path: root/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/date_time/time_facet.hpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/date_time/time_facet.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1367 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/date_time/time_facet.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/date_time/time_facet.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/date_time/time_facet.hpp
+++ /dev/null
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-#ifndef _DATE_TIME_FACET__HPP__
-#define _DATE_TIME_FACET__HPP__
-/* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 CrystalClear Software, Inc.
- * Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
- * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
- * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
- * Author: Martin Andrian, Jeff Garland, Bart Garst
- * $Date$
- */
-#include <cctype>
-#include <locale>
-#include <limits>
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <iterator> // i/ostreambuf_iterator
-#include <exception>
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
-#include <boost/range/as_literal.hpp>
-#include <boost/algorithm/string/erase.hpp>
-#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
-#include <boost/date_time/compiler_config.hpp>
-#include <boost/date_time/date_facet.hpp>
-#include <boost/date_time/string_convert.hpp>
-#include <boost/date_time/special_defs.hpp>
-#include <boost/date_time/time_resolution_traits.hpp> // absolute_value
-namespace boost {
-namespace date_time {
- template <class CharT>
- struct time_formats {
- public:
- typedef CharT char_type;
- static const char_type fractional_seconds_format[3]; // f
- static const char_type fractional_seconds_or_none_format[3]; // F
- static const char_type seconds_with_fractional_seconds_format[3]; // s
- static const char_type seconds_format[3]; // S
- static const char_type hours_format[3]; // H
- static const char_type unrestricted_hours_format[3]; // O
- static const char_type full_24_hour_time_format[3]; // T
- static const char_type full_24_hour_time_expanded_format[9]; // HH:MM:SS
- static const char_type short_24_hour_time_format[3]; // R
- static const char_type short_24_hour_time_expanded_format[6]; // HH:MM
- static const char_type standard_format[9]; // x X
- static const char_type zone_abbrev_format[3]; // z
- static const char_type zone_name_format[3]; // Z
- static const char_type zone_iso_format[3]; // q
- static const char_type zone_iso_extended_format[3]; // Q
- static const char_type posix_zone_string_format[4]; // ZP
- static const char_type duration_sign_negative_only[3]; // -
- static const char_type duration_sign_always[3]; // +
- static const char_type duration_seperator[2];
- static const char_type negative_sign[2]; //-
- static const char_type positive_sign[2]; //+
- static const char_type iso_time_format_specifier[18];
- static const char_type iso_time_format_extended_specifier[22];
- //default ptime format is YYYY-Mon-DD HH:MM:SS[.fff...][ zzz]
- static const char_type default_time_format[23];
- // default_time_input_format uses a posix_time_zone_string instead of a time zone abbrev
- static const char_type default_time_input_format[24];
- //default time_duration format is HH:MM:SS[.fff...]
- static const char_type default_time_duration_format[11];
- };
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::fractional_seconds_format[3] = {'%','f'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::fractional_seconds_or_none_format[3] = {'%','F'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::seconds_with_fractional_seconds_format[3] = {'%','s'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::seconds_format[3] = {'%','S'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::hours_format[3] = {'%','H'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::unrestricted_hours_format[3] = {'%','O'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::full_24_hour_time_format[3] = {'%','T'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::full_24_hour_time_expanded_format[9] =
- {'%','H',':','%','M',':','%','S'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::short_24_hour_time_format[3] = {'%','R'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::short_24_hour_time_expanded_format[6] =
- {'%','H',':','%','M'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- //time_formats<CharT>::standard_format[5] = {'%','c',' ','%','z'};
- time_formats<CharT>::standard_format[9] = {'%','x',' ','%','X',' ','%','z'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::zone_abbrev_format[3] = {'%','z'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::zone_name_format[3] = {'%','Z'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::zone_iso_format[3] = {'%','q'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::zone_iso_extended_format[3] ={'%','Q'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::posix_zone_string_format[4] ={'%','Z','P'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::duration_seperator[2] = {':'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::negative_sign[2] = {'-'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::positive_sign[2] = {'+'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::duration_sign_negative_only[3] ={'%','-'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::duration_sign_always[3] ={'%','+'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::iso_time_format_specifier[18] =
- {'%', 'Y', '%', 'm', '%', 'd', 'T',
- '%', 'H', '%', 'M', '%', 'S', '%', 'F', '%','q' };
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::iso_time_format_extended_specifier[22] =
- {'%', 'Y', '-', '%', 'm', '-', '%', 'd', ' ',
- '%', 'H', ':', '%', 'M', ':', '%', 'S', '%', 'F','%','Q'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::default_time_format[23] =
