path: root/src/mongo/dbtests/intervalbtreecursortests.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/dbtests/intervalbtreecursortests.cpp')
1 files changed, 660 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/dbtests/intervalbtreecursortests.cpp b/src/mongo/dbtests/intervalbtreecursortests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4bb5a02ad94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/dbtests/intervalbtreecursortests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 10gen Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "mongo/db/intervalbtreecursor.h"
+#include "mongo/db/btree.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pdfile.h"
+#include "mongo/dbtests/dbtests.h"
+#include "mongo/platform/cstdint.h"
+namespace IntervalBtreeCursorTests {
+ DBDirectClient _client;
+ const char* _ns = "unittests.intervalbtreecursor";
+ /** An IntervalBtreeCursor can only be created for a version 1 index. */
+ class WrongIndexVersion {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ // Create a version 0 index.
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ), false, "", true, false, /* version */ 0 );
+ // Attempt to create a cursor on the a:1 index.
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 5 ),
+ true,
+ BSON( "" << 6 ),
+ true ) );
+ // No cursor was created because the index was not of version 1.
+ ASSERT( !cursor );
+ }
+ };
+ class BasicAccessors {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << 5 ) );
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 5 ),
+ true,
+ BSON( "" << 6 ),
+ true ) );
+ // Create a reference BasicCursor, which will return identical values from certain
+ // accessors.
+ boost::shared_ptr<Cursor> reference = theDataFileMgr.findAll( _ns );
+ ASSERT( cursor->ok() );
+ ASSERT( reference->_current() == cursor->_current() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( reference->current(), cursor->current() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( reference->currLoc(), cursor->currLoc() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( BSON( "" << 5 ), cursor->currKey() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( cursor->currLoc(), cursor->refLoc() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( BSON( "a" << 1 ), cursor->indexKeyPattern() );
+ ASSERT( !cursor->supportGetMore() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->supportYields() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( "IntervalBtreeCursor", cursor->toString() );
+ ASSERT( !cursor->isMultiKey() );
+ ASSERT( !cursor->modifiedKeys() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( BSON( "lower" << BSON( "a" << 5 ) << "upper" << BSON( "a" << 6 ) ),
+ cursor->prettyIndexBounds() );
+ // Advance the cursor to the end.
+ ASSERT( !cursor->advance() );
+ ASSERT( !cursor->ok() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->currLoc().isNull() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->currKey().isEmpty() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->refLoc().isNull() );
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Check nscanned counting semantics. The expectation is to match the behavior of BtreeCursor,
+ * as described in the test comments.
+ */
+ class Nscanned {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ for( int32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << 5 ) );
+ }
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << 7 ) );
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 5 ),
+ true,
+ BSON( "" << 6 ),
+ true ) );
+ // nscanned is 1 for the first match.
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, cursor->nscanned() );
+ for( int32_t i = 1; i < 10; ++i ) {
+ ASSERT( cursor->ok() );
+ // nscanned is incremented by 1 for intermediate matches.
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( i, cursor->nscanned() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->advance() );
+ }
+ ASSERT( cursor->ok() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 10, cursor->nscanned() );
+ ASSERT( !cursor->advance() );
+ ASSERT( !cursor->ok() );
+ // nscanned is not incremented when reaching the end of the cursor.
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 10, cursor->nscanned() );
+ }
+ };
+ /** Check that a CoveredIndexMatcher can be set and used properly by the cursor. */
+ class Matcher {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ // Insert a document that will match.
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << 5 << "b" << 1 ) );
+ // Insert a document that will not match.
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << 5 << "b" << 2 ) );
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 5 ),
+ true,
+ BSON( "" << 5 ),
+ true ) );
+ // No matcher is set yet.
+ ASSERT( !cursor->matcher() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->currentMatches() );
+ // Create a matcher and set it on the cursor.
+ boost::shared_ptr<CoveredIndexMatcher> matcher
+ ( new CoveredIndexMatcher( BSON( "a" << 5 << "b" << 1 ), BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) );
+ cursor->setMatcher( matcher );
+ // The document with b:1 matches.
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, cursor->current()[ "b" ].Int() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->matcher()->matchesCurrent( cursor.get() ) );
+ ASSERT( cursor->currentMatches() );
+ cursor->advance();
+ // The document with b:2 does not match.
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, cursor->current()[ "b" ].Int() );
+ ASSERT( !cursor->matcher()->matchesCurrent( cursor.get() ) );
+ ASSERT( !cursor->currentMatches() );
+ }
+ };
+ /** Check that dups are properly identified by the cursor. */
+ class Dups {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << BSON_ARRAY( 5 << 7 ) ) );
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << BSON_ARRAY( 6 << 8 ) ) );
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 5 ),
+ true,
+ BSON( "" << 10 ),
+ true ) );
+ ASSERT( cursor->isMultiKey() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->modifiedKeys() );
+ // This is the 5,7 document, first time seen. Not a dup.
