path: root/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/algorithm/searching/boyer_moore.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/algorithm/searching/boyer_moore.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 268 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/algorithm/searching/boyer_moore.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/algorithm/searching/boyer_moore.hpp
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- Copyright (c) Marshall Clow 2010-2012.
- Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
- file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- For more information, see
-#include <iterator> // for std::iterator_traits
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/range/begin.hpp>
-#include <boost/range/end.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
-#include <boost/algorithm/searching/detail/bm_traits.hpp>
-#include <boost/algorithm/searching/detail/debugging.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace algorithm {
- A templated version of the boyer-moore searching algorithm.
-The Boyer-Moore search algorithm uses two tables, a "bad character" table
-to tell how far to skip ahead when it hits a character that is not in the pattern,
-and a "good character" table to tell how far to skip ahead when it hits a
-mismatch on a character that _is_ in the pattern.
- * Random access iterators
- * The two iterator types (patIter and corpusIter) must
- "point to" the same underlying type and be comparable.
- * Additional requirements may be imposed but the skip table, such as:
- ** Numeric type (array-based skip table)
- ** Hashable type (map-based skip table)
- template <typename patIter, typename traits = detail::BM_traits<patIter> >
- class boyer_moore {
- typedef typename std::iterator_traits<patIter>::difference_type difference_type;
- public:
- boyer_moore ( patIter first, patIter last )
- : pat_first ( first ), pat_last ( last ),
- k_pattern_length ( std::distance ( pat_first, pat_last )),
- skip_ ( k_pattern_length, -1 ),
- suffix_ ( k_pattern_length + 1 )
- {
- this->build_skip_table ( first, last );
- this->build_suffix_table ( first, last );
- }
- ~boyer_moore () {}
- /// \fn operator ( corpusIter corpus_first, corpusIter corpus_last )
- /// \brief Searches the corpus for the pattern that was passed into the constructor
- ///
- /// \param corpus_first The start of the data to search (Random Access Iterator)
- /// \param corpus_last One past the end of the data to search
- ///
- template <typename corpusIter>
- corpusIter operator () ( corpusIter corpus_first, corpusIter corpus_last ) const {
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT (( boost::is_same<
- typename std::iterator_traits<patIter>::value_type,
- typename std::iterator_traits<corpusIter>::value_type>::value ));
- if ( corpus_first == corpus_last ) return corpus_last; // if nothing to search, we didn't find it!
- if ( pat_first == pat_last ) return corpus_first; // empty pattern matches at start
- const difference_type k_corpus_length = std::distance ( corpus_first, corpus_last );
- // If the pattern is larger than the corpus, we can't find it!
- if ( k_corpus_length < k_pattern_length )
- return corpus_last;
- // Do the search
- return this->do_search ( corpus_first, corpus_last );
- }
- template <typename Range>
- typename boost::range_iterator<Range>::type operator () ( Range &r ) const {
- return (*this) (boost::begin(r), boost::end(r));
- }
- private:
-/// \cond DOXYGEN_HIDE
- patIter pat_first, pat_last;
- const difference_type k_pattern_length;
- typename traits::skip_table_t skip_;
- std::vector <difference_type> suffix_;
- /// \fn operator ( corpusIter corpus_first, corpusIter corpus_last, Pred p )
- /// \brief Searches the corpus for the pattern that was passed into the constructor
- ///
- /// \param corpus_first The start of the data to search (Random Access Iterator)
- /// \param corpus_last One past the end of the data to search
- /// \param p A predicate used for the search comparisons.
- ///
- template <typename corpusIter>
- corpusIter do_search ( corpusIter corpus_first, corpusIter corpus_last ) const {
- /* ---- Do the matching ---- */
- corpusIter curPos = corpus_first;
- const corpusIter lastPos = corpus_last - k_pattern_length;
- difference_type j, k, m;
- while ( curPos <= lastPos ) {
- /* while ( std::distance ( curPos, corpus_last ) >= k_pattern_length ) { */
- // Do we match right where we are?
- j = k_pattern_length;
- while ( pat_first [j-1] == curPos [j-1] ) {
- j--;
- // We matched - we're done!
