path: root/src/mongo/gotools/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/gotools/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/gotools/src/ b/src/mongo/gotools/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b1b7a83208..00000000000
--- a/src/mongo/gotools/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2014-present.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-// a copy of the License at
-package ns
-import (
- "testing"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- . ""
-func init() {
- // bump up the verbosity to make checking debug log output possible
- log.SetVerbosity(&options.Verbosity{
- VLevel: 4,
- })
-func TestEscape(t *testing.T) {
- testtype.SkipUnlessTestType(t, testtype.UnitTestType)
- Convey("with a few strings", t, func() {
- So(Escape("(blah)"), ShouldEqual, "(blah)")
- So(Escape(""), ShouldEqual, "")
- So(Escape(`bl*h*\\`), ShouldEqual, `bl\*h\*\\\\`)
- So(Escape("blah**"), ShouldEqual, `blah\*\*`)
- })
-func TestUnescape(t *testing.T) {
- testtype.SkipUnlessTestType(t, testtype.UnitTestType)
- Convey("with a few escaped strings", t, func() {
- So(Unescape("(blah)"), ShouldEqual, "(blah)")
- So(Unescape(""), ShouldEqual, "")
- So(Unescape(`bl\*h\*\\\\`), ShouldEqual, `bl*h*\\`)
- So(Unescape(`blah\*\*`), ShouldEqual, "blah**")
- })
-func TestReplacer(t *testing.T) {
- testtype.SkipUnlessTestType(t, testtype.UnitTestType)
- Convey("with replacements", t, func() {
- Convey(`'$db$.user$$' -> 'test.user$$_$db$', 'pr\*d\.*' -> 'st\*g\\ing.*'`, func() {
- r, err := NewRenamer([]string{"$db$.user$$", `pr\*d\\.*`}, []string{"test.user$$_$db$", `st\*g\\ing.*`})
- So(r, ShouldNotBeNil)
- So(err, ShouldBeNil)
- So(r.Get("stuff.user"), ShouldEqual, "test.user_stuff")
- So(r.Get("stuff.users"), ShouldEqual, "test.users_stuff")
- So(r.Get(`pr*d\.users`), ShouldEqual, `st*g\ing.users`)
- So(r.Get(`pr*d\.turbo.encabulators`), ShouldEqual, `st*g\ing.turbo.encabulators`)
- So(r.Get(`st*g\ing.turbo.encabulators`), ShouldEqual, `st*g\ing.turbo.encabulators`)
- })
- Convey(`'$:)*$.us(?:2)er$?$' -> '$?$_$:)*$'`, func() {
- r, err := NewRenamer([]string{"$:)*$.us(?:2)er$?$"}, []string{"$?$_$:)*$"})
- So(r, ShouldNotBeNil)
- So(err, ShouldBeNil)
- So(r.Get(""), ShouldEqual, "")
- So(r.Get(""), ShouldEqual, "")
- })
- Convey("'*.*' -> '*_test.*'", func() {
- r, err := NewRenamer([]string{"*.*"}, []string{"*_test.*"})
- So(r, ShouldNotBeNil)
- So(err, ShouldBeNil)
- So(r.Get("stuff.user"), ShouldEqual, "stuff_test.user")
- So(r.Get("stuff.users"), ShouldEqual, "stuff_test.users")
- So(r.Get("prod.turbo.encabulators"), ShouldEqual, "prod_test.turbo.encabulators")
- })
- })
- Convey("with invalid replacements", t, func() {
- Convey("'$db$.user$db$' -> 'test.user-$db$'", func() {
- _, err := NewRenamer([]string{"$db$.user$db$"}, []string{"test.user-$db$"})
- So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
- })
- Convey("'$db$.us$er$table$' -> 'test.user$table$_$db$'", func() {
- _, err := NewRenamer([]string{"$db$.us$er$table$"}, []string{"test.user$table$_$db$"})
- So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
- })
- })
-func TestMatcher(t *testing.T) {
- testtype.SkipUnlessTestType(t, testtype.UnitTestType)
- Convey("with matcher", t, func() {
- Convey(`'*.user*', 'pr\*d\.*'`, func() {
- m, err := NewMatcher([]string{`*.user*`, `pr\*d\.*`})
- So(m, ShouldNotBeNil)
- So(err, ShouldBeNil)
- So(m.Has("stuff.user"), ShouldBeTrue)
- So(m.Has("stuff.users"), ShouldBeTrue)
- So(m.Has("pr*d.users"), ShouldBeTrue)
- So(m.Has("pr*d.magic"), ShouldBeTrue)
- So(m.Has(`pr*d\.magic`), ShouldBeFalse)
- So(m.Has("prod.magic"), ShouldBeFalse)
- So(m.Has("pr*d.turbo.encabulators"), ShouldBeTrue)
- So(m.Has("st*ging.turbo.encabulators"), ShouldBeFalse)
- })
- Convey("'*.*'", func() {
- m, err := NewMatcher([]string{"*.*"})
- So(m, ShouldNotBeNil)
- So(err, ShouldBeNil)
- So(m.Has("stuff"), ShouldBeFalse)
- So(m.Has("stuff.user"), ShouldBeTrue)
- So(m.Has("stuff.users"), ShouldBeTrue)
- So(m.Has("prod.turbo.encabulators"), ShouldBeTrue)
- })
- })
- Convey("with invalid matcher", t, func() {
- Convey("'$.user$'", func() {
- _, err := NewMatcher([]string{"$.user$"})
- So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
- })
- Convey("'*.user$'", func() {
- _, err := NewMatcher([]string{"*.user$"})
- So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
- })
- })