path: root/src/mongo/gotools/mongodump/prepare.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/gotools/mongodump/prepare.go')
1 files changed, 457 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/gotools/mongodump/prepare.go b/src/mongo/gotools/mongodump/prepare.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9c0078e17e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/gotools/mongodump/prepare.go
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+package mongodump
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "bytes"
+ "compress/gzip"
+ "fmt"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+type NilPos struct{}
+func (NilPos) Pos() int64 {
+ return -1
+type collectionInfo struct {
+ Name string `bson:"name"`
+ Options *bson.D `bson:"options"`
+// writeFlusher wraps an io.Writer and adds a Flush function.
+type writeFlusher interface {
+ Flush() error
+ io.Writer
+// writeFlushCloser is a writeFlusher implementation which exposes
+// a Close function which is implemented by calling Flush.
+type writeFlushCloser struct {
+ writeFlusher
+// availableWriteFlusher wraps a writeFlusher and adds an Available function.
+type availableWriteFlusher interface {
+ Available() int
+ writeFlusher
+// atomicFlusher is a availableWriteFlusher implementation
+// which guarantees atomic writes.
+type atomicFlusher struct {
+ availableWriteFlusher
+// errorReader implements io.Reader.
+type errorReader struct{}
+// Read on an errorReader already returns an error.
+func (errorReader) Read([]byte) (int, error) {
+ return 0, os.ErrInvalid
+// Close calls Flush.
+func (bwc writeFlushCloser) Close() error {
+ return bwc.Flush()
+// realBSONFile implements the intents.file interface. It lets intents write to real BSON files
+// ok disk via an embedded bufio.Writer
+type realBSONFile struct {
+ io.WriteCloser
+ path string
+ // errorWrite adds a Read() method to this object allowing it to be an
+ // intent.file ( a ReadWriteOpenCloser )
+ errorReader
+ intent *intents.Intent
+ gzip bool
+ NilPos
+// Open is part of the intents.file interface. realBSONFiles need to have Open called before
+// Read can be called
+func (f *realBSONFile) Open() (err error) {
+ if f.path == "" {
+ // This should not occur normally. All realBSONFile's should have a path
+ return fmt.Errorf("error creating BSON file without a path, namespace: %v",
+ f.intent.Namespace())
+ }
+ err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(f.path), os.ModeDir|os.ModePerm)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error creating directory for BSON file %v: %v",
+ filepath.Dir(f.path), err)
+ }
+ fileName := f.path
+ file, err := os.Create(fileName)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error creating BSON file %v: %v", fileName, err)
+ }
+ var writeCloser io.WriteCloser
+ if f.gzip {
+ writeCloser = gzip.NewWriter(file)
+ } else {
+ // wrap writer in buffer to reduce load on disk
+ writeCloser = writeFlushCloser{
+ atomicFlusher{
+ bufio.NewWriterSize(file, 32*1024),
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ f.WriteCloser = &wrappedWriteCloser{
+ WriteCloser: writeCloser,
+ inner: file,
+ }
+ return nil
+// Write guarantees that when it returns, either the entire
+// contents of buf or none of it, has been flushed by the writer.
+// This is useful in the unlikely case that mongodump crashes.
+func (f atomicFlusher) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
+ if len(buf) > f.availableWriteFlusher.Available() {
+ f.availableWriteFlusher.Flush()
+ }
+ if len(buf) > f.availableWriteFlusher.Available() {
+ l, e := f.availableWriteFlusher.Write(buf)
+ f.availableWriteFlusher.Flush()
+ return l, e
+ }
+ return f.availableWriteFlusher.Write(buf)
+// realMetadataFile implements intent.file, and corresponds to a Metadata file on disk
+type realMetadataFile struct {
+ io.WriteCloser
+ path string
+ errorReader
+ // errorWrite adds a Read() method to this object allowing it to be an
+ // intent.file ( a ReadWriteOpenCloser )
+ intent *intents.Intent
+ gzip bool
+ NilPos
+// Open opens the file on disk that the intent indicates. Any directories needed are created.
+// If compression is needed, the File gets wrapped in a gzip.Writer
+func (f *realMetadataFile) Open() (err error) {
+ if f.path == "" {
+ return fmt.Errorf("No metadata path for %v.%v", f.intent.DB, f.intent.C)
+ }
+ err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(f.path), os.ModeDir|os.ModePerm)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error creating directory for metadata file %v: %v",
+ filepath.Dir(f.path), err)
+ }
+ fileName := f.path
+ f.WriteCloser, err = os.Create(fileName)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error creating metadata file %v: %v", fileName, err)
+ }
+ if f.gzip {
+ f.WriteCloser = &wrappedWriteCloser{
+ WriteCloser: gzip.NewWriter(f.WriteCloser),
+ inner: f.WriteCloser,
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// stdoutFile implements the intents.file interface. stdoutFiles are used when single collections
+// are written directly (non-archive-mode) to standard out, via "--dir -"
+type stdoutFile struct {
+ io.Writer
+ errorReader
+ NilPos
+// Open is part of the intents.file interface.
