- string readInvertedCStringWithNuls(BufReader* reader) {
- std::string out;
- do {
- if (!out.empty()) {
- // If this isn't our first pass through the loop it means we hit an NUL byte
- // encoded as "\xFF\00" in our inverted string.
- reader->skip(1);
- out += '\xFF'; // will be flipped to '\0' with rest of out before returning.
- }
+using std::string;
+namespace {
+typedef KeyString::TypeBits TypeBits;
+namespace CType {
+// canonical types namespace. (would be enum class CType: uint8_t in C++11)
+// Note 0-9 and 246-255 are disallowed and reserved for value encodings.
+// For types that encode value information in the ctype byte, the value in this list is
+// the "generic" one to be used to represent all values of that ctype, such as in the
+// encoding of fields in Objects.
+const uint8_t kMinKey = 10;
+const uint8_t kUndefined = 15;
+const uint8_t kNullish = 20;
+const uint8_t kNumeric = 30;
+const uint8_t kStringLike = 60;
+const uint8_t kObject = 70;
+const uint8_t kArray = 80;
+const uint8_t kBinData = 90;
+const uint8_t kOID = 100;
+const uint8_t kBool = 110;
+const uint8_t kDate = 120;
+const uint8_t kTimestamp = 130;
+const uint8_t kRegEx = 140;
+const uint8_t kDBRef = 150;
+const uint8_t kCode = 160;
+const uint8_t kCodeWithScope = 170;
+const uint8_t kMaxKey = 240;
+// These are ordered by the numeric value of the values encoded in each format.
+// Therefore each format can be considered independently without considering
+// cross-format comparisons.
+const uint8_t kNumericNaN = kNumeric + 0;
+const uint8_t kNumericNegativeLargeDouble = kNumeric + 1; // <= -2**63 including -Inf
+const uint8_t kNumericNegative8ByteInt = kNumeric + 2;
+const uint8_t kNumericNegative7ByteInt = kNumeric + 3;
+const uint8_t kNumericNegative6ByteInt = kNumeric + 4;
+const uint8_t kNumericNegative5ByteInt = kNumeric + 5;
+const uint8_t kNumericNegative4ByteInt = kNumeric + 6;
+const uint8_t kNumericNegative3ByteInt = kNumeric + 7;
+const uint8_t kNumericNegative2ByteInt = kNumeric + 8;
+const uint8_t kNumericNegative1ByteInt = kNumeric + 9;
+const uint8_t kNumericNegativeSmallDouble = kNumeric + 10; // between 0 and -1 exclusive
+const uint8_t kNumericZero = kNumeric + 11;
+const uint8_t kNumericPositiveSmallDouble = kNumeric + 12; // between 0 and 1 exclusive
+const uint8_t kNumericPositive1ByteInt = kNumeric + 13;
+const uint8_t kNumericPositive2ByteInt = kNumeric + 14;
+const uint8_t kNumericPositive3ByteInt = kNumeric + 15;
+const uint8_t kNumericPositive4ByteInt = kNumeric + 16;
+const uint8_t kNumericPositive5ByteInt = kNumeric + 17;
+const uint8_t kNumericPositive6ByteInt = kNumeric + 18;
+const uint8_t kNumericPositive7ByteInt = kNumeric + 19;
+const uint8_t kNumericPositive8ByteInt = kNumeric + 20;
+const uint8_t kNumericPositiveLargeDouble = kNumeric + 21; // >= 2**63 including +Inf
+BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(kNumericPositiveLargeDouble < kStringLike);
+const uint8_t kBoolFalse = kBool + 0;
+const uint8_t kBoolTrue = kBool + 1;
+BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(kBoolTrue < kDate);
+size_t numBytesForInt(uint8_t ctype) {
+ if (ctype >= kNumericPositive1ByteInt) {
+ dassert(ctype <= kNumericPositive8ByteInt);
+ return ctype - kNumericPositive1ByteInt + 1;
+ }
- const char* start = static_cast<const char*>(reader->pos());
- const char* end = static_cast<const char*>(
- memchr(start, 0xFF, reader->remaining()));
- invariant(end);
- size_t actualBytes = end - start;
+ dassert(ctype <= kNumericNegative1ByteInt);
+ dassert(ctype >= kNumericNegative8ByteInt);
+ return kNumericNegative1ByteInt - ctype + 1;
+} // namespace CType
- out.append(start, actualBytes);
- reader->skip(1 + actualBytes);
- } while (reader->peek<unsigned char>() == 0x00);
+uint8_t bsonTypeToGenericKeyStringType(BSONType type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case MinKey:
+ return CType::kMinKey;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < out.size(); i++) {
- out[i] = ~out[i];
- }
+ case EOO:
+ case jstNULL:
+ return CType::kNullish;
- return out;
- }
- } // namespace
+ case Undefined:
+ return CType::kUndefined;
+ case NumberDouble:
+ case NumberInt:
+ case NumberLong:
+ return CType::kNumeric;
+ case mongo::String:
+ case Symbol:
+ return CType::kStringLike;
+ case Object:
+ return CType::kObject;
+ case Array:
+ return CType::kArray;
+ case BinData:
+ return CType::kBinData;
+ case jstOID:
+ return CType::kOID;
+ case Bool:
+ return CType::kBool;
+ case Date:
+ return CType::kDate;
+ case bsonTimestamp:
+ return CType::kTimestamp;
+ case RegEx:
+ return CType::kRegEx;
+ case DBRef:
+ return CType::kDBRef;
+ case Code:
+ return CType::kCode;
+ case CodeWScope:
+ return CType::kCodeWithScope;
- void KeyString::resetToKey(const BSONObj& obj, Ordering ord, RecordId recordId) {
- resetToEmpty();
- _appendAllElementsForIndexing(obj, ord, kInclusive);
- appendRecordId(recordId);
+ case MaxKey:
+ return CType::kMaxKey;
+ default:
+ invariant(false);
- void KeyString::resetToKey(const BSONObj& obj, Ordering ord, Discriminator discriminator) {
- resetToEmpty();
- _appendAllElementsForIndexing(obj, ord, discriminator);
+// First double that isn't an int64.
+const double kMinLargeDouble = 9223372036854775808.0; // 1ULL<<63
+const uint8_t kEnd = 0x4;
+// These overlay with CType or kEnd bytes and therefor must be less/greater than all of
+// them (and their inverses). They also can't equal 0 or 255 since that would collide with
+// the encoding of NUL bytes in strings as "\x00\xff".
+const uint8_t kLess = 1;
+const uint8_t kGreater = 254;
+} // namespace
+// some utility functions
+namespace {
+void memcpy_flipBits(void* dst, const void* src, size_t bytes) {
+ const char* input = static_cast<const char*>(src);
+ char* output = static_cast<char*>(dst);
+ const char* const end = input + bytes;
+ while (input != end) {
+ *output++ = ~(*input++);
+template <typename T>
+T readType(BufReader* reader, bool inverted) {
+ // TODO for C++11 to static_assert that T is integral
+ T t = ConstDataView(static_cast<const char*>(reader->skip(sizeof(T)))).read<T>();
+ if (inverted)
+ return ~t;
+ return t;
+StringData readCString(BufReader* reader) {
+ const char* start = static_cast<const char*>(reader->pos());
+ const char* end = static_cast<const char*>(memchr(start, 0x0, reader->remaining()));
+ invariant(end);
+ size_t actualBytes = end - start;
+ reader->skip(1 + actualBytes);
+ return StringData(start, actualBytes);
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------- APPEND CODE -------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void KeyString::_appendAllElementsForIndexing(const BSONObj& obj, Ordering ord,
- Discriminator discriminator) {
- int elemCount = 0;
- BSONObjIterator it(obj);
- while (auto elem = {
- const int elemIdx = elemCount++;
- const bool invert = (ord.get(elemIdx) == -1);
- _appendBsonValue(elem, invert, NULL);
- dassert(elem.fieldNameSize() < 3); // fieldNameSize includes the NUL
- // IndexEntryComparison::makeQueryObject() encodes a discriminator in the first byte of
- // the field name. This discriminator overrides the passed in one. Normal elements only
- // have the NUL byte terminator. Entries stored in an index are not allowed to have a
- // discriminator.
- if (char ch = *elem.fieldName()) {
- // l for less / g for greater.
- invariant(ch == 'l' || ch == 'g');
- discriminator = ch == 'l' ? kExclusiveBefore : kExclusiveAfter;
- invariant(!it.more());
- }
- }
- // The discriminator forces this KeyString to compare Less/Greater than any KeyString with
- // the same prefix of keys. As an example, this can be used to land on the first key in the
- // index with the value "a" regardless of the RecordId. In compound indexes it can use a
- // prefix of the full key to ignore the later keys.
- switch (discriminator) {
- case kExclusiveBefore: _append(kLess, false); break;
- case kExclusiveAfter: _append(kGreater, false); break;
- case kInclusive: break; // No discriminator byte.