+ DiskLoc firstLoc = cursor->currLoc();
+ ASSERT( !cursor->getsetdup( cursor->currLoc() ) );
+ cursor->advance();
+ // This is the 6,8 document, first time seen. Not a dup.
+ DiskLoc secondLoc = cursor->currLoc();
+ ASSERT( !cursor->getsetdup( cursor->currLoc() ) );
+ cursor->advance();
+ // This is the 5,7 document, second time seen. A dup.
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( firstLoc, cursor->currLoc() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->getsetdup( cursor->currLoc() ) );
+ cursor->advance();
+ // This is the 6,8 document, second time seen. A dup.
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( secondLoc, cursor->currLoc() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->getsetdup( cursor->currLoc() ) );
+ }
+ };
+ /** Check that expected results are returned with inclusive bounds. */
+ class InclusiveBounds {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ // Save 'a' values 1-10.
+ for( int32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
+ }
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ // Iterate over 'a' values 3-7 inclusive.
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 3 ),
+ true,
+ BSON( "" << 7 ),
+ true ) );
+ // Check that the expected 'a' values are returned.
+ for( int32_t i = 3; i < 8; ++i, cursor->advance() ) {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( i, cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() );
+ }
+ ASSERT( !cursor->ok() );
+ }
+ };
+ /** Check that expected results are returned with exclusive bounds. */
+ class ExclusiveBounds {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ // Save 'a' values 1-10.
+ for( int32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
+ }
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ // Iterate over 'a' values 3-7 exclusive.
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 3 ),
+ false,
+ BSON( "" << 7 ),
+ false ) );
+ // Check that the expected 'a' values are returned.
+ for( int32_t i = 4; i < 7; ++i, cursor->advance() ) {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( i, cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() );
+ }
+ ASSERT( !cursor->ok() );
+ }
+ };
+ /** Check that killOp will interrupt cursor iteration. */
+ class Interrupt {
+ public:
+ ~Interrupt() {
+ // Reset curop's kill flag.
+ cc().curop()->reset();
+ }
+ void run() {
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ for( int32_t i = 0; i < 150; ++i ) {
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << 5 ) );
+ }
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ Client::ReadContext ctx( _ns );
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 5 ),
+ true,
+ BSON( "" << 5 ),
+ true ) );
+ // Register a request to kill the current operation.
+ cc().curop()->kill();
+ // Check that an exception is thrown when iterating the cursor.
+ ASSERT_THROWS( exhaustCursor( cursor.get() ), UserException );
+ }
+ private:
+ void exhaustCursor( Cursor* cursor ) {
+ while( cursor->advance() );
+ }
+ };
+ /** Check that a cursor returns no results if all documents are below the lower bound. */
+ class NothingAboveLowerBound {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << 2 ) );
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 2 ),
+ false,
+ BSON( "" << 3 ),
+ false ) );
+ // The cursor returns no results.
+ ASSERT( !cursor->ok() );
+ }
+ };
+ /** Check that a cursor returns no results if there are no documents within the interval. */
+ class NothingInInterval {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << 2 ) );
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << 3 ) );
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 2 ),
+ false,
+ BSON( "" << 3 ),
+ false ) );
+ // The cursor returns no results.
+ ASSERT( !cursor->ok() );
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Check that a cursor returns no results if there are no documents within the interval and
+ * the first key located during initialization is above the upper bound.
+ */
+ class NothingInIntervalFirstMatchBeyondUpperBound {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << 2 ) );
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << 4 ) );
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ // Iterate over 'a' values ( 2, 3 ].
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 2 ),
+ false,
+ BSON( "" << 3 ),
+ true ) );
+ ASSERT( !cursor->ok() );
+ }
+ };
+ /** Check that a cursor recovers its position properly if there is no change during a yield. */
+ class NoChangeDuringYield {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ for( int32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
+ }
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 2 ),
+ false,
+ BSON( "" << 6 ),
+ true ) );
+ while( cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() != 5 ) {
+ cursor->advance();
+ }
+ // Prepare the cursor to yield.
+ cursor->prepareToYield();
+ // Recover the cursor.
+ cursor->recoverFromYield();
+ // The cursor is still at its original position.
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 5, cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() );
+ // The cursor can be advanced from this position.
+ ASSERT( cursor->advance() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() );
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Check that a cursor recovers its position properly if its current location is deleted
+ * during a yield.
+ */
+ class DeleteDuringYield {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ for( int32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
+ }
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 2 ),
+ false,
+ BSON( "" << 6 ),
+ true ) );
+ while( cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() != 5 ) {
+ cursor->advance();
+ }
+ // Prepare the cursor to yield.
+ cursor->prepareToYield();
+ // Remove the current iterate and all remaining iterates.
+ _client.remove( _ns, BSON( "a" << GTE << 5 ) );
+ // Recover the cursor.
+ cursor->recoverFromYield();
+ // The cursor is exhausted.
+ ASSERT( !cursor->ok() );
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Check that a cursor relocates its end location properly if the end location changes during a
+ * yield.