+func (f *stdoutFile) Open() error {
+ return nil
+// Close is part of the intents.file interface. While we could actually close os.Stdout here,
+// that's actually a bad idea. Unsetting f.File here will cause future Writes to fail, which
+// is all we want.
+func (f *stdoutFile) Close() error {
+ f.Writer = nil
+ return nil
+// shouldSkipCollection returns true when a collection name is excluded
+// by the mongodump options.
+func (dump *MongoDump) shouldSkipCollection(colName string) bool {
+ for _, excludedCollection := range dump.OutputOptions.ExcludedCollections {
+ if colName == excludedCollection {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ for _, excludedCollectionPrefix := range dump.OutputOptions.ExcludedCollectionPrefixes {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(colName, excludedCollectionPrefix) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+// outputPath creates a path for the collection to be written to (sans file extension).
+func (dump *MongoDump) outputPath(dbName, colName string) string {
+ var root string
+ if dump.OutputOptions.Out == "" {
+ root = "dump"
+ } else {
+ root = dump.OutputOptions.Out
+ }
+ if dbName == "" {
+ return filepath.Join(root, colName)
+ }
+ return filepath.Join(root, dbName, colName)
+func checkStringForPathSeparator(s string, c *rune) bool {
+ for _, *c = range s {
+ if os.IsPathSeparator(uint8(*c)) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+// NewIntent creates a bare intent without populating the options.
+func (dump *MongoDump) NewIntent(dbName, colName string) (*intents.Intent, error) {
+ intent := &intents.Intent{
+ DB: dbName,
+ C: colName,
+ }
+ if dump.OutputOptions.Out == "-" {
+ intent.BSONFile = &stdoutFile{Writer: dump.stdout}
+ } else {
+ if dump.OutputOptions.Archive != "" {
+ intent.BSONFile = &archive.MuxIn{Intent: intent, Mux: dump.archive.Mux}
+ } else {
+ var c rune
+ if checkStringForPathSeparator(colName, &c) || checkStringForPathSeparator(dbName, &c) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf(`"%v.%v" contains a path separator '%c' `+
+ `and can't be dumped to the filesystem`, dbName, colName, c)
+ }
+ path := nameGz(dump.OutputOptions.Gzip, dump.outputPath(dbName, colName)+".bson")
+ intent.BSONFile = &realBSONFile{path: path, intent: intent, gzip: dump.OutputOptions.Gzip}
+ }
+ if !intent.IsSystemIndexes() {
+ if dump.OutputOptions.Archive != "" {
+ intent.MetadataFile = &archive.MetadataFile{
+ Intent: intent,
+ Buffer: &bytes.Buffer{},
+ }
+ } else {
+ path := nameGz(dump.OutputOptions.Gzip, dump.outputPath(dbName, colName+".metadata.json"))
+ intent.MetadataFile = &realMetadataFile{path: path, intent: intent, gzip: dump.OutputOptions.Gzip}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // get a document count for scheduling purposes
+ session, err := dump.sessionProvider.GetSession()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer session.Close()
+ count, err := session.DB(dbName).C(colName).Count()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("error counting %v: %v", intent.Namespace(), err)
+ }
+ intent.Size = int64(count)
+ return intent, nil
+// CreateOplogIntents creates an intents.Intent for the oplog and adds it to the manager
+func (dump *MongoDump) CreateOplogIntents() error {
+ err := dump.determineOplogCollectionName()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ oplogIntent := &intents.Intent{
+ DB: "",
+ C: "oplog",
+ }
+ if dump.OutputOptions.Archive != "" {
+ oplogIntent.BSONFile = &archive.MuxIn{Mux: dump.archive.Mux, Intent: oplogIntent}
+ } else {
+ oplogIntent.BSONFile = &realBSONFile{path: dump.outputPath("oplog.bson", ""), intent: oplogIntent, gzip: dump.OutputOptions.Gzip}
+ }
+ dump.manager.Put(oplogIntent)
+ return nil
+// CreateUsersRolesVersionIntentsForDB create intents to be written in to the specific
+// database folder, for the users, roles and version admin database collections
+// And then it adds the intents in to the manager
+func (dump *MongoDump) CreateUsersRolesVersionIntentsForDB(db string) error {
+ outDir := dump.outputPath(db, "")
+ usersIntent := &intents.Intent{
+ DB: db,
+ C: "$admin.system.users",
+ }
+ rolesIntent := &intents.Intent{
+ DB: db,
+ C: "$admin.system.roles",
+ }
+ versionIntent := &intents.Intent{
+ DB: db,
+ C: "$admin.system.version",
+ }
+ if dump.OutputOptions.Archive != "" {
+ usersIntent.BSONFile = &archive.MuxIn{Intent: usersIntent, Mux: dump.archive.Mux}
+ rolesIntent.BSONFile = &archive.MuxIn{Intent: rolesIntent, Mux: dump.archive.Mux}
+ versionIntent.BSONFile = &archive.MuxIn{Intent: versionIntent, Mux: dump.archive.Mux}
+ } else {
+ usersIntent.BSONFile = &realBSONFile{path: filepath.Join(outDir, nameGz(dump.OutputOptions.Gzip, "$admin.system.users.bson")), intent: usersIntent, gzip: dump.OutputOptions.Gzip}
+ rolesIntent.BSONFile = &realBSONFile{path: filepath.Join(outDir, nameGz(dump.OutputOptions.Gzip, "$admin.system.roles.bson")), intent: rolesIntent, gzip: dump.OutputOptions.Gzip}
+ versionIntent.BSONFile = &realBSONFile{path: filepath.Join(outDir, nameGz(dump.OutputOptions.Gzip, "$admin.system.version.bson")), intent: versionIntent, gzip: dump.OutputOptions.Gzip}
+ }
+ dump.manager.Put(usersIntent)
+ dump.manager.Put(rolesIntent)
+ dump.manager.Put(versionIntent)
+ return nil
+// CreateCollectionIntent builds an intent for a given collection and
+// puts it into the intent manager.
