path: root/src/mongo/scripting/engine_java.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/scripting/engine_java.cpp')
1 files changed, 764 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/scripting/engine_java.cpp b/src/mongo/scripting/engine_java.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..57388166e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/scripting/engine_java.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+// java.cpp
+/* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "engine_java.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <list>
+#include "../db/jsobj.h"
+#include "../db/db.h"
+using namespace boost::filesystem;
+namespace mongo {
+//#define JNI_DEBUG 1
+#ifdef JNI_DEBUG
+#undef JNI_DEBUG
+#define JNI_DEBUG(x) cout << x << endl
+#undef JNI_DEBUG
+#define JNI_DEBUG(x)
+} // namespace mongo
+#include "../util/net/message.h"
+#include "../db/db.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace mongo {
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ /* [dm] this being undefined without us adding it here means there is
+ no tss cleanup on windows for boost lib?
+ we don't care for now esp on windows only
+ the boost source says:
+ This function's sole purpose is to cause a link error in cases where
+ automatic tss cleanup is not implemented by Boost.Threads as a
+ reminder that user code is responsible for calling the necessary
+ functions at the appropriate times (and for implementing an a
+ tss_cleanup_implemented() function to eliminate the linker's
+ missing symbol error).
+ If Boost.Threads later implements automatic tss cleanup in cases
+ where it currently doesn't (which is the plan), the duplicate
+ symbol error will warn the user that their custom solution is no
+ longer needed and can be removed.
+ */
+ extern "C" void tss_cleanup_implemented(void) {
+ //out() << "tss_cleanup_implemented called" << endl;
+ }
+ JavaJSImpl * JavaJS = 0;
+ extern string dbExecCommand;
+#if !defined(NOJNI)
+ void myJNIClean( JNIEnv * env ) {
+ JavaJS->detach( env );
+ }
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ const char SYSTEM_COLON = ';';
+ const char SYSTEM_COLON = ':';
+ void _addClassPath( const char * ed , stringstream & ss , const char * subdir ) {
+ path includeDir(ed);
+ includeDir /= subdir;
+ directory_iterator end;
+ try {
+ directory_iterator i(includeDir);
+ while ( i != end ) {
+ path p = *i;
+ ss << SYSTEM_COLON << p.string();
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (...) {
+ problem() << "exception looking for ed class path includeDir: " << includeDir.string() << endl;
+ sleepsecs(3);
+ dbexit( EXIT_JAVA );
+ }
+ }
+ JavaJSImpl::JavaJSImpl(const char *appserverPath) {
+ _jvm = 0;
+ _mainEnv = 0;
+ _dbhook = 0;
+ stringstream ss;
+ string edTemp;
+ const char * ed = 0;
+ ss << "-Djava.class.path=.";
+ if ( appserverPath ) {
+ ed = findEd(appserverPath);
+ assert( ed );
+ ss << SYSTEM_COLON << ed << "/build/";
+ _addClassPath( ed , ss , "include" );
+ _addClassPath( ed , ss , "include/jython/" );
+ _addClassPath( ed , ss , "include/jython/javalib" );
+ }
+ else {
+ const string jars = findJars();
+ _addClassPath( jars.c_str() , ss , "jars" );
+ edTemp += (string)jars + "/jars/mongojs-js.jar";
+ ed = edTemp.c_str();
+ }
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ ss << SYSTEM_COLON << "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk\\lib\\tools.jar";
+ ss << SYSTEM_COLON << "/opt/java/lib/tools.jar";
+ if ( getenv( "CLASSPATH" ) )
+ ss << SYSTEM_COLON << getenv( "CLASSPATH" );
+ string s = ss.str();
+ char * p = (char *)malloc( s.size() * 4 );
+ strcpy( p , s.c_str() );
+ char *q = p;
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ while ( *p ) {
+ if ( *p == '/' ) *p = '\\';
+ p++;
+ }
+ log(1) << "classpath: " << q << endl;
+ JavaVMOption * options = new JavaVMOption[4];
+ options[0].optionString = q;
+ options[1].optionString = (char*)"-Djava.awt.headless=true";
+ options[2].optionString = (char*)"-Xmx300m";
+ // Prevent JVM from using async signals internally, since on linux the pre-installed handlers for these
+ // signals don't seem to be respected by JNI.
