path: root/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 2201 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/chset.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/chset.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 36354564243..00000000000
--- a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/chset.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Joel de Guzman
- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Daniel Nuffer
- Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
- file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/namespace.hpp>
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/core/primitives/primitives.hpp>
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/basic_chset.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace spirit {
-namespace utility { namespace impl {
- // This is here because some compilers choke on out-of-line member
- // template functions. And we don't want to put the whole algorithm
- // in the chset constructor in the class definition.
- template <typename CharT, typename CharT2>
- void construct_chset(boost::shared_ptr<basic_chset<CharT> >& ptr,
- CharT2 const* definition);
-}} // namespace utility::impl
-// chset class
-template <typename CharT = char>
-class chset: public char_parser<chset<CharT> > {
- chset();
- chset(chset const& arg_);
- explicit chset(CharT arg_);
- explicit chset(anychar_parser arg_);
- explicit chset(nothing_parser arg_);
- explicit chset(chlit<CharT> const& arg_);
- explicit chset(range<CharT> const& arg_);
- explicit chset(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& arg_);
- explicit chset(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& arg_);
- template <typename CharT2>
- explicit chset(CharT2 const* definition)
- : ptr(new basic_chset<CharT>())
- {
- utility::impl::construct_chset(ptr, definition);
- }
- ~chset();
- chset& operator=(chset const& rhs);
- chset& operator=(CharT rhs);
- chset& operator=(anychar_parser rhs);
- chset& operator=(nothing_parser rhs);
- chset& operator=(chlit<CharT> const& rhs);
- chset& operator=(range<CharT> const& rhs);
- chset& operator=(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& rhs);
- chset& operator=(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& rhs);
- void set(range<CharT> const& arg_);
- void set(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& arg_);
- void set(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& arg_);
- void clear(range<CharT> const& arg_);
- void clear(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& arg_);
- bool test(CharT ch) const;
- chset& inverse();
- void swap(chset& x);
- chset& operator|=(chset const& x);
- chset& operator&=(chset const& x);
- chset& operator-=(chset const& x);
- chset& operator^=(chset const& x);
- boost::shared_ptr<basic_chset<CharT> > ptr;
-// Generator functions
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-chset_p(chlit<CharT> const& arg_)
-{ return chset<CharT>(arg_); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-chset_p(range<CharT> const& arg_)
-{ return chset<CharT>(arg_); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-chset_p(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& arg_)
-{ return chset<CharT>(arg_); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-chset_p(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& arg_)
-{ return chset<CharT>(arg_); }
-inline chset<char>
-chset_p(char const* init)
-{ return chset<char>(init); }
-inline chset<wchar_t>
-chset_p(wchar_t const* init)
-{ return chset<wchar_t>(init); }
-inline chset<char>
-chset_p(char ch)
-{ return chset<char>(ch); }
-inline chset<wchar_t>
-chset_p(wchar_t ch)
-{ return chset<wchar_t>(ch); }
-inline chset<int>
-chset_p(int ch)
-{ return chset<int>(ch); }
-inline chset<unsigned int>
-chset_p(unsigned int ch)
-{ return chset<unsigned int>(ch); }
-inline chset<short>
-chset_p(short ch)
-{ return chset<short>(ch); }
-inline chset<unsigned short>
-chset_p(unsigned short ch)
-{ return chset<unsigned short>(ch); }
-inline chset<long>
-chset_p(long ch)
-{ return chset<long>(ch); }
-inline chset<unsigned long>
-chset_p(unsigned long ch)
-{ return chset<unsigned long>(ch); }
-inline chset< ::boost::long_long_type>
-chset_p( ::boost::long_long_type ch)
-{ return chset< ::boost::long_long_type>(ch); }
-inline chset< ::boost::ulong_long_type>
-chset_p( ::boost::ulong_long_type ch)
-{ return chset< ::boost::ulong_long_type>(ch); }
-}} // namespace BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset.ipp>
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/chset_operators.hpp>
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/chset_operators.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/chset_operators.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d42b5faae48..00000000000
--- a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/chset_operators.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Joel de Guzman
- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Daniel Nuffer
- Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
- file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/namespace.hpp>
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/chset.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace spirit {
-// chset free operators
-// Where a and b are both chsets, implements:
-// a | b, a & b, a - b, a ^ b
-// Where a is a chset, implements:
-// ~a
