path: root/src/mongo/gotools/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/gotools/src/')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/gotools/src/ b/src/mongo/gotools/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8861bd80d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/gotools/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+version: 2
+ build:
+ docker:
+ - image: circleci/build-image:ubuntu-14.04-XXL-upstart-1189-5614f37
+ command: /sbin/init
+ environment:
+ working_directory: ~/go/src/
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - run: git clone $HOME/.nvm && cd $HOME/.nvm && git checkout v0.33.9 && echo 'export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"' >> $BASH_ENV && echo '[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"' >> $BASH_ENV
+ - run: nvm install 10.0.0 && nvm alias default 10.0.0
+ - run: cd /usr/local && sudo rm -rf go && curl | sudo tar -xz
+ - run: echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin"' >> $BASH_ENV
+ - run: go get -t -d -v ./...
+ - run: go install -v
+ - run: npm install # Install our (dev) dependencies from package.json.
+ - run: npm install --global node-gyp
+ - run: cd node-syscall && node-gyp rebuild && mkdir -p ~/.node_libraries && cp build/Release/syscall.node ~/.node_libraries/syscall.node
+ - run: go generate
+ - run: diff -u <(echo -n) <(git status --porcelain)
+ - run: diff -u <(echo -n) <(gofmt -d .)
+ - run: go tool vet *.go # Go package in root directory.
+ - run: for d in */; do echo $d; done | grep -v tests/ | grep -v third_party/ | xargs go tool vet # All subdirectories except "tests", "third_party".
+ - run: diff -u <(echo -n) <(go list ./compiler/natives/src/...) # All those packages should have // +build js.
+ - run: gopherjs install -v net/http # Should build successfully (can't run tests, since only client is supported).
+ - run: >
+ ulimit -s 10000 && gopherjs test --minify -v --short
+ archive/tar
+ archive/zip
+ bufio
+ bytes
+ compress/bzip2
+ compress/flate
+ compress/gzip
+ compress/lzw
+ compress/zlib
+ container/heap
+ container/list
+ container/ring
+ crypto/aes
+ crypto/cipher
+ crypto/des
+ crypto/dsa
+ crypto/ecdsa
+ crypto/elliptic
+ crypto/hmac
+ crypto/md5
+ crypto/rand
+ crypto/rc4
+ crypto/rsa
+ crypto/sha1
+ crypto/sha256
+ crypto/sha512
+ crypto/subtle
+ crypto/x509
+ database/sql
+ database/sql/driver
+ debug/dwarf
+ debug/elf
+ debug/macho
+ debug/pe
+ encoding/ascii85
+ encoding/asn1
+ encoding/base32
+ encoding/base64
+ encoding/binary
+ encoding/csv
+ encoding/gob
+ encoding/hex
+ encoding/json
+ encoding/pem
+ encoding/xml
+ errors
+ expvar
+ flag
+ fmt
+ go/ast
+ go/constant
+ go/doc
+ go/format
+ go/parser
+ go/printer
+ go/scanner
+ go/token
+ hash/adler32
+ hash/crc32
+ hash/crc64
+ hash/fnv
+ html
+ html/template
+ image
+ image/color
+ image/draw
+ image/gif
+ image/jpeg
+ image/png
+ index/suffixarray
+ io
+ io/ioutil
+ math
+ math/big
+ math/bits
+ math/cmplx
+ math/rand
+ mime
+ mime/multipart
+ mime/quotedprintable
+ net/http/cookiejar
+ net/http/fcgi
+ net/mail
+ net/rpc/jsonrpc
+ net/textproto
+ net/url
+ path
+ path/filepath
+ reflect
+ regexp
+ regexp/syntax
+ sort
+ strconv
+ strings
+ sync
+ sync/atomic
+ testing/quick
+ text/scanner
+ text/tabwriter
+ text/template
+ text/template/parse
+ time
+ unicode
+ unicode/utf16
+ unicode/utf8
+ - run: go test -v -race ./...
+ - run: gopherjs test -v fmt # No minification should work.