- {'%','Y','-','%','b','-','%','d',' ',
- '%','H',':','%','M',':','%','S','%','F',' ','%','z'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::default_time_input_format[24] =
- {'%','Y','-','%','b','-','%','d',' ',
- '%','H',':','%','M',':','%','S','%','F',' ','%','Z','P'};
- template <class CharT>
- const typename time_formats<CharT>::char_type
- time_formats<CharT>::default_time_duration_format[11] =
- {'%','O',':','%','M',':','%','S','%','F'};
- /*! Facet used for format-based output of time types
- * This class provides for the use of format strings to output times. In addition
- * to the flags for formatting date elements, the following are the allowed format flags:
- * - %x %X => default format - enables addition of more flags to default (ie. "%x %X %z")
- * - %f => fractional seconds ".123456"
- * - %F => fractional seconds or none: like frac sec but empty if frac sec == 0
- * - %s => seconds w/ fractional sec "02.123" (this is the same as "%S%f)
- * - %S => seconds "02"
- * - %z => abbreviated time zone "EDT"
- * - %Z => full time zone name "Eastern Daylight Time"
- */
- template <class time_type,
- class CharT,
- class OutItrT = std::ostreambuf_iterator<CharT, std::char_traits<CharT> > >
- class time_facet :
- public boost::date_time::date_facet<typename time_type::date_type , CharT, OutItrT> {
- typedef time_formats< CharT > formats_type;
- public:
- typedef typename time_type::date_type date_type;
- typedef typename time_type::time_duration_type time_duration_type;
- typedef boost::date_time::period<time_type,time_duration_type> period_type;
- typedef boost::date_time::date_facet<typename time_type::date_type, CharT, OutItrT> base_type;
- typedef typename base_type::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename base_type::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename base_type::period_formatter_type period_formatter_type;
- typedef typename base_type::special_values_formatter_type special_values_formatter_type;
- typedef typename base_type::date_gen_formatter_type date_gen_formatter_type;
- static const char_type* fractional_seconds_format; // %f
- static const char_type* fractional_seconds_or_none_format; // %F
- static const char_type* seconds_with_fractional_seconds_format; // %s
- static const char_type* seconds_format; // %S
- static const char_type* hours_format; // %H
- static const char_type* unrestricted_hours_format; // %O
- static const char_type* standard_format; // %x X
- static const char_type* zone_abbrev_format; // %z
- static const char_type* zone_name_format; // %Z
- static const char_type* zone_iso_format; // %q
- static const char_type* zone_iso_extended_format; // %Q
- static const char_type* posix_zone_string_format; // %ZP
- static const char_type* duration_seperator;
- static const char_type* duration_sign_always; // %+
- static const char_type* duration_sign_negative_only; // %-
- static const char_type* negative_sign; //-
- static const char_type* positive_sign; //+
- static const char_type* iso_time_format_specifier;
- static const char_type* iso_time_format_extended_specifier;
- //default ptime format is YYYY-Mon-DD HH:MM:SS[.fff...][ zzz]
- static const char_type* default_time_format;
- //default time_duration format is HH:MM:SS[.fff...]
- static const char_type* default_time_duration_format;
- static std::locale::id id;
-#if defined (__SUNPRO_CC) && defined (_RWSTD_VER)
- std::locale::id& __get_id (void) const { return id; }
- //! sets default formats for ptime, local_date_time, and time_duration
- explicit time_facet(::size_t ref_arg = 0)
- : base_type(default_time_format, period_formatter_type(), special_values_formatter_type(), date_gen_formatter_type(), ref_arg),
- m_time_duration_format(string_type(duration_sign_negative_only) + default_time_duration_format)
- {}
- //! Construct the facet with an explicitly specified format
- explicit time_facet(const char_type* format_arg,
- period_formatter_type period_formatter_arg = period_formatter_type(),
- const special_values_formatter_type& special_value_formatter = special_values_formatter_type(),
- date_gen_formatter_type dg_formatter = date_gen_formatter_type(),
- ::size_t ref_arg = 0)
- : base_type(format_arg,
- period_formatter_arg,
- special_value_formatter,
- dg_formatter,
- ref_arg),
- m_time_duration_format(string_type(duration_sign_negative_only) + default_time_duration_format)
- {}
- //! Changes format for time_duration
- void time_duration_format(const char_type* const format)
- {
- m_time_duration_format = format;
- }
- virtual void set_iso_format()
- {
- this->m_format = iso_time_format_specifier;
- }
- virtual void set_iso_extended_format()
- {
- this->m_format = iso_time_format_extended_specifier;
- }
- OutItrT put(OutItrT next_arg,
- std::ios_base& ios_arg,
- char_type fill_arg,
- const time_type& time_arg) const
- {
- if (time_arg.is_special()) {
- return this->do_put_special(next_arg, ios_arg, fill_arg,
- }
- string_type local_format(this->m_format);
- // %T and %R have to be replaced here since they are not standard
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(local_format,
- boost::as_literal(formats_type::full_24_hour_time_format),
- boost::as_literal(formats_type::full_24_hour_time_expanded_format));
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(local_format,
- boost::as_literal(formats_type::short_24_hour_time_format),
- boost::as_literal(formats_type::short_24_hour_time_expanded_format));
- string_type frac_str;
- if (local_format.find(seconds_with_fractional_seconds_format) != string_type::npos) {
- // replace %s with %S.nnn
- frac_str =
- fractional_seconds_as_string(time_arg.time_of_day(), false);
- char_type sep = std::use_facet<std::numpunct<char_type> >(ios_arg.getloc()).decimal_point();
- string_type replace_string(seconds_format);
- replace_string += sep;
- replace_string += frac_str;