-template <typename CharT>
-operator~(chset<CharT> const& a);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-// range <--> chset free operators
-// Where a is a chset and b is a range, and vice-versa, implements:
-// a | b, a & b, a - b, a ^ b
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, range<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, range<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, range<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, range<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(range<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(range<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(range<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(range<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-// chlit <--> chset free operators
-// Where a is a chset and b is a chlit, and vice-versa, implements:
-// a | b, a & b, a - b, a ^ b
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, chlit<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, chlit<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, chlit<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, chlit<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(chlit<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(chlit<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(chlit<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(chlit<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-// negated_char_parser<range> <--> chset free operators
-// Where a is a chset and b is a range, and vice-versa, implements:
-// a | b, a & b, a - b, a ^ b
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-// negated_char_parser<chlit> <--> chset free operators
-// Where a is a chset and b is a chlit, and vice-versa, implements:
-// a | b, a & b, a - b, a ^ b
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-// literal primitives <--> chset free operators
-// Where a is a chset and b is a literal primitive,
-// and vice-versa, implements:
-// a | b, a & b, a - b, a ^ b
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, CharT b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, CharT b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, CharT b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, CharT b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(CharT a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(CharT a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(CharT a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(CharT a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-// anychar_parser <--> chset free operators
-// Where a is chset and b is a anychar_parser, and vice-versa, implements:
-// a | b, a & b, a - b, a ^ b
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, anychar_parser b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, anychar_parser b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, anychar_parser b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, anychar_parser b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(anychar_parser a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(anychar_parser a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(anychar_parser a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(anychar_parser a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-// nothing_parser <--> chset free operators
-// Where a is chset and b is nothing_parser, and vice-versa, implements:
-// a | b, a & b, a - b, a ^ b
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, nothing_parser b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, nothing_parser b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, nothing_parser b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, nothing_parser b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator|(nothing_parser a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator&(nothing_parser a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator-(nothing_parser a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-template <typename CharT>
-operator^(nothing_parser a, chset<CharT> const& b);
-}} // namespace BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset_operators.ipp>
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset.ipp b/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset.ipp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e2130b222e..00000000000
--- a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset.ipp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Joel de Guzman
- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Daniel Nuffer
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
- License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#include <boost/limits.hpp>
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/chset.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace spirit {
-// chset class
-namespace utility { namespace impl {
- template <typename CharT>
- inline void
- detach(boost::shared_ptr<basic_chset<CharT> >& ptr)
- {
- if (!ptr.unique())
- ptr = boost::shared_ptr<basic_chset<CharT> >
- (new basic_chset<CharT>(*ptr));
- }
- template <typename CharT>
- inline void
- detach_clear(boost::shared_ptr<basic_chset<CharT> >& ptr)
- {
- if (ptr.unique())
- ptr->clear();
- else
- ptr.reset(new basic_chset<CharT>());
- }
- template <typename CharT, typename CharT2>
- void construct_chset(boost::shared_ptr<basic_chset<CharT> >& ptr,
