path: root/src/mongo/gotools/vendor/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/gotools/vendor/src/')
1 files changed, 1322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/gotools/vendor/src/ b/src/mongo/gotools/vendor/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3bc12c5a7cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/gotools/vendor/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1322 @@
+ // Things may shift after all the elements (images/fonts) are loaded
+ // In Chrome, calling reframe() doesn't work (maybe a quirk); we need to trigger resize
+ $(window).resize();
+function init()
+ log("Welcome to GoConvey!");
+ log("Initializing interface");
+ convey.overall = emptyOverall();
+ loadTheme();
+ $('body').show();
+ initPoller();
+ wireup();
+ latest();
+function loadTheme(thmID)
+ var defaultTheme = "dark";
+ var linkTagId = "themeRef";
+ if (!thmID)
+ thmID = get('theme') || defaultTheme;
+ log("Initializing theme: " + thmID);
+ if (!convey.config.themes[thmID])
+ {
+ replacement = Object.keys(convey.config.themes)[0] || defaultTheme;
+ log("NOTICE: Could not find '" + thmID + "' theme; defaulting to '" + replacement + "'");
+ thmID = replacement;
+ }
+ convey.theme = thmID;
+ save('theme', convey.theme);
+ var linkTag = $('#'+linkTagId);
+ var fullPath = convey.config.themePath
+ + convey.config.themes[convey.theme].filename;
+ if (linkTag.length === 0)
+ {
+ $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="'
+ + fullPath + '" id="themeRef">');
+ }
+ else
+ linkTag.attr('href', fullPath);
+ colorizeCoverageBars();
+function initPoller()
+ $(convey.poller).on('serverstarting', function(event)
+ {
+ log("Server is starting...");
+ convey.status = "starting";
+ showServerDown("Server starting");
+ $('#run-tests').addClass('spin-slowly disabled');
+ });
+ $(convey.poller).on('pollsuccess', function(event, data)
+ {
+ if (convey.status !== "starting")
+ hideServerDown();
+ // These two if statements determine if the server is now busy
+ // (and wasn't before) or is not busy (regardless of whether it was before)
+ if ((!convey.status || convey.status === "idle")
+ && data.status && data.status !== "idle")
+ $('#run-tests').addClass('spin-slowly disabled');
+ else if (convey.status !== "idle" && data.status === "idle")
+ {
+ $('#run-tests').removeClass('spin-slowly disabled');
+ }
+ switch (data.status)
+ {
+ case "executing":
+ $(convey.poller).trigger('serverexec', data);
+ break;
+ case "idle":
+ $(convey.poller).trigger('serveridle', data);
+ break;
+ }
+ convey.status = data.status;
+ });
+ $(convey.poller).on('pollfail', function(event, data)
+ {
+ log("Poll failed; server down");
+ convey.status = "down";
+ showServerDown("Server down");
+ });
+ $(convey.poller).on('serverexec', function(event, data)
+ {
+ log("Server status: executing");
+ $('.favicon').attr('href', '/favicon.ico'); // indicates running tests
+ });
+ $(convey.poller).on('serveridle', function(event, data)
+ {
+ log("Server status: idle");
+ log("Tests have finished executing");
+ latest();
+ });
+ convey.poller.start();
+function wireup()
+ log("Wireup");
+ customMarkupPipes();
+ var themes = [];
+ for (var k in convey.config.themes)
+ themes.push({ id: k, name: convey.config.themes[k].name });
+ $('#theme').html(render('tpl-theme-enum', themes));
+ enumSel("theme", convey.theme);
+ loadSettingsFromStorage();
+ $('#stories').on('click', '.toggle-all-pkg', function(event)
+ {
+ if ($(this).closest('.story-pkg').data('pkg-state') === "expanded")
+ collapseAll();
+ else
+ expandAll();
+ return suppress(event);
+ });
+ // Wireup the settings switches
+ $('.enum#theme').on('click', 'li:not(.sel)', function()
+ {
+ loadTheme($(this).data('theme'));
+ });
+ $('.enum#pkg-expand-collapse').on('click', 'li:not(.sel)', function()
+ {
+ var newSetting = $(this).data('pkg-expand-collapse');
+ convey.packageStates = {};
+ save('pkg-expand-collapse', newSetting);
+ if (newSetting === "expanded")
+ expandAll();
+ else
+ collapseAll();
+ });
+ $('.enum#show-debug-output').on('click', 'li:not(.sel)', function()
+ {
+ var newSetting = $(this).data('show-debug-output');
+ save('show-debug-output', newSetting);
+ if (newSetting === "show")
+ $('.story-line-desc .message').show();
+ else
+ $('.story-line-desc .message').hide();
+ });
+ $('.enum#ui-effects').on('click', 'li:not(.sel)', function()
+ {
+ var newSetting = $(this).data('ui-effects');
+ convey.uiEffects = newSetting;
+ save('ui-effects', newSetting);
+ });
+ // End settings wireup
+ convey.layout.header = $('header').first();
+ convey.layout.frame = $('.frame').first();
+ convey.layout.footer = $('footer').last();
+ updateWatchPath();