- }
- // TODO consider omitting kEnd when using a discriminator byte. It is not a storage format
- // change since keystrings with discriminators are not allowed to be stored.
- _append(kEnd, false);
+ * scratch must be empty when passed in. It will be used if there is a NUL byte in the
+ * output string. In that case the returned StringData will point into scratch, otherwise
+ * it will point directly into the input buffer.
+ */
+StringData readCStringWithNuls(BufReader* reader, std::string* scratch) {
+ const StringData initial = readCString(reader);
+ if (reader->peek<unsigned char>() != 0xFF)
+ return initial; // Don't alloc or copy for simple case with no NUL bytes.
+ scratch->append(initial.rawData(), initial.size());
+ while (reader->peek<unsigned char>() == 0xFF) {
+ // Each time we enter this loop it means we hit a NUL byte encoded as "\x00\xFF".
+ *scratch += '\0';
+ reader->skip(1);
+ const StringData nextPart = readCString(reader);
+ scratch->append(nextPart.rawData(), nextPart.size());
- void KeyString::appendRecordId(RecordId loc) {
- // The RecordId encoding must be able to determine the full length starting from the last
- // byte, without knowing where the first byte is since it is stored at the end of a
- // KeyString, and we need to be able to read the RecordId without decoding the whole thing.
- //
- // This encoding places a number (N) between 0 and 7 in both the high 3 bits of the first
- // byte and the low 3 bits of the last byte. This is the number of bytes between the first
- // and last byte (ie total bytes is N + 2). The remaining bits of the first and last bytes
- // are combined with the bits of the in-between bytes to store the 64-bit RecordId in
- // big-endian order. This does not encode negative RecordIds to give maximum space to
- // positive RecordIds which are the only ones that are allowed to be stored in an index.
- int64_t raw = loc.repr();
- if (raw < 0) {
- // Note: we encode RecordId::min() and RecordId() the same which is ok, as they are
- // never stored so they will never be compared to each other.
- invariant(raw == RecordId::min().repr());
- raw = 0;
- }
- const uint64_t value = static_cast<uint64_t>(raw);
- const int bitsNeeded = 64 - countLeadingZeros64(raw);
- const int extraBytesNeeded = bitsNeeded <= 10
- ? 0
- : ((bitsNeeded - 10) + 7) / 8; // ceil((bitsNeeded - 10) / 8)
- // extraBytesNeeded must fit in 3 bits.
- dassert(extraBytesNeeded >= 0 && extraBytesNeeded < 8);
- // firstByte combines highest 5 bits of value with extraBytesNeeded.
- const uint8_t firstByte = uint8_t((extraBytesNeeded << 5)
- | (value >> (5 + (extraBytesNeeded * 8))));
- // lastByte combines lowest 5 bits of value with extraBytesNeeded.
- const uint8_t lastByte = uint8_t((value << 3) | extraBytesNeeded);
- // RecordIds are never appended inverted.
- _append(firstByte, false);
- if (extraBytesNeeded) {
- const uint64_t extraBytes = endian::nativeToBig(value >> 5);
- // Only using the low-order extraBytesNeeded bytes of extraBytes.
- _appendBytes(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&extraBytes) + sizeof(extraBytes)
- - extraBytesNeeded,
- extraBytesNeeded,
- false);
- }
- _append(lastByte, false);
+ return *scratch;
+string readInvertedCString(BufReader* reader) {
+ const char* start = static_cast<const char*>(reader->pos());
+ const char* end = static_cast<const char*>(memchr(start, 0xFF, reader->remaining()));
+ invariant(end);
+ size_t actualBytes = end - start;
+ string s(start, actualBytes);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
+ s[i] = ~s[i];
- void KeyString::appendTypeBits(const TypeBits& typeBits) {
- // As an optimization, encode AllZeros as a single 0 byte.
- if (typeBits.isAllZeros()) {
- _append(uint8_t(0), false);
- return;
+ reader->skip(1 + actualBytes);
+ return s;
+string readInvertedCStringWithNuls(BufReader* reader) {
+ std::string out;
+ do {
+ if (!out.empty()) {
+ // If this isn't our first pass through the loop it means we hit an NUL byte
+ // encoded as "\xFF\00" in our inverted string.
+ reader->skip(1);
+ out += '\xFF'; // will be flipped to '\0' with rest of out before returning.
- _appendBytes(typeBits.getBuffer(), typeBits.getSize(), false);
- }
+ const char* start = static_cast<const char*>(reader->pos());
+ const char* end = static_cast<const char*>(memchr(start, 0xFF, reader->remaining()));
+ invariant(end);
+ size_t actualBytes = end - start;
- void KeyString::_appendBool(bool val, bool invert) {
- _append(val ? CType::kBoolTrue : CType::kBoolFalse, invert);
- }
+ out.append(start, actualBytes);
+ reader->skip(1 + actualBytes);
+ } while (reader->peek<unsigned char>() == 0x00);
- void KeyString::_appendDate(Date_t val, bool invert) {
- _append(CType::kDate, invert);
- // see:
- uint64_t encoded = static_cast<uint64_t>(val.asInt64());
- encoded ^= (1LL << 63); // flip highest bit (equivalent to bias encoding)
- _append(endian::nativeToBig(encoded), invert);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < out.size(); i++) {
+ out[i] = ~out[i];
- void KeyString::_appendTimestamp(Timestamp val, bool invert) {
- _append(CType::kTimestamp, invert);
- _append(endian::nativeToBig(val.asLL()), invert);
- }
- void KeyString::_appendOID(OID val, bool invert) {
- _append(CType::kOID, invert);
- _appendBytes(val.view().view(), OID::kOIDSize, invert);
+ return out;
+} // namespace
+void KeyString::resetToKey(const BSONObj& obj, Ordering ord, RecordId recordId) {
+ resetToEmpty();
+ _appendAllElementsForIndexing(obj, ord, kInclusive);
+ appendRecordId(recordId);
+void KeyString::resetToKey(const BSONObj& obj, Ordering ord, Discriminator discriminator) {
+ resetToEmpty();
+ _appendAllElementsForIndexing(obj, ord, discriminator);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------- APPEND CODE -------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void KeyString::_appendAllElementsForIndexing(const BSONObj& obj,
+ Ordering ord,
+ Discriminator discriminator) {
+ int elemCount = 0;
+ BSONObjIterator it(obj);
+ while (auto elem = {
+ const int elemIdx = elemCount++;
+ const bool invert = (ord.get(elemIdx) == -1);
+ _appendBsonValue(elem, invert, NULL);
+ dassert(elem.fieldNameSize() < 3); // fieldNameSize includes the NUL
+ // IndexEntryComparison::makeQueryObject() encodes a discriminator in the first byte of
+ // the field name. This discriminator overrides the passed in one. Normal elements only
+ // have the NUL byte terminator. Entries stored in an index are not allowed to have a
+ // discriminator.
+ if (char ch = *elem.fieldName()) {
+ // l for less / g for greater.
+ invariant(ch == 'l' || ch == 'g');
+ discriminator = ch == 'l' ? kExclusiveBefore : kExclusiveAfter;
+ invariant(!it.more());
+ }
- void KeyString::_appendString(StringData val, bool invert) {
- _typeBits.appendString();
- _append(CType::kStringLike, invert);
- _appendStringLike(val, invert);
+ // The discriminator forces this KeyString to compare Less/Greater than any KeyString with
+ // the same prefix of keys. As an example, this can be used to land on the first key in the
+ // index with the value "a" regardless of the RecordId. In compound indexes it can use a
+ // prefix of the full key to ignore the later keys.
+ switch (discriminator) {
+ case kExclusiveBefore:
+ _append(kLess, false);
+ break;
+ case kExclusiveAfter:
+ _append(kGreater, false);
+ break;
+ case kInclusive:
+ break; // No discriminator byte.
- void KeyString::_appendSymbol(StringData val, bool invert) {
- _typeBits.appendSymbol();
- _append(CType::kStringLike, invert); // Symbols and Strings compare equally
- _appendStringLike(val, invert);
+ // TODO consider omitting kEnd when using a discriminator byte. It is not a storage format
+ // change since keystrings with discriminators are not allowed to be stored.
+ _append(kEnd, false);
+void KeyString::appendRecordId(RecordId loc) {
+ // The RecordId encoding must be able to determine the full length starting from the last
+ // byte, without knowing where the first byte is since it is stored at the end of a
+ // KeyString, and we need to be able to read the RecordId without decoding the whole thing.
+ //
+ // This encoding places a number (N) between 0 and 7 in both the high 3 bits of the first
+ // byte and the low 3 bits of the last byte. This is the number of bytes between the first
+ // and last byte (ie total bytes is N + 2). The remaining bits of the first and last bytes
+ // are combined with the bits of the in-between bytes to store the 64-bit RecordId in
+ // big-endian order. This does not encode negative RecordIds to give maximum space to
+ // positive RecordIds which are the only ones that are allowed to be stored in an index.