- CharT2 const* definition)
- {
- CharT2 ch = *definition++;
- while (ch)
- {
- CharT2 next = *definition++;
- if (next == '-')
- {
- next = *definition++;
- if (next == 0)
- {
- ptr->set(ch);
- ptr->set('-');
- break;
- }
- ptr->set(ch, next);
- }
- else
- {
- ptr->set(ch);
- }
- ch = next;
- }
- }
-}} // namespace utility::impl
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>::chset()
-: ptr(new basic_chset<CharT>()) {}
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>::chset(chset const& arg_)
-: ptr(new basic_chset<CharT>(*arg_.ptr)) {}
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>::chset(CharT arg_)
-: ptr(new basic_chset<CharT>())
-{ ptr->set(arg_); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>::chset(anychar_parser /*arg*/)
-: ptr(new basic_chset<CharT>())
- ptr->set(
- (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)(),
- (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)()
- );
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>::chset(nothing_parser arg_)
-: ptr(new basic_chset<CharT>()) {}
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>::chset(chlit<CharT> const& arg_)
-: ptr(new basic_chset<CharT>())
-{ ptr->set(; }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>::chset(range<CharT> const& arg_)
-: ptr(new basic_chset<CharT>())
-{ ptr->set(arg_.first, arg_.last); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>::chset(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& arg_)
-: ptr(new basic_chset<CharT>())
- set(arg_);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>::chset(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& arg_)
-: ptr(new basic_chset<CharT>())
- set(arg_);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>::~chset() {}
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>&
-chset<CharT>::operator=(chset const& rhs)
- ptr = rhs.ptr;
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>&
-chset<CharT>::operator=(CharT rhs)
- utility::impl::detach_clear(ptr);
- ptr->set(rhs);
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>&
-chset<CharT>::operator=(anychar_parser rhs)
- utility::impl::detach_clear(ptr);
- ptr->set(
- (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)(),
- (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)()
- );
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>&
-chset<CharT>::operator=(nothing_parser rhs)
- utility::impl::detach_clear(ptr);
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>&
-chset<CharT>::operator=(chlit<CharT> const& rhs)
- utility::impl::detach_clear(ptr);
- ptr->set(;
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>&
-chset<CharT>::operator=(range<CharT> const& rhs)
- utility::impl::detach_clear(ptr);
- ptr->set(rhs.first, rhs.last);
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>&
-chset<CharT>::operator=(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& rhs)
- utility::impl::detach_clear(ptr);
- set(rhs);
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>&
-chset<CharT>::operator=(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& rhs)
- utility::impl::detach_clear(ptr);
- set(rhs);
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-chset<CharT>::set(range<CharT> const& arg_)
- utility::impl::detach(ptr);
- ptr->set(arg_.first, arg_.last);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-chset<CharT>::set(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& arg_)
- utility::impl::detach(ptr);
- if( != (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)()) {
- ptr->set((std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)(), - 1);
- }
- if( != (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)()) {
- ptr->set( + 1, (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)());
- }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-chset<CharT>::set(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& arg_)
- utility::impl::detach(ptr);
- if(arg_.positive.first != (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)()) {
- ptr->set((std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)(), arg_.positive.first - 1);
- }
- if(arg_.positive.last != (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)()) {
- ptr->set(arg_.positive.last + 1, (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)());
- }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-chset<CharT>::clear(range<CharT> const& arg_)
- utility::impl::detach(ptr);
- ptr->clear(arg_.first, arg_.last);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-chset<CharT>::clear(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& arg_)
- utility::impl::detach(ptr);
- if(arg_.positive.first != (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)()) {
- ptr->clear((std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)(), arg_.positive.first - 1);
- }
- if(arg_.positive.last != (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)()) {
- ptr->clear(arg_.positive.last + 1, (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)());
- }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline bool
-chset<CharT>::test(CharT ch) const
-{ return ptr->test(ch); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>&
- utility::impl::detach(ptr);
- ptr->inverse();
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-chset<CharT>::swap(chset& x)
-{ ptr.swap(x.ptr); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>&
-chset<CharT>::operator|=(chset const& x)
- utility::impl::detach(ptr);