+func (dump *MongoDump) CreateCollectionIntent(dbName, colName string) error {
+ if dump.shouldSkipCollection(colName) {
+ log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "skipping dump of %v.%v, it is excluded", dbName, colName)
+ return nil
+ }
+ intent, err := dump.NewIntent(dbName, colName)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ session, err := dump.sessionProvider.GetSession()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ defer session.Close()
+ opts, err := db.GetCollectionOptions(session.DB(dbName).C(colName))
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error getting collection options: %v", err)
+ }
+ intent.Options = nil
+ if opts != nil {
+ optsInterface, _ := bsonutil.FindValueByKey("options", opts)
+ if optsInterface != nil {
+ if optsD, ok := optsInterface.(bson.D); ok {
+ intent.Options = &optsD
+ } else {
+ return fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse collection options as bson.D")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dump.manager.Put(intent)
+ log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "enqueued collection '%v'", intent.Namespace())
+ return nil
+func (dump *MongoDump) createIntentFromOptions(dbName string, ci *collectionInfo) error {
+ if dump.shouldSkipCollection(ci.Name) {
+ log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "skipping dump of %v.%v, it is excluded", dbName, ci.Name)
+ return nil
+ }
+ intent, err := dump.NewIntent(dbName, ci.Name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ intent.Options = ci.Options
+ dump.manager.Put(intent)
+ log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "enqueued collection '%v'", intent.Namespace())
+ return nil
+// CreateIntentsForDatabase iterates through collections in a db
+// and builds dump intents for each collection.
+func (dump *MongoDump) CreateIntentsForDatabase(dbName string) error {
+ // we must ensure folders for empty databases are still created, for legacy purposes
+ session, err := dump.sessionProvider.GetSession()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ defer session.Close()
+ colsIter, fullName, err := db.GetCollections(session.DB(dbName), "")
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error getting collections for database `%v`: %v", dbName, err)
+ }
+ collInfo := &collectionInfo{}
+ for colsIter.Next(collInfo) {
+ // Skip over indexes since they are also listed in system.namespaces in 2.6 or earlier
+ if strings.Contains(collInfo.Name, "$") && !strings.Contains(collInfo.Name, ".oplog.$") {
+ continue
+ }
+ if fullName {
+ namespacePrefix := dbName + "."
+ // if the collection info came from querying system.indexes (2.6 or earlier) then the
+ // "name" we get includes the db name as well, so we must remove it
+ if strings.HasPrefix(collInfo.Name, namespacePrefix) {
+ collInfo.Name = collInfo.Name[len(namespacePrefix):]
+ } else {
+ return fmt.Errorf("namespace '%v' format is invalid - expected to start with '%v'", collInfo.Name, namespacePrefix)
+ }
+ }
+ err := dump.createIntentFromOptions(dbName, collInfo)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return colsIter.Err()
+// CreateAllIntents iterates through all dbs and collections and builds
+// dump intents for each collection.
+func (dump *MongoDump) CreateAllIntents() error {
+ dbs, err := dump.sessionProvider.DatabaseNames()
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error getting database names: %v", err)
+ }
+ log.Logvf(log.DebugHigh, "found databases: %v", strings.Join(dbs, ", "))
+ for _, dbName := range dbs {
+ if dbName == "local" {
+ // local can only be explicitly dumped
+ continue
+ }
+ if err := dump.CreateIntentsForDatabase(dbName); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func nameGz(gz bool, name string) string {
+ if gz {
+ return name + ".gz"
+ }
+ return name