path: root/src/mongo/db/update/modifier_node.cpp
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1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/update/modifier_node.cpp b/src/mongo/db/update/modifier_node.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7de8ff73ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/update/modifier_node.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 MongoDB Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
+ * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
+ * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
+ * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
+ * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects
+ * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify
+ * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
+ * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not
+ * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you
+ * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program,
+ * then also delete it in the license file.
+ */
+#include "mongo/platform/basic.h"
+#include "mongo/db/update/modifier_node.h"
+#include "mongo/db/bson/dotted_path_support.h"
+#include "mongo/db/update/path_support.h"
+#include "mongo/db/update/storage_validation.h"
+namespace mongo {
+namespace {
+ * Checks that no immutable paths were modified in the case where we are modifying an existing path
+ * in the document.
+ *
+ * This check does not make assumptions about how 'element' was modified; it explicitly checks
+ * immutable fields in 'element' to see if they differ from the 'original' value. Consider an
+ * updating the document {a: {b: 1, c: 1}} with {$set: {a: {b: 1, d: 1}}} where 'a.b' is an
+ * immutable path. Even though we've overwritten the immutable field, it has the same value, and the
+ * update is allowed.
+ *
+ * 'element' should be the modified element. 'pathTaken' is the path to the modified element.
+ * 'original' should be provided as the preimage of the whole document. We _do_ assume that we have
+ * already checked the update is not a noop.
+ */
+void checkImmutablePathsNotModifiedFromOriginal(mutablebson::Element element,
+ FieldRef* pathTaken,
+ const FieldRefSet& immutablePaths,
+ BSONObj original) {
+ for (auto immutablePath = immutablePaths.begin(); immutablePath != immutablePaths.end();
+ ++immutablePath) {
+ auto prefixSize = pathTaken->commonPrefixSize(**immutablePath);
+ // If 'immutablePath' is a (strict or non-strict) prefix of 'pathTaken', and the update is
+ // not a noop, then we have modified 'immutablePath', which is immutable.
+ if (prefixSize == (*immutablePath)->numParts()) {
+ uasserted(ErrorCodes::ImmutableField,
+ str::stream() << "Updating the path '" << pathTaken->dottedField() << "' to "
+ << element.toString()
+ << " would modify the immutable field '"
+ << (*immutablePath)->dottedField()
+ << "'");
+ }
+ // If 'pathTaken' is a strict prefix of 'immutablePath', then we may have modified
+ // 'immutablePath'. We already know that 'pathTaken' is not equal to 'immutablePath', or we
+ // would have uasserted.
+ if (prefixSize == pathTaken->numParts()) {
+ auto oldElem = dotted_path_support::extractElementAtPath(
+ original, (*immutablePath)->dottedField());
+ // We are allowed to modify immutable paths that do not yet exist.
+ if (!oldElem.ok()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto newElem = element;
+ for (size_t i = pathTaken->numParts(); i < (*immutablePath)->numParts(); ++i) {
+ uassert(ErrorCodes::NotSingleValueField,
+ str::stream()
+ << "After applying the update to the document, the immutable field '"
+ << (*immutablePath)->dottedField()
+ << "' was found to be an array or array descendant.",
+ newElem.getType() != BSONType::Array);
+ newElem = newElem[(*immutablePath)->getPart(i)];
+ if (!newElem.ok()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ uassert(ErrorCodes::ImmutableField,
+ str::stream() << "After applying the update, the immutable field '"
+ << (*immutablePath)->dottedField()
+ << "' was found to have been removed.",
+ newElem.ok());
+ uassert(ErrorCodes::ImmutableField,
+ str::stream() << "After applying the update, the immutable field '"
+ << (*immutablePath)->dottedField()
+ << "' was found to have been altered to "
+ << newElem.toString(),
+ newElem.compareWithBSONElement(oldElem, nullptr, false) == 0);
+ }
+ }
+ * Checks that no immutable paths were modified in the case where we are modifying an existing path
+ * in the document.
+ *
+ * Unlike checkImmutablePathsNotModifiedFromOriginal(), this function does not check the original
+ * document. It always assumes that an update where 'pathTaken' is a prefix of any immutable path or
+ * vice versa is modifying an immutable path. This assumption is valid when we already know that
+ * 'pathTaken' is not a prefix of any immutable path or when the update is to a primitive value or
+ * array. (Immutable paths cannot include array elements.)
+ *
+ * See the comment above checkImmutablePathNotModifiedFromOriginal() for an example where that
+ * assumption does not apply.