- *ptr |= *x.ptr;
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>&
-chset<CharT>::operator&=(chset const& x)
- utility::impl::detach(ptr);
- *ptr &= *x.ptr;
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>&
-chset<CharT>::operator-=(chset const& x)
- utility::impl::detach(ptr);
- *ptr -= *x.ptr;
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>&
-chset<CharT>::operator^=(chset const& x)
- utility::impl::detach(ptr);
- *ptr ^= *x.ptr;
- return *this;
-}} // namespace boost::spirit
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/basic_chset.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/basic_chset.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ace650166fe..00000000000
--- a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/basic_chset.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Joel de Guzman
- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Daniel Nuffer
- Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
- file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#include <bitset>
-#include <climits>
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/range_run.hpp>
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/namespace.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace spirit {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // basic_chset: basic character set implementation using range_run
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- class basic_chset
- {
- public:
- basic_chset();
- basic_chset(basic_chset const& arg_);
- bool test(CharT v) const;
- void set(CharT from, CharT to);
- void set(CharT c);
- void clear(CharT from, CharT to);
- void clear(CharT c);
- void clear();
- void inverse();
- void swap(basic_chset& x);
- basic_chset& operator|=(basic_chset const& x);
- basic_chset& operator&=(basic_chset const& x);
- basic_chset& operator-=(basic_chset const& x);
- basic_chset& operator^=(basic_chset const& x);
- private: utility::impl::range_run<CharT> rr;
- };
- #if (CHAR_BIT == 8)
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // basic_chset: specializations for 8 bit chars using std::bitset
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- class basic_chset_8bit {
- public:
- basic_chset_8bit();
- basic_chset_8bit(basic_chset_8bit const& arg_);
- bool test(CharT v) const;
- void set(CharT from, CharT to);
- void set(CharT c);
- void clear(CharT from, CharT to);
- void clear(CharT c);
- void clear();
- void inverse();
- void swap(basic_chset_8bit& x);
- basic_chset_8bit& operator|=(basic_chset_8bit const& x);
- basic_chset_8bit& operator&=(basic_chset_8bit const& x);
- basic_chset_8bit& operator-=(basic_chset_8bit const& x);
- basic_chset_8bit& operator^=(basic_chset_8bit const& x);
- private: std::bitset<256> bset;
- };
- /////////////////////////////////
- template <>
- class basic_chset<char>
- : public basic_chset_8bit<char> {};
- /////////////////////////////////
- template <>
- class basic_chset<signed char>
- : public basic_chset_8bit<signed char> {};
- /////////////////////////////////
- template <>
- class basic_chset<unsigned char>
- : public basic_chset_8bit<unsigned char> {};
-}} // namespace BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/basic_chset.ipp>
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/basic_chset.ipp b/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/basic_chset.ipp
deleted file mode 100644
index e7d92723454..00000000000
--- a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/basic_chset.ipp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Joel de Guzman
- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Daniel Nuffer
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
- License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#include <bitset>
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/basic_chset.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace spirit {
-// basic_chset: character set implementation
-template <typename CharT>
-inline basic_chset<CharT>::basic_chset() {}
-template <typename CharT>
-inline basic_chset<CharT>::basic_chset(basic_chset const& arg_)
-: rr(arg_.rr) {}
-template <typename CharT>
-inline bool
-basic_chset<CharT>::test(CharT v) const
-{ return rr.test(v); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-basic_chset<CharT>::set(CharT from, CharT to)
-{ rr.set(utility::impl::range<CharT>(from, to)); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-basic_chset<CharT>::set(CharT c)
-{ rr.set(utility::impl::range<CharT>(c, c)); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-basic_chset<CharT>::clear(CharT from, CharT to)
-{ rr.clear(utility::impl::range<CharT>(from, to)); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-{ rr.clear(); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
- basic_chset inv;
- inv.set(
- (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)(),
- (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)()
- );
- inv -= *this;
- swap(inv);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-basic_chset<CharT>::swap(basic_chset& x)
-{ rr.swap(x.rr); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline basic_chset<CharT>&
-basic_chset<CharT>::operator|=(basic_chset<CharT> const& x)
- typedef typename utility::impl::range_run<CharT>::const_iterator const_iterator;
- for (const_iterator iter = x.rr.begin(); iter != x.rr.end(); ++iter)
- rr.set(*iter);
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline basic_chset<CharT>&