+ int64_t raw = loc.repr();
+ if (raw < 0) {
+ // Note: we encode RecordId::min() and RecordId() the same which is ok, as they are
+ // never stored so they will never be compared to each other.
+ invariant(raw == RecordId::min().repr());
+ raw = 0;
- void KeyString::_appendCode(StringData val, bool invert) {
- _append(CType::kCode, invert);
- _appendStringLike(val, invert);
+ const uint64_t value = static_cast<uint64_t>(raw);
+ const int bitsNeeded = 64 - countLeadingZeros64(raw);
+ const int extraBytesNeeded =
+ bitsNeeded <= 10 ? 0 : ((bitsNeeded - 10) + 7) / 8; // ceil((bitsNeeded - 10) / 8)
+ // extraBytesNeeded must fit in 3 bits.
+ dassert(extraBytesNeeded >= 0 && extraBytesNeeded < 8);
+ // firstByte combines highest 5 bits of value with extraBytesNeeded.
+ const uint8_t firstByte =
+ uint8_t((extraBytesNeeded << 5) | (value >> (5 + (extraBytesNeeded * 8))));
+ // lastByte combines lowest 5 bits of value with extraBytesNeeded.
+ const uint8_t lastByte = uint8_t((value << 3) | extraBytesNeeded);
+ // RecordIds are never appended inverted.
+ _append(firstByte, false);
+ if (extraBytesNeeded) {
+ const uint64_t extraBytes = endian::nativeToBig(value >> 5);
+ // Only using the low-order extraBytesNeeded bytes of extraBytes.
+ _appendBytes(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&extraBytes) + sizeof(extraBytes) -
+ extraBytesNeeded,
+ extraBytesNeeded,
+ false);
- void KeyString::_appendCodeWString(const BSONCodeWScope& val, bool invert) {
- _append(CType::kCodeWithScope, invert);
- _appendStringLike(val.code, invert);
- _appendBson(val.scope, invert);
+ _append(lastByte, false);
+void KeyString::appendTypeBits(const TypeBits& typeBits) {
+ // As an optimization, encode AllZeros as a single 0 byte.
+ if (typeBits.isAllZeros()) {
+ _append(uint8_t(0), false);
+ return;
- void KeyString::_appendBinData(const BSONBinData& val, bool invert) {
- _append(CType::kBinData, invert);
- if (val.length < 0xff) {
- // size fits in one byte so use one byte to encode.
- _append(uint8_t(val.length), invert);
- }
- else {
- // Encode 0xff prefix to indicate that the size takes 4 bytes.
- _append(uint8_t(0xff), invert);
- _append(endian::nativeToBig(int32_t(val.length)), invert);
- }
- _append(uint8_t(val.type), invert);
- _appendBytes(, val.length, invert);
+ _appendBytes(typeBits.getBuffer(), typeBits.getSize(), false);
+void KeyString::_appendBool(bool val, bool invert) {
+ _append(val ? CType::kBoolTrue : CType::kBoolFalse, invert);
+void KeyString::_appendDate(Date_t val, bool invert) {
+ _append(CType::kDate, invert);
+ // see:
+ uint64_t encoded = static_cast<uint64_t>(val.asInt64());
+ encoded ^= (1LL << 63); // flip highest bit (equivalent to bias encoding)
+ _append(endian::nativeToBig(encoded), invert);
+void KeyString::_appendTimestamp(Timestamp val, bool invert) {
+ _append(CType::kTimestamp, invert);
+ _append(endian::nativeToBig(val.asLL()), invert);
+void KeyString::_appendOID(OID val, bool invert) {
+ _append(CType::kOID, invert);
+ _appendBytes(val.view().view(), OID::kOIDSize, invert);
+void KeyString::_appendString(StringData val, bool invert) {
+ _typeBits.appendString();
+ _append(CType::kStringLike, invert);
+ _appendStringLike(val, invert);
+void KeyString::_appendSymbol(StringData val, bool invert) {
+ _typeBits.appendSymbol();
+ _append(CType::kStringLike, invert); // Symbols and Strings compare equally
+ _appendStringLike(val, invert);
+void KeyString::_appendCode(StringData val, bool invert) {
+ _append(CType::kCode, invert);
+ _appendStringLike(val, invert);
+void KeyString::_appendCodeWString(const BSONCodeWScope& val, bool invert) {
+ _append(CType::kCodeWithScope, invert);
+ _appendStringLike(val.code, invert);
+ _appendBson(val.scope, invert);
+void KeyString::_appendBinData(const BSONBinData& val, bool invert) {
+ _append(CType::kBinData, invert);
+ if (val.length < 0xff) {
+ // size fits in one byte so use one byte to encode.
+ _append(uint8_t(val.length), invert);
+ } else {
+ // Encode 0xff prefix to indicate that the size takes 4 bytes.
+ _append(uint8_t(0xff), invert);
+ _append(endian::nativeToBig(int32_t(val.length)), invert);
- void KeyString::_appendRegex(const BSONRegEx& val, bool invert) {
- _append(CType::kRegEx, invert);
- // note: NULL is not allowed in pattern or flags
- _appendBytes(val.pattern.rawData(), val.pattern.size(), invert);
- _append(int8_t(0), invert);
- _appendBytes(val.flags.rawData(), val.flags.size(), invert);
- _append(int8_t(0), invert);
+ _append(uint8_t(val.type), invert);
+ _appendBytes(, val.length, invert);
+void KeyString::_appendRegex(const BSONRegEx& val, bool invert) {
+ _append(CType::kRegEx, invert);
+ // note: NULL is not allowed in pattern or flags
+ _appendBytes(val.pattern.rawData(), val.pattern.size(), invert);
+ _append(int8_t(0), invert);
+ _appendBytes(val.flags.rawData(), val.flags.size(), invert);
+ _append(int8_t(0), invert);
+void KeyString::_appendDBRef(const BSONDBRef& val, bool invert) {
+ _append(CType::kDBRef, invert);
+ _append(endian::nativeToBig(int32_t(val.ns.size())), invert);
+ _appendBytes(val.ns.rawData(), val.ns.size(), invert);
+ _appendBytes(val.oid.view().view(), OID::kOIDSize, invert);
+void KeyString::_appendArray(const BSONArray& val, bool invert) {
+ _append(CType::kArray, invert);
+ BSONForEach(elem, val) {
+ // No generic ctype byte needed here since no name is encoded.
+ _appendBsonValue(elem, invert, NULL);
- void KeyString::_appendDBRef(const BSONDBRef& val, bool invert) {
- _append(CType::kDBRef, invert);
- _append(endian::nativeToBig(int32_t(val.ns.size())), invert);
- _appendBytes(val.ns.rawData(), val.ns.size(), invert);
- _appendBytes(val.oid.view().view(), OID::kOIDSize, invert);
+ _append(int8_t(0), invert);
+void KeyString::_appendObject(const BSONObj& val, bool invert) {
+ _append(CType::kObject, invert);
+ _appendBson(val, invert);
+void KeyString::_appendNumberDouble(const double num, bool invert) {
+ if (num == 0.0 && std::signbit(num)) {
+ _typeBits.appendNegativeZero();
+ } else {
+ _typeBits.appendNumberDouble();
- void KeyString::_appendArray(const BSONArray& val, bool invert) {
- _append(CType::kArray, invert);
- BSONForEach(elem, val) {
- // No generic ctype byte needed here since no name is encoded.
- _appendBsonValue(elem, invert, NULL);
- }
- _append(int8_t(0), invert);
+ // no special cases needed for Inf,
+ // see
+ if (std::isnan(num)) {
+ _append(CType::kNumericNaN, invert);
+ return;
- void KeyString::_appendObject(const BSONObj& val, bool invert) {
- _append(CType::kObject, invert);
- _appendBson(val, invert);
+ if (num == 0.0) {
+ // We are collapsing -0.0 and 0.0 to the same value here.
+ // This is correct as IEEE-754 specifies that they compare as equal,
+ // however this prevents roundtripping -0.0.
+ // So if you put a -0.0 in, you'll get 0.0 out.
+ // We believe this to be ok.
+ _append(CType::kNumericZero, invert);
+ return;
- void KeyString::_appendNumberDouble(const double num, bool invert) {
- if (num == 0.0 && std::signbit(num)) {
- _typeBits.appendNegativeZero();
- }
- else {
- _typeBits.appendNumberDouble();
- }
+ const bool isNegative = num < 0.0;
+ const double magnitude = isNegative ? -num : num;
- // no special cases needed for Inf,
- // see
- if (std::isnan(num)) {
- _append(CType::kNumericNaN, invert);
- return;
- }
- if (num == 0.0) {
- // We are collapsing -0.0 and 0.0 to the same value here.
- // This is correct as IEEE-754 specifies that they compare as equal,
- // however this prevents roundtripping -0.0.
- // So if you put a -0.0 in, you'll get 0.0 out.
- // We believe this to be ok.
- _append(CType::kNumericZero, invert);
- return;
- }
- const bool isNegative = num < 0.0;
- const double magnitude = isNegative ? -num : num;
- if (magnitude < 1.0) {
- // This includes subnormal numbers.
