path: root/src/mongo/gotools/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/gotools/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 196 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/gotools/src/ b/src/mongo/gotools/src/
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--- a/src/mongo/gotools/src/
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-package dbtest
-import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "net"
- "os"
- "os/exec"
- "strconv"
- "time"
- ""
- ""
-// DBServer controls a MongoDB server process to be used within test suites.
-// The test server is started when Session is called the first time and should
-// remain running for the duration of all tests, with the Wipe method being
-// called between tests (before each of them) to clear stored data. After all tests
-// are done, the Stop method should be called to stop the test server.
-// Before the DBServer is used the SetPath method must be called to define
-// the location for the database files to be stored.
-type DBServer struct {
- session *mgo.Session
- output bytes.Buffer
- server *exec.Cmd
- dbpath string
- host string
- tomb tomb.Tomb
-// SetPath defines the path to the directory where the database files will be
-// stored if it is started. The directory path itself is not created or removed
-// by the test helper.
-func (dbs *DBServer) SetPath(dbpath string) {
- dbs.dbpath = dbpath
-func (dbs *DBServer) start() {
- if dbs.server != nil {
- panic("DBServer already started")
- }
- if dbs.dbpath == "" {
- panic("DBServer.SetPath must be called before using the server")
- }
- mgo.SetStats(true)
- l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
- if err != nil {
- panic("unable to listen on a local address: " + err.Error())
- }
- addr := l.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
- l.Close()
- = addr.String()
- args := []string{
- "--dbpath", dbs.dbpath,
- "--bind_ip", "",
- "--port", strconv.Itoa(addr.Port),
- "--nssize", "1",
- "--noprealloc",
- "--smallfiles",
- "--nojournal",
- }
- dbs.tomb = tomb.Tomb{}
- dbs.server = exec.Command("mongod", args...)
- dbs.server.Stdout = &dbs.output
- dbs.server.Stderr = &dbs.output
- err = dbs.server.Start()
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- dbs.tomb.Go(dbs.monitor)
- dbs.Wipe()
-func (dbs *DBServer) monitor() error {
- dbs.server.Process.Wait()
- if dbs.tomb.Alive() {
- // Present some debugging information.
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "---- mongod process died unexpectedly:\n")
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", dbs.output.Bytes())
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "---- mongod processes running right now:\n")
- cmd := exec.Command("/bin/sh", "-c", "ps auxw | grep mongod")
- cmd.Stdout = os.Stderr
- cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
- cmd.Run()
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "----------------------------------------\n")
- panic("mongod process died unexpectedly")
- }
- return nil
-// Stop stops the test server process, if it is running.
-// It's okay to call Stop multiple times. After the test server is
-// stopped it cannot be restarted.
-// All database sessions must be closed before or while the Stop method
-// is running. Otherwise Stop will panic after a timeout informing that
-// there is a session leak.
-func (dbs *DBServer) Stop() {
- if dbs.session != nil {
- dbs.checkSessions()
- if dbs.session != nil {
- dbs.session.Close()
- dbs.session = nil
- }
- }
- if dbs.server != nil {
- dbs.tomb.Kill(nil)
- dbs.server.Process.Signal(os.Interrupt)
- select {
- case <-dbs.tomb.Dead():
- case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
- panic("timeout waiting for mongod process to die")
- }
- dbs.server = nil
- }
-// Session returns a new session to the server. The returned session
-// must be closed after the test is done with it.
-// The first Session obtained from a DBServer will start it.
-func (dbs *DBServer) Session() *mgo.Session {
- if dbs.server == nil {
- dbs.start()
- }
- if dbs.session == nil {
- mgo.ResetStats()
- var err error
- dbs.session, err = mgo.Dial( + "/test")
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- }
- return dbs.session.Copy()
-// checkSessions ensures all mgo sessions opened were properly closed.
-// For slightly faster tests, it may be disabled setting the
-// environmnet variable CHECK_SESSIONS to 0.
-func (dbs *DBServer) checkSessions() {
- if check := os.Getenv("CHECK_SESSIONS"); check == "0" || dbs.server == nil || dbs.session == nil {
- return
- }
- dbs.session.Close()
- dbs.session = nil
- for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
- stats := mgo.GetStats()
- if stats.SocketsInUse == 0 && stats.SocketsAlive == 0 {
- return
- }
- time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
- }
- panic("There are mgo sessions still alive.")
-// Wipe drops all created databases and their data.
-// The MongoDB server remains running if it was prevoiusly running,
-// or stopped if it was previously stopped.
-// All database sessions must be closed before or while the Wipe method
-// is running. Otherwise Wipe will panic after a timeout informing that
-// there is a session leak.
-func (dbs *DBServer) Wipe() {
- if dbs.server == nil || dbs.session == nil {
- return
- }
- dbs.checkSessions()
- sessionUnset := dbs.session == nil
- session := dbs.Session()
- defer session.Close()
- if sessionUnset {
- dbs.session.Close()
- dbs.session = nil
- }
- names, err := session.DatabaseNames()
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- for _, name := range names {
- switch name {
- case "admin", "local", "config":
- default:
- err = session.DB(name).DropDatabase()
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- }
- }