+ options[3].optionString = (char*)"-Xrs";
+ // -Xcheck:jni
+ _vmArgs = new JavaVMInitArgs();
+ _vmArgs->version = JNI_VERSION_1_4;
+ _vmArgs->options = options;
+ _vmArgs->nOptions = 4;
+ _vmArgs->ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_FALSE;
+ log(1) << "loading JVM" << endl;
+ jint res = JNI_CreateJavaVM( &_jvm, (void**)&_mainEnv, _vmArgs );
+ if ( res ) {
+ log() << "using classpath: " << q << endl;
+ log()
+ << " res : " << (unsigned) res << " "
+ << "_jvm : " << _jvm << " "
+ << "_env : " << _mainEnv << " "
+ << endl;
+ problem() << "Couldn't create JVM res:" << (int) res << " terminating" << endl;
+ log() << "(try --nojni if you do not require that functionality)" << endl;
+ exit(22);
+ }
+ jassert( res == 0 );
+ jassert( _jvm > 0 );
+ jassert( _mainEnv > 0 );
+ _envs = new boost::thread_specific_ptr<JNIEnv>( myJNIClean );
+ assert( ! _envs->get() );
+ _envs->reset( _mainEnv );
+ _dbhook = findClass( "ed/db/JSHook" );
+ if ( _dbhook == 0 ) {
+ log() << "using classpath: " << q << endl;
+ printException();
+ }
+ jassert( _dbhook );
+ if ( ed ) {
+ jmethodID init = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "init" , "(Ljava/lang/String;)V" );
+ jassert( init );
+ _mainEnv->CallStaticVoidMethod( _dbhook , init , _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( ed ) );
+ }
+ _dbjni = findClass( "ed/db/DBJni" );
+ jassert( _dbjni );
+ _scopeCreate = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeCreate" , "()J" );
+ _scopeInit = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeInit" , "(JLjava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Z" );
+ _scopeSetThis = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeSetThis" , "(JLjava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Z" );
+ _scopeReset = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeReset" , "(J)Z" );
+ _scopeFree = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeFree" , "(J)V" );
+ _scopeGetNumber = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeGetNumber" , "(JLjava/lang/String;)D" );
+ _scopeGetString = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeGetString" , "(JLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;" );
+ _scopeGetBoolean = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeGetBoolean" , "(JLjava/lang/String;)Z" );
+ _scopeGetType = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeGetType" , "(JLjava/lang/String;)B" );
+ _scopeGetObject = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeGetObject" , "(JLjava/lang/String;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)I" );
+ _scopeGuessObjectSize = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeGuessObjectSize" , "(JLjava/lang/String;)J" );
+ _scopeSetNumber = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeSetNumber" , "(JLjava/lang/String;D)Z" );
+ _scopeSetBoolean = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeSetBoolean" , "(JLjava/lang/String;Z)Z" );
+ _scopeSetString = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeSetString" , "(JLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z" );
+ _scopeSetObject = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "scopeSetObject" , "(JLjava/lang/String;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Z" );
+ _functionCreate = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "functionCreate" , "(Ljava/lang/String;)J" );
+ _invoke = _mainEnv->GetStaticMethodID( _dbhook , "invoke" , "(JJ)I" );
+ jassert( _scopeCreate );
+ jassert( _scopeInit );
+ jassert( _scopeSetThis );
+ jassert( _scopeReset );
+ jassert( _scopeFree );
+ jassert( _scopeGetNumber );
+ jassert( _scopeGetString );
+ jassert( _scopeGetObject );
+ jassert( _scopeGetBoolean );
+ jassert( _scopeGetType );
+ jassert( _scopeGuessObjectSize );