+ */
+ class InsertNewDocsDuringYield {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ for( int32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
+ }
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 2 ),
+ false,
+ BSON( "" << 6 ),
+ true ) );
+ while( cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() != 4 ) {
+ cursor->advance();
+ }
+ // Prepare the cursor to yield.
+ cursor->prepareToYield();
+ // Insert one doc before the end.
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << 5.5 ) );
+ // Insert one doc after the end.
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << 6.5 ) );
+ // Recover the cursor.
+ cursor->recoverFromYield();
+ // Check that the cursor returns the expected remaining documents.
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->advance() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 5, cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->advance() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 5.5, cursor->current()[ "a" ].number() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->advance() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() );
+ ASSERT( !cursor->advance() );
+ }
+ };
+ /** Check that isMultiKey() is updated correctly if an index becomes multikey during a yield. */
+ class BecomesMultikeyDuringYield {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ for( int32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
+ }
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 2 ),
+ false,
+ BSON( "" << 50 ),
+ true ) );
+ while( cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() != 4 ) {
+ cursor->advance();
+ }
+ // Check that the cursor is not multikey.
+ ASSERT( !cursor->isMultiKey() );
+ // Prepare the cursor to yield.
+ cursor->prepareToYield();
+ // Insert a document with two values of 'a'.
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << BSON_ARRAY( 10 << 11 ) ) );
+ // Recover the cursor.
+ cursor->recoverFromYield();
+ // Check that the cursor becomes multikey.
+ ASSERT( cursor->isMultiKey() );
+ // Check that keys 10 and 11 are detected as duplicates.
+ while( cursor->currKey().firstElement().Int() != 10 ) {
+ ASSERT( cursor->advance() );
+ }
+ ASSERT( !cursor->getsetdup( cursor->currLoc() ) );
+ ASSERT( cursor->advance() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 11, cursor->currKey().firstElement().Int() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->getsetdup( cursor->currLoc() ) );
+ }
+ };
+ /** Unused keys are not returned during iteration. */
+ class UnusedKeys {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ for( int32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
+ }
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ // Mark keys at position 0, 3, and 4 as unused.
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ).head.btreemod<V1>()->_k( 0 ).setUnused();
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ).head.btreemod<V1>()->_k( 3 ).setUnused();
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ).head.btreemod<V1>()->_k( 4 ).setUnused();
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 0 ),
+ true,
+ BSON( "" << 6 ),
+ true ) );
+ // Check that the unused keys are not returned but the other keys are returned.
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->advance() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->advance() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 5, cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() );
+ ASSERT( cursor->advance() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() );
+ ASSERT( !cursor->advance() );
+ }
+ };
+ /** Iteration is properly terminated when the end location is an unused key. */
+ class UnusedEndKey {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ for( int32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
+ }
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ // Mark the key at position 5 as unused.
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ).head.btreemod<V1>()->_k( 5 ).setUnused();
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 4 ),
+ true,
+ BSON( "" << 5 ),
+ false ) );
+ // Check the documents produced by the cursor.
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() );
+ ASSERT( !cursor->advance() );
+ }
+ };
+ /** Advances past a key that becomes unused during a yield. */
+ class KeyBecomesUnusedDuringYield {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Client::WriteContext ctx( _ns );
+ _client.dropCollection( _ns );
+ for( int32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
+ _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
+ }
+ _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
+ scoped_ptr<Cursor> cursor( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ),
+ BSON( "" << 3 ),
+ true,
+ BSON( "" << 9 ),
+ true ) );
+ // Advance the cursor to key a:5.
+ while( cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() != 5 ) {
+ cursor->advance();
+ }
+ // Backup the cursor position.
+ cursor->prepareToYield();
+ // Mark the key at position 5 as unused.
+ nsdetails( _ns )->idx( 1 ).head.btreemod<V1>()->_k( 5 ).setUnused();
+ // Restore the cursor position.
+ cursor->recoverFromYield();
+ // The cursor advanced from 5, now unused, to 6.
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int() );
+ }
+ };
+ class All : public Suite {
+ public:
+ All() : Suite( "intervalbtreecursor" ) {
+ }
+ void setupTests() {
+ add<WrongIndexVersion>();
+ add<BasicAccessors>();
+ add<Nscanned>();
+ add<Matcher>();
+ add<Dups>();
+ add<InclusiveBounds>();
+ add<ExclusiveBounds>();
+ add<Interrupt>();
+ add<NothingAboveLowerBound>();
+ add<NothingInInterval>();
+ add<NothingInIntervalFirstMatchBeyondUpperBound>();
+ add<NoChangeDuringYield>();
+ add<DeleteDuringYield>();
+ add<InsertNewDocsDuringYield>();
+ add<BecomesMultikeyDuringYield>();
+ add<UnusedKeys>();
+ add<UnusedEndKey>();
+ add<KeyBecomesUnusedDuringYield>();
+ }
+ } myall;
+} // namespace IntervalBtreeCursorTests