-basic_chset<CharT>::operator&=(basic_chset<CharT> const& x)
- basic_chset inv;
- inv.set(
- (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)(),
- (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)()
- );
- inv -= x;
- *this -= inv;
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline basic_chset<CharT>&
-basic_chset<CharT>::operator-=(basic_chset<CharT> const& x)
- typedef typename utility::impl::range_run<CharT>::const_iterator const_iterator;
- for (const_iterator iter = x.rr.begin(); iter != x.rr.end(); ++iter)
- rr.clear(*iter);
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline basic_chset<CharT>&
-basic_chset<CharT>::operator^=(basic_chset<CharT> const& x)
- basic_chset bma = x;
- bma -= *this;
- *this -= x;
- *this |= bma;
- return *this;
-#if (CHAR_BIT == 8)
-// basic_chset: specializations for 8 bit chars using std::bitset
-template <typename CharT>
-inline basic_chset_8bit<CharT>::basic_chset_8bit() {}
-template <typename CharT>
-inline basic_chset_8bit<CharT>::basic_chset_8bit(basic_chset_8bit const& arg_)
-: bset(arg_.bset) {}
-template <typename CharT>
-inline bool
-basic_chset_8bit<CharT>::test(CharT v) const
-{ return bset.test((unsigned char)v); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-basic_chset_8bit<CharT>::set(CharT from, CharT to)
- for (int i = from; i <= to; ++i)
- bset.set((unsigned char)i);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-basic_chset_8bit<CharT>::set(CharT c)
-{ bset.set((unsigned char)c); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-basic_chset_8bit<CharT>::clear(CharT from, CharT to)
- for (int i = from; i <= to; ++i)
- bset.reset((unsigned char)i);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-basic_chset_8bit<CharT>::clear(CharT c)
-{ bset.reset((unsigned char)c); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-{ bset.reset(); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-{ bset.flip(); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline void
-basic_chset_8bit<CharT>::swap(basic_chset_8bit& x)
-{ std::swap(bset, x.bset); }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline basic_chset_8bit<CharT>&
-basic_chset_8bit<CharT>::operator|=(basic_chset_8bit const& x)
- bset |= x.bset;
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline basic_chset_8bit<CharT>&
-basic_chset_8bit<CharT>::operator&=(basic_chset_8bit const& x)
- bset &= x.bset;
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline basic_chset_8bit<CharT>&
-basic_chset_8bit<CharT>::operator-=(basic_chset_8bit const& x)
- bset &= ~x.bset;
- return *this;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline basic_chset_8bit<CharT>&
-basic_chset_8bit<CharT>::operator^=(basic_chset_8bit const& x)
- bset ^= x.bset;
- return *this;
-}} // namespace boost::spirit
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/range_run.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/range_run.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 579bcaec708..00000000000
--- a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/range_run.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Joel de Guzman
- Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
- file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#include <vector>
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/namespace.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace spirit {
-namespace utility { namespace impl {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // range class
- //
- // Implements a closed range of values. This class is used in
- // the implementation of the range_run class.
- //
- // { Low level implementation detail }
- // { Not to be confused with BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS::range }
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- struct range {
- range(CharT first, CharT last);
- bool is_valid() const;
- bool includes(CharT v) const;
- bool includes(range const& r) const;
- bool overlaps(range const& r) const;
- void merge(range const& r);
- CharT first;
- CharT last;
- };
- //////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- struct range_char_compare {
- bool operator()(range<CharT> const& x, const CharT y) const
- { return x.first < y; }
- bool operator()(const CharT x, range<CharT> const& y) const
- { return x < y.first; }
- // This additional operator is required for the checked STL shipped
- // with VC8 testing the ordering of the iterators passed to the
- // std::lower_bound algo this range_char_compare<> predicate is passed
- // to.
- bool operator()(range<CharT> const& x, range<CharT> const& y) const
- { return x.first < y.first; }
- };
- //////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- struct range_compare {
- bool operator()(range<CharT> const& x, range<CharT> const& y) const
- { return x.first < y.first; }
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // range_run
- //
- // An implementation of a sparse bit (boolean) set. The set uses
- // a sorted vector of disjoint ranges. This class implements the
- // bare minimum essentials from which the full range of set
- // operators can be implemented. The set is constructed from
- // ranges. Internally, adjacent or overlapping ranges are
- // coalesced.
- //
- // range_runs are very space-economical in situations where there
- // are lots of ranges and a few individual disjoint values.
- // Searching is O(log n) where n is the number of ranges.