+ jassert( _scopeSetNumber );
+ jassert( _scopeSetBoolean );
+ jassert( _scopeSetString );
+ jassert( _scopeSetObject );
+ jassert( _functionCreate );
+ jassert( _invoke );
+ JNINativeMethod * nativeSay = new JNINativeMethod();
+ nativeSay->name = (char*)"native_say";
+ nativeSay->signature = (char*)"(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V";
+ nativeSay->fnPtr = (void*)java_native_say;
+ _mainEnv->RegisterNatives( _dbjni , nativeSay , 1 );
+ JNINativeMethod * nativeCall = new JNINativeMethod();
+ nativeCall->name = (char*)"native_call";
+ nativeCall->signature = (char*)"(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)I";
+ nativeCall->fnPtr = (void*)java_native_call;
+ _mainEnv->RegisterNatives( _dbjni , nativeCall , 1 );
+ }
+ JavaJSImpl::~JavaJSImpl() {
+ if ( _jvm ) {
+ _jvm->DestroyJavaVM();
+ cout << "Destroying JVM" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+// scope
+ jlong JavaJSImpl::scopeCreate() {
+ return _getEnv()->CallStaticLongMethod( _dbhook , _scopeCreate );
+ }
+ jboolean JavaJSImpl::scopeReset( jlong id ) {
+ return _getEnv()->CallStaticBooleanMethod( _dbhook , _scopeReset );
+ }
+ void JavaJSImpl::scopeFree( jlong id ) {
+ _getEnv()->CallStaticVoidMethod( _dbhook , _scopeFree , id );
+ }
+// scope setters
+ int JavaJSImpl::scopeSetBoolean( jlong id , const char * field , jboolean val ) {
+ jstring fieldString = _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( field );
+ int res = _getEnv()->CallStaticBooleanMethod( _dbhook , _scopeSetNumber , id , fieldString , val );
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( fieldString );
+ return res;
+ }
+ int JavaJSImpl::scopeSetNumber( jlong id , const char * field , double val ) {
+ jstring fieldString = _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( field );
+ int res = _getEnv()->CallStaticBooleanMethod( _dbhook , _scopeSetNumber , id , fieldString , val );
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( fieldString );
+ return res;
+ }
+ int JavaJSImpl::scopeSetString( jlong id , const char * field , const char * val ) {
+ jstring s1 = _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( field );
+ jstring s2 = _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( val );
+ int res = _getEnv()->CallStaticBooleanMethod( _dbhook , _scopeSetString , id , s1 , s2 );
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( s1 );
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( s2 );
+ return res;
+ }
+ int JavaJSImpl::scopeSetObject( jlong id , const char * field , const BSONObj * obj ) {
+ jobject bb = 0;
+ if ( obj ) {
+ bb = _getEnv()->NewDirectByteBuffer( (void*)(obj->objdata()) , (jlong)(obj->objsize()) );
+ jassert( bb );
+ }
+ jstring s1 = _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( field );
+ int res = _getEnv()->CallStaticBooleanMethod( _dbhook , _scopeSetObject , id , s1 , bb );
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( s1 );
+ if ( bb )
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( bb );
+ return res;
+ }
+ int JavaJSImpl::scopeInit( jlong id , const BSONObj * obj ) {
+ if ( ! obj )
+ return 0;
+ jobject bb = _getEnv()->NewDirectByteBuffer( (void*)(obj->objdata()) , (jlong)(obj->objsize()) );
+ jassert( bb );
+ int res = _getEnv()->CallStaticBooleanMethod( _dbhook , _scopeInit , id , bb );
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( bb );
+ return res;
+ }
+ int JavaJSImpl::scopeSetThis( jlong id , const BSONObj * obj ) {
+ if ( ! obj )
+ return 0;
+ jobject bb = _getEnv()->NewDirectByteBuffer( (void*)(obj->objdata()) , (jlong)(obj->objsize()) );
+ jassert( bb );
+ int res = _getEnv()->CallStaticBooleanMethod( _dbhook , _scopeSetThis , id , bb );
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( bb );