+ *
+ * 'element' should be the modified element. 'pathTaken' is the path to the modified element. We
+ * assume that we have already checked the update is not a noop.
+ */
+void checkImmutablePathsNotModified(mutablebson::Element element,
+ FieldRef* pathTaken,
+ const FieldRefSet& immutablePaths) {
+ for (auto immutablePath = immutablePaths.begin(); immutablePath != immutablePaths.end();
+ ++immutablePath) {
+ uassert(ErrorCodes::ImmutableField,
+ str::stream() << "Performing an update on the path '" << pathTaken->dottedField()
+ << "' would modify the immutable field '"
+ << (*immutablePath)->dottedField()
+ << "'",
+ pathTaken->commonPrefixSize(**immutablePath) <
+ std::min(pathTaken->numParts(), (*immutablePath)->numParts()));
+ }
+} // namespace
+UpdateNode::ApplyResult ModifierNode::applyToExistingElement(ApplyParams applyParams) const {
+ invariant(!applyParams.pathTaken->empty());
+ invariant(applyParams.pathToCreate->empty());
+ invariant(applyParams.element.ok());
+ mutablebson::ConstElement leftSibling = applyParams.element.leftSibling();
+ mutablebson::ConstElement rightSibling = applyParams.element.rightSibling();
+ bool compareWithOriginal = false;
+ if (canSetObjectValue()) {
+ for (auto immutablePath = applyParams.immutablePaths.begin();
+ immutablePath != applyParams.immutablePaths.end();
+ ++immutablePath) {
+ if (applyParams.pathTaken->isPrefixOf(**immutablePath)) {
+ compareWithOriginal = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // We have two different ways of checking for changes to immutable paths, depending on the style
+ // of update. See the comments above checkImmutablePathsNotModifiedFromOriginal() and
+ // checkImmutablePathsNotModified().
+ ModifyResult updateResult;
+ if (compareWithOriginal) {
+ BSONObj original = applyParams.element.getDocument().getObject();
+ updateResult = updateExistingElement(&applyParams.element, applyParams.pathTaken);
+ if (updateResult == ModifyResult::kNoOp) {
+ return ApplyResult::noopResult();
+ }
+ checkImmutablePathsNotModifiedFromOriginal(
+ applyParams.element, applyParams.pathTaken.get(), applyParams.immutablePaths, original);
+ } else {
+ updateResult = updateExistingElement(&applyParams.element, applyParams.pathTaken);
+ if (updateResult == ModifyResult::kNoOp) {
+ return ApplyResult::noopResult();
+ }
+ checkImmutablePathsNotModified(
+ applyParams.element, applyParams.pathTaken.get(), applyParams.immutablePaths);
+ }
+ invariant(updateResult != ModifyResult::kCreated);
+ ApplyResult applyResult;
+ if (!applyParams.indexData ||
+ !applyParams.indexData->mightBeIndexed(applyParams.pathTaken->dottedField())) {
+ applyResult.indexesAffected = false;
+ }
+ if (applyParams.validateForStorage) {
+ const uint32_t recursionLevel = applyParams.pathTaken->numParts();
+ validateUpdate(
+ applyParams.element, leftSibling, rightSibling, recursionLevel, updateResult);
+ }
+ if (applyParams.logBuilder) {
+ logUpdate(applyParams.logBuilder,
+ applyParams.pathTaken->dottedField(),
+ applyParams.element,
+ updateResult);
+ }
+ return applyResult;
+UpdateNode::ApplyResult ModifierNode::applyToNonexistentElement(ApplyParams applyParams) const {
+ if (allowCreation()) {
+ auto newElementFieldName =
+ applyParams.pathToCreate->getPart(applyParams.pathToCreate->numParts() - 1);
+ auto newElement = applyParams.element.getDocument().makeElementNull(newElementFieldName);
+ setValueForNewElement(&newElement);
+ invariant(newElement.ok());
+ auto statusWithFirstCreatedElem = pathsupport::createPathAt(
+ *(applyParams.pathToCreate), 0, applyParams.element, newElement);
+ if (!statusWithFirstCreatedElem.isOK()) {
+ // $set operaions on non-viable paths are ignored when the update came from replication.
+ // We do not error because idempotency requires that any other update modifiers must
+ // still be applied. For example, consider applying the following updates twice to an
+ // initially empty document:
+ // {$set: {c: 0}}
+ // {$set: {'a.b': 0, c: 1}}
+ // {$set: {a: 0}}
+ // Setting 'a.b' will fail the second time, but we must still set 'c'.