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(local_format,
- seconds_with_fractional_seconds_format,
- replace_string);
- }
- /* NOTE: replacing posix_zone_string_format must be done BEFORE
- * zone_name_format: "%ZP" & "%Z", if Z is checked first it will
- * incorrectly replace a zone_name where a posix_string should go */
- if (local_format.find(posix_zone_string_format) != string_type::npos) {
- if(time_arg.zone_abbrev().empty()) {
- // if zone_abbrev() returns an empty string, we want to
- // erase posix_zone_string_format from format
- boost::algorithm::erase_all(local_format, posix_zone_string_format);
- }
- else{
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(local_format,
- posix_zone_string_format,
- time_arg.zone_as_posix_string());
- }
- }
- if (local_format.find(zone_name_format) != string_type::npos) {
- if(time_arg.zone_name().empty()) {
- /* TODO: this'll probably create problems if a user places
- * the zone_*_format flag in the format with a ptime. This
- * code removes the flag from the default formats */
- // if zone_name() returns an empty string, we want to
- // erase zone_name_format & one preceeding space
- std::basic_ostringstream<char_type> ss;
- ss << ' ' << zone_name_format;
- boost::algorithm::erase_all(local_format, ss.str());
- }
- else{
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(local_format,
- zone_name_format,
- time_arg.zone_name());
- }
- }
- if (local_format.find(zone_abbrev_format) != string_type::npos) {
- if(time_arg.zone_abbrev(false).empty()) {
- /* TODO: this'll probably create problems if a user places
- * the zone_*_format flag in the format with a ptime. This
- * code removes the flag from the default formats */
- // if zone_abbrev() returns an empty string, we want to
- // erase zone_abbrev_format & one preceeding space
- std::basic_ostringstream<char_type> ss;
- ss << ' ' << zone_abbrev_format;
- boost::algorithm::erase_all(local_format, ss.str());
- }
- else{
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(local_format,
- zone_abbrev_format,
- time_arg.zone_abbrev(false));
- }
- }
- if (local_format.find(zone_iso_extended_format) != string_type::npos) {
- if(time_arg.zone_name(true).empty()) {
- /* TODO: this'll probably create problems if a user places
- * the zone_*_format flag in the format with a ptime. This
- * code removes the flag from the default formats */
- // if zone_name() returns an empty string, we want to
- // erase zone_iso_extended_format from format
- boost::algorithm::erase_all(local_format, zone_iso_extended_format);
- }
- else{
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(local_format,
- zone_iso_extended_format,
- time_arg.zone_name(true));
- }
- }
- if (local_format.find(zone_iso_format) != string_type::npos) {
- if(time_arg.zone_abbrev(true).empty()) {
- /* TODO: this'll probably create problems if a user places
- * the zone_*_format flag in the format with a ptime. This
- * code removes the flag from the default formats */
- // if zone_abbrev() returns an empty string, we want to
- // erase zone_iso_format from format
- boost::algorithm::erase_all(local_format, zone_iso_format);
- }
- else{
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(local_format,
- zone_iso_format,
- time_arg.zone_abbrev(true));
- }
- }
- if (local_format.find(fractional_seconds_format) != string_type::npos) {
- // replace %f with nnnnnnn
- if (frac_str.empty()) {
- frac_str = fractional_seconds_as_string(time_arg.time_of_day(), false);
- }
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(local_format,
- fractional_seconds_format,
- frac_str);
- }
- if (local_format.find(fractional_seconds_or_none_format) != string_type::npos) {
- // replace %F with nnnnnnn or nothing if fs == 0
- frac_str =
- fractional_seconds_as_string(time_arg.time_of_day(), true);
- if (frac_str.size()) {
- char_type sep = std::use_facet<std::numpunct<char_type> >(ios_arg.getloc()).decimal_point();
- string_type replace_string;
- replace_string += sep;
- replace_string += frac_str;
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(local_format,
- fractional_seconds_or_none_format,
- replace_string);
- }
- else {
- boost::algorithm::erase_all(local_format,
- fractional_seconds_or_none_format);
- }
- }
- return this->do_put_tm(next_arg, ios_arg, fill_arg,
- to_tm(time_arg), local_format);
- }
- //! put function for time_duration
- OutItrT put(OutItrT next_arg,
- std::ios_base& ios_arg,
- char_type fill_arg,
- const time_duration_type& time_dur_arg) const
- {
- if (time_dur_arg.is_special()) {
- return this->do_put_special(next_arg, ios_arg, fill_arg,
- time_dur_arg.get_rep().as_special());
- }
- string_type format(m_time_duration_format);
- if (time_dur_arg.is_negative()) {
- // replace %- with minus sign. Should we use the numpunct facet?
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(format,
- duration_sign_negative_only,
- negative_sign);
- // remove all the %+ in the string with '-'
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(format,
- duration_sign_always,
- negative_sign);
- }
- else { //duration is positive
- // remove all the %- combos from the string
- boost::algorithm::erase_all(format, duration_sign_negative_only);
- // remove all the %+ in the string with '+'
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(format,
- duration_sign_always,
- positive_sign);
- }
- // %T and %R have to be replaced here since they are not standard
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(format,
- boost::as_literal(formats_type::full_24_hour_time_format),
- boost::as_literal(formats_type::full_24_hour_time_expanded_format));
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(format,
- boost::as_literal(formats_type::short_24_hour_time_format),
- boost::as_literal(formats_type::short_24_hour_time_expanded_format));
- /*
- * It is possible for a time duration to span more then 24 hours.