+ $('#path').change(function()
+ {
+ // Updates the watched directory with the server and makes sure it exists
+ var tb = $(this);
+ var newpath = encodeURIComponent($.trim(tb.val()));
+ $.post('/watch?root='+newpath)
+ .done(function() { tb.removeClass('error'); })
+ .fail(function() { tb.addClass('error'); });
+ convey.framesOnSamePath = 1;
+ });
+ $('#run-tests').click(function()
+ {
+ var self = $(this);
+ if (self.hasClass('spin-slowly') || self.hasClass('disabled'))
+ return;
+ log("Test run invoked from web UI");
+ $.get("/execute");
+ });
+ $('#play-pause').click(function()
+ {
+ $.get('/pause');
+ if ($(this).hasClass(convey.layout.selClass))
+ {
+ // Un-pausing
+ if (!$('footer .replay').is(':visible'))
+ $('footer .recording').show();
+ $('footer .paused').hide();
+ log("Resuming auto-execution of tests");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Pausing
+ $('footer .recording').hide();
+ $('footer .paused').show();
+ log("Pausing auto-execution of tests");
+ }
+ $(this).toggleClass("throb " + convey.layout.selClass);
+ });
+ $('#toggle-notif').click(function()
+ {
+ log("Turning notifications " + (notif() ? "off" : "on"));
+ $(this).toggleClass("fa-bell-o fa-bell " + convey.layout.selClass);
+ save('notifications', !notif());
+ if (notif() && 'Notification' in window)
+ {
+ if (Notification.permission !== 'denied')
+ {
+ Notification.requestPermission(function(per)
+ {
+ if (!('permission' in Notification))
+ Notification.permission = per;
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ log("Permission denied to show desktop notification");
+ }
+ });
+ $('#show-history').click(function()
+ {
+ toggle($('.history'), $(this));
+ });
+ $('#show-settings').click(function()
+ {
+ toggle($('.settings'), $(this));
+ });
+ $('#show-gen').click(function() {
+ var writer ="/composer.html");
+ if (window.focus)
+ writer.focus();
+ });
+ // Wire-up the tipsy tooltips
+ $('.controls li, .pkg-cover-name').tipsy({ live: true });
+ $('footer .replay').tipsy({ live: true, gravity: 'e' });
+ $('#path').tipsy({ delayIn: 500 });
+ $('.ignore').tipsy({ live: true, gravity: $.fn.tipsy.autoNS });
+ $('.disabled').tipsy({ live: true, gravity: $.fn.tipsy.autoNS });
+ $('#logo').tipsy({ gravity: 'w' });
+ $('.toggler').not('.narrow').prepend('<i class="fa fa-angle-up fa-lg"></i>');
+ $('.toggler.narrow').prepend('<i class="fa fa-angle-down fa-lg"></i>');
+ $('.toggler').not('.narrow').click(function()
+ {
+ var target = $('#' + $(this).data('toggle'));
+ $('.fa-angle-down, .fa-angle-up', this).toggleClass('fa-angle-down fa-angle-up');
+ target.toggle();
+ });
+ $('.toggler.narrow').click(function()
+ {
+ var target = $('#' + $(this).data('toggle'));
+ $('.fa-angle-down, .fa-angle-up', this).toggleClass('fa-angle-down fa-angle-up');
+ target.toggleClass('hide-narrow show-narrow');
+ });
+ // Enumerations are horizontal lists where one item can be selected at a time
+ $('.enum').on('click', 'li', enumSel);
+ // Start ticking time
+ convey.intervals.time = setInterval(convey.intervalFuncs.time, 1000);
+ convey.intervals.momentjs = setInterval(convey.intervalFuncs.momentjs, 5000);
+ convey.intervalFuncs.time();
+ // Ignore/un-ignore package
+ $('#stories').on('click', '.fa.ignore', function(event)
+ {
+ var pkg = $(this).data('pkg');
+ if ($(this).hasClass('disabled'))
+ return;
+ else if ($(this).hasClass('unwatch'))
+ $.get("/ignore", { paths: pkg });
+ else
+ $.get("/reinstate", { paths: pkg });
+ $(this).toggleClass('watch unwatch fa-eye fa-eye-slash clr-red');
+ return suppress(event);
+ });
+ // Show "All" link when hovering the toggler on packages in the stories
+ $('#stories').on({
+ mouseenter: function() { $('.toggle-all-pkg', this).stop().show('fast'); },
+ mouseleave: function() { $('.toggle-all-pkg', this).stop().hide('fast'); }
+ }, '.pkg-toggle-container');
+ // Toggle a package in the stories when clicked
+ $('#stories').on('click', '.story-pkg', function(event)
+ {
+ togglePackage(this, true);
+ return suppress(event);
+ });
+ // Select a story line when it is clicked
+ $('#stories').on('click', '.story-line', function()
+ {
+ $('.story-line-sel').not(this).removeClass('story-line-sel');
+ $(this).toggleClass('story-line-sel');
+ });
+ // Render a frame from the history when clicked
+ $('.history .container').on('click', '.item', function(event)
+ {
+ var frame = getFrame($(this).data("frameid"));
+ changeStatus(frame.overall.status, true);
+ renderFrame(frame);
+ $(this).addClass('selected');
+ // Update current status down in the footer
+ if ($(this).is(':first-child'))
+ {
+ // Now on current frame
+ $('footer .replay').hide();
+ if ($('#play-pause').hasClass(convey.layout.selClass)) // Was/is paused