- if ( j == 0 )
- return curPos;
- }
- // Since we didn't match, figure out how far to skip forward
- k = skip_ [ curPos [ j - 1 ]];
- m = j - k - 1;
- if ( k < j && m > suffix_ [ j ] )
- curPos += m;
- else
- curPos += suffix_ [ j ];
- }
- return corpus_last; // We didn't find anything
- }
- void build_skip_table ( patIter first, patIter last ) {
- for ( std::size_t i = 0; first != last; ++first, ++i )
- skip_.insert ( *first, i );
- }
- template<typename Iter, typename Container>
- void compute_bm_prefix ( Iter pat_first, Iter pat_last, Container &prefix ) {
- const std::size_t count = std::distance ( pat_first, pat_last );
- BOOST_ASSERT ( count > 0 );
- BOOST_ASSERT ( prefix.size () == count );
- prefix[0] = 0;
- std::size_t k = 0;
- for ( std::size_t i = 1; i < count; ++i ) {
- BOOST_ASSERT ( k < count );
- while ( k > 0 && ( pat_first[k] != pat_first[i] )) {
- BOOST_ASSERT ( k < count );
- k = prefix [ k - 1 ];
- }
- if ( pat_first[k] == pat_first[i] )
- k++;
- prefix [ i ] = k;
- }
- }
- void build_suffix_table ( patIter pat_first, patIter pat_last ) {
- const std::size_t count = (std::size_t) std::distance ( pat_first, pat_last );
- if ( count > 0 ) { // empty pattern
- std::vector<typename std::iterator_traits<patIter>::value_type> reversed(count);
- (void) std::reverse_copy ( pat_first, pat_last, reversed.begin ());
- std::vector<difference_type> prefix (count);
- compute_bm_prefix ( pat_first, pat_last, prefix );
- std::vector<difference_type> prefix_reversed (count);
- compute_bm_prefix ( reversed.begin (), reversed.end (), prefix_reversed );
- for ( std::size_t i = 0; i <= count; i++ )
- suffix_[i] = count - prefix [count-1];
- for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
- const std::size_t j = count - prefix_reversed[i];
- const difference_type k = i - prefix_reversed[i] + 1;
- if (suffix_[j] > k)
- suffix_[j] = k;
- }
- }
- }
-/// \endcond
- };
-/* Two ranges as inputs gives us four possibilities; with 2,3,3,4 parameters
- Use a bit of TMP to disambiguate the 3-argument templates */
-/// \fn boyer_moore_search ( corpusIter corpus_first, corpusIter corpus_last,
-/// patIter pat_first, patIter pat_last )
-/// \brief Searches the corpus for the pattern.
-/// \param corpus_first The start of the data to search (Random Access Iterator)
-/// \param corpus_last One past the end of the data to search
-/// \param pat_first The start of the pattern to search for (Random Access Iterator)
-/// \param pat_last One past the end of the data to search for
- template <typename patIter, typename corpusIter>
- corpusIter boyer_moore_search (
- corpusIter corpus_first, corpusIter corpus_last,
- patIter pat_first, patIter pat_last )
- {
- boyer_moore<patIter> bm ( pat_first, pat_last );
- return bm ( corpus_first, corpus_last );
- }
- template <typename PatternRange, typename corpusIter>
- corpusIter boyer_moore_search (
- corpusIter corpus_first, corpusIter corpus_last, const PatternRange &pattern )
- {
- typedef typename boost::range_iterator<const PatternRange>::type pattern_iterator;
- boyer_moore<pattern_iterator> bm ( boost::begin(pattern), boost::end (pattern));
- return bm ( corpus_first, corpus_last );
- }
- template <typename patIter, typename CorpusRange>
- typename boost::lazy_disable_if_c<
- boost::is_same<CorpusRange, patIter>::value, typename boost::range_iterator<CorpusRange> >
- ::type
- boyer_moore_search ( CorpusRange &corpus, patIter pat_first, patIter pat_last )
- {
- boyer_moore<patIter> bm ( pat_first, pat_last );
- return bm (boost::begin (corpus), boost::end (corpus));
- }
- template <typename PatternRange, typename CorpusRange>
- typename boost::range_iterator<CorpusRange>::type
- boyer_moore_search ( CorpusRange &corpus, const PatternRange &pattern )
- {
- typedef typename boost::range_iterator<const PatternRange>::type pattern_iterator;
- boyer_moore<pattern_iterator> bm ( boost::begin(pattern), boost::end (pattern));
- return bm (boost::begin (corpus), boost::end (corpus));
- }
- // Creator functions -- take a pattern range, return an object
- template <typename Range>
- boost::algorithm::boyer_moore<typename boost::range_iterator<const Range>::type>
- make_boyer_moore ( const Range &r ) {
- return boost::algorithm::boyer_moore
- <typename boost::range_iterator<const Range>::type> (boost::begin(r), boost::end(r));
- }
- template <typename Range>
- boost::algorithm::boyer_moore<typename boost::range_iterator<Range>::type>
- make_boyer_moore ( Range &r ) {
- return boost::algorithm::boyer_moore
- <typename boost::range_iterator<Range>::type> (boost::begin(r), boost::end(r));
- }