- * Standard time_put::put is obliged to behave the same as strftime
- * (See ISO 14882-2003 par. 1) and strftime's behavior is
- * unspecified for the case when tm_hour field is outside 0-23 range
- * (See ISO 9899-1999 par. 3). So we must output %H and %O
- * here ourself.
- */
- string_type hours_str;
- if (format.find(unrestricted_hours_format) != string_type::npos) {
- hours_str = hours_as_string(time_dur_arg);
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(format, unrestricted_hours_format, hours_str);
- }
- // We still have to process restricted hours format specifier. In order to
- // support parseability of durations in ISO format (%H%M%S), we'll have to
- // restrict the stringified hours length to 2 characters.
- if (format.find(hours_format) != string_type::npos) {
- if (hours_str.empty())
- hours_str = hours_as_string(time_dur_arg);
- BOOST_ASSERT(hours_str.length() <= 2);
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(format, hours_format, hours_str);
- }
- string_type frac_str;
- if (format.find(seconds_with_fractional_seconds_format) != string_type::npos) {
- // replace %s with %S.nnn
- frac_str =
- fractional_seconds_as_string(time_dur_arg, false);
- char_type sep = std::use_facet<std::numpunct<char_type> >(ios_arg.getloc()).decimal_point();
- string_type replace_string(seconds_format);
- replace_string += sep;
- replace_string += frac_str;
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(format,
- seconds_with_fractional_seconds_format,
- replace_string);
- }
- if (format.find(fractional_seconds_format) != string_type::npos) {
- // replace %f with nnnnnnn
- if (!frac_str.size()) {
- frac_str = fractional_seconds_as_string(time_dur_arg, false);
- }
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(format,
- fractional_seconds_format,
- frac_str);
- }
- if (format.find(fractional_seconds_or_none_format) != string_type::npos) {
- // replace %F with nnnnnnn or nothing if fs == 0
- frac_str =
- fractional_seconds_as_string(time_dur_arg, true);
- if (frac_str.size()) {
- char_type sep = std::use_facet<std::numpunct<char_type> >(ios_arg.getloc()).decimal_point();
- string_type replace_string;
- replace_string += sep;
- replace_string += frac_str;
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(format,
- fractional_seconds_or_none_format,
- replace_string);
- }
- else {
- boost::algorithm::erase_all(format,
- fractional_seconds_or_none_format);
- }
- }
- return this->do_put_tm(next_arg, ios_arg, fill_arg,
- to_tm(time_dur_arg), format);
- }
- OutItrT put(OutItrT next, std::ios_base& ios_arg,
- char_type fill, const period_type& p) const
- {
- return this->m_period_formatter.put_period(next, ios_arg, fill,p,*this);
- }
- protected:
- static
- string_type
- fractional_seconds_as_string(const time_duration_type& time_arg,
- bool null_when_zero)
- {
- typename time_duration_type::fractional_seconds_type frac_sec =
- time_arg.fractional_seconds();
- if (null_when_zero && (frac_sec == 0)) {
- return string_type();
- }
- //make sure there is no sign
- return integral_as_string(
- date_time::absolute_value(frac_sec),
- time_duration_type::num_fractional_digits());
- }
- static
- string_type
- hours_as_string(const time_duration_type& time_arg, int width = 2)
- {
- return integral_as_string(date_time::absolute_value(time_arg.hours()), width);
- }
- template< typename IntT >
- static
- string_type
- integral_as_string(IntT val, int width = 2)
- {
- std::basic_ostringstream<char_type> ss;
- ss.imbue(std::locale::classic()); // don't want any formatting
- ss << std::setw(width)
- << std::setfill(static_cast<char_type>('0'));
-#if (defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (_MSC_VER < 1300))
- // JDG [7/6/02 VC++ compatibility]
- char_type buff[34];
- ss << _i64toa(static_cast<boost::int64_t>(val), buff, 10);
- ss << val;
- return ss.str();
- }
- private:
- string_type m_time_duration_format;
- };
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- std::locale::id time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::id;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::fractional_seconds_format = time_formats<CharT>::fractional_seconds_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::fractional_seconds_or_none_format = time_formats<CharT>::fractional_seconds_or_none_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::seconds_with_fractional_seconds_format =
- time_formats<CharT>::seconds_with_fractional_seconds_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::zone_name_format = time_formats<CharT>::zone_name_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::zone_abbrev_format = time_formats<CharT>::zone_abbrev_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::zone_iso_extended_format =time_formats<CharT>::zone_iso_extended_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::posix_zone_string_format =time_formats<CharT>::posix_zone_string_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::zone_iso_format = time_formats<CharT>::zone_iso_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::seconds_format = time_formats<CharT>::seconds_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::hours_format = time_formats<CharT>::hours_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::unrestricted_hours_format = time_formats<CharT>::unrestricted_hours_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::standard_format = time_formats<CharT>::standard_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::duration_seperator = time_formats<CharT>::duration_seperator;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::negative_sign = time_formats<CharT>::negative_sign;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::positive_sign = time_formats<CharT>::positive_sign;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::duration_sign_negative_only = time_formats<CharT>::duration_sign_negative_only;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::duration_sign_always = time_formats<CharT>::duration_sign_always;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type,CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type,CharT, OutItrT>::iso_time_format_specifier = time_formats<CharT>::iso_time_format_specifier;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::iso_time_format_extended_specifier = time_formats<CharT>::iso_time_format_extended_specifier;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::default_time_format =
- time_formats<CharT>::default_time_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type*
- time_facet<time_type, CharT, OutItrT>::default_time_duration_format =
- time_formats<CharT>::default_time_duration_format;
- //! Facet for format-based input.
- /*!
- */
- template <class time_type,
- class CharT,
- class InItrT = std::istreambuf_iterator<CharT, std::char_traits<CharT> > >
- class time_input_facet :
- public boost::date_time::date_input_facet<typename time_type::date_type , CharT, InItrT> {
- public:
- typedef typename time_type::date_type date_type;
- typedef typename time_type::time_duration_type time_duration_type;
- typedef typename time_duration_type::fractional_seconds_type fracional_seconds_type;
- typedef boost::date_time::period<time_type,time_duration_type> period_type;
- typedef boost::date_time::date_input_facet<typename time_type::date_type, CharT, InItrT> base_type;
- typedef typename base_type::duration_type date_duration_type;
- typedef typename base_type::year_type year_type;
- typedef typename base_type::month_type month_type;
- typedef typename base_type::day_type day_type;
- typedef typename base_type::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename string_type::const_iterator const_itr;
- typedef typename base_type::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename base_type::format_date_parser_type format_date_parser_type;
- typedef typename base_type::period_parser_type period_parser_type;
- typedef typename base_type::special_values_parser_type special_values_parser_type;
- typedef typename base_type::date_gen_parser_type date_gen_parser_type;
- typedef typename base_type::special_values_parser_type::match_results match_results;
- static const char_type* fractional_seconds_format; // f
- static const char_type* fractional_seconds_or_none_format; // F
- static const char_type* seconds_with_fractional_seconds_format; // s
- static const char_type* seconds_format; // S
- static const char_type* standard_format; // x X
- static const char_type* zone_abbrev_format; // z
- static const char_type* zone_name_format; // Z
- static const char_type* zone_iso_format; // q
- static const char_type* zone_iso_extended_format; // Q
- static const char_type* duration_seperator;
- static const char_type* iso_time_format_specifier;
- static const char_type* iso_time_format_extended_specifier;
- static const char_type* default_time_input_format;
- static const char_type* default_time_duration_format;
- static std::locale::id id;
- //! Constructor that takes a format string for a ptime
- explicit time_input_facet(const string_type& format, ::size_t ref_arg = 0)
- : base_type(format, ref_arg),
- m_time_duration_format(default_time_duration_format)
- { }
- explicit time_input_facet(const string_type& format,
- const format_date_parser_type& date_parser,
- const special_values_parser_type& sv_parser,
- const period_parser_type& per_parser,
- const date_gen_parser_type& date_gen_parser,
- ::size_t ref_arg = 0)
- : base_type(format,
- date_parser,
- sv_parser,
- per_parser,
- date_gen_parser,
- ref_arg),
- m_time_duration_format(default_time_duration_format)
- {}
- //! sets default formats for ptime, local_date_time, and time_duration
- explicit time_input_facet(::size_t ref_arg = 0)
- : base_type(default_time_input_format, ref_arg),
- m_time_duration_format(default_time_duration_format)
- { }
- //! Set the format for time_duration
- void time_duration_format(const char_type* const format) {
- m_time_duration_format = format;
- }
- virtual void set_iso_format()
- {
- this->m_format = iso_time_format_specifier;
- }
- virtual void set_iso_extended_format()
- {
- this->m_format = iso_time_format_extended_specifier;
- }
- InItrT get(InItrT& sitr,
- InItrT& stream_end,
- std::ios_base& ios_arg,
- period_type& p) const
- {
- p = this->m_period_parser.get_period(sitr,
- stream_end,
- ios_arg,
- p,
- time_duration_type::unit(),
- *this);
- return sitr;
- }
- //default ptime format is YYYY-Mon-DD HH:MM:SS[.fff...][ zzz]
- //default time_duration format is %H:%M:%S%F HH:MM:SS[.fff...]
