path: root/src/mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h b/src/mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..97b121b0068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h
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+// @file str.h
+/* Copyright 2010 10gen Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+/* Things in the mongoutils namespace
+ (1) are not database specific, rather, true utilities
+ (2) are cross platform
+ (3) may require boost headers, but not libs
+ (4) are clean and easy to use in any c++ project without pulling in lots of other stuff
+ Note: within this module, we use int for all offsets -- there are no unsigned offsets
+ and no size_t's. If you need 3 gigabyte long strings, don't use this module.
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+// this violates the README rules for mongoutils:
+#include "../../bson/util/builder.h"
+namespace mongoutils {
+ namespace str {
+ typedef std::string string;
+ /** the idea here is to make one liners easy. e.g.:
+ return str::stream() << 1 << ' ' << 2;
+ since the following doesn't work:
+ (stringstream() << 1).str();
+ */
+ class stream {
+ public:
+ mongo::StringBuilder ss;
+ template<class T>
+ stream& operator<<(const T& v) {
+ ss << v;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ operator std::string () const { return ss.str(); }
+ };
+ inline bool startsWith(const char *str, const char *prefix) {
+ const char *s = str;
+ const char *p = prefix;
+ while( *p ) {
+ if( *p != *s ) return false;
+ p++; s++;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline bool startsWith(string s, string p) { return startsWith(s.c_str(), p.c_str()); }
+ // while these are trivial today use in case we do different wide char things later
+ inline bool startsWith(const char *p, char ch) { return *p == ch; }
+ inline bool startsWith(string s, char ch) { return startsWith(s.c_str(), ch); }
+ inline bool endsWith(string s, string p) {
+ int l = p.size();
+ int x = s.size();
+ if( x < l ) return false;
+ return strncmp(s.c_str()+x-l, p.c_str(), l) == 0;
+ }
+ inline bool endsWith(const char *s, char p) {
+ size_t len = strlen(s);
+ return len && s[len-1] == p;
+ }
+ inline bool equals( const char * a , const char * b ) { return strcmp( a , b ) == 0; }
+ /** find char x, and return rest of string thereafter, or "" if not found */
+ inline const char * after(const char *s, char x) {
+ const char *p = strchr(s, x);
+ return (p != 0) ? p+1 : "";
+ }
+ inline string after(const string& s, char x) {
+ const char *p = strchr(s.c_str(), x);
+ return (p != 0) ? string(p+1) : "";
+ }
+ /** find string x, and return rest of string thereafter, or "" if not found */
+ inline const char * after(const char *s, const char *x) {
+ const char *p = strstr(s, x);
+ return (p != 0) ? p+strlen(x) : "";
+ }
+ inline string after(string s, string x) {
+ const char *p = strstr(s.c_str(), x.c_str());
+ return (p != 0) ? string(p+x.size()) : "";
+ }
+ /** @return true if s contains x */
+ inline bool contains(string s, string x) {
+ return strstr(s.c_str(), x.c_str()) != 0;
+ }
+ inline bool contains(string s, char x) {
+ return strchr(s.c_str(), x) != 0;
+ }
+ /** @return everything before the character x, else entire string */
+ inline string before(const string& s, char x) {
+ const char *p = strchr(s.c_str(), x);
+ return (p != 0) ? s.substr(0, p-s.c_str()) : s;
+ }
+ /** @return everything before the string x, else entire string */
+ inline string before(const string& s, const string& x) {
+ const char *p = strstr(s.c_str(), x.c_str());
+ return (p != 0) ? s.substr(0, p-s.c_str()) : s;
+ }
+ /** check if if strings share a common starting prefix
+ @return offset of divergence (or length if equal). 0=nothing in common. */
+ inline int shareCommonPrefix(const char *p, const char *q) {
+ int ofs = 0;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if( *p == 0 || *q == 0 )
+ break;
+ if( *p != *q )
+ break;
+ p++; q++; ofs++;
+ }
+ return ofs;
+ }
+ inline int shareCommonPrefix(const string &a, const string &b)
+ { return shareCommonPrefix(a.c_str(), b.c_str()); }
+ /** string to unsigned. zero if not a number. can end with non-num chars */
+ inline unsigned toUnsigned(const string& a) {
+ unsigned x = 0;
+ const char *p = a.c_str();
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if( !isdigit(*p) )
+ break;
+ x = x * 10 + (*p - '0');
+ p++;
+ }
+ return x;
+ }
+ /** split a string on a specific char. We don't split N times, just once
+ on the first occurrence. If char not present entire string is in L
+ and R is empty.
+ @return true if char found
+ */
+ inline bool splitOn(const string &s, char c, string& L, string& R) {
+ const char *start = s.c_str();
+ const char *p = strchr(start, c);
+ if( p == 0 ) {
+ L = s; R.clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ L = string(start, p-start);
+ R = string(p+1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /** split scanning reverse direction. Splits ONCE ONLY. */
+ inline bool rSplitOn(const string &s, char c, string& L, string& R) {
+ const char *start = s.c_str();
+ const char *p = strrchr(start, c);
+ if( p == 0 ) {
+ L = s; R.clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ L = string(start, p-start);
+ R = string(p+1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /** @return number of occurrences of c in s */
+ inline unsigned count( const string& s , char c ) {
+ unsigned n=0;
+ for ( unsigned i=0; i<s.size(); i++ )
+ if ( s[i] == c )
+ n++;
+ return n;
+ }
+ /** trim leading spaces. spaces only, not tabs etc. */
+ inline string ltrim(const string& s) {
+ const char *p = s.c_str();
+ while( *p == ' ' ) p++;
+ return p;
+ }
+ /** remove trailing chars in place */
+ inline void stripTrailing(string& s, const char *chars) {
+ string::iterator i = s.end();
+ while( s.begin() != i ) {
+ i--;
+ if( contains(chars, *i) ) {
+ s.erase(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }