path: root/src/mongo/gotools/src/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/gotools/src/ b/src/mongo/gotools/src/
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-.. role:: javascript(code)
- :language: javascript
-Change Streams
-.. contents::
-The YAML and JSON files in this directory are platform-independent tests that
-drivers can use to prove their conformance to the Change Streams Spec.
-Several prose tests, which are not easily expressed in YAML, are also presented
-in this file. Those tests will need to be manually implemented by each driver.
-Spec Test Format
-Each YAML file has the following keys:
-- ``database_name``: The default database
-- ``collection_name``: The default collection
-- ``database2_name``: Another database
-- ``collection2_name``: Another collection
-- ``tests``: An array of tests that are to be run independently of each other.
- Each test will have some of the following fields:
- - ``description``: The name of the test.
- - ``minServerVersion``: The minimum server version to run this test against. If not present, assume there is no minimum server version.
- - ``maxServerVersion``: Reserved for later use
- - ``failPoint``(optional): The configureFailPoint command document to run to configure a fail point on the primary server.
- - ``target``: The entity on which to run the change stream. Valid values are:
- - ``collection``: Watch changes on collection ``database_name.collection_name``
- - ``database``: Watch changes on database ``database_name``
- - ``client``: Watch changes on entire clusters
- - ``topology``: An array of server topologies against which to run the test.
- Valid topologies are ``single``, ``replicaset``, and ``sharded``.
- - ``changeStreamPipeline``: An array of additional aggregation pipeline stages to add to the change stream
- - ``changeStreamOptions``: Additional options to add to the changeStream
- - ``operations``: Array of documents, each describing an operation. Each document has the following fields:
- - ``database``: Database against which to run the operation
- - ``collection``: Collection against which to run the operation
- - ``name``: Name of the command to run
- - ``arguments`` (optional): Object of arguments for the command (ex: document to insert)
- - ``expectations``: Optional list of command-started events in Extended JSON format
- - ``result``: Document with ONE of the following fields:
- - ``error``: Describes an error received during the test
- - ``success``: An Extended JSON array of documents expected to be received from the changeStream
-Spec Test Match Function
-The definition of MATCH or MATCHES in the Spec Test Runner is as follows:
-- MATCH takes two values, ``expected`` and ``actual``
-- Notation is "Assert [actual] MATCHES [expected]
-- Assertion passes if ``expected`` is a subset of ``actual``, with the values ``42`` and ``"42"`` acting as placeholders for "any value"
-Pseudocode implementation of ``actual`` MATCHES ``expected``:
- If expected is "42" or 42:
- Assert that actual exists (is not null or undefined)
- Else:
- Assert that actual is of the same JSON type as expected
- If expected is a JSON array:
- For every idx/value in expected:
- Assert that actual[idx] MATCHES value
- Else if expected is a JSON object:
- For every key/value in expected
- Assert that actual[key] MATCHES value
- Else:
- Assert that expected equals actual
-The expected values for ``result.success`` and ``expectations`` are written in Extended JSON. Drivers may adopt any of the following approaches to comparisons, as long as they are consistent:
-- Convert ``actual`` to Extended JSON and compare to ``expected``
-- Convert ``expected`` and ``actual`` to BSON, and compare them
-- Convert ``expected`` and ``actual`` to native equivalents of JSON, and compare them
-Spec Test Runner
-Before running the tests
-- Create a MongoClient ``globalClient``, and connect to the server
-For each YAML file, for each element in ``tests``:
-- If ``topology`` does not include the topology of the server instance(s), skip this test.
-- Use ``globalClient`` to
- - Drop the database ``database_name``
- - Drop the database ``database2_name``
- - Create the database ``database_name`` and the collection ``database_name.collection_name``
- - Create the database ``database2_name`` and the collection ``database2_name.collection2_name``
- - If the the ``failPoint`` field is present, configure the fail point on the primary server. See
- `Server Fail Point <../../transactions/tests#server-fail-point>`_ in the
- Transactions spec test documentation for more information.
-- Create a new MongoClient ``client``
-- Begin monitoring all APM events for ``client``. (If the driver uses global listeners, filter out all events that do not originate with ``client``). Filter out any "internal" commands (e.g. ``isMaster``)
-- Using ``client``, create a changeStream ``changeStream`` against the specified ``target``. Use ``changeStreamPipeline`` and ``changeStreamOptions`` if they are non-empty
-- Using ``globalClient``, run every operation in ``operations`` in serial against the server
-- Wait until either:
- - An error occurs
- - All operations have been successful AND the changeStream has received as many changes as there are in ``result.success``
-- Close ``changeStream``
-- If there was an error:
- - Assert that an error was expected for the test.
- - Assert that the error MATCHES ``result.error``
-- Else:
- - Assert that no error was expected for the test
- - Assert that the changes received from ``changeStream`` MATCH the results in ``result.success``
-- If there are any ``expectations``
- - For each (``expected``, ``idx``) in ``expectations``
- - Assert that ``actual[idx]`` MATCHES ``expected``
-- Close the MongoClient ``client``
-After running all tests
-- Close the MongoClient ``globalClient``
-- Drop database ``database_name``
-- Drop database ``database2_name``
-Prose Tests
-The following tests have not yet been automated, but MUST still be tested
-#. ``ChangeStream`` must continuously track the last seen ``resumeToken``
-#. ``ChangeStream`` will throw an exception if the server response is missing the resume token (if wire version is < 8, this is a driver-side error; for 8+, this is a server-side error)
-#. ``ChangeStream`` will automatically resume one time on a resumable error (including `not master`) with the initial pipeline and options, except for the addition/update of a ``resumeToken``.
-#. ``ChangeStream`` will not attempt to resume on any error encountered while executing an ``aggregate`` command.
-#. ``ChangeStream`` will not attempt to resume after encountering error code 11601 (Interrupted), 136 (CappedPositionLost), or 237 (CursorKilled) while executing a ``getMore`` command.
-#. ``ChangeStream`` will perform server selection before attempting to resume, using initial ``readPreference``
-#. Ensure that a cursor returned from an aggregate command with a cursor id and an initial empty batch is not closed on the driver side.
-#. The ``killCursors`` command sent during the "Resume Process" must not be allowed to throw an exception.
-#. ``$changeStream`` stage for ``ChangeStream`` against a server ``>=4.0`` and ``<4.0.7`` that has not received any results yet MUST include a ``startAtOperationTime`` option when resuming a changestream.
-#. ``ChangeStream`` will resume after a ``killCursors`` command is issued for its child cursor.
-#. - For a ``ChangeStream`` under these conditions:
- - Running against a server ``>=4.0.7``.
- - The batch is empty or has been iterated to the last document.
- - Expected result:
- - ``getResumeToken`` must return the ``postBatchResumeToken`` from the current command response.
-#. - For a ``ChangeStream`` under these conditions:
- - Running against a server ``<4.0.7``.
- - The batch is empty or has been iterated to the last document.
- - Expected result:
- - ``getResumeToken`` must return the ``_id`` of the last document returned if one exists.
- - ``getResumeToken`` must return ``startAfter`` from the initial aggregate if the option was specified.
- - ``getResumeToken`` must return ``resumeAfter`` from the initial aggregate if the option was specified.
- - If neither the ``startAfter`` nor ``resumeAfter`` options were specified, the ``getResumeToken`` result must be empty.
-#. - For a ``ChangeStream`` under these conditions:
- - The batch is not empty.
- - The batch has been iterated up to but not including the last element.
- - Expected result:
- - ``getResumeToken`` must return the ``_id`` of the previous document returned.
-#. - For a ``ChangeStream`` under these conditions:
- - The batch is not empty.
- - The batch hasn’t been iterated at all.
- - Only the initial ``aggregate`` command has been executed.
- - Expected result:
- - ``getResumeToken`` must return ``startAfter`` from the initial aggregate if the option was specified.
- - ``getResumeToken`` must return ``resumeAfter`` from the initial aggregate if the option was specified.
- - If neither the ``startAfter`` nor ``resumeAfter`` options were specified, the ``getResumeToken`` result must be empty.
-#. - For a ``ChangeStream`` under these conditions:
- - Running against a server ``>=4.0.7``.
- - The batch is not empty.
- - The batch hasn’t been iterated at all.
- - The stream has iterated beyond a previous batch and a ``getMore`` command has just been executed.
- - Expected result:
- - ``getResumeToken`` must return the ``postBatchResumeToken`` from the previous command response.
-#. - For a ``ChangeStream`` under these conditions:
- - Running against a server ``<4.0.7``.
- - The batch is not empty.
- - The batch hasn’t been iterated at all.
- - The stream has iterated beyond a previous batch and a ``getMore`` command has just been executed.
- - Expected result:
- - ``getResumeToken`` must return the ``_id`` of the previous document returned if one exists.
- - ``getResumeToken`` must return ``startAfter`` from the initial aggregate if the option was specified.
- - ``getResumeToken`` must return ``resumeAfter`` from the initial aggregate if the option was specified.
- - If neither the ``startAfter`` nor ``resumeAfter`` options were specified, the ``getResumeToken`` result must be empty. \ No newline at end of file