- InItrT get(InItrT& sitr,
- InItrT& stream_end,
- std::ios_base& ios_arg,
- time_duration_type& td) const
- {
- // skip leading whitespace
- while((sitr != stream_end) && std::isspace(*sitr)) { ++sitr; }
- bool use_current_char = false;
- // num_get will consume the +/-, we may need a copy if special_value
- char_type c = '\0';
- if((sitr != stream_end) && (*sitr == '-' || *sitr == '+')) {
- c = *sitr;
- }
- typedef typename time_duration_type::hour_type hour_type;
- typedef typename time_duration_type::min_type min_type;
- typedef typename time_duration_type::sec_type sec_type;
- hour_type hour = 0;
- min_type min = 0;
- sec_type sec = 0;
- typename time_duration_type::fractional_seconds_type frac(0);
- typedef std::num_get<CharT, InItrT> num_get;
- if(!std::has_facet<num_get>(ios_arg.getloc())) {
- num_get* ng = new num_get();
- std::locale loc = std::locale(ios_arg.getloc(), ng);
- ios_arg.imbue(loc);
- }
- const_itr itr(m_time_duration_format.begin());
- while (itr != m_time_duration_format.end() && (sitr != stream_end)) {
- if (*itr == '%') {
- if (++itr == m_time_duration_format.end()) break;
- if (*itr != '%') {
- switch(*itr) {
- case 'O':
- {
- // A period may span more than 24 hours. In that case the format
- // string should be composed with the unrestricted hours specifier.
- hour = var_string_to_int<hour_type, CharT>(sitr, stream_end,
- std::numeric_limits<hour_type>::digits10 + 1);
- if(hour == -1){
- return check_special_value(sitr, stream_end, td, c);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'H':
- {
- match_results mr;
- hour = fixed_string_to_int<hour_type, CharT>(sitr, stream_end, mr, 2);
- if(hour == -1){
- return check_special_value(sitr, stream_end, td, c);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'M':
- {
- match_results mr;
- min = fixed_string_to_int<min_type, CharT>(sitr, stream_end, mr, 2);
- if(min == -1){
- return check_special_value(sitr, stream_end, td, c);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 's':
- case 'S':
- {
- match_results mr;
- sec = fixed_string_to_int<sec_type, CharT>(sitr, stream_end, mr, 2);
- if(sec == -1){
- return check_special_value(sitr, stream_end, td, c);
- }
- if (*itr == 'S')
- break;
- // %s is the same as %S%f so we drop through into %f
- }
- case 'f':
- {
- // check for decimal, check special_values if missing
- if(*sitr == '.') {
- ++sitr;
- parse_frac_type(sitr, stream_end, frac);
- // sitr will point to next expected char after this parsing
- // is complete so no need to advance it
- use_current_char = true;
- }
- else {
- return check_special_value(sitr, stream_end, td, c);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'F':
- {
- // check for decimal, skip if missing
- if(*sitr == '.') {
- ++sitr;
- parse_frac_type(sitr, stream_end, frac);
- // sitr will point to next expected char after this parsing
- // is complete so no need to advance it
- use_current_char = true;
- }
- else {
- // nothing was parsed so we don't want to advance sitr
- use_current_char = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- {} // ignore what we don't understand?
- }// switch
- }
- else { // itr == '%', second consecutive
- ++sitr;
- }
- ++itr; //advance past format specifier
- }
- else { //skip past chars in format and in buffer
- ++itr;
- // set use_current_char when sitr is already
- // pointing at the next character to process
- if (use_current_char) {
- use_current_char = false;
- }
- else {
- ++sitr;
- }
- }
- }
- td = time_duration_type(hour, min, sec, frac);
- return sitr;
- }
- //! Parses a time object from the input stream
- InItrT get(InItrT& sitr,
- InItrT& stream_end,
- std::ios_base& ios_arg,
- time_type& t) const
- {
- string_type tz_str;
- return get(sitr, stream_end, ios_arg, t, tz_str, false);
- }
- //! Expects a time_zone in the input stream
- InItrT get_local_time(InItrT& sitr,
- InItrT& stream_end,
- std::ios_base& ios_arg,
- time_type& t,
- string_type& tz_str) const
- {
- return get(sitr, stream_end, ios_arg, t, tz_str, true);
- }
- protected:
- InItrT get(InItrT& sitr,
- InItrT& stream_end,
- std::ios_base& ios_arg,
- time_type& t,
- string_type& tz_str,
- bool time_is_local) const
- {
- // skip leading whitespace
- while((sitr != stream_end) && std::isspace(*sitr)) { ++sitr; }
- bool use_current_char = false;
- bool use_current_format_char = false; // used whith two character flags
- // num_get will consume the +/-, we may need a copy if special_value
- char_type c = '\0';
- if((sitr != stream_end) && (*sitr == '-' || *sitr == '+')) {
- c = *sitr;
- }
- typedef typename time_duration_type::hour_type hour_type;
- typedef typename time_duration_type::min_type min_type;
- typedef typename time_duration_type::sec_type sec_type;
- // time elements
- hour_type hour = 0;
- min_type min = 0;
- sec_type sec = 0;
- typename time_duration_type::fractional_seconds_type frac(0);
- // date elements
- short day_of_year(0);
- /* Initialized the following to their minimum values. These intermediate
- * objects are used so we get specific exceptions when part of the input
- * is unparsable.