+ return res;
+ }
+// scope getters
+ char JavaJSImpl::scopeGetType( jlong id , const char * field ) {
+ jstring s1 = _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( field );
+ int res =_getEnv()->CallStaticByteMethod( _dbhook , _scopeGetType , id , s1 );
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( s1 );
+ return res;
+ }
+ double JavaJSImpl::scopeGetNumber( jlong id , const char * field ) {
+ jstring s1 = _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( field );
+ double res = _getEnv()->CallStaticDoubleMethod( _dbhook , _scopeGetNumber , id , s1 );
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( s1 );
+ return res;
+ }
+ jboolean JavaJSImpl::scopeGetBoolean( jlong id , const char * field ) {
+ jstring s1 = _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( field );
+ jboolean res = _getEnv()->CallStaticBooleanMethod( _dbhook , _scopeGetBoolean , id , s1 );
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( s1 );
+ return res;
+ }
+ string JavaJSImpl::scopeGetString( jlong id , const char * field ) {
+ jstring s1 = _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( field );
+ jstring s = (jstring)_getEnv()->CallStaticObjectMethod( _dbhook , _scopeGetString , id , s1 );
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( s1 );
+ if ( ! s )
+ return "";
+ const char * c = _getEnv()->GetStringUTFChars( s , 0 );
+ string retStr(c);
+ _getEnv()->ReleaseStringUTFChars( s , c );
+ return retStr;
+ }
+ BSONObj JavaJSImpl::scopeGetObject( jlong id , const char * field ) {
+ jstring s1 = _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( field );
+ int guess = _getEnv()->CallStaticIntMethod( _dbhook , _scopeGuessObjectSize , id , _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( field ) );
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( s1 );
+ if ( guess == 0 )
+ return BSONObj();
+ BSONObj::Holder* holder = (BSONObj::Holder*) malloc(guess + sizeof(unsigned));
+ holder->zero()
+ jobject bb = _getEnv()->NewDirectByteBuffer( (void*)holder->data , guess );
+ jassert( bb );
+ int len = _getEnv()->CallStaticIntMethod( _dbhook , _scopeGetObject , id , _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( field ) , bb );
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( bb );
+ jassert( len > 0 && len < guess );
+ BSONObj obj(holder);
+ assert( obj.objsize() <= guess );
+ return obj;
+ }
+// other
+ jlong JavaJSImpl::functionCreate( const char * code ) {
+ jstring s = _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( code );
+ jassert( s );
+ jlong id = _getEnv()->CallStaticLongMethod( _dbhook , _functionCreate , s );
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( s );
+ return id;
+ }
+ int JavaJSImpl::invoke( jlong scope , jlong function ) {
+ return _getEnv()->CallStaticIntMethod( _dbhook , _invoke , scope , function );
+ }
+// --- fun run method
+ void JavaJSImpl::run( const char * js ) {
+ jclass c = findClass( "ed/js/JS" );
+ jassert( c );
+ jmethodID m = _getEnv()->GetStaticMethodID( c , "eval" , "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;" );
+ jassert( m );
+ jstring s = _getEnv()->NewStringUTF( js );
+ log() << _getEnv()->CallStaticObjectMethod( c , m , s ) << endl;
+ _getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef( s );
+ }
+ void JavaJSImpl::printException() {
+ jthrowable exc = _getEnv()->ExceptionOccurred();
+ if ( exc ) {
+ _getEnv()->ExceptionDescribe();
+ _getEnv()->ExceptionClear();
+ }
+ }
+ JNIEnv * JavaJSImpl::_getEnv() {
+ JNIEnv * env = _envs->get();
+ if ( env )
+ return env;
+ int res = _jvm->AttachCurrentThread( (void**)&env , (void*)&_vmArgs );
+ if ( res ) {
+ out() << "ERROR javajs attachcurrentthread fails res:" << res << '\n';
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ _envs->reset( env );