- //
- // { Low level implementation detail }
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- class range_run {
- public:
- typedef range<CharT> range_t;
- typedef std::vector<range_t> run_t;
- typedef typename run_t::iterator iterator;
- typedef typename run_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
- void swap(range_run& rr);
- bool test(CharT v) const;
- void set(range_t const& r);
- void clear(range_t const& r);
- void clear();
- const_iterator begin() const;
- const_iterator end() const;
- private:
- void merge(iterator iter, range_t const& r);
- run_t run;
- };
-}} // namespace BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS::utility::impl
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/range_run.ipp>
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/range_run.ipp b/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/range_run.ipp
deleted file mode 100644
index ede15673fca..00000000000
--- a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/range_run.ipp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Joel de Guzman
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
- License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#include <algorithm> // for std::lower_bound
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/core/assert.hpp> // for BOOST_SPIRIT_ASSERT
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset/range_run.hpp>
-#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/debug.hpp>
-#include <boost/limits.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace spirit {
- namespace utility { namespace impl {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // range class implementation
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- inline range<CharT>::range(CharT first_, CharT last_)
- : first(first_), last(last_) {}
- //////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- inline bool
- range<CharT>::is_valid() const
- { return first <= last; }
- //////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- inline bool
- range<CharT>::includes(range const& r) const
- { return (first <= r.first) && (last >= r.last); }
- //////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- inline bool
- range<CharT>::includes(CharT v) const
- { return (first <= v) && (last >= v); }
- //////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- inline bool
- range<CharT>::overlaps(range const& r) const
- {
- CharT decr_first =
- first == (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)() ? first : first-1;
- CharT incr_last =
- last == (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)() ? last : last+1;
- return (decr_first <= r.last) && (incr_last >= r.first);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- inline void
- range<CharT>::merge(range const& r)
- {
- first = (std::min)(first, r.first);
- last = (std::max)(last, r.last);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // range_run class implementation
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- inline bool
- range_run<CharT>::test(CharT v) const
- {
- if (!run.empty())
- {
- const_iterator iter =
- std::lower_bound(
- run.begin(), run.end(), v,
- range_char_compare<CharT>()
- );
- if (iter != run.end() && iter->includes(v))
- return true;
- if (iter != run.begin())
- return (--iter)->includes(v);
- }
- return false;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- inline void
- range_run<CharT>::swap(range_run& rr)
- { run.swap(; }
- //////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- void
- range_run<CharT>::merge(iterator iter, range<CharT> const& r)
- {
- iter->merge(r);
- iterator i = iter + 1;
- while (i != run.end() && iter->overlaps(*i))
- iter->merge(*i++);
- run.erase(iter+1, i);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- void
- range_run<CharT>::set(range<CharT> const& r)
- {
- BOOST_SPIRIT_ASSERT(r.is_valid());
- if (!run.empty())
- {
- iterator iter =
- std::lower_bound(
- run.begin(), run.end(), r,
- range_compare<CharT>()
- );
- if ((iter != run.end() && iter->includes(r)) ||
- ((iter != run.begin()) && (iter - 1)->includes(r)))
- return;
- if (iter != run.begin() && (iter - 1)->overlaps(r))
- merge(--iter, r);
- else if (iter != run.end() && iter->overlaps(r))
- merge(iter, r);
- else
- run.insert(iter, r);
- }
- else
- {
- run.push_back(r);
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- void
- range_run<CharT>::clear(range<CharT> const& r)
- {
- BOOST_SPIRIT_ASSERT(r.is_valid());
- if (!run.empty())
- {
- iterator iter =
- std::lower_bound(
- run.begin(), run.end(), r,
- range_compare<CharT>()
- );
- iterator left_iter;
- if ((iter != run.begin()) &&
- (left_iter = (iter - 1))->includes(r.first))
- {
- if (left_iter->last > r.last)
- {
- CharT save_last = left_iter->last;
- left_iter->last = r.first-1;
- run.insert(iter, range<CharT>(r.last+1, save_last));
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- left_iter->last = r.first-1;
- }
- }
- iterator i = iter;
- while (i != run.end() && r.includes(*i))
- i++;
- if (i != run.end() && i->includes(r.last))
- i->first = r.last+1;
- run.erase(iter, i);
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- inline void
- range_run<CharT>::clear()
- { run.clear(); }
- //////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- inline typename range_run<CharT>::const_iterator
- range_run<CharT>::begin() const
- { return run.begin(); }
- //////////////////////////////////
- template <typename CharT>
- inline typename range_run<CharT>::const_iterator
- range_run<CharT>::end() const
- { return run.end(); }
- }} // namespace utility::impl
-}} // namespace boost::spirit
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset_operators.ipp b/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset_operators.ipp
deleted file mode 100644
index 842a679d6db..00000000000
--- a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/chset_operators.ipp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Joel de Guzman
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
- License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#include <boost/limits.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace spirit {
-// chset free operators implementation
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) |= b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) -= b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator~(chset<CharT> const& a)
- return chset<CharT>(a).inverse();
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) &= b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) ^= b;
-// range <--> chset free operators implementation
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, range<CharT> const& b)
- chset<CharT> a_(a);
- a_.set(b);
- return a_;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, range<CharT> const& b)
- chset<CharT> a_(a);
- if(b.first != (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)()) {
- a_.clear(range<CharT>((std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)(), b.first - 1));
- }
- if(b.last != (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)()) {
- a_.clear(range<CharT>(b.last + 1, (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)()));