- * Ex: "205-Jan-15" will throw a bad_year, "2005-Jsn-15"- bad_month, etc.*/
- year_type t_year(1400);
- month_type t_month(1);
- day_type t_day(1);
- typedef std::num_get<CharT, InItrT> num_get;
- if(!std::has_facet<num_get>(ios_arg.getloc())) {
- num_get* ng = new num_get();
- std::locale loc = std::locale(ios_arg.getloc(), ng);
- ios_arg.imbue(loc);
- }
- const_itr itr(this->m_format.begin());
- while (itr != this->m_format.end() && (sitr != stream_end)) {
- if (*itr == '%') {
- if (++itr == this->m_format.end()) break;
- if (*itr != '%') {
- // the cases are grouped by date & time flags - not alphabetical order
- switch(*itr) {
- // date flags
- case 'Y':
- case 'y':
- {
- char_type cs[3] = { '%', *itr };
- string_type s(cs);
- match_results mr;
- try {
- t_year = this->m_parser.parse_year(sitr, stream_end, s, mr);
- }
- catch(std::out_of_range&) { // base class for bad_year exception
- if(this->m_sv_parser.match(sitr, stream_end, mr)) {
- t = time_type(static_cast<special_values>(mr.current_match));
- return sitr;
- }
- else {
- throw; // rethrow bad_year
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'B':
- case 'b':
- case 'm':
- {
- char_type cs[3] = { '%', *itr };
- string_type s(cs);
- match_results mr;
- try {
- t_month = this->m_parser.parse_month(sitr, stream_end, s, mr);
- }
- catch(std::out_of_range&) { // base class for bad_month exception
- if(this->m_sv_parser.match(sitr, stream_end, mr)) {
- t = time_type(static_cast<special_values>(mr.current_match));
- return sitr;
- }
- else {
- throw; // rethrow bad_month
- }
- }
- // did m_parser already advance sitr to next char?
- if(mr.has_remaining()) {
- use_current_char = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'a':
- case 'A':
- case 'w':
- {
- // weekday is not used in construction but we need to get it out of the stream
- char_type cs[3] = { '%', *itr };
- string_type s(cs);
- match_results mr;
- typename date_type::day_of_week_type wd(0);
- try {
- wd = this->m_parser.parse_weekday(sitr, stream_end, s, mr);
- }
- catch(std::out_of_range&) { // base class for bad_weekday exception
- if(this->m_sv_parser.match(sitr, stream_end, mr)) {
- t = time_type(static_cast<special_values>(mr.current_match));
- return sitr;
- }
- else {
- throw; // rethrow bad_weekday
- }
- }
- // did m_parser already advance sitr to next char?
- if(mr.has_remaining()) {
- use_current_char = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'j':
- {
- // code that gets julian day (from format_date_parser)
- match_results mr;
- day_of_year = fixed_string_to_int<unsigned short, CharT>(sitr, stream_end, mr, 3);
- if(day_of_year == -1) {
- if(this->m_sv_parser.match(sitr, stream_end, mr)) {
- t = time_type(static_cast<special_values>(mr.current_match));
- return sitr;
- }
- }
- // these next two lines are so we get an exception with bad input
- typedef typename time_type::date_type::day_of_year_type day_of_year_type;
- day_of_year_type t_day_of_year(day_of_year);
- break;
- }
- case 'd':
- {
- try {
- t_day = this->m_parser.parse_day_of_month(sitr, stream_end);
- }
- catch(std::out_of_range&) { // base class for exception bad_day_of_month
- match_results mr;
- if(this->m_sv_parser.match(sitr, stream_end, mr)) {
- t = time_type(static_cast<special_values>(mr.current_match));
- return sitr;
- }
- else {
- throw; // rethrow bad_day_of_month
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- // time flags
- case 'H':
- {
- match_results mr;
- hour = fixed_string_to_int<hour_type, CharT>(sitr, stream_end, mr, 2);
- if(hour == -1){
- return check_special_value(sitr, stream_end, t, c);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'M':
- {
- match_results mr;
- min = fixed_string_to_int<min_type, CharT>(sitr, stream_end, mr, 2);
- if(min == -1){
- return check_special_value(sitr, stream_end, t, c);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 's':
- case 'S':
- {
- match_results mr;
- sec = fixed_string_to_int<sec_type, CharT>(sitr, stream_end, mr, 2);
- if(sec == -1){
- return check_special_value(sitr, stream_end, t, c);
- }
- if (*itr == 'S')
- break;
- // %s is the same as %S%f so we drop through into %f
- }
- case 'f':
- {
- // check for decimal, check SV if missing
- if(*sitr == '.') {
- ++sitr;
- parse_frac_type(sitr, stream_end, frac);
- // sitr will point to next expected char after this parsing
- // is complete so no need to advance it
- use_current_char = true;
- }
- else {
- return check_special_value(sitr, stream_end, t, c);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'F':
- {
- // check for decimal, skip if missing
- if(*sitr == '.') {
- ++sitr;
- parse_frac_type(sitr, stream_end, frac);
- // sitr will point to next expected char after this parsing
- // is complete so no need to advance it
- use_current_char = true;
- }
- else {
- // nothing was parsed so we don't want to advance sitr
- use_current_char = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- // time_zone flags
- //case 'q':
- //case 'Q':
- //case 'z':
- case 'Z':
- {
- if(time_is_local) { // skip if 't' is a ptime
- ++itr;
- if(*itr == 'P') {
- // skip leading whitespace
- while((sitr != stream_end) && std::isspace(*sitr)) { ++sitr; }
- // parse zone
- while((sitr != stream_end) && (!std::isspace(*sitr))) {
- tz_str += *sitr;
- ++sitr;
- }
- }
- else {
- use_current_format_char = true;
- }
- }
- else {
- // nothing was parsed so we don't want to advance sitr
- use_current_char = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- {} // ignore what we don't understand?