- _appendSmallDouble(num, invert);
- return;
- }
- if (magnitude < kMinLargeDouble) {
- uint64_t integerPart = uint64_t(magnitude);
- if (double(integerPart) == magnitude) {
- // No fractional part
- _appendPreshiftedIntegerPortion(integerPart << 1, isNegative, invert);
- return;
- }
+ if (magnitude < 1.0) {
+ // This includes subnormal numbers.
+ _appendSmallDouble(num, invert);
+ return;
+ }
- // There is a fractional part.
- _appendPreshiftedIntegerPortion((integerPart << 1) | 1, isNegative, invert);
- // Append the bytes of the mantissa that include fractional bits.
- const size_t fractionalBits = (53 - (64 - countLeadingZeros64(integerPart)));
- const size_t fractionalBytes = (fractionalBits + 7) / 8;
- dassert(fractionalBytes > 0);
- uint64_t mantissa;
- memcpy(&mantissa, &num, sizeof(mantissa));
- mantissa &= ~(uint64_t(-1) << fractionalBits); // set non-fractional bits to 0;
- mantissa = endian::nativeToBig(mantissa);
- const void* firstUsedByte =
- reinterpret_cast<const char*>((&mantissa) + 1) - fractionalBytes;
- _appendBytes(firstUsedByte, fractionalBytes, isNegative ? !invert : invert);
+ if (magnitude < kMinLargeDouble) {
+ uint64_t integerPart = uint64_t(magnitude);
+ if (double(integerPart) == magnitude) {
+ // No fractional part
+ _appendPreshiftedIntegerPortion(integerPart << 1, isNegative, invert);
- _appendLargeDouble(num, invert);
+ // There is a fractional part.
+ _appendPreshiftedIntegerPortion((integerPart << 1) | 1, isNegative, invert);
+ // Append the bytes of the mantissa that include fractional bits.
+ const size_t fractionalBits = (53 - (64 - countLeadingZeros64(integerPart)));
+ const size_t fractionalBytes = (fractionalBits + 7) / 8;
+ dassert(fractionalBytes > 0);
+ uint64_t mantissa;
+ memcpy(&mantissa, &num, sizeof(mantissa));
+ mantissa &= ~(uint64_t(-1) << fractionalBits); // set non-fractional bits to 0;
+ mantissa = endian::nativeToBig(mantissa);
+ const void* firstUsedByte =
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>((&mantissa) + 1) - fractionalBytes;
+ _appendBytes(firstUsedByte, fractionalBytes, isNegative ? !invert : invert);
+ return;
- void KeyString::_appendNumberLong(const long long num, bool invert) {
- _typeBits.appendNumberLong();
- _appendInteger(num, invert);
- }
+ _appendLargeDouble(num, invert);
- void KeyString::_appendNumberInt(const int num, bool invert) {
- _typeBits.appendNumberInt();
- _appendInteger(num, invert);
- }
+void KeyString::_appendNumberLong(const long long num, bool invert) {
+ _typeBits.appendNumberLong();
+ _appendInteger(num, invert);
- void KeyString::_appendBsonValue(const BSONElement& elem,
- bool invert,
- const StringData* name) {
+void KeyString::_appendNumberInt(const int num, bool invert) {
+ _typeBits.appendNumberInt();
+ _appendInteger(num, invert);
- if (name) {
- _appendBytes(name->rawData(), name->size() + 1, invert); // + 1 for NUL
- }
+void KeyString::_appendBsonValue(const BSONElement& elem, bool invert, const StringData* name) {
+ if (name) {
+ _appendBytes(name->rawData(), name->size() + 1, invert); // + 1 for NUL
+ }
- switch (elem.type()) {
+ switch (elem.type()) {
case MinKey:
case MaxKey:
case EOO:
@@ -550,10 +562,18 @@ namespace mongo {
_append(bsonTypeToGenericKeyStringType(elem.type()), invert);
- case NumberDouble: _appendNumberDouble(elem._numberDouble(), invert); break;
- case String: _appendString(elem.valueStringData(), invert); break;
- case Object: _appendObject(elem.Obj(), invert); break;
- case Array: _appendArray(BSONArray(elem.Obj()), invert); break;
+ case NumberDouble:
+ _appendNumberDouble(elem._numberDouble(), invert);
+ break;
+ case String:
+ _appendString(elem.valueStringData(), invert);
+ break;
+ case Object:
+ _appendObject(elem.Obj(), invert);
+ break;
+ case Array:
+ _appendArray(BSONArray(elem.Obj()), invert);
+ break;
case BinData: {
int len;
const char* data = elem.binData(len);
@@ -561,606 +581,635 @@ namespace mongo {
- case jstOID: _appendOID(elem.__oid(), invert); break;
- case Bool: _appendBool(elem.boolean(), invert); break;
- case Date: _appendDate(, invert); break;
+ case jstOID:
+ _appendOID(elem.__oid(), invert);
+ break;
+ case Bool:
+ _appendBool(elem.boolean(), invert);
+ break;
+ case Date:
+ _appendDate(, invert);
+ break;
- case RegEx: _appendRegex(BSONRegEx(elem.regex(), elem.regexFlags()), invert); break;
- case DBRef: _appendDBRef(BSONDBRef(elem.dbrefNS(), elem.dbrefOID()), invert); break;
- case Symbol: _appendSymbol(elem.valueStringData(), invert); break;
- case Code: _appendCode(elem.valueStringData(), invert); break;
+ case RegEx:
+ _appendRegex(BSONRegEx(elem.regex(), elem.regexFlags()), invert);
+ break;
+ case DBRef:
+ _appendDBRef(BSONDBRef(elem.dbrefNS(), elem.dbrefOID()), invert);
+ break;
+ case Symbol:
+ _appendSymbol(elem.valueStringData(), invert);
+ break;
+ case Code:
+ _appendCode(elem.valueStringData(), invert);
+ break;
case CodeWScope: {
- _appendCodeWString(BSONCodeWScope(StringData(elem.codeWScopeCode(),
- elem.codeWScopeCodeLen()-1),
- BSONObj(elem.codeWScopeScopeData())),
- invert);
+ _appendCodeWString(
+ BSONCodeWScope(StringData(elem.codeWScopeCode(), elem.codeWScopeCodeLen() - 1),
+ BSONObj(elem.codeWScopeScopeData())),
+ invert);
- case NumberInt: _appendNumberInt(elem._numberInt(), invert); break;
- case bsonTimestamp: _appendTimestamp(elem.timestamp(), invert); break;
- case NumberLong: _appendNumberLong(elem._numberLong(), invert); break;
+ case NumberInt:
+ _appendNumberInt(elem._numberInt(), invert);
+ break;
+ case bsonTimestamp:
+ _appendTimestamp(elem.timestamp(), invert);
+ break;
+ case NumberLong:
+ _appendNumberLong(elem._numberLong(), invert);
+ break;
- }
- /// -- lowest level
+/// -- lowest level
- void KeyString::_appendStringLike(StringData str, bool invert) {
- while (true) {
- size_t firstNul = strnlen(str.rawData(), str.size());
- // No NULs in string.
- _appendBytes(str.rawData(), firstNul, invert);
- if (firstNul == str.size() || firstNul == std::string::npos) {
- _append(int8_t(0), invert);
- break;
- }
- // replace "\x00" with "\x00\xFF"
- _appendBytes("\x00\xFF", 2, invert);
- str = str.substr(firstNul + 1); // skip over the NUL byte
+void KeyString::_appendStringLike(StringData str, bool invert) {
+ while (true) {
+ size_t firstNul = strnlen(str.rawData(), str.size());
+ // No NULs in string.
+ _appendBytes(str.rawData(), firstNul, invert);
+ if (firstNul == str.size() || firstNul == std::string::npos) {
+ _append(int8_t(0), invert);
+ break;
- }
- void KeyString::_appendBson(const BSONObj& obj, bool invert) {
- BSONForEach(elem, obj) {
- // Force the order to be based on (ctype, name, value).
- _append(bsonTypeToGenericKeyStringType(elem.type()), invert);
- StringData name = elem.fieldNameStringData();
- _appendBsonValue(elem, invert, &name);
- }
- _append(int8_t(0), invert);
+ // replace "\x00" with "\x00\xFF"
+ _appendBytes("\x00\xFF", 2, invert);
+ str = str.substr(firstNul + 1); // skip over the NUL byte
- void KeyString::_appendSmallDouble(double value, bool invert) {
- dassert(!std::isnan(value));
- dassert(value != 0.0);
- uint64_t data;
- memcpy(&data, &value, sizeof(data));
- if (value > 0) {
- _append(CType::kNumericPositiveSmallDouble, invert);
- _append(endian::nativeToBig(data), invert);
- }
- else {
- _append(CType::kNumericNegativeSmallDouble, invert);
- _append(endian::nativeToBig(data), !invert);
- }
+void KeyString::_appendBson(const BSONObj& obj, bool invert) {
+ BSONForEach(elem, obj) {
+ // Force the order to be based on (ctype, name, value).