+ $('footer .paused').show();
+ else
+ $('footer .recording').show(); // Was/is recording
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $('footer .recording, footer .replay').hide();
+ $('footer .replay').show();
+ }
+ return suppress(event);
+ });
+ $('footer').on('click', '.replay', function()
+ {
+ // Clicking "REPLAY" in the corner should bring them back to the current frame
+ // and hide, if visible, the history panel for convenience
+ $('.history .item:first-child').click();
+ if ($('#show-history').hasClass('sel'))
+ $('#show-history').click();
+ });
+ // Keyboard shortcuts!
+ $(document).keydown(function(e)
+ {
+ if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey)
+ return;
+ switch (e.keyCode)
+ {
+ case 67: // c
+ $('#show-gen').click();
+ break;
+ case 82: // r
+ $('#run-tests').click();
+ break;
+ case 78: // n
+ $('#toggle-notif').click();
+ break;
+ case 87: // w
+ $('#path').focus();
+ break;
+ case 80: // p
+ $('#play-pause').click();
+ break;
+ }
+ return suppress(e);
+ });
+ $('body').on('keydown', 'input, textarea, select', function(e)
+ {
+ // If user is typing something, don't let this event bubble
+ // up to the document to annoyingly fire keyboard shortcuts
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ // Keep everything positioned and sized properly on window resize
+ reframe();
+ $(window).resize(reframe);
+function expandAll()
+ $('.story-pkg').each(function() { expandPackage($(this).data('pkg')); });
+function collapseAll()
+ $('.story-pkg').each(function() { collapsePackage($(this).data('pkg')); });
+function expandPackage(pkgId)
+ var pkg = $('.story-pkg.pkg-'+pkgId);
+ var rows = $('.story-line.pkg-'+pkgId);
+'pkg-state', "expanded").addClass('expanded').removeClass('collapsed');
+ $('.pkg-toggle', pkg)
+ .addClass('fa-minus-square-o')
+ .removeClass('fa-plus-square-o');
+function collapsePackage(pkgId)
+ var pkg = $('.story-pkg.pkg-'+pkgId);
+ var rows = $('.story-line.pkg-'+pkgId);
+'pkg-state', "collapsed").addClass('collapsed').removeClass('expanded');
+ $('.pkg-toggle', pkg)
+ .addClass('fa-plus-square-o')
+ .removeClass('fa-minus-square-o');
+ rows.hide();
+function togglePackage(storyPkgElem)
+ var pkgId = $(storyPkgElem).data('pkg');
+ if ($(storyPkgElem).data('pkg-state') === "expanded")
+ {
+ collapsePackage(pkgId);
+ convey.packageStates[$(storyPkgElem).data('pkg-name')] = "collapsed";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ expandPackage(pkgId);
+ convey.packageStates[$(storyPkgElem).data('pkg-name')] = "expanded";
+ }
+function loadSettingsFromStorage()
+ var pkgExpCollapse = get("pkg-expand-collapse");
+ if (!pkgExpCollapse)
+ {
+ pkgExpCollapse = "expanded";
+ save("pkg-expand-collapse", pkgExpCollapse);
+ }
+ enumSel("pkg-expand-collapse", pkgExpCollapse);
+ var showDebugOutput = get("show-debug-output");
+ if (!showDebugOutput)
+ {
+ showDebugOutput = "show";
+ save("show-debug-output", showDebugOutput);
+ }
+ enumSel("show-debug-output", showDebugOutput);
+ var uiEffects = get("ui-effects");
+ if (uiEffects === null)
+ uiEffects = "true";
+ convey.uiEffects = uiEffects === "true";
+ enumSel("ui-effects", uiEffects);
+ if (notif())
+ $('#toggle-notif').toggleClass("fa-bell-o fa-bell " + convey.layout.selClass);
+function latest()
+ log("Fetching latest test results");
+ $.getJSON("/latest", process);
+function process(data, status, jqxhr)
+ if (!data || !data.Revision)
+ {
+ log("No data received or revision timestamp was missing");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (data.Paused && !$('#play-pause').hasClass(convey.layout.selClass))
+ {
+ $('footer .recording').hide();
+ $('footer .paused').show();
+ $('#play-pause').toggleClass("throb " + convey.layout.selClass);
+ }
+ if (current() && data.Revision === current().results.Revision)
+ {
+ log("No changes");
+ changeStatus(current().overall.status); // re-assures that status is unchanged
+ return;
+ }
+ // Put the new frame in the queue so we can use current() to get to it
+ convey.history.push(newFrame());
+ convey.framesOnSamePath++;
+ // Store the raw results in our frame
+ current().results = data;
+ log("Updating watch path");
+ updateWatchPath();
+ // Remove all templated items from the DOM as we'll
+ // replace them with new ones; also remove tipsy tooltips
+ // that may have lingered around
+ $('.templated, .tipsy').remove();
+ var uniqueID = 0;
+ var coverageAvgHelper = { countedPackages: 0, coverageSum: 0 };
+ var packages = {
+ tested: [],
+ ignored: [],
+ coverage: {},
+ nogofiles: [],
+ notestfiles: [],
+ notestfn: []
+ };
+ log("Compiling package statistics");
+ // Look for failures and panics through the packages->tests->stories...