- }// switch
- }
- else { // itr == '%', second consecutive
- ++sitr;
- }
- if(use_current_format_char) {
- use_current_format_char = false;
- }
- else {
- ++itr; //advance past format specifier
- }
- }
- else { //skip past chars in format and in buffer
- ++itr;
- // set use_current_char when sitr is already
- // pointing at the next character to process
- if (use_current_char) {
- use_current_char = false;
- }
- else {
- ++sitr;
- }
- }
- }
- date_type d(not_a_date_time);
- if (day_of_year > 0) {
- d = date_type(static_cast<unsigned short>(t_year-1),12,31) + date_duration_type(day_of_year);
- }
- else {
- d = date_type(t_year, t_month, t_day);
- }
- time_duration_type td(hour, min, sec, frac);
- t = time_type(d, td);
- return sitr;
- }
- //! Helper function to check for special_value
- /*! First character may have been consumed during original parse
- * attempt. Parameter 'c' should be a copy of that character.
- * Throws ios_base::failure if parse fails. */
- template<class temporal_type>
- inline
- InItrT check_special_value(InItrT& sitr,InItrT& stream_end, temporal_type& tt, char_type c='\0') const
- {
- match_results mr;
- if((c == '-' || c == '+') && (*sitr != c)) { // was the first character consumed?
- mr.cache += c;
- }
- this->m_sv_parser.match(sitr, stream_end, mr);
- if(mr.current_match == match_results::PARSE_ERROR) {
- std::string tmp = convert_string_type<char_type, char>(mr.cache);
- boost::throw_exception(std::ios_base::failure("Parse failed. No match found for '" + tmp + "'"));
- BOOST_DATE_TIME_UNREACHABLE_EXPRESSION(return sitr); // should never reach
- }
- tt = temporal_type(static_cast<special_values>(mr.current_match));
- return sitr;
- }
- //! Helper function for parsing a fractional second type from the stream
- void parse_frac_type(InItrT& sitr,
- InItrT& stream_end,
- fracional_seconds_type& frac) const
- {
- string_type cache;
- while((sitr != stream_end) && std::isdigit(*sitr)) {
- cache += *sitr;
- ++sitr;
- }
- if(cache.size() > 0) {
- unsigned short precision = time_duration_type::num_fractional_digits();
- // input may be only the first few decimal places
- if(cache.size() < precision) {
- frac = lexical_cast<fracional_seconds_type>(cache);
- frac = decimal_adjust(frac, static_cast<unsigned short>(precision - cache.size()));
- }
- else {
- // if input has too many decimal places, drop excess digits
- frac = lexical_cast<fracional_seconds_type>(cache.substr(0, precision));
- }
- }
- }
- private:
- string_type m_time_duration_format;
- //! Helper function to adjust trailing zeros when parsing fractional digits
- template<class int_type>
- inline
- int_type decimal_adjust(int_type val, const unsigned short places) const
- {
- unsigned long factor = 1;
- for(int i = 0; i < places; ++i){
- factor *= 10; // shift decimal to the right
- }
- return val * factor;
- }
- };
-template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- std::locale::id time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::id;
-template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- const typename time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::char_type*
- time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::fractional_seconds_format = time_formats<CharT>::fractional_seconds_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- const typename time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::char_type*
- time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::fractional_seconds_or_none_format = time_formats<CharT>::fractional_seconds_or_none_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- const typename time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::char_type*
- time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::seconds_with_fractional_seconds_format = time_formats<CharT>::seconds_with_fractional_seconds_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- const typename time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::char_type*
- time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::seconds_format = time_formats<CharT>::seconds_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- const typename time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::char_type*
- time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::standard_format = time_formats<CharT>::standard_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- const typename time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::char_type*
- time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::zone_abbrev_format = time_formats<CharT>::zone_abbrev_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- const typename time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::char_type*
- time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::zone_name_format = time_formats<CharT>::zone_name_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- const typename time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::char_type*
- time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::zone_iso_format = time_formats<CharT>::zone_iso_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- const typename time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::char_type*
- time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::zone_iso_extended_format = time_formats<CharT>::zone_iso_extended_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- const typename time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::char_type*
- time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::duration_seperator = time_formats<CharT>::duration_seperator;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- const typename time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::char_type*
- time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::iso_time_format_specifier = time_formats<CharT>::iso_time_format_specifier;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- const typename time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::char_type*
- time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::iso_time_format_extended_specifier = time_formats<CharT>::iso_time_format_extended_specifier;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- const typename time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::char_type*
- time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::default_time_input_format = time_formats<CharT>::default_time_input_format;
- template <class time_type, class CharT, class InItrT>
- const typename time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::char_type*
- time_input_facet<time_type, CharT, InItrT>::default_time_duration_format = time_formats<CharT>::default_time_duration_format;
-} } // namespaces