+ return env;
+ }
+ Scope * JavaJSImpl::createScope() {
+ return new JavaScope();
+ }
+ void ScriptEngine::setup() {
+ if ( ! JavaJS ) {
+ JavaJS = new JavaJSImpl();
+ globalScriptEngine = JavaJS;
+ }
+ }
+ void jasserted(const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line) {
+ log() << "jassert failed " << msg << " " << file << " " << line << endl;
+ if ( JavaJS ) JavaJS->printException();
+ throw AssertionException();
+ }
+ const char* findEd(const char *path) {
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ if (!path) {
+ path = findEd();
+ }
+ // @TODO check validity
+ return path;
+ if (!path) {
+ return findEd();
+ }
+ log() << "Appserver location specified : " << path << endl;
+ if (!path) {
+ log() << " invalid appserver location : " << path << " : terminating - prepare for bus error" << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ DIR *testDir = opendir(path);
+ if (testDir) {
+ log(1) << " found directory for appserver : " << path << endl;
+ closedir(testDir);
+ return path;
+ }
+ else {
+ log() << " ERROR : not a directory for specified appserver location : " << path << " - prepare for bus error" << endl;
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ const char * findEd() {
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ log() << "Appserver location will be WIN32 default : c:/l/ed/" << endl;
+ return "c:/l/ed";
+ static list<const char*> possibleEdDirs;
+ if ( ! possibleEdDirs.size() ) {
+ possibleEdDirs.push_back( "../../ed/ed/" ); // this one for dwight dev box
+ possibleEdDirs.push_back( "../ed/" );
+ possibleEdDirs.push_back( "../../ed/" );
+ possibleEdDirs.push_back( "../babble/" );
+ possibleEdDirs.push_back( "../../babble/" );
+ }
+ for ( list<const char*>::iterator i = possibleEdDirs.begin() ; i != possibleEdDirs.end(); i++ ) {
+ const char * temp = *i;
+ DIR * test = opendir( temp );
+ if ( ! test )
+ continue;
+ closedir( test );
+ log(1) << "found directory for appserver : " << temp << endl;
+ return temp;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ };
+ const string findJars() {
+ static list<string> possible;
+ if ( ! possible.size() ) {
+ possible.push_back( "./" );
+ possible.push_back( "../" );
+ log(2) << "dbExecCommand: " << dbExecCommand << endl;
+ string dbDir = dbExecCommand;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if ( dbDir.find( "\\" ) != string::npos ) {
+ dbDir = dbDir.substr( 0 , dbDir.find_last_of( "\\" ) );
+ }
+ else {
+ dbDir = ".";
+ }
+ if ( dbDir.find( "/" ) != string::npos ) {
+ dbDir = dbDir.substr( 0 , dbDir.find_last_of( "/" ) );
+ }
+ else {
+ bool found = false;
+ if ( getenv( "PATH" ) ) {
+ string s = getenv( "PATH" );
+ s += ":";
+ pcrecpp::StringPiece input( s );
+ string dir;
+ pcrecpp::RE re("(.*?):");
+ while ( re.Consume( &input, &dir ) ) {
+ string test = dir + "/" + dbExecCommand;
+ if ( boost::filesystem::exists( test ) ) {
+ while ( boost::filesystem::symbolic_link_exists( test ) ) {
+ char tmp[2048];
+ int len = readlink( test.c_str() , tmp , 2048 );
+ tmp[len] = 0;
+ log(5) << " symlink " << test << " -->> " << tmp << endl;
+ test = tmp;
+ dir = test.substr( 0 , test.rfind( "/" ) );
+ }
+ dbDir = dir;
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! found )
+ dbDir = ".";
+ }
+ log(2) << "dbDir [" << dbDir << "]" << endl;
+ possible.push_back( ( dbDir + "/../lib/mongo/" ));
+ possible.push_back( ( dbDir + "/../lib64/mongo/" ));
+ possible.push_back( ( dbDir + "/../lib32/mongo/" ));
+ possible.push_back( ( dbDir + "/" ));
+ possible.push_back( ( dbDir + "/lib64/mongo/" ));
+ possible.push_back( ( dbDir + "/lib32/mongo/" ));
+ }
+ for ( list<string>::iterator i = possible.begin() ; i != possible.end(); i++ ) {
+ const string temp = *i;