+ for (var i in data.Packages)
+ {
+ pkg = makeContext(data.Packages[i]);
+ current().overall.duration += pkg.Elapsed;
+ pkg._id = uniqueID++;
+ if (pkg.Outcome === "build failure")
+ {
+ current().overall.failedBuilds++;
+ current().failedBuilds.push(pkg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pkg.Outcome === "no go code")
+ packages.nogofiles.push(pkg);
+ else if (pkg.Outcome === "no test files")
+ packages.notestfiles.push(pkg);
+ else if (pkg.Outcome === "no test functions")
+ packages.notestfn.push(pkg);
+ else if (pkg.Outcome === "ignored" || pkg.Outcome === "disabled")
+ packages.ignored.push(pkg);
+ else
+ {
+ if (pkg.Coverage >= 0)
+ coverageAvgHelper.coverageSum += pkg.Coverage;
+ coverageAvgHelper.countedPackages++;
+ packages.coverage[pkg.PackageName] = pkg.Coverage;
+ packages.tested.push(pkg);
+ }
+ for (var j in pkg.TestResults)
+ {
+ test = makeContext(pkg.TestResults[j]);
+ test._id = uniqueID++;
+ test._pkgid = pkg._id;
+ test._pkg = pkg.PackageName;
+ if (test.Stories.length === 0)
+ {
+ // Here we've got ourselves a classic Go test,
+ // not a GoConvey test that has stories and assertions
+ // so we'll treat this whole test as a single assertion
+ current().overall.assertions++;
+ if (test.Error)
+ {
+ test._status = convey.statuses.panic;
+ pkg._panicked++;
+ test._panicked++;
+ current().assertions.panicked.push(test);
+ }
+ else if (test.Passed === false)
+ {
+ test._status =;
+ pkg._failed++;
+ test._failed++;
+ current().assertions.failed.push(test);
+ }
+ else if (test.Skipped)
+ {
+ test._status = convey.statuses.skipped;
+ pkg._skipped++;
+ test._skipped++;
+ current().assertions.skipped.push(test);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test._status = convey.statuses.pass;
+ pkg._passed++;
+ test._passed++;
+ current().assertions.passed.push(test);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ test._status = convey.statuses.pass;
+ var storyPath = [{ Depth: -1, Title: test.TestName, _id: test._id }]; // Maintains the current assertion's story as we iterate
+ for (var k in test.Stories)
+ {
+ var story = makeContext(test.Stories[k]);
+ story._id = uniqueID;
+ story._pkgid = pkg._id;
+ current().overall.assertions += story.Assertions.length;
+ // Establish the current story path so we can report the context
+ // of failures and panicks more conveniently at the top of the page
+ if (storyPath.length > 0)
+ for (var x = storyPath[storyPath.length - 1].Depth; x >= test.Stories[k].Depth; x--)
+ storyPath.pop();
+ storyPath.push({ Depth: test.Stories[k].Depth, Title: test.Stories[k].Title, _id: test.Stories[k]._id });
+ for (var l in story.Assertions)
+ {
+ var assertion = story.Assertions[l];
+ assertion._id = uniqueID;
+ assertion._pkg = pkg.PackageName;
+ assertion._pkgId = pkg._id;
+ assertion._failed = !!assertion.Failure;
+ assertion._panicked = !!assertion.Error;
+ assertion._maxDepth = storyPath[storyPath.length - 1].Depth;
+ $.extend(assertion._path = [], storyPath);
+ if (assertion.Failure)
+ {
+ current().assertions.failed.push(assertion);
+ pkg._failed++;
+ test._failed++;
+ story._failed++;
+ }
+ if (assertion.Error)
+ {
+ current().assertions.panicked.push(assertion);
+ pkg._panicked++;
+ test._panicked++;
+ story._panicked++;
+ }
+ if (assertion.Skipped)
+ {
+ current().assertions.skipped.push(assertion);
+ pkg._skipped++;
+ test._skipped++;
+ story._skipped++;
+ }
+ if (!assertion.Failure && !assertion.Error && !assertion.Skipped)
+ {
+ current().assertions.passed.push(assertion);
+ pkg._passed++;
+ test._passed++;
+ story._passed++;
+ }
+ }
+ assignStatus(story);
+ uniqueID++;
+ }
+ if (!test.Passed && !test._failed && !test._panicked)
+ {
+ // Edge case: Developer is using the GoConvey DSL, but maybe
+ // in some cases is using t.Error() instead of So() assertions.
