path: root/src/mongo/gotools/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/gotools/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/gotools/src/ b/src/mongo/gotools/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd258f80e2..00000000000
--- a/src/mongo/gotools/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-//max_latency_per_type returns an aggregation pipeline to view the average and max latency for each type in a
-//mongoreplay report. Latency is calculated as the amount of time between when an operation is played and when it completes
-function max_latency_per_type(){
- return [
- {$project:
- {
- "optype":
- { $ifNull :
- [
- {$concat : ["cmd_", "$command"]},
- {$concat: ["op_", "$op"]}
- ]
- },
- "latency_us": 1
- }
- },
- {$group :
- {
- _id: "$optype",
- "max_latency": {$max : "$latency_us"},
- "avg_latency": {$avg: "$latency_us"}
- }
- }
- ]
-//average_and_peak_lag returns an aggregation pipeline to view the average and max lag for a mongoreplay report
-//Lag is calculated as the amount of time between when an operation is scheduled to be played as per the playback information
-//and when it actually is played in mongoreplay
-function average_and_peak_lag() {
- return [
- {$group: {
- _id: null,
- "average_lag_us": {$avg : "$playbacklag_us"},
- "max_lag_us": {$max: "$playbacklag_us"}
- }
- },
- {$project : {
- "_id" :0,
- "average_lag_us" :1,
- "max_lag_us": 1,
- }
- }
- ]
-//latency_delta returns an aggregation pipeline to view the difference in latency in two mongoreplay reports
-//The 'other_collection' is the collection you wish to take a delta against
-function latency_delta(other_collection) {
- return [
- {$lookup :
- {
- from: other_collection,
- localField: "order",
- foreignField: "order",
- as: "join",
- }
- },
- {$unwind: '$join'},
- {$project:
- {
- order: 1,
- latencyDiff : { $subtract: ["$latency_us", "$join.latency_us"]},
- op: 1,
- command: 1
- }
- },
- {$sort:
- {
- latencyDiff: -1
- }
- }
- ]
-//latency_delta returns an aggregation pipeline to view the difference in errors in two mongoreplay reports
-//This pipeline returns all ops where the errors in one report do not match the errors in another
-//The 'other_collection' is the collection you wish to take a diff against
-function errors_diff(other_collection) {
- return [
- { $lookup :
- {
- from: other_collection,
- localField: "order",
- foreignField: "order",
- as: "join",
- }
- },
- {$unwind: '$join'},
- {$project:
- {
- original_errors:"$errors",
- replayed_errors:"$join.errors",
- order: 1,
- type: 1
- }
- },
- {$match:
- {
- replayed_errors: {$ne: "$original_errors"},
- $or :
- [
- {replayed_errors: {$exists: true}},
- {original_errors: {$exists: true}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
-//average_latency_compare returns a pipeline to view the average latency of each optype in different mongoreplay reports
-//the 'other_collection' is the collection you wish to compare a different collection to
-function average_latency_compare(other_collection) {
- return [
- { $lookup :
- {
- from: other_collection,
- localField: "order",
- foreignField: "order",
- as: "join",
- }
- },
- {$unwind : '$join'},
- {$project:
- {
- optype:
- { $ifNull : [
- {$concat : ["cmd_", "$command"]},
- {$concat: ["op_", "$op"]}
- ]
- },
- original_latency_us: "$latency_us",
- replayed_latency_us: "$join.latency_us",
- order: 1
- }
- },
- {$group :
- {
- _id : "$optype",
- avg_original_latency_us : { $avg: '$original_latency_us'},
- avg_replayed_latency_us : { $avg: '$replayed_latency_us'}
- }
- }
- ]
-//getStats executes an aggregation query using the pipeline function specified.
-//it is a helper function to execute any of the mongoreplay statics functions
-//the aggregation_func is a function that returns an aggregation pipeline and collection1 and collection2 are string names of the
-//collections you wish to input to your pipeline. Collection2 may be optional depending on the aggregation_func you use
-function getStats(aggregation_func, collection1, collection2) {
- var aggregation = aggregation_func(collection2)
- var coll = db.getCollection(collection1)
- return coll.aggregate(aggregation)