+ _append(bsonTypeToGenericKeyStringType(elem.type()), invert);
+ StringData name = elem.fieldNameStringData();
+ _appendBsonValue(elem, invert, &name);
+ }
+ _append(int8_t(0), invert);
+void KeyString::_appendSmallDouble(double value, bool invert) {
+ dassert(!std::isnan(value));
+ dassert(value != 0.0);
+ uint64_t data;
+ memcpy(&data, &value, sizeof(data));
+ if (value > 0) {
+ _append(CType::kNumericPositiveSmallDouble, invert);
+ _append(endian::nativeToBig(data), invert);
+ } else {
+ _append(CType::kNumericNegativeSmallDouble, invert);
+ _append(endian::nativeToBig(data), !invert);
- void KeyString::_appendLargeDouble(double value, bool invert) {
- dassert(!std::isnan(value));
- dassert(value != 0.0);
+void KeyString::_appendLargeDouble(double value, bool invert) {
+ dassert(!std::isnan(value));
+ dassert(value != 0.0);
- uint64_t data;
- memcpy(&data, &value, sizeof(data));
+ uint64_t data;
+ memcpy(&data, &value, sizeof(data));
- if (value > 0) {
- _append(CType::kNumericPositiveLargeDouble, invert);
- _append(endian::nativeToBig(data), invert);
- }
- else {
- _append(CType::kNumericNegativeLargeDouble, invert);
- _append(endian::nativeToBig(data), !invert);
- }
+ if (value > 0) {
+ _append(CType::kNumericPositiveLargeDouble, invert);
+ _append(endian::nativeToBig(data), invert);
+ } else {
+ _append(CType::kNumericNegativeLargeDouble, invert);
+ _append(endian::nativeToBig(data), !invert);
+ }
+// Handles NumberLong and NumberInt which are encoded identically except for the TypeBits.
+void KeyString::_appendInteger(const long long num, bool invert) {
+ if (num == std::numeric_limits<long long>::min()) {
+ // -2**63 is exactly representable as a double and not as a positive int64.
+ // Therefore we encode it as a double.
+ dassert(-double(num) == kMinLargeDouble);
+ _appendLargeDouble(double(num), invert);
+ return;
- // Handles NumberLong and NumberInt which are encoded identically except for the TypeBits.
- void KeyString::_appendInteger(const long long num, bool invert) {
- if (num == std::numeric_limits<long long>::min()) {
- // -2**63 is exactly representable as a double and not as a positive int64.
- // Therefore we encode it as a double.
- dassert(-double(num) == kMinLargeDouble);
- _appendLargeDouble(double(num), invert);
- return;
- }
- if (num == 0) {
- _append(CType::kNumericZero, invert);
- return;
- }
- const bool isNegative = num < 0;
- const uint64_t magnitude = isNegative ? -num : num;
- _appendPreshiftedIntegerPortion(magnitude << 1, isNegative, invert);
+ if (num == 0) {
+ _append(CType::kNumericZero, invert);
+ return;
+ const bool isNegative = num < 0;
+ const uint64_t magnitude = isNegative ? -num : num;
+ _appendPreshiftedIntegerPortion(magnitude << 1, isNegative, invert);
- void KeyString::_appendPreshiftedIntegerPortion(uint64_t value, bool isNegative, bool invert) {
- dassert(value != 0ull);
- dassert(value != 1ull);
- const size_t bytesNeeded = (64 - countLeadingZeros64(value) + 7) / 8;
+void KeyString::_appendPreshiftedIntegerPortion(uint64_t value, bool isNegative, bool invert) {
+ dassert(value != 0ull);
+ dassert(value != 1ull);
- // Append the low bytes of value in big endian order.
- value = endian::nativeToBig(value);
- const void* firstUsedByte = reinterpret_cast<const char*>((&value) + 1) - bytesNeeded;
+ const size_t bytesNeeded = (64 - countLeadingZeros64(value) + 7) / 8;
- if (isNegative) {
- _append(uint8_t(CType::kNumericNegative1ByteInt - (bytesNeeded - 1)), invert);
- _appendBytes(firstUsedByte, bytesNeeded, !invert);
- }
- else {
- _append(uint8_t(CType::kNumericPositive1ByteInt + (bytesNeeded - 1)), invert);
- _appendBytes(firstUsedByte, bytesNeeded, invert);
- }
- }
+ // Append the low bytes of value in big endian order.
+ value = endian::nativeToBig(value);
+ const void* firstUsedByte = reinterpret_cast<const char*>((&value) + 1) - bytesNeeded;
- template <typename T>
- void KeyString::_append(const T& thing, bool invert) {
- _appendBytes(&thing, sizeof(thing), invert);
+ if (isNegative) {
+ _append(uint8_t(CType::kNumericNegative1ByteInt - (bytesNeeded - 1)), invert);
+ _appendBytes(firstUsedByte, bytesNeeded, !invert);
+ } else {
+ _append(uint8_t(CType::kNumericPositive1ByteInt + (bytesNeeded - 1)), invert);
+ _appendBytes(firstUsedByte, bytesNeeded, invert);
- void KeyString::_appendBytes(const void* source, size_t bytes, bool invert) {
- char* const base = _buffer.skip(bytes);
+template <typename T>
+void KeyString::_append(const T& thing, bool invert) {
+ _appendBytes(&thing, sizeof(thing), invert);
- if (invert) {
- memcpy_flipBits(base, source, bytes);
+void KeyString::_appendBytes(const void* source, size_t bytes, bool invert) {
+ char* const base = _buffer.skip(bytes);
+ if (invert) {
+ memcpy_flipBits(base, source, bytes);
+ } else {
+ memcpy(base, source, bytes);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------- DECODING CODE --------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace {
+void toBsonValue(uint8_t ctype,
+ BufReader* reader,
+ TypeBits::Reader* typeBits,
+ bool inverted,
+ BSONObjBuilderValueStream* stream);
+void toBson(BufReader* reader, TypeBits::Reader* typeBits, bool inverted, BSONObjBuilder* builder) {
+ while (readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted) != 0) {
+ if (inverted) {
+ std::string name = readInvertedCString(reader);
+ BSONObjBuilderValueStream& stream = *builder << name;
+ toBsonValue(readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted), reader, typeBits, inverted, &stream);
} else {
- memcpy(base, source, bytes);
+ StringData name = readCString(reader);
+ BSONObjBuilderValueStream& stream = *builder << name;
+ toBsonValue(readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted), reader, typeBits, inverted, &stream);
+void toBsonValue(uint8_t ctype,
+ BufReader* reader,
+ TypeBits::Reader* typeBits,
+ bool inverted,
+ BSONObjBuilderValueStream* stream) {
+ // This is only used by the kNumeric.*ByteInt types, but needs to be declared up here
+ // since it is used across a fallthrough.
+ bool isNegative = false;
+ switch (ctype) {
+ case CType::kMinKey:
+ *stream << MINKEY;
+ break;
+ case CType::kMaxKey:
+ *stream << MAXKEY;
+ break;
+ case CType::kNullish:
+ *stream << BSONNULL;
+ break;
+ case CType::kUndefined:
+ *stream << BSONUndefined;
+ break;
+ case CType::kBoolTrue:
+ *stream << true;
+ break;
+ case CType::kBoolFalse:
+ *stream << false;
+ break;
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------- DECODING CODE --------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace {
- void toBsonValue(uint8_t ctype,
- BufReader* reader,
- TypeBits::Reader* typeBits,
- bool inverted,
- BSONObjBuilderValueStream* stream);
- void toBson(BufReader* reader, TypeBits::Reader* typeBits,
- bool inverted, BSONObjBuilder* builder) {
- while (readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted) != 0) {
- if (inverted) {
- std::string name = readInvertedCString(reader);
- BSONObjBuilderValueStream& stream = *builder << name;
- toBsonValue(readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted), reader, typeBits, inverted,
- &stream);
- }
- else {
- StringData name = readCString(reader);
- BSONObjBuilderValueStream& stream = *builder << name;
- toBsonValue(readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted), reader, typeBits, inverted,
- &stream);
- }
- }
- }
+ case CType::kDate:
+ *stream << Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(
+ endian::bigToNative(readType<uint64_t>(reader, inverted)) ^ (1LL << 63));
+ break;
- void toBsonValue(uint8_t ctype,
- BufReader* reader,
- TypeBits::Reader* typeBits,
- bool inverted,
- BSONObjBuilderValueStream* stream) {
- // This is only used by the kNumeric.*ByteInt types, but needs to be declared up here
- // since it is used across a fallthrough.