+ // This can be detected, assuming all child stories with
+ // assertions (in this test) are passing.
+ test._status =;
+ pkg._failed++;
+ test._failed++;
+ current().assertions.failed.push(test);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ current().overall.passed = current().assertions.passed.length;
+ current().overall.panics = current().assertions.panicked.length;
+ current().overall.failures = current().assertions.failed.length;
+ current().overall.skipped = current().assertions.skipped.length;
+ current().overall.coverage = Math.round((coverageAvgHelper.coverageSum / (coverageAvgHelper.countedPackages || 1)) * 100) / 100;
+ current().overall.duration = Math.round(current().overall.duration * 1000) / 1000;
+ // Compute the coverage delta (difference in overall coverage between now and last frame)
+ // Only compare coverage on the same watch path
+ var coverDelta = current().overall.coverage;
+ if (convey.framesOnSamePath > 2)
+ coverDelta = current().overall.coverage - convey.history[convey.history.length - 2].overall.coverage;
+ current().coverDelta = Math.round(coverDelta * 100) / 100;
+ // Build failures trump panics,
+ // Panics trump failures,
+ // Failures trump pass.
+ if (current().overall.failedBuilds)
+ changeStatus(convey.statuses.buildfail);
+ else if (current().overall.panics)
+ changeStatus(convey.statuses.panic);
+ else if (current().overall.failures)
+ changeStatus(;
+ else
+ changeStatus(convey.statuses.pass);
+ // Save our organized package lists
+ current().packages = packages;
+ log(" Assertions: " + current().overall.assertions);
+ log(" Passed: " + current().overall.passed);
+ log(" Skipped: " + current().overall.skipped);
+ log(" Failures: " + current().overall.failures);
+ log(" Panics: " + current().overall.panics);
+ log("Build Failures: " + current().overall.failedBuilds);
+ log(" Coverage: " + current().overall.coverage + "% (" + showCoverDelta(current().coverDelta) + ")");
+ // Save timestamp when this test was executed
+ convey.moments['last-test'] = moment();
+ // Render... render ALL THE THINGS! (All model/state modifications are DONE!)
+ renderFrame(current());
+ // Now, just finish up miscellaneous UI things
+ // Add this frame to the history pane
+ var framePiece = render('tpl-history', current());
+ $('.history .container').prepend(framePiece);
+ $('.history .item:first-child').addClass('selected');
+ convey.moments['frame-'+current().id] = moment();
+ if (convey.history.length > convey.maxHistory)
+ {
+ // Delete the oldest frame out of the history pane if we have too many
+ convey.history.splice(0, 1);
+ $('.history .container .item').last().remove();
+ }
+ // Now add the momentjs time to the new frame in the history
+ convey.intervalFuncs.momentjs();
+ // Show notification, if enabled
+ if (notif())
+ {
+ log("Showing notification");
+ if (convey.notif)
+ {
+ clearTimeout(convey.notifTimer);
+ convey.notif.close();
+ }
+ var notifText = notifSummary(current())
+ convey.notif = new Notification(notifText.title, {
+ body: notifText.body,
+ icon: $('.favicon').attr('href')
+ });
+ convey.notifTimer = setTimeout(function() { convey.notif.close(); }, 5000);
+ }
+ // Update title in title bar
+ if (current().overall.passed === current().overall.assertions && current().overall.status.class === "ok")
+ $('title').text("GoConvey (ALL PASS)");
+ else
+ $('title').text("GoConvey [" + current().overall.status.text + "] " + current().overall.passed + "/" + current().overall.assertions);
+ // All done!