- }
- return a_;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, range<CharT> const& b)
- chset<CharT> a_(a);
- a_.clear(b);
- return a_;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, range<CharT> const& b)
- return a ^ chset<CharT>(b);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(range<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- chset<CharT> b_(b);
- b_.set(a);
- return b_;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(range<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- chset<CharT> b_(b);
- if(a.first != (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)()) {
- b_.clear(range<CharT>((std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)(), a.first - 1));
- }
- if(a.last != (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)()) {
- b_.clear(range<CharT>(a.last + 1, (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)()));
- }
- return b_;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(range<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) - b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(range<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) ^ b;
-// literal primitives <--> chset free operators implementation
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, CharT b)
- return a | chset<CharT>(b);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, CharT b)
- return a & chset<CharT>(b);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, CharT b)
- return a - chset<CharT>(b);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, CharT b)
- return a ^ chset<CharT>(b);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(CharT a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) | b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(CharT a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) & b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(CharT a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) - b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(CharT a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) ^ b;
-// chlit <--> chset free operators implementation
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, chlit<CharT> const& b)
- return a | chset<CharT>(;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, chlit<CharT> const& b)
- return a & chset<CharT>(;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, chlit<CharT> const& b)
- return a - chset<CharT>(;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, chlit<CharT> const& b)
- return a ^ chset<CharT>(;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(chlit<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>( | b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(chlit<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>( & b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(chlit<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>( - b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(chlit<CharT> const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>( ^ b;
-// negated_char_parser<range> <--> chset free operators implementation
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& b)
- return a | chset<CharT>(b);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& b)
- return a & chset<CharT>(b);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& b)
- return a - chset<CharT>(b);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& b)
- return a ^ chset<CharT>(b);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) | b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) & b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) - b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(negated_char_parser<range<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) ^ b;
-// negated_char_parser<chlit> <--> chset free operators implementation
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& b)
- return a | chset<CharT>(b);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& b)
- return a & chset<CharT>(b);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& b)
- return a - chset<CharT>(b);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& b)
- return a ^ chset<CharT>(b);
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) | b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) & b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) - b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(negated_char_parser<chlit<CharT> > const& a, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return chset<CharT>(a) ^ b;
-// anychar_parser <--> chset free operators
-// Where a is chset and b is a anychar_parser, and vice-versa, implements:
-// a | b, a & b, a - b, a ^ b
-namespace impl {
- template <typename CharT>
- inline BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS::range<CharT> const&
- full()
- {
- static BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS::range<CharT> full_(
- (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::min)(),
- (std::numeric_limits<CharT>::max)());
- return full_;
- }
- template <typename CharT>
- inline BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS::range<CharT> const&
- empty()
- {
- static BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS::range<CharT> empty_;
- return empty_;
- }
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const&, anychar_parser)
- return chset<CharT>(impl::full<CharT>());
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& a, anychar_parser)
- return a;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const&, anychar_parser)
- return chset<CharT>();
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, anychar_parser)
- return ~a;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(anychar_parser, chset<CharT> const& /*b*/)
- return chset<CharT>(impl::full<CharT>());
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(anychar_parser, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(anychar_parser, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return ~b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(anychar_parser, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return ~b;
-// nothing_parser <--> chset free operators implementation
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(chset<CharT> const& a, nothing_parser)
- return a;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(chset<CharT> const& /*a*/, nothing_parser)
- return impl::empty<CharT>();
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(chset<CharT> const& a, nothing_parser)
- return a;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(chset<CharT> const& a, nothing_parser)
- return a;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator|(nothing_parser, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return b;
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator&(nothing_parser, chset<CharT> const& /*b*/)
- return impl::empty<CharT>();
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator-(nothing_parser, chset<CharT> const& /*b*/)
- return impl::empty<CharT>();
-template <typename CharT>
-inline chset<CharT>
-operator^(nothing_parser, chset<CharT> const& b)
- return b;
-}} // namespace boost::spirit