+ const string jarDir = ((string)temp) + "jars/";
+ log(5) << "possible jarDir [" << jarDir << "]" << endl;
+ path p(jarDir );
+ if ( ! boost::filesystem::exists( p) )
+ continue;
+ log(1) << "found directory for jars : " << jarDir << endl;
+ return temp;
+ }
+ problem() << "ERROR : can't find directory for jars - terminating" << endl;
+ exit(44);
+ return 0;
+ };
+// ---
+ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL java_native_say(JNIEnv * env , jclass, jobject outBuffer ) {
+ JNI_DEBUG( "native say called!" );
+ Message out( env->GetDirectBufferAddress( outBuffer ) , false );
+ Message in;
+ jniCallback( out , in );
+ assert( ! out.doIFreeIt() );
+ curNs = 0;
+ }
+ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL java_native_call(JNIEnv * env , jclass, jobject outBuffer , jobject inBuffer ) {
+ JNI_DEBUG( "native call called!" );
+ Message out( env->GetDirectBufferAddress( outBuffer ) , false );
+ Message in;
+ jniCallback( out , in );
+ curNs = 0;
+ JNI_DEBUG( " : " << );
+ if ( &&>len > 0 ) {
+ JNI_DEBUG( "copying data of len :" <<>len );
+ assert( env->GetDirectBufferCapacity( inBuffer ) >=>len );
+ memcpy( env->GetDirectBufferAddress( inBuffer ) , ,>len );
+ assert( ! out.doIFreeIt() );
+ assert( in.doIFreeIt() );
+ return>len;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+// ----
+ void JavaJSImpl::runTest() {
+ const int debug = 0;
+ JavaJSImpl& JavaJS = *mongo::JavaJS;
+ jlong scope = JavaJS.scopeCreate();
+ jassert( scope );
+ if ( debug ) out() << "got scope" << endl;
+ jlong func1 = JavaJS.functionCreate( "foo = 5.6; bar = \"eliot\"; abc = { foo : 517 }; " );
+ jassert( ! JavaJS.invoke( scope , func1 ) );
+ if ( debug ) out() << "func3 start" << endl;
+ jlong func3 = JavaJS.functionCreate( "function(){ z = true; } " );
+ jassert( func3 );
+ jassert( ! JavaJS.invoke( scope , func3 ) );
+ jassert( JavaJS.scopeGetBoolean( scope , "z" ) );
+ if ( debug ) out() << "func3 done" << endl;
+ if ( debug ) out() << "going to get object" << endl;
+ BSONObj obj = JavaJS.scopeGetObject( scope , "abc" );
+ if ( debug ) out() << "done getting object" << endl;
+ if ( debug ) {
+ out() << "obj : " << obj.toString() << endl;
+ }
+ {
+ time_t start = time(0);
+ for ( int i=0; i<5000; i++ ) {
+ JavaJS.scopeSetObject( scope , "obj" , &obj );
+ }
+ time_t end = time(0);
+ if ( debug )
+ out() << "time : " << (unsigned) ( end - start ) << endl;
+ }
+ if ( debug ) out() << "func4 start" << endl;
+ JavaJS.scopeSetObject( scope , "obj" , &obj );
+ if ( debug ) out() << "\t here 1" << endl;
+ jlong func4 = JavaJS.functionCreate( "tojson( obj );" );
+ if ( debug ) out() << "\t here 2" << endl;
+ jassert( ! JavaJS.invoke( scope , func4 ) );
+ if ( debug ) out() << "func4 end" << endl;
+ if ( debug ) out() << "func5 start" << endl;
+ jassert( JavaJS.scopeSetObject( scope , "c" , &obj ) );
+ jlong func5 = JavaJS.functionCreate( "assert.eq( 517 , );" );
+ jassert( func5 );
+ jassert( ! JavaJS.invoke( scope , func5 ) );
+ if ( debug ) out() << "func5 done" << endl;
+ if ( debug ) out() << "func6 start" << endl;
+ for ( int i=0; i<100; i++ ) {
+ double val = i + 5;
+ JavaJS.scopeSetNumber( scope , "zzz" , val );
+ jlong func6 = JavaJS.functionCreate( " xxx = zzz; " );
+ jassert( ! JavaJS.invoke( scope , func6 ) );
+ double n = JavaJS.scopeGetNumber( scope , "xxx" );
+ jassert( val == n );
+ }
+ if ( debug ) out() << "func6 done" << endl;
+ jlong func7 = JavaJS.functionCreate( "return 11;" );
+ jassert( ! JavaJS.invoke( scope , func7 ) );
+ assert( 11 == JavaJS.scopeGetNumber( scope , "return" ) );
+ scope = JavaJS.scopeCreate();
+ jlong func8 = JavaJS.functionCreate( "function(){ return 12; }" );
+ jassert( ! JavaJS.invoke( scope , func8 ) );
+ assert( 12 == JavaJS.scopeGetNumber( scope , "return" ) );
+ }
+} // namespace mongo