+ log("Processing complete");
+// Updates the entire UI given a frame from the history
+function renderFrame(frame)
+ log("Rendering frame (id: " + + ")");
+ $('#coverage').html(render('tpl-coverage', frame.packages.tested.sort(sortPackages)));
+ $('#ignored').html(render('tpl-ignored', frame.packages.ignored.sort(sortPackages)));
+ $('#nogofiles').html(render('tpl-nogofiles', frame.packages.nogofiles.sort(sortPackages)));
+ $('#notestfiles').html(render('tpl-notestfiles', frame.packages.notestfiles.sort(sortPackages)));
+ $('#notestfn').html(render('tpl-notestfn', frame.packages.notestfn.sort(sortPackages)));
+ if (frame.overall.failedBuilds)
+ {
+ $('.buildfailures').show();
+ $('#buildfailures').html(render('tpl-buildfailures', frame.failedBuilds));
+ }
+ else
+ $('.buildfailures').hide();
+ if (frame.overall.panics)
+ {
+ $('.panics').show();
+ $('#panics').html(render('tpl-panics', frame.assertions.panicked));
+ }
+ else
+ $('.panics').hide();
+ if (frame.overall.failures)
+ {
+ $('.failures').show();
+ $('#failures').html(render('tpl-failures', frame.assertions.failed));
+ $(".failure").each(function() {
+ $(this).prettyTextDiff();
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ $('.failures').hide();
+ $('#stories').html(render('tpl-stories', frame.packages.tested.sort(sortPackages)));
+ $('#stories').append(render('tpl-stories', frame.packages.ignored.sort(sortPackages)));
+ var pkgDefaultView = get('pkg-expand-collapse');
+ $('.story-pkg.expanded').each(function()
+ {
+ if (pkgDefaultView === "collapsed" && convey.packageStates[$(this).data('pkg-name')] !== "expanded")
+ collapsePackage($(this).data('pkg'));
+ });
+ redrawCoverageBars();
+ $('#assert-count').html("<b>"+frame.overall.assertions+"</b> assertion"
+ + (frame.overall.assertions !== 1 ? "s" : ""));
+ $('#skip-count').html("<b>"+frame.assertions.skipped.length + "</b> skipped");
+ $('#fail-count').html("<b>"+frame.assertions.failed.length + "</b> failed");
+ $('#panic-count').html("<b>"+frame.assertions.panicked.length + "</b> panicked");
+ $('#duration').html("<b>"+frame.overall.duration + "</b>s");
+ $('#narrow-assert-count').html("<b>"+frame.overall.assertions+"</b>");
+ $('#narrow-skip-count').html("<b>"+frame.assertions.skipped.length + "</b>");
+ $('#narrow-fail-count').html("<b>"+frame.assertions.failed.length + "</b>");
+ $('#narrow-panic-count').html("<b>"+frame.assertions.panicked.length + "</b>");
+ $('.history .item').removeClass('selected');
+ if (get('show-debug-output') === "hide")
+ $('.story-line-desc .message').hide();
+ log("Rendering finished");
+function enumSel(id, val)
+ if (typeof id === "string" && typeof val === "string")
+ {
+ $('.enum#'+id+' > li').each(function()
+ {
+ if ($(this).data(id).toString() === val)
+ {
+ $(this).addClass(convey.layout.selClass).siblings().removeClass(convey.layout.selClass);
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ $(this).addClass(convey.layout.selClass).siblings().removeClass(convey.layout.selClass);
+function toggle(jqelem, switchelem)
+ var speed = 250;
+ var transition = 'easeInOutQuart';
+ var containerSel = '.container';
+ if (!':visible'))
+ {
+ $(containerSel, jqelem).css('opacity', 0);
+ jqelem.stop().slideDown(speed, transition, function()
+ {
+ if (switchelem)
+ switchelem.toggleClass(convey.layout.selClass);
+ $(containerSel, jqelem).stop().animate({
+ opacity: 1
+ }, speed);
+ reframe();
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $(containerSel, jqelem).stop().animate({
+ opacity: 0
+ }, speed, function()
+ {
+ if (switchelem)
+ switchelem.toggleClass(convey.layout.selClass);
+ jqelem.stop().slideUp(speed, transition, function() { reframe(); });
+ });
+ }
+function changeStatus(newStatus, isHistoricalFrame)
+ if (!newStatus || !newStatus.class || !newStatus.text)
+ newStatus = convey.statuses.pass;
+ var sameStatus = newStatus.class === convey.overallClass;
+ // The CSS class .flash and the jQuery UI 'pulsate' effect don't play well together.
+ // This series of callbacks does the flickering/pulsating as well as
+ // enabling/disabling flashing in the proper order so that they don't overlap.
+ // TODO: I suppose the pulsating could also be done with just CSS, maybe...?