+ // (There are modifiers besides $set that use this code path, but they are not used for
+ // replication, so we are not concerned with their behavior when "fromReplication" is
+ // true.)
+ if (statusWithFirstCreatedElem.getStatus().code() == ErrorCodes::PathNotViable &&
+ applyParams.fromReplication) {
+ return ApplyResult::noopResult();
+ }
+ uassertStatusOK(statusWithFirstCreatedElem);
+ MONGO_UNREACHABLE; // The previous uassertStatusOK should always throw.
+ }
+ if (applyParams.validateForStorage) {
+ const uint32_t recursionLevel = applyParams.pathTaken->numParts() + 1;
+ mutablebson::ConstElement elementForValidation = statusWithFirstCreatedElem.getValue();
+ validateUpdate(elementForValidation,
+ elementForValidation.leftSibling(),
+ elementForValidation.rightSibling(),
+ recursionLevel,
+ ModifyResult::kCreated);
+ }
+ for (auto immutablePath = applyParams.immutablePaths.begin();
+ immutablePath != applyParams.immutablePaths.end();
+ ++immutablePath) {
+ // If 'immutablePath' is a (strict or non-strict) prefix of 'pathTaken', then we are
+ // modifying 'immutablePath'. For example, adding '_id.x' will illegally modify '_id'.
+ // (Note that this behavior is subtly different from checkImmutablePathsNotModified(),
+ // because we just created this element.)
+ uassert(ErrorCodes::ImmutableField,
+ str::stream() << "Updating the path '" << applyParams.pathTaken->dottedField()
+ << "' to "
+ << applyParams.element.toString()
+ << " would modify the immutable field '"
+ << (*immutablePath)->dottedField()
+ << "'",
+ applyParams.pathTaken->commonPrefixSize(**immutablePath) !=
+ (*immutablePath)->numParts());
+ }
+ invariant(!applyParams.pathToCreate->empty());
+ std::string fullPath;
+ if (applyParams.pathTaken->empty()) {
+ fullPath = applyParams.pathToCreate->dottedField().toString();
+ } else {
+ fullPath = str::stream() << applyParams.pathTaken->dottedField() << "."
+ << applyParams.pathToCreate->dottedField();
+ }
+ ApplyResult applyResult;
+ // Determine if indexes are affected.
+ if (!applyParams.indexData || !applyParams.indexData->mightBeIndexed(fullPath)) {
+ applyResult.indexesAffected = false;
+ }
+ if (applyParams.logBuilder) {
+ logUpdate(applyParams.logBuilder, fullPath, newElement, ModifyResult::kCreated);
+ }
+ return applyResult;
+ } else {
+ // This path is for modifiers like $pop or $pull that generally have no effect when applied
+ // to a path that does not exist.
+ if (!allowNonViablePath()) {
+ // One exception: some of these modifiers still fail when the nonexistent path is
+ // "non-viable," meaning it couldn't be created even if we intended to.
+ UpdateLeafNode::checkViability(
+ applyParams.element, *(applyParams.pathToCreate), *(applyParams.pathTaken));
+ }
+ return ApplyResult::noopResult();
+ }
+UpdateNode::ApplyResult ModifierNode::apply(ApplyParams applyParams) const {
+ if (context == Context::kInsertOnly && !applyParams.insert) {
+ return ApplyResult::noopResult();
+ } else if (!applyParams.pathToCreate->empty()) {
+ return applyToNonexistentElement(applyParams);
+ } else {
+ return applyToExistingElement(applyParams);
+ }
+void ModifierNode::validateUpdate(mutablebson::ConstElement updatedElement,
+ mutablebson::ConstElement leftSibling,
+ mutablebson::ConstElement rightSibling,
+ std::uint32_t recursionLevel,
+ ModifyResult modifyResult) const {
+ const bool doRecursiveCheck = true;
+ storage_validation::storageValid(updatedElement, doRecursiveCheck, recursionLevel);
+void ModifierNode::logUpdate(LogBuilder* logBuilder,
+ StringData pathTaken,
+ mutablebson::Element element,
+ ModifyResult modifyResult) const {
+ invariant(logBuilder);
+ invariant(modifyResult == ModifyResult::kNormalUpdate ||
+ modifyResult == ModifyResult::kCreated);
+ uassertStatusOK(logBuilder->addToSetsWithNewFieldName(pathTaken, element));
+} // namespace mongo