- bool isNegative = false;
- switch (ctype) {
- case CType::kMinKey: *stream << MINKEY; break;
- case CType::kMaxKey: *stream << MAXKEY; break;
- case CType::kNullish: *stream << BSONNULL; break;
- case CType::kUndefined: *stream << BSONUndefined; break;
- case CType::kBoolTrue: *stream << true; break;
- case CType::kBoolFalse: *stream << false; break;
- case CType::kDate:
- *stream << Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(
- endian::bigToNative(readType<uint64_t>(reader, inverted)) ^ (1LL << 63));
- break;
- case CType::kTimestamp:
- *stream << Timestamp(endian::bigToNative(readType<uint64_t>(reader, inverted)));
- break;
- case CType::kOID:
- if (inverted) {
- char buf[OID::kOIDSize];
- memcpy_flipBits(buf, reader->skip(OID::kOIDSize), OID::kOIDSize);
- *stream << OID::from(buf);
- }
- else {
- *stream << OID::from(reader->skip(OID::kOIDSize));
- }
- break;
- case CType::kStringLike: {
- const uint8_t originalType = typeBits->readStringLike();
- if (inverted) {
- if (originalType == TypeBits::kString) {
- *stream << readInvertedCStringWithNuls(reader);
- }
- else {
- dassert(originalType == TypeBits::kSymbol);
- *stream << BSONSymbol(readInvertedCStringWithNuls(reader));
- }
- }
- else {
- std::string scratch;
- if (originalType == TypeBits::kString) {
- *stream << readCStringWithNuls(reader, &scratch);
- }
- else {
- dassert(originalType == TypeBits::kSymbol);
- *stream << BSONSymbol(readCStringWithNuls(reader, &scratch));
- }
- }
- break;
+ case CType::kTimestamp:
+ *stream << Timestamp(endian::bigToNative(readType<uint64_t>(reader, inverted)));
+ break;
+ case CType::kOID:
+ if (inverted) {
+ char buf[OID::kOIDSize];
+ memcpy_flipBits(buf, reader->skip(OID::kOIDSize), OID::kOIDSize);
+ *stream << OID::from(buf);
+ } else {
+ *stream << OID::from(reader->skip(OID::kOIDSize));
+ break;
- case CType::kCode: {
- if (inverted) {
- *stream << BSONCode(readInvertedCStringWithNuls(reader));
+ case CType::kStringLike: {
+ const uint8_t originalType = typeBits->readStringLike();
+ if (inverted) {
+ if (originalType == TypeBits::kString) {
+ *stream << readInvertedCStringWithNuls(reader);
+ } else {
+ dassert(originalType == TypeBits::kSymbol);
+ *stream << BSONSymbol(readInvertedCStringWithNuls(reader));
- else {
- std::string scratch;
- *stream << BSONCode(readCStringWithNuls(reader, &scratch));
+ } else {
+ std::string scratch;
+ if (originalType == TypeBits::kString) {
+ *stream << readCStringWithNuls(reader, &scratch);
+ } else {
+ dassert(originalType == TypeBits::kSymbol);
+ *stream << BSONSymbol(readCStringWithNuls(reader, &scratch));
- break;
+ break;
+ }
- case CType::kCodeWithScope: {
+ case CType::kCode: {
+ if (inverted) {
+ *stream << BSONCode(readInvertedCStringWithNuls(reader));
+ } else {
std::string scratch;
- StringData code; // will point to either scratch or the raw encoded bytes.
- if (inverted) {
- scratch = readInvertedCStringWithNuls(reader);
- code = scratch;
- }
- else {
- code = readCStringWithNuls(reader, &scratch);
- }
- // Not going to optimize CodeWScope.
- BSONObjBuilder scope;
- toBson(reader, typeBits, inverted, &scope);
- *stream << BSONCodeWScope(code, scope.done());
- break;
+ *stream << BSONCode(readCStringWithNuls(reader, &scratch));
+ break;
+ }
- case CType::kBinData: {
- size_t size = readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted);
- if (size == 0xff) {
- // size was stored in 4 bytes.
- size = endian::bigToNative(readType<uint32_t>(reader, inverted));
- }
- BinDataType subType = BinDataType(readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted));
- const void* ptr = reader->skip(size);
- if (!inverted) {
- *stream << BSONBinData(ptr, size, subType);
- }
- else {
- std::unique_ptr<char[]> flipped(new char[size]);
- memcpy_flipBits(flipped.get(), ptr, size);
- *stream << BSONBinData(flipped.get(), size, subType);
- }
- break;
+ case CType::kCodeWithScope: {
+ std::string scratch;
+ StringData code; // will point to either scratch or the raw encoded bytes.
+ if (inverted) {
+ scratch = readInvertedCStringWithNuls(reader);
+ code = scratch;
+ } else {
+ code = readCStringWithNuls(reader, &scratch);
+ // Not going to optimize CodeWScope.
+ BSONObjBuilder scope;
+ toBson(reader, typeBits, inverted, &scope);
+ *stream << BSONCodeWScope(code, scope.done());
+ break;
+ }
- case CType::kRegEx: {
- if (inverted) {
- string pattern = readInvertedCString(reader);
- string flags = readInvertedCString(reader);
- *stream << BSONRegEx(pattern, flags);
- }
- else {
- StringData pattern = readCString(reader);
- StringData flags = readCString(reader);
- *stream << BSONRegEx(pattern, flags);
- }
- break;
+ case CType::kBinData: {
+ size_t size = readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted);
+ if (size == 0xff) {
+ // size was stored in 4 bytes.
+ size = endian::bigToNative(readType<uint32_t>(reader, inverted));
+ }
+ BinDataType subType = BinDataType(readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted));
+ const void* ptr = reader->skip(size);
+ if (!inverted) {
+ *stream << BSONBinData(ptr, size, subType);
+ } else {
+ std::unique_ptr<char[]> flipped(new char[size]);
+ memcpy_flipBits(flipped.get(), ptr, size);
+ *stream << BSONBinData(flipped.get(), size, subType);
+ break;
+ }
- case CType::kDBRef: {
- size_t size = endian::bigToNative(readType<uint32_t>(reader, inverted));
- if (inverted) {
- std::unique_ptr<char[]> ns(new char[size]);
- memcpy_flipBits(ns.get(), reader->skip(size), size);
- char oidBytes[OID::kOIDSize];
- memcpy_flipBits(oidBytes, reader->skip(OID::kOIDSize), OID::kOIDSize);
- OID oid = OID::from(oidBytes);
- *stream << BSONDBRef(StringData(ns.get(), size), oid);
- }
- else {
- const char* ns = static_cast<const char*>(reader->skip(size));
- OID oid = OID::from(reader->skip(OID::kOIDSize));
- *stream << BSONDBRef(StringData(ns, size), oid);
- }
- break;
+ case CType::kRegEx: {
+ if (inverted) {
+ string pattern = readInvertedCString(reader);
+ string flags = readInvertedCString(reader);
+ *stream << BSONRegEx(pattern, flags);
+ } else {
+ StringData pattern = readCString(reader);
+ StringData flags = readCString(reader);
+ *stream << BSONRegEx(pattern, flags);
+ break;
+ }
- case CType::kObject: {
- BSONObjBuilder subObj(stream->subobjStart());
- toBson(reader, typeBits, inverted, &subObj);
- break;
+ case CType::kDBRef: {
+ size_t size = endian::bigToNative(readType<uint32_t>(reader, inverted));
+ if (inverted) {
+ std::unique_ptr<char[]> ns(new char[size]);
+ memcpy_flipBits(ns.get(), reader->skip(size), size);
+ char oidBytes[OID::kOIDSize];
+ memcpy_flipBits(oidBytes, reader->skip(OID::kOIDSize), OID::kOIDSize);
+ OID oid = OID::from(oidBytes);
+ *stream << BSONDBRef(StringData(ns.get(), size), oid);
+ } else {
+ const char* ns = static_cast<const char*>(reader->skip(size));
+ OID oid = OID::from(reader->skip(OID::kOIDSize));
+ *stream << BSONDBRef(StringData(ns, size), oid);
+ break;
+ }
- case CType::kArray: {
- BSONObjBuilder subArr(stream->subarrayStart());
- int index = 0;
- uint8_t elemType;
- while ((elemType = readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted)) != 0) {
- toBsonValue(elemType,
- reader,
- typeBits,
- inverted,
- &(subArr << BSONObjBuilder::numStr(index++)));
- }
- break;
+ case CType::kObject: {
+ BSONObjBuilder subObj(stream->subobjStart());
+ toBson(reader, typeBits, inverted, &subObj);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CType::kArray: {
+ BSONObjBuilder subArr(stream->subarrayStart());
+ int index = 0;
+ uint8_t elemType;
+ while ((elemType = readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted)) != 0) {
+ toBsonValue(elemType,
+ reader,
+ typeBits,
+ inverted,
+ &(subArr << BSONObjBuilder::numStr(index++)));
+ break;
+ }
- //
- // Numerics
- //
- case CType::kNumericNaN:
- invariant(typeBits->readNumeric() == TypeBits::kDouble);
- *stream << std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
- break;
- case CType::kNumericZero:
- switch(typeBits->readNumeric()) {
- case TypeBits::kDouble: *stream << 0.0; break;
- case TypeBits::kInt: *stream << 0; break;
- case TypeBits::kLong: *stream << 0ll; break;
- case TypeBits::kNegativeZero: *stream << -0.0; break;
- }
- break;
- case CType::kNumericNegativeLargeDouble:
- case CType::kNumericNegativeSmallDouble:
- inverted = !inverted;
- // fallthrough (format is the same as positive, but inverted)
- case CType::kNumericPositiveLargeDouble:
- case CType::kNumericPositiveSmallDouble: {
- // for these, the raw double was stored intact, including sign bit.