+ if (convey.uiEffects)
+ {
+ var times = sameStatus ? 3 : 2;
+ var duration = sameStatus ? 500 : 300;
+ $('.overall .status').removeClass('flash').effect("pulsate", {times: times}, duration, function()
+ {
+ $(this).text(newStatus.text);
+ if (newStatus !== convey.statuses.pass) // only flicker extra when not currently passing
+ {
+ $(this).effect("pulsate", {times: 1}, 300, function()
+ {
+ $(this).effect("pulsate", {times: 1}, 500, function()
+ {
+ if (newStatus === convey.statuses.panic
+ || newStatus === convey.statuses.buildfail)
+ $(this).addClass('flash');
+ else
+ $(this).removeClass('flash');
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ $('.overall .status').text(newStatus.text);
+ if (!sameStatus) // change the color
+ $('.overall').switchClass(convey.overallClass, newStatus.class, 1000);
+ if (!isHistoricalFrame)
+ current().overall.status = newStatus;
+ convey.overallClass = newStatus.class;
+ $('.favicon').attr('href', '/resources/ico/goconvey-'+newStatus.class+'.ico');
+function updateWatchPath()
+ $.get("/watch", function(data)
+ {
+ var newPath = $.trim(data);
+ if (newPath !== $('#path').val())
+ convey.framesOnSamePath = 1;
+ $('#path').val(newPath);
+ });
+function notifSummary(frame)
+ var body = frame.overall.passed + " passed, ";
+ if (frame.overall.failedBuilds)
+ body += frame.overall.failedBuilds + " build" + (frame.overall.failedBuilds !== 1 ? "s" : "") + " failed, ";
+ if (frame.overall.failures)
+ body += frame.overall.failures + " failed, ";
+ if (frame.overall.panics)
+ body += frame.overall.panics + " panicked, ";
+ body += frame.overall.skipped + " skipped";
+ body += "\r\n" + frame.overall.duration + "s";
+ if (frame.coverDelta > 0)
+ body += "\r\n↑ coverage (" + showCoverDelta(frame.coverDelta) + ")";
+ else if (frame.coverDelta < 0)
+ body += "\r\n↓ coverage (" + showCoverDelta(frame.coverDelta) + ")";
+ return {
+ title: frame.overall.status.text.toUpperCase(),
+ body: body
+ };
+function redrawCoverageBars()
+ $('.pkg-cover-bar').each(function()
+ {
+ var pkgName = $(this).data("pkg");
+ var hue = $(this).data("width");
+ var hueDiff = hue;
+ if (convey.history.length > 1)
+ {
+ var oldHue = convey.history[convey.history.length - 2].packages.coverage[pkgName] || 0;
+ $(this).width(oldHue + "%");
+ hueDiff = hue - oldHue;
+ }
+ $(this).animate({
+ width: "+=" + hueDiff + "%"
+ }, 1250);
+ });
+ colorizeCoverageBars();
+function colorizeCoverageBars()
+ var colorTpl = convey.config.themes[convey.theme].coverage
+ || "hsla({{hue}}, 75%, 30%, .3)"; //default color template
+ $('.pkg-cover-bar').each(function()
+ {
+ var hue = $(this).data("width");
+ $(this).css({
+ background: colorTpl.replace("{{hue}}", hue)
+ });
+ });
+function getFrame(id)
+ for (var i in convey.history)
+ if (convey.history[i].id === id)
+ return convey.history[i];
+function render(templateID, context)
+ var tpl = $('#' + templateID).text();
+ return $($.trim(Mark.up(tpl, context)));
+function reframe()
+ var heightBelowHeader = $(window).height() - convey.layout.header.outerHeight();
+ var middleHeight = heightBelowHeader - convey.layout.footer.outerHeight();
+ convey.layout.frame.height(middleHeight);
+ var pathWidth = $(window).width() - $('#logo').outerWidth() - $('#control-buttons').outerWidth() - 10;
+ $('#path-container').width(pathWidth);
+function notif()
+ return get('notifications') === "true"; // stored as strings
+function showServerDown(message)
+ $('.server-down .notice-message').text(message);
+ $('.server-down').show();
+ $('.server-not-down').hide();
+ reframe();
+function hideServerDown()
+ $('.server-down').hide();
+ $('.server-not-down').show();
+ reframe();
+function log(msg)
+ var jqLog = $('#log');
+ if (jqLog.length > 0)
+ {
+ var t = new Date();
+ var h = zerofill(t.getHours(), 2);
+ var m = zerofill(t.getMinutes(), 2);
+ var s = zerofill(t.getSeconds(), 2);
+ var ms = zerofill(t.getMilliseconds(), 3);
+ date = h + ":" + m + ":" + s + "." + ms;
+ $(jqLog).append(render('tpl-log-line', { time: date, msg: msg }));
+ $(jqLog).parent('.col').scrollTop(jqLog[0].scrollHeight);
+ }
+ else
+ console.log(msg);
+function zerofill(val, count)
+ // Cheers to
+ var pad = new Array(1 + count).join('0');
+ return (pad + val).slice(-pad.length);
+// Sorts packages ascending by only the last part of their name
+// Can be passed into Array.sort()
+function sortPackages(a, b)
+ var aPkg = splitPathName(a.PackageName);
+ var bPkg = splitPathName(b.PackageName);
+ if (aPkg.length === 0 || bPkg.length === 0)
+ return 0;
+ var aName =[ - 1].toLowerCase();
+ var bName =[ - 1].toLowerCase();
+ if (aName < bName)
+ return -1;
+ else if (aName > bName)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ /*
+ MEMO: Use to sort by entire package name:
+ if (a.PackageName < b.PackageName) return -1;
+ else if (a.PackageName > b.PackageName) return 1;
+ else return 0;
+ */
+function get(key)
+ var val = localStorage.getItem(key);
+ if (val && (val[0] === '[' || val[0] === '{'))
+ return JSON.parse(val);
+ else
+ return val;
+function save(key, val)
+ if (typeof val === 'object')
+ val = JSON.stringify(val);
+ else if (typeof val === 'number' || typeof val === 'boolean')
+ val = val.toString();
+ localStorage.setItem(key, val);
+function splitPathName(str)
+ var delim = str.indexOf('\\') > -1 ? '\\' : '/';
+ return { delim: delim, parts: str.split(delim) };
+function newFrame()
+ return {
+ results: {}, // response from server (with some of our own context info)
+ packages: {}, // packages organized into statuses for convenience (like with coverage)
+ overall: emptyOverall(), // overall status info, compiled from server's response
+ assertions: emptyAssertions(), // lists of assertions, compiled from server's response
+ failedBuilds: [], // list of packages that failed to build
+ timestamp: moment(), // the timestamp of this "freeze-state"
+ id: convey.frameCounter++, // unique ID for this frame
+ coverDelta: 0 // difference in total coverage from the last frame to this one
+ };
+function emptyOverall()
+ return {
+ status: {},
+ duration: 0,
+ assertions: 0,
+ passed: 0,
+ panics: 0,
+ failures: 0,
+ skipped: 0,
+ failedBuilds: 0,
+ coverage: 0
+ };
+function emptyAssertions()
+ return {
+ passed: [],
+ failed: [],
+ panicked: [],
+ skipped: []
+ };
+function makeContext(obj)
+ obj._passed = 0;
+ obj._failed = 0;
+ obj._panicked = 0;
+ obj._skipped = 0;
+ obj._status = '';
+ return obj;
+function current()
+ return convey.history[convey.history.length - 1];
+function assignStatus(obj)
+ if (obj._skipped)
+ obj._status = 'skip';
+ else if (obj.Outcome === "ignored")
+ obj._status = convey.statuses.ignored;
+ else if (obj._panicked)
+ obj._status = convey.statuses.panic;
+ else if (obj._failed || obj.Outcome === "failed")
+ obj._status =;
+ else
+ obj._status = convey.statuses.pass;
+function showCoverDelta(delta)
+ if (delta > 0)
+ return "+" + delta + "%";
+ else if (delta === 0)
+ return "±" + delta + "%";
+ else
+ return delta + "%";
+function customMarkupPipes()
+ // MARKUP.JS custom pipes
+ Mark.pipes.relativePath = function(str)
+ {
+ basePath = new RegExp($('#path').val()+'[\\/]', 'gi');
+ return str.replace(basePath, '');
+ };
+ Mark.pipes.htmlSafe = function(str)
+ {
+ return str.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
+ };
+ Mark.pipes.ansiColours = ansispan;
+ Mark.pipes.boldPkgName = function(str)
+ {
+ var pkg = splitPathName(str);
+[0] = '<span class="not-pkg-name">' +[0];
+[ - 1] = "</span><b>" +[ - 1] + "</b>";
+ return;
+ };
+ Mark.pipes.needsDiff = function(test)
+ {
+ return !!test.Failure && (test.Expected !== "" || test.Actual !== "");
+ };
+ Mark.pipes.coveragePct = function(str)
+ {
+ // Expected input: 75% to be represented as: "75.0"
+ var num = parseInt(str); // we only need int precision
+ if (num < 0)
+ return "0";
+ else if (num <= 5)
+ return "5px"; // Still shows low coverage
+ else if (num > 100)
+ str = "100";
+ return str;
+ };
+ Mark.pipes.coverageDisplay = function(str)
+ {
+ var num = parseFloat(str);
+ return num < 0 ? "" : num + "% coverage";
+ };
+ Mark.pipes.coverageReportName = function(str)
+ {
+ return str.replace(/\//g, "-");
+ };
+function suppress(event)
+ if (!event)
+ return false;
+ if (event.preventDefault)
+ event.preventDefault();
+ if (event.stopPropagation)
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.cancelBubble = true;
+ return false;