- const uint8_t originalType = typeBits->readNumeric();
- uint64_t encoded = readType<uint64_t>(reader, inverted);
- encoded = endian::bigToNative(encoded);
- double d;
- memcpy(&d, &encoded, sizeof(d));
- if (originalType == TypeBits::kDouble) {
- *stream << d;
- }
- else {
- // This can only happen for a single number.
- invariant(originalType == TypeBits::kLong);
- invariant(d == double(std::numeric_limits<long long>::min()));
- *stream << std::numeric_limits<long long>::min();
- }
+ //
+ // Numerics
+ //
- break;
+ case CType::kNumericNaN:
+ invariant(typeBits->readNumeric() == TypeBits::kDouble);
+ *stream << std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
+ break;
+ case CType::kNumericZero:
+ switch (typeBits->readNumeric()) {
+ case TypeBits::kDouble:
+ *stream << 0.0;
+ break;
+ case TypeBits::kInt:
+ *stream << 0;
+ break;
+ case TypeBits::kLong:
+ *stream << 0ll;
+ break;
+ case TypeBits::kNegativeZero:
+ *stream << -0.0;
+ break;
+ break;
- case CType::kNumericNegative8ByteInt:
- case CType::kNumericNegative7ByteInt:
- case CType::kNumericNegative6ByteInt:
- case CType::kNumericNegative5ByteInt:
- case CType::kNumericNegative4ByteInt:
- case CType::kNumericNegative3ByteInt:
- case CType::kNumericNegative2ByteInt:
- case CType::kNumericNegative1ByteInt:
- inverted = !inverted;
- isNegative = true;
- // fallthrough (format is the same as positive, but inverted)
- case CType::kNumericPositive1ByteInt:
- case CType::kNumericPositive2ByteInt:
- case CType::kNumericPositive3ByteInt:
- case CType::kNumericPositive4ByteInt:
- case CType::kNumericPositive5ByteInt:
- case CType::kNumericPositive6ByteInt:
- case CType::kNumericPositive7ByteInt:
- case CType::kNumericPositive8ByteInt: {
- const uint8_t originalType = typeBits->readNumeric();
- uint64_t encodedIntegerPart = 0;
- {
- size_t intBytesRemaining = CType::numBytesForInt(ctype);
- while (intBytesRemaining--) {
- encodedIntegerPart = (encodedIntegerPart << 8)
- | readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted);
- }
- }
+ case CType::kNumericNegativeLargeDouble:
+ case CType::kNumericNegativeSmallDouble:
+ inverted = !inverted;
+ // fallthrough (format is the same as positive, but inverted)
+ case CType::kNumericPositiveLargeDouble:
+ case CType::kNumericPositiveSmallDouble: {
+ // for these, the raw double was stored intact, including sign bit.
+ const uint8_t originalType = typeBits->readNumeric();
+ uint64_t encoded = readType<uint64_t>(reader, inverted);
+ encoded = endian::bigToNative(encoded);
+ double d;
+ memcpy(&d, &encoded, sizeof(d));
+ if (originalType == TypeBits::kDouble) {
+ *stream << d;
+ } else {
+ // This can only happen for a single number.
+ invariant(originalType == TypeBits::kLong);
+ invariant(d == double(std::numeric_limits<long long>::min()));
+ *stream << std::numeric_limits<long long>::min();
+ }
- const bool haveFractionalPart = (encodedIntegerPart & 1);
- long long integerPart = encodedIntegerPart >> 1;
+ break;
+ }
- if (!haveFractionalPart) {
- if (isNegative)
- integerPart = -integerPart;
+ case CType::kNumericNegative8ByteInt:
+ case CType::kNumericNegative7ByteInt:
+ case CType::kNumericNegative6ByteInt:
+ case CType::kNumericNegative5ByteInt:
+ case CType::kNumericNegative4ByteInt:
+ case CType::kNumericNegative3ByteInt:
+ case CType::kNumericNegative2ByteInt:
+ case CType::kNumericNegative1ByteInt:
+ inverted = !inverted;
+ isNegative = true;
+ // fallthrough (format is the same as positive, but inverted)
+ case CType::kNumericPositive1ByteInt:
+ case CType::kNumericPositive2ByteInt:
+ case CType::kNumericPositive3ByteInt:
+ case CType::kNumericPositive4ByteInt:
+ case CType::kNumericPositive5ByteInt:
+ case CType::kNumericPositive6ByteInt:
+ case CType::kNumericPositive7ByteInt:
+ case CType::kNumericPositive8ByteInt: {
+ const uint8_t originalType = typeBits->readNumeric();
+ uint64_t encodedIntegerPart = 0;
+ {
+ size_t intBytesRemaining = CType::numBytesForInt(ctype);
+ while (intBytesRemaining--) {
+ encodedIntegerPart =
+ (encodedIntegerPart << 8) | readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted);
+ }
+ }
- switch(originalType) {
- case TypeBits::kDouble: *stream << double(integerPart); break;
- case TypeBits::kInt: *stream << int(integerPart); break;
- case TypeBits::kLong: *stream << integerPart; break;
- case TypeBits::kNegativeZero: invariant(false);
- }
+ const bool haveFractionalPart = (encodedIntegerPart & 1);
+ long long integerPart = encodedIntegerPart >> 1;
+ if (!haveFractionalPart) {
+ if (isNegative)
+ integerPart = -integerPart;
+ switch (originalType) {
+ case TypeBits::kDouble:
+ *stream << double(integerPart);
+ break;
+ case TypeBits::kInt:
+ *stream << int(integerPart);
+ break;
+ case TypeBits::kLong:
+ *stream << integerPart;
+ break;
+ case TypeBits::kNegativeZero:
+ invariant(false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Nothing else can have a fractional part.
+ invariant(originalType == TypeBits::kDouble);
+ const uint64_t exponent = (64 - countLeadingZeros64(integerPart)) - 1;
+ const size_t fractionalBits = (52 - exponent);
+ const size_t fractionalBytes = (fractionalBits + 7) / 8;
+ // build up the bits of a double here.
+ uint64_t doubleBits = integerPart << fractionalBits;
+ doubleBits &= ~(1ull << 52); // clear implicit leading 1
+ doubleBits |= (exponent + 1023 /*bias*/) << 52;
+ if (isNegative) {
+ doubleBits |= (1ull << 63); // sign bit
- else {
- // Nothing else can have a fractional part.
- invariant(originalType == TypeBits::kDouble);
- const uint64_t exponent = (64 - countLeadingZeros64(integerPart)) - 1;
- const size_t fractionalBits = (52 - exponent);
- const size_t fractionalBytes = (fractionalBits + 7) / 8;
- // build up the bits of a double here.
- uint64_t doubleBits = integerPart << fractionalBits;
- doubleBits &= ~(1ull << 52); // clear implicit leading 1
- doubleBits |= (exponent + 1023/*bias*/) << 52;
- if (isNegative) {
- doubleBits |= (1ull << 63); // sign bit
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < fractionalBytes; i++) {
- // fold in the fractional bytes
- const uint64_t byte = readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted);
- doubleBits |= (byte << ((fractionalBytes - i - 1) * 8));
- }
- double number;
- memcpy(&number, &doubleBits, sizeof(number));
- *stream << number;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fractionalBytes; i++) {
+ // fold in the fractional bytes
+ const uint64_t byte = readType<uint8_t>(reader, inverted);
+ doubleBits |= (byte << ((fractionalBytes - i - 1) * 8));
- break;
- }
- default: invariant(false);
- }
- }
- } // namespace
- BSONObj KeyString::toBson(const char* buffer, size_t len, Ordering ord,
- const TypeBits& typeBits) {
- BSONObjBuilder builder;
- BufReader reader(buffer, len);
- TypeBits::Reader typeBitsReader(typeBits);
- for (int i = 0; reader.remaining(); i++) {
- const bool invert = (ord.get(i) == -1);
- uint8_t ctype = readType<uint8_t>(&reader, invert);
- if (ctype == kLess || ctype == kGreater) {
- // This was just a discriminator which is logically part of the previous field. This
- // will only be encountered on queries, not in the keys stored in an index.
- // Note: this should probably affect the BSON key name of the last field, but it
- // must be read *after* the value so it isn't possible.
- ctype = readType<uint8_t>(&reader, invert);
+ double number;
+ memcpy(&number, &doubleBits, sizeof(number));
+ *stream << number;
- if (ctype == kEnd)
- break;
- toBsonValue(ctype, &reader, &typeBitsReader, invert, &(builder << ""));
+ break;
- return builder.obj();
+ default:
+ invariant(false);
+} // namespace
+BSONObj KeyString::toBson(const char* buffer, size_t len, Ordering ord, const TypeBits& typeBits) {
+ BSONObjBuilder builder;
+ BufReader reader(buffer, len);
+ TypeBits::Reader typeBitsReader(typeBits);
+ for (int i = 0; reader.remaining(); i++) {
+ const bool invert = (ord.get(i) == -1);
+ uint8_t ctype = readType<uint8_t>(&reader, invert);
+ if (ctype == kLess || ctype == kGreater) {
+ // This was just a discriminator which is logically part of the previous field. This
+ // will only be encountered on queries, not in the keys stored in an index.
+ // Note: this should probably affect the BSON key name of the last field, but it
+ // must be read *after* the value so it isn't possible.
+ ctype = readType<uint8_t>(&reader, invert);
+ }
- BSONObj KeyString::toBson(StringData data, Ordering ord, const TypeBits& typeBits) {
- return toBson(data.rawData(), data.size(), ord, typeBits);
+ if (ctype == kEnd)
+ break;
+ toBsonValue(ctype, &reader, &typeBitsReader, invert, &(builder << ""));
- RecordId KeyString::decodeRecordIdAtEnd(const void* bufferRaw, size_t bufSize) {
- invariant(bufSize >= 2); // smallest possible encoding of a RecordId.
- const unsigned char* buffer = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(bufferRaw);
- const unsigned char lastByte = *(buffer + bufSize - 1);
- const size_t ridSize = 2 + (lastByte & 0x7); // stored in low 3 bits.
- invariant(bufSize >= ridSize);
- const unsigned char* firstBytePtr = buffer + bufSize - ridSize;
- BufReader reader(firstBytePtr, ridSize);
- return decodeRecordId(&reader);
+ return builder.obj();
+BSONObj KeyString::toBson(StringData data, Ordering ord, const TypeBits& typeBits) {
+ return toBson(data.rawData(), data.size(), ord, typeBits);
+RecordId KeyString::decodeRecordIdAtEnd(const void* bufferRaw, size_t bufSize) {
+ invariant(bufSize >= 2); // smallest possible encoding of a RecordId.
+ const unsigned char* buffer = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(bufferRaw);
+ const unsigned char lastByte = *(buffer + bufSize - 1);
+ const size_t ridSize = 2 + (lastByte & 0x7); // stored in low 3 bits.
+ invariant(bufSize >= ridSize);
+ const unsigned char* firstBytePtr = buffer + bufSize - ridSize;
+ BufReader reader(firstBytePtr, ridSize);
+ return decodeRecordId(&reader);
+RecordId KeyString::decodeRecordId(BufReader* reader) {
+ const uint8_t firstByte = readType<uint8_t>(reader, false);
+ const uint8_t numExtraBytes = firstByte >> 5; // high 3 bits in firstByte
+ uint64_t repr = firstByte & 0x1f; // low 5 bits in firstByte
+ for (int i = 0; i < numExtraBytes; i++) {
+ repr = (repr << 8) | readType<uint8_t>(reader, false);
- RecordId KeyString::decodeRecordId(BufReader* reader) {
- const uint8_t firstByte = readType<uint8_t>(reader, false);
- const uint8_t numExtraBytes = firstByte >> 5; // high 3 bits in firstByte
- uint64_t repr = firstByte & 0x1f; // low 5 bits in firstByte
- for (int i = 0; i < numExtraBytes; i++) {
- repr = (repr << 8) | readType<uint8_t>(reader, false);
- }
+ const uint8_t lastByte = readType<uint8_t>(reader, false);
+ invariant((lastByte & 0x7) == numExtraBytes);
+ repr = (repr << 5) | (lastByte >> 3); // fold in high 5 bits of last byte
+ return RecordId(repr);
- const uint8_t lastByte = readType<uint8_t>(reader, false);
- invariant((lastByte & 0x7) == numExtraBytes);
- repr = (repr << 5) | (lastByte >> 3); // fold in high 5 bits of last byte
- return RecordId(repr);
- }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------- MISC class utils --------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // --------- MISC class utils --------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::string KeyString::toString() const {
+ return toHex(getBuffer(), getSize());
- std::string KeyString::toString() const {
- return toHex(getBuffer(), getSize());
- }
+int KeyString::compare(const KeyString& other) const {
+ int a = getSize();
+ int b = other.getSize();
- int KeyString::compare(const KeyString& other) const {
- int a = getSize();
- int b = other.getSize();
+ int min = std::min(a, b);
- int min = std::min(a, b);
+ int cmp = memcmp(getBuffer(), other.getBuffer(), min);
- int cmp = memcmp(getBuffer(), other.getBuffer(), min);
+ if (cmp) {
+ if (cmp < 0)
+ return -1;
+ return 1;
+ }
- if (cmp) {
- if (cmp < 0)
- return -1;
- return 1;
- }
+ // keys match
- // keys match
+ if (a == b)
+ return 0;
- if (a == b)
- return 0;
+ return a < b ? -1 : 1;
- return a < b ? -1 : 1;
+void KeyString::TypeBits::resetFromBuffer(BufReader* reader) {
+ if (!reader->remaining()) {
+ // This means AllZeros state was encoded as an empty buffer.
+ reset();
+ return;
- void KeyString::TypeBits::resetFromBuffer(BufReader* reader) {
- if (!reader->remaining()) {
- // This means AllZeros state was encoded as an empty buffer.
- reset();
- return;
- }
- const uint8_t firstByte = readType<uint8_t>(reader, false);
- if (firstByte & 0x80) {
- // firstByte is the size byte.
- _isAllZeros = false; // it wouldn't be encoded like this if it was.
+ const uint8_t firstByte = readType<uint8_t>(reader, false);
+ if (firstByte & 0x80) {
+ // firstByte is the size byte.
+ _isAllZeros = false; // it wouldn't be encoded like this if it was.
- _buf[0] = firstByte;
- const uint8_t remainingBytes = getSizeByte();
- memcpy(_buf + 1, reader->skip(remainingBytes), remainingBytes);
- return;
- }
+ _buf[0] = firstByte;
+ const uint8_t remainingBytes = getSizeByte();
+ memcpy(_buf + 1, reader->skip(remainingBytes), remainingBytes);
+ return;
+ }
- // In remaining cases, firstByte is the only byte.
+ // In remaining cases, firstByte is the only byte.
- if (firstByte == 0) {
- // This means AllZeros state was encoded as a single 0 byte.
- reset();
- return;
- }
- _isAllZeros = false;
- setSizeByte(1);
- _buf[1] = firstByte;
+ if (firstByte == 0) {
+ // This means AllZeros state was encoded as a single 0 byte.
+ reset();
+ return;
- void KeyString::TypeBits::appendBit(uint8_t oneOrZero) {
- dassert(oneOrZero == 0 || oneOrZero == 1);
+ _isAllZeros = false;
+ setSizeByte(1);
+ _buf[1] = firstByte;
- if (oneOrZero == 1) _isAllZeros = false;
+void KeyString::TypeBits::appendBit(uint8_t oneOrZero) {
+ dassert(oneOrZero == 0 || oneOrZero == 1);
- const uint8_t byte = (_curBit / 8) + 1;
- const uint8_t offsetInByte = _curBit % 8;
- if (offsetInByte == 0) {
- setSizeByte(byte);
- _buf[byte] = oneOrZero; // zeros bits 1-7
- }
- else {
- _buf[byte] |= (oneOrZero << offsetInByte);
- }
- _curBit++;
+ if (oneOrZero == 1)
+ _isAllZeros = false;
+ const uint8_t byte = (_curBit / 8) + 1;
+ const uint8_t offsetInByte = _curBit % 8;
+ if (offsetInByte == 0) {
+ setSizeByte(byte);
+ _buf[byte] = oneOrZero; // zeros bits 1-7
+ } else {
+ _buf[byte] |= (oneOrZero << offsetInByte);
- uint8_t KeyString::TypeBits::Reader::readBit() {
- if (_typeBits._isAllZeros) return 0;
+ _curBit++;
- const uint8_t byte = (_curBit / 8) + 1;
- const uint8_t offsetInByte = _curBit % 8;
- _curBit++;
+uint8_t KeyString::TypeBits::Reader::readBit() {
+ if (_typeBits._isAllZeros)
+ return 0;
- dassert(byte <= _typeBits.getSizeByte());
+ const uint8_t byte = (_curBit / 8) + 1;
+ const uint8_t offsetInByte = _curBit % 8;
+ _curBit++;
- return (_typeBits._buf[byte] & (1 << offsetInByte)) ? 1 : 0;
- }
+ dassert(byte <= _typeBits.getSizeByte());
+ return (_typeBits._buf[byte] & (1 << offsetInByte)) ? 1 : 0;
-} // namespace mongo
+} // namespace mongo